{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: uilPluginMan.PAS, released on 1999-09-06. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tim Sullivan [tim att uil dott net] Portions created by Tim Sullivan are Copyright (C) 1999 Tim Sullivan. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Ralf Steinhaeusser [ralfiii att gmx dott net]. Gustavo Bianconi Steefan Lesage - converted to use new OTA You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.sourceforge.net Known Issues: PluginManager loads Plugins changed 26.7.2001, by Ralf Steinhaeusser, Changes marked with ! Events : When loading plugins (LoadPlugins) the events are called in the following order: FOnBeforeLoad(Sender, Name, CanLoad) Plugin -> Register Plugin.Initialize FOnNewCommand (times Nr. of commands) FOnAfterLoad Versionhistory: BaseVersion 5 : V 11 : When loading packages -> except instead of finally -> //!11 New event : OnErrorLoading V 10 : Now handles custom Plugins (only their destructors are called when unloading) V 09 : Pluginmanager : Extension automatically follows plugintype First version to share with "rest of the world" V 08 : Problems with $ImplicitBuild V 07 : fixed file-creation bug: linebreaks were done with #10#13 instead of the other way round, what caused the IDE-navigation do show erroneous behaviour V 06 : fixed Memory leak when loading of not supported DLL's is skipped inserted credits to About-box V 05 : started adding Package-functionality PluginManager : Loined 2 TLists to one, Record with info on Plugins introduced fixed buggy Instance-count check Added PluginKind-Property changed : PluginName also contains path V 04 : cleaned Plugin-Manager : Removed OnBefore- and OnAfterLoading (REALLY unnecessary - OnBeforeLoad, and OnAfterLoad are still here !) Removed Trigger-routines. Were only called once -> moved into code V 03 : removed unecessary Set/Get-routines for most properties V 02 : new about-dialog, removed unnecessary CDK-auto-generated comments stupid fPluginHandles from TStringList -> TList V 01 : renamed objects, files, ressources fixed several Memory-leaks, fixed unload-bug, minimized uses-list -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvPluginManager.pas,v 1.29 2005/10/28 08:37:23 marquardt Exp $ unit JvPluginManager; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, // (ahuser) do not move to VCL {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} Graphics, Forms, {$IFDEF VisualCLX} QWindows, {$ENDIF VisualCLX} SysUtils, Classes, JvComponentBase, JvPlugin; // reduced to the min const C_VersionString = '5.10'; type TNewCommandEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACaption, AHint, AData: string; AShortCut: TShortCut; ABitmap: TBitmap; AEvent: TNotifyEvent) of object; // Bianconi // Removed // TJvNotifyStrEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; S: string) of object; // End of Removed TJvBeforeLoadEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; FileName: string; var AllowLoad: Boolean) of object; TJvAfterLoadEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; FileName: string; const ALibHandle: THandle; var AllowLoad: Boolean) of object; TJvBeforeCommandsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; APlugIn: TJvPlugIn) of object; TJvAfterCommandsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; APlugIn: TJvPlugIn) of object; TJvPlgInErrorEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; AError: Exception) of object; // End of Bianconi EJvPlugInError = class(Exception); EJvLoadPluginError = class(EJvPlugInError); // Bianconi EJvExtensionPlugInError = class(EJvPlugInError); EJvInitializationPlugInError = class(EJvPlugInError); EJvInitializationCustomPlugInError = class(EJvPlugInError); EJvCantRegisterPlugInError = class(EJvPlugInError); // End of Bianconi TPluginKind = (plgDLL, plgPackage, plgCustom); TPluginInfo = class(TObject) public PluginKind: TPluginKind; Handle: HINST; PlugIn: TJvPlugIn; end; TJvPluginManager = class(TJvComponent) private FExtension: string; FPluginFolder: string; FPluginKind: TPluginKind; FPluginInfos: TList; FOnBeforeLoad: TJvBeforeLoadEvent; FOnAfterLoad: TJvAfterLoadEvent; FOnNewCommand: TNewCommandEvent; // Bianconi // Removed // FOnErrorLoading: TJvNotifyStrEvent; // End of removed FOnBeforeNewCommand: