{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvDBGrid.PAS, released on 2002-07-04. The Initial Developers of the Original Code are: Fedor Koshevnikov, Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev Copyright (c) 1997, 1998 Fedor Koshevnikov, Igor Pavluk and Serge Korolev Copyright (c) 2001,2002 SGB Software All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Polaris Software Lionel Reynaud Flemming Brandt Clausen Frédéric Leneuf-Magaud Andreas Hausladen You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- INFO: Draw events are triggered in this order: - Title cells: OnGetBtnParams OnDrawColumnTitle - Data cells: OnGetCellParams OnDrawColumnCell OnGetCellProps and OnDrawDataCell are obsolete. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- KNOWN ISSUES: - THE ColLines OPTION DOES NOT WORK WELL WITH HIDDEN COLUMNS - BUG SOURCE: DBGRID.PAS If a column is followed by hidden columns and ColLines is set to False, the display size of the column is smaller than its width. This is easy to notice when you give the focus to the cell (the focus rect is truncated) or when you use the AutoSize feature (there's a gap after the last column). This bug comes from DBGrid.pas. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 2004/07/08 - WPostma merged changes by Frédéric Leneuf-Magaud and ahuser.} // $Id: JvDBGrid.pas 12941 2010-11-28 21:43:53Z ahuser $ unit JvDBGrid; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Types, Windows, Messages, Classes, Graphics, Controls, Grids, Menus, DBGrids, DB, StdCtrls, Forms, Contnrs, JvTypes, {JvTypes contains Exception base class} JvAppStorage, JvFormPlacement, JvExDBGrids, JvDBUtils; const DefJvGridOptions = [dgEditing, dgTitles, dgIndicator, dgColumnResize, dgColLines, dgRowLines, dgTabs, dgConfirmDelete, dgCancelOnExit {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} , dgTitleClick, dgTitleHotTrack {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP}]; {$IFDEF BCB} {$NODEFINE DefJvGridOptions} {$ENDIF BCB} JvDefaultAlternateRowColor = TColor($00CCCCCC); // Light gray JvDefaultAlternateRowFontColor = TColor($00000000); // Black // Consts for AutoSizeColumnIndex JvGridResizeProportionally = -1; JvGridResizeLastVisibleCol = -2; type TJvDBGrid = class; // Mantis 3895: The only way to lift an ambiguity in an event handler is to // redefine a type. A simple rename is not enough, hence the distinction // between BCB and the others. {$IFDEF BCB} TJvDBGridBitmap = class(TBitmap) end; {$ELSE} {$IFDEF DELPHI10_UP} TJvDBGridBitmap = class(TBitmap) end; {$ELSE} TJvDBGridBitmap = TBitmap; {$ENDIF DELPHI10_UP} {$ENDIF BCB} TSelectColumn = (scDataBase, scGrid); TTitleClickEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol: Longint; Field: TField) of object; TCheckTitleBtnEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACol: Longint; Field: TField; var Enabled: Boolean) of object; TGetCellParamsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean) of object; TSortMarker = (smNone, smDown, smUp); TGetBtnParamsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; var ASortMarker: TSortMarker; IsDown: Boolean) of object; TGetCellPropsEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor) of object; { obsolete } TJvDBEditShowEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; var AllowEdit: Boolean) of object; TDrawColumnTitleEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AColumn: TColumn; var ASortMarker: TJvDBGridBitmap; IsDown: Boolean; var Offset: Integer; var DefaultDrawText, DefaultDrawSortMarker: Boolean) of object; TJvTitleHintEvent = procedure(Sender: TObject; Field: TField; var AHint: string; var ATimeOut: Integer) of object; TJvCellHintEvent = TJvTitleHintEvent; TJvDBColumnResizeEvent = procedure(Grid: TJvDBGrid; ACol: Longint; NewWidth: Integer) of object; TJvDBCheckIfBooleanFieldEvent = function(Grid: TJvDBGrid; Field: TField; var StringForTrue: string; var StringForFalse: string): Boolean of object; TJvDBCanEditCellEvent = procedure(Grid: TJvDBGrid; Field: TField; var AllowEdit: Boolean) of object; TJvDBSelectColumnsEvent = procedure(Grid: TJvDBGrid; var DefaultDialog: Boolean) of object; TJvDBGridLayoutChangeKind = (lcLayoutChanged, lcSizeChanged, lcTopLeftChanged); TJvDBGridLayoutChangeEvent = procedure(Grid: TJvDBGrid; Kind: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeKind) of object; TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink = class private FOnChange: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeEvent; public procedure DoChange(Grid: TJvDBGrid; Kind: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeKind); property OnChange: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeEvent read FOnChange write FOnChange; end; EJVCLDbGridException = Class(EJVCLException); TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings = class(TPersistent) private FCaption: string; FRealNamesOption: string; FOK: string; FNoSelectionWarning: string; public constructor Create; published property Caption: string read FCaption write FCaption; property RealNamesOption: string read FRealNamesOption write FRealNamesOption; property OK: string read FOK write FOK; property NoSelectionWarning: string read FNoSelectionWarning write FNoSelectionWarning; end; TJvDBGridControlSize = ( fcCellSize, // Fit the control into the cell fcDesignSize, // Leave the control as it was at design time fcBiggest // Take the biggest size between Cell size and Design time size ); TJvDBGridControl = class(TCollectionItem) private FControlName: string; FFieldName: string; FFitCell: TJvDBGridControlSize; FLeaveOnEnterKey: Boolean; FLeaveOnUpDownKey: Boolean; FDesignWidth: Integer; // value set when needed by PlaceControl FDesignHeight: Integer; // value set when needed by PlaceControl public procedure Assign(Source: TPersistent); override; published property ControlName: string read FControlName write FControlName; property FieldName: string read FFieldName write FFieldName; property FitCell: TJvDBGridControlSize read FFitCell write FFitCell; property LeaveOnEnterKey: Boolean read FLeaveOnEnterKey write FLeaveOnEnterKey default False; property LeaveOnUpDownKey: Boolean read FLeaveOnUpDownKey write FLeaveOnUpDownKey default False; end; TJvDBGridControls = class(TCollection) private FParentDBGrid: TJvDBGrid; function GetItem(Index: Integer): TJvDBGridControl; procedure SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TJvDBGridControl); protected function GetOwner: TPersistent; override; public constructor Create(ParentDBGrid: TJvDBGrid); function Add: TJvDBGridControl; function ControlByField(const FieldName: string): TJvDBGridControl; function ControlByName(const CtrlName: string): TJvDBGridControl; property Items[Index: Integer]: TJvDBGridControl read GetItem write SetItem; default; end; TCharList = TCharSet; TJvGridPaintInfo = record MouseInCol: Integer; // the column that the mouse is in ColPressed: Boolean; // a column has been pressed ColPressedIdx: Integer; // idx of the pressed column ColSizing: Boolean; // currently sizing a column ColMoving: Boolean; // currently moving a column end; TJvDBGrid = class(TJvExDBGrid, IJvDataControl) private FAutoSort: Boolean; FBeepOnError: Boolean; FAutoAppend: Boolean; FSizingIndex: Integer; FSizingOfs: Integer; FShowGlyphs: Boolean; FDefaultDrawing: Boolean; FReduceFlicker: Boolean; FMultiSelect: Boolean; FSelecting: Boolean; FClearSelection: Boolean; FTitleButtons: Boolean; FPressedCol: TColumn; FPressed: Boolean; FTracking: Boolean; FSwapButtons: Boolean; FIniLink: TJvIniLink; FDisableCount: Integer; FFixedCols: Integer; FMsIndicators: TImageList; FOnCheckButton: TCheckTitleBtnEvent; FOnGetCellProps: TGetCellPropsEvent; FOnGetCellParams: TGetCellParamsEvent; FOnGetBtnParams: TGetBtnParamsEvent; FOnEditChange: TNotifyEvent; FOnTitleBtnClick: TTitleClickEvent; FOnTitleBtnDblClick: TTitleClickEvent; FOnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent; FSelectionAnchor: {$IFDEF RTL200_UP}TBookmark{$ELSE}TBookmarkStr{$ENDIF RTL200_UP}; FOnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnTitleEvent; FWord: string; FShowTitleHint: Boolean; FSortedField: string; FPostOnEnterKey: Boolean; FSelectColumn: TSelectColumn; FTitleArrow: Boolean; FTitlePopup: TPopupMenu; FOnShowTitleHint: TJvTitleHintEvent; FOnTitleArrowMenuEvent: TNotifyEvent; FAlternateRowColor: TColor; FAlternateRowFontColor: TColor; FAutoSizeColumns: Boolean; FAutoSizeColumnIndex: Integer; FMinColumnWidth: Integer; FMaxColumnWidth: Integer; FInAutoSize: Boolean; FSelectColumnsDialogStrings: TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings; FTitleColumn: TColumn; FOnColumnResized: TJvDBColumnResizeEvent; FSortMarker: TSortMarker; FShowCellHint: Boolean; FOnShowCellHint: TJvCellHintEvent; FCharList: TCharList; {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} FScrollBars: TScrollStyle; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} FWordWrap: Boolean; FWordWrapAllFields: Boolean; FChangeLinks: TObjectList; FShowMemos: Boolean; FOnShowEditor: TJvDBEditShowEvent; FAlwaysShowEditor: Boolean; FControls: TJvDBGridControls; FCurrentControl: TWinControl; FOldControlWndProc: TWndMethod; FBooleanFieldToEdit: TField; FBooleanEditor: Boolean; FOnCheckIfBooleanField: TJvDBCheckIfBooleanFieldEvent; FStringForTrue: string; FStringForFalse: string; FAutoSizeRows: Boolean; FRowResize: Boolean; FRowsHeight: Integer; FTitleRowHeight: Integer; FCanDelete: Boolean; // XP Theming {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} FUseXPThemes: Boolean; {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} FPaintInfo: TJvGridPaintInfo; FCell: TGridCoord; // currently selected cell FTitleButtonAllowMove: Boolean; FReadOnlyCellColor: TColor; FOnCanEditCell: TJvDBCanEditCellEvent; FOnSelectColumns: TJvDBSelectColumnsEvent; FOnBeforePaint: TNotifyEvent; FOnAfterPaint: TNotifyEvent; FDelphi2010OptionsMigrated: Boolean; procedure ReadDelphi2010OptionsMigrated(Reader: TReader); procedure WriteDelphi2010OptionsMigrated(Writer: TWriter); {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP} procedure WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); message WM_PAINT; {$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP} procedure CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSEENTER; procedure CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); message CM_MOUSELEAVE; procedure SetAutoSizeRows(Value: Boolean); procedure SetRowResize(Value: Boolean); procedure SetRowsHeight(Value: Integer); procedure SetTitleRowHeight(Value: Integer); procedure WriteCellText(ARect: TRect; DX, DY: Integer; const Text: string; Alignment: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: Boolean; FixCell: Boolean; Options: Integer = 0); function GetImageIndex(Field: TField): Integer; procedure SetShowGlyphs(Value: Boolean); function GetStorage: TJvFormPlacement; procedure SetStorage(Value: TJvFormPlacement); procedure IniSave(Sender: TObject); procedure IniLoad(Sender: TObject); procedure SetMultiSelect(Value: Boolean); procedure SetTitleButtons(Value: Boolean); procedure StopTracking; procedure TrackButton(X, Y: Integer); function ActiveRowSelected: Boolean; function GetSelCount: Longint; function GetRow: Longint; procedure SetRow(Value: Longint); procedure SaveColumnsLayout(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Section: string); procedure RestoreColumnsLayout(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Section: string); function GetOptions: TDBGridOptions; procedure SetOptions(Value: TDBGridOptions); function GetMasterColumn(ACol, ARow: Longint): TColumn; function GetTitleOffset: Integer; procedure SetFixedCols(Value: Integer); function GetFixedCols: Integer; function CalcLeftColumn: Integer; procedure WMChar(var Msg: TWMChar); message WM_CHAR; procedure WMCancelMode(var Msg: TMessage); message WM_CANCELMODE; procedure WMRButtonUp(var Msg: TWMMouse); message WM_RBUTTONUP; procedure CMHintShow(var Msg: TCMHintShow); message CM_HINTSHOW; procedure SetTitleArrow(const Value: Boolean); procedure ShowSelectColumnClick; procedure SetAlternateRowColor(const Value: TColor); procedure ReadAlternateRowColor(Reader: TReader); procedure SetAlternateRowFontColor(const Value: TColor); procedure ReadAlternateRowFontColor(Reader: TReader); procedure SetAutoSizeColumnIndex(const Value: Integer); procedure SetAutoSizeColumns(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetMaxColumnWidth(const Value: Integer); procedure SetMinColumnWidth(const Value: Integer); procedure SetSelectColumnsDialogStrings(const Value: TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings); procedure SetSortedField(const Value: string); procedure SetSortMarker(const Value: TSortMarker); procedure WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMVScroll); message WM_VSCROLL; procedure SetShowMemos(const Value: Boolean); procedure SetBooleanEditor(const Value: Boolean); {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} procedure SetScrollBars(Value: TScrollStyle); {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} procedure ReadPostOnEnter(Reader: TReader); procedure SetControls(Value: TJvDBGridControls); procedure HideCurrentControl; procedure ControlWndProc(var Message: TMessage); procedure ChangeBoolean(const FieldValueChange: Shortint); function EditWithBoolBox(Field: TField): Boolean; {$IFDEF DELPHI9} inline; {$ENDIF DELPHI9} function DoKeyPress(var Msg: TWMChar): Boolean; procedure SetWordWrap(Value: Boolean); procedure SetWordWrapAllFields(Value: Boolean); procedure NotifyLayoutChange(const Kind: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeKind); // XP Theming function GetUseXPThemes: Boolean; procedure SetUseXPThemes(Value: Boolean); {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} function ColumnOffset: Integer; // col offset used for calculations. Is 1 if indicator is being displayed function ValidCell(ACell: TGridCoord): Boolean; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} protected FCurrentDrawRow: Integer; procedure MouseLeave(Control: TControl); override; function AcquireFocus: Boolean; function CanEditShow: Boolean; override; function CanEditCell(AField: TField): Boolean; virtual; function CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; override; procedure DblClick; override; function DoTitleBtnDblClick: Boolean; dynamic; procedure DoTitleClick(ACol: Longint; AField: TField); dynamic; procedure CheckTitleButton(ACol, ARow: Longint; var Enabled: Boolean); dynamic; function SortMarkerAssigned(const AFieldName: string): Boolean; dynamic; function ChangeSortMarker(const Value: TSortMarker): Boolean; procedure CallDrawCellEvent(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); procedure DrawTitleCaption(Canvas: TCanvas; const TextRect: TRect; DrawColumn: TColumn); procedure DoDrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); virtual; procedure DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); override; procedure DrawDataCell(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField; State: TGridDrawState); override; { obsolete from Delphi 2.0 } function BeginColumnDrag(var Origin: Integer; var Destination: Integer; const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; override; procedure ColumnMoved(FromIndex: Integer; ToIndex: Integer); override; function AllowTitleClick: Boolean; virtual; procedure EditChanged(Sender: TObject); dynamic; procedure GetCellProps(Column: TColumn; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean); dynamic; function HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer; const Value: string; AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean; override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; procedure KeyPress(var Key: Char); override; procedure SetColumnAttributes; override; procedure MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; procedure MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); override; function DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; function DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; procedure Scroll(Distance: Integer); override; procedure LinkActive(Value: Boolean); override; {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} procedure UpdateScrollBar; override; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} procedure LayoutChanged; override; procedure TopLeftChanged; override; procedure GridInvalidateRow(Row: Longint); procedure DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); override; procedure ColWidthsChanged; override; function DoEraseBackground(Canvas: TCanvas; Param: Integer): Boolean; override; procedure Paint; override; procedure CalcSizingState(X, Y: Integer; var State: TGridState; var Index: Longint; var SizingPos, SizingOfs: Integer; var FixedInfo: TGridDrawInfo); override; procedure DoDrawColumnTitle(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AColumn: TColumn; var ASortMarker: TJvDBGridBitmap; IsDown: Boolean; var Offset: Integer; var DefaultDrawText, DefaultDrawSortMarker: Boolean); virtual; procedure ColEnter; override; procedure ColExit; override; function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; procedure EditButtonClick; override; procedure CellClick(Column: TColumn); override; procedure DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); override; procedure DoMinColWidth; virtual; procedure DoMaxColWidth; virtual; procedure DoAutoSizeColumns; virtual; procedure Resize; override; procedure Loaded; override; function GetMinColWidth(Default: Integer): Integer; function GetMaxColWidth(Default: Integer): Integer; function LastVisibleColumn: Integer; function FirstVisibleColumn: Integer; procedure TitleClick(Column: TColumn); override; procedure DoGetBtnParams(Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; var