{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvPlacemnt.PAS, released on 2002-07-04. The Initial Developers of the Original Code are: Fedor Koshevnikov, Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software All Rights Reserved. You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.sourceforge.net Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvFormPlacement.pas 11669 2008-01-06 18:41:13Z jfudickar $ unit JvFormPlacement; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} {$IFDEF HAS_UNIT_VARIANTS} Variants, {$ENDIF HAS_UNIT_VARIANTS} {$IFDEF HAS_UNIT_TYPES} Types, {$ENDIF HAS_UNIT_TYPES} {$IFDEF HAS_UNIT_RTLCONSTS} RTLConsts, {$ENDIF HAS_UNIT_RTLCONSTS} SysUtils, Classes, Windows, Messages, Controls, Forms, JvWndProcHook, JvAppStorage, JvComponentBase, JvJVCLUtils, JvTypes, JvConsts; type TJvIniLink = class; TJvFormPlacement = class; TJvWinMinMaxInfo = class(TPersistent) private FOwner: TJvFormPlacement; FMinMaxInfo: TMinMaxInfo; function GetMinMaxInfo(Index: Integer): Integer; procedure SetMinMaxInfo(Index: Integer; AValue: Integer); public function DefaultMinMaxInfo: Boolean; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property MaxPosLeft: Integer index 0 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MaxPosTop: Integer index 1 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MaxSizeHeight: Integer index 2 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MaxSizeWidth: Integer index 3 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MaxTrackHeight: Integer index 4 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MaxTrackWidth: Integer index 5 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MinTrackHeight: Integer index 6 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; property MinTrackWidth: Integer index 7 read GetMinMaxInfo write SetMinMaxInfo default 0; end; TJvFormPlacementVersionCheck = (fpvcNocheck, fpvcCheckGreaterEqual, fpvcCheckEqual); TJvFormPlacement = class(TJvComponent) private FActive: Boolean; FAppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; FAppStoragePath: string; FLinks: TList; FOptions: TPlacementOptions; FVersion: Integer; FVersionCheck: TJvFormPlacementVersionCheck; FSaved: Boolean; FRestored: Boolean; FDestroying: Boolean; FPreventResize: Boolean; FWinMinMaxInfo: TJvWinMinMaxInfo; FDefMaximize: Boolean; FWinHook: TJvWindowHook; FSaveFormShow: TNotifyEvent; FSaveFormDestroy: TNotifyEvent; FSaveFormCloseQuery: TCloseQueryEvent; FOnSavePlacement: TNotifyEvent; FBeforeRestorePlacement: TNotifyEvent; FOnRestorePlacement: TNotifyEvent; FBeforeSavePlacement: TNotifyEvent; FAfterSavePlacement: TNotifyEvent; FAfterRestorePlacement: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetAppStoragePath(const AValue: string); procedure SetEvents; procedure RestoreEvents; procedure SetHook; procedure ReleaseHook; procedure CheckToggleHook; procedure WndMessage(Sender: TObject; var Msg: TMessage; var Handled: Boolean); function CheckMinMaxInfo: Boolean; procedure MinMaxInfoModified; procedure SetWinMinMaxInfo(AValue: TJvWinMinMaxInfo); procedure SetPreventResize(AValue: Boolean); procedure UpdatePreventResize; procedure UpdatePlacement; procedure AddLink(ALink: TJvIniLink); procedure NotifyLinks(Operation: TPlacementOperation); procedure RemoveLink(ALink: TJvIniLink); procedure FormShow(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); procedure FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); function GetForm: TForm; protected procedure ResolveAppStoragePath; procedure Loaded; override; procedure Save; dynamic; procedure Restore; dynamic; procedure SavePlacement; virtual; procedure RestorePlacement; virtual; property Form: TForm read GetForm; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; function ConcatPaths(const Paths: array of string): string; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; function IsActive: Boolean; procedure SaveFormPlacement; procedure RestoreFormPlacement; function ReadString(const Ident: string; const Default: string = ''): string; procedure WriteString(const Ident: string; const AValue: string); function ReadBoolean(const Ident: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean; procedure WriteBoolean(const Ident: string; AValue: Boolean); function ReadFloat(const Ident: string; Default: Double = 0): Double; procedure WriteFloat(const Ident: string; AValue: Double); function ReadInteger(const Ident: string; Default: Longint = 0): Longint; procedure WriteInteger(const Ident: string; AValue: Longint); function ReadDateTime(const Ident: string; Default: TDateTime = 0): TDateTime; procedure WriteDateTime(const Ident: string; AValue: TDateTime); procedure EraseSections; published property Active: Boolean read FActive write FActive default True; property AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage read FAppStorage write FAppStorage; property AppStoragePath: string read FAppStoragePath write SetAppStoragePath; property