{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvCharMap.PAS, released on 2003-11-03. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Peter Thornqvist Portions created by Peter Thornqvist are Copyright (c) 2003 Peter Thornqvist All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org Known Issues: * CharRange.Filter only works with contiguous ranges, so ufPrivateUse and ufSpecials only shows the first subrange -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id$ unit JvCharMap; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, Messages, Types, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Grids, JvComponent, JvExControls, JvExGrids; type TJvCharMapValidateEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AChar: WideChar; var Valid: Boolean) of object; TJvCharMapSelectedEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AChar: WideChar) of object; TJvCharMapGetCustomText = procedure(Sender: TObject; AChar: WideChar; var ANewText: WideString) of object; TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter = ( ufUndefined, ufBasicLatin, ufLatin1Supplement, ufLatinExtendedA, ufLatinExtendedB, ufIPAExtensions, ufSpacingModifierLetters, ufCombiningDiacriticalMarks, ufGreek, ufCyrillic, ufArmenian, ufHebrew, ufArabic, ufSyriac, ufThaana, ufDevanagari, ufBengali, ufGurmukhi, ufGujarati, ufOriya, ufTamil, ufTelugu, ufKannada, ufMalayalam, ufSinhala, ufThai, ufLao, ufTibetan, ufMyanmar, ufGeorgian, ufHangulJamo, ufEthiopic, ufCherokee, ufUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics, ufOgham, ufRunic, ufKhmer, ufMongolian, ufLatinExtendedAdditional, ufGreekExtended, ufGeneralPunctuation, ufSuperscriptsAndSubscripts, ufCurrencySymbols, ufCombiningMarksForSymbols, ufLetterlikeSymbols, ufNumberForms, ufArrows, ufMathematicalOperators, ufMiscellaneousTechnical, ufControlPictures, ufOpticalCharacterRecognition, ufEnclosedAlphanumerics, ufBoxDrawing, ufBlockElements, ufGeometricShapes, ufMiscellaneousSymbols, ufDingbats, ufBraillePatterns, ufCJKRadicalsSupplement, ufKangxiRadicals, ufIdeographicDescriptionCharacters, ufCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation, ufHiragana, ufKatakana, ufBopomofo, ufHangulCompatibilityJamo, ufKanbun, ufBopomofoExtended, ufEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths, ufCJKCompatibility, ufCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA, ufCJKUnifiedIdeographs, ufYiSyllables, ufYiRadicals, ufHangulSyllables, ufHighSurrogates, ufHighPrivateUseSurrogates, ufLowSurrogates, ufPrivateUse, ufCJKCompatibilityIdeographs, ufAlphabeticPresentationForms, ufArabicPresentationFormsA, ufCombiningHalfMarks, ufCJKCompatibilityForms, ufSmallFormVariants, ufArabicPresentationFormsB, ufSpecials, ufHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms, ufOldItalic, ufGothic, ufDeseret, ufByzantineMusicalSymbols, ufMusicalSymbols, ufMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols, ufCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB, ufCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement, ufTags, ufCustomRange1 // User defined range 1 // ufCustomRange2 // User defined range 2 ); TJvCharMapCustomRangeEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Filter: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter; var RangeStart, RangeEnd: Cardinal) of object; TJvCharMapRange = class(TPersistent) private FFilterStart: Cardinal; FFilterEnd: Cardinal; FStartChar: Cardinal; FEndChar: Cardinal; FOnChange: TNotifyEvent; FFilter: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter; FOnCustomRangeEvent: TJvCharMapCustomRangeEvent; procedure SetFilter(const Value: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter); procedure SetEndChar(const Value: Cardinal); procedure SetStartChar(const Value: Cardinal); procedure Change; procedure SetRange(AStart, AEnd: Cardinal); function GetEndChar: Cardinal; function GetStartChar: Cardinal; public constructor Create; published // Setting Filter to ufUndefined, resets StartChar and EndChar to their previous values property Filter: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter read FFilter write SetFilter default ufUndefined; property StartChar: Cardinal read GetStartChar write SetStartChar default 33; property EndChar: Cardinal read GetEndChar write SetEndChar default 255; property OnChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; TJvCustomCharMap = class(TJvExCustomDrawGrid) private FCharPanel: TCustomControl; FShowZoomPanel: Boolean; FMouseIsDown: Boolean; FCharRange: TJvCharMapRange; FAutoSizeHeight: Boolean; FAutoSizeWidth: Boolean; FDrawing: Boolean; FLocale: LCID; FOnValidateChar: TJvCharMapValidateEvent; FShowShadow: Boolean; FShadowSize: Integer; FOnSelectChar: TJvCharMapSelectedEvent; FHighlightInvalid: Boolean; FShowASCIISymbols: Boolean; FAutoHidePanel: Boolean; FShowASCIISymbolsDescription: Boolean; FOnCustomRangeEvent: TJvCharMapCustomRangeEvent; FOnGetCustomText: TJvCharMapGetCustomText; procedure SetCharRange(const Value: TJvCharMapRange); procedure SetPanelVisible(Value: Boolean); function GetCharacter: WideChar; function GetColumns: Integer; procedure SetColumns(Value: Integer); procedure SetShowZoomPanel(Value: Boolean); function GetPanelVisible: Boolean; procedure SetAutoSizeHeight(Value: Boolean); procedure SetAutoSizeWidth(Value: Boolean); procedure SetLocale(const Value: LCID); procedure SetShowShadow(Value: Boolean); procedure SetShadowSize(Value: Integer); procedure SetHighlightInvalid(Value: Boolean); procedure SetShowASCIISymbols(const Value: Boolean); // procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure WMKillFocus(var Msg: TWMKillFocus); message WM_KILLFOCUS; procedure SetShowASCIISymbolsDescription(const