{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvDBGridExport.pas, released on 2004-01-15 The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Lionel Renayud Portions created by Lionel Renayud are Copyright (C) 2004 Lionel Renayud. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.sourceforge.net Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvDBGridExport.pas,v 1.26 2004/09/01 15:06:35 ahuser Exp $ unit JvDBGridExport_patch; {$I jvcl.inc} {$I windowsonly.inc} interface uses Windows, Classes, SysUtils, DB, DBGrids, JvComponent, JvSimpleXml, JvTypes; type TExportDestination = (edFile, edClipboard); TExportSeparator = (esTab, esSemiColon, esComma, esSpace, esPipe); TWordOrientation = (woPortrait, woLandscape); EJvExportDBGridException = class(EJVCLException); TWordGridFormat = $10..$17; TOleServerClose = (scNever, scNewInstance, scAlways); TRecordColumn = record Visible: Boolean; Exportable: Boolean; ColumnName: string; Column: TColumn; Field: TField; end; { avoid Office TLB imports } const wdDoNotSaveChanges = 0; wdTableFormatGrid1 = TWordGridFormat($10); wdTableFormatGrid2 = TWordGridFormat($11); wdTableFormatGrid3 = TWordGridFormat($12); wdTableFormatGrid4 = TWordGridFormat($13); wdTableFormatGrid5 = TWordGridFormat($14); wdTableFormatGrid6 = TWordGridFormat($15); wdTableFormatGrid7 = TWordGridFormat($16); wdTableFormatGrid8 = TWordGridFormat($17); xlPortrait = $01; xlLandscape = $02; type TJvExportProgressEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Min, Max, Position: Cardinal; const AText: string; var AContinue: Boolean) of object; TJvCustomDBGridExport = class(TJvComponent) private FGrid: TDBGrid; FColumnCount: Integer; FRecordColumns: array of TRecordColumn; FCaption: string; FFileName: TFileName; FOnProgress: TJvExportProgressEvent; FLastExceptionMessage: string; FSilent: Boolean; FOnException: TNotifyEvent; procedure CheckVisibleColumn; protected procedure HandleException; function ExportField(AField: TField): Boolean; function DoProgress(Min, Max, Position: Cardinal; const AText: string): Boolean; virtual; function DoExport: Boolean; virtual; abstract; procedure DoSave; virtual; procedure DoClose; virtual; abstract; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; function ExportGrid: Boolean; published // (p3) these should be published: all exporters must support them property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption; property Grid: TDBGrid read FGrid write FGrid; property FileName: TFileName read FFileName write FFileName; property Silent: Boolean read FSilent write FSilent default True; property OnProgress: TJvExportProgressEvent read FOnProgress write FOnProgress; property OnException: TNotifyEvent read FOnException write FOnException; property LastExceptionMessage: string read FLastExceptionMessage; end; TJvCustomDBGridExportClass = class of TJvCustomDBGridExport; TJvDBGridWordExport = class(TJvCustomDBGridExport) private FWord: OleVariant; FVisible: Boolean; FOrientation: TWordOrientation; FWordFormat: TWordGridFormat; FClose: TOleServerClose; FRunningInstance: Boolean; protected procedure DoSave; override; function DoExport: Boolean; override; procedure DoClose; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property FileName; property Caption; property Grid; property OnProgress; property Close: TOleServerClose read FClose write FClose default scNewInstance; property WordFormat: TWordGridFormat read FWordFormat write FWordFormat default wdTableFormatGrid3; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write FVisible default False; property Orientation: TWordOrientation read FOrientation write FOrientation default woPortrait; end; TJvDBGridExcelExport = class(TJvCustomDBGridExport) private FExcel: OleVariant; FVisible: Boolean; FAutoFit: Boolean; FOrientation: TWordOrientation; FClose: TOleServerClose; FRunningInstance: Boolean; function IndexFieldToExcel(Index: Integer): string; protected procedure DoSave; override; function DoExport: Boolean; override; procedure DoClose; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property FileName; property Caption; property Grid; property OnProgress; property Close: