{******************************************************************} { } { Borland Delphi Runtime Library } { Public Definitions of HID functions from HID.DLL } { } { Portions created by Microsoft are } { Copyright (C) 1995-1999 Microsoft Corporation. } { All Rights Reserved. } { } { The original file are: hidsdi.h, hidpi.h, released March 1999. } { The original Pascal code is: Hid.pas, released 29 Jan 2000. } { The initial developer of the Pascal code is Robert Marquardt } { (robert_marquardt att gmx dott de) } { } { Portions created by Robert Marquardt are } { Copyright (C) 1999, 2000 Robert Marquardt. } { } { Contributor(s): Marcel van Brakel (brakelm att bart dott nl) } { } { Obtained through: } { Joint Endeavour of Delphi Innovators (Project JEDI) } { } { You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project } { JEDI home page, located at http://delphi-jedi.org } { } { The contents of this file are used with permission, subject to } { the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may } { not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may } { obtain a copy of the License at } { http://www.mozilla.org/NPL/NPL-1_1Final.html } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an } { "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either express or } { implied. See the License for the specific language governing } { rights and limitations under the License. } { } {******************************************************************} unit Hid; interface {$WEAKPACKAGEUNIT} // (rom) loads HID.DLL dynamically {$DEFINE HID_LINKONREQUEST} // (rom) enable for functions only in HID.DLL of Windows 98 SE or better { $ DEFINE WIN2000} // (rom) enable for functions only in HID.DLL of Windows XP { $ DEFINE WINXP} {$IFDEF WINXP} {$DEFINE WIN2000} {$ENDIF WINXP} uses Windows; {$ALIGN ON} type // (rom) moved from HidUsage.pas PUsage = ^TUsage; TUsage = Word; // (rom) from WINNT.H NTSTATUS = Longint; {$EXTERNALSYM NTSTATUS} // FACILITY_HID_ERROR_CODE defined in ntstatus.h const FACILITY_HID_ERROR_CODE = $11; {$EXTERNALSYM FACILITY_HID_ERROR_CODE} // // Define NT Status codes with Facility Code of FACILITY_HID_ERROR_CODE // (rom) vv HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS = NTSTATUS($00110000); HIDP_STATUS_NULL = NTSTATUS($80110001); HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA = NTSTATUS($C0110001); HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE = NTSTATUS($C0110002); HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH = NTSTATUS($C0110003); HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND = NTSTATUS($C0110004); HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE = NTSTATUS($C0110005); HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES = NTSTATUS($C0110006); HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL = NTSTATUS($C0110007); HIDP_STATUS_INTERNAL_ERROR = NTSTATUS($C0110008); HIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN = NTSTATUS($C0110009); HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID = NTSTATUS($C011000A); HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY = NTSTATUS($C011000B); HIDP_STATUS_IS_VALUE_ARRAY = NTSTATUS($C011000C); HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND = NTSTATUS($C011000D); HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_OUT_OF_RANGE = NTSTATUS($C011000E); HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED = NTSTATUS($C011000F); HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST = NTSTATUS($C0110010); HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED = NTSTATUS($C0110020); // // We blundered this status code. // HIDP_STATUS_I8242_TRANS_UNKNOWN = HIDP_STATUS_I8042_TRANS_UNKNOWN; // Special Link collection values for using the query functions // // Root collection references the collection at the base of the link // collection tree. // Unspecifies, references all collections in the link collection tree. HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_ROOT = -1; HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_UNSPECIFIED = 0; // A bitmap of the current shift state of the keyboard when using the // below keyboard usages to i8042 translation function. const // (rom) values for the bits of THIDPKeyboardModifierState kmsLeftControl = $0001; kmsLeftShift = $0002; kmsLeftAlt = $0004; kmsLeftGUI = $0008; kmsRightControl = $0010; kmsRightShift = $0020; kmsRightAlt = $0040; kmsRightGUI = $0080; kmsCapsLock = $0100; kmsScollLock = $0200; kmsNumLock = $0400; type THIDPKeyboardModifierState = DWORD; // (rom) bit value to check IsAlias of THIDPLinkCollectionNode const lcnIsAlias = 1; type // (rom) to represent the union names THIDVariantFlags = (Range, NotRange); PHIDDConfiguration = ^THIDDConfiguration; HIDD_CONFIGURATION = record cookie: Pointer; size: ULONG; RingBufferSize: ULONG; end; THIDDConfiguration = HIDD_CONFIGURATION; PHIDDAttributes = ^THIDDAttributes; HIDD_ATTRIBUTES = record Size: ULONG; // size of structure (set before call) VendorID: Word; ProductID: Word; VersionNumber: Word; // // Additional fields will be added to the end of this structure. // end; THIDDAttributes = HIDD_ATTRIBUTES; PHIDPPreparsedData = Pointer; const HidP_Input = 0; HidP_Output = 1; HidP_Feature = 2; type PHIDPReportType = ^THIDPReportType; THIDPReportType = DWORD; const // Produce Make or Break Codes HidP_Keyboard_Break = 0; HidP_Keyboard_Make = 1; type PHIDPKeyboardDirection = ^THIDPKeyboardDirection; THIDPKeyboardDirection = DWORD; PUsageAndPage = ^TUsageAndPage; USAGE_AND_PAGE = record Usage: TUsage; UsagePage: TUsage; end; TUsageAndPage = USAGE_AND_PAGE; PHIDPButtonCaps = ^THIDPButtonCaps; HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS = record UsagePage: TUsage; ReportID: BYTE; IsAlias: ByteBool; BitField: Word; LinkCollection: Word; // A unique internal index pointer LinkUsage: TUsage; LinkUsagePage: TUsage; IsRange: ByteBool; IsStringRange: ByteBool; IsDesignatorRange: ByteBool; IsAbsolute: ByteBool; Reserved: array [0..9] of ULONG; case THIDVariantFlags of Range: ( UsageMin, UsageMax: TUsage; StringMin, StringMax, DesignatorMin, DesignatorMax, DataIndexMin, DataIndexMax: Word ); NotRange: ( Usage, Reserved1: TUsage; StringIndex, Reserved2, DesignatorIndex, Reserved3, DataIndex, Reserved4: Word ); end; THIDPButtonCaps = HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS; PHIDPValueCaps = ^THIDPValueCaps; HIDP_VALUE_CAPS = record UsagePage: TUsage; ReportID: BYTE; IsAlias: ByteBool; BitField: Word; LinkCollection: Word; // A unique internal index pointer LinkUsage: TUsage; LinkUsagePage: TUsage; IsRange: ByteBool; IsStringRange: ByteBool; IsDesignatorRange: ByteBool; IsAbsolute: ByteBool; HasNull: ByteBool; // Does this channel have a null report union Reserved: BYTE; BitSize: Word; // How many bits are devoted to this value? ReportCount: Word; // See Note below. Usually set to 1. Reserved_: array [0..4] of Word; // (rom) name change Reserved2 gives name clash in Pascal UnitsExp: ULONG; Units: ULONG; LogicalMin: Integer; LogicalMax: Integer; PhysicalMin: Integer; PhysicalMax: Integer; case THIDVariantFlags of Range: ( UsageMin, UsageMax: TUsage; StringMin, StringMax, DesignatorMin, DesignatorMax, DataIndexMin, DataIndexMax: Word ); NotRange: ( Usage, Reserved1: TUsage; StringIndex, Reserved2, DesignatorIndex, Reserved3, DataIndex, Reserved4: Word ); end; THIDPValueCaps = HIDP_VALUE_CAPS; // // Notes: // // ReportCount: When a report descriptor declares an Input, Output, or // Feature main item with fewer usage declarations than the report count, then // the last usage applies to all remaining unspecified count in that main item. // (As an example you might have data that required many fields to describe, // possibly buffered bytes.) In this case, only one value cap structure is // allocated for these associtated fields, all with the same usage, and Report // Count reflects the number of fields involved. Normally ReportCount is 1. // To access all of the fields in such a value structure would require using // HidP_GetUsageValueArray and HidP_SetUsageValueArray. HidP_GetUsageValue/ // HidP_SetScaledUsageValue will also work, however, these functions will only // work with the first field of the structure. // // // The link collection tree consists of an array of LINK_COLLECTION_NODES // where the index into this array is the same as the collection number. // // Given a collection A which contains a subcollection B, A is defined to be // the parent B, and B is defined to be the child. // // Given collections A, B, and C where B and C are children of A, and B was // encountered before C in the report descriptor, B is defined as a sibling of // C. (This implies, of course, that if B is a sibling of C, then C is NOT a // sibling of B). // // B is defined as the NextSibling of C if and only if there exists NO // child collection of A, call it D, such that B is a sibling of D and D // is a sibling of C. // // E is defined to be the FirstChild of A if and only if for all children of A, // F, that are not equivalent to E, F is a sibling of E. // (This implies, of course, that the does not exist a child of A, call it G, // where E is a sibling of G). In other words the first sibling is the last // link collection found in the list. // // In other words, if a collection B is defined within the definition of another // collection A, B becomes a child of A. All collections with the same parent // are considered siblings. The FirstChild of the parent collection, A, will be // last collection defined that has A as a parent. The order of sibling pointers // is similarly determined. When a collection B is defined, it becomes the // FirstChild of it's parent collection. The previously defined FirstChild of the // parent collection becomes the NextSibling of the new collection. As new // collections with the same parent are discovered, the chain of sibling is built. // // With that in mind, the following describes conclusively a data structure // that provides direct traversal up, down, and accross the link collection // tree. PHIDPLinkCollectionNode = ^THIDPLinkCollectionNode; HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE = record LinkUsage: TUsage; LinkUsagePage: TUsage; Parent: Word; NumberOfChildren: Word; NextSibling: Word; FirstChild: Word; CollectionType: BYTE; // As