{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvSysComp.PAS, released Dec 26, 1999. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Petr Vones (petr dott v att mujmail dott cz) Portions created by Petr Vones are Copyright (C) 1999 Petr Vones. Portions created by Microsoft are Copyright (C) 1998, 1999 Microsoft Corp. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Marcel van Brakel . Remko Bonte (redirect console output) You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id$ unit JvCreateProcess; {$I jvcl.inc} {$I windowsonly.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, ShellAPI, SyncObjs, JvComponentBase, JvTypes; const CCPS_BufferSize = 1024; CCPS_MaxBufferSize = 65536; type EJvProcessError = EJVCLException; TJvProcessPriority = (ppIdle, ppNormal, ppHigh, ppRealTime, ppBelowNormal, ppAboveNormal); TJvConsoleOption = (coOwnerData, coRedirect, coSeparateError); TJvConsoleOptions = set of TJvConsoleOption; TJvCPSRawReadEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const S: string) of object; TJvCPSReadEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; const S: string; const StartsOnNewLine: Boolean) of object; TJvCPSTerminateEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ExitCode: DWORD) of object; TJvProcessEntry = class(TObject) private FFileName: TFileName; FProcessID: DWORD; FProcessName: string; function GetSystemIconIndex(IconType: Integer): Integer; function GetPriority: TJvProcessPriority; procedure SetPriority(const Value: TJvProcessPriority); public constructor Create(AProcessID: DWORD; const AFileName: TFileName; const AProcessName: string); function Close(UseQuit: Boolean = False): Boolean; class function PriorityText(Priority: TJvProcessPriority): string; function Terminate: Boolean; property FileName: TFileName read FFileName; property LargeIconIndex: Integer index SHGFI_LARGEICON read GetSystemIconIndex; property Priority: TJvProcessPriority read GetPriority write SetPriority; property ProcessID: DWORD read FProcessID; property ProcessName: string read FProcessName; property SmallIconIndex: Integer index SHGFI_SMALLICON read GetSystemIconIndex; end; TJvCPSBuffer = array [0..CCPS_BufferSize - 1] of AnsiChar; TJvCPSState = (psReady, psRunning, psWaiting); TJvCPSFlag = (cfDefaultErrorMode, cfNewConsole, cfNewProcGroup, cfSeparateWdm, cfSharedWdm, cfSuspended, cfUnicode, cfDetached, cfCreateNoWindow); TJvCPSFlags = set of TJvCPSFlag; TJvCPSShowWindow = (swHide, swMinimize, swMaximize, swNormal); TJvCPSStartupInfo = class(TPersistent) private FDesktop: string; FTitle: string; FDefaultPosition: Boolean; FDefaultWindowState: Boolean; FDefaultSize: Boolean; FHeight: Integer; FLeft: Integer; FWidth: Integer; FShowWindow: TJvCPSShowWindow; FTop: Integer; FForceOnFeedback: Boolean; FForceOffFeedback: Boolean; function GetStartupInfo: TStartupInfo; protected procedure AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); override; public constructor Create; property StartupInfo: TStartupInfo read GetStartupInfo; published property Desktop: string read FDesktop write FDesktop; property Title: string read FTitle write FTitle; property Left: Integer read FLeft write FLeft default 0; property Top: Integer read FTop write FTop default 0; property DefaultPosition: Boolean read FDefaultPosition write FDefaultPosition default True; property Width: Integer read FWidth write FWidth default 0; property Height: Integer read FHeight write FHeight default 0; property DefaultSize: Boolean read FDefaultSize write FDefaultSize default True; property ShowWindow: TJvCPSShowWindow read FShowWindow write FShowWindow default swNormal; property DefaultWindowState: Boolean read FDefaultWindowState write FDefaultWindowState default True; property ForceOnFeedback: Boolean read FForceOnFeedback write FForceOnFeedback default False; property ForceOffFeedback: Boolean read FForceOffFeedback write FForceOffFeedback default False; end; TJvCreateProcess = class; {$M+} TJvBaseReader = class(TObject) private FCreateProcess: TJvCreateProcess; FConsoleOutput: TStringList; FOnRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent; FOnRead: TJvCPSReadEvent; function GetConsoleOutput: TStrings; public constructor Create(ACreateProcess: TJvCreateProcess); virtual; destructor Destroy; override; property ConsoleOutput: TStrings read GetConsoleOutput; published property OnRead: TJvCPSReadEvent read FOnRead write FOnRead; property OnRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent read FOnRawRead write FOnRawRead; end; {$M-} {$IFDEF RTL230_UP} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64 or pidOSX32)] {$ENDIF RTL230_UP} TJvCreateProcess = class(TJvComponent) private FApplicationName: string; FCommandLine: string; FCreationFlags: TJvCPSFlags; FCurrentDirectory: string; FEnvironment: TStringList; FState: TJvCPSState; FStartupInfo: TJvCPSStartupInfo; FPriority: TJvProcessPriority; FProcessInfo: TProcessInformation; FWaitForTerminate: Boolean; FConsoleOptions: TJvConsoleOptions; FOnTerminate: TJvCPSTerminateEvent; FWaitThread: TThread; FInputReader: TJvBaseReader; FErrorReader: TJvBaseReader; FHandle: THandle; FExitCode: Cardinal; FRunningThreadCount: Integer; function GetConsoleOutput: TStrings; function GetEnvironment: TStrings; procedure SetWaitForTerminate(const Value: Boolean); procedure WaitThreadTerminated(Sender: TObject); procedure SetEnvironment(const Value: TStrings); function GetHandle: THandle; function GetOnErrorRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent; function GetOnErrorRead: TJvCPSReadEvent; function GetOnRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent; function GetOnRead: TJvCPSReadEvent; procedure SetOnErrorRawRead(const Value: TJvCPSRawReadEvent); procedure