ASortMarker: TSortMarker; IsDown: Boolean); virtual; procedure PlaceControl(Control: TWinControl; ACol, ARow: Integer); virtual; procedure RowHeightsChanged; override; function GetDataLink: TDataLink; virtual; procedure Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); override; procedure CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); override; public {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS} class destructor Destroy; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS} constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; procedure DefaultDataCellDraw(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField; State: TGridDrawState); procedure DisableScroll; procedure EnableScroll; function ScrollDisabled: Boolean; procedure MouseToCell(X, Y: Integer; var ACol, ARow: Longint); procedure SelectAll; procedure UnselectAll; procedure ToggleRowSelection; procedure GotoSelection(Index: Longint); procedure LoadFromAppStore(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Path: string); procedure SaveToAppStore(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Path: string); procedure Load; procedure Save; procedure UpdateTabStops(ALimit: Integer = -1); procedure ShowColumnsDialog; procedure CloseControl; // Hide the current edit control and give the focus to the grid procedure InitializeColumnsWidth(const MinWidth, MaxWidth: Integer; const DisplayWholeTitle: Boolean; const FixedWidths: array of Integer); procedure MouseWheelHandler(var Message: TMessage); override; procedure RegisterLayoutChangeLink(Link: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink); procedure UnregisterLayoutChangeLink(Link: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink); procedure BeginUpdate; procedure EndUpdate; function CellRect(ACol, ARow: Longint): TRect; property SelectedRows; property SelCount: Longint read GetSelCount; property Canvas; property Col; property InplaceEditor; property LeftCol; property Row: Longint read GetRow write SetRow; property CurrentDrawRow: Integer read FCurrentDrawRow; property VisibleRowCount; property VisibleColCount; property IndicatorOffset; property TitleOffset: Integer read GetTitleOffset; property CharList: TCharList read FCharList write FCharList; published property AutoAppend: Boolean read FAutoAppend write FAutoAppend default True; property SortMarker: TSortMarker read FSortMarker write SetSortMarker default smNone; property AutoSort: Boolean read FAutoSort write FAutoSort default True; property Options: TDBGridOptions read GetOptions write SetOptions default DefJvGridOptions; property FixedCols: Integer read GetFixedCols write SetFixedCols default 0; property ClearSelection: Boolean read FClearSelection write FClearSelection default True; property DefaultDrawing: Boolean read FDefaultDrawing write FDefaultDrawing default True; property IniStorage: TJvFormPlacement read GetStorage write SetStorage; property MultiSelect: Boolean read FMultiSelect write SetMultiSelect default False; property ShowGlyphs: Boolean read FShowGlyphs write SetShowGlyphs default True; property TitleButtons: Boolean read FTitleButtons write SetTitleButtons default False; property TitleButtonAllowMove: Boolean read FTitleButtonAllowMove write FTitleButtonAllowMove default False; property OnCheckButton: TCheckTitleBtnEvent read FOnCheckButton write FOnCheckButton; property OnGetCellProps: TGetCellPropsEvent read FOnGetCellProps write FOnGetCellProps; { obsolete } property OnGetCellParams: TGetCellParamsEvent read FOnGetCellParams write FOnGetCellParams; property OnGetBtnParams: TGetBtnParamsEvent read FOnGetBtnParams write FOnGetBtnParams; property OnEditChange: TNotifyEvent read FOnEditChange write FOnEditChange; property BevelEdges; property BevelInner; property BevelKind default bkNone; property BevelOuter; property OnShowEditor: TJvDBEditShowEvent read FOnShowEditor write FOnShowEditor; property OnTitleBtnClick: TTitleClickEvent read FOnTitleBtnClick write FOnTitleBtnClick; property OnTitleBtnDblClick: TTitleClickEvent read FOnTitleBtnDblClick write FOnTitleBtnDblClick; property OnTopLeftChanged: TNotifyEvent read FOnTopLeftChanged write FOnTopLeftChanged; property OnDrawColumnTitle: TDrawColumnTitleEvent read FOnDrawColumnTitle write FOnDrawColumnTitle; property OnContextPopup; property OnMouseDown; property OnMouseMove; property OnMouseUp; property OnResize; property OnMouseWheelDown; property OnMouseWheelUp; property BeepOnError: Boolean read FBeepOnError write FBeepOnError default True; property AlternateRowColor: TColor read FAlternateRowColor write SetAlternateRowColor default clNone; property AlternateRowFontColor: TColor read FAlternateRowFontColor write SetAlternateRowFontColor default clNone; property PostOnEnterKey: Boolean read FPostOnEnterKey write FPostOnEnterKey default False; {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} property ScrollBars: TScrollStyle read FScrollBars write SetScrollBars default ssBoth; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} property SelectColumn: TSelectColumn read FSelectColumn write FSelectColumn default scDataBase; property SortedField: string read FSortedField write SetSortedField; property ShowTitleHint: Boolean read FShowTitleHint write FShowTitleHint default False; property TitleArrow: Boolean read FTitleArrow write SetTitleArrow default False; property TitlePopup: TPopupMenu read FTitlePopup write FTitlePopup; property OnShowTitleHint: TJvTitleHintEvent read FOnShowTitleHint write FOnShowTitleHint; property OnTitleArrowMenuEvent: TNotifyEvent read FOnTitleArrowMenuEvent write FOnTitleArrowMenuEvent; property ShowCellHint: Boolean read FShowCellHint write FShowCellHint default False; property OnShowCellHint: TJvCellHintEvent read FOnShowCellHint write FOnShowCellHint; property MaxColumnWidth: Integer read FMaxColumnWidth write SetMaxColumnWidth default 0; property MinColumnWidth: Integer read FMinColumnWidth write SetMinColumnWidth default 0; property AutoSizeColumns: Boolean read FAutoSizeColumns write SetAutoSizeColumns default False; property AutoSizeColumnIndex: Integer read FAutoSizeColumnIndex write SetAutoSizeColumnIndex default JvGridResizeProportionally; property SelectColumnsDialogStrings: TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings read FSelectColumnsDialogStrings write SetSelectColumnsDialogStrings; { Allows user to delete things using the "del" key } property CanDelete: Boolean read FCanDelete write FCanDelete default True; { EditControls: list of controls used to edit data } property EditControls: TJvDBGridControls read FControls write SetControls; { AutoSizeRows: are rows resized automatically ? } property AutoSizeRows: Boolean read FAutoSizeRows write SetAutoSizeRows default True; { ReduceFlicker: improve (but slow) the display when painting/scrolling ? } property ReduceFlicker: Boolean read FReduceFlicker write FReduceFlicker default True; { RowResize: can rows be resized with the mouse ? } property RowResize: Boolean read FRowResize write SetRowResize default False; { RowsHeight: data rows height } property RowsHeight: Integer read FRowsHeight write SetRowsHeight; { TitleRowHeight: title row height (cannot be resized with the mouse) } property TitleRowHeight: Integer read FTitleRowHeight write SetTitleRowHeight; { WordWrap: if true, titles, memo and string fields are displayed on several lines } property WordWrap: Boolean read FWordWrap write SetWordWrap default False; { WordWrapAllFields: if true and WordWrap is true, not only memo and string fields are displayed on several lines } property WordWrapAllFields: Boolean read FWordWrapAllFields write SetWordWrapAllFields default False; { ShowMemos: if true, memo fields are shown as text } property ShowMemos: Boolean read FShowMemos write SetShowMemos default True; { BooleanEditor: if true, a checkbox is used to edit boolean fields } property BooleanEditor: Boolean read FBooleanEditor write SetBooleanEditor default True; { UseXPThemes: if true, the grid is painted in the active XP theme style } property UseXPThemes: Boolean read GetUseXPThemes write SetUseXPThemes {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} stored False{$ENDIF} default True; { OnCheckIfBooleanField: event used to treat integer fields and string fields as boolean fields } property OnCheckIfBooleanField: TJvDBCheckIfBooleanFieldEvent read FOnCheckIfBooleanField write FOnCheckIfBooleanField; { OnColumnResized: event triggered each time a column is resized with the mouse } property OnColumnResized: TJvDBColumnResizeEvent read FOnColumnResized write FOnColumnResized; { ReadOnlyCellColor: The color of the cells that are read only => OnCanEditCell, not Field.CanModify } property ReadOnlyCellColor: TColor read FReadOnlyCellColor write FReadOnlyCellColor default clDefault; { OnCanEditCell: event used to control the appearance of editor and cell background } property OnCanEditCell: TJvDBCanEditCellEvent read FOnCanEditCell write FOnCanEditCell; { OnSelectColumns: event is triggered when the user clicks on the TitleArrow button. } property OnSelectColumns: TJvDBSelectColumnsEvent read FOnSelectColumns write FOnSelectColumns; { OnBeforePaint: event triggered before the grid is painted. } property OnBeforePaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnBeforePaint write FOnBeforePaint; { OnBeforePaint: event triggered after the grid was painted. } property OnAfterPaint: TNotifyEvent read FOnAfterPaint write FOnAfterPaint; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL: https://jvcl.svn.sourceforge.net:443/svnroot/jvcl/trunk/jvcl/run/JvDBGrid.pas $'; Revision: '$Revision: 12941 $'; Date: '$Date: 2010-11-28 18:43:53 -0300 (dom, 28 nov 2010) $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses Variants, SysUtils, Math, TypInfo, Dialogs, DBConsts, StrUtils, JvDBLookup, JvConsts, JvResources, JvThemes, JvJCLUtils, JvJVCLUtils, {$IFDEF COMPILER7_UP} GraphUtil, // => TScrollDirection, DrawArray(must be after JvJVCLUtils) {$ENDIF COMPILER7_UP} JvAppStoragePropertyEngineDB, JvDBGridSelectColumnForm; {$R JvDBGrid.res} type TBookmarks = class(TBookmarkList); TGridPicture = (gpBlob, gpMemo, gpPicture, gpOle, gpObject, gpData, gpNotEmpty, gpMarkDown, gpMarkUp, gpChecked, gpUnChecked, gpPopup); {$IFNDEF COMPILER7_UP} TScrollDirection = (sdLeft, sdRight, sdUp, sdDown); {$ENDIF ~COMPILER7_UP} TCustomGridAccess = class(TCustomGrid); const GridBmpNames: array [TGridPicture] of PChar = ('JvDBGridBLOB', 'JvDBGridMEMO', 'JvDBGridPICT', 'JvDBGridOLE', 'JvDBGridOBJECT', 'JvDBGridDATA', 'JvDBGridNOTEMPTY', 'JvDBGridSMDOWN', 'JvDBGridSMUP', 'JvDBGridCHECKED', 'JvDBGridUNCHECKED', 'JvDBGridPOPUP'); bmMultiDot = 'JvDBGridMSDOT'; bmMultiArrow = 'JvDBGridMSARROW'; // Consts for ChangeBoolean JvGridBool_INVERT = 9; JvGridBool_CHECK = 0; JvGridBool_UNCHECK = -1; var GridBitmaps: array [TGridPicture] of TJvDBGridBitmap = (nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil, nil); FirstGridBitmaps: Boolean = True; procedure FinalizeGridBitmaps; var I: TGridPicture; begin for I := Low(TGridPicture) to High(TGridPicture) do FreeAndNil(GridBitmaps[I]); end; function GetGridBitmap(BmpType: TGridPicture): TJvDBGridBitmap; begin if GridBitmaps[BmpType] = nil then begin if FirstGridBitmaps then FirstGridBitmaps := False; GridBitmaps[BmpType] := TJvDBGridBitmap.Create; GridBitmaps[BmpType].LoadFromResourceName(HInstance, GridBmpNames[BmpType]); end; Result := GridBitmaps[BmpType]; end; function DrawBiDiText(DC: HDC; const Text: string; var R: TRect; Flags: UINT; Alignment: TAlignment; RightToLeft: Boolean; CanvasOrientation: TCanvasOrientation): Integer; const AlignFlags: array [TAlignment] of UINT = (DT_LEFT, DT_RIGHT, DT_CENTER); RTL: array [Boolean] of UINT = (0, DT_RTLREADING); begin if CanvasOrientation = coRightToLeft then ChangeBiDiModeAlignment(Alignment); Result := Windows.DrawText(DC, PChar(Text), Length(Text), R, AlignFlags[Alignment] or RTL[RightToLeft] or Flags); end; function IsMemoField(AField: TField): Boolean; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := AField.DataType in [ftMemo {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}, ftWideMemo {$ENDIF}]; end; //=== { TInternalInplaceEdit } =============================================== type TInternalInplaceEdit = class(TInplaceEditList) private FDataList: TJvDBLookupList; // TDBLookupListBox FUseDataList: Boolean; FLookupSource: TDataSource; protected procedure CloseUp(Accept: Boolean); override; procedure DoEditButtonClick; override; procedure DropDown; override; procedure UpdateContents; override; procedure KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); override; function DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; override; public constructor Create(Owner: TComponent); override; property DataList: TJvDBLookupList read FDataList; // TDBLookupListBox property OnChange; end; constructor TInternalInplaceEdit.Create(Owner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(Owner); FLookupSource := TDataSource.Create(Self); end; procedure TInternalInplaceEdit.CloseUp(Accept: Boolean); var MasterField: TField; ListValue: Variant; begin if ListVisible then begin if GetCapture <> 0 then SendMessage(GetCapture, WM_CANCELMODE, 0, 0); if ActiveList = DataList then ListValue := DataList.KeyValue else if PickList.ItemIndex <> -1 then ListValue := PickList.Items[PickList.ItemIndex] else ListValue := Null; SetWindowPos(ActiveList.Handle, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, SWP_NOZORDER or SWP_NOMOVE or SWP_NOSIZE or SWP_NOACTIVATE or SWP_HIDEWINDOW); ListVisible := False; if Assigned(FDataList) then FDataList.LookupSource := nil; // ListSource FLookupSource.DataSet := nil; Invalidate; if Accept then if ActiveList = DataList then with TCustomDBGrid(Grid), TDBGrid(Grid).Columns[SelectedIndex].Field do begin MasterField := DataSet.FieldByName(KeyFields); if MasterField.CanModify and (Grid as IJvDataControl).GetDataLink.Edit then MasterField.Value := ListValue; end else if (not VarIsNull(ListValue)) and EditCanModify then with TCustomDBGrid(Grid), TDBGrid(Grid).Columns[SelectedIndex].Field do Text := ListValue; end; end; procedure TInternalInplaceEdit.DoEditButtonClick; begin TJvDBGrid(Grid).EditButtonClick; // TCustomDBGrid end; procedure TInternalInplaceEdit.DropDown; var Column: TColumn; begin if not ListVisible then begin with TDBGrid(Grid) do Column := Columns[SelectedIndex]; if ActiveList = FDataList then with Column.Field do begin FDataList.Color := Color; FDataList.Font := Font; FDataList.RowCount := Column.DropDownRows; FLookupSource.DataSet := LookupDataSet; FDataList.LookupField := LookupKeyFields; // KeyField FDataList.LookupDisplay := LookupResultField; // ListField FDataList.LookupSource := FLookupSource; // ListSource FDataList.KeyValue := DataSet.FieldByName(KeyFields).Value; end else if ActiveList = PickList then begin PickList.Items.Assign(Column.PickList); DropDownRows := Column.DropDownRows; end; end; inherited DropDown; end; procedure TInternalInplaceEdit.UpdateContents; var Column: TColumn; begin inherited UpdateContents; if FUseDataList then begin if FDataList = nil then begin FDataList := TJvPopupDataList.Create(Self); FDataList.Visible := False; FDataList.Parent := Self; FDataList.OnMouseUp := ListMouseUp; end; ActiveList := FDataList; end; with TDBGrid(Grid) do Column := Columns[SelectedIndex]; Self.ReadOnly := Column.ReadOnly; Font.Assign(Column.Font); ImeMode := Column.ImeMode; ImeName := Column.ImeName; end; type TSelection = record StartPos: Integer; EndPos: Integer; end; procedure TInternalInplaceEdit.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); procedure SendToParent; begin TJvDBGrid(Grid).KeyDown(Key, Shift); Key := 0; end; procedure ParentEvent; var GridKeyDown: TKeyEvent; begin GridKeyDown := TJvDBGrid(Grid).OnKeyDown; if Assigned(GridKeyDown) then GridKeyDown(Grid, Key, Shift); end; function ForwardMovement: Boolean; begin Result := dgAlwaysShowEditor in TDBGrid(Grid).Options; end; function Ctrl: Boolean; begin Result := (Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [ssCtrl]); end; function Selection: TSelection; begin SendMessage(Handle, EM_GETSEL, WPARAM(@Result.StartPos), LPARAM(@Result.EndPos)); end; function CaretPos: Integer; var P: TPoint; begin Windows.GetCaretPos(P); Result := SendMessage(Handle, EM_CHARFROMPOS, 0, MakeLong(P.X, P.Y)); end; function RightSide: Boolean; begin with Selection do Result := {(CaretPos = GetTextLen) and } ((StartPos = 0) or (EndPos = StartPos)) and (EndPos = GetTextLen); end; function LeftSide: Boolean; begin with Selection do Result := (CaretPos = 0) and (StartPos = 0) and ((EndPos = 0) or (EndPos = GetTextLen)); end; begin case Key of VK_LEFT: if ForwardMovement and (Ctrl or LeftSide) then SendToParent; VK_RIGHT: if ForwardMovement and (Ctrl or RightSide) then SendToParent; end; inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); end; function TInternalInplaceEdit.