MinMaxInfo: TJvWinMinMaxInfo read FWinMinMaxInfo write SetWinMinMaxInfo; property Options: TPlacementOptions read FOptions write FOptions default [fpState, fpSize, fpLocation]; property PreventResize: Boolean read FPreventResize write SetPreventResize default False; property Version: Integer read FVersion write FVersion default 0; property VersionCheck: TJvFormPlacementVersionCheck read FVersionCheck write FVersionCheck default fpvcCheckGreaterEqual; property BeforeSavePlacement: TNotifyEvent read FBeforeSavePlacement write FBeforeSavePlacement; property OnSavePlacement: TNotifyEvent read FOnSavePlacement write FOnSavePlacement; property AfterSavePlacement: TNotifyEvent read FAfterSavePlacement write FAfterSavePlacement; property BeforeRestorePlacement: TNotifyEvent read FBeforeRestorePlacement write FBeforeRestorePlacement; property OnRestorePlacement: TNotifyEvent read FOnRestorePlacement write FOnRestorePlacement; property AfterRestorePlacement: TNotifyEvent read FAfterRestorePlacement write FAfterRestorePlacement; end; TJvStoredValues = class; TJvStoredValue = class; TJvFormStorageStringList = class; TJvFormStorage = class(TJvFormPlacement) private FStoredProps: TJvFormStorageStringList; FStoredValues: TJvStoredValues; FStoredPropsPath: string; function GetStoredProps: TStrings; procedure SetStoredProps(AValue: TStrings); procedure SetStoredValues(AValue: TJvStoredValues); function GetStoredValue(const Name: string): Variant; procedure SetStoredValue(const Name: string; AValue: Variant); function GetDefaultStoredValue(const Name: string; DefValue: Variant): Variant; procedure SetDefaultStoredValue(const Name: string; DefValue: Variant; const AValue: Variant); function GetStoredValuesPath: string; procedure SetStoredValuesPath(const AValue: string); protected procedure Loaded; override; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure SavePlacement; override; procedure RestorePlacement; override; procedure SaveProperties; virtual; procedure RestoreProperties; virtual; procedure WriteState(Writer: TWriter); override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure SetNotification; property StoredValue[const Name: string]: Variant read GetStoredValue write SetStoredValue; property DefaultValue[const Name: string; DefValue: Variant]: Variant read GetDefaultStoredValue write SetDefaultStoredValue; published property StoredProps: TStrings read GetStoredProps write SetStoredProps; property StoredValues: TJvStoredValues read FStoredValues write SetStoredValues; property StoredPropsPath: string read FStoredPropsPath write FStoredPropsPath; property StoredValuesPath: string read GetStoredValuesPath write SetStoredValuesPath; end; TJvFormStorageStringList = class(TStringList) private FFormStorage: TJvFormStorage; public constructor Create(AFormStorage: TJvFormStorage); procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); override; end; TJvIniLink = class(TPersistent) private FStorage: TJvFormPlacement; FOnSave: TNotifyEvent; FOnLoad: TNotifyEvent; procedure SetStorage(AValue: TJvFormPlacement); protected procedure SaveToIni; virtual; procedure LoadFromIni; virtual; public destructor Destroy; override; property Storage: TJvFormPlacement read FStorage write SetStorage; property OnSave: TNotifyEvent read FOnSave write FOnSave; property OnLoad: TNotifyEvent read FOnLoad write FOnLoad; end; TJvStoredValueEvent = procedure(Sender: TJvStoredValue; var AValue: Variant) of object; TJvStoredValue = class(TCollectionItem) private FName: string; FValue: Variant; FKeyString: string; FOnSave: TJvStoredValueEvent; FOnRestore: TJvStoredValueEvent; function IsValueStored: Boolean; function GetStoredValues: TJvStoredValues; protected function GetDisplayName: string; override; procedure SetDisplayName(const AValue: string); override; public constructor Create(Collection: TCollection); override; procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; procedure Clear; procedure Save; virtual; procedure Restore; virtual; property StoredValues: TJvStoredValues read GetStoredValues; published property Name: string read FName write SetDisplayName; property Value: Variant read FValue write FValue stored IsValueStored; property KeyString: string read FKeyString write FKeyString; property OnSave: TJvStoredValueEvent read FOnSave write FOnSave; property OnRestore: TJvStoredValueEvent read FOnRestore write FOnRestore; end; TJvStoredValues = class(TOwnedCollection) private FStorage: TJvFormPlacement; FPath: string; function GetValue(const Name: string): TJvStoredValue; procedure SetValue(const Name: string; StoredValue: TJvStoredValue); function GetStoredValue(const Name: string): Variant; procedure SetStoredValue(const Name: string; AValue: Variant); function GetItem(Index: Integer): TJvStoredValue; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; StoredValue: TJvStoredValue); public constructor Create(AOwner: TPersistent); function IndexOf(const Name: string): Integer; procedure