{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is JvValidateEdit, released on 20 February 2003, by Christopher Latta Portions created by Christopher Latta are Copyright (C) 2003 Christopher Latta. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Peter Thornqvist Peter Schraut (http://www.console-dev.de) You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.sourceforge.net Known Issues: TJvValidateFormat uses the SysUtils.Format function to format numeric values. While this uses the Windows regional settings for the currency symbol, decimal separator and thousands separator, it does not format using the negative symbol, negative number format, negative currency format and positive currency format. This could be rectified by a custom-written formatting routine. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvValidateEdit.pas,v 1.44 2006/03/17 17:39:56 obones Exp $ unit JvValidateEdit; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, Messages, Controls, Graphics, SysUtils, Classes, JvEdit; type TJvValidateEditDisplayFormat = (dfAlphabetic, dfAlphaNumeric, dfBinary, dfCheckChars, dfCurrency, dfCustom, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfNonCheckChars, dfNone, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear); TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck = (cpNone, cpMinValue, cpMaxValue, cpBoth); TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints = class(TPersistent) private FCheckPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck; FColorAbove: TColor; FColorBelow: TColor; FMaxValue: Double; FMinValue: Double; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FDefCheckPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck; FDefColorAbove: TColor; FDefColorBelow: TColor; procedure DoChanged; procedure SetMinValue(NewValue: Double); procedure SetMaxValue(NewValue: Double); procedure SetColorAbove(NewValue: TColor); procedure SetColorBelow(NewValue: TColor); procedure SetCheckPoints(NewValue: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck); function IsCheckPointsStored: Boolean; function IsColorAboveStored: Boolean; function IsColorBelowStored: Boolean; public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure SetDefaults(ACheckPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck; AColorAbove, AColorBelow: TColor); constructor Create; published property CheckPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck read FCheckPoints write SetCheckPoints stored IsCheckPointsStored; property ColorAbove: TColor read FColorAbove write SetColorAbove stored IsColorAboveStored; property ColorBelow: TColor read FColorBelow write SetColorBelow stored IsColorBelowStored; property MaxValue: Double read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue; property MinValue: Double read FMinValue write SetMinValue; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; TJvCustomTextValidateEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Key: Char; const AText: string; const Pos: Integer; var IsValid: Boolean) of object; TJvCustomIsValidEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; var IsValid: Boolean) of object; TJvCustomValidateEdit = class(TJvCustomEdit) private FSelfChange: Boolean; FCheckChars: string; FDecimalPlaces: Cardinal; FDisplayFormat: TJvValidateEditDisplayFormat; FEditText: string; FHasMaxValue: Boolean; FHasMinValue: Boolean; FMaxValue: Double; FMinValue: Double; FOnCustomValidate: TJvCustomTextValidateEvent; FOnValueChanged: TNotifyEvent; FZeroEmpty: Boolean; EnterText: string; FDisplayPrefix: string; FDisplaySuffix: string; FCriticalPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints; FStandardFontColor: TColor; FAutoAlignment: Boolean; FTrimDecimals: Boolean; FOldFontChange: TNotifyEvent; FOnIsValid: TJvCustomIsValidEvent; FAllowEmpty: Boolean; procedure DisplayText; function ScientificStrToFloat(SciString: string): Double; procedure SetHasMaxValue(NewValue: Boolean); procedure SetHasMinValue(NewValue: Boolean); procedure SetMaxValue(NewValue: Double); procedure SetMinValue(NewValue: Double); procedure SetDecimalPlaces(NewValue: Cardinal); procedure SetDisplayFormat(NewValue: TJvValidateEditDisplayFormat); procedure SetZeroEmpty(NewValue: Boolean); function GetAsInteger: Int64; procedure SetAsInteger(NewValue: Int64); function GetAsCurrency: Currency; procedure SetAsCurrency(NewValue: Currency); function GetAsFloat: Double; procedure SetAsFloat(NewValue: Double); function GetValue: Variant; procedure SetValue(NewValue: Variant); procedure SetCheckChars(const NewValue: string); function IsCheckCharsStored: Boolean; function CurrRangeValue(CheckValue: Currency): Currency; overload; function FloatRangeValue(CheckValue: Double): Double; overload; function IntRangeValue(CheckValue: Int64): Int64; overload; function GetEditText: string; procedure SetEditText(const NewValue: string); procedure ChangeText(const NewValue: string); function BaseToInt(const BaseValue: string; Base: Byte): Int64; function IntToBase(NewValue: Int64; Base: Byte): string; procedure DoValueChanged; procedure SetDisplayPrefix(const NewValue: string); procedure SetDisplaySuffix(const NewValue: string); procedure CriticalPointsChange(Sender: TObject); procedure SetFontColor; procedure FontChange(Sender: TObject); procedure EnforceMaxValue; procedure EnforceMinValue; procedure SetTrimDecimals(const Value: Boolean); protected function IsValidChar(const S: string; Key: Char; Posn: Integer): Boolean; virtual; function MakeValid(const ParseString: string): string;virtual; procedure Change; override; procedure FocusKilled(NextWnd: THandle); override; procedure FocusSet(PrevWnd: THandle); override; procedure WMPaste(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_PASTE; procedure SetText(const NewValue: TCaption); override; property CheckChars: string read FCheckChars write SetCheckChars stored IsCheckCharsStored; property TrimDecimals: Boolean read FTrimDecimals write SetTrimDecimals; property DecimalPlaces: Cardinal read FDecimalPlaces write SetDecimalPlaces; property DisplayFormat: TJvValidateEditDisplayFormat read FDisplayFormat write SetDisplayFormat; property EditText: string read GetEditText write SetEditText; property HasMaxValue: Boolean read FHasMaxValue write SetHasMaxValue; property HasMinValue: Boolean read FHasMinValue write SetHasMinValue; property MaxValue: Double read FMaxValue write SetMaxValue; property MinValue: Double read FMinValue write SetMinValue; property OnCustomValidate: TJvCustomTextValidateEvent read FOnCustomValidate write FOnCustomValidate; property OnValueChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnValueChanged write FOnValueChanged; property Value: Variant read GetValue write SetValue stored False; property AllowEmpty: Boolean read FAllowEmpty write FAllowEmpty; property ZeroEmpty: Boolean read FZeroEmpty write SetZeroEmpty; property DisplayPrefix: string read FDisplayPrefix write SetDisplayPrefix; property DisplaySuffix: string read FDisplaySuffix write SetDisplaySuffix; property CriticalPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints read FCriticalPoints write FCriticalPoints; property AutoAlignment: Boolean read FAutoAlignment write FAutoAlignment; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; function DoValidate(const Key: Char; const AText: string; const Posn: Integer): Boolean; procedure Loaded; override; property OnIsValid: TJvCustomIsValidEvent read FOnIsValid write FOnIsValid; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function IsValid: Boolean; virtual; // fires OnIsValid if assigned procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; property AsInteger: Int64 read GetAsInteger write SetAsInteger; property AsCurrency: Currency read GetAsCurrency write SetAsCurrency; property AsFloat: Double read GetAsFloat write SetAsFloat; end; TJvValidateEdit = class(TJvCustomValidateEdit) published property AllowEmpty default False; property Alignment default taRightJustify; property Anchors; property AutoAlignment default True; property AutoSelect; property AutoSize; {$IFDEF VCL} property BiDiMode; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property ImeMode; property ImeName; property OEMConvert; property ParentBiDiMode; property OnEndDock; property OnStartDock; {$ENDIF VCL} property BorderStyle; property Caret; property CheckChars; property CharCase; property ClipboardCommands; property Color; property Constraints; property CriticalPoints; property DisabledColor; property DisabledTextColor; property TrimDecimals default False; property DisplayFormat default dfInteger; property DecimalPlaces default 0; property DisplayPrefix; property DisplaySuffix; property DragMode; property EditText; property Enabled; property Font; property HasMaxValue default False; property HasMinValue default False; property HideSelection; property MaxLength; property MaxValue; property MinValue; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PasswordChar; property PopupMenu; property ReadOnly; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property TabStop; property Text stored False; property Value; property Visible; property ZeroEmpty default False; property OnChange; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnCustomValidate; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnStartDrag; property OnValueChanged; property OnIsValid; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$RCSfile: JvValidateEdit.pas,v $'; Revision: '$Revision: 1.44 $'; Date: '$Date: 2006/03/17 17:39:56 $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses Math, JclStrings, JvJCLUtils, JvResources; //=== { TJvCustomValidateEdit } ============================================== constructor TJvCustomValidateEdit.