TOleServerClose read FClose write FClose default scNewInstance; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write FVisible default False; property Orientation: TWordOrientation read FOrientation write FOrientation default woPortrait; property AutoFit: Boolean read FAutoFit write FAutoFit; end; TJvDBGridHTMLExport = class(TJvCustomDBGridExport) private FDocument: TStringList; FDocTitle: string; FHeader: TStringList; FFooter: TStringList; FIncludeColumnHeader: Boolean; function GetHeader: TStrings; function GetFooter: TStrings; procedure SetHeader(const Value: TStrings); procedure SetFooter(const Value: TStrings); protected procedure DoSave; override; function DoExport: Boolean; override; procedure DoClose; override; procedure SetDefaultData; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property FileName; property Caption; property Grid; property OnProgress; property IncludeColumnHeader: Boolean read FIncludeColumnHeader write FIncludeColumnHeader default True; property Header: TStrings read GetHeader write SetHeader; property Footer: TStrings read GetFooter write SetFooter; property DocTitle: string read FDocTitle write FDocTitle; end; TJvDBGridCSVExport = class(TJvCustomDBGridExport) private FDocument: TStringList; FDestination: TExportDestination; FExportSeparator: TExportSeparator; procedure SetExportSeparator(const Value: TExportSeparator); function SeparatorToString(ASeparator: TExportSeparator): string; procedure SetDestination(const Value: TExportDestination); protected function DoExport: Boolean; override; procedure DoSave; override; procedure DoClose; override; public Separator: string; constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property FileName; property Caption; property Grid; property OnProgress; property Destination: TExportDestination read FDestination write SetDestination default edFile; property ExportSeparator: TExportSeparator read FExportSeparator write SetExportSeparator default esTab; end; TJvDBGridXMLExport = class(TJvCustomDBGridExport) private FXML: TJvSimpleXML; function ClassNameNoT(AField: TField): string; protected function DoExport: Boolean; override; procedure DoSave; override; procedure DoClose; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; published property FileName; property Caption; property Grid; property OnProgress; end; function WordGridFormatIdentToInt(const Ident: string; var Value: Longint): Boolean; function IntToWordGridFormatIdent(Value: Longint; var Ident: string): Boolean; procedure GetWordGridFormatValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); implementation uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} {$IFDEF HAS_UNIT_VARIANTS} Variants, {$ENDIF HAS_UNIT_VARIANTS} ComObj, Graphics, Clipbrd, JclRegistry, JvConsts, JvResources; //=== { TJvCustomDBGridExport } ============================================== constructor TJvCustomDBGridExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FSilent := True; end; function TJvCustomDBGridExport.DoProgress(Min, Max, Position: Cardinal; const AText: string): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Assigned(FOnProgress) then FOnProgress(Self, Min, Max, Position, AText, Result); end; procedure TJvCustomDBGridExport.DoSave; begin if FileExists(FileName) then DeleteFile(FileName); end; function TJvCustomDBGridExport.ExportField(AField: TField): Boolean; begin Result := not (AField.DataType in [ftUnknown, ftBlob, ftGraphic, ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle, ftTypedBinary, ftCursor, ftADT, ftArray, ftReference, ftDataSet, ftOraBlob, ftOraClob, ftVariant, ftInterface, ftIDispatch, ftGuid]); end; procedure TJvCustomDBGridExport.CheckVisibleColumn; var I: Integer; begin FColumnCount := Grid.Columns.Count; SetLength(FRecordColumns, FColumnCount); for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do begin FRecordColumns[I].Column := Grid.Columns[I]; FRecordColumns[I].Visible := Grid.Columns[I].Visible; FRecordColumns[I].ColumnName := Grid.Columns[I].Title.Caption; FRecordColumns[I].Field := Grid.Columns[I].Field; if FRecordColumns[I].Visible and (FRecordColumns[I].Field <> nil) then FRecordColumns[I].Exportable := ExportField(FRecordColumns[I].Field) else FRecordColumns[I].Exportable := False; end; end; function TJvCustomDBGridExport.ExportGrid: Boolean; begin if not Assigned(Grid) then raise EJvExportDBGridException.CreateRes(@RsEGridIsUnassigned); if not Assigned(Grid.DataSource) or not Assigned(Grid.DataSource.DataSet) then raise EJvExportDBGridException.CreateRes(@RsEDataSetDataSourceIsUnassigned); // if FileName = '' then // raise EJvExportDBGridException.Create(RsFilenameEmpty); CheckVisibleColumn; Result := DoExport; if Result then DoSave; DoClose; end; procedure TJvCustomDBGridExport.HandleException; begin if ExceptObject <> nil then begin if ExceptObject is Exception then FLastExceptionMessage := Exception(ExceptObject).Message; if not Silent then raise ExceptObject at ExceptAddr else if Assigned(FOnException) then FOnException(Self); end; end; procedure TJvCustomDBGridExport.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = Grid) then Grid := nil; end; //=== { TJvDBGridWordExport } ================================================ constructor TJvDBGridWordExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Caption := RsExportWord; FWord := Unassigned; FVisible := False; FOrientation := woPortrait; FWordFormat := wdTableFormatGrid3; FClose := scNewInstance; end; destructor TJvDBGridWordExport.Destroy; begin DoClose; inherited Destroy; end; function TJvDBGridWordExport.DoExport: Boolean; const cWordApplication = 'Word.Application'; var I, J, K: Integer; lTable: OleVariant; ARecNo, lRecCount: Integer; lColVisible: Integer; lRowCount: Integer; lBookmark: TBookmark; begin Result := True; FRunningInstance := True; try // get running instance FWord := GetActiveOleObject(cWordApplication); except FRunningInstance := False; try // create new FWord := CreateOleObject(cWordApplication); except FWord := Unassigned; HandleException; // raise EJvExportDBGridException.Create(RsNoWordApplication); end; end; if VarIsEmpty(FWord) then Exit; try FWord.Visible := FVisible; FWord.Documents.Add; lColVisible := 0; for I := 1 to FColumnCount do if Grid.Columns[I - 1].Visible then Inc(lColVisible); lRowCount := Grid.DataSource.DataSet.RecordCount; FWord.ActiveDocument.Range.Font.Name := Grid.Font.Name; FWord.ActiveDocument.Range.Font.Size := Grid.Font.Size; if Orientation = woPortrait then FWord.ActiveDocument.PageSetup.Orientation := 0 else FWord.ActiveDocument.PageSetup.Orientation := 1; lTable := FWord.ActiveDocument.Tables.Add(FWord.ActiveDocument.Range, lRowCount + 1, lColVisible); FWord.ActiveDocument.Range.InsertAfter('Date ' + DateTimeToStr(Now)); // (rom) This is correct Delphi. See "positional parameters" in the Delphi help. lTable.AutoFormat(Format := WordFormat); // FormatNum, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1 K := 1; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do if FRecordColumns[I].Visible then begin lTable.Cell(1, K).Range.InsertAfter(FRecordColumns[I].ColumnName); Inc(K); end; J := 2; with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do begin lRecCount := RecordCount; ARecNo := 0; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption); DisableControls; lBookmark := GetBookmark; First; try while not Eof do begin K := 1; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do begin if FRecordColumns[I].Exportable and not FRecordColumns[I].Field.IsNull then try lTable.Cell(J, K).Range.InsertAfter(string(FRecordColumns[I].Field.Value)); except Result := False; HandleException; // Remember problem but continue end; if FRecordColumns[I].Visible then Inc(K); end; Next; Inc(J); Inc(ARecNo); if not DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption) then Last; end; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, lRecCount, Caption); finally try if BookmarkValid(lBookmark) then GotoBookmark(lBookmark); except HandleException; end; if lBookmark <> nil then FreeBookmark(lBookmark); EnableControls; end; end; lTable.UpdateAutoFormat; except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridWordExport.DoSave; var lName: OleVariant; begin inherited DoSave; if VarIsEmpty(FWord) then Exit; try lName := OleVariant(FileName); FWord.ActiveDocument.SaveAs(lName); except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridWordExport.DoClose; begin if not VarIsEmpty(FWord) and (FClose <> scNever) then try if (FClose = scAlways) or not FRunningInstance then begin FWord.ActiveDocument.Close(wdDoNotSaveChanges, EmptyParam, EmptyParam); FWord.Quit; end; FWord := Unassigned; except HandleException; end; end; //=== { TJvDBGridExcelExport } =============================================== constructor TJvDBGridExcelExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); Caption := RsExportExcel; FExcel := Unassigned; FVisible := False; FOrientation := woPortrait; FClose := scNewInstance; end; destructor TJvDBGridExcelExport.Destroy; begin DoClose; inherited Destroy; end; function TJvDBGridExcelExport.IndexFieldToExcel(Index: Integer): string; begin // Max column : ZZ => Index = 702 if Index > 26 then Result := Chr(64 + ((Index - 1) div 26)) + Chr(65 + ((Index - 1) mod 26)) else Result := Chr(64 + Index); end; function TJvDBGridExcelExport.DoExport: Boolean; const cExcelApplication = 'Excel.Application'; var I, J, K: Integer; lTable: OleVariant; lCell: OleVariant; ARecNo, lRecCount: Integer; lBookmark: TBookmark; begin Result := True; FRunningInstance := True; try // get running instance FExcel := GetActiveOleObject(cExcelApplication); except FRunningInstance := False; try // create new instance FExcel := CreateOleObject(cExcelApplication); except FExcel := Unassigned; HandleException; end; end; if VarIsEmpty(FExcel) then Exit; try FExcel.WorkBooks.Add; FExcel.Visible := Visible; lTable := FExcel.ActiveWorkbook.ActiveSheet; if Orientation = woPortrait then lTable.PageSetup.Orientation := xlPortrait else lTable.PageSetup.Orientation := xlLandscape; K := 1; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do if FRecordColumns[I].Visible then begin lCell := lTable.Range[IndexFieldToExcel(K) + '1']; lCell.Value := FRecordColumns[I].ColumnName; Inc(K); end; J := 1; with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do begin ARecNo := 0; lRecCount := RecordCount; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption); DisableControls; lBookmark := GetBookmark; First; try while not Eof do begin Inc(J); K := 1; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do begin if FRecordColumns[I].Exportable then begin lCell := lTable.Range[IndexFieldToExcel(K) + IntToStr(J)]; try // Do not cast with string ! lCell.Value := FRecordColumns[I].Field.Value; except Result := False; HandleException; end; end; if FRecordColumns[I].Visible then Inc(K); end; Next; Inc(ARecNo); if not DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption) then Last; end; if AutoFit then try lTable.Columns.AutoFit; // NEW! Autofit! except {$IFDEF DEBUGINFO_ON} on E: Exception do OutputDebugString(PChar('lTable.Columns.AutoFit failed. ' + E.Message)); {$ENDIF DEBUGINFO_ON} end; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, lRecCount, Caption); finally try if BookmarkValid(lBookmark) then GotoBookmark(lBookmark); except HandleException; end; if lBookmark <> nil then FreeBookmark(lBookmark); EnableControls; end; end; except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridExcelExport.DoSave; var lName: OleVariant; begin inherited DoSave; if not VarIsEmpty(FExcel) then try lName := OleVariant(FileName); FExcel.ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs(lName); except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridExcelExport.DoClose; begin if not VarIsEmpty(FExcel) and (FClose = scNever) then begin FExcel.Visible := True; Exit; end; if not VarIsEmpty(FExcel) and (FClose <> scNever) then try FExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Saved := True; // Avoid Excel's save prompt if (Close = scAlways) or not FRunningInstance then begin FExcel.ActiveWorkbook.Close; FExcel.Quit; end; FExcel := Unassigned; except HandleException; end; end; //=== { TJvDBGridHTMLExport } ================================================ constructor TJvDBGridHTMLExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FDocument := TStringList.Create; Caption := RsExportHTML; FDocTitle := RsHTMLExportDocTitle; FHeader := TStringList.Create; FFooter := TStringList.Create; FIncludeColumnHeader := True; SetDefaultData; end; destructor TJvDBGridHTMLExport.Destroy; begin FFooter.Free; FHeader.Free; FDocument.