SaveValues; virtual; procedure RestoreValues; virtual; property Path: string read FPath write FPath; property Storage: TJvFormPlacement read FStorage write FStorage; property Items[Index: Integer]: TJvStoredValue read GetItem write SetItem; default; property Values[const Name: string]: TJvStoredValue read GetValue write SetValue; property StoredValue[const Name: string]: Variant read GetStoredValue write SetStoredValue; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL: https://jvcl.svn.sourceforge.net:443/svnroot/jvcl/trunk/jvcl/run/JvFormPlacement.pas $'; Revision: '$Revision: 11669 $'; Date: '$Date: 2008-01-06 10:41:13 -0800 (Sun, 06 Jan 2008) $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses Consts, JclStrings, JvJCLUtils, JvPropertyStorage; const siActiveCtrl = 'ActiveControl'; // do not localize siVersion = 'FormVersion'; // do not localize cFormNameMask = '%FORM_NAME%'; // do not localize //=== { TJvFormPlacement } =================================================== constructor TJvFormPlacement.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FActive := True; if AOwner is TForm then FOptions := [fpState, fpSize, fpLocation] else FOptions := []; FWinHook := TJvWindowHook.Create(Self); FWinHook.AfterMessage := WndMessage; FWinMinMaxInfo := TJvWinMinMaxInfo.Create; FWinMinMaxInfo.FOwner := Self; FLinks := TList.Create; FVersion := 0; FVersionCheck := fpvcCheckGreaterEqual; FAppStoragePath := cFormNameMask; FSaved := False; FRestored := False; FDestroying := False; end; destructor TJvFormPlacement.Destroy; begin while FLinks.Count > 0 do RemoveLink(TJvIniLink(FLinks.Last)); FLinks.Free; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin ReleaseHook; RestoreEvents; end; FWinMinMaxInfo.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.Loaded; var Loading: Boolean; begin // Mantis 3190: Only resolve when we are loaded so that we get the correct // form name if it's a form inheriting from another one. Loading := csLoading in ComponentState; inherited Loaded; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin ResolveAppStoragePath; if Loading then SetEvents; CheckToggleHook; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.AddLink(ALink: TJvIniLink); begin FLinks.Add(ALink); ALink.FStorage := Self; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.NotifyLinks(Operation: TPlacementOperation); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to FLinks.Count - 1 do case Operation of poSave: TJvIniLink(FLinks[I]).SaveToIni; poRestore: TJvIniLink(FLinks[I]).LoadFromIni; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.RemoveLink(ALink: TJvIniLink); begin ALink.FStorage := nil; FLinks.Remove(ALink); end; function TJvFormPlacement.GetForm: TForm; begin if Owner is TCustomForm then Result := TForm(Owner as TCustomForm) else Result := nil; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SetAppStoragePath(const AValue: string); begin if (AValue <> '') and (AnsiLastChar(AValue) <> '\') then FAppStoragePath := AValue + '\' else FAppStoragePath := AValue; // Mantis 3190: Do not resolve if we are loding, this is way too early to // get a valid form name if this form is inheriting from another one. if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and not (csLoading in ComponentState) then begin ResolveAppStoragePath; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SetEvents; begin if Owner is TCustomForm then begin FSaveFormShow := TForm(Form).OnShow; TForm(Form).OnShow := FormShow; FSaveFormCloseQuery := TForm(Form).OnCloseQuery; TForm(Form).OnCloseQuery := FormCloseQuery; FSaveFormDestroy := TForm(Form).OnDestroy; TForm(Form).OnDestroy := FormDestroy; FDefMaximize := (biMaximize in TForm(Form).BorderIcons); if FPreventResize then UpdatePreventResize; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.RestoreEvents; begin if (Owner <> nil) and (Owner is TCustomForm) then begin TForm(Form).OnShow := FSaveFormShow; TForm(Form).OnCloseQuery := FSaveFormCloseQuery; TForm(Form).OnDestroy := FSaveFormDestroy; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SetHook; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (Owner <> nil) and (Owner is TCustomForm) then FWinHook.Control := Form; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.ReleaseHook; begin FWinHook.Control := nil; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.CheckToggleHook; begin if CheckMinMaxInfo or PreventResize then SetHook else ReleaseHook; end; function TJvFormPlacement.CheckMinMaxInfo: Boolean; begin Result := not FWinMinMaxInfo.DefaultMinMaxInfo; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.MinMaxInfoModified; begin UpdatePlacement; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then CheckToggleHook; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SetWinMinMaxInfo(AValue: TJvWinMinMaxInfo); begin FWinMinMaxInfo.Assign(AValue); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.WndMessage(Sender: TObject; var Msg: TMessage; var