{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvHidControllerClass.PAS, released on 2001-02-28. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Robert Marquardt [robert_marquardt att gmx dott de] Portions created by Robert Marquardt are Copyright (C) 1999-2003 Robert Marquardt. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): Michael Beck [mbeck att bigfoot dott com]. You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id$ unit JvHidControllerClass; {$DEFINE DEFAULT_JVCL_INC} {$I jvcl.inc} {$I windowsonly.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, Messages, Classes, SysUtils, JvComponentBase, DBT, JvSetupApi, Hid, JvTypes; const // a version string for the component cHidControllerClassVersion = '1.0.35'; // strings from the registry for CheckOutByClass cHidNoClass = 'HIDClass'; type // forward declarations TJvHidDeviceController = class; TJvHidDevice = class; TJvHidPnPInfo = class; // the Event function declarations TJvHidEnumerateEvent = function(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Idx: Integer): Boolean of object; TJvHidPlugEvent = procedure(HidDev: TJvHidDevice) of object; TJvHidUnplugEvent = TJvHidPlugEvent; TJvHidDataEvent = procedure(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; ReportID: Byte; const Data: Pointer; Size: Word) of object; TJvHidDataErrorEvent = procedure(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Error: DWORD) of object; TJvHidDeviceCreateError = procedure(Controller: TJvHidDeviceController; PnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; var Handled: Boolean; var RetryCreate: Boolean) of object; // check out test function TJvHidCheckCallback = function(HidDev: TJvHidDevice): Boolean; stdcall; // open overlapped read or write file handle TJvHidOpenExMode = (omhRead, omhWrite); // the physical descriptor TJvPhysicalDescriptor = array of WORD; // all USB relevant driver entries in the registry TJvHidPnPInfo = class(TObject) private FDeviceID: DWORD; FDevicePath: string; FCapabilities: DWORD; FClassDescr: string; FClassGUID: string; FCompatibleIDs: TStringList; FConfigFlags: DWORD; FDeviceDescr: string; FDriver: string; FFriendlyName: string; FHardwareID: TStringList; FLowerFilters: TStringList; FMfg: string; FUpperFilters: TStringList; FAddress: string; FBusNumber: DWORD; FBusType: string; FCharacteristics: string; FDevType: DWORD; FEnumeratorName: string; FExclusive: DWORD; FLegacyBusType: DWORD; FLocationInfo: string; FPhysDevObjName: string; FSecuritySDS: string; FService: string; FUINumber: DWORD; FUINumberFormat: string; function GetRegistryPropertyString(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): string; function GetRegistryPropertyStringList(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): TStringList; function GetRegistryPropertyDWord(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): DWORD; function GetCompatibleIDs: TStrings; function GetHardwareID: TStrings; function GetLowerFilters: TStrings; function GetUpperFilters: TStrings; public property DeviceID: DWORD read FDeviceID; property DevicePath: string read FDevicePath; // registry values property Capabilities: DWORD read FCapabilities; property ClassDescr: string read FClassDescr; property ClassGUID: string read FClassGUID; property CompatibleIDs: TStrings read GetCompatibleIDs; property ConfigFlags: DWORD read FConfigFlags; property DeviceDescr: string read FDeviceDescr; property Driver: string read FDriver; property FriendlyName: string read FFriendlyName; property HardwareID: TStrings read GetHardwareID; property LowerFilters: TStrings read GetLowerFilters; property Mfg: string read FMfg; property UpperFilters: TStrings read GetUpperFilters; property Address: string read FAddress; property BusNumber: DWORD read FBusNumber; property BusType: string read FBusType; property Characteristics: string read FCharacteristics; property DevType: DWORD read FDevType; property EnumeratorName: string read FEnumeratorName; property Exclusive: DWORD read FExclusive; property LegacyBusType: DWORD read FLegacyBusType; property LocationInfo: string read FLocationInfo; property PhysDevObjName: string read FPhysDevObjName; property SecuritySDS: string read FSecuritySDS; property Service: string read FService; property UINumber: DWORD read FUINumber; property UINumberFormat: string read FUINumberFormat; constructor Create(APnPHandle: HDEVINFO; ADevData: TSPDevInfoData; ADevicePath: PChar); destructor Destroy; override; end; // a thread helper class to implement TJvHidDevice.OnData TJvHidDeviceReadThread = class(TJvCustomThread) private FErr: DWORD; procedure DoData; procedure DoDataError; constructor CtlCreate(const Dev: TJvHidDevice); protected procedure Execute; override; public Device: TJvHidDevice; NumBytesRead: Cardinal; Report: array of Byte; constructor Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); end; // the representation of a HID device TJvHidDevice = class(TObject) private // internal control variables FMyController: TJvHidDeviceController; FIsPluggedIn: Boolean; FIsCheckedOut: Boolean; FIsEnumerated: Boolean; FHidFileHandle: THandle; FHidOverlappedRead: THandle; FHidOverlappedWrite: THandle; FOvlRead: TOverlapped; FOvlWrite: TOverlapped; // internal properties part FAttributes: THIDDAttributes; FPnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; FVendorName: WideString; FProductName: WideString; FPhysicalDescriptor: TJvPhysicalDescriptor; FPreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; FSerialNumber: WideString; FLanguageStrings: TStringList; FNumInputBuffers: Integer; FNumOverlappedBuffers: Integer; FThreadSleepTime: Integer; FLinkCollection: array of THIDPLinkCollectionNode; FMaxDataListLength: ULONG; FMaxUsageListLength: ULONG; FMaxButtonListLength: ULONG; FReportTypeParam: THIDPReportType; FUsagePageParam: TUsage; FLinkCollectionParam: WORD; FUsageParam: TUsage; FData: TJvHidDataEvent; FDataError: TJvHidDataErrorEvent; FUnplug: TJvHidUnplugEvent; FHasReadWriteAccess: Boolean; FDataThread: TJvHidDeviceReadThread; FTag: Integer; // tells if access to device is allowed function IsAccessible: Boolean; procedure GetMax; // internal property implementors function GetDeviceStringAnsi(Idx: Byte): string; function GetDeviceStringUnicode(Idx: Byte): WideString; function GetLinkCollectionNode(Idx: WORD): THIDPLinkCollectionNode; function GetConfiguration: THIDDConfiguration; function GetPreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; function GetCaps: THIDPCaps; function GetVendorName: WideString; function GetProductName: WideString; function GetSerialNumber: WideString; function GetPhysicalDescriptor: TJvPhysicalDescriptor; function GetLanguageStrings: TStrings; function GetOverlappedReadResult: DWORD; function GetOverlappedWriteResult: DWORD; procedure SetConfiguration(const Config: THIDDConfiguration); procedure SetDataEvent(const DataEvent: TJvHidDataEvent); procedure SetNumInputBuffers(const Num: Integer); procedure SetNumOverlappedBuffers(const Num: Integer); procedure SetReportTypeParam(const ReportType: THIDPReportType); procedure SetThreadSleepTime(const SleepTime: Integer); procedure SetUsagePageParam(const UsagePage: TUsage); procedure StartThread; procedure StopThread; // Constructor is hidden! Only a TJvHidDeviceController can create a TJvHidDevice object. // APnPInfo becomes the property of this class, do not try to free it yourself, // even if this call raises an exception. // The destructor of this class will take care of the cleanup even when an exception // is raised (as specified by the Delphi language) constructor CtlCreate(const APnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; const Controller: TJvHidDeviceController); protected // internal event implementor procedure DoUnplug; public // dummy constructor constructor Create; destructor Destroy; override; // methods function CancelIO(const Mode: TJvHidOpenExMode): Boolean; procedure CloseFile; procedure CloseFileEx(const Mode: TJvHidOpenExMode); function DeviceIoControl(IoControlCode: DWORD; InBuffer: Pointer; InSize: DWORD; OutBuffer: Pointer; OutSize: DWORD; var BytesReturned: DWORD): Boolean; function FlushQueue: Boolean; function GetButtonCaps(ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; function GetButtons(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetButtonsEx(UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetData(DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetFeature(var Report; const Size: Integer): Boolean; function GetScaledUsageValue(var UsageValue: Integer; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetSpecificButtonCaps(ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; function