{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvPluginWizard.PAS, released on 1999-09-06. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Tim Sullivan [timatt uil dott net] Portions created by Tim Sullivan are Copyright (C) 1999 Tim Sullivan. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Ralf Steinhaeusser [ralfiii att gmx dott net]. Steefan Lesage - converted to use new OTA You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.sourceforge.net Known Issues: Todo : I don't know why but IDE does not not navigate correctly here... Todo : Creates code with #10#13 instead of the other way ound (#13#10 is correct) History: V 09 : inserted TYPE-decaration, IDE navigation works now rewrote ProjectCreate (100 times), seems to work now except a AV when creating a DLL-project. May have to do with ressources V 08 : Setting the pluginname works fine after A LOT of trying... V 07 : #10#13 -> #13#10 corrected V 06 : Wizard-Form added, lets select Plugin-Type and Object-name V 05 : uses-list minimized -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvPluginWizard.pas 10610 2006-05-19 13:35:08Z elahn $ unit JvPluginWizard; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses Windows, ToolsAPI, JvTypes; type TPlugInfo = record { 0 = dll; 1 = dpk } PlugType: Integer; { Private variables which will be used to store some properties for the TJvPlugin } PlugName: string; PlugDesc: string; PlugAuth: string; PlugCopy: string; PlugUID: string; end; TJvPluginWizard = class(TNotifierObject, IOTAWizard, IOTARepositoryWizard, IOTAMenuWizard, IOTAProjectWizard) public PluginMainMenu: IOTAComponent; { IOTAWizard Methods } function GetIDString: string; virtual; function GetName: string; virtual; function GetState: TWizardState; virtual; procedure Execute; virtual; { IOTARepositoryWizard Methods } function GetAuthor: string; virtual; function GetComment: string; virtual; function GetPage: string; virtual; function GetGlyph: {$IFDEF COMPILER6_UP} Cardinal; {$ELSE} HICON; {$ENDIF} virtual; { IOTAMenuWizard methods } function GetMenuText: string; virtual; end; TJvPluginProjectCreator = class(TInterfacedObject, IOTACreator, IOTAProjectCreator {$IFDEF COMPILER8_UP}, IOTAProjectCreator80{$ENDIF COMPILER8_UP} ) // both interfaces needed !!!! public Wizard: TJvPluginWizard; { 0 = dll; 1 = dpk } PlugInfo: TPlugInfo; Project: IOTAModule; function GetFileName: string; function GetOptionFileName: string; function GetShowSource: Boolean; procedure NewDefaultModule; function NewOptionSource(const ProjectName: string): IOTAFile; procedure NewProjectResource(const Project: IOTAProject); function NewProjectSource(const ProjectName: string): IOTAFile; function GetCreatorType: string; function GetExisting: Boolean; function GetFileSystem: string; function GetOwner: IOTAModule; function GetUnnamed: Boolean; {$IFDEF COMPILER8_UP} // IOTAProjectCreator50 procedure NewDefaultProjectModule(const Project: IOTAProject); // IOTAProjectCreator80 function GetProjectPersonality: string; {$ENDIF COMPILER8_UP} end; TJvPluginModuleCreator = class(TInterfacedObject, IOTACreator, IOTAModuleCreator) public Wizard: TJvPluginWizard; Project: IOTAModule; PlugInfo: TPlugInfo; constructor Create(AWizard: TJvPluginWizard; AProject: IOTAModule; APlugInfo: TPlugInfo); function GetCreatorType: string; function GetExisting: Boolean; function GetFileSystem: string; function GetOwner: IOTAModule; function GetUnnamed: Boolean; function GetAncestorName: string; function GetImplFileName: string; function GetIntfFileName: string; function GetFormName: string; function GetMainForm: Boolean; function GetShowForm: Boolean; function GetShowSource: Boolean; function NewFormFile(const FormIdent, AncestorIdent: string): IOTAFile; function NewImplSource(const ModuleIdent, FormIdent, AncestorIdent: string): IOTAFile; function NewIntfSource(const ModuleIdent, FormIdent, AncestorIdent: string): IOTAFile; procedure FormCreated(const FormEditor: IOTAFormEditor); end; // from http://www.gexperts.org/opentools/GXModuleCreator.pas TJvOTAFile = class(TInterfacedObject, IOTAFile) private FSource: string; public constructor Create(const Source: string); function GetSource: string; function GetAge: TDateTime; end; implementation uses Controls, SysUtils, Dialogs, Classes, ActnList, Menus, {$IFDEF COMPILER6_UP} DesignIntf, DesignEditors, {$ELSE} DsgnIntf, {$ENDIF COMPILER6_UP} JclFileUtils, JclBorlandTools, JvPlugin, JvPluginParamsForm, JvConsts, JvDsgnConsts; {$R