{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvDBUltimGrid.PAS, released on 2004-07-22. The Initial Developers of the Original Code are: Frédéric Leneuf-Magaud Copyright (c) 2004 Frédéric Leneuf-Magaud All Rights Reserved. Contributors: Niels v/d Spek You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO SORT FIELDS: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---= Delphi example =--- // Don't forget to set SortWith and assign OnIndexNotFound/OnUserSort if needed var MyFields: TSortFields; SetLength(MyFields, 2); MyFields[0].Name := 'Country'; MyFields[0].Order := JvGridSort_ASC; MyFields[1].Name := 'Sales'; MyFields[1].Order := JvGridSort_DESC; MyUltimGrid.Sort(MyFields); if not MyUltimGrid.SortOK then ... ---= BCB example =--- // Don't forget to set SortWith and assign OnIndexNotFound/OnUserSort if needed TSortFields MyFields; MyFields.set_length(2); MyFields[0].Name = "Country"; MyFields[0].Order = JvGridSort_ASC; MyFields[1].Name = "Sales"; MyFields[1].Order = JvGridSort_DESC; MyUltimGrid->Sort(MyFields); if (!MyUltimGrid->SortOK) ... ---= MANUAL SORTING =--- if TitleButtons is true then... First click = the selected field is sorted in ascending order Second click = the selected field is sorted in descending order Shift+Click / Ctrl+Click = multi-column sorting ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO SEARCH A VALUE: ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- ---= Delphi example =--- var // Declare these vars as global vars if you want to use SearchNext ResultCol: Integer; ResultField: TField; with MyUltimGrid do begin SearchFields.Clear; SearchFields.Add('Category'); SearchFields.Add('Common_Name'); SearchFields.Add('Species Name'); SearchFields.Add('Notes'); if not Search('fish', ResultCol, ResultField, False, False, True) then ... end; // then: if not MyUltimGrid.SearchNext(ResultCol, ResultField, False, False, True) then ... ---= BCB example =--- // Declare these vars as global vars if you want to use SearchNext int ResultCol; TField *ResultField; MyUltimGrid->SearchFields->Clear(); MyUltimGrid->SearchFields->Add("Category"); MyUltimGrid->SearchFields->Add("Common_Name"); MyUltimGrid->SearchFields->Add("Species Name"); MyUltimGrid->SearchFields->Add("Notes"); if (!MyUltimGrid->Search("fish", ResultCol, ResultField, false, false, true)) ... // then: if (!MyUltimGrid->SearchNext(ResultCol, ResultField, false, false, true)) ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvDBUltimGrid.pas 12461 2009-08-14 17:21:33Z obones $ unit JvDBUltimGrid; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, Variants, Classes, Graphics, Controls, DB, JvDBGrid, JvTypes; {JvTypes contains Exception base class} const JvGridSort_ASC = True; JvGridSort_UP = True; JvGridSort_DESC = False; JvGridSort_DOWN = False; type TSortField = record Name: string; Order: Boolean; end; TSortFields = array of TSortField; TJvDBUltimGrid = class; TIndexNotFoundEvent = procedure(Sender: TJvDBUltimGrid; FieldsToSort: TSortFields; IndexFieldNames: string; DescFields: string; var Retry: Boolean) of object; TUserSortEvent = procedure(Sender: TJvDBUltimGrid; var FieldsToSort: TSortFields; SortString: string; var SortOK: Boolean) of object; TRestoreGridPosEvent = procedure(Sender: TJvDBUltimGrid; SavedBookmark: TBookmark; SavedRowPos: Integer) of object; TCheckIfValidSortFieldEvent = function(Sender: TJvDBUltimGrid; FieldToSort: TField): Boolean of object; TGetSortFieldNameEvent = procedure(Sender: TJvDBUltimGrid; var FieldName: string) of object; TSortWith = (swIndex, swFields, swClient, swUserFunc, swWhere); TJvDBUltimGrid = class(TJvDBGrid) private FSortedFields: TSortFields; FSortWith: TSortWith; FSortOK: Boolean; FRestoreOnSort: Boolean; FMultiColSort: Boolean; FOnIndexNotFound: TIndexNotFoundEvent; FOnUserSort: TUserSortEvent; FOnCheckIfValidSortField: TCheckIfValidSortFieldEvent; FSavedBookmark: TBookmark; {My code} FSavedRowPos: Integer; FOnRestoreGridPosition: TRestoreGridPosEvent; FValueToSearch: Variant; FSearchFields: TStringList; FOnGetSortFieldName: TGetSortFieldNameEvent; FOnAfterSort: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetMultiColSort(const Value: Boolean); function PrivateSearch(var ResultCol: Integer; var ResultField: TField; const CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, Next: Boolean): Boolean; protected function SortMarkerAssigned(const AFieldName: string): Boolean; override; procedure DoTitleClick(ACol: Longint; AField: TField); override; procedure GetSortFieldName(var FieldName: string); virtual; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure Sort(FieldsToSort: TSortFields); property SortedFields: TSortFields read FSortedFields; property SortOK: Boolean read FSortOK; procedure SaveGridPosition; procedure RestoreGridPosition; property SearchFields: TStringList read FSearchFields write FSearchFields; function Search(const ValueToSearch: Variant; var ResultCol: Integer; var ResultField: TField; const CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, Focus: Boolean): Boolean; function SearchNext(var ResultCol: Integer; var ResultField: TField; const CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, Focus: Boolean): Boolean; published property SortedField stored False; // Property of JvDBGrid not used in JvDBUltimGrid property SortMarker stored False; // Property of JvDBGrid hidden in JvDBUltimGrid { SortWith: swIndex : for BDE tables (assignment of OnIndexNotFound is recommended) swFields : for ADO tables swClient : for ClientDataSets swUserFunc : for other data providers (assignment of OnUserSort is mandatory) } property SortWith: TSortWith read FSortWith write FSortWith default swFields; { MultiColSort: is the sorting allowed on several columns or only one ? } property MultiColSort: Boolean read FMultiColSort write SetMultiColSort default True; property RestoreOnSort: Boolean read FRestoreOnSort write FRestoreOnSort default True; { OnIndexNotFound: fired when SortWith = swIndex and the sorting index is not found } property OnIndexNotFound: TIndexNotFoundEvent read FOnIndexNotFound write FOnIndexNotFound; { OnUserSort: fired when SortWith = swUserFunc } property OnUserSort: TUserSortEvent read FOnUserSort write FOnUserSort; { OnCheckIfValidSortField allows to define your own checking routine for sorting fields } property OnCheckIfValidSortField: TCheckIfValidSortFieldEvent read FOnCheckIfValidSortField write FOnCheckIfValidSortField; { OnRestoreGridPosition: fired when RestoreGridPosition is called } property OnRestoreGridPosition: TRestoreGridPosEvent read FOnRestoreGridPosition write FOnRestoreGridPosition; { OnGetSortFieldName: allows to override the sort marker field } property OnGetSortFieldName: TGetSortFieldNameEvent read FOnGetSortFieldName Write FOnGetSortFieldName; { OnAfterSort: fired after the table was sorted. } property OnAfterSort: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterSort write FOnAfterSort; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL: https://jvcl.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jvcl/branches/JVCL3_40_PREPARATION/run/JvDBUltimGrid.pas $'; Revision: '$Revision: 12461 $'; Date: '$Date: 2009-08-14 19:21:33 +0200 (ven., 14 août 2009) $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses TypInfo, Forms, SysUtils, DBGrids, DBClient, JclStrings, JvResources; constructor TJvDBUltimGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FSortedFields := nil; FSortWith := swFields; FSortOK := True; FMultiColSort := True; FOnIndexNotFound := nil; FOnUserSort := nil; FRestoreOnSort:=True; // FSavedBookmark := {$IFDEF RTL200_UP}nil{$ELSE}''{$ENDIF RTL200_UP}; FSavedRowPos := 0; FOnRestoreGridPosition := nil; FValueToSearch := Null; FSearchFields := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TJvDBUltimGrid.Destroy; begin FSearchFields.