GetSpecificValueCaps(ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; function GetUsages(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetUsagesEx(UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetUsageValue(var UsageValue: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetUsageValueArray(UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: WORD; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function GetValueCaps(ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; function OpenFile: Boolean; function OpenFileEx(Mode: TJvHidOpenExMode): Boolean; function SetButtons(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function SetData(DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function SetFeature(var Report; const Size: Integer): Boolean; function SetScaledUsageValue(UsageValue: Integer; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function SetUsages(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function SetUsageValue(UsageValue: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function SetUsageValueArray(UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: WORD; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function UnsetButtons(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function UnsetUsages(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function ReadFile(var Report; ToRead: DWORD; var BytesRead: DWORD): Boolean; function ReadFileEx(var Report; ToRead: DWORD; CallBack: TPROverlappedCompletionRoutine): Boolean; function WriteFile(var Report; ToWrite: DWORD; var BytesWritten: DWORD): Boolean; function WriteFileEx(var Report; ToWrite: DWORD; CallBack: TPROverlappedCompletionRoutine): Boolean; function CheckOut: Boolean; // Windows version dependent methods // added in Win 2000 function GetExtendedAttributes(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataIndex: Word; Attributes: PHIDPExtendedAttributes; var LengthAttributes: ULONG): NTSTATUS; function InitializeReportForID(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ReportID: Byte; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; // added in Win XP function GetInputReport(var Report; const Size: ULONG): Boolean; function SetOutputReport(var Report; const Size: ULONG): Boolean; // read only properties property Attributes: THIDDAttributes read FAttributes; property Caps: THIDPCaps read GetCaps; property HasReadWriteAccess: Boolean read FHasReadWriteAccess; property HidFileHandle: THandle read FHidFileHandle; property HidOverlappedRead: THandle read FHidOverlappedRead; property HidOverlappedWrite: THandle read FHidOverlappedWrite; property HidOverlappedReadResult: DWORD read GetOverlappedReadResult; property HidOverlappedWriteResult: DWORD read GetOverlappedWriteResult; property IsCheckedOut: Boolean read FIsCheckedOut; property IsPluggedIn: Boolean read FIsPluggedIn; property LanguageStrings: TStrings read GetLanguageStrings; property MaxButtonListLength: ULONG read FMaxButtonListLength; property MaxDataListLength: ULONG read FMaxDataListLength; property MaxUsageListLength: ULONG read FMaxUsageListLength; property PhysicalDescriptor: TJvPhysicalDescriptor read GetPhysicalDescriptor; property PnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo read FPnPInfo; property PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData read GetPreparsedData; property ProductName: WideString read GetProductName; property SerialNumber: WideString read GetSerialNumber; property VendorName: WideString read GetVendorName; // read write properties property Configuration: THIDDConfiguration read GetConfiguration write SetConfiguration; property LinkCollectionParam: WORD read FLinkCollectionParam write FLinkCollectionParam; property NumInputBuffers: Integer read FNumInputBuffers write SetNumInputBuffers; property NumOverlappedBuffers: Integer read FNumOverlappedBuffers write SetNumOverlappedBuffers; property ReportTypeParam: THIDPReportType read FReportTypeParam write SetReportTypeParam; property Tag: Integer read FTag write FTag; property ThreadSleepTime: Integer read FThreadSleepTime write SetThreadSleepTime; property UsagePageParam: TUsage read FUsagePageParam write SetUsagePageParam; property UsageParam: TUsage read FUsageParam write FUsageParam; // indexed properties property DeviceStrings[Idx: Byte]: string read GetDeviceStringAnsi; property DeviceStringsUnicode[Idx: Byte]: WideString read GetDeviceStringUnicode; property LinkCollectionNodes[Idx: WORD]: THIDPLinkCollectionNode read GetLinkCollectionNode; // event properties property OnData: TJvHidDataEvent read FData write SetDataEvent; property OnDataError: TJvHidDataErrorEvent read FDataError write FDataError; property OnUnplug: TJvHidUnplugEvent read FUnplug write FUnplug; end; // controller class to manage all HID devices {$IFDEF RTL230_UP} [ComponentPlatformsAttribute(pidWin32 or pidWin64)] {$ENDIF RTL230_UP} TJvHidDeviceController = class(TJvComponent) private // internal properties part FHidGuid: TGUID; FArrivalEvent: TJvHidPlugEvent; FDeviceChangeEvent: TNotifyEvent; FEnumerateEvent: TJvHidEnumerateEvent; FDevDataEvent: TJvHidDataEvent; FDevDataErrorEvent: TJvHidDataErrorEvent; FDevUnplugEvent: TJvHidUnplugEvent; FRemovalEvent: TJvHidUnplugEvent; FOnDeviceCreateError: TJvHidDeviceCreateError; FDevThreadSleepTime: Integer; FVersion: string; FDummy: string; // internal list of all HID device objects FList: TList; // counters for the list FNumCheckedInDevices: Integer; FNumCheckedOutDevices: Integer; FNumUnpluggedDevices: Integer; // reentrancy FInDeviceChange: Boolean; FLParam: LPARAM; // window to catch WM_DEVICECHANGE FHWnd: HWND; // internal worker functions function CheckThisOut(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Idx: Integer; Check: Boolean): Boolean; procedure EventPipe(var Msg: TMessage); // internal event implementors procedure SetDeviceChangeEvent(const Notifier: TNotifyEvent); procedure SetEnumerate(const Enumerator: TJvHidEnumerateEvent); procedure SetDevThreadSleepTime(const DevTime: Integer); procedure SetDevData(const DataEvent: TJvHidDataEvent); procedure SetDevDataError(const DataErrorEvent: TJvHidDataErrorEvent); procedure SetDevUnplug(const Unplugger: TJvHidUnplugEvent); protected procedure DoArrival(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); procedure DoRemoval(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); procedure DoDeviceChange; function DoEnumerate(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Idx: Integer): Boolean; public // normal constructor/destructor constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override; destructor Destroy; override; // methods to hand out HID device objects procedure CheckIn(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice); function CheckOut(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice): Boolean; function CheckOutByClass(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const ClassName: string): Boolean; function CheckOutByID(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Vid, Pid: Integer): Boolean; function CheckOutByIndex(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Idx: Integer): Boolean; function CheckOutByProductName(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const ProductName: WideString): Boolean; function CheckOutByVendorName(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const VendorName: WideString): Boolean; function CheckOutByCallback(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Check: TJvHidCheckCallback): Boolean; // methods to count HID device objects function CountByClass(const ClassName: string): Integer; function CountByID(const Vid, Pid: Integer): Integer; function CountByProductName(const ProductName: WideString): Integer; function CountByVendorName(const VendorName: WideString): Integer; function CountByCallback(Check: TJvHidCheckCallback): Integer; // iterate over the HID devices function Enumerate: Integer; class function HidVersion: string; // just to be complete the GUID property HidGuid: TGUID read FHidGuid; property NumCheckedInDevices: Integer read FNumCheckedInDevices; property NumCheckedOutDevices: Integer read FNumCheckedOutDevices; property NumUnpluggedDevices: Integer read FNumUnpluggedDevices; published property DevThreadSleepTime: Integer read FDevThreadSleepTime write SetDevThreadSleepTime default 100; property Version: string read FVersion write FDummy stored False; property OnArrival: TJvHidPlugEvent read FArrivalEvent write FArrivalEvent; // the iterator event property OnEnumerate: TJvHidEnumerateEvent read FEnumerateEvent write SetEnumerate; // the central event for HID device changes property OnDeviceChange: TNotifyEvent read