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvDBGridHTMLExport.SetDefaultData; begin Header.Add('<#TITLE>'); Header.Add(''); Header.Add(''); Footer.Add(''); end; function TJvDBGridHTMLExport.GetFooter: TStrings; begin Result := FFooter; end; procedure TJvDBGridHTMLExport.SetFooter(const Value: TStrings); begin FFooter.Assign(Value); end; function TJvDBGridHTMLExport.GetHeader: TStrings; begin Result := FHeader; end; procedure TJvDBGridHTMLExport.SetHeader(const Value: TStrings); begin FHeader.Assign(Value); end; procedure TJvDBGridHTMLExport.DoClose; begin // do nothing end; function TJvDBGridHTMLExport.DoExport: Boolean; var I: Integer; ARecNo, lRecCount: Integer; lBookmark: TBookmark; lString, lText, lHeader, lStyle: string; function AlignmentToHTML(AAlign: TAlignment): string; begin case AAlign of taLeftJustify: Result := 'left'; taRightJustify: Result := 'right'; taCenter: Result := 'center'; end; end; function ColorToHTML(AColor: TColor): string; var r, g, b: byte; begin AColor := ColorToRGB(AColor); r := GetRValue(AColor); g := GetGValue(AColor); b := GetBValue(AColor); Result := Format('%.2x%.2x%.2x', [r, g, b]); end; function FontSubstitute(const Name: string): string; const cFontKey: array [Boolean] of PChar = ('SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes', 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\FontSubstitutes'); begin Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cFontKey[Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT], Name, Name); end; function FontSizeToHTML(PtSize: Integer): Integer; begin case Abs(PtSize) of 0..8: Result := 1; 9..10: Result := 2; 11..12: Result := 3; 13..17: Result := 4; 18..23: Result := 5; 24..35: Result := 6; else Result := 7; end; end; function FontToHTML(AFont: TFont; EncloseText: string): string; begin if fsBold in AFont.Style then EncloseText := '' + EncloseText + ''; if fsItalic in AFont.Style then EncloseText := '' + EncloseText + ''; if fsUnderline in AFont.Style then EncloseText := '' + EncloseText + ''; if fsStrikeout in AFont.Style then EncloseText := '' + EncloseText + ''; Result := Format('%s', [FontSubstitute(AFont.Name), ColorToHTML(AFont.Color), FontSizeToHTML(AFont.Size), EncloseText]); end; function FontStyleToHTML(AFont: TFont): string; begin Result := ''; if fsBold in AFont.Style then Result := 'FONT-WEIGHT: bold; '; if fsItalic in AFont.Style then Result := Result + 'FONT-STYLE: italic; '; if fsUnderline in AFont.Style then if fsStrikeout in AFont.Style then Result := Result + 'TEXT-DECORATION: underline line-through; ' else Result := Result + 'TEXT-DECORATION: underline; ' else if fsStrikeout in AFont.Style then Result := Result + 'TEXT-DECORATION: line-through; '; end; begin FDocument.Clear; Result := True; try // Create Style like : //.Column0 {FONT-FAMILY: Arial; FONT-SIZE: 12px; FONT-WEIGHT: bold; FONT-STYLE: italic // TEXT-ALIGN: right; COLOR: #FFFFFF; BACKGROUND: #9924A7} lStyle := ''; lString := ''; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do if FRecordColumns[I].Visible then with FRecordColumns[I].Column do begin lString := lString + Format('%s', [ColorToHTML(Title.Color), AlignmentToHTML(Alignment), FontToHTML(Title.Font, Title.Caption)]); lStyle := lStyle + Format('.Column%d {FONT-FAMILY: %s; FONT-SIZE: %dpt; %s TEXT-ALIGN: %s; COLOR: #%s; BACKGROUND: #%s;}'#13#10, [I, FontSubstitute(Font.Name), Font.Size, FontStyleToHTML(Font), AlignmentToHTML(Alignment), ColorToHTML(Font.Color), ColorToHTML(Color)]); end; lString := lString + ''; lHeader := StringReplace(Header.Text, '<#TITLE>', DocTitle, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); lHeader := StringReplace(lHeader, '#STYLE', lStyle, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); FDocument.Add(lHeader); FDocument.Add(''); if IncludeColumnHeader then FDocument.Add(lString); with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do begin ARecNo := 0; lRecCount := RecordCount; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption); DisableControls; lBookmark := GetBookmark; First; try while not Eof do begin lString := ''; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do with FRecordColumns[I] do if Visible then begin if Exportable and not Field.IsNull then try lText := Field.AsString; if lText = '' then lText := ' '; except Result := False; HandleException; end else lText := ' '; lString := lString + Format('', [I, lText]); end; lString := lString + ''; FDocument.Add(lString); Next; if not DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption) then Last; end; FDocument.Add('