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; var DataLink: TDataLink; begin // Do not validate a record by error DataLink := (Grid as IJvDataControl).GetDataLink; if DataLink.Active and (DataLink.DataSet.State <> dsBrowse) then DataLink.DataSet.Cancel; // Ideally we would transmit the action to the DatalList but // DoMouseWheel is protected // Result := FDataList.DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos); Result := inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos); end; //=== { TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink } ========================================== procedure TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink.DoChange(Grid: TJvDBGrid; Kind: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeKind); begin if Assigned(OnChange) then OnChange(Grid, Kind); end; //=== { TJvDBGridControls } ================================================== constructor TJvDBGridControls.Create(ParentDBGrid: TJvDBGrid); begin inherited Create(TJvDBGridControl); FParentDBGrid := ParentDBGrid; end; procedure TJvDBGridControl.Assign(Source: TPersistent); begin if Source is TJvDBGridControl then begin ControlName := TJvDBGridControl(Source).ControlName; FieldName := TJvDBGridControl(Source).FieldName; FitCell := TJvDBGridControl(Source).FitCell; LeaveOnEnterKey := TJvDBGridControl(Source).LeaveOnEnterKey; LeaveOnUpDownKey := TJvDBGridControl(Source).LeaveOnUpDownKey; FDesignWidth := 0; FDesignHeight := 0; end else inherited Assign(Source); end; function TJvDBGridControls.GetOwner: TPersistent; begin Result := FParentDBGrid; end; function TJvDBGridControls.Add: TJvDBGridControl; begin Result := TJvDBGridControl(inherited Add); end; function TJvDBGridControls.GetItem(Index: Integer): TJvDBGridControl; begin Result := TJvDBGridControl(inherited GetItem(Index)); end; procedure TJvDBGridControls.SetItem(Index: Integer; Value: TJvDBGridControl); begin inherited SetItem(Index, Value); end; function TJvDBGridControls.ControlByField(const FieldName: string): TJvDBGridControl; var Ctrl_Idx: Integer; begin Result := nil; for Ctrl_Idx := 0 to Count - 1 do if AnsiSameText(Items[Ctrl_Idx].FieldName, FieldName) then begin Result := Items[Ctrl_Idx]; Break; end; end; function TJvDBGridControls.ControlByName(const CtrlName: string): TJvDBGridControl; var Ctrl_Idx: Integer; begin Result := nil; for Ctrl_Idx := 0 to Count - 1 do if AnsiSameText(Items[Ctrl_Idx].ControlName, CtrlName) then begin Result := Items[Ctrl_Idx]; Break; end; end; //=== { TJvDBGrid } ========================================================== {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS} class destructor TJvDBGrid.Destroy; begin FinalizeGridBitmaps; end; {$ENDIF SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS} constructor TJvDBGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent); var Bmp: TBitmap; begin inherited Create(AOwner); {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} FScrollBars := ssBoth; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} // (obones): issue 3026: need to create FChangeLinks at the beginning // so that any change can access the object. It seems that on some // foreign systems, the assignment to the Options property triggers // NotifyLayoutChange, so it needs the FChangeLinks object FChangeLinks := TObjectList.Create(False); FAutoSort := True; FBeepOnError := True; Bmp := TBitmap.Create; try Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(HInstance, bmMultiDot); FMsIndicators := TImageList.CreateSize(Bmp.Width, Bmp.Height); FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite); Bmp.Handle := LoadBitmap(HInstance, bmMultiArrow); FMsIndicators.AddMasked(Bmp, clWhite); finally Bmp.Free; end; FIniLink := TJvIniLink.Create; FIniLink.OnSave := IniSave; FIniLink.OnLoad := IniLoad; FShowGlyphs := True; FDefaultDrawing := True; FReduceFlicker := True; FClearSelection := True; FAutoAppend := True; FAlternateRowColor := clNone; FAlternateRowFontColor := clNone; FSelectColumn := scDataBase; FAutoSizeColumnIndex := JvGridResizeProportionally; FSelectColumnsDialogStrings := TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings.Create; // Note to users: the second line may not compile on non western european // systems, in which case you should simply remove it and recompile. FCharList := ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', ' ', '-', '+', '0'..'9', '.', ',', Backspace, 'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', 'ô', 'ö', 'û', 'ù', 'â', 'à', 'ä', 'î', 'ï', 'ç']; FControls := TJvDBGridControls.Create(Self); FBooleanEditor := True; FStringForTrue := '1'; FStringForFalse := '0'; FAutoSizeRows := True; FRowsHeight := DefaultRowHeight; FTitleRowHeight := RowHeights[0]; FShowMemos := True; FCanDelete := True; FReadOnlyCellColor := clDefault; // XP Theming {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} FUseXPThemes := True; {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} FPaintInfo.ColPressed := False; FPaintInfo.MouseInCol := -1; FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := -1; FPaintInfo.ColMoving := False; FPaintInfo.ColSizing := False; FCell.X := -1; FCell.Y := -1; { properties with setters } inherited DefaultDrawing := False; inherited Options := inherited Options - [dgAlwaysShowEditor]; Options := DefJvGridOptions; end; destructor TJvDBGrid.Destroy; begin HideCurrentControl; FControls.Free; FIniLink.Free; FMsIndicators.Free; FSelectColumnsDialogStrings.Free; FChangeLinks.Free; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.RegisterLayoutChangeLink(Link: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink); begin FChangeLinks.Add(Link); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.UnregisterLayoutChangeLink(Link: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink); begin FChangeLinks.Remove(Link); end; function TJvDBGrid.EditWithBoolBox(Field: TField): Boolean; begin if FBooleanEditor then begin Result := (Field.DataType = ftBoolean); if not Result and Assigned(FOnCheckIfBooleanField) and (Field.DataType in [ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftString, ftWideString, ftBCD, ftFMTBCD {$IFDEF COMPILER12_UP},ftLongWord, ftShortint{$ENDIF COMPILER12_UP}]) then begin FStringForTrue := '1'; FStringForFalse := '0'; Result := FOnCheckIfBooleanField(Self, Field, FStringForTrue, FStringForFalse); end; end else Result := False; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetImageIndex(Field: TField): Integer; begin Result := -1; if FShowGlyphs and Assigned(Field) then begin case Field.DataType of ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftBlob, ftTypedBinary: Result := Ord(gpBlob); ftGraphic: Result := Ord(gpPicture); ftParadoxOle, ftDBaseOle: Result := Ord(gpOle); ftCursor, ftReference, ftDataSet: Result := Ord(gpData); {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}ftWideMemo,{$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP} ftMemo, ftFmtMemo: if not ShowMemos then Result := Ord(gpMemo); ftOraBlob, ftOraClob: Result := Ord(gpBlob); ftBoolean: if BooleanEditor and not Field.IsNull then if Field.AsBoolean then Result := Ord(gpChecked) else Result := Ord(gpUnChecked); {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP} ftFixedWideChar, {$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP} ftString, ftWideString: if EditWithBoolBox(Field) and not Field.IsNull then if AnsiSameText(Field.AsString, FStringForFalse) then Result := Ord(gpUnChecked) else Result := Ord(gpChecked); {$IFDEF COMPILER12_UP} ftLongWord, ftShortint, {$ENDIF COMPILER12_UP} ftSmallint, ftInteger, ftLargeint, ftWord, ftBCD, ftFMTBCD: if EditWithBoolBox(Field) and not Field.IsNull then if Field.AsInteger = 0 then Result := Ord(gpUnChecked) else Result := Ord(gpChecked); end; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.ActiveRowSelected: Boolean; var Index: Integer; begin if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then Result := SelectedRows.Find(DataLink.DataSet.Bookmark, Index) else Result := False; end; function TJvDBGrid.HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow: Integer; const Value: string; AState: TGridDrawState): Boolean; begin Result := ActiveRowSelected; if not Result then Result := inherited HighlightCell(DataCol, DataRow, Value, AState); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ToggleRowSelection; begin if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then with SelectedRows do CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetSelCount: Longint; begin if MultiSelect and (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active then Result := SelectedRows.Count else Result := 0; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetRow: Longint; begin Result := inherited Row; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetRow(Value: Longint); begin if Value <> Row then begin if DataLink.Active and (Value >= TopRow) and (Value <= VisibleRowCount) then DataLink.DataSet.MoveBy(Value - Row) else if FBeepOnError then SysUtils.Beep; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SelectAll; var ABookmark: TBookmark; begin if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then begin with DataLink.DataSet do begin if Bof and Eof then Exit; DisableControls; try ABookmark := GetBookmark; try First; while not Eof do begin SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True; Next; end; finally try GotoBookmark(ABookmark); except end; FreeBookmark(ABookmark); end; finally EnableControls; end; end; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.UnselectAll; begin if MultiSelect then begin SelectedRows.Clear; FSelecting := False; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.GotoSelection(Index: Longint); begin if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active and (Index < SelectedRows.Count) and (Index >= 0) then DataLink.DataSet.GotoBookmark(Pointer(SelectedRows[Index])); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.LayoutChanged; var ACol: Longint; begin ACol := Col; inherited LayoutChanged; if DataLink.Active and (FixedCols > 0) then Col := Min(Max(CalcLeftColumn, ACol), ColCount - 1); DoMinColWidth; DoMaxColWidth; DoAutoSizeColumns; NotifyLayoutChange(lcLayoutChanged); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.NotifyLayoutChange(const Kind: TJvDBGridLayoutChangeKind); var I: Integer; begin // We cannot trigger DataLink.LayoutChanged nor rely on it, so we notify any linked // control of the layout changes by calling DoChange on the registered // TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink objects for I := 0 to FChangeLinks.Count-1 do TJvDBGridLayoutChangeLink(FChangeLinks[I]).DoChange(Self, Kind); if FCurrentControl <> nil then if FCurrentControl.Visible then PlaceControl(FCurrentControl, Col, Row); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ColWidthsChanged; { VCL BUGFIX: The TCustomDBGrid.ColWidthsChanged method invokes DataLink.LayoutChanged/DataSource.OnDataChange for every column, regardless if it was resized or not. This causes a db-aware component or an DataSource.OnDataChange event handler to be triggered very often even if there was no actual change. This becomes worse when the assigned DataSet contains many visible fields (=>columns) and the DataChange event is used to update details data. } procedure FixedInheritedColWidthsChanged; var I, ChangeCount: Integer; begin //inherited TCustomGrid.ColWidthsChanged; inherited RowHeightsChanged; // does the same that TCustomGrid.ColWidthsChanged does. if (Datalink.Active or (Columns.State = csCustomized)) and AcquireLayoutLock then try ChangeCount := 0; for I := IndicatorOffset to ColCount - 1 do if Columns[I - IndicatorOffset].Width <> ColWidths[I] then begin Inc(ChangeCount); if ChangeCount > 1 then // we have what we need Break; end; if ChangeCount > 0 then begin if ChangeCount > 1 then DataLink.DataSet.DisableControls; try for I := IndicatorOffset to ColCount - 1 do if Columns[I - IndicatorOffset].Width <> ColWidths[I] then Columns[I - IndicatorOffset].Width := ColWidths[I]; finally if ChangeCount > 1 then DataLink.DataSet.EnableControls; end; end; finally EndLayout; end; end; var ACol: Longint; begin ACol := Col; FixedInheritedColWidthsChanged; if DataLink.Active and (FixedCols > 0) then Col := Min(Max(CalcLeftColumn, ACol), ColCount - 1); DoMinColWidth; DoMaxColWidth; DoAutoSizeColumns; end; function TJvDBGrid.CreateEditor: TInplaceEdit; begin Result := TInternalInplaceEdit.Create(Self); // replace the call to default constructor : // Result := inherited CreateEditor; TInternalInplaceEdit(Result).OnChange := EditChanged; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetTitleOffset: Integer; var I, J: Integer; begin Result := 0; if dgTitles in Options then begin Result := 1; if (DataLink <> nil) and (DataLink.DataSet <> nil) and DataLink.DataSet.ObjectView then for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do begin if Columns[I].Showing then begin J := Columns[I].Depth; if J >= Result then Result := J + 1; end; end; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetColumnAttributes; begin inherited SetColumnAttributes; SetFixedCols(FFixedCols); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetFixedCols(Value: Integer); var FixCount, I: Integer; begin FixCount := Max(Value, 0) + IndicatorOffset; if DataLink.Active and not (csLoading in ComponentState) and (ColCount > IndicatorOffset + 1) then begin FixCount := Min(FixCount, ColCount - 1); inherited FixedCols := FixCount; for I := 1 to Min(FixedCols, ColCount - 1) do TabStops[I + IndicatorOffset - 1] := False; end; FFixedCols := FixCount - IndicatorOffset; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetFixedCols: Integer; begin if DataLink.Active then Result := inherited FixedCols - IndicatorOffset else Result := FFixedCols; end; function TJvDBGrid.CalcLeftColumn: Integer; begin Result := FixedCols + IndicatorOffset; while (Result < ColCount) and (ColWidths[Result] <= 0) do Inc(Result); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.KeyDown(var Key: Word; Shift: TShiftState); var KeyDownEvent: TKeyEvent; procedure ClearSelections; begin if FMultiSelect then begin if FClearSelection then SelectedRows.Clear; FSelecting := False; end; end; procedure DoSelection(Select: Boolean; Direction: Integer); var AddAfter: Boolean; begin AddAfter := False; if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then if Select and (Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [ssShift]) then begin if not FSelecting then begin FSelectionAnchor := TBookmarks(SelectedRows).CurrentRow; SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True; FSelecting := True; AddAfter := True; end else begin with TBookmarks(SelectedRows) do begin AddAfter := Compare(CurrentRow, FSelectionAnchor) <> -Direction; if not AddAfter then CurrentRowSelected := False; end; end; end else ClearSelections; if Direction <> 0 then DataLink.DataSet.MoveBy(Direction); if AddAfter then SelectedRows.CurrentRowSelected := True; end; procedure NextRow(Select: Boolean); begin with DataLink.DataSet do begin DoSelection(Select, 1); if AutoAppend and Eof and CanModify and not ReadOnly and (dgEditing in Options) then Append; end; end; procedure PriorRow(Select: Boolean); begin DoSelection(Select, -1); end; procedure CheckTab(GoForward: Boolean); var ACol, Original: Integer; begin ACol := Col; Original := ACol; //BeginUpdate; inherited BeginUpdate; try while True do begin if GoForward then Inc(ACol) else Dec(ACol); if ACol >= ColCount then begin if MultiSelect then ClearSelections; NextRow(False); ACol := IndicatorOffset; end else if ACol < IndicatorOffset then begin if MultiSelect then ClearSelections; PriorRow(False); ACol := ColCount - IndicatorOffset; end; if ACol = Original then Exit; if TabStops[ACol] then begin //MoveCol(ACol, 0); SelectedIndex := ACol - IndicatorOffset; Break; end; end; finally inherited EndUpdate; //EndUpdate; // => EndLayout => ... => Initialize => Col := FixedCols + 1 end; end; function DeletePrompt: Boolean; var S: string; begin if SelectedRows.Count > 1 then S := SDeleteMultipleRecordsQuestion else S := SDeleteRecordQuestion; Result := not (dgConfirmDelete in Options) or (MessageDlg(S, mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0) = mrYes); end; begin KeyDownEvent := OnKeyDown; if Assigned(KeyDownEvent) then KeyDownEvent(Self, Key, Shift); if not DataLink.Active or not CanGridAcceptKey(Key, Shift) then Exit; with DataLink.DataSet do if ssCtrl in Shift then begin if Key in [VK_UP, VK_PRIOR, VK_DOWN, VK_NEXT, VK_HOME, VK_END] then ClearSelections; case Key of VK_LEFT: if FixedCols > 0 then begin SelectedIndex := CalcLeftColumn - IndicatorOffset; Exit; end; VK_DELETE: if CanDelete and not ReadOnly and CanModify and not IsDataSetEmpty(DataLink.DataSet) then begin if DeletePrompt then begin if SelectedRows.Count > 0 then SelectedRows.Delete else Delete; end; Exit; end else begin // Mantis 4231: Do not pass delete to inherited grid as it would // allow deleting the row while having CanDelete set to False. Exit; end; end; end else begin case Key of VK_LEFT: if (FixedCols > 0) and not (dgRowSelect in Options) then if SelectedIndex <= CalcLeftColumn - IndicatorOffset then Exit; VK_HOME: if (FixedCols > 0) and (ColCount <> IndicatorOffset + 1) and not (dgRowSelect in Options) then begin SelectedIndex := CalcLeftColumn - IndicatorOffset; Exit; end; end; if DataLink.DataSet.State <> dsInsert then case Key of VK_UP: begin PriorRow(True); Exit; end; VK_DOWN: begin NextRow(True); Exit; end; end; if ((Key in [VK_LEFT, VK_RIGHT]) and (dgRowSelect in Options)) or ((Key in [VK_HOME, VK_END]) and ((ColCount = IndicatorOffset + 1) or (dgRowSelect in Options))) or (Key in [VK_ESCAPE, VK_NEXT, VK_PRIOR]) or ((Key = VK_INSERT) and CanModify and (not ReadOnly) and (dgEditing in Options)) then ClearSelections else if (Key = VK_TAB) and not (ssAlt in Shift) then begin CheckTab(not (ssShift in Shift)); Exit; end; end; OnKeyDown := nil; try inherited KeyDown(Key, Shift); finally OnKeyDown := KeyDownEvent; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetShowGlyphs(Value: Boolean); begin if FShowGlyphs <> Value then begin FShowGlyphs := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetAutoSizeRows(Value: Boolean); begin if FAutoSizeRows <> Value then begin FAutoSizeRows := Value; if FAutoSizeRows then begin RowResize := False; LayoutChanged; // Recalculate DefaultRowHeight end; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetRowsHeight(Value: Integer); begin if (DefaultRowHeight <> Value) and not AutoSizeRows then begin FRowsHeight := Value; DefaultRowHeight := Value; if dgTitles in Options then RowHeights[0] := TitleRowHeight; if