TJvBeforeCommandsEvent; FOnAfterNewCommand: TJvAfterCommandsEvent; FOnPlugInError: TJvPlgInErrorEvent; // End of Bianconi procedure SetPluginKind(const Value: TPluginKind); procedure UnloadLibrary(Kind: TPluginKind; LibHandle: Integer); protected procedure SetExtension(NewValue: string); function GetPlugin(Index: Integer): TJvPlugIn; // function GetVersion: string; function GetPluginCount: Integer; // procedure SetVersion(newValue: string); public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure LoadPlugin(FileName: string; PlgKind: TPluginKind); procedure LoadPlugins; procedure UnloadPlugin(Index: Integer); procedure GetLoadedPlugins(PlugInList: TStrings); property Plugins[Index: Integer]: TJvPlugIn read GetPlugin; property PluginCount: Integer read GetPluginCount; procedure SendMessage(PluginMessage: Longint; PluginParams: string); function AddCustomPlugin(PlugIn: TJvPlugIn; FileName : string): Boolean; // added by Frenk param FileName published property PluginFolder: string read FPluginFolder write FPluginFolder; property Extension: string read FExtension write SetExtension; property PluginKind: TPluginKind read FPluginKind write SetPluginKind; // property Version: string read GetVersion write SetVersion; property OnBeforeLoad: TJvBeforeLoadEvent read FOnBeforeLoad write FOnBeforeLoad; property OnNewCommand: TNewCommandEvent read FOnNewCommand write FOnNewCommand; // Bianconi // Removed // property OnErrorLoading: TJvNotifyStrEvent read FOnErrorLoading write FOnErrorLoading; // End of removed property OnAfterLoad: TJvAfterLoadEvent read FOnAfterLoad write FOnAfterLoad; property OnBeforeNewCommand: TJvBeforeCommandsEvent read FOnBeforeNewCommand write FOnBeforeNewCommand; property OnAfterNewCommand: TJvAfterCommandsEvent read FOnAfterNewCommand write FOnAfterNewCommand; property OnPlugInError: TJvPlgInErrorEvent read FOnPlugInError write FOnPlugInError; // End of Bianconi end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$RCSfile: JvPluginManager.pas,v $'; Revision: '$Revision: 1.29 $'; Date: '$Date: 2005/10/28 08:37:23 $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses JvVCL5Utils, JvJCLUtils, // for IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter (only 0 do // !change as suggested in forum UnloadPlugin(0); FPluginInfos.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvPluginManager.SetExtension(NewValue: string); begin try if FExtension <> NewValue then begin // (rb) No reason to block this if {(Length(newValue) > 3) or} Length(NewValue) < 1 then raise EJvPlugInError.CreateRes(@RsEErrEmptyExt) else FExtension := NewValue; end; except on E: Exception do begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Assigned(FOnPlugInError) then FOnPlugInError(Self, E) else raise; end; end; end; procedure TJvPluginManager.SetPluginKind(const Value: TPluginKind); begin if FPluginKind <> Value then begin if FExtension = C_Extensions[FPluginKind] then FExtension := C_Extensions[Value]; FPluginKind := Value; end; end; {function TJvPluginManager.GetVersion: string; begin result := C_VersionString; end;} {procedure TJvPluginManager.SetVersion(newValue: string); begin end;} function TJvPluginManager.GetPluginCount: Integer; begin Result := FPluginInfos.Count; end; function TJvPluginManager.GetPlugin(Index: Integer): TJvPlugIn; var PlgI: TPluginInfo; begin PlgI := FPluginInfos.Items[Index]; Result := PlgI.PlugIn; end; procedure TJvPluginManager.GetLoadedPlugins(PlugInList: TStrings); var I: Integer; begin PlugInList.BeginUpdate; try PlugInList.Clear; for I := 0 to FPluginInfos.Count - 1 do PlugInList.Add(Plugins[I].Name); finally PlugInList.EndUpdate; end; end; // Create and add plugin - if error occurs, the Plugin is not added to list function TJvPluginManager.AddCustomPlugin(PlugIn: TJvPlugIn; FileName : string ): Boolean; var PlgInfo: TPluginInfo; Counter: Integer; begin Result := False; try Result := PlugIn.Initialize(Self, Application, FileName); //'CustomPlugin'); // modified by Frenk if not Result then Exit; PlgInfo := TPluginInfo.Create; PlgInfo.PluginKind := plgCustom; PlgInfo.PlugIn := PlugIn; FPluginInfos.Add(PlgInfo); try if Assigned(FOnBeforeNewCommand) then FOnBeforeNewCommand(Self, PlugIn); // Events for all new commands if Assigned(FOnNewCommand) then for Counter := 0 to PlugIn.Commands.Count - 1 do with