{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvDateTimePicker.PAS, released on 2001-02-28. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is S?stien Buysse [sbuysse att buypin dott com] Portions created by Sébastien Buysse are Copyright (C) 2001 Sébastien Buysse. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Michael Beck [mbeck att bigfoot dott com] Peter Thrnqvist [peter3 att peter3 dott com]: * Added NullDate, NullText and DropDownDate properties * Bug: When TDateTImePicker is used for TIMES, it is impossible to turn off the NullDate feature. It should be optional! -W.Postma. Marc Geldon [marcgeldon att web dott de] * Fixed CheckNullValue (any nonformat characters must be enclosed within single quotes!) You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org Known Issues: * (p3) To make NullDate and NullText maximally useful, set ParseInput to True and handle the OnUserInput something like this: if UserString = '' then DateAndTime := JvDateTimePicker1.NullDate; -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id: JvDateTimePicker.pas 13415 2012-09-10 09:51:54Z obones $ unit JvDateTimePicker; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, Messages, SysUtils, Classes, Controls, ComCtrls, JvExComCtrls; type {$IFDEF RTL230_UP} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF RTL230_UP} TJvDateTimePicker = class(TJvExDateTimePicker) private FNullText: string; FNullDate: TDateTime; FDropDownDate: TDate; FWeekNumbers: Boolean; FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText: Boolean; FShowTodayCircle: Boolean; FShowToday: Boolean; procedure CNNotify(var Msg: TWMNotify); message CN_NOTIFY; procedure SetNullDate(const Value: TDateTime); procedure SetNullText(const Value: string); procedure UpdateCalendar(CalHandle: THandle); function CheckNullDateEntry(const aKind: TDateTimeKind; const ADateTime, ANullDate: TDateTime): Boolean; protected function WithinDelta(Val1, Val2: TDateTime): Boolean; virtual; // returns True if NullDate matches Date or frac(NullDate) matches frac(Time) depending on Kind function CheckNullValue: Boolean; overload; function CheckNullValue(const ANullText, AFormat: string; AKind: TDateTimeKind; ADateTime, ANullDate: TDateTime): Boolean; overload; virtual; procedure Change; override; function MsgSetDateTime(Value: TSystemTime): Boolean; override; procedure CheckValidDate(Value: TDate); override; procedure CheckEmptyDate; override; public constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; procedure Clear; function IsNull: Boolean; published property AutoSize; // The initial date to display when the drop-down calendar is shown and NullDate = Date/Time property DropDownDate: TDate read FDropDownDate write FDropDownDate; // The Date/Time (depending on the Kind property) that represents an empty "null" value, default is 1899-12-31 property NullDate: TDateTime read FNullDate write SetNullDate; // The text to display when NullDate = Date/Time property NullText: string read FNullText write SetNullText; property WeekNumbers: Boolean read FWeekNumbers write FWeekNumbers default False; property ShowToday: Boolean read FShowToday write FShowToday default True; property ShowTodayCircle: Boolean read FShowTodayCircle write FShowTodayCircle default True; property HintColor; property OnMouseEnter; property OnMouseLeave; property OnParentColorChange; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL: https://jvcl.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/jvcl/branches/JVCL3_47_PREPARATION/run/JvDateTimePicker.pas $'; Revision: '$Revision: 13415 $'; Date: '$Date: 2012-09-10 11:51:54 +0200 (lun. 10 sept. 2012) $'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses CommCtrl, Types, JvThemes; {$IFNDEF COMPILER7_UP} const ComCtlVersionIE6 = $00060000; {$ENDIF !COMPILER7_UP} procedure SetCalendarStyle(AHandle: THandle; Value: Integer; UseStyle: Boolean); var Style: Integer; begin if AHandle <> 0 then begin Style := GetWindowLong(AHandle, GWL_STYLE); if UseStyle then Style := Style or Value else Style := Style and not Value; SetWindowLong(AHandle, GWL_STYLE, Style); end; end; constructor TJvDateTimePicker.Create(AOwner: TComponent); begin inherited Create(AOwner); // FNullText := RsNoneCaption; XXX Don't do this unless you also set the 'default' specifier in the property declaration above! Causes problems. -WP FDropDownDate := SysUtils.Date; FShowToday := True; FShowTodayCircle := True; end; function TJvDateTimePicker.IsNull: Boolean; begin Result := (DateTime = NullDate) and (FNullText <> ''); end; function TJvDateTimePicker.WithinDelta(Val1, Val2: TDateTime): Boolean; begin Result := Abs(Frac(Val1) - Frac(Val2)) < EncodeTime(0, 0, 1, 0); end; function TJvDateTimePicker.CheckNullValue: Boolean; begin Result := CheckNullValue(FNullText, Format, Kind, DateTime, NullDate); end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.CheckEmptyDate; begin // Don't throw the EDateTimeError if Date=0.0 and ShowCheckBox=False (Mantis #4651). // The VCL has some strange behavior here. Why is 1899-12-30 not allowed. The Windows // Control supports it, but TDateTimePicker doesn't. // TDateTimePicker.SetTime() can't be "fixed" because it doesn't call CheckEmptyDate() but // has the exact same code inline. if not ShowCheckbox then begin Checked := False; Invalidate; end else inherited CheckEmptyDate; end; // Added by David Tetard: function TJvDateTimePicker.CheckNullDateEntry(Const aKind: TDateTimeKind; Const ADateTime, ANullDate: TDateTime) : Boolean; begin case aKind of dtkDate : Result := (Trunc(ADateTime) = Trunc(ANullDate)); dtkTime : Result := WithinDelta(ADateTime, ANullDate); end; end; function TJvDateTimePicker.CheckNullValue(const ANullText, AFormat: string; AKind: TDateTimeKind; ADateTime, ANullDate: TDateTime): Boolean; begin // Warren added NullText length check so that this feature can be disabled if not used! if ANullText = '' then Result := False else // Changed by David Tetard: Result := CheckNullDateEntry(aKind, aDateTime, aNullDate); {Result := ((AKind = dtkDate) and (Trunc(ADateTime) = Trunc(ANullDate)) or ((AKind = dtkTime) and WithinDelta(ADateTime, ANullDate)));} if Result then SendMessage(Handle, DTM_SETFORMAT, 0, LPARAM(PChar('''' + ANullText + ''''))) else SendMessage(Handle, DTM_SETFORMAT, 0, LPARAM(PChar(AFormat))); end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.CheckValidDate(Value: TDate); begin if Value <> NullDate then inherited CheckValidDate(Value); end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.Clear; begin DateTime := NullDate; Checked := False; end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.SetNullDate(const Value: TDateTime); begin FNullDate := Trunc(Value); CheckNullValue; end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.SetNullText(const Value: string); begin if FNullText <> Value then begin FNullText := Value; CheckNullValue; end; end; function TJvDateTimePicker.MsgSetDateTime(Value: TSystemTime): Boolean; var LNullText: string; begin Result := inherited MsgSetDateTime(Value); (* Initial code: if FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText then LNullText := '' else LNullText := FNullText; CheckNullValue(LNullText, Format, Kind, SystemTimeToDateTime(Value), NullDate); *) // Added by David Tetard: if not Result then Result := CheckNullDateEntry(Kind, SystemTimeToDateTime(Value), NullDate); if FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText then LNullText := '' else LNullText := FNullText; CheckNullValue(LNullText, Format, Kind, SystemTimeToDateTime(Value), NullDate); end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.Change; begin inherited Change; CheckNullValue; end; function IsBlankSysTime(const St: TSystemTime): Boolean; begin with St do Result := (wYear = 0) and (wMonth = 0) and (wDayOfWeek = 0) and (wDay = 0) and (wHour = 0) and (wMinute = 0) and (wSecond = 0) and (wMilliseconds = 0); end; function IsWinVista_UP: Boolean; begin Result := (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and CheckWin32Version(6, 0); end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.UpdateCalendar(CalHandle: THandle); var R, WindowRect: TRect; MinWidth, MinHeight, MaxTodayWidth: Integer; SizeHandle: THandle; begin if CalHandle <> 0 then begin SetCalendarStyle(CalHandle,MCS_WEEKNUMBERS, WeekNumbers); SetCalendarStyle(CalHandle,MCS_NOTODAY, not ShowToday); SetCalendarStyle(CalHandle,MCS_NOTODAYCIRCLE, not ShowTodayCircle); MonthCal_GetMinReqRect(CalHandle, R); with R do begin MinHeight := Bottom - Top; MinWidth := Right - Left; end; MaxTodayWidth := MonthCal_GetMaxTodayWidth(CalHandle); if MinWidth < MaxTodayWidth then MinWidth := MaxTodayWidth; if IsWinVista_UP and (GetComCtlVersion >= ComCtlVersionIE6) then begin // On Vista the popup month calendar has a parent window that we must resize SizeHandle := GetParent(CalHandle); // The dropdown window uses a 'border' of.. {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled} if ThemeServices.{$IFDEF RTL230_UP}Enabled{$ELSE}ThemesEnabled{$ENDIF RTL230_UP} then begin // .. 3 pixels when themed Inc(MinWidth, 3*2); Inc(MinHeight, 3*2); end else {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled} begin // .. otherwise 5 pixels Inc(MinWidth, 5*2); Inc(MinHeight, 5*2); end; end else SizeHandle := CalHandle; GetWindowRect(SizeHandle, WindowRect); MoveWindow(SizeHandle, WindowRect.Left, WindowRect.Top, MinWidth, MinHeight, False); end; end; procedure TJvDateTimePicker.CNNotify(var Msg: TWMNotify); var ACal: THandle; St: TSystemTime; Dt: TDateTime; AllowChange: Boolean; WasMsgEmptyNullText: Boolean; begin with Msg, NMHdr^ do case code of DTN_DROPDOWN: begin inherited; ACal := DateTime_GetMonthCal(Handle); UpdateCalendar(ACal); if CheckNullValue and (ACal <> 0) then begin DateTimeToSystemTime(FDropDownDate, St); if not IsBlankSysTime(St) then MonthCal_SetCurSel(ACal, St); end; end; DTN_USERSTRING: begin with PNMDateTimeString(NMHdr)^ do begin if not TryStrToDateTime(pszUserString, Dt) then Dt := NullDate; if Assigned(OnUserInput) then begin AllowChange := True; OnUserInput(Self, pszUserString, Dt, AllowChange); dwFlags := Ord(not AllowChange); end else dwFlags := Ord(False); DateTimeToSystemTime(Dt, St); end; end; DTN_CLOSEUP: begin // We need to use the NullText in MsgSetDateTime() because if the user clicked outside // the popup calendar and the old value was NullValue, the NullValue date would be // displayed instead of the NullText. And we don't want that to happen. // Alternatively we could call CheckNullValue() after "inherited". But why do the check // twice with the possibility of a short time span where the NullDate is visible. WasMsgEmptyNullText := FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText; FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText := False; try inherited; finally FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText := WasMsgEmptyNullText; end; end; NM_SETFOCUS: begin FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText := True; inherited; end; NM_KILLFOCUS: begin FMsgSetDateTimeEmptyNullText := False; inherited; end; else inherited; end; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.