Handled: Boolean); {$IFDEF CLR} var MinMax: TMinMaxInfo; InitMenuPopup: TWMInitMenuPopup; {$ELSE} type PWMInitMenuPopup = ^TWMInitMenuPopup; var MinMax: PMinMaxInfo; InitMenuPopup: PWMInitMenuPopup; {$ENDIF CLR} begin if FPreventResize and (Owner is TCustomForm) then begin case Msg.Msg of WM_GETMINMAXINFO: if Form.HandleAllocated and IsWindowVisible(Form.Handle) then begin {$IFDEF CLR} MinMax := TWMGetMinMaxInfo.Create(Msg).MinMaxInfo; {$ELSE} MinMax := TWMGetMinMaxInfo(Msg).MinMaxInfo; {$ENDIF CLR} MinMax.ptMinTrackSize := Point(Form.Width, Form.Height); MinMax.ptMaxTrackSize := Point(Form.Width, Form.Height); {$IFDEF CLR} TWMGetMinMaxInfo.Create(Msg).MinMaxInfo := MinMax; {$ENDIF CLR} Msg.Result := 1; end; WM_INITMENUPOPUP: begin {$IFDEF CLR} InitMenuPopup := TWMInitMenuPopup.Create(Msg); {$ELSE} InitMenuPopup := PWMInitMenuPopup(@Msg); {$ENDIF CLR} if InitMenuPopup.SystemMenu then begin if Form.Menu <> nil then Form.Menu.DispatchPopup(InitMenuPopup.MenuPopup); EnableMenuItem(InitMenuPopup.MenuPopup, SC_SIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_GRAYED); EnableMenuItem(InitMenuPopup.MenuPopup, SC_MAXIMIZE, MF_BYCOMMAND or MF_GRAYED); Msg.Result := 1; end; end; WM_NCHITTEST: begin if Integer(Msg.Result) in [HTLEFT, HTRIGHT, HTBOTTOM, HTBOTTOMRIGHT, HTBOTTOMLEFT, HTTOP, HTTOPRIGHT, HTTOPLEFT] then Msg.Result := HTNOWHERE; end; end; end else if Msg.Msg = WM_GETMINMAXINFO then begin {$IFDEF CLR} MinMax := TWMGetMinMaxInfo.Create(Msg).MinMaxInfo; {$ELSE} MinMax := TWMGetMinMaxInfo(Msg).MinMaxInfo; {$ENDIF CLR} if CheckMinMaxInfo then begin with MinMax{$IFNDEF CLR}^{$ENDIF} do begin if FWinMinMaxInfo.MinTrackWidth <> 0 then ptMinTrackSize.X := FWinMinMaxInfo.MinTrackWidth; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MinTrackHeight <> 0 then ptMinTrackSize.Y := FWinMinMaxInfo.MinTrackHeight; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxTrackWidth <> 0 then ptMaxTrackSize.X := FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxTrackWidth; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxTrackHeight <> 0 then ptMaxTrackSize.Y := FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxTrackHeight; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxSizeWidth <> 0 then ptMaxSize.X := FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxSizeWidth; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxSizeHeight <> 0 then ptMaxSize.Y := FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxSizeHeight; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxPosLeft <> 0 then ptMaxPosition.X := FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxPosLeft; if FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxPosTop <> 0 then ptMaxPosition.Y := FWinMinMaxInfo.MaxPosTop; end; end else begin MinMax.ptMaxPosition.X := 0; MinMax.ptMaxPosition.Y := 0; end; {$IFDEF CLR} TWMGetMinMaxInfo.Create(Msg).MinMaxInfo := MinMax; {$ENDIF CLR} Msg.Result := 1; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.FormShow(Sender: TObject); begin if IsActive and not FRestored then try RestoreFormPlacement; except Application.HandleException(Self); end; if Assigned(FSaveFormShow) then FSaveFormShow(Sender); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.FormCloseQuery(Sender: TObject; var CanClose: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FSaveFormCloseQuery) then FSaveFormCloseQuery(Sender, CanClose); if CanClose and IsActive and (Owner is TCustomForm) and (Form.Handle <> NullHandle) then try SaveFormPlacement; except Application.HandleException(Self); end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin if IsActive and not FSaved then begin FDestroying := True; try SaveFormPlacement; except Application.HandleException(Self); end; FDestroying := False; end; if Assigned(FSaveFormDestroy) then FSaveFormDestroy(Sender); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.UpdatePlacement; const Metrics: array [bsSingle..bsSizeToolWin] of Word = (SM_CXBORDER, SM_CXFRAME, SM_CXDLGFRAME, SM_CXBORDER, SM_CXFRAME); var Placement: TWindowPlacement; begin if (Owner <> nil) and (Owner is TCustomForm) and Form.HandleAllocated and not (csLoading in ComponentState) then if not (FPreventResize or CheckMinMaxInfo) then begin Placement.Length := SizeOf(TWindowPlacement); GetWindowPlacement(Form.Handle, {$IFNDEF CLR}@{$ENDIF} Placement); if not IsWindowVisible(Form.Handle) then Placement.ShowCmd := SW_HIDE; if Form.BorderStyle <> bsNone then begin Placement.ptMaxPosition.X := -GetSystemMetrics(Metrics[Form.BorderStyle]); Placement.ptMaxPosition.Y := -GetSystemMetrics(Succ(Metrics[Form.BorderStyle])); end else Placement.ptMaxPosition := Point(0, 0); SetWindowPlacement(Form.Handle, {$IFNDEF CLR}@{$ENDIF} Placement); end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.UpdatePreventResize; var IsActive: Boolean; begin if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (Owner is TCustomForm) then begin if FPreventResize then FDefMaximize := (biMaximize in