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FSelfChange := False; FAutoAlignment := True; FCriticalPoints := TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.Create; FCriticalPoints.OnChange := CriticalPointsChange; FDisplayFormat := dfInteger; FCheckChars := '01234567890'; Alignment := taRightJustify; FEditText := ''; Text := ''; AutoSize := True; FMinValue := 0; FMaxValue := 0; FHasMinValue := False; FHasMaxValue := False; FZeroEmpty := False; FStandardFontColor := Font.Color; FOldFontChange := Font.OnChange; Font.OnChange := FontChange; end; destructor TJvCustomValidateEdit.Destroy; begin FreeAndNil(FCriticalPoints); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var lcSource: TJvCustomValidateEdit; begin if Source is TJvCustomValidateEdit then begin lcSource := TJvCustomValidateEdit(Source); CriticalPoints.Assign(lcSource.CriticalPoints); DisplayFormat := lcSource.DisplayFormat; DecimalPlaces := lcSource.DecimalPlaces; MinValue := lcSource.MinValue; MaxValue := lcSource.MaxValue; HasMinValue := lcSource.HasMinValue; HasMaxValue := lcSource.HasMaxValue; ZeroEmpty := lcSource.ZeroEmpty; AllowEmpty := lcSource.AllowEmpty; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; // (obones) Why is this necessary? It overrides DecimalPlaces set to 0 by the user { if DisplayFormat = dfCurrency then if FDecimalPlaces = 0 then FDecimalPlaces := CurrencyDecimals;} EditText := FEditText; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetHasMaxValue(NewValue: Boolean); begin if FHasMaxValue <> NewValue then begin FHasMaxValue := NewValue; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EnforceMaxValue; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetHasMinValue(NewValue: Boolean); begin if FHasMinValue <> NewValue then begin FHasMinValue := NewValue; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EnforceMinValue; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetMaxValue(NewValue: Double); begin if FMaxValue <> NewValue then begin FMaxValue := NewValue; { make MinValue consistent } if FMinValue > FMaxValue then FMinValue := FMaxValue; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EnforceMaxValue; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetMinValue(NewValue: Double); begin if FMinValue <> NewValue then begin FMinValue := NewValue; { make MaxValue consistent } if FMaxValue < FMinValue then FMaxValue := FMinValue; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EnforceMinValue; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetTrimDecimals(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FTrimDecimals then begin FTrimDecimals := Value; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EditText := FEditText; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetDecimalPlaces(NewValue: Cardinal); begin if ControlState = [csReadingState] then FDecimalPlaces := NewValue else if FDisplayFormat in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfScientific, dfPercent] then FDecimalPlaces := NewValue; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EditText := FEditText; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetDisplayFormat(NewValue: TJvValidateEditDisplayFormat); const ALPHABET = 'ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'; NUMBERS = '0123456789'; var OldFormat: TJvValidateEditDisplayFormat; begin if FDisplayFormat <> NewValue then begin OldFormat := FDisplayFormat; FDisplayFormat := NewValue; case FDisplayFormat of dfAlphabetic: begin FCheckChars := ALPHABET; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taLeftJustify; end; dfAlphaNumeric: begin FCheckChars := ALPHABET + NUMBERS; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taLeftJustify; end; dfBinary: begin FCheckChars := '01'; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; end; dfCheckChars, dfNonCheckChars: if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taLeftJustify; dfCustom, dfNone: begin FCheckChars := ''; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taLeftJustify; end; dfCurrency: begin FCheckChars := NUMBERS + DecimalSeparator; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then if FDecimalPlaces = 0 then FDecimalPlaces := CurrencyDecimals; end; dfFloat, dfPercent: begin FCheckChars := NUMBERS + DecimalSeparator; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; end; dfHex: begin FCheckChars := NUMBERS + 'ABCDEFabcdef'; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; end; dfInteger: begin FCheckChars := NUMBERS; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; end; dfOctal: begin