HandleAllocated then Perform(WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MakeLong(ClientWidth, ClientHeight)); end else FRowsHeight := DefaultRowHeight; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetTitleRowHeight(Value: Integer); begin if (dgTitles in Options) and (RowHeights[0] <> Value) and not AutoSizeRows then begin FTitleRowHeight := Value; RowHeights[0] := Value; if HandleAllocated then Perform(WM_SIZE, SIZE_RESTORED, MakeLong(ClientWidth, ClientHeight)); end else FTitleRowHeight := RowHeights[0]; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.RowHeightsChanged; var RowIdx, FirstRow: Integer; begin if DefaultRowHeight <> RowsHeight then SetRowsHeight(RowsHeight); if RowHeights[0] <> TitleRowHeight then SetTitleRowHeight(TitleRowHeight); if RowResize then begin if dgTitles in Options then FirstRow := 1 else FirstRow := 0; for RowIdx := FirstRow to VisibleRowCount + 1 do if RowHeights[RowIdx] <> RowsHeight then begin SetRowsHeight(RowHeights[RowIdx]); Break; end; end; inherited RowHeightsChanged; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetDataLink: TDataLink; begin Result := DataLink; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetRowResize(Value: Boolean); begin if FRowResize <> Value then begin if AutoSizeRows then FRowResize := False else FRowResize := Value; SetOptions(Options); end; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetOptions: TDBGridOptions; begin Result := inherited Options; if FMultiSelect then Result := Result + [dgMultiSelect] else Result := Result - [dgMultiSelect]; if FAlwaysShowEditor then Result := Result + [dgAlwaysShowEditor] else Result := Result - [dgAlwaysShowEditor]; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetOptions(Value: TDBGridOptions); var NewOptions: TGridOptions; begin { The AlwaysShowEditor option is not compatible with the custom inplace edit controls. But if the EditorMode is set to True in ColEnter() it emulates the AlwaysShowEditor option. } inherited Options := Value - [dgMultiSelect, dgAlwaysShowEditor]; FAlwaysShowEditor := dgAlwaysShowEditor in Value; NewOptions := TDrawGrid(Self).Options; { if FTitleButtons then begin TDrawGrid(Self).Options := NewOptions + [goFixedHorzLine, goFixedVertLine]; end else } begin if RowResize then Include(NewOptions, goRowSizing) else Exclude(NewOptions, goRowSizing); if not (dgColLines in Value) then NewOptions := NewOptions - [goFixedVertLine]; if not (dgRowLines in Value) then NewOptions := NewOptions - [goFixedHorzLine]; TDrawGrid(Self).Options := NewOptions; end; SetMultiSelect(dgMultiSelect in Value); end; function TJvDBGrid.DoEraseBackground(Canvas: TCanvas; Param: Integer): Boolean; var R: TRect; Size: TSize; begin { Fill the area between the two scroll bars. } Size.cx := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXVSCROLL); Size.cy := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYHSCROLL); if UseRightToLeftAlignment then R := Bounds(0, Height - Size.cy, Size.cx, Size.cy) else R := Bounds(Width - Size.cx, Height - Size.cy, Size.cx, Size.cy); Canvas.Brush.Color := Color; Canvas.FillRect(R); Result := True; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Paint; begin if Assigned(FOnBeforePaint) then FOnBeforePaint(Self); {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin // reset the inherited options but remove the goFixedVertLine and goFixedHorzLine values // as that causes the titles and indicator panels to have a black border TStringGrid(Self).Options := TStringGrid(Self).Options - [goFixedVertLine, goFixedHorzLine]; end; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} inherited Paint; if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and (dgRowSelect in Options) and DefaultDrawing and Focused then begin Canvas.Font.Color := clWindowText; with Selection do DrawFocusRect(Canvas.Handle, BoxRect(Left, Top, Right, Bottom)); end; if Assigned(FOnAfterPaint) then FOnAfterPaint(Self); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetTitleButtons(Value: Boolean); begin if FTitleButtons <> Value then begin FTitleButtons := Value; Invalidate; SetOptions(Options); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetMultiSelect(Value: Boolean); begin if FMultiSelect <> Value then begin FMultiSelect := Value; if not Value then SelectedRows.Clear; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetStorage: TJvFormPlacement; begin Result := FIniLink.Storage; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetStorage(Value: TJvFormPlacement); begin FIniLink.Storage := Value; end; function TJvDBGrid.AcquireFocus: Boolean; begin Result := True; if FAcquireFocus and CanFocus and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin SetFocus; Result := Focused or ((InplaceEditor <> nil) and InplaceEditor.Focused) or ((FCurrentControl <> nil) and FCurrentControl.Focused); end; end; function TJvDBGrid.CanEditShow: Boolean; function UseDefaultEditor: Boolean; const ude_DEFAULT_EDITOR = 0; ude_BOOLEAN_EDITOR = 1; ude_CUSTOM_EDITOR = 2; var F: TField; Editor: Shortint; Control: TJvDBGridControl; EditControl: TWinControl; function IsReadOnlyField: Boolean; begin Result := ReadOnly or Columns[SelectedIndex].ReadOnly or F.ReadOnly or not F.DataSet.CanModify; end; begin // Is there an editor for the selected field ? F := SelectedField; Control := FControls.ControlByField(F.FieldName); if Assigned(Control) then Editor := ude_CUSTOM_EDITOR else if EditWithBoolBox(F) then Editor := ude_BOOLEAN_EDITOR else begin Editor := ude_DEFAULT_EDITOR; // The default editor cannot modify a binary or memo field if (F.DataType in [ftUnknown, ftBytes, ftVarBytes, ftAutoInc, ftBlob, ftMemo, ftFmtMemo{$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}, ftWideMemo{$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP}, ftGraphic, ftTypedBinary, ftDBaseOle, ftParadoxOle, ftCursor, ftADT, ftReference, ftDataSet, ftOraBlob, ftOraClob]) then begin Result := False; HideCurrentControl; HideEditor; Exit; end; end; if not CanEditCell(F) then begin HideCurrentControl; HideEditor; Exit; end; // There is an editor, so we trigger the OnShowEditor event Result := True; if Assigned(OnShowEditor) and not (Assigned(InplaceEditor) and InplaceEditor.Visible) then begin // This event can be triggered twice with the default editor because of the // two successive calls to CanEditShow in the UpdateEdit function of Grids.pas OnShowEditor(Self, F, Result); if not Result then begin HideCurrentControl; HideEditor; Exit; end; end; // Is it a customized editor ? if Editor = ude_CUSTOM_EDITOR then begin Result := False; HideEditor; EditControl := TWinControl(Owner.FindComponent(Control.ControlName)); if not Assigned(EditControl) then begin Control.FieldName := ''; raise EJVCLDbGridException.CreateRes(@RsEJvDBGridControlPropertyNotAssigned); end; if IsPublishedProp(EditControl, 'ReadOnly') then begin SetOrdProp(EditControl, 'ReadOnly', Ord(IsReadOnlyField)); PlaceControl(EditControl, Col, Row); end else if IsReadOnlyField then HideCurrentControl else PlaceControl(EditControl, Col, Row); end else if Editor = ude_BOOLEAN_EDITOR then begin // Boolean editor Result := False; HideCurrentControl; HideEditor; if not IsReadOnlyField then FBooleanFieldToEdit := F; end else // Default editor HideCurrentControl; end; begin Result := False; if (inherited CanEditShow) and Assigned(SelectedField) and (SelectedIndex >= 0) and (SelectedIndex < Columns.Count) then begin FBooleanFieldToEdit := nil; Result := UseDefaultEditor; end else begin if not FAlwaysShowEditor or ([dgRowSelect, dgEditing] * Options <> [dgEditing]) then if HandleAllocated and not (Assigned(InplaceEditor) and InplaceEditor.Visible) then HideEditor; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.CanEditCell(AField: TField): Boolean; begin Result := True; if Assigned(FOnCanEditCell) then FOnCanEditCell(Self, AField, Result); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.GetCellProps(Column: TColumn; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; Highlight: Boolean); function IsAfterFixedCols: Boolean; begin Result := Column.Index >= FixedCols; end; begin if IsAfterFixedCols and (FCurrentDrawRow >= FixedRows) then begin if Odd(FCurrentDrawRow + FixedRows) then begin if (FAlternateRowColor <> clNone) and (FAlternateRowColor <> Color) then begin // Prefer the column's color if not ((cvColor in Column.AssignedValues) and (Column.Color <> Column.DefaultColor)) then Background := AlternateRowColor; end; if FAlternateRowFontColor <> clNone then begin // Prefer the column's font.color if it has a prefered color if not ((cvColor in Column.AssignedValues) and (Column.Color <> Column.DefaultColor)) then AFont.Color := AlternateRowFontColor; end; end; end else Background := FixedColor; if Highlight then begin AFont.Color := clHighlightText; Background := clHighlight; end; if Assigned(FOnGetCellParams) then FOnGetCellParams(Self, Column.Field, AFont, Background, Highlight) else if Assigned(FOnGetCellProps) then FOnGetCellProps(Self, Column.Field, AFont, Background); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoTitleClick(ACol: Longint; AField: TField); // Fred: This function has a few known bugs, so don't complain about them and use // JvDBUltimGrid instead if you're looking for an improved sorting function. const cIndexName = 'IndexName'; cIndexDefs = 'IndexDefs'; cDirection: array [Boolean] of TSortMarker = (smDown, smUp); var IndexDefs: TIndexDefs; LIndexName: string; Descending: Boolean; IndexFound: Boolean; function GetIndexOf(AFieldName: string; var AIndexName: string; var Descending: Boolean): Boolean; var I: Integer; IsDescending: Boolean; begin Result := False; for I := 0 to IndexDefs.Count - 1 do begin if Pos(AFieldName, IndexDefs[I].Fields) >= 1 then begin AIndexName := IndexDefs[I].Name; // best match so far IsDescending := (ixDescending in IndexDefs[I].Options); Result := True; if Descending <> IsDescending then // we've found an index that is the opposite direction of the previous one, so we return now begin Descending := IsDescending; Exit; end; end; // if we get here and Result is True, it means we've found a matching index but it // might be the same as the previous one... end; end; begin IndexFound := False; if AutoSort and IsPublishedProp(DataSource.DataSet, cIndexDefs) and IsPublishedProp(DataSource.DataSet, cIndexName) then IndexDefs := TIndexDefs(GetObjectProp(DataSource.DataSet, cIndexDefs)) else IndexDefs := nil; if Assigned(IndexDefs) and Assigned(AField) then begin Descending := SortMarker = smUp; if GetIndexOf(AField.FieldName, LIndexName, Descending) then begin IndexFound := True; SortedField := AField.FieldName; SortMarker := cDirection[Descending]; try SetStrProp(DataSource.DataSet, cIndexName, LIndexName); except end; end; end; //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // FBC: 2004-02-18 // Following code handles the sortmarker if no Index is found. // the actual data-sorting must be implemented by the user in // event OnTitleBtnClick. Of course, we need a field (Mantis 3845) //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- if AutoSort and not IndexFound and Assigned(AField) then begin if SortedField = AField.FieldName then begin case Self.SortMarker of smUp: Self.SortMarker := smDown; smDown: Self.SortMarker := smUp; end; end else begin SortedField := AField.FieldName; Self.SortMarker := smUp; end; end; if Assigned(FOnTitleBtnClick) then FOnTitleBtnClick(Self, ACol, AField); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CheckTitleButton(ACol, ARow: Longint; var Enabled: Boolean); var Field: TField; begin if (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then begin if Assigned(FOnCheckButton) then begin Field := Columns[ACol].Field; if ColumnAtDepth(Columns[ACol], ARow) <> nil then Field := ColumnAtDepth(Columns[ACol], ARow).Field; FOnCheckButton(Self, ACol, Field, Enabled); end; end else Enabled := False; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DisableScroll; begin Inc(FDisableCount); end; type TGridDataLinkAccessProtected = class(TGridDataLink); procedure TJvDBGrid.EnableScroll; begin if FDisableCount <> 0 then begin Dec(FDisableCount); if (FDisableCount = 0) and DataLink.Active then TGridDataLinkAccessProtected(DataLink).DataSetScrolled(0); end; end; function TJvDBGrid.ScrollDisabled: Boolean; begin Result := FDisableCount <> 0; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Scroll(Distance: Integer); begin if FDisableCount = 0 then begin inherited Scroll(Distance); if ((AlternateRowColor <> clNone) and (AlternateRowColor <> Color)) or ((AlternateRowFontColor <> clNone) and (AlternateRowFontColor <> Font.Color)) then Invalidate; if FAlwaysShowEditor and HandleAllocated and ([dgRowSelect, dgEditing] * Options = [dgEditing]) and Focused then begin ShowEditor; InvalidateCol(Col); end; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.DoMouseWheelDown(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; var Distance: Integer; begin Result := False; if Assigned(OnMouseWheelDown) then OnMouseWheelDown(Self, Shift, MousePos, Result); if not Result then begin if not AcquireFocus then Exit; if ssCtrl in Shift then Distance := VisibleRowCount - 1 else if ssShift in Shift then Distance := 1 else Distance := 2; if DataLink.Active then Result := DataLink.DataSet.MoveBy(Distance) <> 0; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.DoMouseWheelUp(Shift: TShiftState; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; var Distance: Integer; begin Result := False; if Assigned(OnMouseWheelUp) then OnMouseWheelUp(Self, Shift, MousePos, Result); if not Result then begin if not AcquireFocus then Exit; if Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [ssCtrl] then Distance := VisibleRowCount - 1 else if ssShift in Shift then Distance := 1 else Distance := 2; if DataLink.Active then Result := DataLink.DataSet.MoveBy(-Distance) <> 0; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.EditChanged(Sender: TObject); begin if Assigned(FOnEditChange) then FOnEditChange(Self); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.GridInvalidateRow(Row: Longint); var I: Longint; begin for I := 0 to ColCount - 1 do InvalidateCell(I, Row); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.LinkActive(Value: Boolean); begin inherited LinkActive(Value); if Value and FAlwaysShowEditor then ShowEditor; end; {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} procedure TJvDBGrid.UpdateScrollBar; begin if HandleAllocated then begin // The grid can only handle ssNone and ssHorizontal. We have to emulate the other modes. if not (FScrollBars in [ssNone, ssHorizontal]) then inherited UpdateScrollBar; if FScrollBars = ssVertical then ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_HORZ, False); // UpdateScrollBar is the only virtual method that is called from TDBGrid.DataChanged if FAlwaysShowEditor and ([dgRowSelect, dgEditing] * Options = [dgEditing]) and Focused then begin ShowEditor; InvalidateCol(Col); end; end; end; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} procedure TJvDBGrid.TopLeftChanged; begin if (dgRowSelect in Options) and DefaultDrawing then GridInvalidateRow(Self.Row); inherited TopLeftChanged; if FTracking then StopTracking; if Assigned(FOnTopLeftChanged) then FOnTopLeftChanged(Self); NotifyLayoutChange(lcTopLeftChanged); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.StopTracking; begin if FTracking or FSwapButtons then begin TrackButton(-1, -1); FTracking := False; MouseCapture := False; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.TrackButton(X, Y: Integer); var Cell: TGridCoord; NewPressed: Boolean; I, Offset: Integer; begin Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y); Offset := TitleOffset; NewPressed := Windows.PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), {Types.