TJvPluginCommand(PlugIn.Commands.Items[Counter]) do FOnNewCommand(Self, Caption, Hint, Data, ShortCut, Bitmap, OnExecute); finally if Assigned(FOnAfterNewCommand) then FOnAfterNewCommand(Self, PlugIn); end; except on E: Exception do begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Assigned(FOnPlugInError) then FOnPlugInError(Self, E) else raise; end; end; end; // Load a Plugin - either DLL or package procedure TJvPluginManager.LoadPlugin(FileName: string; PlgKind: TPluginKind); type TSxRegisterPlugin = function: TJvPlugIn; stdcall; var Counter: Integer; LibHandle: Integer; RegisterProc: TSxRegisterPlugin; PlugIn: TJvPlugIn; NumCopies: Integer; PlgInfo: TPluginInfo; AllowLoad: Boolean; begin LibHandle := 0; AllowLoad := True; if Assigned(FOnBeforeLoad) then FOnBeforeLoad(Self, FileName, AllowLoad); if AllowLoad then begin try PlugIn := nil; case PlgKind of plgDLL: LibHandle := LoadLibrary(PChar(FileName)); plgPackage: LibHandle := LoadPackage(FileName); end; if LibHandle = 0 then raise EJvLoadPluginError.CreateResFmt(@RsEPluginPackageNotFound, [FileName]); AllowLoad := True; if Assigned(FOnAfterLoad) then FOnAfterLoad(Self, FileName, LibHandle, AllowLoad); if not AllowLoad then begin UnloadLibrary(PluginKind, LibHandle); Exit; end; // Load the registration procedure RegisterProc := GetProcAddress(LibHandle, C_REGISTER_PLUGIN); if not Assigned(RegisterProc) then raise EJvLoadPluginError.CreateResFmt(@RsERegisterPluginNotFound, [C_REGISTER_PLUGIN, FileName]); // register the plugin PlugIn := RegisterProc; if PlugIn = nil then raise EJvCantRegisterPlugInError.CreateResFmt(@RsERegisterPluginFailed, [C_REGISTER_PLUGIN, FileName]); // make sure we don't load more copies of the plugin than allowed if PlugIn.InstanceCount > 0 then // 0 = unlimited begin NumCopies := 0; for Counter := 0 to FPluginInfos.Count - 1 do if Plugins[Counter].PluginID = PlugIn.PluginID then Inc(NumCopies); if NumCopies >= PlugIn.InstanceCount then begin PlugIn.Free; Exit; // Todo : Don't know what Skipload does here end; end; // if Plugin.InstanceCount > 0 // initialize the plugin and add to list if AddCustomPlugin(PlugIn, FileName) then // modified by Frenk begin PlgInfo := FPluginInfos.Last; PlgInfo.PluginKind := PlgKind; PlgInfo.Handle := LibHandle; end; except //!11 if - for whatever reason - an exception has occurred // free Plugin and library // (rom) statements used twice could be wrapped in method on E: Exception do begin FreeAndNil(PlugIn); if LibHandle <> 0 then UnloadLibrary(PlgKind, LibHandle); if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Assigned(FOnPlugInError) then FOnPlugInError(Self, E) else raise; end; end; end; end; // Load all plugins in the plugin-folder // exceptions can only be seen through the OnErrorLoading-Event procedure TJvPluginManager.LoadPlugins; var FileName: string; Found: Integer; Path: string; Sr: TSearchRec; begin // if the PluginPath is blank, we load from the app's folder. if FPluginFolder = '' then Path := ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName) else Path := FPluginFolder; Path := IncludeTrailingPathDelimiter(Path); try try Found := FindFirst(Path + '*.' + FExtension, 0, Sr); while Found = 0 do begin FileName := Sr.Name; //! If one plugin made problems -> no other plugins where loaded //! To avoid that the try-except block was wrapped around here... try LoadPlugin(Path + FileName, PluginKind); except end; Found := FindNext(Sr); end; except on E: Exception do begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and Assigned(FOnPlugInError) then FOnPlugInError(Self, E) else raise; end; end; finally FindClose(Sr); end; end; procedure TJvPluginManager.UnloadPlugin(Index: Integer); var PlgI: TPluginInfo; begin PlgI := FPluginInfos.Items[Index]; PlgI.PlugIn.Free; UnloadLibrary(PlgI.PluginKind, PlgI.Handle); PlgI.Free; FPluginInfos.Delete(Index); end; procedure TJvPluginManager.SendMessage(PluginMessage: Longint; PluginParams: string); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to FPluginInfos.Count - 1 do Plugins[I].SendPluginMessage(PluginMessage, PluginParams); end; procedure TJvPluginManager.UnloadLibrary(Kind: TPluginKind; LibHandle: Integer); begin case Kind of plgDLL: FreeLibrary(LibHandle); plgPackage: UnloadPackage(LibHandle); end; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.