Form.BorderIcons); IsActive := Active; Active := False; try if (not FPreventResize) and FDefMaximize and (Form.BorderStyle <> bsDialog) then Form.BorderIcons := Form.BorderIcons + [biMaximize] else Form.BorderIcons := Form.BorderIcons - [biMaximize]; finally Active := IsActive; end; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then CheckToggleHook; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SetPreventResize(AValue: Boolean); begin if (Form <> nil) and (FPreventResize <> AValue) then begin FPreventResize := AValue; UpdatePlacement; UpdatePreventResize; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.Save; begin if Assigned(FOnSavePlacement) then FOnSavePlacement(Self); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.Restore; begin if Assigned(FOnRestorePlacement) then FOnRestorePlacement(Self); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SavePlacement; begin if Owner is TCustomForm then begin if Options <> [fpActiveControl] then begin InternalSaveFormPlacement(Form, AppStorage, AppStoragePath, Options); if (fpActiveControl in Options) and (Form.ActiveControl <> nil) then AppStorage.WriteString(AppStoragePath + siActiveCtrl, Form.ActiveControl.Name); end; end; NotifyLinks(poSave); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.RestorePlacement; begin if Owner is TCustomForm then InternalRestoreFormPlacement(Form, AppStorage, AppStoragePath, Options); NotifyLinks(poRestore); end; function TJvFormPlacement.ConcatPaths(const Paths: array of string): string; begin if Assigned(AppStorage) then Result := AppStorage.ConcatPaths(Paths) else Result := ''; end; function TJvFormPlacement.ReadString(const Ident: string; const Default: string = ''): string; begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then Result := AppStorage.ReadString(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, True)]), Default) else Result := Default; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.WriteString(const Ident, AValue: string); begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then AppStorage.WriteString(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, False)]), AValue); end; function TJvFormPlacement.ReadBoolean(const Ident: string; Default: Boolean): Boolean; begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then Result := AppStorage.ReadBoolean(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, True)]), Default) else Result := Default; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.WriteBoolean(const Ident: string; AValue: Boolean); begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then AppStorage.WriteBoolean(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, False)]), AValue); end; function TJvFormPlacement.ReadFloat(const Ident: string; Default: Double = 0): Double; begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then Result := AppStorage.ReadFloat(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, True)]), Default) else Result := Default; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.WriteFloat(const Ident: string; AValue: Double); begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then AppStorage.WriteFloat(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, False)]), AValue); end; function TJvFormPlacement.ReadInteger(const Ident: string; Default: Longint = 0): Longint; begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then Result := AppStorage.ReadInteger(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, True)]), Default) else Result := Default; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.WriteInteger(const Ident: string; AValue: Longint); begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then AppStorage.WriteInteger(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, False)]), AValue); end; function TJvFormPlacement.ReadDateTime(const Ident: string; Default: TDateTime = 0): TDateTime; begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then Result := AppStorage.ReadDateTime(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, True)]), Default) else Result := Default; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.WriteDateTime(const Ident: string; AValue: TDateTime); begin if Assigned(AppStorage) and (Ident <> '') then AppStorage.WriteDateTime(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, AppStorage.TranslatePropertyName(Self, Ident, False)]), AValue); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.EraseSections; begin AppStorage.DeleteSubTree(AppStoragePath); end; function TJvFormPlacement.IsActive: Boolean; begin Result := Active and (AppStorage <> nil); end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.SaveFormPlacement; begin {+ZENsan} ResolveAppStoragePath; //need to resolve if not resolved yet (for Frames) if Assigned(AppStorage) then begin if Assigned(FBeforeSavePlacement) then FBeforeSavePlacement(Self); if VersionCheck <> fpvcNocheck then WriteInteger(siVersion, FVersion); Save; SavePlacement; if