SetOnErrorRead(const Value: TJvCPSReadEvent); procedure SetOnRawRead(const Value: TJvCPSRawReadEvent); procedure SetOnRead(const Value: TJvCPSReadEvent); procedure SetStartupInfo(Value: TJvCPSStartupInfo); procedure GotoReadyState; procedure GotoWaitState(const AThreadCount: Integer); procedure GotoRunningState; procedure SetCommandLine(const Value: string); protected procedure CheckReady; procedure CheckRunning; procedure CheckNotWaiting; procedure CloseProcessHandles; procedure TerminateWaitThread; procedure HandleReadEvent(Sender: TObject); procedure HandleThreadTerminated; procedure WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); property Handle: THandle read GetHandle; procedure CloseRead; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function CloseApplication(SendQuit: Boolean = False): Boolean; procedure Run; procedure StopWaiting; procedure Terminate; procedure TerminateTree; function Write(const S: AnsiString): Boolean; function WriteLn(const S: AnsiString): Boolean; property ProcessInfo: TProcessInformation read FProcessInfo; property State: TJvCPSState read FState; property ConsoleOutput: TStrings read GetConsoleOutput; property InputReader: TJvBaseReader read FInputReader; property ErrorReader: TJvBaseReader read FErrorReader; procedure CloseWrite; published property ApplicationName: string read FApplicationName write FApplicationName; property CommandLine: string read FCommandLine write SetCommandLine; property CreationFlags: TJvCPSFlags read FCreationFlags write FCreationFlags default [{$IFDEF UNICODE}cfUnicode{$ENDIF UNICODE}]; property CurrentDirectory: string read FCurrentDirectory write FCurrentDirectory; property Environment: TStrings read GetEnvironment write SetEnvironment; property Priority: TJvProcessPriority read FPriority write FPriority default ppNormal; property StartupInfo: TJvCPSStartupInfo read FStartupInfo write SetStartupInfo; property WaitForTerminate: Boolean read FWaitForTerminate write SetWaitForTerminate default True; property ConsoleOptions: TJvConsoleOptions read FConsoleOptions write FConsoleOptions default [coOwnerData]; property OnTerminate: TJvCPSTerminateEvent read FOnTerminate write FOnTerminate; property OnRead: TJvCPSReadEvent read GetOnRead write SetOnRead; property OnRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent read GetOnRawRead write SetOnRawRead; property OnErrorRead: TJvCPSReadEvent read GetOnErrorRead write SetOnErrorRead; property OnErrorRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent read GetOnErrorRawRead write SetOnErrorRawRead; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL$'; Revision: '$Revision$'; Date: '$Date$'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses Math, JclStrings, JvJCLUtils, JvJVCLUtils, JvConsts, JvResources, TlHelp32; const CM_READ = WM_USER + 1; CM_THREADTERMINATED = WM_USER + 2; BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = $00004000; ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS = $00008000; //MaxProcessCount = 4096; ProcessPriorities: array [TJvProcessPriority] of DWORD = (IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS, NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS, REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS, BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS, ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS); type { Threads which monitor the created process } TJvWaitForProcessThread = class(TJvCustomThread) private FExitCode: DWORD; FCloseEvent: THandle; FProcessHandle: THandle; protected procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(ProcessHandle: DWORD); destructor Destroy; override; procedure TerminateThread; end; TJvConsoleThread = class(TJvWaitForProcessThread) private // Write end of the pipe FWriteHandle: THandle; FWriteEvent: THandle; // Critical sections to synchronize access to the buffers FWriteLock: TCriticalSection; // Fixed size buffer; maybe change to sizeable FOutputBuffer: TJvCPSBuffer; FOutputBufferEnd: Cardinal; protected procedure Execute; override; function TryWrite: Boolean; public constructor Create(ProcessHandle: DWORD; AWriteHandle: THandle); destructor Destroy; override; function Write(const S: AnsiString): Boolean; procedure CloseWrite; end; TJvReadThread = class(TThread) private FOwner: TObject; // Read end of the pipe FReadHandle: THandle; // Critical sections to synchronize access to the buffers FReadLock: TCriticalSection; // Handle to the TJvCreateProcess FDestHandle: THandle; FPreBuffer: PAnsiChar; FInputBuffer: PAnsiChar; FInputBufferSize: Cardinal; FInputBufferEnd: Cardinal; protected procedure CopyToBuffer(Buffer: PAnsiChar; ASize: Cardinal); procedure Execute; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TObject; AReadHandle, ADestHandle: THandle); destructor Destroy; override; procedure CloseRead; function ReadBuffer(var ABuffer: TJvCPSBuffer; out ABufferSize: Cardinal): Boolean; procedure TerminateThread; end; TJvReader = class(TJvBaseReader) private FThread: TJvReadThread; FCurrentLine: AnsiString; // Last output of the console with no #10 char. FCursorPosition: Integer; // Position of the cursor on FCurrentLine FStartsOnNewLine: Boolean; FParseBuffer: TJvCPSBuffer; procedure ThreadTerminated(Sender: TObject); protected procedure DoReadEvent(const EndsWithNewLine: Boolean); procedure DoRawReadEvent(Data: PAnsiChar; const ASize: Cardinal); procedure ParseConsoleOutput(Data: PAnsiChar; ASize: Cardinal); procedure HandleReadEvent; public procedure CreateThread(const AReadHandle: THandle); procedure CloseRead; procedure Terminate; end; //=== Local procedures ======================================================= var GWinSrvHandle: HMODULE; GTriedLoadWinSrvDll: Boolean; const WinSrvDllName = 