'); FDocument.AddStrings(Footer); DoProgress(0, lRecCount, lRecCount, Caption); finally try if BookmarkValid(lBookmark) then GotoBookmark(lBookmark); except HandleException; end; if lBookmark <> nil then FreeBookmark(lBookmark); EnableControls; end; end; except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridHTMLExport.DoSave; begin inherited DoSave; FDocument.SaveToFile(FileName); end; //=== { TJvDBGridCSVExport } ================================================= constructor TJvDBGridCSVExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FDocument := TStringList.Create; FDestination := edFile; ExportSeparator := esTab; Caption := RsExportFile; end; destructor TJvDBGridCSVExport.Destroy; begin FDocument.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TJvDBGridCSVExport.SeparatorToString(ASeparator: TExportSeparator): string; begin case ASeparator of esTab: Result := Tab; esSemiColon: Result := ';'; esComma: Result := ','; esSpace: Result := ' '; esPipe: Result := '|'; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridCSVExport.SetExportSeparator(const Value: TExportSeparator); begin FExportSeparator := Value; Separator := SeparatorToString(FExportSeparator); end; procedure TJvDBGridCSVExport.SetDestination(const Value: TExportDestination); begin FDestination := Value; if FDestination = edFile then Caption := RsExportFile else Caption := RsExportClipboard; end; function TJvDBGridCSVExport.DoExport: Boolean; var I: Integer; ARecNo, lRecCount: Integer; lBookmark: TBookmark; lString, lField: string; begin FDocument.Clear; Result := True; try lString := ''; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do if FRecordColumns[I].Visible then lString := lString + FRecordColumns[I].ColumnName + Separator; // Do not want trailing comma FDocument.Add(Copy(lString,1,Length(lString)-1)); with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do begin ARecNo := 0; lRecCount := RecordCount; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption); DisableControls; lBookmark := GetBookmark; First; try while not Eof do begin lString := ''; for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do if FRecordColumns[I].Exportable then try if not FRecordColumns[I].Field.IsNull then begin lField := FRecordColumns[I].Field.AsString; if Pos(Separator, lField) <> 0 then lString := lString + '"' + lField + '"' else lString := lString + lField; end; lString := lString + Separator; except Result := False; HandleException; end; // Do not want trailing comma FDocument.Add(Copy(lString,1,Length(lString)-1)); Next; Inc(ARecNo); if not DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption) then Last; end; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, lRecCount, Caption); finally try if BookmarkValid(lBookmark) then GotoBookmark(lBookmark); except HandleException; end; if lBookmark <> nil then FreeBookmark(lBookmark); EnableControls; end; end; except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridCSVExport.DoSave; begin inherited DoSave; if Destination = edFile then FDocument.SaveToFile(FileName) else Clipboard.AsText := FDocument.Text; end; procedure TJvDBGridCSVExport.DoClose; begin // do nothing end; //=== { TJvDBGridXMLExport } ================================================= constructor TJvDBGridXMLExport.