FDeviceChangeEvent write SetDeviceChangeEvent; // this event is triggered when an error occured while creating a given TJvHidDevice property OnDeviceCreateError: TJvHidDeviceCreateError read FOnDeviceCreateError write FOnDeviceCreateError; // these events are copied to TJvHidDevices on creation property OnDeviceData: TJvHidDataEvent read FDevDataEvent write SetDevData; property OnDeviceDataError: TJvHidDataErrorEvent read FDevDataErrorEvent write SetDevDataError; property OnDeviceUnplug: TJvHidUnplugEvent read FDevUnplugEvent write SetDevUnplug; property OnRemoval: TJvHidUnplugEvent read FRemovalEvent write FRemovalEvent; // to be callable at design time procedure DeviceChange; end; // helpers to check the HID function and method results function HidCheck(const RetVal: NTSTATUS): NTSTATUS; overload; function HidCheck(const RetVal: LongBool): LongBool; overload; function HidError(const RetVal: NTSTATUS): NTSTATUS; function HidErrorString(const RetVal: NTSTATUS): string; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL$'; Revision: '$Revision$'; Date: '$Date$'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses JvResources; type EControllerError = class(EJVCLException); EHidClientError = class(EJVCLException); //=== these are declared inconsistent in Windows.pas ========================= function ReadFileEx(hFile: THandle; var Buffer; nNumberOfBytesToRead: DWORD; var Overlapped: TOverlapped; lpCompletionRoutine: TPROverlappedCompletionRoutine): BOOL; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'ReadFileEx'; function WriteFileEx(hFile: THandle; var Buffer; nNumberOfBytesToWrite: DWORD; var Overlapped: TOverlapped; lpCompletionRoutine: TPROverlappedCompletionRoutine): BOOL; stdcall; external kernel32 name 'WriteFileEx'; //=== { TJvHidDeviceReadThread } ============================================= constructor TJvHidDeviceReadThread.CtlCreate(const Dev: TJvHidDevice); begin inherited Create(False); Device := Dev; NumBytesRead := 0; SetLength(Report, Dev.Caps.InputReportByteLength); end; constructor TJvHidDeviceReadThread.Create(CreateSuspended: Boolean); begin raise EControllerError.CreateRes(@RsEDirectThreadCreationNotAllowed); end; procedure TJvHidDeviceReadThread.DoData; begin Device.OnData(Device, Report[0], @Report[1], NumBytesRead - 1); end; procedure TJvHidDeviceReadThread.DoDataError; begin if Assigned(Device.FDataError) then Device.FDataError(Device, FErr); end; procedure DummyReadCompletion(ErrorCode: DWORD; Count: DWORD; Ovl: POverlapped); stdcall; begin end; procedure TJvHidDeviceReadThread.Execute; var SleepRet: DWORD; begin NameThread(ThreadName); SleepRet := WAIT_IO_COMPLETION; try while not Terminated do begin // read data SleepRet := WAIT_IO_COMPLETION; FillChar(Report[0], Device.Caps.InputReportByteLength, #0); if Device.ReadFileEx(Report[0], Device.Caps.InputReportByteLength, @DummyReadCompletion) then begin // wait for read to complete repeat SleepRet := SleepEx(Device.ThreadSleepTime, True); until Terminated or (SleepRet = WAIT_IO_COMPLETION); // show data read if not Terminated then begin NumBytesRead := Device.HidOverlappedReadResult; if NumBytesRead > 0 then // synchronizing only works if the component is not instanciated in a DLL if IsLibrary then DoData else Synchronize(DoData); end; end else begin FErr := GetLastError; Synchronize(DoDataError); SleepEx(Device.ThreadSleepTime, True); // avoid 100% CPU usage (Mantis 5749) end; end; finally // cancel ReadFileEx call or the callback will // crash your program if SleepRet <> WAIT_IO_COMPLETION then Device.CancelIO(omhRead); end; end; //=== { TJvHidPnPInfo } ====================================================== constructor TJvHidPnPInfo.Create(APnPHandle: HDEVINFO; ADevData: TSPDevInfoData; ADevicePath: PChar); begin inherited Create; FDeviceID := ADevData.DevInst; FDevicePath := ADevicePath; // primary information FCapabilities := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_CAPABILITIES); FClassDescr := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_CLASS); FClassGUID := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_CLASSGUID); FCompatibleIDs := GetRegistryPropertyStringList(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_COMPATIBLEIDS); FConfigFlags := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_CONFIGFLAGS); FDeviceDescr := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_DEVICEDESC); FDriver := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_DRIVER); FFriendlyName := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_FRIENDLYNAME); FHardwareID := GetRegistryPropertyStringList(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_HARDWAREID); FLowerFilters := GetRegistryPropertyStringList(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_LOWERFILTERS); FMfg := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_MFG); FUpperFilters := GetRegistryPropertyStringList(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_UPPERFILTERS); FService := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_SERVICE); // secondary information not all likely to exist for a HID device FAddress := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_ADDRESS); FBusNumber := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_BUSNUMBER); FBusType := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID); FCharacteristics := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_CHARACTERISTICS); FDevType := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_DEVTYPE); FEnumeratorName := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_ENUMERATOR_NAME); FExclusive := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_EXCLUSIVE); FLegacyBusType := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_LEGACYBUSTYPE); FLocationInfo := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_LOCATION_INFORMATION); FPhysDevObjName := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_PHYSICAL_DEVICE_OBJECT_NAME); FSecuritySDS := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_SECURITY_SDS); FUINumber := GetRegistryPropertyDWord(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_UI_NUMBER); FUINumberFormat := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_UI_NUMBER_DESC_FORMAT); end; destructor TJvHidPnPInfo.Destroy; begin FCompatibleIDs.Free; FHardwareID.Free; FLowerFilters.Free; FUpperFilters.Free; inherited Destroy; end; function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetCompatibleIDs: TStrings; begin Result := FCompatibleIDs; end; function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetHardwareID: TStrings; begin Result := FHardwareID; end; function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetLowerFilters: TStrings; begin Result := FLowerFilters; end; function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetUpperFilters: TStrings; begin Result := FUpperFilters; end; // internal helpers to read values from a devices registry area function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetRegistryPropertyString(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): string; var BytesReturned: DWORD; RegDataType: DWORD; Buffer: array [0..1023] of Char; begin BytesReturned := 0; RegDataType := 0; Buffer[0] := #0; SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(PnPHandle, DevData, Prop, RegDataType, PByte(@Buffer[0]), SizeOf(Buffer), BytesReturned); Result := Buffer; end; function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetRegistryPropertyStringList(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): TStringList; var BytesReturned: DWORD; RegDataType: DWORD; Buffer: array [0..16383] of Char; P: PChar; begin BytesReturned := 0; RegDataType := 0; Buffer[0] := #0; SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(PnPHandle, DevData, Prop, RegDataType, PBYTE(@Buffer[0]), SizeOf(Buffer), BytesReturned); Result := TStringList.Create; P := @Buffer[0]; while P[0] <> #0 do begin Result.Add(P); P := P + StrLen(P) + 1; end; end; function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetRegistryPropertyDWord(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): DWORD; var BytesReturned: DWORD; RegDataType: DWORD; begin BytesReturned := 0; RegDataType := 0; Result := 0; SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(PnPHandle, DevData, Prop, RegDataType, PBYTE(@Result), SizeOf(Result), BytesReturned); end; //=== { TJvHidDevice } ======================================================= // dummy constructor to catch invalid Create calls constructor TJvHidDevice.Create; begin inherited Create; FHidFileHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FHidOverlappedRead := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FHidOverlappedWrite := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; raise EControllerError.CreateRes(@RsEDirectHidDeviceCreationNotAllowed); end; // create and fill in a HidDevice object // the constructor is only accessible from TJvHidController // PnPInfo contains all info the JvHidDeviceController collected // Controller is the devices controller object to be referenced // internally constructor TJvHidDevice.CtlCreate(const APnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; const Controller: TJvHidDeviceController); begin inherited Create; // initialize private data FPnPInfo := APnPInfo; FMyController := Controller; FIsPluggedIn := True; FIsCheckedOut := False; FIsEnumerated := False; FHidOverlappedRead := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FHidOverlappedWrite := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; FVendorName := ''; FProductName := ''; FPreparsedData := nil; SetLength(FPhysicalDescriptor, 0); FSerialNumber := ''; FLanguageStrings := TStringList.Create; FNumInputBuffers := 0; FNumOverlappedBuffers := 0; SetLength(FLinkCollection, 0); FMaxDataListLength := 0; FMaxUsageListLength := 0; FMaxButtonListLength := 0; FReportTypeParam := HIDP_Input; FThreadSleepTime := Controller.DevThreadSleepTime; FUsagePageParam := 0; FLinkCollectionParam := 0; FUsageParam := 0; FDataThread := nil; OnData := Controller.OnDeviceData; OnUnplug := Controller.OnDeviceUnplug; FHidFileHandle := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); FHasReadWriteAccess := HidFileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Win2000 hack if not HasReadWriteAccess then FHidFileHandle := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), 0, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if HidFileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin FAttributes.Size := SizeOf(THIDDAttributes); if not HidD_GetAttributes(HidFileHandle, FAttributes) then raise EControllerError.CreateRes(@RsEDeviceCannotBeIdentified); end else raise EControllerError.CreateRes(@RsEDeviceCannotBeOpened); // the file is closed to stop using up resources CloseFile; end; // If a TJvHidDevice is destroyed the TJvHidController has to be informed. // If the device is plugged in this TJvHidDevice instance is destroyed, // but another instance is created in the controller list to replace it. destructor TJvHidDevice.Destroy; var I: Integer; TmpOnData: TJvHidDataEvent; TmpOnUnplug: TJvHidUnplugEvent; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin // if we need to clone the object TmpOnData := OnData; TmpOnUnplug := OnUnplug; // to prevent strange problems OnData := nil; OnUnplug := nil; // free the data which needs special handling CloseFile; CloseFileEx(omhRead); CloseFileEx(omhWrite); if FPreparsedData <> nil then HidD_FreePreparsedData(FPreparsedData); FLanguageStrings.Free; // if controller exists if FMyController <> nil then with FMyController do begin // delete device from controller list for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if FList.Items[I] = Self then begin // if device is plugged in create a checked in copy if IsPluggedIn then begin Dev := nil; try Dev := TJvHidDevice.CtlCreate(FPnPInfo, FMyController); // make it a complete clone Dev.OnData := TmpOnData; Dev.OnUnplug := TmpOnUnplug; Dev.ThreadSleepTime := ThreadSleepTime; FList.Items[I] := Dev; // the FPnPInfo has been handed over to the new object FPnPInfo := nil; if IsCheckedOut then begin Dec(FNumCheckedOutDevices); Inc(FNumCheckedInDevices); end; except on EControllerError do begin FList.Delete(I); Dev.Free; Dec(FNumUnpluggedDevices); end; end; end else begin FList.Delete(I); Dec(FNumUnpluggedDevices); end; Break; end; end; FPnPInfo.Free; inherited Destroy; end; // if check changes change check only here function TJvHidDevice.IsAccessible: Boolean; begin Result := IsPluggedIn and (IsCheckedOut or FIsEnumerated); end; // open the device "file" (for the other methods) function TJvHidDevice.OpenFile: Boolean; begin // check if open allowed (propagates this state) if IsAccessible then if HidFileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then // if not already opened begin FHidFileHandle := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); FHasReadWriteAccess := HidFileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; // Win2000 hack if not HasReadWriteAccess then FHidFileHandle := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), 0, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, 0, 0); if HidFileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if NumInputBuffers <> 0 then HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(HidFileHandle, NumInputBuffers); HidD_GetNumInputBuffers(HidFileHandle, FNumInputBuffers); end; end; Result := HidFileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; // open second device "file" for ReadFileEx and WriteFileEx function TJvHidDevice.OpenFileEx(Mode: TJvHidOpenExMode): Boolean; begin Result := False; // check if open allowed (propagates this state) if IsAccessible then if Mode = omhRead then begin if HidOverlappedRead = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then // if not already opened begin FHidOverlappedRead := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), GENERIC_READ, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); if FHidOverlappedRead <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then begin if NumOverlappedBuffers <> 0 then HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(FHidOverlappedRead, NumOverlappedBuffers); HidD_GetNumInputBuffers(FHidOverlappedRead, FNumOverlappedBuffers); end; end; Result := FHidOverlappedRead <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end else begin if HidOverlappedWrite = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then // if not already opened FHidOverlappedWrite := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ or FILE_SHARE_WRITE, nil, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_FLAG_OVERLAPPED, 0); Result := FHidOverlappedWrite <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; end; // implement OnUnplug event procedure TJvHidDevice.DoUnplug; begin CloseFile; CloseFileEx(omhRead); CloseFileEx(omhWrite); FIsPluggedIn := False; // event even for checked in devices if Assigned(FUnplug) then FUnplug(Self); // guarantees that event is only called once OnUnplug := nil; end; // implementing indexed properties read function TJvHidDevice.GetDeviceStringAnsi(Idx: Byte): string; begin Result := WideCharToString(PWideChar(GetDeviceStringUnicode(Idx))); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetDeviceStringUnicode(Idx: Byte): WideString; var Buffer: array [0..253] of WideChar; begin Result := ''; if Idx <> 0 then if OpenFile then if HidD_GetIndexedString(HidFileHandle, Idx, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)) then Result := Buffer; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetLinkCollectionNode(Idx: WORD): THIDPLinkCollectionNode; var Siz: ULONG; begin if Length(FLinkCollection) = 0 then begin Siz := Caps.NumberLinkCollectionNodes; SetLength(FLinkCollection, Siz); HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes(@FLinkCollection[0], Siz, PreparsedData); end; FillChar(Result, SizeOf(THIDPLinkCollectionNode), #0); if Idx < Length(FLinkCollection) then Result := FLinkCollection[Idx]; end; // implementing properties write procedure TJvHidDevice.SetNumInputBuffers(const Num: Integer); begin if (Num <> FNumInputBuffers) and OpenFile then begin HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(HidFileHandle, Num); HidD_GetNumInputBuffers(HidFileHandle, FNumInputBuffers); end; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.SetNumOverlappedBuffers(const Num: Integer); begin if (Num <> FNumOverlappedBuffers) and OpenFileEx(omhRead) then begin HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(HidOverlappedRead, Num); HidD_GetNumInputBuffers(HidOverlappedRead, FNumOverlappedBuffers); end; end; // internal helper for the following functions procedure TJvHidDevice.GetMax; begin if IsAccessible then begin FMaxDataListLength := HidP_MaxDataListLength(ReportTypeParam, PreparsedData); FMaxUsageListLength := HidP_MaxUsageListLength(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, PreparsedData); FMaxButtonListLength := HidP_MaxButtonListLength(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, PreparsedData); end; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.SetReportTypeParam(const ReportType: THIDPReportType); begin FReportTypeParam := ReportType; GetMax; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.SetThreadSleepTime(const SleepTime: Integer); begin // limit to 10 msec .. 