'WINSRV.DLL'; function WinSrvHandle: HMODULE; begin if not GTriedLoadWinSrvDll then begin GTriedLoadWinSrvDll := True; GWinSrvHandle := SafeLoadLibrary(WinSrvDllName); if GWinSrvHandle <> 0 then FreeLibrary(GWinSrvHandle); end; Result := GWinSrvHandle; end; function IsConsoleWindow(AHandle: THandle): Boolean; begin Result := THandle(GetWindowLongPtr(AHandle, GWL_HINSTANCE)) = WinSrvHandle; end; type PEnumWinRec = ^TEnumWinRec; TEnumWinRec = record ProcessID: DWORD; PostQuit: Boolean; FoundWin: Boolean; end; function EnumWinProc(Wnd: HWND; Param: PEnumWinRec): BOOL; stdcall; var PID, TID: DWORD; begin TID := GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @PID); if PID = Param.ProcessID then begin if Param.PostQuit then PostThreadMessage(TID, WM_QUIT, 0, 0) else if IsWindowVisible(Wnd) or IsConsoleWindow(Wnd) then PostMessage(Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); Param.FoundWin := True; end; Result := True; end; function InternalCloseApp(ProcessID: DWORD; UseQuit: Boolean): Boolean; var EnumWinRec: TEnumWinRec; begin EnumWinRec.ProcessID := ProcessID; EnumWinRec.PostQuit := UseQuit; EnumWinRec.FoundWin := False; EnumWindows(@EnumWinProc, LPARAM(@EnumWinRec)); Result := EnumWinRec.FoundWin; end; function InternalTerminateProcess(ProcessID: DWORD): Boolean; var ProcessHandle: THandle; begin ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ProcessID); OSCheck(ProcessHandle <> 0); Result := TerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, 0); CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; type TProcessArray = array of DWORD; function InternalTerminateProcessTree(ProcessID: DWORD): Boolean; function GetChildrenProcesses(const Process: DWORD; const IncludeParent: Boolean): TProcessArray; var Snapshot: Cardinal; ProcessList: PROCESSENTRY32; Current: Integer; begin Current := 0; SetLength(Result, 1); Result[0] := Process; repeat ProcessList.dwSize := SizeOf(PROCESSENTRY32); Snapshot := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); if (Snapshot = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) or not Process32First(Snapshot, ProcessList) then Continue; repeat if ProcessList.th32ParentProcessID = Result[Current] then begin SetLength(Result, Length(Result) + 1); Result[Length(Result) - 1] := ProcessList.th32ProcessID; end; until Process32Next(Snapshot, ProcessList) = False; Inc(Current); until Current >= Length(Result); if not IncludeParent then Result := Copy(Result, 2, Length(Result)); end; var Handle: THandle; List: TProcessArray; I: Integer; begin Result := True; List := GetChildrenProcesses(ProcessID, True); for I := Length(List) - 1 downto 0 do if Result then begin Handle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_TERMINATE, false, List[I]); Result := (Handle <> 0) and TerminateProcess(Handle, 0) and CloseHandle(Handle); end; end; function SafeCloseHandle(var H: THandle): Boolean; begin if H <> 0 then begin Result := CloseHandle(H); if Result then H := 0; end else Result := True; end; type { TJvRWEHandles: A simple class that maintains at most 3 handles. When the class is destroyed, the handles it maintains are closed. By calling Extract.. you remove the handle from the class so you have to close it yourself. Assumed is that the 3 handles are not the same or 0. } TJvRWEHandles = class(TObject) private FHandle: array [0..2] of THandle; function GetHandle(const Index: Integer): THandle; procedure SetHandle(const Index: Integer; const Value: THandle); function ExtractHandle(const Index: Integer): THandle; public destructor Destroy; override; procedure Clear; property ExtractRead: THandle index 0 read ExtractHandle; property ExtractWrite: THandle index 1 read ExtractHandle; property ExtractError: THandle index 2 read ExtractHandle; property Read: THandle index 0 read GetHandle write SetHandle; property Write: THandle index 1 read GetHandle write SetHandle; property Error: THandle index 2 read GetHandle write SetHandle; end; TCreateDuplicateKind = (cdkInheritable_KeepSourceOpen, cdkNotInheritable_CloseSource); function CreateDuplicate(AHandle: THandle; const Kind: TCreateDuplicateKind): THandle; const cCloseAction: array [TCreateDuplicateKind] of DWORD = (0, DUPLICATE_CLOSE_SOURCE); begin OSCheck(DuplicateHandle(GetCurrentProcess, AHandle, GetCurrentProcess, @Result, // Address of new handle. 0, Kind = cdkInheritable_KeepSourceOpen, DUPLICATE_SAME_ACCESS or cCloseAction[Kind])); end; procedure ConstructPipe(LocalHandles, ConsoleHandles: TJvRWEHandles; const SeparateError: Boolean); var Sa: TSecurityAttributes; Sd: TSecurityDescriptor; ReadHandle, WriteHandle: THandle; begin { http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=KB;EN-US;q190351& } { http://community.borland.com/article/0,1410,10387,00.html } // Set up the security attributes struct. FillChar(Sa, SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes), 0); Sa.nLength := SizeOf(TSecurityAttributes); if Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT then begin // Initialize security descriptor (Windows NT) InitializeSecurityDescriptor(@Sd, SECURITY_DESCRIPTOR_REVISION); SetSecurityDescriptorDacl(@Sd, True, nil, False); Sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := @Sd; end else Sa.lpSecurityDescriptor := nil; Sa.bInheritHandle := True; if ConsoleHandles.Write = 0 then begin // Create the child output pipe. OSCheck(CreatePipe(ReadHandle, WriteHandle, @Sa, 0)); // Create new output read handle. Set bInheritHandle to False. Otherwise, // the child inherits the properties and, as a result, non-closeable handles // to the pipes are created (cdkNOTINHERITABLE_CloseSource) // Close inheritable copies of the handles you do not want to be // inherited (cdkNotInheritable_CLOSESOURCE) // CreateDuplicate may raise