32c32 < unit JvValidateEdit; --- > unit JvValidateEdit_Modified; 50c50 < dfIdentifier); --- > dfIdentifier, dfNaturalFloat); 581c581 < if FDisplayFormat in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfScientific, dfPercent] then --- > if FDisplayFormat in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfScientific, dfPercent, dfNaturalFloat] then 642c642 < dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfPercent, dfDecimal: --- > dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfPercent, dfDecimal, dfNaturalFloat: 686c686 < (NewValue in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then --- > (NewValue in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) then 689c689 < if (OldFormat in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfPercent]) and --- > if (OldFormat in [dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfPercent, dfNaturalFloat]) and 694c694 < (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then --- > (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) then 702c702 < (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then --- > (NewValue in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) then 749c749 < dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear: --- > dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat: 780c780 < dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear: --- > dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat: 834a835,836 > dfNaturalFloat: > EditText := Format('%.*f', [FDecimalPlaces, FloatRangeValue(NewValue)]); 853c855 < dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfPercent, dfScientific: --- > dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfNaturalFloat: 882c884 < dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfDecimal, dfFloatGeneral, dfPercent, dfScientific: --- > dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfDecimal, dfFloatGeneral, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfNaturalFloat: 965,967c967,969 < dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfPercent: < Result := ((Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) and < (((Key = DecimalSeparator) and (Pos(DecimalSeparator, S) = 0)) or (Key <> DecimalSeparator))) or --- > dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfPercent, dfNaturalFloat: > Result := ((Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) and (((Key = DecimalSeparator) and > (Pos(DecimalSeparator, S) = 0)) or (Key <> DecimalSeparator))) or 1007,1008c1009,1010 < Result := ((Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) and < (((Key = DecimalSeparator) and (Pos(DecimalSeparator, S) = 0)) or (Key <> DecimalSeparator))) or --- > Result := ((Pos(Key, FCheckChars) > 0) and (((Key = DecimalSeparator) and > (Pos(DecimalSeparator, S) = 0)) or (Key <> DecimalSeparator))) or 1119c1121 < dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then --- > dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) then 1202c1204 < if (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) and --- > if (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) and 1219a1222,1223 > dfNaturalFloat: > ChangeText(Format('%.*f', [FDecimalPlaces, FormatedValue(AsFloat)])); 1227c1231 < (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) then --- > (FDisplayFormat in [dfBinary, dfCurrency, dfFloat, dfFloatGeneral, dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) then 1391c1395 < dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) and --- > dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) and 1407c1411 < dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear]) and --- > dfDecimal, dfHex, dfInteger, dfOctal, dfPercent, dfScientific, dfYear, dfNaturalFloat]) and