FCheckChars := '01234567'; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; end; dfScientific: begin FCheckChars := NUMBERS + 'Ee' + DecimalSeparator; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; end; dfYear: begin FCheckChars := NUMBERS; if FAutoAlignment then Alignment := taRightJustify; MaxLength := 4; end; end; if OldFormat = dfYear then MaxLength := 0; // Convert non-base 10 numbers to base 10 and base-10 numbers to non-base 10 if (OldFormat = dfBinary) and (NewValue in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then SetAsInteger(BaseToInt(FEditText, 2)) else if (OldFormat in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfPercent]) and (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfHex, dfOctal]) then SetAsFloat(StrToFloatDef(FEditText, 0)) else if (OldFormat = dfHex) and (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then SetAsInteger(BaseToInt(FEditText, 16)) else if (OldFormat in [dfInteger, dfYear]) and (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfHex, dfOctal]) then SetAsInteger(StrToIntDef(FEditText, 0)) else if (OldFormat = dfOctal) and (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then SetAsInteger(BaseToInt(FEditText, 8)) else begin // ...or just display the value if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EditText := FEditText; end; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetZeroEmpty(NewValue: Boolean); begin if FZeroEmpty <> NewValue then begin FZeroEmpty := NewValue; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then EditText := FEditText; end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.GetAsInteger: Int64; begin case FDisplayFormat of dfBinary: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 2); dfHex: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 16); dfOctal: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 8); else Result := StrToInt64Def(FEditText, 0); end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetAsInteger(NewValue: Int64); begin case FDisplayFormat of dfAlphabetic, dfAlphaNumeric, dfCheckChars, dfCustom, dfNonCheckChars, dfNone: EditText := IntToStr(NewValue); dfBinary: EditText := IntToBase(NewValue, 2); dfHex: EditText := IntToBase(NewValue, 16); dfOctal: EditText := IntToBase(NewValue, 8); dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear: EditText := IntToStr(IntRangeValue(NewValue)); end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.GetAsCurrency: Currency; begin case FDisplayFormat of dfBinary: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 2); dfHex: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 16); dfOctal: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 8); else Result := StrToCurrDef(FEditText, 0); end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetAsCurrency(NewValue: Currency); begin case FDisplayFormat of dfAlphabetic, dfAlphaNumeric, dfCheckChars, dfCustom, dfNonCheckChars, dfNone: EditText := CurrToStr(NewValue); dfBinary: EditText := IntToBase(Trunc(NewValue), 2); dfHex: EditText := IntToBase(Trunc(NewValue), 16); dfOctal: EditText := IntToBase(Trunc(NewValue), 8); dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear: EditText := CurrToStr(CurrRangeValue(NewValue)); end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.GetAsFloat: Double; begin case FDisplayFormat of dfBinary: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 2); dfHex: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 16); dfOctal: Result := BaseToInt(FEditText, 8); dfScientific: Result := ScientificStrToFloat(FEditText); else Result := StrToFloatDef(FEditText, 0); end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetAsFloat(NewValue: Double); begin case FDisplayFormat of dfAlphabetic, dfAlphaNumeric, dfCheckChars, dfCustom, dfNonCheckChars, dfNone: EditText := FloatToStr(NewValue); dfBinary: EditText := IntToBase(Trunc(NewValue), 2); dfHex: EditText := IntToBase(Trunc(NewValue), 16); dfOctal: EditText := IntToBase(Trunc(NewValue), 8); dfInteger, dfYear: EditText := IntToStr(IntRangeValue(Trunc(NewValue))); dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfPercent: EditText := FloatToStr(FloatRangeValue(NewValue)); dfScientific: EditText := Format('%e', [FloatRangeValue(NewValue)]); end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.GetValue: Variant; var DisplayedText : string; begin case FDisplayFormat of dfCurrency: Result := StrToCurrDef(FEditText, 0); dfFloat, dfPercent, dfScientific: Result := StrToFloatDef(FEditText, 0); dfInteger, dfYear: Result := StrToIntDef(FEditText, 0); dfHex: Result := StrToIntDef('$' + FEditText, 0); else begin DisplayedText := inherited Text; // Remove DisplayPrefix and DisplaySuffix DisplayedText := StrEnsureNoPrefix(DisplayPrefix, DisplayedText); DisplayedText := StrEnsureNoSuffix(DisplaySuffix, DisplayedText); Result := DisplayedText; end; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetValue(NewValue: Variant); begin case FDisplayFormat of dfAlphabetic, dfAlphaNumeric, dfCheckChars, dfNonCheckChars, dfNone, dfCustom: EditText := NewValue; dfBinary, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfYear: {$IFDEF COMPILER5} SetAsInteger(Integer(NewValue)); {$ELSE} SetAsInteger(NewValue); {$ENDIF COMPILER5} dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfPercent, dfScientific: SetAsFloat(NewValue); end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetCheckChars(const NewValue: string); begin if (csLoading in ComponentState) or ((FDisplayFormat in [dfNone, dfCheckChars, dfNonCheckChars]) and (FCheckChars <> NewValue)) then begin FCheckChars := NewValue; EditText := MakeValid(FEditText); end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.IsCheckCharsStored: Boolean; begin Result := (FDisplayFormat in [dfNone, dfCheckChars, dfNonCheckChars]); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.KeyPress(var Key: Char); begin if not IsValidChar(Text, Key, SelStart + 1) and (Key >= #32) then Key := #0; inherited KeyPress(Key); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.WMPaste(var Msg: TMessage); begin inherited; EditText := MakeValid(inherited Text); end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.MakeValid(const ParseString: string): string; var S: string; I: Integer; begin S := ''; for I := 1 to Length(ParseString) do if IsValidChar(Copy(ParseString, 1, I - 1), ParseString[I], I) then S := S + ParseString[I]; Result := S; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.IsValidChar(const S: string; Key: Char; Posn: Integer): Boolean; var iPosE: Integer; begin case FDisplayFormat of dfBinary, dfCheckChars, dfHex, dfOctal, dfYear: Result := Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0; dfAlphabetic: Result := IsCharAlpha(Key); dfAlphaNumeric: Result := IsCharAlphaNumeric(Key); dfCustom: Result := DoValidate(Key, S, Posn); dfInteger: Result := (Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) or ((Key = '+') and (Posn = 1) and ((Pos('+', S) = 0) or (SelLength > 0))) or ((Key = '-') and (Posn = 1) and ((Pos('-', S) = 0) or (SelLength > 0))); dfFloat, dfCurrency, dfPercent: Result := (Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) or ((Key = DecimalSeparator) and (Pos(DecimalSeparator, S) = 0)) or ((Key = '+') and (Posn = 1) and ((Pos('+', S) = 0) or (SelLength > 0))) or ((Key = '-') and (Posn = 1) and ((Pos('-', S) = 0) or (SelLength > 0))); dfNonCheckChars: Result := Pos(Key, FCheckChars) = 0; dfNone: Result := True; dfScientific: begin Result := (Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) or (Key in ['+', '-']); if Result then begin iPosE := Pos('e', LowerCase(S)); if Key = DecimalSeparator then begin if iPosE = 0 then Result := (Pos(DecimalSeparator, S) = 0) else Result := ((Posn <= iPosE) and (Pos(DecimalSeparator, Copy(S, 1, iPosE - 1)) = 0)); //or ((Posn > iPosE) and (Pos(DecimalSeparator, Copy(S, iPosE + 1, Length(S))) = 0)); // (outchy) XXXeY,YY are not valid scientific numbers, Y must be an integer value end else if Key in ['E', 'e'] then Result := (iPosE = 0) and (Posn > 1) else if Key = '+' then Result := (Posn = 1) or (Posn = iPosE + 1) else if Key = '-' then Result := (Posn = 1) or (Posn = iPosE + 1); end; end; else Result := False; end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.DoValidate(const Key: Char; const AText: string; const Posn: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Assigned(FOnCustomValidate) then FOnCustomValidate(Self, Key, AText, Posn, Result); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin // if Key = VK_DELETE then EditText := MakeValid(inherited Text); if Key = VK_ESCAPE then begin Key := 0; EditText := EnterText; SelStart := 0; SelLength := Length(FEditText); end; inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.CurrRangeValue(CheckValue: Currency): Currency; begin Result := CheckValue; if FHasMaxValue and (CheckValue > FMaxValue) then Result := FMaxValue else if FHasMinValue and (CheckValue < FMinValue) then Result := FMinValue; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.FloatRangeValue(CheckValue: Double): Double; begin Result := CheckValue; if FHasMaxValue and (CheckValue > FMaxValue) then Result := FMaxValue else if FHasMinValue and (CheckValue < FMinValue) then Result := FMinValue; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.IntRangeValue(CheckValue: Int64): Int64; begin Result := CheckValue; if FHasMaxValue and (CheckValue > FMaxValue) then Result := Trunc(FMaxValue) else if FHasMinValue and (CheckValue < FMinValue) then Result := Trunc(FMinValue); end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.GetEditText: string; begin Result := FEditText; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetEditText(const NewValue: string); begin FEditText := MakeValid(NewValue); if (FDisplayFormat = dfYear) and ((not FHasMaxValue) or (FHasMaxValue and (FMaxValue > 2000 + TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow))) and ((MaxLength = 0) or (MaxLength > 3)) then FEditText := IntToStr(MakeYear4Digit(StrToIntDef(FEditText, 0), TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow)); if FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear] then begin EnforceMaxValue; EnforceMinValue; end; // ChangeText(FEditText); DisplayText; DoValueChanged; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.FocusSet(PrevWnd: THandle); begin DisplayText; inherited FocusSet(PrevWnd); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.FocusKilled(NextWnd: THandle); var DisplayedText : string; begin if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin DisplayedText := inherited Text; DisplayedText := StrEnsureNoPrefix(DisplayPrefix, DisplayedText); DisplayedText := StrEnsureNoSuffix(DisplaySuffix, DisplayedText); EditText := DisplayedText; end; inherited FocusKilled(NextWnd); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.ChangeText(const NewValue: string); var S, Exponent: string; Ps, I: Integer; begin FSelfChange := True; try Ps := 0; if TrimDecimals then begin I := Pos('e',LowerCase(NewValue)); if (DisplayFormat = dfScientific) and (I <> 0) then begin Exponent := Copy(NewValue,I,Length(NewValue)); Dec(I); end else begin Exponent := ''; I := Length(NewValue); end; Ps := Pos(DecimalSeparator, NewValue); if Ps > 0 then begin while (I > Ps) and (NewValue[I] = '0') do Dec(I); if Ps = I then Dec(I); // skip decimal separator (Ivo Bauer) S := FDisplayPrefix + Copy(NewValue, 1, I) + Exponent + FDisplaySuffix; end; end; if Ps = 0 then S := FDisplayPrefix + NewValue + FDisplaySuffix; if S <> inherited Text then inherited SetText(S); finally FSelfChange := False; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.DisplayText; begin // The number types need to be formatted if FAllowEmpty and (FEditText = '') then ChangeText('') else if (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) and (AsFloat = 0) and FZeroEmpty then ChangeText('') else begin case FDisplayFormat of dfCurrency: ChangeText(Format('%.*m', [FDecimalPlaces, AsCurrency])); dfInteger: ChangeText(IntToStr(AsInteger)); dfFloat: ChangeText(Format('%.*n', [FDecimalPlaces, AsFloat])); dfScientific: ChangeText(Format('%.*e', [FDecimalPlaces, AsFloat])); dfPercent: ChangeText(Format('%.*n%', [FDecimalPlaces, AsFloat])); else ChangeText(FEditText); end; // This needs to be done AFTER the text has been changed so that the color // is directly shown correctly. (Mantis 3493) if (FCriticalPoints.CheckPoints <> cpNone) and (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then begin SetFontColor; end; end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.ScientificStrToFloat(SciString: string): Double; var I: Cardinal; sMantissa, sExponent: string; bInExp: Boolean; begin if Pos('E', UpperCase(SciString)) = 0 then Result := StrToFloatDef(SciString, 0) else begin sMantissa := ''; sExponent := ''; bInExp := False; for I := 1 to Length(SciString) do begin if UpperCase(SciString[I]) = 'E' then bInExp := True else begin if bInExp then sExponent := sExponent + SciString[I] else sMantissa := sMantissa + SciString[I]; end; end; Result := StrToFloatDef(sMantissa, 0) * Power(10, StrToFloatDef(sExponent, 0)); end; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.BaseToInt(const BaseValue: string; Base: Byte): Int64; begin Assert(Base <= 36, RsEBaseTooBig); Assert(Base > 1, RsEBaseTooSmall); Result := Numb2Dec(BaseValue, Base); end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.IntToBase(NewValue:Int64; Base: Byte): string; begin Assert(Base <= 36, RsEBaseTooBig); Assert(Base > 1, RsEBaseTooSmall); Result := Dec2Numb(NewValue, 0, Base); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.DoValueChanged; begin try if Assigned(FOnValueChanged) and (EnterText <> FEditText) then FOnValueChanged(Self); finally EnterText := FEditText; end; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.Change; var DisplayedText : string; begin // Update FEditText for User changes, so that the AsInteger, etc, // functions work while editing if not FSelfChange then begin DisplayedText := inherited Text; DisplayedText := StrEnsureNoPrefix(DisplayPrefix, DisplayedText); DisplayedText := StrEnsureNoSuffix(DisplaySuffix, DisplayedText); FEditText := DisplayedText; end; inherited Change; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetText(const NewValue: TCaption); begin