} Point(X, Y)) and (FPressedCol = GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y)) and (Cell.Y < Offset); if FPressed <> NewPressed then begin FPressed := NewPressed; for I := 0 to Offset - 1 do GridInvalidateRow(I); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Cell, LastCell: TGridCoord; MouseDownEvent: TMouseEvent; EnableClick: Boolean; CursorPos: TPoint; lLastSelected, lNewSelected: {$IFDEF RTL200_UP}TBookmark{$ELSE}TBookmarkStr{$ENDIF RTL200_UP}; lCompare: Integer; WasAlwaysShowEditor: Boolean; WasRowResizing: Boolean; begin if not AcquireFocus then Exit; if (ssDouble in Shift) and (Button = mbLeft) then begin DblClick; Exit; end; FAcquireFocus := False; try { XP Theming } {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin FPaintInfo.ColSizing := Sizing(X, Y); if not FPaintInfo.ColSizing then begin FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := -1; FPaintInfo.ColPressed := False; if AllowTitleClick then FPaintInfo.MouseInCol := -1; Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y); if (Button = mbLeft) and (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and (Cell.Y >= 0) and AllowTitleClick then begin FPaintInfo.ColPressed := Cell.Y < TitleOffset; if FPaintInfo.ColPressed then FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := Columns[RawToDataColumn(Cell.X)].Index + ColumnOffset; if ValidCell(FCell) then InvalidateCell(FCell.X, FCell.Y); FCell := Cell; end; end; end; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} if Sizing(X, Y) then inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y) else begin Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y); LastCell.X := Col; LastCell.Y := Row; if (Button = mbRight) and (dgTitles in Options) and (dgIndicator in Options) and (Cell.Y = 0) then begin if (Cell.X = 0) and FTitleArrow and Assigned(FOnTitleArrowMenuEvent) then begin FOnTitleArrowMenuEvent(Self); Exit; end; // Display TitlePopup if it exists if Assigned(FTitlePopup) then begin GetCursorPos(CursorPos); FTitlePopup.PopupComponent := Self; FTitlePopup.Popup(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y); Exit; end; end; if (DragKind = dkDock) and (Cell.X < IndicatorOffset) and (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin BeginDrag(False); Exit; end; if FTitleButtons and (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then begin if ((dgColumnResize in Options) or (csDesigning in ComponentState)) and (Button = mbRight) then begin Button := mbLeft; FSwapButtons := True; MouseCapture := True; FPressedCol := GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y); TrackButton(X, Y); end else if Button = mbLeft then begin EnableClick := True; CheckTitleButton(Cell.X - IndicatorOffset, Cell.Y, EnableClick); if EnableClick then begin MouseCapture := True; FTracking := True; FPressedCol := GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y); TrackButton(X, Y); end else if FBeepOnError then SysUtils.Beep; if not TitleButtonAllowMove then Exit; end; end; if Cell.Y >= 0 then begin if (Cell.X < FixedCols + IndicatorOffset) and DataLink.Active then begin if dgIndicator in Options then inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, 1, Y) else if Cell.Y >= TitleOffset then if Cell.Y - Row <> 0 then DataLink.DataSet.MoveBy(Cell.Y - Row); end else begin { Do not show the editor if the user right clicks on the cell. Otherwise the grid's popup menu will never show. } WasAlwaysShowEditor := dgAlwaysShowEditor in Options; if WasAlwaysShowEditor and (Button = mbRight) {and (PopupMenu <> nil)} then Options := Options - [dgAlwaysShowEditor]; try //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Prevents the grid from going back to the first column when dgRowSelect is True // Does not work if there's no indicator column //------------------------------------------------------------------------------- if (dgRowSelect in Options) and (Cell.Y >= TitleOffset) then begin // Why do we always have to work around the VCL. If we use the original X the // Grid will scroll back to the first column. But if we don't use the original X // and goRowSizing is enabled, the user can start resizing rows in the wild. WasRowResizing := goRowSizing in TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options; try // Disable goRowSizing without all the code that SetOptions executes. TGridOptions(Pointer(@TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options)^) := TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options - [goRowSizing]; inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, 1, Y); finally if WasRowResizing then TGridOptions(Pointer(@TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options)^) := TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options + [goRowSizing]; end; end else inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y); if (Col = LastCell.X) and (Row <> LastCell.Y) then begin { ColEnter is not invoked when switching between rows staying in the same column. } if FAlwaysShowEditor and not EditorMode then ShowEditor; end; finally if WasAlwaysShowEditor and (Button = mbRight) {and (PopupMenu <> nil)} then Options := Options + [dgAlwaysShowEditor]; end; end; end; MouseDownEvent := OnMouseDown; if Assigned(MouseDownEvent) then MouseDownEvent(Self, Button, Shift, X, Y); if not (((csDesigning in ComponentState) or (dgColumnResize in Options)) and (Cell.Y < TitleOffset)) and (Button = mbLeft) then begin if MultiSelect and DataLink.Active then with SelectedRows do begin FSelecting := False; if Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [ssCtrl] then CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected else begin if (Shift * KeyboardShiftStates = [ssShift]) and (Count > 0) then begin lLastSelected := Items[Count - 1]; CurrentRowSelected := not CurrentRowSelected; if CurrentRowSelected then begin with DataLink.DataSet do begin DisableControls; try lNewSelected := Bookmark; lCompare := CompareBookmarks(Pointer(lNewSelected), Pointer(lLastSelected)); if lCompare > 0 then begin GotoBookmark(Pointer(lLastSelected)); Next; while not (CurrentRowSelected and ({$IFDEF RTL200_UP}CompareBookmarks(Bookmark, lNewSelected) = 0{$ELSE}Bookmark = lNewSelected{$ENDIF RTL200_UP})) do begin CurrentRowSelected := True; Next; end; end else if lCompare < 0 then begin GotoBookmark(Pointer(lLastSelected)); Prior; while not (CurrentRowSelected and ({$IFDEF RTL200_UP}CompareBookmarks(Bookmark, lNewSelected) = 0{$ELSE}Bookmark = lNewSelected{$ENDIF RTL200_UP})) do begin CurrentRowSelected := True; Prior; end; end; finally EnableControls; end; end; end; end else begin Clear; if FClearSelection then CurrentRowSelected := True; end; end; end; end; end; finally FAcquireFocus := True; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseMove(Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} var Cell: TGridCoord; MouseInCol: Integer; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} begin { XP Theming } {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin if not FPaintInfo.ColSizing and not FPaintInfo.ColMoving then begin FPaintInfo.MouseInCol := -1; Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y); if (Cell.X >= IndicatorOffset) and (Cell.Y >= 0) then begin if (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) then begin MouseInCol := Columns[RawToDataColumn(Cell.X)].Index + ColumnOffset; if MouseInCol <> FPaintInfo.MouseInCol then begin InvalidateCell(Cell.X, Cell.Y); FPaintInfo.MouseInCol := MouseInCol; end; end end; if ValidCell(FCell) then InvalidateCell(FCell.X, FCell.Y); FCell := Cell; end; end; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} if FTracking and not FSwapButtons then TrackButton(X, Y); inherited MouseMove(Shift, X, Y); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer); var Cell: TGridCoord; ACol: Longint; DoClick: Boolean; ALeftCol: Integer; begin Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y); if FTracking and (FPressedCol <> nil) then begin DoClick := PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), {Types.} Point(X, Y)) and (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and (FPressedCol = GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y)); StopTracking; if DoClick then begin ACol := Cell.X; if dgIndicator in Options then Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset); if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then DoTitleClick(FPressedCol.Index, FPressedCol.Field); end; end else if FSwapButtons then begin StopTracking; FSwapButtons := False; MouseCapture := False; if Button = mbRight then Button := mbLeft; end; if (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) and (FSizingIndex + Byte(not (dgIndicator in Options)) <= FixedCols) then begin ColWidths[FSizingIndex] := GetMinColWidth(X - FSizingOfs - CellRect(FSizingIndex, 0).Left); FGridState := gsNormal; end; if FTitleArrow and (Button = mbLeft) and (dgTitles in Options) and (dgIndicator in Options) and (Cell.X = 0) and (Cell.Y = 0) and (Columns.Count > 0) then ShowSelectColumnClick; // Selection of columns if (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) then begin ALeftCol := LeftCol; inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); if (dgRowSelect in Options) then LeftCol := ALeftCol; if Assigned(OnColumnResized) then OnColumnResized(Self, FSizingIndex + Byte(not (dgIndicator in Options)) - 1, ColWidths[FSizingIndex]); end else inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y); DoAutoSizeColumns; { XP Theming } {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin FPaintInfo.ColSizing := False; FPaintInfo.ColMoving := False; FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := -1; Invalidate; end; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} end; procedure TJvDBGrid.WMRButtonUp(var Msg: TWMMouse); begin if not (FGridState in [gsColMoving, gsRowMoving]) then inherited else if not (csNoStdEvents in ControlStyle) then with Msg do MouseUp(mbRight, KeysToShiftState(Keys), XPos, YPos); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.WMCancelMode(var Msg: TMessage); begin StopTracking; inherited; end; type TWinControlAccessProtected = class(TWinControl); function TJvDBGrid.DoKeyPress(var Msg: TWMChar): Boolean; var Form: TCustomForm; Ch: Char; begin Result := True; Form := GetParentForm(Self); if Form <> nil then if Form.KeyPreview and TWinControlAccessProtected(Form).DoKeyPress(Msg) then Exit; with Msg do begin if Assigned(OnKeyPress) then begin Ch := Char(CharCode); OnKeyPress(Self, Ch); CharCode := Word(Ch); end; if CharCode = 0 then Exit; end; Result := False; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.WMChar(var Msg: TWMChar); begin if Assigned(SelectedField) and EditWithBoolBox(SelectedField) and CharInSet(Char(Msg.CharCode), [Backspace, #32..#255]) then begin if not DoKeyPress(Msg) then case Char(Msg.CharCode) of #32: begin ShowEditor; ChangeBoolean(JvGridBool_INVERT); end; Backspace, '0', '-': begin ShowEditor; ChangeBoolean(JvGridBool_UNCHECK); end; '1', '+': begin ShowEditor; ChangeBoolean(JvGridBool_CHECK); end; end; end else begin inherited; if Assigned(FCurrentControl) then begin if FCurrentControl.Visible then PostMessage(FCurrentControl.Handle, WM_CHAR, Msg.CharCode, Msg.KeyData); end else if InplaceEditor = nil then DoKeyPress(Msg); // This is needed to trigger an onKeyPressed event when the // default editor hasn't been created because the data type // of the selected field is binary or memo. end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.KeyPress(var Key: Char); var lWord: string; lMasterField: TField; I, deb: Integer; Found: Boolean; procedure CharsToFind; begin if Pos(AnsiUpperCase(FWord), AnsiUpperCase(InplaceEditor.EditText)) <> 1 then FWord := ''; if Key = Backspace then if (FWord = '') or (Length(FWord) = 1) then begin lWord := ''; FWord := ''; end else lWord := Copy(FWord, 1, Length(FWord) - 1) else lWord := FWord + Key; end; begin if (Key = Cr) and PostOnEnterKey and not ReadOnly then DataSource.DataSet.CheckBrowseMode; if not Assigned(FCurrentControl) then inherited KeyPress(Key); if EditorMode then begin // Goal: Allow to go directly into the InplaceEditor when one types the first // characters of a word found in the list. // Remark: InplaceEditor is protected in TCustomGrid, published in TJvDBGrid. if DataSource.DataSet.CanModify and not (ReadOnly or Columns[SelectedIndex].ReadOnly or Columns[SelectedIndex].Field.ReadOnly) then with Columns[SelectedIndex].Field do if (FieldKind = fkLookup) and CharInSet(Key, CharList) then begin CharsToFind; LookupDataSet.DisableControls; try try if LookupDataSet.Locate(LookupResultField, lWord, [loCaseInsensitive, loPartialKey]) then begin DataSet.Edit; lMasterField := DataSet.FieldByName(KeyFields); if lMasterField.CanModify then begin lMasterField.Value := LookupDataSet.FieldValues[LookupKeyFields]; FWord := lWord; InplaceEditor.SelStart := Length(FWord); InplaceEditor.SelLength := Length(InplaceEditor.EditText) - Length(FWord); end; end; except { If you attempt to search for a string larger than what the field can hold, and exception will be raised. Just trap it. } end; finally LookupDataSet.EnableControls; end; end else if FieldKind = fkData then begin if DataType in [db.ftFloat{$IFDEF COMPILER12_UP},db.ftExtended{$ENDIF COMPILER12_UP}] then if CharInSet(Key, ['.', ',']) then Key := {$IFDEF RTL220_UP}FormatSettings.{$ENDIF RTL220_UP}DecimalSeparator; if CharInSet(Key, CharList) and (Columns[SelectedIndex].PickList.Count <> 0) then begin FWord := InplaceEditor.EditText; deb := InplaceEditor.SelStart + InplaceEditor.SelLength; if Key = Backspace then begin if (InplaceEditor.SelLength = 0) then begin lWord := Copy(FWord, 1, InplaceEditor.SelStart - 1) + Copy(FWord, deb + 1, Length(FWord) - deb + 1); deb := InplaceEditor.SelStart - 1; end else begin lWord := Copy(FWord, 1, InplaceEditor.SelStart) + Copy(FWord, deb + 1, Length(FWord) - deb); deb := InplaceEditor.SelStart; end; end else begin lWord := Copy(FWord, 1, InplaceEditor.SelStart) + Key + Copy(FWord, deb + 1, Length(FWord) - deb); deb := InplaceEditor.SelStart + 1; end; Found := False; with Columns[SelectedIndex].PickList do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin if AnsiStartsText(lWord, Strings[I]) then begin DataSet.Edit; InplaceEditor.EditText := Strings[I]; Columns[SelectedIndex].Field.Text := Strings[I]; InplaceEditor.SelStart := deb; InplaceEditor.SelLength := Length(Text) - deb; Found := True; Break; end; end; if Found then Key := #0; end; end; end else // This fixes a bug coming from DBGrids.pas when a field is not editable. // This ensures that nothing else will process the keys pressed. Key := #0; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DefaultDataCellDraw(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField; State: TGridDrawState); begin DefaultDrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State); end; function TJvDBGrid.GetMasterColumn(ACol, ARow: Longint): TColumn; begin if dgIndicator in Options then Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset); if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then begin Result := Columns[ACol]; Result := ColumnAtDepth(Result, ARow); end else Result := nil; end; function TJvDBGrid.SortMarkerAssigned(const AFieldName: string): Boolean; begin Result := AnsiSameText(AFieldName, SortedField); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.WriteCellText(ARect: TRect; DX, DY: Integer; const Text: string; Alignment: TAlignment; ARightToLeft: Boolean; FixCell: Boolean; Options: Integer = 0); const AlignFlags: array [TAlignment] of Integer = (DT_LEFT or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX, DT_RIGHT or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX, DT_CENTER or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX); RTL: array [Boolean] of Integer = (0, DT_RTLREADING); var DrawBitmap: TBitmap; Hold: Integer; B, R: TRect; DrawOptions: Integer; procedure DrawAText(CellCanvas: TCanvas); begin with CellCanvas do begin DrawOptions := DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX; if Options <> 0 then DrawOptions := DrawOptions or Options; if WordWrap then DrawOptions := DrawOptions or DT_WORDBREAK; {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if not FixCell or not (UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled) then {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} if not FixCell or (DrawingStyle in [gdsClassic, gdsThemed]) then {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} begin if Brush.Style <> bsSolid then Brush.Style := bsSolid; FillRect(B); end; SetBkMode(Handle, TRANSPARENT); DrawBiDiText(Handle, Text, R, DrawOptions, Alignment, ARightToLeft, Canvas.CanvasOrientation); end; end; begin if ReduceFlicker {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} and not FixCell {$ENDIF} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} and not (UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled) {$ENDIF} then begin // Use offscreen bitmap to eliminate flicker and // brush origin tics in painting / scrolling. DrawBitmap := TBitmap.Create; try DrawBitmap.Canvas.Lock; try with DrawBitmap, ARect do begin Width := Max(Width, Right - Left); Height := Max(Height, Bottom - Top); R := Rect(DX, DY, Right - Left - 1, Bottom - Top - 1); B := Rect(0, 0, Right - Left, Bottom - Top); end; with DrawBitmap.Canvas do begin Font := Canvas.Font; Font.Color := Canvas.Font.Color; Brush := Canvas.Brush; end; DrawAText(DrawBitmap.Canvas); if Canvas.CanvasOrientation = coRightToLeft then begin Hold := ARect.Left; ARect.Left := ARect.Right; ARect.Right := Hold; end; Canvas.CopyRect(ARect, DrawBitmap.Canvas, B); finally DrawBitmap.Canvas.Unlock; end; finally DrawBitmap.Free; end; end else begin // No offscreen bitmap - The display is faster but flickers if IsRightToLeft then with ARect do R := Rect(Left, Top, Right - 1 - DX, Bottom - DY - 1) else with ARect do R := Rect(Left + DX, Top + DY, Right - 1, Bottom - 1); B := ARect; DrawAText(Canvas); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CallDrawCellEvent(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); begin inherited DrawCell(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoDrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} var Details: TThemedElementDetails; lCaptionRect: TRect; lCellRect: TRect; Bmp: TBitmap; DC: HDC; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} begin {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin lCellRect := ARect; if ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled and (ARow = 0) and (ACol - ColumnOffset >= 0) and (dgTitles in Options) then begin lCaptionRect := ARect; if not FPaintInfo.ColPressed or (FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx <> ACol) then begin if (FPaintInfo.MouseInCol = -1) or (FPaintInfo.MouseInCol <> ACol) or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemNormal) else Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemHot); lCellRect.Right := lCellRect.Right + 1; lCellRect.Bottom := lCellRect.Bottom + 2; end else if AllowTitleClick then begin Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemPressed); InflateRect(lCaptionRect, -1, 1); end else begin if FPaintInfo.MouseInCol = ACol then Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemHot) else Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemNormal); end; ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, lCellRect); { The column title isn't painted by DrawCell if the DataLink is not active. } if (DataLink = nil) or not DataLink.Active then if (ACol - ColumnOffset >= 0) and (ACol - ColumnOffset < Columns.Count) then DrawTitleCaption(Canvas, lCaptionRect, Columns[ACol - ColumnOffset]); end else if (ACol = 0) and (dgIndicator in Options) and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then begin // indicator column if ARow < TitleOffset then Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderItemNormal) else Details := ThemeServices.GetElementDetails(thHeaderRoot); lCellRect.Right := lCellRect.Right + 1; lCellRect.Bottom := lCellRect.Bottom + 2; ThemeServices.DrawElement(Canvas.Handle, Details, lCellRect); // draw the indicator if (Datalink.Active) and (ARow - TitleOffset = Datalink.ActiveRecord) then begin // Unfortunatelly the TDBGrid.FIndicators: TImageList is a private field so we have to // call the original painter for the indicator and draw it into a transparent bitmap // without the 3D border. Bmp := TBitmap.Create; try Bmp.Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor; Bmp.Width := lCellRect.Right - lCellRect.Left; Bmp.Height := lCellRect.Bottom - lCellRect.Top; DC := Canvas.Handle; try Canvas.Handle := Bmp.Canvas.Handle; IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, 2, 2, Bmp.Width - 2, Bmp.Height - 2); CallDrawCellEvent(ACol, ARow, Rect(0, 0, Bmp.Width - 1, Bmp.Height - 1), [gdFixed]); finally Canvas.Handle := DC; end; Bmp.TransparentColor := FixedColor; Bmp.Transparent := True; Canvas.Draw(lCellRect.Left, lCellRect.Top, Bmp); finally Bmp.Free; end; end; end else CallDrawCellEvent(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState); end else {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} CallDrawCellEvent(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DrawTitleCaption(Canvas: TCanvas; const TextRect: TRect; DrawColumn: TColumn); const AlignFlags: array [TAlignment] of Integer = (DT_LEFT or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX, DT_RIGHT or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX, DT_CENTER or DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX); RTL: array [Boolean] of Integer = (0, DT_RTLREADING); const MinOffs = 1; var CalcRect: TRect; TitleSpace, TitleOptions: Integer; begin with DrawColumn.Title do begin TitleOptions := DT_END_ELLIPSIS; if WordWrap then begin CalcRect := TextRect; Dec(CalcRect.Right, MinOffs + 1); DrawBiDiText(Canvas.Handle, Caption, CalcRect, DT_EXPANDTABS or DT_NOPREFIX or DT_CALCRECT or DT_WORDBREAK, Alignment, IsRightToLeft, Canvas.CanvasOrientation); if CalcRect.Bottom > TextRect.Bottom then begin TitleOptions := DT_END_ELLIPSIS or DT_SINGLELINE; TitleSpace := TextRect.Bottom - TextRect.Top - Canvas.TextHeight('^g'); end else begin if (CalcRect.Bottom - CalcRect.Top) > Canvas.TextHeight('^g') then TitleOptions := 0; TitleSpace := TextRect.Bottom - CalcRect.Bottom; end; end else TitleSpace := TextRect.Bottom - TextRect.Top - Canvas.TextHeight('^g'); WriteCellText(TextRect, MinOffs, Max(MinOffs, TitleSpace div 2), Caption, Alignment, IsRightToLeft, True, TitleOptions); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DrawCell(ACol, ARow: Longint; ARect: TRect; AState: TGridDrawState); const EdgeFlag: array [Boolean] of UINT = (BDR_RAISEDINNER, BDR_SUNKENINNER); MinOffs = 1; var FrameOffs: Byte; BackColor: TColor; ASortMarker: TSortMarker; Indicator, ALeft: Integer; Down: Boolean; Bmp: TJvDBGridBitmap; SavePen: TColor; OldActive: Longint; MultiSelected: Boolean; FixRect: TRect; TitleRect, TextRect: TRect; AField: TField; MasterCol: TColumn; InBiDiMode: Boolean; DrawColumn: TColumn; DefaultDrawText, DefaultDrawSortMarker: Boolean; function CalcTitleRect(Col: TColumn; ARow: Integer; var MasterCol: TColumn): TRect; { copied from CodeGear's DbGrids.pas } var I, J: Integer; InBiDiMode: Boolean; DrawInfo: TGridDrawInfo; begin MasterCol := ColumnAtDepth(Col, ARow); if MasterCol = nil then Exit; I := DataToRawColumn(MasterCol.Index); if I >= LeftCol then J := MasterCol.Depth else begin if (FixedCols > 0) and (MasterCol.Index < FixedCols) then begin J := MasterCol.Depth; end else begin I := LeftCol; if Col.Depth > ARow then J := ARow else J := Col.Depth; end; end; Result := CellRect(I, J); InBiDiMode := UseRightToLeftAlignment and (Canvas.CanvasOrientation = coLeftToRight); for I := Col.Index to Columns.Count - 1 do begin if ColumnAtDepth(Columns[I], ARow) <> MasterCol then Break; if not InBiDiMode then begin J := CellRect(DataToRawColumn(I), ARow).Right; if J = 0 then Break; Result.Right := Max(Result.Right, J); end else begin J := CellRect(DataToRawColumn(I), ARow).Left; if J >= ClientWidth then Break; Result.Left := J; end; end; J := Col.Depth; if (J <= ARow) and (J < FixedRows - 1) then begin CalcFixedInfo(DrawInfo); Result.Bottom := DrawInfo.Vert.FixedBoundary - DrawInfo.Vert.EffectiveLineWidth; end; end; procedure DrawExpandBtn(var TitleRect, TextRect: TRect; InBiDiMode: Boolean; Expanded: Boolean); { copied from CodeGear's DbGrids.pas } const ScrollArrows: array [Boolean, Boolean] of Integer = ((DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT, DFCS_SCROLLLEFT), (DFCS_SCROLLLEFT, DFCS_SCROLLRIGHT)); var ButtonRect: TRect; I: Integer; begin I := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL); if (TextRect.Right - TextRect.Left) > I then begin Dec(TextRect.Right, I); ButtonRect := TitleRect; ButtonRect.Left := TextRect.Right; I := SaveDC(Canvas.Handle); try Canvas.FillRect(ButtonRect); InflateRect(ButtonRect, -1, -1); with ButtonRect do IntersectClipRect(Canvas.Handle, Left, Top, Right, Bottom); InflateRect(ButtonRect, 1, 1); { DrawFrameControl doesn't draw properly when orientation has changed. It draws as ExtTextOut does. } if InBiDiMode then { stretch the arrows box } Inc(ButtonRect.Right, GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXHSCROLL) + 4); DrawFrameControl(Canvas.Handle, ButtonRect, DFC_SCROLL, ScrollArrows[InBiDiMode, Expanded] or DFCS_FLAT); finally RestoreDC(Canvas.Handle, I); end; TitleRect.Right := ButtonRect.Left; end; end; begin FCurrentDrawRow := ARow; Canvas.Font := Self.Font; if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then begin DrawColumn := Columns[ACol]; if DrawColumn <> nil then Canvas.Font := DrawColumn.Font; end; DoDrawCell(ACol, ARow, ARect, AState); with ARect do if FTitleArrow and (ARow = 0) and (ACol = 0) and (dgIndicator in Options) and (dgTitles in Options) then begin Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpPopup); DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, (ARect.Left + ARect.Right - Bmp.Width) div 2, (ARect.Top + ARect.Bottom - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clWhite); end; InBiDiMode := Canvas.CanvasOrientation = coRightToLeft; if (dgIndicator in Options) and (ACol = 0) and (ARow - TitleOffset >= 0) and MultiSelect and (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (DataLink.DataSet.State = dsBrowse) then begin { draw multiselect indicators if needed } FixRect := ARect; if [dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines] then begin InflateRect(FixRect, -1, -1); FrameOffs := 1; end else FrameOffs := 2; OldActive := DataLink.ActiveRecord; try DataLink.ActiveRecord := ARow - TitleOffset; MultiSelected := ActiveRowSelected; finally DataLink.ActiveRecord := OldActive; end; if MultiSelected then begin if ARow - TitleOffset <> DataLink.ActiveRecord then Indicator := 0 else Indicator := 1; { multiselected and current row } FMsIndicators.BkColor := FixedColor; ALeft := FixRect.Right - FMsIndicators.Width - FrameOffs; if InBiDiMode then Inc(ALeft); FMsIndicators.Draw(Self.Canvas, ALeft, (FixRect.Top + FixRect.Bottom - FMsIndicators.Height) shr 1, Indicator); end; end else if not (csLoading in ComponentState) and (gdFixed in AState) and (dgTitles in Options) and (ARow < TitleOffset) then begin SavePen := Canvas.Pen.Color; try Canvas.Pen.Color := clWindowFrame; if dgIndicator in Options then Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset); AField := nil; ASortMarker := smNone; if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then begin DrawColumn := Columns[ACol]; AField := DrawColumn.Field; end else DrawColumn := nil; if Assigned(DrawColumn) and not DrawColumn.Showing then Exit; TitleRect := CalcTitleRect(DrawColumn, ARow, MasterCol); if TitleRect.Right < ARect.Right then TitleRect.Right := ARect.Right; if MasterCol = nil then Exit else if MasterCol <> DrawColumn then AField := MasterCol.Field; DrawColumn := MasterCol; if ((dgColLines in Options) or FTitleButtons) and (ACol = FixedCols - 1) then begin if (ACol < Columns.Count - 1) and not (Columns[ACol + 1].Showing) then begin Canvas.MoveTo(TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Top); Canvas.LineTo(TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom); end; end; if ((dgRowLines in Options) or FTitleButtons) and not MasterCol.Showing then begin Canvas.MoveTo(TitleRect.Left, TitleRect.Bottom); Canvas.LineTo(TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom); end; Down := FPressed and FTitleButtons and (FPressedCol = DrawColumn); if FTitleButtons or ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) then begin {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if not (UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled) then {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} begin DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, TitleRect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, TitleRect, EdgeFlag[Down], BF_TOPLEFT); InflateRect(TitleRect, -1, -1); end; end; Canvas.Font := TitleFont; Canvas.Brush.Color := FixedColor; if DrawColumn <> nil then begin Canvas.Font := DrawColumn.Title.Font; Canvas.Brush.Color := DrawColumn.Title.Color; end; if FTitleButtons and (AField <> nil) then begin BackColor := Canvas.Brush.Color; //----------------------------------------- // FBC -fix SortMarker // Not so elegant, but it works. //----------------------------------------- if SortMarkerAssigned(AField.FieldName) then begin ASortMarker := Self.SortMarker; DoGetBtnParams(AField, Canvas.Font, BackColor, ASortMarker, Down); Self.SortMarker := ASortMarker; end else DoGetBtnParams(AField, Canvas.Font, BackColor, ASortMarker, Down); Canvas.Brush.Color := BackColor; end; if Down then OffsetRect(TitleRect, 1, 1); ARect := TitleRect; if (DataLink = nil) or not DataLink.Active then begin {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} DrawCellBackground(TitleRect, FixedColor, AState, ACol, ARow - TitleOffset); {$ELSE} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if not (UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled) then {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} Canvas.FillRect(TitleRect); {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} end else if DrawColumn <> nil then begin {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} DrawCellBackground(TitleRect, FixedColor, AState, ACol, ARow - TitleOffset); {$ELSE} // {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} // if not (UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled) then // {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} // Canvas.FillRect(TitleRect); {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} case ASortMarker of smDown: Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpMarkDown); smUp: Bmp := GetGridBitmap(gpMarkUp); else Bmp := nil; end; if Bmp <> nil then Indicator := Bmp.Width + 6 else Indicator := 1; DefaultDrawText := True; DefaultDrawSortMarker := True; DoDrawColumnTitle(Canvas, TitleRect, DrawColumn, Bmp, Down, Indicator, DefaultDrawText, DefaultDrawSortMarker); TextRect := TitleRect; if ASortMarker <> smNone then Dec(TextRect.Right, Bmp.Width + 4); if DefaultDrawText then begin if DrawColumn.Expandable then DrawExpandBtn(TitleRect, TextRect, InBiDiMode, DrawColumn.Expanded); DrawTitleCaption(Canvas, TextRect, DrawColumn); end; if DefaultDrawSortMarker then begin if Bmp <> nil then begin ALeft := TitleRect.Right - Indicator + 3; if IsRightToLeft then ALeft := TitleRect.Left + 3; {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} DrawCellBackground(Rect(TextRect.Right, TitleRect.Top, TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom), FixedColor, AState, ACol, ARow - TitleOffset); {$ELSE} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if not (UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled) then {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} Canvas.FillRect(Rect(TextRect.Right, TitleRect.Top, TitleRect.Right, TitleRect.Bottom)); {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} if (ALeft > TitleRect.Left) and (ALeft + Bmp.Width < TitleRect.Right) then DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, ALeft, (TitleRect.Bottom + TitleRect.Top - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clFuchsia); end; end; end else WriteCellText(ARect, MinOffs, MinOffs, '', taLeftJustify, False, IsRightToLeft); {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} if ([dgRowLines, dgColLines] * Options = [dgRowLines, dgColLines]) and ((DrawingStyle = gdsClassic) or ((DrawingStyle = gdsThemed) and not ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled)) and not (gdPressed in AState) then begin InflateRect(TitleRect, 1, 1); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, TitleRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_BOTTOMRIGHT); DrawEdge(Canvas.Handle, TitleRect, BDR_RAISEDINNER, BF_TOPLEFT); end; {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} finally Canvas.Pen.Color := SavePen; end; end else begin Canvas.Font := Self.Font; if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and (ACol < Columns.Count) then begin DrawColumn := Columns[ACol]; if DrawColumn <> nil then Canvas.Font := DrawColumn.Font; end; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer; Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); var I: Integer; NewBackgrnd: TColor; Highlight: Boolean; Bmp: TBitmap; Field, ReadOnlyTestField: TField; MemoText: string; begin Field := Column.Field; if Assigned(DataSource) and Assigned(DataSource.DataSet) and DataSource.DataSet.Active and (SelectedRows.IndexOf(DataSource.DataSet.Bookmark) > -1) then Include(State, gdSelected); NewBackgrnd := Canvas.Brush.Color; Highlight := (gdSelected in State) and ((dgAlwaysShowSelection in Options) or Focused); GetCellProps(Column, Canvas.Font, NewBackgrnd, Highlight or ActiveRowSelected); if not Highlight and (ReadOnlyCellColor <> clDefault) and (not Field.CanModify or not CanEditCell(Field)) then begin if (gdSelected in State) and (Focused xor MultiSelect) then Canvas.Brush.Color := NewBackgrnd else begin Canvas.Brush.Color := ReadOnlyCellColor; { Lookup fields do not have a FieldNo. In this case CanModify returns False } if Field.Lookup and (Field.LookupDataSet <> nil) and (Field.LookupResultField <> '') and (Field.LookupKeyFields <> '') and (Field.KeyFields <> '') then begin I := 1; ReadOnlyTestField := Field.DataSet.FieldByName(ExtractFieldName(Field.KeyFields, I)); if ReadOnlyTestField.CanModify and CanEditCell(ReadOnlyTestField) then Canvas.Brush.Color := NewBackgrnd end; end; end else Canvas.Brush.Color := NewBackgrnd; if DefaultDrawing then begin I := GetImageIndex(Field); if I >= 0 then begin Bmp := GetGridBitmap(TGridPicture(I)); Canvas.FillRect(Rect); DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, (Rect.Left + Rect.Right + 1 - Bmp.Width) div 2, (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom + 1 - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clOlive); end else begin // @GERBO(AC) 03/12/2010: Field associated with column, do not exists in dataset if (Field <> nil) and (WordWrapAllFields or (Field is TStringField) or (FShowMemos and IsMemoField(Field))) then begin MemoText := Field.DisplayText; if FShowMemos and IsMemoField(Field) then begin // The MemoField's default DisplayText is '(Memo)' but we want the content if not Assigned(Field.OnGetText) then MemoText := Field.AsString; end; WriteCellText(Rect, 2, 2, MemoText, Column.Alignment, UseRightToLeftAlignmentForField(Field, Column.Alignment), False); end else DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); end; end; if (Columns.State = csDefault) or not DefaultDrawing or (csDesigning in ComponentState) then inherited DrawDataCell(Rect, Field, State); inherited DrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State); if DefaultDrawing and (gdFocused in State) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) and not (dgRowSelect in Options) and (ValidParentForm(Self).ActiveControl = Self) then Canvas.DrawFocusRect(Rect); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DrawDataCell(const Rect: TRect; Field: TField; State: TGridDrawState); begin end; procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseToCell(X, Y: Integer; var ACol, ARow: Longint); var Coord: TGridCoord; begin Coord := MouseCoord(X, Y); ACol := Coord.X; ARow := Coord.Y; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SaveColumnsLayout(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Section: string); var I: Integer; SectionName: string; begin if Section <> '' then SectionName := Section else SectionName := GetDefaultSection(Self); if Assigned(AppStorage) then begin AppStorage.DeleteSubTree(SectionName); with Columns do for I := 0 to Count - 1 do AppStorage.WriteString(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([SectionName, Format('%s.%s', [Name, Items[I].FieldName])]), Format('%d,%d', [Items[I].Index, Items[I].Width])); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.RestoreColumnsLayout(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Section: string); const Delims = [' ', ',']; type TColumnInfo = record Column: TColumn; EndIndex: Integer; end; TColumnArray = array of TColumnInfo; var I, J: Integer; SectionName, S: string; ColumnArray: TColumnArray; begin if Section <> '' then SectionName := Section else SectionName := GetDefaultSection(Self); if Assigned(AppStorage) then with Columns do begin SetLength(ColumnArray, Count); for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin S := AppStorage.ReadString(AppStorage.ConcatPaths([SectionName, Format('%s.