an exception, so call it last otherwise WriteHandle // is not closed. ConsoleHandles.Write := WriteHandle; LocalHandles.Read := CreateDuplicate(ReadHandle, cdkNotInheritable_CloseSource); end; if ConsoleHandles.Error = 0 then begin if SeparateError then begin // Create the child input pipe. OSCheck(CreatePipe(ReadHandle, WriteHandle, @Sa, 0)); ConsoleHandles.Error := WriteHandle; LocalHandles.Error := CreateDuplicate(ReadHandle, cdkNotInheritable_CloseSource); end else begin // Create a duplicate of the output write handle for the std error // write handle. This is necessary in case the child application // closes one of its std output handles. ConsoleHandles.Error := CreateDuplicate(ConsoleHandles.Write, cdkInheritable_KeepSourceOpen); end; end; if ConsoleHandles.Read = 0 then begin // Create the child input pipe. OSCheck(CreatePipe(ReadHandle, WriteHandle, @Sa, 0)); ConsoleHandles.Read := ReadHandle; LocalHandles.Write := CreateDuplicate(WriteHandle, cdkNotInheritable_CloseSource); end; end; //=== { TJvBaseReader } ====================================================== constructor TJvBaseReader.Create(ACreateProcess: TJvCreateProcess); begin inherited Create; FCreateProcess := ACreateProcess; FConsoleOutput := TStringList.Create; end; destructor TJvBaseReader.Destroy; begin FConsoleOutput.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TJvBaseReader.GetConsoleOutput: TStrings; begin Result := FConsoleOutput; end; //=== { TJvProcessEntry } ==================================================== constructor TJvProcessEntry.Create(AProcessID: DWORD; const AFileName: TFileName; const AProcessName: string); begin inherited Create; FFileName := AFileName; FProcessID := AProcessID; FProcessName := AProcessName; end; function TJvProcessEntry.Close(UseQuit: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := InternalCloseApp(ProcessID, UseQuit); end; function TJvProcessEntry.GetPriority: TJvProcessPriority; var ProcessHandle: THandle; PriorityClass: DWORD; begin if ProcessID = 0 then Result := ppNormal else begin ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, ProcessID); OSCheck(ProcessHandle <> 0); try PriorityClass := GetPriorityClass(ProcessHandle); OSCheck(PriorityClass <> 0); case PriorityClass of NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: Result := ppNormal; IDLE_PRIORITY_CLASS: Result := ppIdle; HIGH_PRIORITY_CLASS: Result := ppHigh; REALTIME_PRIORITY_CLASS: Result := ppRealTime; BELOW_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: Result := ppBelowNormal; ABOVE_NORMAL_PRIORITY_CLASS: Result := ppAboveNormal; else Result := ppNormal; end; finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; end; function TJvProcessEntry.GetSystemIconIndex(IconType: Integer): Integer; var FileInfo: TSHFileInfo; begin FillChar(FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), #0); SHGetFileInfo(PChar(FileName), 0, FileInfo, SizeOf(FileInfo), SHGFI_SYSICONINDEX or IconType); Result := FileInfo.iIcon; end; class function TJvProcessEntry.PriorityText(Priority: TJvProcessPriority): string; begin case Priority of ppIdle: Result := RsIdle; ppNormal: Result := RsNormal; ppHigh: Result := RsHigh; ppRealTime: Result := RsRealTime; ppBelowNormal: Result := RsBelowNormal; ppAboveNormal: Result := RsAboveNormal; end; end; procedure TJvProcessEntry.SetPriority(const Value: TJvProcessPriority); var ProcessHandle: THandle; begin ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_SET_INFORMATION, False, ProcessID); OSCheck(ProcessHandle <> 0); try OSCheck(SetPriorityClass(ProcessHandle, ProcessPriorities[Value])); finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; function TJvProcessEntry.Terminate: Boolean; begin Result := InternalTerminateProcess(FProcessID); end; //=== { TJvCPSStartupInfo } ================================================== constructor TJvCPSStartupInfo.Create; begin inherited Create; FDefaultSize := True; FDefaultPosition := True; FDefaultWindowState := True; FShowWindow := swNormal; end; procedure TJvCPSStartupInfo.AssignTo(Dest: TPersistent); begin if Dest is TJvCPSStartupInfo then with TJvCPSStartupInfo(Dest) do begin FDesktop := Self.FDesktop; FTitle := Self.FTitle; FLeft := Self.FLeft; FTop := Self.FTop; FDefaultPosition := Self.FDefaultPosition; FWidth := Self.FWidth; FHeight := Self.FHeight; FDefaultSize := Self.FDefaultSize; FShowWindow := Self.FShowWindow; FDefaultWindowState := Self.FDefaultWindowState; FForceOnFeedback := Self.FForceOnFeedback; FForceOffFeedback := Self.FForceOffFeedback; end else inherited AssignTo(Dest); end; function TJvCPSStartupInfo.GetStartupInfo: TStartupInfo; const ShowWindowValues: array [TJvCPSShowWindow] of DWORD = (SW_HIDE, SW_SHOWMINIMIZED, SW_SHOWMAXIMIZED, SW_SHOWNORMAL); begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(TStartupInfo), #0); with Result do begin cb := SizeOf(TStartupInfo); if Length(FDesktop) > 0 then lpDesktop := PChar(FDesktop); if Length(FTitle) > 0 then lpTitle := PChar(Title); if not FDefaultPosition then begin dwX := FLeft; dwY := FTop; Inc(dwFlags, STARTF_USEPOSITION); end; if not FDefaultSize then begin dwXSize := FWidth; dwYSize := FHeight; Inc(dwFlags, STARTF_USESIZE); end; if not FDefaultWindowState then begin wShowWindow := ShowWindowValues[FShowWindow]; Inc(dwFlags, STARTF_USESHOWWINDOW); end; if FForceOnFeedback then Inc(dwFlags, STARTF_FORCEONFEEDBACK); if FForceOffFeedback then Inc(dwFlags, STARTF_FORCEOFFFEEDBACK); end; end; //=== { TJvWaitForProcessThread } ============================================ constructor TJvWaitForProcessThread.Create(ProcessHandle: DWORD); begin inherited Create(True); FreeOnTerminate := True; Priority := tpLower; FCloseEvent := CreateEvent(nil, True, False, nil); FProcessHandle := ProcessHandle; end; destructor TJvWaitForProcessThread.Destroy; begin SafeCloseHandle(FCloseEvent); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvWaitForProcessThread.Execute; var WaitHandles: array [0..1] of THandle; begin NameThread(ThreadName); WaitHandles[0] := FCloseEvent; WaitHandles[1] := FProcessHandle; WaitForInputIdle(FProcessHandle, INFINITE); case WaitForMultipleObjects(2, PWOHandleArray(@WaitHandles[0]), False, INFINITE) of WAIT_OBJECT_0: FExitCode := MAXDWORD; WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: GetExitCodeProcess(FProcessHandle, FExitCode); else RaiseLastOSError; end; end; procedure TJvWaitForProcessThread.TerminateThread; begin Terminate; SetEvent(FCloseEvent); end; //=== { TJvReadThread } ====================================================== constructor TJvReadThread.Create(AOwner: TObject; AReadHandle, ADestHandle: THandle); begin inherited Create(True); FOwner := AOwner; FreeOnTerminate := True; Priority := tpLower; FReadLock := TCriticalSection.Create; // Note: TJvReadThread is responsible for closing the FReadHandle FReadHandle := AReadHandle; FDestHandle := ADestHandle; FInputBuffer := nil; FInputBufferSize := CCPS_BufferSize; FInputBufferEnd := 0; ReallocMem(FInputBuffer, FInputBufferSize * SizeOf(Byte)); GetMem(FPreBuffer, CCPS_BufferSize); end; destructor TJvReadThread.Destroy; begin SafeCloseHandle(FReadHandle); inherited Destroy; { It is (theoretically) possible that the inherited Destroy triggers an OnTerminate event and the following fields can be accessed in the handler, thus free them after the destroy. } FreeMem(FInputBuffer); FReadLock.Free; FreeMem(FPreBuffer); end; procedure TJvReadThread.CloseRead; begin FReadLock.Acquire; try SafeCloseHandle(FReadHandle); finally FReadLock.Release; end; end; procedure TJvReadThread.CopyToBuffer(Buffer: PAnsiChar; ASize: Cardinal); // Copy data in Buffer (with size ASize) to FInputBuffer. begin FReadLock.Acquire; try if FInputBufferEnd + ASize > FInputBufferSize then begin // Safety check.. if FInputBufferSize > CCPS_MaxBufferSize then // ..main thread seems to be blocked; flush the input buffer FInputBufferEnd := 0 else begin // Need to upscale FInputBuffer FInputBufferSize := FInputBufferSize * 2; ReallocMem(FInputBuffer, FInputBufferSize * SizeOf(Byte)); end; end; // Do the copy Move(Buffer[0], FInputBuffer[FInputBufferEnd], ASize); Inc(FInputBufferEnd, ASize); finally FReadLock.Release; end; // Notify TJvCreateProcess that data has been read from the pipe PostMessage(FDestHandle, CM_READ, WPARAM(FOwner), 0); end; procedure TJvReadThread.Execute; // Read data from the pipe (FReadHandle) to FPreBuffer var BytesRead: Cardinal; begin while not Terminated do begin { ReadFile will block until *some* data is available on the pipe } if not ReadFile(FReadHandle, FPreBuffer[0], CCPS_BufferSize, BytesRead, nil) then begin // Only exit if last error is ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE, thus ignore other errors if GetLastError = ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE then // pipe done - normal exit path. Exit; end else CopyToBuffer(FPreBuffer, BytesRead); end; end; function TJvReadThread.ReadBuffer(var ABuffer: TJvCPSBuffer; out ABufferSize: Cardinal): Boolean; // Copy FInputBuffer to ABuffer. // This function is executed in the context of the main thread; // FReadLock is for synchronization with the read thread. begin FReadLock.Acquire; try Result := FInputBufferEnd > 0; if not Result then Exit; ABufferSize := Min(FInputBufferEnd, CCPS_BufferSize); // Copy the data from FInputBuffer to ABuffer. Move(FInputBuffer[0], ABuffer[0], ABufferSize * SizeOf(Byte)); // If not all data in FInputBuffer is copied to ABuffer, then place // the data not copied at the begin of FInputBuffer. if FInputBufferEnd > ABufferSize then Move(FInputBuffer[ABufferSize], FInputBuffer[0], (FInputBufferEnd - ABufferSize) * SizeOf(Byte)); Dec(FInputBufferEnd, ABufferSize); finally FReadLock.Release; end; end; procedure TJvReadThread.TerminateThread; begin Terminate; CloseRead; end; //=== { TJvConsoleThread } =================================================== constructor TJvConsoleThread.Create(ProcessHandle: DWORD; AWriteHandle: THandle); begin inherited Create(ProcessHandle); FWriteLock := TCriticalSection.Create; // Note: TJvConsoleThread is responsible for closing the FWriteHandle FWriteHandle := AWriteHandle; FWriteEvent := CreateEvent( nil, // No security attributes True, // Manual reset False, // Initial state nil // No name ); end; destructor TJvConsoleThread.Destroy; begin SafeCloseHandle(FWriteHandle); SafeCloseHandle(FWriteEvent); inherited Destroy; { It is (theoretically) possible that the inherited Destroy triggers an OnTerminate event and the following fields can be accessed in the handler, thus free them after the destroy. } FWriteLock.Free; end; procedure TJvConsoleThread.CloseWrite; begin FWriteLock.Acquire; try SafeCloseHandle(FWriteHandle); finally FWriteLock.Release; end; end; procedure TJvConsoleThread.Execute; var WaitHandles: array [0..2] of THandle; HandleCount: Cardinal; begin WaitHandles[0] := FCloseEvent; WaitHandles[1] := FProcessHandle; WaitHandles[2] := FWriteEvent; HandleCount := 3; WaitForInputIdle(FProcessHandle, INFINITE); while not Terminated do case WaitForMultipleObjects(HandleCount, PWOHandleArray(@WaitHandles[0]), False, INFINITE) of WAIT_OBJECT_0: begin // Close event fired; exit FExitCode := MAXDWORD; Exit; end; WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1: begin // process ended; exit GetExitCodeProcess(FProcessHandle, FExitCode); Exit; end; WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 2: // Write event fired; try to write if not TryWrite then // No longer respond when write event fires