JvPluginWiz.res} const CrLf = sLineBreak; CrLf2 = CrLf + CrLf; cPlgPrefix = 'Plg'; cPluginPrefix = 'Plugin'; (* make Delphi 5 compiler happy // andreas function GetFormEditorFromModule( IModule: IOTAModule): IOTAFormEditor; var i: Integer; IEditor: IOTAEditor; begin Result := nil; if IModule = nil then Exit; for i := 0 to IModule.GetModuleFileCount - 1 do begin IEditor := IModule.GetModuleFileEditor(i); if Supports(IEditor, IOTAFormEditor, Result) then Break; end; end; *) //=== { TJvPluginWizard } ==================================================== function TJvPluginWizard.GetIDString: string; begin Result := RsPluginWizardIDString; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetState: TWizardState; begin Result := [wsEnabled]; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetMenuText: string; begin Result := RsJediPluginWizard; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetName: string; begin Result := RsJvPluginWizard; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetPage: string; var Repository : TJclBorRadToolRepository; Installations : TJclBorRADToolInstallations; begin Result := RsProjects; Installations := TJclBorRADToolInstallations.Create; try {$IFDEF BCB} Repository := Installations.BCBInstallationFromVersion[ {$IFDEF BCB6} 6 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF BCB5} 5 {$ENDIF} ].Repository; {$ENDIF BCB} {$IFDEF DELPHI} Repository := Installations.DelphiInstallationFromVersion[ {$IFDEF DELPHI10}10{$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI9} 9 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI7} 7 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI6} 6 {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF DELPHI5} 5 {$ENDIF} ].Repository; {$ENDIF DELPHI} Result := Repository.FindPage(RsProjects, 2); finally Installations.Free; end; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetAuthor: string; begin Result := 'MPL'; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetComment: string; begin Result := RsNewPlugin; end; function TJvPluginWizard.GetGlyph: {$IFDEF COMPILER6_UP} Cardinal; {$ELSE} HICON; {$ENDIF} begin Result := LoadIcon(HInstance, 'XJVPLUGINWIZ'); end; procedure TJvPluginWizard.Execute; var ModuleServices: IOTAModuleServices; ProjectCreator: TJvPluginProjectCreator; lPlugInfo: TPlugInfo; ModuleCreator: TJvPluginModuleCreator; begin with TfrmPluginParams.Create(nil) do try if ShowModal = mrOk then begin if Assigned(BorlandIDEServices) and (BorlandIDEServices.QueryInterface(IOTAModuleServices, ModuleServices) = S_OK) then begin ProjectCreator := TJvPluginProjectCreator.Create; ProjectCreator.Wizard := Self; with lPlugInfo do begin { rbDll checked => dll => PlugType = 0 = Ord(False) rbPackage checked => package => PlugType = 1 = Ord(True) } PlugType := Ord(rbPackage.Checked); // radPluginType.ItemIndex; PlugName := Trim(edtPluginName.Text); PlugAuth := Trim(edtPluginAuthor.Text); PlugCopy := Trim(edtPluginCopyright.Text); PlugDesc := Trim(mmoDescripton.Text); PlugUID := Trim(edtPluginUID.Text); end; ProjectCreator.PlugInfo := lPlugInfo; ModuleServices.CreateModule(ProjectCreator); // Plugin Module ModuleCreator := TJvPluginModuleCreator.Create(Self, ProjectCreator.Project, lPlugInfo); ModuleServices.CreateModule(ModuleCreator); end; end; finally Free; end; end; //=== { TJvPluginProjectCreator } ============================================ // left empty this makes problems !! function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetFileName: string; begin { 0 = dll; 1 = dpk } if PlugInfo.PlugType = 0 then Result := GetCurrentDir + DirDelimiter + cPlgPrefix + PlugInfo.PlugName + '.dpr' else Result := GetCurrentDir + DirDelimiter + cPlgPrefix + PlugInfo.PlugName + '.dpk'; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetOptionFileName: string; begin Result := ''; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetShowSource: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; procedure TJvPluginProjectCreator.NewDefaultModule; begin end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.NewOptionSource(const ProjectName: string): IOTAFile; begin Result := nil; end; procedure TJvPluginProjectCreator.NewProjectResource(const Project: IOTAProject); begin end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.NewProjectSource(const ProjectName: string): IOTAFile; var S: string; begin { 0 = dll; 1 = dpk } if