Assigned(FAfterSavePlacement) then FAfterSavePlacement(Self); FSaved := True; end; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.RestoreFormPlacement; var ActiveCtl: TComponent; ReadVersion: Integer; ContinueRestore: Boolean; begin {+ZENsan} ResolveAppStoragePath; //need to resolve if not resolved yet (for Frames) if Assigned(AppStorage) then begin FSaved := False; ReadVersion := ReadInteger(siVersion, 0); case VersionCheck of fpvcNocheck: ContinueRestore := True; fpvcCheckGreaterEqual: ContinueRestore := ReadVersion >= FVersion; fpvcCheckEqual: ContinueRestore := ReadVersion = FVersion; else ContinueRestore := False; end; if ContinueRestore then begin if Assigned(FBeforeRestorePlacement) then FBeforeRestorePlacement(Self); RestorePlacement; FRestored := True; Restore; if (fpActiveControl in Options) and (Owner is TCustomForm) then begin ActiveCtl := Form.FindComponent(AppStorage.ReadString(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([AppStoragePath, siActiveCtrl]), '')); if (ActiveCtl <> nil) and (ActiveCtl is TWinControl) and TWinControl(ActiveCtl).CanFocus then Form.ActiveControl := TWinControl(ActiveCtl); end; if Assigned(FAfterRestorePlacement) then FAfterRestorePlacement(Self); end; FRestored := True; end; UpdatePlacement; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = AppStorage) then AppStorage := nil; end; //=== { TJvWinMinMaxInfo } =================================================== procedure TJvWinMinMaxInfo.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TJvWinMinMaxInfo then begin FMinMaxInfo := TJvWinMinMaxInfo(Source).FMinMaxInfo; if FOwner <> nil then FOwner.MinMaxInfoModified; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; function TJvWinMinMaxInfo.GetMinMaxInfo(Index: Integer): Integer; begin case Index of 0: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxPosition.X; 1: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxPosition.Y; 2: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize.Y; 3: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize.X; 4: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.Y; 5: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.X; 6: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize.Y; 7: Result := FMinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize.X; else Result := 0; end; end; procedure TJvWinMinMaxInfo.SetMinMaxInfo(Index: Integer; AValue: Integer); begin if GetMinMaxInfo(Index) <> AValue then begin case Index of 0: FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxPosition.X := AValue; 1: FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxPosition.Y := AValue; 2: FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize.Y := AValue; 3: FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize.X := AValue; 4: FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.Y := AValue; 5: FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.X := AValue; 6: FMinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize.Y := AValue; 7: FMinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize.X := AValue; end; if FOwner <> nil then FOwner.MinMaxInfoModified; end; end; function TJvWinMinMaxInfo.DefaultMinMaxInfo: Boolean; begin Result := not ((FMinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize.X <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMinTrackSize.Y <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.X <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxTrackSize.Y <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize.X <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxSize.Y <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxPosition.X <> 0) or (FMinMaxInfo.ptMaxPosition.Y <> 0)); end; //=== { TJvFormStorage } ===================================================== constructor TJvFormStorage.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); FStoredProps := TJvFormStorageStringList.Create(Self); FStoredValues := TJvStoredValues.Create(Self); FStoredValues.Storage := Self; end; destructor TJvFormStorage.Destroy; begin FStoredProps.Free; FStoredProps := nil; FStoredValues.Free; FStoredValues := nil; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SetNotification; var I: Integer; Component: TComponent; begin for I := StoredProps.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Component := TComponent(StoredProps.Objects[I]); if Component <> nil then Component.FreeNotification(Self); end; end; function TJvFormStorage.GetStoredProps: TStrings; begin Result := FStoredProps; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SetStoredProps(AValue: TStrings); begin FStoredProps.Assign(AValue); SetNotification; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SetStoredValues(AValue: TJvStoredValues); begin FStoredValues.Assign(AValue); end; function TJvFormStorage.GetStoredValue(const Name: string): Variant; begin Result := StoredValues.StoredValue[Name]; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SetStoredValue(const Name: string; AValue: Variant); begin StoredValues.StoredValue[Name] := AValue; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.Loaded; begin inherited Loaded; UpdateStoredList(Owner, FStoredProps, True); end; procedure TJvFormStorage.WriteState(Writer: TWriter); begin UpdateStoredList(Owner, FStoredProps, False); inherited WriteState(Writer); end; procedure TJvFormStorage.