HandleCount := 2; else Exit; end; end; function TJvConsoleThread.TryWrite: Boolean; // Write data in FOutputBuffer to the pipe (FWriteHandle) // Result = False; if console or user has closed the pipe. var BytesWritten: Cardinal; BytesToWrite: Cardinal; begin Result := True; FWriteLock.Acquire; try try { Check handle inside lock, because it can be closed by another thread, by calling CloseWrite } if FWriteHandle = 0 then Exit; if FOutputBufferEnd <= 0 then Exit; BytesToWrite := FOutputBufferEnd; if not WriteFile(FWriteHandle, FOutputBuffer, BytesToWrite, BytesWritten, nil) then begin { WriteFile documentation on MSDN states that WriteFile returns ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE if the console closes it's read handle, but that seems incorrect; check it anyway } if (GetLastError = ERROR_NO_DATA) or (GetLastError = ERROR_BROKEN_PIPE) then // Pipe was closed (normal exit path). SafeCloseHandle(FWriteHandle); Exit; end; if BytesWritten <= 0 then Exit; if BytesWritten < BytesToWrite then // Move unwritten tail to the begin of the buffer Move(FOutputBuffer[BytesWritten], FOutputBuffer[0], BytesToWrite - BytesWritten); Dec(FOutputBufferEnd, BytesWritten); finally Result := FWriteHandle <> 0; if FOutputBufferEnd = 0 then ResetEvent(FWriteEvent); end; finally FWriteLock.Release; end; end; function TJvConsoleThread.Write(const S: AnsiString): Boolean; // Add S to FOutputBuffer; actual writing is done in TryWrite. // This function is executed in the context of the main thread; // FWriteLock is for synchronization with the write thread. begin if Length(S) <= 0 then begin Result := True; Exit; end; FWriteLock.Acquire; try Result := FWriteHandle <> 0; if not Result then Exit; Result := Cardinal(Length(S)) + FOutputBufferEnd <= CCPS_BufferSize; if not Result then Exit; Move(PAnsiChar(S)^, FOutputBuffer[FOutputBufferEnd], Length(S)); Inc(FOutputBufferEnd, Length(S)); if FOutputBufferEnd > 0 then // Notify the TJvConsoleThread that there is some data to write SetEvent(FWriteEvent); finally FWriteLock.Release; end; end; //=== { TJvCreateProcess } =================================================== constructor TJvCreateProcess.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FCreationFlags := [{$IFDEF UNICODE}cfUnicode{$ENDIF UNICODE}]; FEnvironment := TStringList.Create; FPriority := ppNormal; FState := psReady; FWaitForTerminate := True; FStartupInfo := TJvCPSStartupInfo.Create; FConsoleOptions := [coOwnerData]; FErrorReader := TJvReader.Create(Self); FInputReader := TJvReader.Create(Self); end; destructor TJvCreateProcess.Destroy; begin TerminateWaitThread; FErrorReader.Free; FInputReader.Free; FreeAndNil(FEnvironment); FreeAndNil(FStartupInfo); if FHandle <> 0 then DeallocateHWndEx(FHandle); CloseProcessHandles; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.CheckNotWaiting; begin if (FState = psWaiting) and (FRunningThreadCount > 0) then raise EJvProcessError.CreateRes(@RsEProcessIsRunning); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.CheckReady; begin if FState <> psReady then raise EJvProcessError.CreateRes(@RsEProcessIsRunning); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.CheckRunning; begin if FState = psReady then raise EJvProcessError.CreateRes(@RsEProcessNotRunning); end; function TJvCreateProcess.CloseApplication(SendQuit: Boolean): Boolean; begin CheckRunning; Result := InternalCloseApp(ProcessInfo.dwProcessId, SendQuit); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.CloseProcessHandles; begin OSCheck(SafeCloseHandle(FProcessInfo.hProcess)); OSCheck(SafeCloseHandle(FProcessInfo.hThread)); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.CloseRead; begin TJvReader(FInputReader).CloseRead; TJvReader(FErrorReader).CloseRead; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.CloseWrite; begin if FWaitThread is TJvConsoleThread then begin Sleep(100); // Give TJvConsoleThread time to write the data TJvConsoleThread(FWaitThread).CloseWrite; end; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.HandleThreadTerminated; begin if FState = psWaiting then begin Dec(FRunningThreadCount); if FRunningThreadCount = 0 then begin GotoReadyState; if Assigned(FOnTerminate) then FOnTerminate(Self, FExitCode); end; end; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetConsoleOutput: TStrings; begin Result := FInputReader.ConsoleOutput; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetEnvironment: TStrings; begin Result := FEnvironment; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetHandle: THandle; begin if FHandle = 0 then FHandle := AllocateHWndEx(WndProc); Result := FHandle; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetOnErrorRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent; begin Result := FErrorReader.OnRawRead; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetOnErrorRead: TJvCPSReadEvent; begin Result := FErrorReader.OnRead; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetOnRawRead: TJvCPSRawReadEvent; begin Result := FInputReader.OnRawRead; end; function TJvCreateProcess.GetOnRead: TJvCPSReadEvent; begin Result := FInputReader.OnRead; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.GotoReadyState; begin CheckNotWaiting; FState := psReady; CloseProcessHandles; FRunningThreadCount := 0; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.GotoRunningState; begin CheckReady; FState := psRunning; CloseProcessHandles; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.GotoWaitState(const AThreadCount: Integer); begin CheckReady; FState := psWaiting; FRunningThreadCount := AThreadCount; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.HandleReadEvent(Sender: TObject); begin TJvReader(Sender).HandleReadEvent; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.Run; const