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TJvDBUltimGrid.SortMarkerAssigned(const AFieldName: string): Boolean; var SF: Integer; SortFieldName: string; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FSortedFields) then begin SortFieldName := AFieldName; { Let the user override the sort marker field } GetSortFieldName(SortFieldName); for SF := 0 to Length(FSortedFields) - 1 do if AnsiSameText(SortFieldName, FSortedFields[SF].Name) then begin if FSortedFields[SF].Order = JvGridSort_UP then inherited ChangeSortMarker(smUp) else inherited ChangeSortMarker(smDown); Result := True; Break; end; end; end; procedure TJvDBUltimGrid.Sort(FieldsToSort: TSortFields); const cIndexDefs = 'IndexDefs'; cIndexName = 'IndexName'; cIndexFieldNames = 'IndexFieldNames'; cNewIndexName = 'Temp_IndexName'; var DSet: TDataSet; procedure UpdateProp(const PropName: string; const Value: string); begin SetStrProp(DSet, PropName, Value); FSortedFields := FieldsToSort; FSortOK := True; end; var SortString, DescString: string; MaxFTS: Integer; procedure SearchIndex; var IndexDefs: TIndexDefs; I, J: Integer; begin IndexDefs := TIndexDefs(GetOrdProp(DSet, cIndexDefs)); IndexDefs.Update; for I := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do if AnsiSameText(SortString, IndexDefs.Items[I].Fields) then begin // The search succeeds if: // - no descending order is requested // and the index found has no desc fields nor the flag ixDescending set to true // - descending order is requested // and the index found has exactly the same desc fields // - descending order is requested // and the index found has no desc fields but its flag ixDescending is true if DescString = '' then begin if (IndexDefs.Items[I].DescFields = '') and not (ixDescending in IndexDefs.Items[I].Options) then begin UpdateProp(cIndexName, IndexDefs.Items[I].Name); Break; end; end else if AnsiSameText(DescString, IndexDefs.Items[I].DescFields) then begin UpdateProp(cIndexName, IndexDefs.Items[I].Name); Break; end else if (IndexDefs.Items[I].DescFields = '') and (ixDescending in IndexDefs.Items[I].Options) then begin for J := 0 to MaxFTS do FieldsToSort[J].Order := JvGridSort_DESC; UpdateProp(cIndexName, IndexDefs.Items[I].Name); Break; end; end; end; var FTS: Integer; SortField: TField; Retry: Boolean; FieldIsValid: Boolean; begin FSortOK := False; if Assigned(DataLink) and DataLink.Active and Assigned(FieldsToSort) then begin // Dataset must be in browse mode DSet := DataSource.DataSet; DSet.CheckBrowseMode; if FRestoreOnSort then SaveGridPosition; // Checking of OnUserSort assignment if Assigned(OnUserSort) then SortWith := swUserFunc; if (SortWith = swUserFunc) and not Assigned(OnUserSort) then raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridUserSortNotAssigned); // Checking of index properties if (SortWith in [swIndex, swClient]) and not (IsPublishedProp(DSet, cIndexDefs) and IsPublishedProp(DSet, cIndexName)) then raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridIndexPropertyMissing) else if (SortWith = swFields) and not IsPublishedProp(DSet, cIndexFieldNames) then raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridIndexPropertyMissing); // Sorting Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; DSet.DisableControls; try SortString := ''; DescString := ''; MaxFTS := Length(FieldsToSort) - 1; for FTS := 0 to MaxFTS do begin FieldsToSort[FTS].Name := Trim(FieldsToSort[FTS].Name); if SortWith <> swWhere then begin SortField := DSet.FieldByName(FieldsToSort[FTS].Name); if Assigned(OnCheckIfValidSortField) then FieldIsValid := OnCheckIfValidSortField(Self, SortField) else FieldIsValid := not (SortField is TBlobField) and not (SortField is TBytesField) and ((SortField.FieldKind = fkData) or (SortField.FieldKind = fkInternalCalc)); if not FieldIsValid then begin // No sorting of binary or special fields if BeepOnError then begin SysUtils.Beep; Continue; end else raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridBadFieldKind); end; end; if SortWith = swIndex then begin // Sort with index if SortString <> '' then SortString := SortString + ';'; SortString := SortString + FieldsToSort[FTS].Name; if FieldsToSort[FTS].Order = JvGridSort_DESC