%s', [Name, Items[I].FieldName])])); ColumnArray[I].Column := Items[I]; ColumnArray[I].EndIndex := Items[I].Index; if S <> '' then begin ColumnArray[I].EndIndex := StrToIntDef(ExtractWord(1, S, Delims), ColumnArray[I].EndIndex); S := ExtractWord(2, S, Delims); Items[I].Width := StrToIntDef(S, Items[I].Width); Items[I].Visible := (S <> '-1'); end; end; for I := 0 to Count - 1 do for J := 0 to Count - 1 do if ColumnArray[J].EndIndex = I then begin ColumnArray[J].Column.Index := ColumnArray[J].EndIndex; Break; end; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.LoadFromAppStore(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Path: string); begin if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then begin HandleNeeded; BeginLayout; try if StoreColumns then RestoreColumnsLayout(AppStorage, Path) else InternalRestoreFields(DataSource.DataSet, AppStorage, Path, False); finally EndLayout; end; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SaveToAppStore(const AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; const Path: string); begin if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then if StoreColumns then SaveColumnsLayout(AppStorage, Path) else InternalSaveFields(DataSource.DataSet, AppStorage, Path); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Load; begin IniLoad(nil); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Save; begin IniSave(nil); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.IniSave(Sender: TObject); var Section: string; begin if (Name <> '') and Assigned(IniStorage) then begin if StoreColumns then Section := IniStorage.AppStorage.ConcatPaths([IniStorage.AppStoragePath, GetDefaultSection(Self)]) else if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then Section := IniStorage.AppStorage.ConcatPaths([IniStorage.AppStoragePath, DataSetSectionName(DataSource.DataSet)]) else Section := ''; SaveToAppStore(IniStorage.AppStorage, Section); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.IniLoad(Sender: TObject); var Section: string; begin if (Name <> '') and Assigned(IniStorage) then begin if StoreColumns then Section := IniStorage.AppStorage.ConcatPaths([IniStorage.AppStoragePath, GetDefaultSection(Self)]) else if (DataSource <> nil) and (DataSource.DataSet <> nil) then Section := IniStorage.AppStorage.ConcatPaths([IniStorage.AppStoragePath, DataSetSectionName(DataSource.DataSet)]) else Section := ''; LoadFromAppStore(IniStorage.AppStorage, Section); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CalcSizingState(X, Y: Integer; var State: TGridState; var Index: Longint; var SizingPos, SizingOfs: Integer; var FixedInfo: TGridDrawInfo); var Coord: TGridCoord; begin inherited CalcSizingState(X, Y, State, Index, SizingPos, SizingOfs, FixedInfo); // do nothing if not authorized to size columns if not (dgColumnResize in Options) and not (csDesigning in ComponentState) then Exit; if (State = gsNormal) and (Y <= RowHeights[0]) then begin Coord := MouseCoord(X, Y); CalcDrawInfo(FixedInfo); if CellRect(Coord.X, 0).Right - 5 < X then begin State := gsColSizing; Index := Coord.X; SizingPos := X; SizingOfs := X - CellRect(Coord.X, 0).Right; end; if CellRect(Coord.X, 0).Left + 5 > X then begin State := gsColSizing; Index := Coord.X - 1; SizingPos := X; SizingOfs := X - CellRect(Coord.X, 0).Left; end; if Index <= Byte(dgIndicator in Options) - 1 then State := gsNormal; end; FSizingIndex := Index; FSizingOfs := SizingOfs; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoDrawColumnTitle(ACanvas: TCanvas; ARect: TRect; AColumn: TColumn; var ASortMarker: TJvDBGridBitmap; IsDown: Boolean; var Offset: Integer; var DefaultDrawText, DefaultDrawSortMarker: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnDrawColumnTitle) then begin FOnDrawColumnTitle(Self, ACanvas, ARect, AColumn, ASortMarker, IsDown, Offset, DefaultDrawText, DefaultDrawSortMarker); end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ChangeBoolean(const FieldValueChange: Shortint); // FieldValueChange = 9 -> invert, 0 -> check (true), -1 -> uncheck (false) begin if Assigned(FBooleanFieldToEdit) and BooleanEditor then begin DataLink.Edit; if DataLink.Editing then begin if FBooleanFieldToEdit.IsNull or (FieldValueChange <> JvGridBool_INVERT) then begin case FBooleanFieldToEdit.DataType of ftBoolean: FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := (FieldValueChange = JvGridBool_CHECK); {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}ftFixedWideChar,{$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP} ftString, ftWideString, ftBCD, ftFMTBCD: begin if FieldValueChange = JvGridBool_CHECK then FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := FStringForTrue else FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := FStringForFalse; end; else //FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := FieldValueChange + 1; if FieldValueChange <> JvGridBool_INVERT then FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := FieldValueChange + 1 else FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := 1; end; end else case FBooleanFieldToEdit.DataType of ftBoolean: FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := not FBooleanFieldToEdit.AsBoolean; {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP}ftFixedWideChar,{$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP} ftString, ftWideString, ftBCD, ftFMTBCD: begin if AnsiSameText(FBooleanFieldToEdit.AsString, FStringForTrue) then FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := FStringForFalse else FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := FStringForTrue; end; else FBooleanFieldToEdit.Value := 1 - Abs(FBooleanFieldToEdit.AsInteger); end; InvalidateCell(Col, Row); end; end; FBooleanFieldToEdit := nil; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CellClick(Column: TColumn); begin FTitleColumn := nil; inherited CellClick(Column); if Assigned(Column.Field) and (FBooleanFieldToEdit = Column.Field) then ChangeBoolean(JvGridBool_INVERT); // Invert the field value end; procedure TJvDBGrid.EditButtonClick; begin // Just to have it here for the call in TJvDBInplaceEdit inherited EditButtonClick; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseLeave(Control: TControl); begin if csDesigning in ComponentState then Exit; inherited MouseLeave(Control); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoGetBtnParams(Field: TField; AFont: TFont; var Background: TColor; var ASortMarker: TSortMarker; IsDown: Boolean); begin if Assigned(FOnGetBtnParams) then FOnGetBtnParams(Self, Field, AFont, Background, ASortMarker, IsDown); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ColEnter; begin FWord := ''; inherited ColEnter; if FAlwaysShowEditor and not EditorMode then ShowEditor; end; function TJvDBGrid.DoMouseWheel(Shift: TShiftState; WheelDelta: Integer; MousePos: TPoint): Boolean; begin // Do not validate a record by error if DataLink.Active and (DataLink.DataSet.State <> dsBrowse) then DataLink.DataSet.Cancel; Result := inherited DoMouseWheel(Shift, WheelDelta, MousePos); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.UpdateTabStops(ALimit: Integer = -1); var I: Integer; begin for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do with Columns[I] do if ALimit = -1 then TabStops[I + IndicatorOffset] := True else TabStops[I + IndicatorOffset] := (I < ALimit); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetTitleArrow(const Value: Boolean); begin if FTitleArrow <> Value then begin FTitleArrow := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ReadDelphi2010OptionsMigrated(Reader: TReader); begin FDelphi2010OptionsMigrated := Reader.ReadBoolean; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.WriteDelphi2010OptionsMigrated(Writer: TWriter); begin Writer.WriteBoolean(True); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DefineProperties(Filer: TFiler); begin inherited DefineProperties(Filer); Filer.DefineProperty('AlternRowColor', ReadAlternateRowColor, nil, False); Filer.DefineProperty('AlternRowFontColor', ReadAlternateRowFontColor, nil, False); Filer.DefineProperty('PostOnEnter', ReadPostOnEnter, nil, False); // We need to migrate the Options set for Delphi 2010 due to the added flags Filer.DefineProperty('Delphi2010OptionsMigrated', ReadDelphi2010OptionsMigrated, WriteDelphi2010OptionsMigrated, {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} [dgTitleClick, dgTitleHotTrack] * Options = [] // if one of them is set we already know that we are migrated {$ELSE} False {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} ); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ReadPostOnEnter(Reader: TReader); begin PostOnEnterKey := Reader.ReadBoolean; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ReadAlternateRowColor(Reader: TReader); begin if Reader.ReadBoolean then AlternateRowColor := JvDefaultAlternateRowColor // this was the previous default row color else AlternateRowColor := clNone; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetAlternateRowColor(const Value: TColor); begin if FAlternateRowColor <> Value then begin FAlternateRowColor := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ReadAlternateRowFontColor(Reader: TReader); begin if Reader.ReadBoolean then AlternateRowFontColor := JvDefaultAlternateRowFontColor else AlternateRowFontColor := clNone; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetAlternateRowFontColor(const Value: TColor); begin if FAlternateRowFontColor <> Value then begin FAlternateRowFontColor := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoAutoSizeColumns; // This function ignores Min and Max column widths because these values // bring about two problems: // - if (min. width * nb. of columns) > total width --> result too large // - if (max. width * nb. of columns) < total width --> result too small var ColLineWidth, AvailableWidth, TotalColWidth, AWidth: Integer; I, ALeftCol, LastColIndex: Integer; ScaleFactor: Double; begin if not AutoSizeColumns or FInAutoSize or (Columns.Count = 0) or (FGridState = gsColSizing) then Exit; FInAutoSize := True; ALeftCol := LeftCol; try // Get useable width ColLineWidth := Ord(dgColLines in Options) * GridLineWidth; AvailableWidth := ClientWidth; if (dgIndicator in Options) then Dec(AvailableWidth, IndicatorWidth + ColLineWidth); TotalColWidth := 0; if FixedCols = 0 then BeginLayout; try // Autosize all columns proportionally if AutoSizeColumnIndex = JvGridResizeProportionally then begin // Get width currently occupied by visible columns for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible then begin Inc(TotalColWidth, Columns[I].Width); Dec(AvailableWidth, ColLineWidth); end; if TotalColWidth = 0 then TotalColWidth := 1; // Calculate the relationship between what's available and what's in use ScaleFactor := AvailableWidth / TotalColWidth; if ScaleFactor = 1.0 then Exit; // No need to continue - resizing won't change anything // Adjust the columns width for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible then begin if I = LastVisibleColumn then Columns[I].Width := AvailableWidth else begin AWidth := Round(ScaleFactor * Columns[I].Width); if AWidth < 1 then AWidth := 1; Columns[I].Width := AWidth; Dec(AvailableWidth, AWidth); end; end; end else // Autosize the last visible column if AutoSizeColumnIndex = JvGridResizeLastVisibleCol then begin LastColIndex := LastVisibleColumn; if LastColIndex < 0 then Exit; for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible and (I < LastColIndex) then Inc(TotalColWidth, Columns[I].Width + ColLineWidth); AWidth := AvailableWidth - TotalColWidth - ColLineWidth; if AWidth > 0 then Columns[LastColIndex].Width := AWidth; end else // Only autosize one column if AutoSizeColumnIndex <= LastVisibleColumn then begin for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible and (I <> AutoSizeColumnIndex) then Inc(TotalColWidth, Columns[I].Width + ColLineWidth); AWidth := AvailableWidth - TotalColWidth - ColLineWidth; if AWidth > 0 then Columns[AutoSizeColumnIndex].Width := AWidth; end; finally if FixedCols = 0 then EndLayout; end; finally FInAutoSize := False; LeftCol := ALeftCol; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoMaxColWidth; var I: Integer; begin if AutoSizeColumns or (MaxColumnWidth <= 0) then Exit; BeginLayout; try for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible and (Columns[I].Width > MaxColumnWidth) then Columns[I].Width := MaxColumnWidth; finally EndLayout; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DoMinColWidth; var I: Integer; begin if AutoSizeColumns or (MinColumnWidth <= 0) then Exit; BeginLayout; try for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible and (Columns[I].Width < MinColumnWidth) then Columns[I].Width := MinColumnWidth; finally EndLayout; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetAutoSizeColumnIndex(const Value: Integer); begin if FAutoSizeColumnIndex <> Value then begin FAutoSizeColumnIndex := Value; DoAutoSizeColumns; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetAutoSizeColumns(const Value: Boolean); begin if FAutoSizeColumns <> Value then begin FAutoSizeColumns := Value; DoAutoSizeColumns; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetMaxColumnWidth(const Value: Integer); begin if FMaxColumnWidth <> Value then begin FMaxColumnWidth := Value; DoMaxColWidth; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetMinColumnWidth(const Value: Integer); begin if FMinColumnWidth <> Value then begin FMinColumnWidth := Value; DoMinColWidth; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.InitializeColumnsWidth(const MinWidth, MaxWidth: Integer; const DisplayWholeTitle: Boolean; const FixedWidths: array of Integer); var SavedValue: Boolean; I, J, AWidth: Integer; begin // Resize the grid columns with the given widths (0 = default width) and // ensure they are wide enough for the title caption (optional). // If there are more columns than widths in FixedWidths, the last given width // is used for the remaining columns. // If Min/MaxWidth < 0, the Min/MaxColumnWidth value is set automatically. // If Min/MaxWidth = 0, the Min/MaxColumnWidth value is not modified. // If Min/MaxWidth > 0, the Min/MaxColumnWidth value is set to the given value. SavedValue := AutoSizeColumns; FAutoSizeColumns := False; try J := Low(FixedWidths); if MinWidth > 0 then FMinColumnWidth := MinWidth else if MinWidth < 0 then FMinColumnWidth := FixedWidths[J]; if MaxWidth > 0 then FMaxColumnWidth := MaxWidth else if MaxWidth < 0 then FMaxColumnWidth := FixedWidths[J]; for I := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[I].Visible then begin if FixedWidths[J] < 1 then AWidth := Columns[I].DefaultWidth else begin AWidth := FixedWidths[J]; if (dgTitles in Options) and DisplayWholeTitle then begin Canvas.Font.Assign(Columns[I].Title.Font); if Canvas.TextWidth(Columns[I].Title.Caption) + 4 > AWidth then AWidth := Canvas.TextWidth(Columns[I].Title.Caption) + 4; end; end; if AWidth < MinColumnWidth then begin if MinWidth < 0 then FMinColumnWidth := AWidth else if MinColumnWidth > 0 then AWidth := MinColumnWidth; end; if AWidth > MaxColumnWidth then begin if MaxWidth < 0 then FMaxColumnWidth := AWidth else if MaxColumnWidth > 0 then AWidth := MaxColumnWidth; end; Columns[I].Width := AWidth; if J < High(FixedWidths) then J := J + 1; end; finally AutoSizeColumns := SavedValue; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Resize; begin inherited Resize; DoAutoSizeColumns; NotifyLayoutChange(lcSizeChanged); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Loaded; var Ctrl_Idx: Integer; WinControl: TWinControl; begin inherited Loaded; {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} // Fix the bug that Embarcadero has introduced when they added new flags to the Options set if not FDelphi2010OptionsMigrated and ([dgTitleClick, dgTitleHotTrack] * Options = []) then begin FDelphi2010OptionsMigrated := True; Options := Options + [dgTitleClick, dgTitleHotTrack]; end; {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} // Edit controls are hidden for Ctrl_Idx := 0 to FControls.Count - 1 do begin WinControl := TWinControl(Owner.FindComponent(FControls.Items[Ctrl_Idx].ControlName)); if WinControl <> nil then WinControl.Visible := False; end; DoAutoSizeColumns; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetMaxColWidth(Default: Integer): Integer; begin if (MaxColumnWidth > 0) and (Default > MaxColumnWidth) then Result := MaxColumnWidth else Result := Default; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetMinColWidth(Default: Integer): Integer; begin if (MinColumnWidth > 0) and (Default < MinColumnWidth) then Result := MinColumnWidth else Result := Default; end; function TJvDBGrid.FirstVisibleColumn: Integer; begin for Result := 0 to Columns.Count - 1 do if Columns[Result].Visible then Exit; Result := -1; end; function TJvDBGrid.LastVisibleColumn: Integer; begin for Result := Columns.Count - 1 downto 0 do if Columns[Result].Visible then Exit; Result := -1; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.DblClick; begin if not DoTitleBtnDblClick then inherited DblClick; FTitleColumn := nil; end; function TJvDBGrid.DoTitleBtnDblClick: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(FOnTitleBtnDblClick) and Assigned(FTitleColumn); if Result then FOnTitleBtnDblClick(Self, FTitleColumn.Index, FTitleColumn.Field); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.TitleClick(Column: TColumn); begin FTitleColumn := Column; inherited TitleClick(Column); if AllowTitleClick then begin FPaintInfo.ColPressed := False; FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := -1; {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then if ValidCell(FCell) then InvalidateCell(FCell.X, FCell.Y); {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetSortedField(const Value: string); begin if