CreationFlagsValues: array [TJvCPSFlag] of DWORD = (CREATE_DEFAULT_ERROR_MODE, CREATE_NEW_CONSOLE, CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP, CREATE_SEPARATE_WOW_VDM, CREATE_SHARED_WOW_VDM, CREATE_SUSPENDED, CREATE_UNICODE_ENVIRONMENT, DETACHED_PROCESS, CREATE_NO_WINDOW); var ConsoleHandles: TJvRWEHandles; // Will be used by the console LocalHandles: TJvRWEHandles; // Will be used by TJvCreateProcess LStartupInfo: TStartupInfo; Flags: DWORD; F: TJvCPSFlag; AppName, CurrDir: PChar; EnvironmentData: PChar; begin GotoReadyState; FillChar(FProcessInfo, SizeOf(FProcessInfo), #0); Flags := ProcessPriorities[FPriority]; for F := Low(TJvCPSFlag) to High(TJvCPSFlag) do if F in FCreationFlags then Inc(Flags, CreationFlagsValues[F]); AppName := Pointer(Trim(FApplicationName)); CurrDir := Pointer(Trim(FCurrentDirectory)); if Environment.Count = 0 then EnvironmentData := nil else StringsToMultiSz(EnvironmentData, Environment); LocalHandles := TJvRWEHandles.Create; ConsoleHandles := TJvRWEHandles.Create; try LStartupInfo := FStartupInfo.GetStartupInfo; if coRedirect in ConsoleOptions then begin ConstructPipe(LocalHandles, ConsoleHandles, coSeparateError in ConsoleOptions); with LStartupInfo do begin dwFlags := dwFlags or STARTF_USESTDHANDLES; hStdOutput := ConsoleHandles.Write; hStdInput := ConsoleHandles.Read; hStdError := ConsoleHandles.Error; end; end; if not CreateProcess(AppName, PChar(FCommandLine), nil, nil, coRedirect in ConsoleOptions, Flags, EnvironmentData, CurrDir, LStartupInfo, FProcessInfo) then begin CloseProcessHandles; RaiseLastOSError; end; if coRedirect in ConsoleOptions then begin { We use a counter to determine whether all threads are done. This counter must be set before a thread is created, because some consoles are so short living that for example the wait thread (FWaitThread) is terminated before the read thread (FInputReader) is created. See Mantis #1393. } if coSeparateError in ConsoleOptions then GotoWaitState(3) else GotoWaitState(2); FWaitThread := TJvConsoleThread.Create(FProcessInfo.hProcess, LocalHandles.ExtractWrite); FWaitThread.OnTerminate := WaitThreadTerminated; FWaitThread.{$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP}Start{$ELSE}Resume{$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP}; TJvReader(FInputReader).CreateThread(LocalHandles.ExtractRead); if coSeparateError in ConsoleOptions then TJvReader(FErrorReader).CreateThread(LocalHandles.ExtractError); end else if WaitForTerminate then begin GotoWaitState(1); FWaitThread := TJvWaitForProcessThread.Create(FProcessInfo.hProcess); FWaitThread.OnTerminate := WaitThreadTerminated; FWaitThread.{$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP}Start{$ELSE}Resume{$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP}; end else begin { http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;124121 } WaitForInputIdle(FProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE); GoToReadyState; //GotoRunningState; end; finally { Close pipe handles (do not continue to modify the parent). You need to make sure that no handles to the write end of the output pipe are maintained in this process or else the pipe will not close when the child process exits and the ReadFile will hang. } ConsoleHandles.Free; LocalHandles.Free; FreeMultiSz(EnvironmentData); end; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetCommandLine(const Value: string); begin FCommandLine := Value; {$IFDEF UNICODE} { A constant string will cause an access violation in CreateProcessW } if StringRefCount(FCommandLine) = -1 then FCommandLine := Copy(FCommandLine, 1, MaxInt); {$ENDIF UNICODE} end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetEnvironment(const Value: TStrings); begin FEnvironment.Assign(Value); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetOnErrorRawRead( const Value: TJvCPSRawReadEvent); begin FErrorReader.OnRawRead := Value; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetOnErrorRead(const Value: TJvCPSReadEvent); begin FErrorReader.OnRead := Value; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetOnRawRead(const Value: TJvCPSRawReadEvent); begin FInputReader.OnRawRead := Value; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetOnRead(const Value: TJvCPSReadEvent); begin FInputReader.OnRead := Value; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetStartupInfo(Value: TJvCPSStartupInfo); begin FStartupInfo.Assign(Value); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.SetWaitForTerminate(const Value: Boolean); begin GotoReadyState; FWaitForTerminate := Value; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.StopWaiting; begin TerminateWaitThread; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.Terminate; begin CheckRunning; InternalTerminateProcess(FProcessInfo.dwProcessId); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.TerminateTree; begin CheckRunning; InternalTerminateProcessTree(FProcessInfo.dwProcessId); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.TerminateWaitThread; begin { This is a dangerous function; because the read thread uses a blocking function there's no way we can stop it (normally); just signal the thread that is has to end; Note that thus it's the user responsibility to ensure that the console will end. If the console ends, the read thread will end also. An console can (always?) be ended by calling 'TJvCreateProcess.Terminate' } if FState = psWaiting then begin if Assigned(FWaitThread) then begin FWaitThread.OnTerminate := nil; TJvWaitForProcessThread(FWaitThread).TerminateThread; FWaitThread := nil; end; TJvReader(FInputReader).Terminate; TJvReader(FErrorReader).Terminate; FRunningThreadCount := 0; GotoReadyState; end; end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.WaitThreadTerminated(Sender: TObject); begin FExitCode := TJvWaitForProcessThread(Sender).FExitCode; FWaitThread := nil; // The user must be able to throw an exception in his OnTerminate handler. // But, if we call the OnTerminate handler now, and an exception is thrown // the application will halt: // Because DoThreadTerminated is called by a thread via Synchronize, // exceptions are handled by the thread, which will halt the execution of // the whole program. See mantis #3617 // Another reason to use messages is that the threads can end almost // simultanious; without messages we should have used critical sections // to determine whether the last thread has ended. PostMessage(Handle, CM_THREADTERMINATED, 0, 0); end; procedure TJvCreateProcess.