EditText := NewValue; DoValueChanged; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetDisplayPrefix(const NewValue: string); begin FDisplayPrefix := NewValue; DisplayText; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetDisplaySuffix(const NewValue: string); begin FDisplaySuffix := NewValue; DisplayText; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.CriticalPointsChange(Sender: TObject); begin SetFontColor; Invalidate; end; function TJvCustomValidateEdit.IsValid: Boolean; begin Result := True; case FCriticalPoints.CheckPoints of cpMaxValue: Result := AsFloat <= FCriticalPoints.MaxValue; cpBoth: Result := (AsFloat <= FCriticalPoints.MaxValue) and (AsFloat >= FCriticalPoints.MinValue); end; if Assigned(FOnIsValid) then FOnIsValid(Self, Result); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.SetFontColor; begin Font.OnChange := nil; case FCriticalPoints.CheckPoints of cpNone: Font.Color := FStandardFontColor; cpMinValue: if AsFloat < FCriticalPoints.MinValue then Font.Color := FCriticalPoints.ColorBelow else Font.Color := FStandardFontColor; cpMaxValue: if AsFloat > FCriticalPoints.MaxValue then Font.Color := FCriticalPoints.ColorAbove else Font.Color := FStandardFontColor; cpBoth: if AsFloat > FCriticalPoints.MaxValue then Font.Color := FCriticalPoints.ColorAbove else if AsFloat < FCriticalPoints.MinValue then Font.Color := FCriticalPoints.ColorBelow else Font.Color := FStandardFontColor; end; Font.OnChange := FontChange; Invalidate; end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.FontChange(Sender: TObject); begin FStandardFontColor := Font.Color; if Assigned(FOldFontChange) then FOldFontChange(Sender); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.EnforceMaxValue; begin { Check the Value is within this range } if FHasMaxValue and (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) and (AsFloat > FMaxValue) then SetAsFloat(FMaxValue); end; procedure TJvCustomValidateEdit.EnforceMinValue; begin { Check the Value is within this range } if FHasMinValue and (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) and (AsFloat < FMinValue) then SetAsFloat(FMinValue); end; //=== { TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints } ====================================== constructor TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.Create; begin inherited Create; SetDefaults(cpNone, clBlue, clRed); end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.SetCheckPoints(NewValue: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck); begin if FCheckPoints <> NewValue then begin FCheckPoints := NewValue; DoChanged; end; end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.SetColorAbove(NewValue: TColor); begin if FColorAbove <> NewValue then begin FColorAbove := NewValue; DoChanged; end; end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.SetColorBelow(NewValue: TColor); begin if FColorBelow <> NewValue then begin FColorBelow := NewValue; DoChanged; end; end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.SetMaxValue(NewValue: Double); begin if FMaxValue <> NewValue then begin FMaxValue := NewValue; DoChanged; end; end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.SetMinValue(NewValue: Double); begin if FMinValue <> NewValue then begin FMinValue := NewValue; DoChanged; end; end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.DoChanged; begin if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.Assign(Source: TPersistent); var LocalSource: TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints; begin if Source is TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints then begin LocalSource := TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints(Source); CheckPoints := LocalSource.CheckPoints; ColorAbove := LocalSource.ColorAbove; ColorBelow := LocalSource.ColorBelow; MaxValue := LocalSource.MaxValue; MinValue := LocalSource.MinValue; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; function TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.IsCheckPointsStored: Boolean; begin Result := (FCheckPoints <> FDefCheckPoints); end; function TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.IsColorAboveStored: Boolean; begin Result := (FColorAbove <> FDefColorAbove); end; function TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.IsColorBelowStored: Boolean; begin Result := (FColorBelow <> FDefColorBelow); end; procedure TJvValidateEditCriticalPoints.SetDefaults( ACheckPoints: TJvValidateEditCriticalPointsCheck; AColorAbove, AColorBelow: TColor); begin FDefCheckPoints := ACheckPoints; FCheckPoints := ACheckPoints; FDefColorAbove := AColorAbove; FColorAbove := AColorAbove; FDefColorBelow := AColorBelow; FColorBelow := AColorBelow; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.