Value: Boolean); procedure DoOnCustomRangeEvent(Sender: TObject; Filter: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter; var RangeStart, RangeEnd: Cardinal); protected // The locale to use when looking up character info and translating codepages to Unicode. // Only effective on non-NT OS's (NT doesn't use codepages) property Locale: LCID read FLocale write SetLocale default LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT; // The currently selected character property Character: WideChar read GetCharacter; // Shows/Hides the zoom panel property PanelVisible: Boolean read GetPanelVisible write SetPanelVisible stored False; // Determines whether the zoom panel is automatically shown when the user clicks a cell in the grid // To actually show the zoom panel, set PanelVisible := True at run-time (or click a cell in the grid) property ShowZoomPanel: Boolean read FShowZoomPanel write SetShowZoomPanel default True; // Determines whether the zoom panel has a shadow or not property ShowShadow: Boolean read FShowShadow write SetShowShadow default True; // Determines the number of pixels the shadow is offset from the zoom panel. // On W2k/XP and with D6+, the shadow is alpha blended (semi-transparent) property ShadowSize: Integer read FShadowSize write SetShadowSize default 2; // The range of characters to dispay in the grid property CharRange: TJvCharMapRange read FCharRange write SetCharRange; // Determines whether the width of the grid is auto adjusted to it' s content property AutoSizeWidth: Boolean read FAutoSizeWidth write SetAutoSizeWidth default False; // Determines whether the height of the grid is auto adjusted to it' s content property AutoSizeHeight: Boolean read FAutoSizeHeight write SetAutoSizeHeight default False; // The number of columns in the grid. Rows are adjusted automatically. Min. value is 1 property Columns: Integer read GetColumns write SetColumns default 20; property HighlightInvalid: Boolean read FHighlightInvalid write SetHighlightInvalid default True; // Event that is called every time the grid needs to check if a character is valid. // If the character is invalid, it won't be drawn property OnValidateChar: TJvCharMapValidateEvent read FOnValidateChar write FOnValidateChar; // Event that is called every time the selection has changed property OnSelectChar: TJvCharMapSelectedEvent read FOnSelectChar write FOnSelectChar; // Determines if ASCII symbols are shown or not (for the range 0..31) property ShowASCIISymbols: Boolean read FShowASCIISymbols write SetShowASCIISymbols; // Determines if ASCII symbols description is showne or not (for the range 0..31) // Makes only sens if ShowASCIISymbols is set to True property ShowASCIISymbolsDescription: Boolean read FShowASCIISymbolsDescription write SetShowASCIISymbolsDescription; // Determines if the CharPanel will be automatically hidden when the control loses focus property AutoHidePanel: Boolean read FAutoHidePanel write FAutoHidePanel; // Triggered when ufCustomRange1 filter is choosen to give the user a way to give its own range property OnCustomRangeEvent: TJvCharMapCustomRangeEvent read FOnCustomRangeEvent write FOnCustomRangeEvent; // Triggered when ufCustomRange1 filter is choosen and a Char needs to be displayed property OnGetCustomText: TJvCharMapGetCustomText read FOnGetCustomText write FOnGetCustomText; protected procedure ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow: Integer); virtual; procedure RecalcCells; virtual; procedure AdjustSize; reintroduce; procedure CreateHandle; override; procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; function DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; function DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; function InCharRange(AChar: WideChar): Boolean; virtual; function InGridRange(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean; virtual; function SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Longint): Boolean; override; function GetChar(ACol, ARow: Integer): WideChar; virtual; function GetCharInfo(ACol, ARow: Integer; InfoType: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; virtual; function GetCharInfo(AChar: WideChar; InfoType: Cardinal): Cardinal; overload; virtual; function IsValidChar(AChar: WideChar): Boolean; virtual; procedure WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL; procedure WMHScroll(var Msg: TWMHScroll); message WM_HSCROLL; procedure FontChanged; override; procedure DoRangeChange(Sender: TObject); procedure DoSelectChar(AChar: WideChar); virtual; function DoEraseBackground(Canvas: TCanvas; Param: LPARAM): Boolean; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function CellSize: TSize; procedure SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); override; end; {$IFDEF RTL230_UP} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF RTL230_UP} TJvCharMap = class(TJvCustomCharMap) public property Character; property PanelVisible; property Locale; published property AutoSizeWidth; property AutoSizeHeight; property CharRange; property Col; property Columns; property HighlightInvalid; property Row; property ShowZoomPanel; property ShowShadow; property ShadowSize; property Align; property Anchors; property BiDiMode; property DragCursor; property DragKind; property DragMode; property ParentBiDiMode; property OnEndDock; property OnStartDock; property BorderStyle; property DoubleBuffered default True; property Color; property Constraints; property Enabled; property Font; property ParentColor; property ParentFont; property ParentShowHint; property PopupMenu; property ScrollBars; property ShowHint; property TabOrder; property Visible; property OnValidateChar; property OnSelectChar; property