{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JVCL.INC, released on 2004-12-22. Last Modified: 2004-12-22 You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} { This file contains the default JVCL configuration. } {------------------------------------------------------------------------------} {%hidden%} { Enable this define if you are using the Delphi 6, 7 or 2005 Personal Edition. } {.$DEFINE DelphiPersonalEdition} {%hidden%} { The installer enables this define if you compile JVCL for Delphi and C++ Builder. It disables the class constructor/destructor support that is not supported by C++Builder. } {.$DEFINE JVCL_GENERATE_CPP_PACKAGE_FILES} { Enable this define if you have the dxgettext (http://dxgettext.sourceforge.net) translation tool installed and want to use it with the JVCL. } {.$DEFINE USE_DXGETTEXT} { Enable this define if you use/have QuickReport } {.$DEFINE JVCL_UseQuickReport} { Enable this define if you have QReport 4 installed. This will require qr4rund7 instead of qrpt. NB! JVCL_UseQuickReport must also be defined} {.$DEFINE QREPORT4} { Enable this define if you have installed the Internet Components with the Delphi installer } {.$DEFINE INTERNET_COMPONENTS} { Activate this define if you have Mike Lischke's Theme Manager (http://www.lischke-online.de) installed and available and you are using D6/BCB6 or below. The ThemeManager package must be compiled as "never-build package". } {$DEFINE JVCLThemesEnabled} { Activates MIDAS components (DBRemoteLogin). NOTE: if you activate this, you must also manually add JvDlgsXXX.dcp to the requires node of JvDBXXX.bpk !!! } {.$DEFINE Jv_MIDAS} { This define enables GIF image support. Deactivate this define if you are using another GIF image support library. } {$DEFINE USE_JV_GIF} { Activate this define if you do not want to use TGauge Borland sample component in TDBProgress component and FileUtil routines. In this case TProgressBar component will be used. } {$DEFINE USE_PROGRESSBAR} { This define controls whether FourDigitYear variable is used to control date format in TDateEdit, TDBDateEdit components. When this define is not active the ShortDateFormat variable is used instead. } {$DEFINE USE_FOUR_DIGIT_YEAR} { This define controls whether a popup calendar is used as default instead of a modal dialog in TDateEdit, TDBDateEdit components. } {$DEFINE DEFAULT_POPUP_CALENDAR} { This define controls whether JvInterpreter handles OLE automation calls (for VCL only). } {$DEFINE JvInterpreter_OLEAUTO} { Used by JvTimeFrameWork, see JvTFDays.pas for more info on time blocks. } {$DEFINE Jv_TIMEBLOCKS} { This activates the unit versioning system where each JVCL unit gets a record that defines which revision, date and filename the unit has. } {$DEFINE UNITVERSIONING} // ********************************************************************* // Start Definition of Third Party Components // ********************************************************************* { Activates SM-Export Wrapper Components (in DBActions) For further informations have a look at http://www.scalabium.com ATTENTION : BEFORE YOU ACTIVATE THIS OPTION YOU MUST CHANGE THE SMEXPORT PACKAGE FROM AUTOMATIC COMPILE NO MANUAL COMPILE } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_SMEXPORT} { Activates SM-Import Wrapper Components (in DBActions) For further informations have a look at http://www.scalabium.com ATTENTION : BEFORE YOU ACTIVATE THIS OPTION YOU MUST CHANGE THE SMIMPORT PACKAGE FROM AUTOMATIC COMPILE NO MANUAL COMPILE } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_SMIMPORT} { Activates Support for the DevExpress cxEditor-Controls For further informations have a look at http://www.devexpress.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DEVEXPRESS_CXEDITOR} { Activates Support for the DevExpress cxGrid-Controls For further informations have a look at http://www.devexpress.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DEVEXPRESS_CXGRID} { Activates Support for the DevExpress cxVerticalGrid-Controls For further informations have a look at http://www.devexpress.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DEVEXPRESS_CXVERTICALGRID} { Activates Support for the DevExpress cxPivotGrid-Controls For further informations have a look at http://www.devexpress.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DEVEXPRESS_CXPIVOTGRID} { Activates Support for the DevExpress cxTreeList-Controls For further informations have a look at http://www.devexpress.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DEVEXPRESS_CXTREELIST} { Activates the Internet Direct (Indy)-Components For further informations have a look at http://www.indyproject.org } {.$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_INDY} { Activates the Internet Direct (Indy)-Components version 10. You MUST also activate $DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_INDY for the compilation to work For further informations have a look at http://www.indyproject.org } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_INDY10} { Activates Support for the ICS-Components (Internet component suite For further informations have a look at http://www.overbyte.be/ ATTENTION : BEFORE YOU ACTIVATE THIS OPTION YOU MUST CHANGE THE ICS* PACKAGE FROM AUTOMATIC COMPILE TO MANUAL COMPILE } {.$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_ICS} { Activates Support for Direct Oracle Access Components For further informations have a look at http://www.allroundautomations.com } {.$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DOA} { Activates Support for the CoreLabs VCL Oracle Data Access Components For further informations have a look at http://www.crlab.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_CORELAB_ODAC} { Activates Support for the DevArt VCL Universal Data Access Components For further informations have a look at http://www.devart.com } {$DEFINE USE_3RDPARTY_DEVART_UNIDAC}