10 sec if (SleepTime >= 10) and (SleepTime <= 10000) then FThreadSleepTime := SleepTime; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.SetUsagePageParam(const UsagePage: TUsage); begin FUsagePageParam := UsagePage; GetMax; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetConfiguration: THIDDConfiguration; begin Result.cookie := nil; Result.size := 0; Result.RingBufferSize := 0; if OpenFile then HidD_GetConfiguration(HidFileHandle, Result, SizeOf(THIDDConfiguration)); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetPreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; begin if FPreparsedData = nil then if OpenFile then begin HidD_GetPreparsedData(HidFileHandle, FPreparsedData); CloseFile; end; Result := FPreparsedData; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetCaps: THIDPCaps; begin FillChar(Result, SizeOf(THIDPCaps), #0); HidP_GetCaps(PreparsedData, Result); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetVendorName: WideString; var Buffer: array [0..253] of WideChar; begin if FVendorName = '' then if OpenFile then begin FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), #0); if HidD_GetManufacturerString(HidFileHandle, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)) then FVendorName := Buffer; CloseFile; end; Result := FVendorName; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetProductName: WideString; var Buffer: array [0..253] of WideChar; begin if FProductName = '' then if OpenFile then begin FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), #0); if HidD_GetProductString(HidFileHandle, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)) then FProductName := Buffer; CloseFile; end; Result := FProductName; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetSerialNumber: WideString; var I: Integer; Len: Integer; IDs: array [0..253] of WORD; Buffer: array [0..253] of WideChar; begin if FSerialNumber = '' then if OpenFile then begin FillChar(Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer), #0); if HidD_GetSerialNumberString(HidFileHandle, Buffer, SizeOf(Buffer)) then begin // calculate length of StringDescriptor 0 FillChar(IDs, SizeOf(IDs), $FF); Len := 0; HidD_GetIndexedString(HidFileHandle, 0, PWideChar(@IDs), SizeOf(IDs)); for I := High(IDs) downto 0 do if IDs[I] <> $FFFF then begin if IDs[I] = 0 then Len := I else Len := I + 1; Break; end; // compensate for buggy function for I := 0 to Len - 1 do if IDs[I] <> WORD(Buffer[I]) then begin FSerialNumber := Buffer; Break; end; end; CloseFile; end; Result := FSerialNumber; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetPhysicalDescriptor: TJvPhysicalDescriptor; var I: Integer; begin if Length(FPhysicalDescriptor) = 0 then if OpenFile then begin I := 0; SetLength(FPhysicalDescriptor, 2048); while not HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor(HidFileHandle, FPhysicalDescriptor[0], I * SizeOf(WORD)) do begin Inc(I); if (I > 2048) or (GetLastError <> ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then begin I := 0; Break; end; end; SetLength(FPhysicalDescriptor, I); CloseFile; end; Result := FPhysicalDescriptor; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetLanguageStrings: TStrings; var I: Integer; Len: Integer; IDs: array [0..253] of WORD; Name: array [0..255] of Char; begin if FLanguageStrings.Count = 0 then if OpenFile then begin // calculate length of StringDescriptor 0 FillChar(IDs, SizeOf(IDs), $FF); Len := 0; if HidD_GetIndexedString(HidFileHandle, 0, PWideChar(@IDs), SizeOf(IDs)) then for I := High(IDs) downto 0 do if IDs[I] <> $FFFF then begin if IDs[I] = 0 then Len := I else Len := I + 1; Break; end; // transform id into localized language name for I := 0 to Len - 1 do begin Name[0] := #0; if GetLocaleInfo(WORD(IDs[I]), LOCALE_SLANGUAGE, Name, SizeOf(Name)) <> 0 then FLanguageStrings.Add(Name) else FLanguageStrings.Add(Format(RsUnknownLocaleIDFmt, [WORD(IDs[I])])); end; CloseFile; end; Result := FLanguageStrings; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetOverlappedReadResult: DWORD; begin Result := 0; if HidOverlappedRead <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then if not GetOverlappedResult(HidOverlappedRead, FOvlRead, Result, False) then Result := 0; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetOverlappedWriteResult: DWORD; begin Result := 0; if HidOverlappedWrite <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then if not GetOverlappedResult(HidOverlappedWrite, FOvlWrite, Result, False) then Result := 0; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.SetConfiguration(const Config: THIDDConfiguration); begin if OpenFile then HidD_SetConfiguration(HidFileHandle, Config, SizeOf(THIDDConfiguration)); end; procedure TJvHidDevice.SetDataEvent(const DataEvent: TJvHidDataEvent); begin // this assignment is a bit tricky because a thread may be running // kill the thread with the old event still in effect if not Assigned(DataEvent) then StopThread; // assign the new event and start the thread if needed FData := DataEvent; StartThread; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.StartThread; begin if Assigned(FData) and IsPluggedIn and IsCheckedOut and HasReadWriteAccess and not Assigned(FDataThread) then begin FDataThread := TJvHidDeviceReadThread.CtlCreate(Self); end; end; procedure TJvHidDevice.StopThread; begin if Assigned(FDataThread) then begin FDataThread.Terminate; FDataThread.WaitFor; FDataThread.Free; FDataThread := nil; end; end; // TJvHidDevice methods: // generally the parameter count of the methods is reduced with the Param properties // first assign the Param properties the desired value then call a method // normally you will address the same Usage, UsagePage, ReportType or LinkCollection // with more than one method // // the methods will open the device file when needed // this file is not closed until unplug or destruction to speed up access // cancel asynchronous operations on either HidOverlappedRead or HidOverlappedWrite function TJvHidDevice.CancelIO(const Mode: TJvHidOpenExMode): Boolean; function CallCancelIO(Handle: THandle): Boolean; type TCancelIOFunc = function(hFile: THandle): BOOL; stdcall; var hKernel: HMODULE; CancelIOFunc: TCancelIOFunc; begin hKernel := GetModuleHandle(kernel32); Result := hKernel <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; if Result then begin @CancelIOFunc := GetProcAddress(hKernel, 'CancelIO'); if Assigned(CancelIOFunc) then Result := CancelIOFunc(Handle) else Result := False; end; end; begin Result := False; if (Mode = omhRead) and (HidOverlappedRead <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Result := CallCancelIO(HidOverlappedRead) else if (Mode = omhWrite) and (HidOverlappedWrite <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Result := CallCancelIO(HidOverlappedWrite); end; // close the device "file" // if you want to open the file directly close this // to get undisturbed access procedure TJvHidDevice.CloseFile; begin if HidFileHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(HidFileHandle); FNumInputBuffers := 0; FHidFileHandle := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; // same for the other device "file" procedure TJvHidDevice.CloseFileEx(const Mode: TJvHidOpenExMode); begin if Mode = omhRead then begin if HidOverlappedRead <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(HidOverlappedRead); FNumOverlappedBuffers := 0; FHidOverlappedRead := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end else begin if HidOverlappedWrite <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE then CloseHandle(HidOverlappedWrite); FHidOverlappedWrite := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; end; end; // all the methods which directly map to a HID-function function TJvHidDevice.FlushQueue: Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFile then Result := HidD_FlushQueue(HidFileHandle); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetFeature(var Report; const Size: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFile then Result := HidD_GetFeature(HidFileHandle, Report, Size); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetFeature(var Report; const Size: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFile then Result := HidD_SetFeature(HidFileHandle, Report, Size); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetSpecificButtonCaps(ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, ButtonCaps, Count, PreparsedData); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetButtonCaps(ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetButtonCaps_(ReportTypeParam, ButtonCaps, Count, PreparsedData); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetSpecificValueCaps(ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, ValueCaps, Count, PreparsedData); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetValueCaps(ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var