PlugInfo.PlugType = 0 then S := 'library ' + ProjectName + ';' + CrLf + CrLf + 'uses' + CrLf + // ' ShareMem,' + cPluginPrefix + PlugName + ';' + CrLf + ' ShareMem;' + CrLf + CrLf + '{$R *.res}' + CrLf + CrLf + 'exports' + CrLf + ' RegisterPlugin;' + CrLf + CrLf + 'begin' + CrLf + 'end.' else // Package-Library S := 'package ' + ProjectName + ';' + CrLf2 + '{$DESCRIPTION ''JEDI Plugin Package''}' + CrLf + '{$RUNONLY}' + CrLf + '{$IMPLICITBUILD ON}' + CrLf2 + 'requires' + CrLf + {$IFDEF COMPILER5} ' vcl50,' + CrLf + ' JvCoreD5R;' + CrLf2 + {$ENDIF COMPILER5} {$IFDEF COMPILER6} ' vcl,' + CrLf + ' JvCoreD6R;' + CrLf2 + {$ENDIF COMPILER6} {$IFDEF COMPILER7} ' vcl,' + CrLf + ' JvCoreD7R;' + CrLf2 + {$ENDIF COMPILER7} {$IFDEF COMPILER9} ' vcl,' + CrLf + ' JvCoreD9R;' + CrLf2 + {$ENDIF COMPILER9} {$IFDEF COMPILER10} ' vcl,' + CrLf + ' JvCoreD10R;' + CrLf2 + {$ENDIF COMPILER10} 'end.'; Result := TJvOTAFile.Create(S); end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetCreatorType: string; begin { 0 = dll; 1 = dpk } if PlugInfo.PlugType = 0 then Result := sLibrary else Result := sPackage; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetExisting: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetFileSystem: string; begin Result := ''; end; function GetCurrentProjectGroup: IOTAProjectGroup; var IModuleServices: IOTAModuleServices; IModule: IOTAModule; IProjectGroup: IOTAProjectGroup; I: Integer; begin Result := nil; IModuleServices := BorlandIDEServices as IOTAModuleServices; for I := 0 to IModuleServices.ModuleCount - 1 do begin IModule := IModuleServices.Modules[I]; if IModule.QueryInterface(IOTAProjectGroup, IProjectGroup) = S_OK then begin Result := IProjectGroup; Break; end; end; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetOwner: IOTAModule; begin Result := GetCurrentProjectGroup; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetUnnamed: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; {$IFDEF COMPILER8_UP} procedure TJvPluginProjectCreator.NewDefaultProjectModule( const Project: IOTAProject); begin Self.Project := Project; end; function TJvPluginProjectCreator.GetProjectPersonality: string; begin Result := sDelphiPersonality; end; {$ENDIF COMPILER8_UP} //=== { TJvOTAFile } ========================================================= // TJvOTAFile - from Stefaan Lesage constructor TJvOTAFile.Create(const Source: string); begin // (rom) added inherited Create; inherited Create; FSource := Source; end; function TJvOTAFile.GetAge: TDateTime; begin Result := -1; // new end; function TJvOTAFile.GetSource: string; begin Result := FSource; end; procedure RegisterContainerModule; begin RegisterCustomModule(TJvPlugIn, TCustomModule); end; constructor TJvPluginModuleCreator.Create(AWizard: TJvPluginWizard; AProject: IOTAModule; APlugInfo: TPlugInfo); begin Wizard := Wizard; Project := AProject; PlugInfo := APlugInfo end; //=== { TJvPluginModuleCreator } ============================================= {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.FormCreated Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : FormEditor - Interface to the IOTAFormEditor for the form that has been created. Return Values : None Exceptions : None Description : This method will be executed Called the new form/datamodule/custom module is created. We will use it to initialise some properties on the TJvPluginDataModule. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} procedure TJvPluginModuleCreator.FormCreated(const FormEditor: IOTAFormEditor); begin with TJvPlugIn(INTAComponent(FormEditor.GetRootComponent).GetComponent) do begin Author := PlugInfo.PlugAuth; Description := PlugInfo.PlugDesc; Copyright := PlugInfo.PlugCopy; PluginID := PlugInfo.PlugUID; end; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetAncestorName Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : The name of the Ancestor. Exceptions : None Description : Property Getter for the AncestorName property History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetAncestorName: string; begin Result := 'JvPlugin'; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetCreatorType Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns the type of the creator as a string. In our case it returns sForm since we create a DataModule / CustomForm. Exceptions : None Description : Property Getter for the CreatorType property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetCreatorType: string; begin Result := sForm; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetExisting Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns a Boolean indicating if this is an existing module. We return False since this is a new Module. Exceptions : None Description : Property Getter for the Existing property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetExisting: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetFileSystem Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Return the File system IDString that this module uses for reading/writing. We return an empty string since our module doesn't use a virtual file system. Exceptions : None Description : Property Getter for the FileSystem property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetFileSystem: string; begin Result := ''; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetFormName Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns the name of the form ( not the class, but its actual name property ). We will make sure that each plugin module always gets the Plugin prefix before its name. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the FormName property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetFormName: string; begin Result := cPluginPrefix + PlugInfo.PlugName; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetImplFileName Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns the complete path to the implementation ( source ) file name, e.g. C:\dir\Unit1.pas. If GetUnnamed returns True, the file name is just a placeholder, and the user will be prompted for a file name when the file is saved. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the ImplFileName property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetImplFileName: string; begin Result := GetCurrentDir + DirDelimiter + 'u' + cPluginPrefix + PlugInfo.PlugName + '.pas' end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetIntfFileName Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Return the interface filename, or blank to have the IDE create a new unique one. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the IntfFileName property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetIntfFileName: string; begin Result := ''; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetMainForm Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns True if the newly created form is to be the applications main form. It returns False if the form is not necessarily the main form. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the MainForm property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetMainForm: Boolean; begin Result := False; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetOwner Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns the module interface of the new modules owner, that is, it returns the project interface for a new source file or the project group interface for a new project. You can create a module that does not have an owner by returning 0. In our case we will return the Active ProjectGroup's Active Project. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the Owner property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetOwner: IOTAModule; begin // Owned by current project Result := GetCurrentProjectGroup; if Assigned(Result) then Result := (Result as IOTAProjectGroup).ActiveProject; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetShowForm Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns True if you want the IDE to show the form editor after the form is created. Have GetShowForm returns False to keep the form hidden. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the ShowForm property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetShowForm: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetShowSource Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns True if you want the IDE to show the source file in the source editor. Have GetShowSource return False to keep the source file hidden. Exceptions : None Description : Property getter for the ShowSource property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetShowSource: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetUnnamed Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : None Return Values : Returns True if the new module has not been saved to a file and therefore does not have a file name yet. If the user saves the module, the user will be prompted for a file name. GetUnnamed returns False if the module has a file name. Exceptions : None Description : Property Getter for the Unnamed property. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.GetUnnamed: Boolean; begin Result := True; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.NewFormFile Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : FormIdent - The name of the form. Use this to parameterize the form description. AncestorIdent - The name of the ancestor form. Use this to parameterize the form description. Return Values : Returns an instance of a file creator class that you must write, deriving from IOTAFile. If you return 0, a default form will be created. Exceptions : None Description : NewFormFile returns the new form description or 0 to use the default form description. The form description must be binary or text form resource. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.NewFormFile(const FormIdent, AncestorIdent: string): IOTAFile; begin Result := nil; end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.NewImplSource Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : ModuleIdent - The ModuleIdent parameter is the name of the unit or module, e.g., Unit1. Use this to parameterize the file contents. FormIdent - The FormIdent parameter is the name of the form. Use this to parameterize the file contents. AncestorIdent - The AncestorIdent parameter is the name of the ancestor form. Use this to parameterize the file contents Return Values : Returns an instance of a file creator class that you must write, deriving from IOTAFile. If you return 0, a default form will be created. Exceptions : None Description : NewImplSource returns the source code for the new modules implementation or 0 for a default unit. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.NewImplSource(const ModuleIdent, FormIdent, AncestorIdent: string): IOTAFile; var TypeName: string; Ancestor: string; Source: string; ClassNameOfPlugin: string; begin ClassNameOfPlugin := 'T' + FormIdent; TypeName := FormIdent; Ancestor := AncestorIdent; TypeName := PlugInfo.PlugName; Source := 'unit ' + ModuleIdent + ';' + CrLf2 + 'interface' + CrLf2 + // (rom) fixed missing "," after "Controls" 'uses' + CrLf + ' Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Dialogs, Forms, Controls,' + CrLf + ' JvPlugin;' + CrLf2 + 'type' + CrLf + ' ' + ClassNameOfPlugin + ' = class(T' + Ancestor + ')' + CrLf + // ' T' + TypeName + ' = class(T' + Ancestor + ')' + CrLf + ' private' + CrLf + ' ' + RsPrivateDeclarations + CrLf + ' public' + CrLf + ' ' + RsPublicDeclarations + CrLf + ' end;' + CrLf2 + // 'function RegisterPlugin: T' + TypeName + '; stdcall;' + CrLf2; 'function RegisterPlugin: TJvPlugin; stdcall;' + CrLf2; { 0 = dll; 1 = dpk } if PlugInfo.PlugType <> 0 then Source := Source + 'exports RegisterPlugin;' + CrLf2; Source := Source + 'implementation' + CrLf2 + '{$R *.dfm}' + CrLf2 + RsIMPORTANTNOTEIfYouChangeTheNameOfTh + CrLf + 'function RegisterPlugin: TJvPlugin;' + CrLf + 'begin' + CrLf + ' Result := ' + ClassNameOfPlugin + '.Create(nil);' + CrLf + // ' Result := T' + TypeName + '.Create(nil);' + CrLf + 'end;' + CrLf2 + 'end.'; Result := TJvOTAFile.Create(Source); end; {***************************************************************************** Name : TJvPluginModuleCreator.NewIntfSource Author : Stefaan Lesage Arguments : ModuleIdent - The ModuleIdent parameter is the name of the unit or module, e.g., Unit1. Use this to parameterize the file contents. FormIdent - The FormIdent parameter is the name of the form. Use this to parameterize the file contents. AncestorIdent - The AncestorIdent parameter is the name of the ancestor form. Use this to parameterize the file contents Return Values : Returns an instance of a file creator class that you must write, deriving from IOTAFile. If you return 0, a default form will be created. Exceptions : None Description : NewIntfSource returns the source code for the new modules interface or 0 for a default header. History : Date By Description ---- -- ----------- 11/07/2003 slesage Initial creation of the Method. *****************************************************************************} function TJvPluginModuleCreator.NewIntfSource(const ModuleIdent, FormIdent, AncestorIdent: string): IOTAFile; begin Result := nil; end; initialization RegisterContainerModule; end.