then begin if DescString <> '' then DescString := DescString + ';'; DescString := DescString + FieldsToSort[FTS].Name; end; if FTS = MaxFTS then begin SearchIndex; if not SortOK then begin if Assigned(OnIndexNotFound) then begin Retry := False; OnIndexNotFound(Self, FieldsToSort, SortString, DescString, Retry); if Retry then begin SearchIndex; if not SortOK then raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridIndexMissing); end; end else raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridIndexMissing); end; end; end else if SortWith = swClient then begin // Sort with IndexName if SortString <> '' then SortString := SortString + ';'; SortString := SortString + FieldsToSort[FTS].Name; if FieldsToSort[FTS].Order = JvGridSort_DESC then begin if DescString <> '' then DescString := DescString + ';'; DescString := DescString + FieldsToSort[FTS].Name; end; if FTS = MaxFTS then begin // Ensure IndexDefs is up-to-date with TClientDataSet(DSet) do begin IndexDefs.Update; {*** Need to delete existing index before create the new one ***} if IndexDefs.IndexOf(cNewIndexName) <> -1 then DeleteIndex(cNewIndexName); AddIndex(cNewIndexName, SortString, [], DescString); end; // Set the index. UpdateProp(cIndexName, cNewIndexName); if not SortOK then begin { } end; end; end else if SortWith in [swFields, swUserFunc, swWhere] then begin // Sort with fields (temporary index), user function or where clausel if SortString <> '' then SortString := SortString + ','; if SortWith = swWhere then SortString := SortString + FieldsToSort[FTS].Name else SortString := SortString + '[' + FieldsToSort[FTS].Name + ']'; if FieldsToSort[FTS].Order = JvGridSort_ASC then SortString := SortString + ' ASC' else SortString := SortString + ' DESC'; if FTS = MaxFTS then begin if SortWith = swUserFunc then begin OnUserSort(Self, FieldsToSort, SortString, FSortOK); if SortOK then FSortedFields := FieldsToSort; end else UpdateProp(cIndexFieldNames, SortString); end; end; end; if FSortOK and Assigned(FOnAfterSort) then FOnAfterSort(Self); finally DSet.EnableControls; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; if FRestoreOnSort then RestoreGridPosition; end; end; procedure TJvDBUltimGrid.SetMultiColSort(const Value: Boolean); begin if FMultiColSort <> Value then begin FMultiColSort := Value; if Assigned(FSortedFields) and not FMultiColSort then begin SetLength(FSortedFields, 1); Sort(FSortedFields); end; end; end; procedure TJvDBUltimGrid.DoTitleClick(ACol: Longint; AField: TField); var Keys: TKeyboardState; Found, ShiftOrCtrlKeyPressed: Boolean; SortArraySize: Integer; FieldsToSort: TSortFields; I: Integer; SortFieldName: string; begin FSortOK := False; try if Assigned(AField) then begin Found := False; SortArraySize := 1; SortFieldName := AField.FieldName; { Let the user override the sort marker field } GetSortFieldName(SortFieldName); if Assigned(FSortedFields) then begin ShiftOrCtrlKeyPressed := MultiColSort and GetKeyboardState(Keys); if ShiftOrCtrlKeyPressed then ShiftOrCtrlKeyPressed := (((Keys[VK_SHIFT] and $80) <> 0) or ((Keys[VK_CONTROL] and $80) <> 0)); SetLength(FieldsToSort, Length(FSortedFields)); for I := 0 to Length(FSortedFields) - 1 do begin FieldsToSort[I].Name := FSortedFields[I].Name; if AnsiSameText(SortFieldName, FSortedFields[I].Name) then begin Found := True; if not ShiftOrCtrlKeyPressed then begin SetLength(FieldsToSort, 1); FieldsToSort[0].Name := SortFieldName; FieldsToSort[0].Order := not FSortedFields[I].Order; Break; end else FieldsToSort[I].Order := not FSortedFields[I].Order; end else FieldsToSort[I].Order := FSortedFields[I].Order; end; if (not Found) and ShiftOrCtrlKeyPressed then SortArraySize := Length(FSortedFields) + 1; end; if not Found then begin SetLength(FieldsToSort, SortArraySize); FieldsToSort[SortArraySize - 1].Name := SortFieldName; FieldsToSort[SortArraySize - 1].Order := JvGridSort_ASC; end; Sort(FieldsToSort); end; finally if Assigned(OnTitleBtnClick) then OnTitleBtnClick(Self, ACol, AField); end; end; procedure