ShowASCIISymbols; property ShowASCIISymbolsDescription; property AutoHidePanel; property OnCustomRangeEvent; property OnGetCustomText; property OnClick; property OnContextPopup; property OnDblClick; property OnDragDrop; property OnDragOver; property OnTopLeftChanged; property OnEndDrag; property OnEnter; property OnExit; property OnKeyDown; property OnKeyPress; property OnKeyUp; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnMouseWheel; property OnMouseWheelDown; property OnMouseWheelUp; property OnStartDrag; property OnResize; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL$'; Revision: '$Revision$'; Date: '$Date$'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses SysUtils, Forms, JvConsts; const cShadowAlpha = 100; cASCIISymbolsRange = 31; cASCIISymbols: array[0..cASCIISymbolsRange] of string = ('NUL', // Ctrl @, NULL 'SOH', // Ctrl A, Start of Header 'STX', // Ctrl B, Start of Text 'ETX', // Ctrl C, End of Text 'EOT', // Ctrl D, End of Transmission 'ENQ', // Ctrl E, Enquiry 'ACK', // Ctrl F, Acknowlodge 'BEL', // Ctrl G, Bell 'BS', // Ctrl H, Backspace 'TAB', // Ctrl I, Horizontal Tab 'LF', // Ctrl J, Linefeed 'VT', // Ctrl K, Vertical Tab 'FF', // Ctrl L, Form Feed 'CR', // Ctrl M, Carridge Return 'SO', // Ctrl N, Shift Out 'SI', // Ctrl O, Shift in 'DLE', // Ctrl P, Delete 'DC1', // Ctrl Q, Device Control 1 'DC2', // Ctrl R, Device Control 2 'DC3', // Ctrl S, Device Control 3 'DC4', // Ctrl T, Device Control 4 'NAK', // Ctrl U, Negative Acknowledge 'SYN', // Ctrl V, Synchronise 'ETB', // Ctrl W, End Block ?? 'CAN', // Ctrl X, Cancel 'EM', // Ctrl Y, End Message 'SUB', // Ctrl Z, Sub 'ESC', // Ctrl [, Escape 'FS', // Ctrl \, Form Separator 'GS', // Ctrl ], Group Separator 'RS', // Ctrl ^, Record Separator 'US'); // Ctrl _, Unit Separator cASCIISymbolsDesc: array[0..cASCIISymbolsRange] of string = ('Null', 'Start of Header', 'Start of Text', 'End of Text', 'End of Transmission', 'Enquiry', 'Acknowledge', 'Bell', 'Backspace', 'Horizontal Tab', 'Linefeed', 'Vertical Tab', 'Form Feed', 'Carriage Return', 'Shift Out', 'Shift in', 'Data Link Escape', 'Device Control 1 (XON resume)', 'Device Control 2', 'Device Control 3 (XOFF pause)', 'Device Control 4', 'Negative Acknowledge', 'Synchronous Idle', 'End Transmission Block', 'Cancel', 'End of Medium', 'Substitute', 'Escape', 'File Separator', 'Group Separator', 'Record Separator', 'Unit Separator'); type TCanvasAccess = class(TCanvas); TShadowWindow = class(TJvCustomControl) private procedure WMNCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST; protected procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure CreateHandle; override; procedure VisibleChanged; override; public property Visible default False; property Color default clBlack; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; end; TCharZoomPanel = class(TJvCustomControl) private FShadow: TShadowWindow; FCharacter: WideChar; FEndChar: Cardinal; FOldWndProc: TWndMethod; FWasVisible: Boolean; FShowShadow: Boolean; FShadowSize: Integer; FInitSizeNeeded: Boolean; procedure SetCharacter(const Value: WideChar); procedure FormWindowProc(var Msg: TMessage); procedure HookWndProc; procedure UnhookWndProc; procedure UpdateShadow; procedure SetShowShadow(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetShadowSize(const Value: Integer); function IsASCIISymbol(AChar: WideChar): Boolean; inline; function IsCustomRange: Boolean; inline; protected procedure Paint; override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; procedure WMNCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); message WM_NCHITTEST; procedure FocusSet(PrevWnd: THandle); override; procedure GetDlgCode(var Code: TDlgCodes); override; procedure VisibleChanged; override; procedure FontChanged; override; procedure CreateHandle; override; procedure WMWindowPosChanged(var Msg: TWMWindowPosChanged); message WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED; procedure SetParent( AParent: TWinControl); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure InitSizeNeeded; property Character: WideChar read FCharacter write SetCharacter; property ShowShadow: Boolean read FShowShadow write SetShowShadow default True; property ShadowSize: Integer read FShadowSize write SetShadowSize; end; procedure WideDrawText(Canvas: TCanvas; const Text: WideString; ARect: TRect; uFormat: Cardinal); begin with TCanvasAccess(Canvas) do begin Changing; RequiredState([csHandleValid, csFontValid, csBrushValid]); if CanvasOrientation = coRightToLeft then Inc(uFormat, DT_RTLREADING); DrawTextW(Handle, PWideChar(Text), Length(Text), ARect, uFormat); Changed; end; end; //=== { TShadowWindow } ====================================================== type TDynamicSetLayeredWindowAttributes = function(HWnd: THandle; crKey: COLORREF; bAlpha: Byte; dwFlags: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall; constructor TShadowWindow.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); ControlStyle := [csFixedHeight, csFixedWidth, csNoDesignVisible, csNoStdEvents]; Color := clBlack; Visible := False; end; procedure TShadowWindow.CreateHandle; var DynamicSetLayeredWindowAttributes: TDynamicSetLayeredWindowAttributes; procedure InitProcs; const sUser32 = 'User32.dll'; var ModH: HMODULE; begin ModH := GetModuleHandle(sUser32); if ModH <> 0 then DynamicSetLayeredWindowAttributes := GetProcAddress(ModH, 'SetLayeredWindowAttributes') else DynamicSetLayeredWindowAttributes := nil; end; begin inherited CreateHandle; end; procedure TShadowWindow.