FSortedField <> Value then begin FSortedField := Value; Invalidate; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.ChangeSortMarker(const Value: TSortMarker): Boolean; begin Result := (FSortMarker <> Value); if Result then FSortMarker := Value; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetSortMarker(const Value: TSortMarker); begin if ChangeSortMarker(Value) then Invalidate; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CMHintShow(var Msg: TCMHintShow); const C_TIMEOUT = 250; var ACol, ARow, ATimeOut, SaveRow: Integer; AtCursorPosition: Boolean; CalcOptions: Integer; HintRect: TRect; begin AtCursorPosition := True; with Msg.HintInfo^ do begin HintStr := GetShortHint(Hint); ATimeOut := HideTimeOut; Self.MouseToCell(CursorPos.X, CursorPos.Y, ACol, ARow); //------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ARow = -1 if 'outside' a valid cell; // Adjust CursorRect //------------------------------------------------------------------------- if FShowTitleHint or FShowCellHint then begin if (ARow = -1) or ((ARow >= 1) and not FShowCellHint) then begin if FShowCellHint then begin CursorRect.Left := CellRect(0, Self.RowCount - 1).Left; CursorRect.Top := CellRect(0, Self.RowCount - 1).Bottom; end else begin CursorRect.Left := CellRect(0, 0).Left; CursorRect.Top := CellRect(0, 0).Bottom; end; end else CursorRect := CellRect(ACol, ARow); end; if dgIndicator in Options then Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset); if dgTitles in Options then Dec(ARow, TitleOffset); if FShowTitleHint and (ACol >= 0) and (ARow = -1) then begin AtCursorPosition := False; HintStr := Columns[ACol].FieldName; ATimeOut := Max(ATimeOut, Length(HintStr) * C_TIMEOUT); if Assigned(FOnShowTitleHint) and DataLink.Active then FOnShowTitleHint(Self, Columns[ACol].Field, HintStr, ATimeOut); HideTimeOut := ATimeOut; end; if FShowCellHint and (ACol >= 0) and DataLink.Active and ((ARow >= 0) or (not FShowTitleHint)) then begin AtCursorPosition := False; HintStr := Hint; SaveRow := DataLink.ActiveRecord; try CalcOptions := DT_CALCRECT or DT_LEFT or DT_NOPREFIX or DrawTextBiDiModeFlagsReadingOnly; if ARow = -1 then begin Canvas.Font.Assign(Columns[ACol].Title.Font); HintStr := Columns[ACol].Title.Caption; if WordWrap then CalcOptions := CalcOptions or DT_WORDBREAK; end else with Columns[ACol] do begin Canvas.Font.Assign(Font); DataLink.ActiveRecord := ARow; if Field <> nil then begin if WordWrap and (WordWrapAllFields or (Field is TStringField) or (FShowMemos and IsMemoField(Field))) then CalcOptions := CalcOptions or DT_WORDBREAK; HintStr := Field.DisplayText; // MemoField's DisplayText is '(Memo)' if not Assigned(Field.OnGetText) and IsMemoField(Field) then HintStr := Field.AsString else if (Field is TBlobField) or EditWithBoolBox(Field) then HintStr := ''; end; end; if HintStr <> '' then begin HintRect := Rect(0, 0, Columns[ACol].Width - 4, 0); Windows.DrawText(Canvas.Handle, PChar(HintStr), -1, HintRect, CalcOptions); if ((HintRect.Bottom - HintRect.Top + 2) < RowHeights[ARow + 1]) and ((HintRect.Right - HintRect.Left) < Columns[ACol].Width - 2) then HintStr := ''; end; ATimeOut := Max(ATimeOut, Length(HintStr) * C_TIMEOUT); if Assigned(FOnShowCellHint) and DataLink.Active then FOnShowCellHint(Self, Columns[ACol].Field, HintStr, ATimeOut); HideTimeOut := ATimeOut; finally if DataLink.ActiveRecord <> SaveRow then DataLink.ActiveRecord := SaveRow; end; end; if not AtCursorPosition and HintWindowClass.ClassNameIs('THintWindow') then HintPos := ClientToScreen(CursorRect.TopLeft); end; inherited; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.WMVScroll(var Msg: TWMVScroll); var ALeftCol: Integer; begin if dgRowSelect in Options then begin ALeftCol := LeftCol; inherited; LeftCol := ALeftCol; end else inherited; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetWordWrap(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FWordWrap then begin FWordWrap := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetWordWrapAllFields(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> FWordWrapAllFields then begin FWordWrapAllFields := Value; if WordWrap then Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.PlaceControl(Control: TWinControl; ACol, ARow: Integer); var R: TRect; GridControl: TJvDBGridControl; ClientTopLeft: TPoint; ParentForm: TCustomForm; begin // Do not test for Assigned(Control) here or you will end // up with an infinite loop of error messages. This check must // be done in UseDefaultEditor if ReadOnly or not (Control.Enabled and DataLink.DataSet.CanModify) then begin HideCurrentControl; Exit; end; if Control <> FCurrentControl then begin HideCurrentControl; FCurrentControl := Control; if FCurrentControl <> nil then FCurrentControl.FreeNotification(Self); FOldControlWndProc := FCurrentControl.WindowProc; FCurrentControl.WindowProc := ControlWndProc; end; if Control.Parent <> Self.Parent then Control.Parent := Self.Parent; R := CellRect(ACol, ARow); if ((R.Right - R.Left) < 1) or ((R.Bottom - R.Top) < 1) then // Cell too small to be drawn -> the control is not drawn Control.BoundsRect := Rect(0, 0, 0, 0) else begin R.TopLeft := ClientToScreen(R.TopLeft); R.TopLeft := TControl(Control.Parent).ScreenToClient(R.TopLeft); R.BottomRight := ClientToScreen(R.BottomRight); R.BottomRight := TControl(Control.Parent).ScreenToClient(R.BottomRight); // Fred: I removed this code because moving a control away from the topleft corner // of the cell lets appear the cell and its focus rectangle behind. //if Control is TCustomEdit then //begin // { The edit control's text is not painted at good position when the control // has no border } // if TOpenCustomEdit(Control).BorderStyle = bsNone then // begin // Inc(R.Left, 2); // Inc(R.Top, 2); // end; //end; ClientTopLeft := TControl(Control.Parent).ScreenToClient(Self.ClientOrigin); GridControl := FControls.ControlByName(Control.Name); if GridControl.FitCell in [fcDesignSize, fcBiggest] then begin if GridControl.FitCell = fcBiggest then begin // We choose the biggest size between cell size and design size if GridControl.FDesignWidth = 0 then GridControl.FDesignWidth := Control.Width; if (R.Right - R.Left) > GridControl.FDesignWidth then Control.Width := R.Right - R.Left else Control.Width := GridControl.FDesignWidth; if GridControl.FDesignHeight = 0 then GridControl.FDesignHeight := Control.Height; if (R.Bottom - R.Top) > GridControl.FDesignHeight then Control.Height := R.Bottom - R.Top else Control.Height := GridControl.FDesignHeight; end; // Horizontal alignment of the control if (R.Left + Control.Width) > (ClientTopLeft.X + Self.ClientWidth) then begin Control.Left := (R.Right - Control.Width); // Right align if Control.Left < ClientTopLeft.X then Control.Left := ClientTopLeft.X; end else Control.Left := R.Left; // Left align // Vertical alignment of the control if (R.Top + Control.Height) > (ClientTopLeft.Y + Self.ClientHeight) then begin Control.Top := (R.Bottom - Control.Height); // Bottom align if Control.Top < ClientTopLeft.Y then Control.Top := ClientTopLeft.Y; end else Control.Top := R.Top; // Top align end else // Control drawn at cell size Control.BoundsRect := R; end; Control.BringToFront; Control.Show; ParentForm := GetParentForm(Self); if Self.Visible and Control.Visible and (Self.Parent <> nil) and Self.Parent.Visible and (ParentForm <> nil) and ParentForm.Visible then begin if dgCancelOnExit in Options then begin // Don't cancel the empty record while moving focus Options := Options - [dgCancelOnExit]; Control.SetFocus; Options := Options + [dgCancelOnExit]; end else Control.SetFocus; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetControls(Value: TJvDBGridControls); begin FControls.Assign(Value); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.HideCurrentControl; begin if FCurrentControl <> nil then begin FCurrentControl.WindowProc := FOldControlWndProc; if FCurrentControl.HandleAllocated then begin SendMessage(FCurrentControl.Handle, WM_KILLFOCUS, 0, 0); // can free the FCurrentControl if FCurrentControl <> nil then FCurrentControl.Hide; end; if FCurrentControl <> nil then FCurrentControl.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); FCurrentControl := nil; end; FOldControlWndProc := nil; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CloseControl; begin { Do not hide the control if it has the focus because then the WM_KILLFOCUS ControlWndProc hook will hide it. } if not Visible or (FCurrentControl = nil) or not FCurrentControl.HandleAllocated or not FCurrentControl.Focused then HideCurrentControl; if Visible then begin SetFocus; { If the grid does not have the focus after a SetFocus, one of the executed CM_EXIT has failed with an exception or has set the focus to another control. In that case the CurrentControl is still active. } if (FCurrentControl <> nil) and FCurrentControl.Focused then Abort; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ControlWndProc(var Message: TMessage); var EscapeKey: Boolean; CurrentEditor: TJvDBGridControl; begin if Message.Msg = WM_CHAR then begin if not DoKeyPress(TWMChar(Message)) then with TWMKey(Message) do begin CurrentEditor := FControls.ControlByName(FCurrentControl.Name); if (CharCode = VK_RETURN) and (PostOnEnterKey or CurrentEditor.LeaveOnEnterKey) then begin CloseControl; if PostOnEnterKey then DataSource.DataSet.CheckBrowseMode; end else if CharCode = VK_TAB then begin CloseControl; PostMessage(Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, VK_TAB, KeyData); end else begin EscapeKey := (CharCode = VK_ESCAPE); FOldControlWndProc(Message); if EscapeKey then begin CloseControl; if Assigned(SelectedField) and (SelectedField.OldValue <> SelectedField.Value) then SelectedField.Value := SelectedField.OldValue; end; end; end; end else if Message.Msg = WM_KEYDOWN then begin with TWMKey(Message) do begin CurrentEditor := FControls.ControlByName(FCurrentControl.Name); if (CurrentEditor <> nil) and CurrentEditor.LeaveOnUpDownKey and ((CharCode = VK_UP) or (CharCode = VK_DOWN)) and (KeyDataToShiftState(KeyData) = []) then begin CloseControl; DataSource.DataSet.CheckBrowseMode; PostMessage(Handle, WM_KEYDOWN, CharCode, KeyData); end else FOldControlWndProc(Message); end; end else begin FOldControlWndProc(Message); case Message.Msg Of WM_GETDLGCODE: begin CurrentEditor := FControls.ControlByName(FCurrentControl.Name); if (CurrentEditor <> nil) and CurrentEditor.LeaveOnUpDownKey then Message.Result := Message.Result or DLGC_WANTTAB or DLGC_WANTARROWS; end; CM_EXIT: HideCurrentControl; end; end; end; //=== { TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings } ======================================= constructor TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings.Create; begin inherited Create; Caption := RsJvDBGridSelectTitle; RealNamesOption := '';//RsJvDBGridSelectOption; OK := RsButtonOKCaption; NoSelectionWarning := RsJvDBGridSelectWarning; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ShowSelectColumnClick; begin ShowColumnsDialog; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CreateParams(var Params: TCreateParams); begin inherited CreateParams(Params); {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} // The grid can only handle ssNone and ssHorizontal. We have to emulate the other modes. if FScrollBars = ssVertical then Params.Style := Params.Style and not WS_HSCROLL; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} end; {$IFDEF COMPILER9_UP} procedure TJvDBGrid.SetScrollBars(Value: TScrollStyle); begin if Value <> FScrollBars then begin FScrollBars := Value; // The grid can only handle ssNone and ssHorizontal. We have to emulate the other modes. if Value in [ssVertical, ssBoth] then Value := ssHorizontal; if Value = inherited ScrollBars then RecreateWnd else inherited ScrollBars := Value; if (FScrollBars = ssVertical) and HandleAllocated then ShowScrollBar(Handle, SB_HORZ, False); end; end; {$ENDIF COMPILER9_UP} procedure TJvDBGrid.SetSelectColumnsDialogStrings(const Value: TJvSelectDialogColumnStrings); begin // do nothing end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ShowColumnsDialog; var R, WorkArea: TRect; Frm: TfrmSelectColumn; Pt: TPoint; DefaultDialog: Boolean; begin DefaultDialog := True; if Assigned(FOnSelectColumns) then FOnSelectColumns(Self, DefaultDialog); if DefaultDialog then begin R := CellRect(0, 0); Frm := TfrmSelectColumn.Create(Application); try if not IsRectEmpty(R) then begin Pt := ClientToScreen(Point(R.Left, R.Bottom + 1)); WorkArea := Screen.MonitorFromWindow(Handle).WorkareaRect; { force the form the be in the working area } if Pt.X + Frm.Width > WorkArea.Right then Pt.X := WorkArea.Right - Frm.Width; if Pt.Y + Frm.Height > WorkArea.Bottom then Pt.Y := WorkArea.Bottom - Frm.Height; Frm.SetBounds(Pt.X, Pt.Y, Frm.Width, Frm.Height); end; Frm.Grid := Self; Frm.DataSource := DataLink.DataSource; Frm.SelectColumn := SelectColumn; Frm.Caption := SelectColumnsDialogStrings.Caption; Frm.cbWithFieldName.Caption := SelectColumnsDialogStrings.RealNamesOption; Frm.ButtonOK.Caption := SelectColumnsDialogStrings.OK; Frm.NoSelectionWarning := SelectColumnsDialogStrings.NoSelectionWarning; Frm.ShowModal; finally Frm.Free; end; end; Invalidate; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetBooleanEditor(const Value: Boolean); begin if FBooleanEditor <> Value then begin FBooleanEditor := Value; Invalidate; end; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetShowMemos(const Value: Boolean); begin if FShowMemos <> Value then begin FShowMemos := Value; Invalidate; end; end; function TJvDBGrid.GetUseXPThemes: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} Result := DrawingStyle = gdsThemed; {$ELSE} Result := FUseXPThemes; {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} end; procedure TJvDBGrid.SetUseXPThemes(Value: Boolean); begin if Value <> UseXPThemes then begin {$IFDEF COMPILER14_UP} if Value then DrawingStyle := gdsThemed else DrawingStyle := gdsClassic; {$ELSE} FUseXPThemes := Value; Invalidate; {$ENDIF COMPILER14_UP} end; end; {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} function TJvDBGrid.ColumnOffset: Integer; begin if dgIndicator in Options then Result := IndicatorOffset else Result := 0; end; function TJvDBGrid.ValidCell(ACell: TGridCoord): Boolean; begin Result := (ACell.X <> -1) and (ACell.Y <> -1); end; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} function TJvDBGrid.BeginColumnDrag(var Origin: Integer; var Destination: Integer; const MousePt: TPoint): Boolean; begin Result := inherited BeginColumnDrag(Origin, Destination, MousePt); FPaintInfo.ColMoving := Result; end; {$IFDEF COMPILER10_UP} procedure TJvDBGrid.WMPaint(var Message: TWMPaint); var R: TRect; begin if UseRightToLeftAlignment then begin { Workaround for a RightToLeft painting bug (QC #70075) Side effect: The grid needs more time to paint } R.TopLeft := ClientRect.TopLeft; R.BottomRight := ClientRect.BottomRight; Windows.InvalidateRect(Handle, @R, False); end; inherited; end; {$ENDIF COMPILER10_UP} procedure TJvDBGrid.CMMouseEnter(var Message: TMessage); {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} var Cell: TGridCoord; lPt: TPoint; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} begin inherited; {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} lPt := Point(Mouse.CursorPos.X, Mouse.CursorPos.Y); Cell := MouseCoord(lPt.X, lPt.Y); if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then if (dgTitles in Options) and (Cell.Y = 0) then InvalidateCell(Cell.X, Cell.Y); {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} end; procedure TJvDBGrid.CMMouseLeave(var Message: TMessage); begin inherited; {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then if ValidCell(FCell) then InvalidateCell(FCell.X, FCell.Y); {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} FCell.X := -1; FCell.Y := -1; FPaintInfo.MouseInCol := -1; FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := -1; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ColExit; begin inherited ColExit; FPaintInfo.MouseInCol := -1; {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then if ValidCell(FCell) then InvalidateCell(FCell.X, FCell.Y); {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} end; function TJvDBGrid.AllowTitleClick: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(FOnTitleBtnClick) or AutoSort; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex: Integer); begin inherited ColumnMoved(FromIndex, ToIndex); FPaintInfo.ColMoving := False; {$IFNDEF COMPILER14_UP} {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if UseXPThemes and ThemeServices.ThemesEnabled then Invalidate; {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} {$ENDIF ~COMPILER14_UP} end; procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseWheelHandler(var Message: TMessage); var LastRow: Integer; begin LastRow := Row; inherited MouseWheelHandler(Message); if (Row <> LastRow) and (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active then InvalidateCell(IndicatorOffset - 1, LastRow); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.BeginUpdate; begin BeginLayout; end; procedure TJvDBGrid.EndUpdate; begin EndLayout; end; function TJvDBGrid.CellRect(ACol, ARow: Longint): TRect; begin Result := inherited CellRect(ACol, ARow); end; procedure TJvDBGrid.Notification(AComponent: TComponent; Operation: TOperation); begin inherited Notification(AComponent, Operation); if (Operation = opRemove) and (AComponent = FCurrentControl) then begin FCurrentControl.RemoveFreeNotification(Self); FCurrentControl := nil; end; end; initialization {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} finalization {$IFNDEF SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS} FinalizeGridBitmaps; {$ENDIF ~SUPPORTS_CLASS_CTORDTORS} {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.