Count: WORD): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetValueCaps_(ReportTypeParam, ValueCaps, Count, PreparsedData); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetData(DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetData(ReportTypeParam, DataList, DataLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetData(DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_SetData(ReportTypeParam, DataList, DataLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetUsages(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetUsages(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetButtons(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetButtons(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetUsagesEx(UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetUsagesEx(ReportTypeParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetButtonsEx(UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetButtonsEx(ReportTypeParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetUsages(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_SetUsages(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetButtons(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_SetButtons(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.UnsetUsages(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_UnsetUsages(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.UnsetButtons(UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_UnsetButtons(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageList, UsageLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetUsageValue(var UsageValue: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetUsageValue(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, UsageValue, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetScaledUsageValue(var UsageValue: Integer; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetScaledUsageValue(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, UsageValue, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.GetUsageValueArray(UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: WORD; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_GetUsageValueArray(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, UsageValue, UsageValueByteLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetUsageValue(UsageValue: ULONG; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_SetUsageValue(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, UsageValue, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetScaledUsageValue(UsageValue: Integer; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_SetScaledUsageValue(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, UsageValue, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetUsageValueArray(UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: WORD; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HIDP_STATUS_NULL; // for not plugged in if IsAccessible then Result := HidP_SetUsageValueArray(ReportTypeParam, UsagePageParam, LinkCollectionParam, UsageParam, UsageValue, UsageValueByteLength, PreparsedData, Report, ReportLength); end; function TJvHidDevice.DeviceIoControl(IoControlCode: DWORD; InBuffer: Pointer; InSize: DWORD; OutBuffer: Pointer; OutSize: DWORD; var BytesReturned: DWORD): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFile then Result := Windows.DeviceIoControl(HidFileHandle, IoControlCode, InBuffer, InSize, OutBuffer, OutSize, BytesReturned, nil); end; function TJvHidDevice.ReadFile(var Report; ToRead: DWORD; var BytesRead: DWORD): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFile then Result := Windows.ReadFile(HidFileHandle, Report, ToRead, BytesRead, nil); end; function TJvHidDevice.WriteFile(var Report; ToWrite: DWORD; var BytesWritten: DWORD): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFile then Result := Windows.WriteFile(HidFileHandle, Report, ToWrite, BytesWritten, nil); end; // the TOverlapped structure is not needed externally // the hEvent element is used to transport the device object // to the callback function // Better not implement a Delphi event with that function TJvHidDevice.ReadFileEx(var Report; ToRead: DWORD; CallBack: TPROverlappedCompletionRoutine): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFileEx(omhRead) then begin FillChar(FOvlRead, SizeOf(TOverlapped), #0); FOvlRead.hEvent := DWORD(Self); Result := JvHidControllerClass.ReadFileEx(HidOverlappedRead, Report, ToRead, FOvlRead, CallBack); end; end; function TJvHidDevice.WriteFileEx(var Report; ToWrite: DWORD; CallBack: TPROverlappedCompletionRoutine): Boolean; begin Result := False; if OpenFileEx(omhWrite) then begin FillChar(FOvlWrite, SizeOf(TOverlapped), #0); FOvlWrite.hEvent := DWORD(Self); Result := JvHidControllerClass.WriteFileEx(HidOverlappedWrite, Report, ToWrite, FOvlWrite, CallBack); end; end; function TJvHidDevice.CheckOut: Boolean; begin Result := Assigned(FMyController) and IsPluggedIn and not IsCheckedOut; if Result then begin FIsCheckedOut := True; Inc(FMyController.FNumCheckedOutDevices); Dec(FMyController.FNumCheckedInDevices); StartThread; end; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetExtendedAttributes(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataIndex: Word; Attributes: PHIDPExtendedAttributes; var LengthAttributes: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin if Assigned(HidP_GetExtendedAttributes) then Result := HidP_GetExtendedAttributes(ReportType, DataIndex, FPreparsedData, Attributes, LengthAttributes) else Result := HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; end; function TJvHidDevice.InitializeReportForID(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ReportID: Byte; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; begin if Assigned(HidP_InitializeReportForID) then Result := HidP_InitializeReportForID(ReportType, ReportID, FPreparsedData, Report, ReportLength) else Result := HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; end; function TJvHidDevice.GetInputReport(var Report; const Size: ULONG): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(HidD_GetInputReport) then if OpenFile then Result := HidD_GetInputReport(FHidFileHandle, @Report, Size); end; function TJvHidDevice.SetOutputReport(var Report; const Size: ULONG): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(HidD_SetOutputReport) then if OpenFile then Result := HidD_SetOutputReport(FHidFileHandle, @Report, Size); end; //=== { TJvHidDeviceController } ============================================= constructor TJvHidDeviceController.Create(AOwner: TComponent); const cHidGuid: TGUID = '{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030}'; begin inherited Create(AOwner); FDeviceChangeEvent := nil; FEnumerateEvent := nil; FDevUnplugEvent := nil; FNumCheckedInDevices := 0; FNumCheckedOutDevices := 0; FNumUnpluggedDevices := 0; FDevThreadSleepTime := 100; FVersion := cHidControllerClassVersion; FInDeviceChange := False; FList := TList.Create; if LoadSetupApi then LoadHid; if IsHidLoaded then begin HidD_GetHidGuid(FHidGuid); // only hook messages if there is a HID DLL FHWnd := AllocateHWnd(EventPipe); // this one executes after Create completed which ensures // that all global elements like Application.MainForm are initialized PostMessage(FHWnd, WM_DEVICECHANGE, DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED, -1); end else FHidGuid := cHidGuid; end; // unplug or kill all controlled TJvHidDevices on controller destruction destructor TJvHidDeviceController.Destroy; var I: Integer; HidDev: TJvHidDevice; begin // to prevent strange problems FDeviceChangeEvent := nil; FDevUnplugEvent := nil; OnEnumerate := nil; // unhook event pipe if IsHidLoaded then DeallocateHWnd(FHWnd); for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin HidDev := FList.Items[I]; with HidDev do begin // set to uncontrolled FMyController := nil; if IsCheckedOut then DoUnplug; // pull the plug for checked out TJvHidDevices Free; // Always free, which will kill TJvHidDevices which are not checked out end; end; FList.Free; if IsHidLoaded then UnloadSetupApi; UnloadHid; inherited Destroy; end; procedure TJvHidDeviceController.DoArrival(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); begin if Assigned(FArrivalEvent) then begin HidDev.FIsEnumerated := True; FArrivalEvent(HidDev); HidDev.FIsEnumerated := False; end; end; procedure TJvHidDeviceController.DoRemoval(HidDev: TJvHidDevice); begin