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FXML := TJvSimpleXML.Create(nil); FXML.Options := [sxoAutoCreate, sxoAutoIndent]; end; destructor TJvDBGridXMLExport.Destroy; begin FXML.Free; inherited Destroy; end; // From DSDEfine of Delphi designer function TJvDBGridXMLExport.ClassNameNoT(AField: TField): string; begin Result := AField.ClassName; if Result[1] = 'T' then Delete(Result, 1, 1); if SameText('Field', Copy(Result, Length(Result) - 4, 5)) then { do not localize } Delete(Result, Length(Result) - 4, 5); end; // The structure of the xml file is inspired of the xml export // create by Delphi with TClientDataSet function TJvDBGridXMLExport.DoExport: Boolean; var I: Integer; ARecNo, lRecCount: Integer; lBookmark: TBookmark; lRootNode: TJvSimpleXmlElemClassic; lDataNode: TJvSimpleXmlElem; lFieldsNode: TJvSimpleXmlElem; lRecordNode: TJvSimpleXmlElem; begin Result := True; FXML.Root.Clear; // create root node FXML.Root.Name := 'DATAPACKET'; lRootNode := FXML.Root; lRootNode.Properties.Add('Version', '1.0'); // This is the first implementation ! // add column header and his property lDataNode := lRootNode.Items.Add('METADATA'); lFieldsNode := lDataNode.Items.Add('FIELDS'); for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do with FRecordColumns[I] do if Visible and (Field <> nil) then begin with lFieldsNode.Items.Add('FIELD') do begin Properties.Add('ATTRNAME', ColumnName); Properties.Add('FIELDTYPE', ClassNameNoT(Field)); Properties.Add('WIDTH', Column.Width); end; end; // now add all the record lRecordNode := lRootNode.Items.Add('ROWDATA'); try with Grid.DataSource.DataSet do begin ARecNo := 0; lRecCount := RecordCount; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption); DisableControls; lBookmark := GetBookmark; First; try while not Eof do begin with lRecordNode.Items.Add('ROW') do begin for I := 0 to FColumnCount - 1 do if FRecordColumns[I].Exportable then try with FRecordColumns[I] do Properties.Add(ColumnName, Field.AsString); except Result := False; HandleException; end; end; Next; Inc(ARecNo); if not DoProgress(0, lRecCount, ARecNo, Caption) then Last; end; DoProgress(0, lRecCount, lRecCount, Caption); finally try if BookmarkValid(lBookmark) then GotoBookmark(lBookmark); except HandleException; end; if lBookmark <> nil then FreeBookmark(lBookmark); EnableControls; end; end; except HandleException; end; end; procedure TJvDBGridXMLExport.DoSave; begin inherited DoSave; FXML.SaveToFile(FileName); end; procedure TJvDBGridXMLExport.DoClose; begin // do nothing end; //============================================================================ type TGridValue = packed record Value: Integer; Name: PChar; end; const GridFormats: array [$10..$17] of TGridValue = ((Value: $10; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid1'), (Value: $11; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid2'), (Value: $12; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid3'), (Value: $13; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid4'), (Value: $14; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid5'), (Value: $15; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid6'), (Value: $16; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid7'), (Value: $17; Name: 'wdTableFormatGrid8')); function WordGridFormatIdentToInt(const Ident: string; var Value: Longint): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(GridFormats) to High(GridFormats) do if SameText(GridFormats[I].Name, Ident) then begin Result := True; Value := GridFormats[I].Value; Exit; end; Result := False; end; function IntToWordGridFormatIdent(Value: Longint; var Ident: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(GridFormats) to High(GridFormats) do if GridFormats[I].Value = Value then begin Result := True; Ident := GridFormats[I].Name; Exit; end; Result := False; end; procedure GetWordGridFormatValues(Proc: TGetStrProc); var I: Integer; begin for I := Low(GridFormats) to High(GridFormats) do Proc(GridFormats[I].Name); end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$RCSfile: JvDBGridExport.pas,v $'; Revision: '$Revision: 1.26 $'; Date: '$Date: 2004/09/01 15:06:35 $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} initialization {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} RegisterIntegerConsts(TypeInfo(TWordGridFormat), WordGridFormatIdentToInt, IntToWordGridFormatIdent); {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.