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := WS_POPUP; ExStyle := WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; end; end; procedure TShadowWindow.WMNCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); begin Msg.Result := HTTRANSPARENT; end; procedure TShadowWindow.VisibleChanged; begin inherited VisibleChanged; // make sure shadow is beneath zoom panel if Visible and (Parent <> nil) then SetWindowPos(Handle, TWinControl(Owner).Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOOWNERZORDER); end; //=== { TJvCustomCharMap } =================================================== constructor TJvCustomCharMap.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); DoubleBuffered := True; // DefaultDrawing := False; // VirtualView := True; FAutoHidePanel := True; FShowASCIISymbolsDescription := True; FCharRange := TJvCharMapRange.Create; // FCharRange.Filter := ufUndefined; // FCharRange.SetRange($21, $FF); FCharRange.OnChange := DoRangeChange; FCharRange.FOnCustomRangeEvent := DoOnCustomRangeEvent; FCharPanel := TCharZoomPanel.Create(Self); FCharPanel.Visible := False; FCharPanel.Parent := Self; Options := [goVertLine, goHorzLine, {goDrawFocusSelected, } goThumbTracking]; FShowZoomPanel := True; DefaultRowHeight := Abs(Font.Height) + 12; DefaultColWidth := DefaultRowHeight - 5; FLocale := LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT; FShowShadow := True; FShadowSize := 2; FHighlightInvalid := True; Columns := 20; end; destructor TJvCustomCharMap.Destroy; begin FCharRange.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.AdjustSize; var AWidth, AHeight: Integer; begin if HandleAllocated and (ColCount > 0) and (RowCount > 0) then begin AWidth := DefaultColWidth * (ColCount) + ColCount; AHeight := DefaultRowHeight * (RowCount) + RowCount; if AutoSizeWidth and (ClientWidth <> AWidth) and (Align in [alNone, alLeft, alRight]) then ClientWidth := AWidth; if AutoSizeHeight and (ClientHeight <> AHeight) and (Align in [alNone, alTop, alBottom]) then ClientHeight := AHeight; end; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.CellSize: TSize; begin Result.cx := DefaultColWidth; Result.cy := DefaultRowHeight; end; //procedure TJvCustomCharMap.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); //begin // inherited; // PanelVisible := False; //end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.FontChanged; begin inherited FontChanged; if AutoSize then AdjustSize; RecalcCells; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.CreateHandle; begin inherited CreateHandle; RecalcCells; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; begin // ignore the return value, because inherited always returns True inherited DoMouseWheelDown(Shift, MousePos); Result := PanelVisible and SelectCell(Col, Row); if Result then ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); Result := True; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; begin // ignore the return value, because inherited always returns True inherited DoMouseWheelUp(Shift, MousePos); Result := PanelVisible and SelectCell(Col, Row); if Result then ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); Result := True; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.DoOnCustomRangeEvent(Sender: TObject; Filter: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter; var RangeStart, RangeEnd: Cardinal); begin if Assigned(FOnCustomRangeEvent) then FOnCustomRangeEvent(Sender, Filter, RangeStart, RangeEnd); end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.DoRangeChange(Sender: TObject); begin TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).FEndChar := CharRange.EndChar; RecalcCells; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.DoSelectChar(AChar: WideChar); begin if Assigned(FOnSelectChar) then FOnSelectChar(Self, AChar); end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Integer; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); var AChar: WideChar; LineColor: TColor; CharText: WideString; begin if FDrawing then Exit; FDrawing := True; try inherited DrawCell(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState); AChar := GetChar(ACol, ARow); Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.Font := Font; Canvas.Pen.Color := Font.Color; if SelectCell(ACol, ARow) and IsValidChar(AChar) then begin if AState * [gdSelected, gdFocused] <> [] then begin Canvas.Pen.Color := Font.Color; if not ShowZoomPanel then begin Canvas.Brush.Color := clHighlight; Canvas.FillRect(ARect); end; InflateRect(ARect, -1, -1); Canvas.Rectangle(ARect); InflateRect(ARect, 1, 1); end else Canvas.FillRect(ARect); if not ShowZoomPanel and (AState * [gdSelected, gdFocused] <> []) then Canvas.Font.Color := clHighlightText; SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, Windows.TRANSPARENT); // Exchange with the ASCII symbols if applies if FShowASCIISymbols and (Cardinal(AChar) <= cASCIISymbolsRange) then WideDrawText(Canvas, cASCIISymbols[Cardinal(AChar)], ARect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX) else if (FCharRange.FFilter = ufCustomRange1) and Assigned(FOnGetCustomText) then begin CharText := AChar; FOnGetCustomText(Self, AChar, CharText); WideDrawText(Canvas, CharText, ARect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX); end else WideDrawText(Canvas, AChar, ARect, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX); end else if HighlightInvalid then begin LineColor := clSilver; if ColorToRGB(Color) = clSilver then LineColor := clGray; Canvas.Pen.Color := Color; Canvas.Brush.Color := LineColor; Canvas.Brush.Style := bsBDiagonal; // InflateRect(ARect,1,1); Canvas.Rectangle(ARect); Canvas.Brush.Style := bsSolid; end; finally FDrawing := False; end; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.GetChar(ACol, ARow: Integer): WideChar; begin if (ARow < 0) or (ACol < 0) then Result := WideChar(0) else Result := WideChar(CharRange.StartChar + Cardinal(ARow) * Cardinal(ColCount) + Cardinal(ACol)); end; function TJvCustomCharMap.GetCharacter: WideChar; begin Result := GetChar(Col, Row); end; function TJvCustomCharMap.GetCharInfo(ACol, ARow: Integer; InfoType: Cardinal): Cardinal; begin Result := GetCharInfo(GetChar(ACol, ARow), InfoType); end; function TJvCustomCharMap.GetCharInfo(AChar: WideChar; InfoType: Cardinal): Cardinal; var LLoc: Cardinal; LCharInfo: Cardinal; begin if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then LLoc := 0 else LLoc := Locale; // Locale is ignored on NT platforms if GetStringTypeExW(LLoc, InfoType, @AChar, 1, LCharInfo) then begin Result := LCharInfo; end else Result := 0; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.GetColumns: Integer; begin Result := ColCount; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.GetPanelVisible: Boolean; begin // if (FCharPanel <> nil) and (Parent <> nil) and // not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then // Result := FCharPanel.Visible // else // Result := False; Result := FCharPanel.Visible; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.IsValidChar(AChar: WideChar): Boolean; var LCharInfo: Cardinal; begin Result := False; if (AChar >= WideChar(CharRange.StartChar)) and (AChar <= WideChar(CharRange.EndChar)) then begin LCharInfo := GetCharInfo(AChar, CT_CTYPE1); Result := (LCharInfo <> 0); // and (LCharInfo and C1_CNTRL <> C1_CNTRL); end; if Assigned(FOnValidateChar) then FOnValidateChar(Self, AChar, Result); end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var ACol, ARow: Integer; begin // store previous location ACol := Col; ARow := Row; // update new location inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); // (rom) only accept without Shift, Alt or Ctrl down if Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [] then case Key of VK_RETURN: ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); VK_SPACE: PanelVisible := not PanelVisible; VK_ESCAPE: PanelVisible := False; VK_UP, VK_DOWN, VK_PRIOR, VK_NEXT, VK_HOME, VK_END: if PanelVisible then ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); VK_LEFT: begin if (ACol = 0) and (ARow > 0) then begin ACol := ColCount - 1; Dec(ARow); end else begin ACol := Col; ARow := Row; end; Col := ACol; Row := ARow; if PanelVisible then ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow); end; VK_RIGHT: begin if (ACol = ColCount - 1) and (ARow < RowCount - 1) then begin ACol := 0; Inc(ARow); end else begin ACol := Col; ARow := Row; end; Col := ACol; Row := ARow; if PanelVisible then ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow); end; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var GC: TGridCoord; ACol, ARow: Integer; begin inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); // MouseCapture := True; if Button = mbLeft then begin FMouseIsDown := True; GC := MouseCoord(X, Y); MouseToCell(X, Y, ACol, ARow); if SelectCell(ACol, ARow) then ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow) else if SelectCell(Col, Row) then ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); //var // ACol, ARow: Integer; begin inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); { if csLButtonDown in ControlState then begin MouseToCell(X, Y, ACol, ARow); if SelectCell(ACol, ARow) then ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow); end;} end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var ACol, ARow: Integer; begin inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); if (Button = mbLeft) and FMouseIsDown then begin FMouseIsDown := False; MouseToCell(X, Y, ACol, ARow); if SelectCell(ACol, ARow) then ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow) else if SelectCell(Col, Row) then ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.InCharRange(AChar: WideChar): Boolean; begin Result := (AChar >= WideChar(CharRange.StartChar)) and (AChar <= WideChar(CharRange.EndChar)); end; function TJvCustomCharMap.InGridRange(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := (ACol >= 0) and (ARow >= 0) and (ACol < ColCount) and (ARow < RowCount); end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.RecalcCells; var ACells, ARows: Integer; begin if not HandleAllocated then Exit; FixedCols := 0; FixedRows := 0; ACells := Ord(CharRange.EndChar) - Ord(CharRange.StartChar); // ColCount := 20; ARows := ACells div ColCount + 1; RowCount := ARows; DefaultRowHeight := Abs(Font.Height) + 12; DefaultColWidth := DefaultRowHeight - 5; if FShowZoomPanel then DefaultColWidth := DefaultColWidth + 24; if AutoSizeWidth or AutoSizeHeight then AdjustSize; if PanelVisible then ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; function TJvCustomCharMap.SelectCell(ACol, ARow: Integer): Boolean; var AChar, ANewChar: WideChar; begin // get currently selected character AChar := GetChar(Col, Row); // can't use IsValidChar here since we need to be able to select invalid cells as well to be able to scroll ANewChar := WideChar(CharRange.StartChar + Cardinal(ARow) * Cardinal(ColCount) + Cardinal(ACol)); Result := InGridRange(ACol,ARow) and InCharRange(ANewChar); if Result and not FDrawing then begin ANewChar := GetChar(ACol, ARow); if AChar <> ANewChar then DoSelectChar(ANewChar); end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetAutoSizeHeight(Value: Boolean); begin if FAutoSizeHeight <> Value then begin FAutoSizeHeight := Value; if FAutoSizeHeight then AdjustSize; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetAutoSizeWidth(Value: Boolean); begin if FAutoSizeWidth <> Value then begin FAutoSizeWidth := Value; if FAutoSizeWidth then AdjustSize; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight: Integer); begin inherited SetBounds(ALeft, ATop, AWidth, AHeight); RecalcCells; if