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage); begin try with Msg do case Msg of CM_READ: HandleReadEvent(TObject(WParam)); CM_THREADTERMINATED: HandleThreadTerminated; else Result := DefWindowProc(Handle, Msg, WParam, LParam); end; except if Assigned(ApplicationHandleException) then ApplicationHandleException(Self); end; end; function TJvCreateProcess.Write(const S: AnsiString): Boolean; begin Result := (FWaitThread is TJvConsoleThread) and TJvConsoleThread(FWaitThread).Write(S); end; function TJvCreateProcess.WriteLn(const S: AnsiString): Boolean; begin Result := Write(S + sLineBreak); end; //=== { TJvReader } ========================================================== procedure TJvReader.CloseRead; begin if Assigned(FThread) then FThread.CloseRead; end; procedure TJvReader.CreateThread(const AReadHandle: THandle); begin FStartsOnNewLine := True; FCurrentLine := ''; FCursorPosition := 0; FThread := TJvReadThread.Create(Self, AReadHandle, FCreateProcess.Handle); FThread.OnTerminate := ThreadTerminated; FThread.{$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP}Start{$ELSE}Resume{$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP}; end; procedure TJvReader.DoRawReadEvent(Data: PAnsiChar; const ASize: Cardinal); var S: AnsiString; begin if Assigned(FOnRawRead) then begin // Do copy because of possible #0's etc. SetString(S, Data, ASize); FOnRawRead(FCreateProcess, string(S)); end; end; procedure TJvReader.DoReadEvent(const EndsWithNewLine: Boolean); begin // Notify user and update current line & cursor if not (coOwnerData in FCreateProcess.ConsoleOptions) then begin if FStartsOnNewLine or (ConsoleOutput.Count = 0) then ConsoleOutput.Add(string(FCurrentLine)) else ConsoleOutput[ConsoleOutput.Count - 1] := string(FCurrentLine); end; if Assigned(FOnRead) then FOnRead(FCreateProcess, string(FCurrentLine), FStartsOnNewLine); if EndsWithNewLine then begin FCurrentLine := ''; FCursorPosition := 0; end; FStartsOnNewLine := EndsWithNewLine; end; procedure TJvReader.HandleReadEvent; var ASize: Cardinal; begin { Copy the data from the read thread to the this (main) thread and parse the console output } while Assigned(FThread) and FThread.ReadBuffer(FParseBuffer, ASize) do ParseConsoleOutput(FParseBuffer, ASize); end; procedure TJvReader.ParseConsoleOutput(Data: PAnsiChar; ASize: Cardinal); var P, Q: PAnsiChar; procedure DoOutput; { Copy chunk [Q..P) to the current line & Update cursor position } var ChunkSize: Integer; begin ChunkSize := P - Q; if ChunkSize <= 0 then Exit; // Does the chunck fit on the current line.. if Length(FCurrentLine) < FCursorPosition + ChunkSize then // .. if not resize current line SetLength(FCurrentLine, FCursorPosition + ChunkSize); // Move the chunk to the current line Move(Q^, (PAnsiChar(FCurrentLine) + FCursorPosition)^, ChunkSize); // Update the cursor Inc(FCursorPosition, ChunkSize); end; procedure DoTab; begin // Does the chunck (8 spaces) fit on the current line.. if Length(FCurrentLine) < FCursorPosition + 8 then // .. if not resize current line } SetLength(FCurrentLine, FCursorPosition + 8); // Fill 8 spaces on the currentline at the cursor position FillChar((PAnsiChar(FCurrentLine) + FCursorPosition)^, 8, #32); // Update the cursor Inc(FCursorPosition, 8); end; begin DoRawReadEvent(Data, ASize); P := Data; Q := Data; while Cardinal(P - Data) < ASize do case P^ of #0, #7: // NULL and BELL begin // Replace with space P^ := #32; Inc(P); end; Backspace: begin DoOutput; Dec(FCursorPosition); if FCursorPosition < 0 then FCursorPosition := 0; Inc(P); Q := P; end; Tab: begin // Replace with 8 spaces DoOutput; DoTab; Inc(P); Q := P; end; Lf: begin DoOutput; DoReadEvent(True); Inc(P); Q := P; end; Cr: begin DoOutput; FCursorPosition := 0; Inc(P); Q := P; end; else Inc(P); end; DoOutput; DoReadEvent(False); end; procedure TJvReader.Terminate; begin if Assigned(FThread) then begin FThread.OnTerminate := nil; FThread.TerminateThread; FThread := nil; end; end; procedure TJvReader.ThreadTerminated(Sender: TObject); begin // Read for the last time data from the read thread HandleReadEvent; if FCurrentLine <> '' then DoReadEvent(False); FThread := nil; PostMessage(FCreateProcess.Handle, CM_THREADTERMINATED, 0, 0); end; //=== { TJvRWEHandles } ====================================================== destructor TJvRWEHandles.Destroy; begin Clear; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvRWEHandles.Clear; begin Read := 0; Write := 0; Error := 0; end; function TJvRWEHandles.ExtractHandle(const Index: Integer): THandle; begin Result := FHandle[Index]; FHandle[Index] := 0; end; function TJvRWEHandles.GetHandle(const Index: Integer): THandle; begin Result := FHandle[Index]; end; procedure TJvRWEHandles.SetHandle(const Index: Integer; const Value: THandle); begin if Value <> FHandle[Index] then begin if FHandle[Index] <> 0 then CloseHandle(FHandle[Index]); FHandle[Index] := Value; end; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.