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); var I: Integer; Component: TComponent; begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) and (Operation = opRemove) and (FStoredProps <> nil) then for I := FStoredProps.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin Component := TComponent(FStoredProps.Objects[I]); if Component = AComponent then FStoredProps.Delete(I); end; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SaveProperties; var PropertyStorage: TJvPropertyStorage; begin PropertyStorage := TJvPropertyStorage.Create; try PropertyStorage.AppStoragePath := ConcatPaths ([AppStoragePath, StoredPropsPath]); PropertyStorage.AppStorage := AppStorage; PropertyStorage.StoreObjectsProps(Owner, FStoredProps); finally PropertyStorage.Free; end; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.RestoreProperties; var PropertyStorage: TJvPropertyStorage; begin PropertyStorage := TJvPropertyStorage.Create; try PropertyStorage.AppStoragePath := ConcatPaths ([AppStoragePath, StoredPropsPath]); PropertyStorage.AppStorage := AppStorage; try PropertyStorage.LoadObjectsProps(Owner, FStoredProps); except { ignore any exceptions } end; finally PropertyStorage.Free; end; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SavePlacement; Var JvAppStorageHandler: IJvAppStorageHandler; begin inherited SavePlacement; if Supports(Owner, IJvAppStorageHandler, JvAppStorageHandler)then JvAppStorageHandler.WriteToAppStorage(AppStorage, AppStoragePath); SaveProperties; StoredValues.SaveValues; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.RestorePlacement; Var JvAppStorageHandler: IJvAppStorageHandler; begin inherited RestorePlacement; FRestored := True; if Supports(Owner, IJvAppStorageHandler, JvAppStorageHandler)then JvAppStorageHandler.ReadFromAppStorage(AppStorage, AppStoragePath); RestoreProperties; StoredValues.RestoreValues; end; //=== { TJvIniLink } ========================================================= destructor TJvIniLink.Destroy; begin FOnSave := nil; FOnLoad := nil; SetStorage(nil); inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvIniLink.SetStorage(AValue: TJvFormPlacement); begin if FStorage <> AValue then begin if FStorage <> nil then FStorage.RemoveLink(Self); if AValue <> nil then AValue.AddLink(Self); end; end; procedure TJvIniLink.SaveToIni; begin if Assigned(FOnSave) then FOnSave(Self); end; procedure TJvIniLink.LoadFromIni; begin if Assigned(FOnLoad) then FOnLoad(Self); end; //=== { TJvStoredValue } ===================================================== constructor TJvStoredValue.Create(Collection: TCollection); begin inherited Create(Collection); FValue := Unassigned; end; procedure TJvStoredValue.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TJvStoredValue then begin if VarIsEmpty(TJvStoredValue(Source).Value) then Clear else Value := TJvStoredValue(Source).Value; Name := TJvStoredValue(Source).Name; KeyString := TJvStoredValue(Source).KeyString; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; function TJvStoredValue.GetDisplayName: string; begin if FName = '' then Result := inherited GetDisplayName else Result := FName; end; procedure TJvStoredValue.SetDisplayName(const AValue: string); begin if (AValue <> '') and (AnsiCompareText(AValue, FName) <> 0) and (Collection is TJvStoredValues) and (TJvStoredValues(Collection).IndexOf(AValue) >= 0) then {$IFDEF CLR} raise EJVCLException.Create(SDuplicateString); {$ELSE} raise EJVCLException.CreateRes(@SDuplicateString); {$ENDIF CLR} FName := AValue; inherited SetDisplayName(AValue); end; function TJvStoredValue.GetStoredValues: TJvStoredValues; begin if Collection is TJvStoredValues then Result := TJvStoredValues(Collection) else Result := nil; end; procedure TJvStoredValue.Clear; begin FValue := Unassigned; end; function TJvStoredValue.IsValueStored: Boolean; begin Result := not VarIsEmpty(FValue); end; procedure TJvStoredValue.Save; var SaveValue: Variant; SaveStrValue: string; PathName: string; begin PathName := StoredValues.Storage.ConcatPaths([StoredValues.Path, Name]); SaveValue := Value; if Assigned(FOnSave) then FOnSave(Self, SaveValue); if KeyString <> '' then begin SaveStrValue := VarToStr(SaveValue); SaveStrValue := XorEncode(KeyString, SaveStrValue); StoredValues.Storage.WriteString(PathName, SaveStrValue); end else if VarIsInt(SaveValue) then StoredValues.Storage.WriteInteger(PathName, SaveValue) else if VarType(SaveValue) in [varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency] then StoredValues.Storage.WriteFloat(PathName, SaveValue) else if