HandleAllocated and PanelVisible and ((ClientHeight < DefaultRowHeight) or (ClientWidth < DefaultColWidth)) then PanelVisible := False; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetCharRange(const Value: TJvCharMapRange); begin // FCharRange := Value; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetColumns(Value: Integer); var CurCell: Integer; begin if Value > 0 then begin // make sure the previous select character is also the new selected CurCell := Row * ColCount + Col; ColCount := Value; // Assert(ColCount > 0); Col := CurCell mod ColCount; Row := CurCell div ColCount; RecalcCells; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetHighlightInvalid(Value: Boolean); begin if FHighlightInvalid <> Value then begin FHighlightInvalid := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetLocale(const Value: LCID); begin if (FLocale <> Value) and IsValidLocale(Value, LCID_SUPPORTED) then begin FLocale := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetPanelVisible(Value: Boolean); begin if (PanelVisible <> Value) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then FCharPanel.Visible := Value; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetShadowSize(Value: Integer); begin if FShadowSize <> Value then begin FShadowSize := Value; TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).ShadowSize := Value; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetShowASCIISymbols(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FShowASCIISymbols then begin FShowASCIISymbols := Value; Invalidate; TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).InitSizeNeeded; if TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).Visible then TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetShowASCIISymbolsDescription(const Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FShowASCIISymbolsDescription then begin FShowASCIISymbolsDescription := Value; if FShowASCIISymbols and TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).Visible then begin TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).InitSizeNeeded; TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).Invalidate; end; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetShowShadow(Value: Boolean); begin if FShowShadow <> Value then begin FShowShadow := Value; TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).ShowShadow := Value; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.SetShowZoomPanel(Value: Boolean); begin if FShowZoomPanel <> Value then begin FShowZoomPanel := Value; if not FShowZoomPanel then PanelVisible := False; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.ShowCharPanel(ACol, ARow: Integer); var R: TRect; P: TPoint; begin if not ShowZoomPanel or not SelectCell(ACol, ARow) then begin PanelVisible := False; Exit; end; R := CellRect(ACol, ARow); Selection := TGridRect(Rect(ACol, ARow, ACol, ARow)); FocusCell(ACol, ARow, False); TCharZoomPanel(FCharPanel).Character := GetChar(ACol, ARow); P.X := R.Left - (FCharPanel.Width - DefaultColWidth) div 2; P.Y := R.Top - (FCharPanel.Height - DefaultRowHeight) div 2; P := ClientToScreen(P); FCharPanel.Left := P.X; FCharPanel.Top := P.Y; if not PanelVisible then PanelVisible := True; end; function TJvCustomCharMap.DoEraseBackground(Canvas: TCanvas; Param: LPARAM): Boolean; begin Result := True; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.WMHScroll(var Msg: TWMHScroll); begin inherited; if PanelVisible then begin if Col < LeftCol then ShowCharPanel(LeftCol, Row) else if Col >= LeftCol + VisibleColCount then ShowCharPanel(LeftCol + VisibleColCount - 1, Row) else ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.WMKillFocus(var Msg: TWMKillFocus); var AControl: TWinControl; begin inherited; if not FAutoHidePanel then Exit; AControl := FindControl(Msg.FocusedWnd); if AControl = nil then PanelVisible := False else begin if (AControl <> Self) and (AControl <> FCharPanel) then PanelVisible := False; end; end; procedure TJvCustomCharMap.WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMVScroll); begin inherited; if PanelVisible then begin if Row < TopRow then ShowCharPanel(Col, TopRow) else if Row >= TopRow + VisibleRowCount then ShowCharPanel(Col, TopRow + VisibleRowCount - 1) else ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; end; //=== { TCharZoomPanel } ===================================================== constructor TCharZoomPanel.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); InitSizeNeeded; ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csNoDesignVisible, csOpaque]; SetBounds(0, 0, 52, 48); FShadow := TShadowWindow.Create(AOwner); ShowShadow := True; FShadowSize := 2; end; destructor TCharZoomPanel.Destroy; begin UnhookWndProc; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.FontChanged; begin inherited FontChanged; // (p3) height should be quite larger than Font.Height and Width a little more than that Height := Abs(Font.Height) * 4; Width := MulDiv(Height, 110, 100); end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.VisibleChanged; begin inherited VisibleChanged; if Visible and CanFocus then SetFocus; if ShowShadow then FShadow.Visible := Visible else FShadow.Visible := False; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); with Params do begin Style := WS_BORDER or WS_POPUP; ExStyle := WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.HookWndProc; var F: TCustomForm; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and not Assigned(FOldWndProc) then begin F := GetParentForm(Self); if F <> nil then begin FOldWndProc := F.WindowProc; F.WindowProc := FormWindowProc; end; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.InitSizeNeeded; begin FInitSizeNeeded := True; end; function TCharZoomPanel.IsASCIISymbol(AChar: WideChar): Boolean; begin Result := TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).FShowASCIISymbols and (Cardinal(AChar) <= cASCIISymbolsRange); end; function TCharZoomPanel.IsCustomRange: Boolean; begin Result := (TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).FCharRange.FFilter = ufCustomRange1) and Assigned(TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).FOnGetCustomText); end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); begin // (rom) only accept without Shift, Alt or Ctrl down if Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [] then case Key of VK_ESCAPE: begin Visible := False; if Parent.CanFocus then Parent.SetFocus; end; VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT, VK_UP, VK_DOWN: TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).KeyDown(Key, Shift); else inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); end else inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.FormWindowProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin FOldWndProc(Msg); if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin case Msg.Msg of WM_MOVE: if Visible or FWasVisible then with TJvCharMap(Parent) do ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); WM_SYSCOMMAND: case Msg.WParam and $FFF0 of SC_MINIMIZE: begin FWasVisible := Visible; Visible := False; end; SC_RESTORE, SC_MAXIMIZE: if (Visible or FWasVisible) and IsWindowVisible(GetParentForm(Self).Handle) then with TJvCharMap(Parent) do ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED: if (Visible or FWasVisible) and IsWindowVisible(GetParentForm(Self).Handle) then with TJvCharMap(Parent) do ShowCharPanel(Col, Row); end; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.Paint; var R: TRect; AChar: WideChar; CharText: WideString; begin // inherited Paint; Canvas.Font := Font; AChar := Character; if IsASCIISymbol(AChar) then Canvas.Font.Height := ClientHeight - 18 else Canvas.Font.Height := ClientHeight - 4; // Canvas.Font.Style := [fsBold]; Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.Pen.Color := Font.Color; R := ClientRect; Canvas.Rectangle(R); // R := Rect(0,0,Width,Height); SetBkMode(Canvas.Handle, Windows.TRANSPARENT); if TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).IsValidChar(AChar) then begin if IsASCIISymbol(AChar) then begin WideDrawText(Canvas, cASCIISymbols[Cardinal(AChar)], R, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX); Canvas.Font.Height := 18; if TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).FShowASCIISymbolsDescription then begin R.TopLeft := Point(6, R.Height - Canvas.Font.Height); WideDrawText(Canvas, cASCIISymbolsDesc[Cardinal(AChar)], R, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_LEFT or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX); end; end else if IsCustomRange then begin CharText := AChar; TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).FOnGetCustomText(Self, AChar, CharText); // Monkey solution... Ideally we should calculate the right size of the text... Canvas.Font.Height := Canvas.Font.Height - Length(CharText) * 4; WideDrawText(Canvas, CharText, R, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX); end else WideDrawText(Canvas, AChar, R, DT_SINGLELINE or DT_CENTER or DT_VCENTER or DT_NOPREFIX); end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.SetCharacter(const Value: WideChar); var Numerator: Integer; begin if FInitSizeNeeded or (FCharacter <> Value) then begin FCharacter := Value; if (TJvCustomCharMap(Parent).FShowASCIISymbolsDescription and IsASCIISymbol(FCharacter)) or IsCustomRange then Numerator := 300 else Numerator := 110; Height := Abs(Font.Height) * 4; Width := MulDiv(Height, Numerator, 100); Invalidate; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.UnhookWndProc; var F: TCustomForm; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Assigned(FOldWndProc) then begin F := GetParentForm(Self); if F <> nil then F.WindowProc := FOldWndProc; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.GetDlgCode(var Code: TDlgCodes); begin Code := [dcWantArrows]; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.WMNCHitTest(var Msg: TWMNCHitTest); begin // pass mouse clicks to parent (the grid) Msg.Result := HTTRANSPARENT; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.FocusSet(PrevWnd: THandle); begin inherited FocusSet(PrevWnd); if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) and Parent.CanFocus then Parent.SetFocus; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.CreateHandle; begin inherited CreateHandle; HookWndProc; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.WMWindowPosChanged(var Msg: TWMWindowPosChanged); begin inherited; UpdateShadow; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.SetParent( AParent: TWinControl); begin inherited SetParent(AParent); if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) then begin if FShadow <> nil then FShadow.Parent := AParent; UpdateShadow; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.SetShowShadow(const Value: Boolean); begin if FShowShadow <> Value then begin FShowShadow := Value; UpdateShadow; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.UpdateShadow; var R: TRect; begin if HandleAllocated and (FShadow <> nil) and (FShadow.Parent <> nil) then begin if ShowShadow then begin R := BoundsRect; OffsetRect(R, ShadowSize, ShadowSize); FShadow.BoundsRect := R; FShadow.Visible := Visible; end else FShadow.Visible := False; end; end; procedure TCharZoomPanel.SetShadowSize(const Value: Integer); begin if FShadowSize <> Value then begin FShadowSize := Value; UpdateShadow; end; end; //=== { TJvCharMapRange } ==================================================== constructor TJvCharMapRange.Create; begin inherited Create; FFilter := ufUndefined; FStartChar := 33; FEndChar := 255; end; procedure TJvCharMapRange.Change; begin if Assigned(FOnChange) then FOnChange(Self); end; function TJvCharMapRange.GetEndChar: Cardinal; begin if Filter = ufUndefined then Result := FEndChar else Result := FFilterEnd; end; function TJvCharMapRange.GetStartChar: Cardinal; begin if Filter = ufUndefined then Result := FStartChar else Result := FFilterStart; end; procedure TJvCharMapRange.SetEndChar(const Value: Cardinal); begin if FEndChar <> Value then begin FEndChar := Value; if Filter = ufUndefined then Change; end; end; procedure TJvCharMapRange.SetFilter(const Value: TJvCharMapUnicodeFilter); var RangeStart, RangeEnd: Cardinal; begin if FFilter <> Value then begin FFilter := Value; case Value of ufBasicLatin: SetRange($0000, $007F); ufLatin1Supplement: SetRange($0080, $00FF); ufLatinExtendedA: SetRange($0100, $017F); ufLatinExtendedB: SetRange($0180, $024F); ufIPAExtensions: SetRange($0250, $02AF); ufSpacingModifierLetters: SetRange($02B0, $02FF); ufCombiningDiacriticalMarks: SetRange($0300, $036F); ufGreek: SetRange($0370, $03FF); ufCyrillic: SetRange($0400, $04FF); ufArmenian: SetRange($0530, $058F); ufHebrew: SetRange($0590, $05FF); ufArabic: SetRange($0600, $06FF); ufSyriac: SetRange($0700, $074F); ufThaana: SetRange($0780, $07BF); ufDevanagari: SetRange($0900, $097F); ufBengali: SetRange($0980, $09FF); ufGurmukhi: SetRange($0A00, $0A7F); ufGujarati: SetRange($0A80, $0AFF); ufOriya: SetRange($0B00, $0B7F); ufTamil: SetRange($0B80, $0BFF); ufTelugu: SetRange($0C00, $0C7F); ufKannada: SetRange($0C80, $0CFF); ufMalayalam: SetRange($0D00, $0D7F); ufSinhala: SetRange($0D80, $0DFF); ufThai: SetRange($0E00, $0E7F); ufLao: SetRange($0E80, $0EFF); ufTibetan: SetRange($0F00, $0FFF); ufMyanmar: SetRange($1000, $109F); ufGeorgian: SetRange($10A0, $10FF); ufHangulJamo: SetRange($1100, $11FF); ufEthiopic: SetRange($1200, $137F); ufCherokee: SetRange($13A0, $13FF); ufUnifiedCanadianAboriginalSyllabics: SetRange($1400, $167F); ufOgham: SetRange($1680, $169F); ufRunic: SetRange($16A0, $16FF); ufKhmer: SetRange($1780, $17FF); ufMongolian: SetRange($1800, $18AF); ufLatinExtendedAdditional: SetRange($1E00, $1EFF); ufGreekExtended: SetRange($1F00, $1FFF); ufGeneralPunctuation: SetRange($2000, $206F); ufSuperscriptsAndSubscripts: SetRange($2070, $209F); ufCurrencySymbols: SetRange($20A0, $20CF); ufCombiningMarksForSymbols: SetRange($20D0, $20FF); ufLetterlikeSymbols: SetRange($2100, $214F); ufNumberForms: SetRange($2150, $218F); ufArrows: SetRange($2190, $21FF); ufMathematicalOperators: SetRange($2200, $22FF); ufMiscellaneousTechnical: SetRange($2300, $23FF); ufControlPictures: SetRange($2400, $243F); ufOpticalCharacterRecognition: SetRange($2440, $245F); ufEnclosedAlphanumerics: SetRange($2460, $24FF); ufBoxDrawing: SetRange($2500, $257F); ufBlockElements: SetRange($2580, $259F); ufGeometricShapes: SetRange($25A0, $25FF); ufMiscellaneousSymbols: SetRange($2600, $26FF); ufDingbats: SetRange($2700, $27BF); ufBraillePatterns: SetRange($2800, $28FF); ufCJKRadicalsSupplement: SetRange($2E80, $2EFF); ufKangxiRadicals: SetRange($2F00, $2FDF); ufIdeographicDescriptionCharacters: SetRange($2FF0, $2FFF); ufCJKSymbolsAndPunctuation: SetRange($3000, $303F); ufHiragana: SetRange($3040, $309F); ufKatakana: SetRange($30A0, $30FF); ufBopomofo: SetRange($3100, $312F); ufHangulCompatibilityJamo: SetRange($3130, $318F); ufKanbun: SetRange($3190, $319F); ufBopomofoExtended: SetRange($31A0, $31BF); ufEnclosedCJKLettersAndMonths: SetRange($3200, $32FF); ufCJKCompatibility: SetRange($3300, $33FF); ufCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionA: SetRange($3400, $4DB5); ufCJKUnifiedIdeographs: SetRange($4E00, $9FFF); ufYiSyllables: SetRange($A000, $A48F); ufYiRadicals: SetRange($A490, $A4CF); ufHangulSyllables: SetRange($AC00, $D7A3); ufHighSurrogates: SetRange($D800, $DB7F); ufHighPrivateUseSurrogates: SetRange($DB80, $DBFF); ufLowSurrogates: SetRange($DC00, $DFFF); ufPrivateUse: SetRange($E000, $F8FF); // $E000..$F8FF, $F0000..$FFFFD, $100000..$10FFFD; ufCJKCompatibilityIdeographs: SetRange($F900, $FAFF); ufAlphabeticPresentationForms: SetRange($FB00, $FB4F); ufArabicPresentationFormsA: SetRange($FB50, $FDFF); ufCombiningHalfMarks: SetRange($FE20, $FE2F); ufCJKCompatibilityForms: SetRange($FE30, $FE4F); ufSmallFormVariants: SetRange($FE50, $FE6F); ufArabicPresentationFormsB: SetRange($FE70, $FEFE); ufSpecials: // $FEFF..$FEFF, $FFF0..$FFFD; SetRange($FFF0, $FFFD); ufHalfwidthAndFullwidthForms: SetRange($FF00, $FFEF); ufOldItalic: SetRange($10300, $1032F); ufGothic: SetRange($10330, $1034F); ufDeseret: SetRange($10400, $1044F); ufByzantineMusicalSymbols: SetRange($1D000, $1D0FF); ufMusicalSymbols: SetRange($1D100, $1D1FF); ufMathematicalAlphanumericSymbols: SetRange($1D400, $1D7FF); ufCJKUnifiedIdeographsExtensionB: SetRange($20000, $2A6D6); ufCJKCompatibilityIdeographsSupplement: SetRange($2F800, $2FA1F); ufTags: SetRange($E0000, $E007F); ufCustomRange1: begin RangeStart := StartChar; RangeEnd := EndChar; // Give the possibility to change the range if Assigned(FOnCustomRangeEvent) then FOnCustomRangeEvent(Self, Value, RangeStart, RangeEnd); SetRange(RangeStart, RangeEnd); end; // ufCustomRange2: else SetRange(StartChar, EndChar); end; end; end; procedure TJvCharMapRange.SetRange(AStart, AEnd: Cardinal); begin FFilterStart := AStart; FFilterEnd := AEnd; Change; end; procedure TJvCharMapRange.SetStartChar(const Value: Cardinal); begin if FStartChar <> Value then begin FStartChar := Value; if Filter = ufUndefined then Change; end; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.