if Assigned(FRemovalEvent) then begin HidDev.FIsEnumerated := True; FRemovalEvent(HidDev); HidDev.FIsEnumerated := False; end; end; // implement OnDeviceChange event procedure TJvHidDeviceController.DoDeviceChange; begin if Assigned(FDeviceChangeEvent) then FDeviceChangeEvent(Self); end; // gets all the Windows events/messages directly procedure TJvHidDeviceController.EventPipe(var Msg: TMessage); begin // sort out WM_DEVICECHANGE : DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED if not (csDestroying in ComponentState) and (Msg.Msg = WM_DEVICECHANGE) and (TWMDeviceChange(Msg).Event = DBT_DEVNODES_CHANGED) then if not FInDeviceChange then begin FLParam := Msg.LParam; FInDeviceChange := True; DeviceChange; FInDeviceChange := False; end; Msg.Result := DefWindowProc(FHWnd, Msg.Msg, Msg.wParam, Msg.lParam); end; // implements OnDeviceChange event // it is published to allow calling at design time procedure TJvHidDeviceController.DeviceChange; var I: Integer; J: Integer; HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Changed: Boolean; NewList: TList; // internal worker function to find all HID devices and create their objects procedure FillInList; var PnPHandle: HDEVINFO; DevData: TSPDevInfoData; DeviceInterfaceData: TSPDeviceInterfaceData; FunctionClassDeviceData: PSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData; Success: LongBool; Devn: Integer; BytesReturned: DWORD; HidDev: TJvHidDevice; PnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; Handled: Boolean; RetryCreate: Boolean; begin if not IsHidLoaded then Exit; // Get a handle for the Plug and Play node and request currently active HID devices PnPHandle := SetupDiGetClassDevs(@FHidGuid, nil, 0, DIGCF_PRESENT or DIGCF_DEVICEINTERFACE); if PnPHandle = Pointer(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) then Exit; Devn := 0; repeat DeviceInterfaceData.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceData); // Is there a HID device at this table entry? Success := SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces(PnPHandle, nil, FHidGuid, Devn, DeviceInterfaceData); if Success then begin DevData.cbSize := SizeOf(DevData); BytesReturned := 0; SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(PnPHandle, @DeviceInterfaceData, nil, 0, BytesReturned, @DevData); if (BytesReturned <> 0) and (GetLastError = ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) then begin FunctionClassDeviceData := AllocMem(BytesReturned); try FunctionClassDeviceData^.cbSize := SizeOf(TSPDeviceInterfaceDetailData); if SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail(PnPHandle, @DeviceInterfaceData, FunctionClassDeviceData, BytesReturned, BytesReturned, @DevData) then begin // fill in PnPInfo of device PnPInfo := TJvHidPnPInfo.Create(PnPHandle, DevData, PChar(@FunctionClassDeviceData.DevicePath)); // create HID device object and add it to the device list RetryCreate := False; HidDev := nil; repeat try HidDev := TJvHidDevice.CtlCreate(PnPInfo, Self); except on EControllerError do if Assigned(OnDeviceCreateError) then begin Handled := False; OnDeviceCreateError(Self, PnPInfo, Handled, RetryCreate); if not Handled then raise; end else raise; end; until not RetryCreate; if Assigned(HidDev) then NewList.Add(HidDev); end; finally FreeMem(FunctionClassDeviceData); end; end; end; Inc(Devn); until not Success; SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList(PnPHandle); end; begin // initial auto message always triggers OnDeviceChange event Changed := (FLParam = -1); // get new device list NewList := TList.Create; FillInList; // unplug devices in FList which are not in NewList for I := FList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin HidDev := FList.Items[I]; for J := NewList.Count - 1 downto 0 do if (TJvHidDevice(NewList.Items[J]).PnPInfo.DeviceID = HidDev.PnPInfo.DeviceID) and HidDev.IsPluggedIn then begin HidDev := nil; Break; end; if HidDev <> nil then begin HidDev.DoUnplug; DoRemoval(HidDev); // delete from list if not HidDev.IsCheckedOut then begin FList.Delete(I); HidDev.Free; end; Changed := True; end; end; // delete devices from NewList which are in FList for I := 0 to NewList.Count - 1 do for J := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if (TJvHidDevice(NewList[I]).PnPInfo.DeviceID = TJvHidDevice(FList[J]).PnPInfo.DeviceID) and TJvHidDevice(FList[J]).IsPluggedIn then begin TJvHidDevice(NewList[I]).FMyController := nil; // prevent Free/Destroy from accessing this controller TJvHidDevice(NewList[I]).Free; NewList[I] := nil; Break; end; // add the remains in NewList to FList for I := 0 to NewList.Count - 1 do if NewList[I] <> nil then begin FList.Add(NewList[I]); Changed := True; DoArrival(TJvHidDevice(NewList[I])); end; // throw away helper list NewList.Free; // recount the devices FNumCheckedInDevices := 0; FNumCheckedOutDevices := 0; FNumUnpluggedDevices := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin HidDev := FList.Items[I]; Inc(FNumCheckedInDevices, Ord(not HidDev.IsCheckedOut)); Inc(FNumCheckedOutDevices, Ord(HidDev.IsCheckedOut)); Inc(FNumUnpluggedDevices, Ord(not HidDev.IsPluggedIn)); end; FNumCheckedOutDevices := FNumCheckedOutDevices - FNumUnpluggedDevices; if Changed then DoDeviceChange; end; class function TJvHidDeviceController.HidVersion: string; var Dummy: DWORD; Size: UINT; Buf: array of Byte; Value: PChar; begin Result := ''; Size := GetFileVersionInfoSize(HidModuleName, Dummy); if Size > 0 then begin SetLength(Buf, Size); GetFileVersionInfo(HidModuleName, DWORD(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE), Size, @Buf[0]); if VerQueryValue(@Buf[0], 'StringFileInfo\040904E4\FileVersion', Pointer(Value), Size) then Result := Value; end; end; // assign OnDeviceChange and immediately fire it procedure TJvHidDeviceController.SetDeviceChangeEvent(const Notifier: TNotifyEvent); begin if @FDeviceChangeEvent <> @Notifier then begin FDeviceChangeEvent := Notifier; if not (csLoading in ComponentState) then DeviceChange; end; end; // implement OnEnumerate event function TJvHidDeviceController.DoEnumerate(HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Idx: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; if Assigned(FEnumerateEvent) then begin HidDev.FIsEnumerated := True; Result := FEnumerateEvent(HidDev, Idx); HidDev.FIsEnumerated := False; if not HidDev.IsCheckedOut then begin HidDev.CloseFile; HidDev.CloseFileEx(omhRead); HidDev.CloseFileEx(omhWrite); end; end; end; // assign OnEnumerate event procedure TJvHidDeviceController.SetEnumerate(const Enumerator: TJvHidEnumerateEvent); begin FEnumerateEvent := Enumerator; end; // assign DevThreadSleepTime procedure TJvHidDeviceController.SetDevThreadSleepTime(const DevTime: Integer); var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin if DevTime <> FDevThreadSleepTime then begin // change all DevThreadSleepTime with the same old value for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Dev := FList.Items[I]; if Dev.ThreadSleepTime = FDevThreadSleepTime then Dev.ThreadSleepTime := DevTime; end; FDevThreadSleepTime := DevTime; end; end; // assign OnDevData event procedure TJvHidDeviceController.SetDevData(const DataEvent: TJvHidDataEvent); var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin if @DataEvent <> @FDevDataEvent then begin // change all OnData events with the same old value for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Dev := FList.Items[I]; if @Dev.OnData = @FDevDataEvent then Dev.OnData := DataEvent; end; FDevDataEvent := DataEvent; end; end; // assign OnDevDataError event procedure TJvHidDeviceController.SetDevDataError(const DataErrorEvent: TJvHidDataErrorEvent); var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin if @DataErrorEvent <> @FDevDataErrorEvent then begin // change all OnDataError events with the same old value for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Dev := FList.Items[I]; if @Dev.OnDataError = @FDevDataErrorEvent then Dev.OnDataError := DataErrorEvent; end; FDevDataErrorEvent := DataErrorEvent; end; end; // assign OnDevUnplug event procedure TJvHidDeviceController.SetDevUnplug(const Unplugger: TJvHidUnplugEvent); var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin if @Unplugger <> @FDevUnplugEvent then begin // change all OnUnplug events with the same old value for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Dev := FList.Items[I]; if @Dev.OnUnplug = @FDevUnplugEvent then Dev.OnUnplug := Unplugger; end; FDevUnplugEvent := Unplugger; end; end; // send an OnEnumerate event for all plugged HidDevices // it is explicitly allowed to check out any device in the event function TJvHidDeviceController.Enumerate: Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).IsPluggedIn