TJvDBUltimGrid.GetSortFieldName(var FieldName: string); begin if Assigned(FOnGetSortFieldName) then FOnGetSortFieldName(Self, FieldName); end; procedure TJvDBUltimGrid.SaveGridPosition; begin FSavedBookmark := DataLink.DataSet.Bookmark; FSavedRowPos := DataLink.ActiveRecord; end; procedure TJvDBUltimGrid.RestoreGridPosition; begin if Assigned(FOnRestoreGridPosition) then begin // This example for ADO datasets positions the dataset cursor exactly // where it was before it moves (put this code into your event): // // Delphi code: // if (MyADODataSet.BookmarkValid(SavedBookmark)) then // MyADODataSet.Recordset.Bookmark := POleVariant(SavedBookmark)^; // try MyADODataSet.Resync([rmExact]); except end; // // BCB code: // if (MyADODataSet->BookmarkValid(SavedBookmark)) // MyADODataSet->Recordset->Bookmark = *(POleVariant)SavedBookmark; // try {MyADODataSet->Resync(TResyncMode() << rmExact);} catch (...) {} // DataLink.ActiveRecord := FSavedRowPos; FOnRestoreGridPosition(Self, Pointer(FSavedBookmark), FSavedRowPos); end else if DataLink.DataSet.BookmarkValid(Pointer(FSavedBookmark)) then DataLink.DataSet.GotoBookmark(Pointer(FSavedBookmark)); end; function TJvDBUltimGrid.PrivateSearch(var ResultCol: Integer; var ResultField: TField; const CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, Next: Boolean): Boolean; var DSet: TDataSet; Start, ColNo, I: Integer; Found: Boolean; FieldText: string; ValueToSearchStr: string; begin Result := False; if Assigned(DataLink) and DataLink.Active then begin Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; DSet := DataSource.DataSet; DSet.DisableControls; try // Start location SaveGridPosition; if Next then begin Start := Col; if not (dgIndicator in Options) then Inc(Start); end else begin Start := 0; DSet.First; end; ValueToSearchStr := VarToStr(FValueToSearch); // The search begins... while not DSet.Eof do begin for ColNo := Start to Columns.Count - 1 do for I := 0 to SearchFields.Count - 1 do begin if AnsiSameText(SearchFields[I], Columns[ColNo].FieldName) then with Columns[ColNo].Field do begin if Assigned(OnGetText) then FieldText := DisplayText else FieldText := AsString; if FieldText <> '' then begin // Search inside the field content if CaseSensitive then begin if WholeFieldOnly then Found := AnsiSameStr(ValueToSearchStr, FieldText) else Found := StrSearch(ValueToSearchStr, FieldText) > 0; end else begin if WholeFieldOnly then Found := AnsiSameText(ValueToSearchStr, FieldText) else Found := StrFind(ValueToSearchStr, FieldText) > 0; end; // Text found ! -> exit if Found then begin ResultCol := ColNo; if dgIndicator in Options then Inc(ResultCol); ResultField := Columns[ColNo].Field; Result := True; Exit; end; end; end; end; Start := 0; DSet.Next; end; finally DSet.EnableControls; Screen.Cursor := crDefault; end; end; end; function TJvDBUltimGrid.Search(const ValueToSearch: Variant; var ResultCol: Integer; var ResultField: TField; const CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, Focus: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (SearchFields.Count > 0) and (ValueToSearch <> Null) and (ValueToSearch <> '') then begin FValueToSearch := ValueToSearch; Result := PrivateSearch(ResultCol, ResultField, CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, False); if Result and Focus then begin Self.Col := ResultCol; if Self.Visible and Self.CanFocus then Self.SetFocus; end else RestoreGridPosition; end; end; function TJvDBUltimGrid.SearchNext(var ResultCol: Integer; var ResultField: TField; const CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, Focus: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := False; if (SearchFields.Count > 0) and (FValueToSearch <> Null) and (FValueToSearch <> '') then begin Result := PrivateSearch(ResultCol, ResultField, CaseSensitive, WholeFieldOnly, True); if Result and Focus then begin Self.Col := ResultCol; if Self.Visible then Self.SetFocus; end else RestoreGridPosition; end; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.