VarType(SaveValue) in [varDate] then StoredValues.Storage.WriteDateTime(PathName, SaveValue) else if VarType(SaveValue) in [varBoolean] then StoredValues.Storage.WriteBoolean(PathName, SaveValue) else StoredValues.Storage.WriteString(PathName, SaveValue); end; procedure TJvStoredValue.Restore; var RestoreValue: Variant; RestoreStrValue, DefaultStrValue: string; PathName: string; begin PathName := StoredValues.Storage.ConcatPaths([StoredValues.Path, Name]); if KeyString <> '' then begin DefaultStrValue := VarToStr(Value); DefaultStrValue := XorEncode(KeyString, DefaultStrValue); RestoreStrValue := StoredValues.Storage.ReadString(PathName, DefaultStrValue); RestoreStrValue := XorDecode(KeyString, RestoreStrValue); RestoreValue := RestoreStrValue; end else if VarIsInt(Value) then RestoreValue := StoredValues.Storage.ReadInteger(PathName, Value) else if VarType(Value) in [varSingle, varDouble, varCurrency] then RestoreValue := StoredValues.Storage.ReadFloat(PathName, Value) else if VarType(Value) in [varDate] then RestoreValue := StoredValues.Storage.ReadDateTime(PathName, Value) else if VarType(Value) in [varBoolean] then RestoreValue := StoredValues.Storage.ReadBoolean(PathName, Value) else RestoreValue := StoredValues.Storage.ReadString(PathName, Value); if Assigned(FOnRestore) then FOnRestore(Self, RestoreValue); Value := RestoreValue; end; //=== { TJvStoredValues } ==================================================== constructor TJvStoredValues.Create(AOwner: TPersistent); begin inherited Create(AOwner, TJvStoredValue); end; function TJvStoredValues.IndexOf(const Name: string): Integer; begin for Result := 0 to Count - 1 do if AnsiCompareText(Items[Result].Name, Name) = 0 then Exit; Result := -1; end; function TJvStoredValues.GetItem(Index: Integer): TJvStoredValue; begin Result := TJvStoredValue(inherited Items[Index]); end; procedure TJvStoredValues.SetItem(Index: Integer; StoredValue: TJvStoredValue); begin inherited SetItem(Index, TCollectionItem(StoredValue)); end; function TJvStoredValues.GetStoredValue(const Name: string): Variant; var StoredValue: TJvStoredValue; begin StoredValue := GetValue(Name); if StoredValue = nil then Result := Null else Result := StoredValue.Value; end; procedure TJvStoredValues.SetStoredValue(const Name: string; AValue: Variant); var StoredValue: TJvStoredValue; begin StoredValue := GetValue(Name); if StoredValue = nil then begin StoredValue := TJvStoredValue(Add); StoredValue.Name := Name; StoredValue.Value := AValue; end else StoredValue.Value := AValue; end; function TJvStoredValues.GetValue(const Name: string): TJvStoredValue; var I: Integer; begin I := IndexOf(Name); if I < 0 then Result := nil else Result := Items[I]; end; procedure TJvStoredValues.SetValue(const Name: string; StoredValue: TJvStoredValue); var I: Integer; begin I := IndexOf(Name); if I >= 0 then Items[I].Assign(StoredValue); end; procedure TJvStoredValues.SaveValues; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do Items[I].Save; end; procedure TJvStoredValues.RestoreValues; var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do Items[I].Restore; end; function TJvFormStorage.GetDefaultStoredValue(const Name: string; DefValue: Variant): Variant; begin Result := StoredValue[Name]; if Result = Null then Result := DefValue; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SetDefaultStoredValue(const Name: string; DefValue: Variant; const AValue: Variant); begin if AValue = Null then StoredValue[Name] := DefValue else StoredValue[Name] := AValue; end; function TJvFormStorage.GetStoredValuesPath: string; begin Result := FStoredValues.Path; end; procedure TJvFormStorage.SetStoredValuesPath(const AValue: string); begin FStoredValues.Path := AValue; end; procedure TJvFormPlacement.ResolveAppStoragePath; {ZENsan} function GetFullFrameName(AOwner: TComponent): String; var Own: String; begin if AOwner = nil then Result := '' else begin Own := GetFullFrameName(AOwner.Owner); if Own <> '' then Own := Own + '.'; Result := Own + AOwner.Name; end; end; begin {ZENsan} if (StrFind(cFormNameMask, FAppStoragePath) <> 0) and Assigned(Owner) then if (Owner is TCustomForm) then StrReplace(FAppStoragePath, cFormNameMask, Owner.Name, [rfIgnoreCase]) else if (Owner is TCustomFrame) then StrReplace(FAppStoragePath, cFormNameMask, GetFullFrameName(Owner), [rfIgnoreCase]) end; { TJvFormStorageStringList } procedure TJvFormStorageStringList.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin inherited; if not (csLoading in FFormStorage.ComponentState) then UpdateStoredList(FFormStorage.Owner, Self, True); end; constructor TJvFormStorageStringList.Create(AFormStorage: TJvFormStorage); begin inherited Create; FFormStorage := AFormStorage; end; procedure TJvFormStorageStringList.LoadFromStream(Stream: TStream); begin inherited; if not (csLoading in FFormStorage.ComponentState) then UpdateStoredList(FFormStorage.Owner, Self, True); end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.