then begin Inc(Result); if not DoEnumerate(FList[I], I) then Break; end; end; // internal worker function to check out a TJvHidDevice function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckThisOut(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Idx: Integer; Check: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := Check and not TJvHidDevice(FList.Items[Idx]).IsCheckedOut; if Result then begin HidDev := FList[Idx]; HidDev.FIsCheckedOut := True; Inc(FNumCheckedOutDevices); Dec(FNumCheckedInDevices); HidDev.StartThread; end; end; // method CheckOutByProductName hands out the first HidDevice with a matching ProductName function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOutByProductName(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const ProductName: WideString): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; if ProductName <> '' then for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, I, ProductName = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).ProductName); if Result then Break; end; end; // method CheckOutByVendorName hands out the first HidDevice with a matching VendorName function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOutByVendorName(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const VendorName: WideString): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; if VendorName <> '' then for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, I, VendorName = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).VendorName); if Result then Break; end; end; // method CheckOutByCallback hands out the first HidDevice which is accepted by the Check function // only checked in devices are presented to the Check function // the device object is usable like during Enumerate function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOutByCallback(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; Check: TJvHidCheckCallback): Boolean; var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Dev := FList[I]; if not Dev.IsCheckedOut then begin Dev.FIsEnumerated := True; Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, I, Check(Dev)); Dev.FIsEnumerated := False; if not Result then begin Dev.CloseFile; Dev.CloseFileEx(omhRead); Dev.CloseFileEx(omhWrite); end; if Result then Break; end; end; end; // method CheckOutByClass hands out the first HidDevice with a matching Class // Class comes from the registry (examples: 'Mouse', 'Keyboard') function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOutByClass(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const ClassName: string): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; if ClassName <> '' then for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, I, ClassName = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).PnPInfo.ClassDescr); if Result then Break; end; end; // method CheckOutByID hands out the first HidDevice with a matching VendorID and ProductID // Pid = -1 matches all ProductIDs function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOutByID(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Vid, Pid: Integer): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, I, (Vid = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).Attributes.VendorID) and ((Pid = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).Attributes.ProductID) or (Pid = -1))); if Result then Break; end; end; // method CheckOutByIndex hands out the HidDevice in the list with the named index // this is mainly for check out during OnEnumerate function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOutByIndex(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice; const Idx: Integer): Boolean; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; if (Idx >= 0) and (Idx < FList.Count) then Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, Idx, True); end; // method CheckOut simply hands out the first available HidDevice in the list function TJvHidDeviceController.CheckOut(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice): Boolean; var I: Integer; begin Result := False; HidDev := nil; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin Result := CheckThisOut(HidDev, I, True); if Result then Break; end; end; // method CheckIn hands a checked out HidDevice back in procedure TJvHidDeviceController.CheckIn(var HidDev: TJvHidDevice); begin if HidDev <> nil then begin HidDev.StopThread; HidDev.CloseFile; HidDev.CloseFileEx(omhRead); HidDev.CloseFileEx(omhWrite); if HidDev.IsPluggedIn then begin HidDev.FIsCheckedOut := False; Dec(FNumCheckedOutDevices); Inc(FNumCheckedInDevices); end else HidDev.Free; HidDev := nil; end; end; function TJvHidDeviceController.CountByClass(const ClassName: string): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).IsPluggedIn and (ClassName = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).PnPInfo.ClassDescr) then Inc(Result); end; function TJvHidDeviceController.CountByID(const Vid, Pid: Integer): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).IsPluggedIn and (Vid = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).Attributes.VendorID) and ((Pid = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).Attributes.ProductID) or (Pid = -1)) then Inc(Result); end; function TJvHidDeviceController.CountByProductName(const ProductName: WideString): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).IsPluggedIn and (ProductName = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).ProductName) then Inc(Result); end; function TJvHidDeviceController.CountByVendorName(const VendorName: WideString): Integer; var I: Integer; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do if TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).IsPluggedIn and (VendorName = TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).VendorName) then Inc(Result); end; function TJvHidDeviceController.CountByCallback(Check: TJvHidCheckCallback): Integer; var I: Integer; Dev: TJvHidDevice; begin Result := 0; for I := 0 to FList.Count - 1 do begin if TJvHidDevice(FList[I]).IsPluggedIn then begin Dev := FList[I]; Dev.FIsEnumerated := True; if Check(Dev) then Inc(Result); Dev.FIsEnumerated := False; if not Dev.IsCheckedOut then begin Dev.CloseFile; Dev.CloseFileEx(omhRead); Dev.CloseFileEx(omhWrite); end; end; end; end; //============================================================================ // a helper function to check the return values just // like Win32Check // the functions return the parameter to be transparent function HidCheck(const RetVal: NTSTATUS): NTSTATUS; begin if RetVal <> HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS then HidError(RetVal); Result := RetVal; end; function HidCheck(const RetVal: LongBool): LongBool; begin if not RetVal then raise EHidClientError.CreateRes(@RsEHIDBooleanError); Result := RetVal; end; function HidError(const RetVal: NTSTATUS): NTSTATUS; var ErrBuf: string; begin ErrBuf := HidErrorString(RetVal); // only react to HID errors if ErrBuf <> '' then raise EHidClientError.Create(ErrBuf); Result := RetVal; end; function HidErrorString(const RetVal: NTSTATUS): string; begin Result := ''; // only check HID errors if ((RetVal and NTSTATUS($00FF0000)) = HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS) and ((RetVal and NTSTATUS($C0000000)) <> 0) then begin case RetVal of HIDP_STATUS_NULL: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_NULL; HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA; HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE; HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH; HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND; HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE; HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES; HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL; HIDP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR; HIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN; HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID; HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY; HIDP_STATUS_IS_VALUE_ARRAY: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_IS_VALUE_ARRAY; HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND; HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE; HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED; HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST; HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED: Result := RsHIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED; else Result := Format(RsUnknownHIDFmt, [RetVal]); end; Result := RsHIDErrorPrefix + Result; end; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.