defined in of HID spec IsAlias: BYTE; // This link node is an alias of the next link node. Reserved: Word; // (rom) bitfields UserContext: Pointer; // The user can hang his coat here. end; THIDPLinkCollectionNode = HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE; // // When a link collection is described by a delimiter, alias link collection // nodes are created. (One for each usage within the delimiter). // The parser assigns each capability description listed above only one // link collection. // // If a control is defined within a collection defined by // delimited usages, then that control is said to be within multiple link // collections, one for each usage within the open and close delimiter tokens. // Such multiple link collecions are said to be aliases. The first N-1 such // collections, listed in the link collection node array, have their IsAlias // bit set. The last such link collection is the link collection index used // in the capabilities described above. // Clients wishing to set a control in an aliased collection, should walk the // collection array once for each time they see the IsAlias flag set, and use // the last link collection as the index for the below accessor functions. // // NB: if IsAlias is set, then NextSibling should be one more than the current // link collection node index. PHIDPReportDescriptor = PAnsiChar; PHIDPCaps = ^THIDPCaps; HIDP_CAPS = record Usage: TUsage; UsagePage: TUsage; InputReportByteLength: Word; OutputReportByteLength: Word; FeatureReportByteLength: Word; Reserved: array [0..16] of Word; NumberLinkCollectionNodes: Word; NumberInputButtonCaps: Word; NumberInputValueCaps: Word; NumberInputDataIndices: Word; NumberOutputButtonCaps: Word; NumberOutputValueCaps: Word; NumberOutputDataIndices: Word; NumberFeatureButtonCaps: Word; NumberFeatureValueCaps: Word; NumberFeatureDataIndices: Word; end; THIDPCaps = HIDP_CAPS; PHIDPData = ^THIDPData; HIDP_DATA = record DataIndex: Word; Reserved: Word; case Integer of 0: (RawValue: ULONG); // for values 1: (On_: ByteBool); // for buttons MUST BE TRUE for buttons. // (rom) name change On is reserved in Pascal end; THIDPData = HIDP_DATA; // The HIDP_DATA structure is used with HidP_GetData and HidP_SetData // functions. // // The parser contiguously assigns every control (button or value) in a hid // device a unique data index from zero to NumberXXXDataIndices -1 , inclusive. // This value is found in the HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS and HIDP_VALUE_CAPS structures. // // Most clients will find the Get/Set Buttons / Value accessor functions // sufficient to their needs, as they will allow the clients to access the // data known to them while ignoring the other controls. // // More complex clients, which actually read the Button / Value Caps, and which // do a value add service to these routines (EG Direct Input), will need to // access all the data in the device without interest in the individual usage // or link collection location. These are the clients that will find // HidP_Data useful. PHIDPUnknownToken = ^THIDPUnknownToken; HIDP_UNKNOWN_TOKEN = record Token: BYTE; Reserved: array [0..2] of BYTE; BitField: DWORD; end; THIDPUnknownToken = HIDP_UNKNOWN_TOKEN; PHIDPExtendedAttributes = ^THIDPExtendedAttributes; HIDP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES = record NumGlobalUnknowns: BYTE; Reserved: array [0..2] of BYTE; GlobalUnknowns: PHIDPUnknownToken; // ... Additional attributes Data: array [0..0] of ULONG; // variableLength DO NOT ACCESS THIS FIELD end; THIDPExtendedAttributes = HIDP_EXTENDED_ATTRIBUTES; // (rom) callback function type for HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes param // (rom) maybe calling convention is incorrect THIDPInsertScanCodes = function( Context: Pointer; // Some caller supplied context NewScanCodes: PAnsiChar; // A list of i8042 scan codes Length: ULONG // the length of the scan code list ): Boolean; stdcall; {$IFNDEF HID_LINKONREQUEST} // (rom) undocumented easter egg function // (rom) fills buffer with "Hello\nI hate Jello\n" // (rom) returns number of bytes filled in == strlen(Buffer)+1 == 20 // (rom) bugs: handing in nil as buffer gives access violation. // (rom) always returns 20 even if buffer length is less than 20 // (rom) but does not produce buffer overflow function HidD_Hello(Buffer: PAnsiChar; BufferLength: ULONG): ULONG; stdcall; procedure HidD_GetHidGuid(var HidGuid: TGUID) stdcall; function HidD_GetPreparsedData(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): LongBool; stdcall; function HidD_FreePreparsedData(PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Get the configuration information for this Hid device // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // Configuration A configuration structure. HidD_GetConfiguration MUST // be called before the configuration can be modified and // set using HidD_SetConfiguration // // ConfigurationLength That is ``sizeof (HIDD_CONFIGURATION)''. Using this // parameter, we can later increase the length of the // configuration array and not break older apps. // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetConfiguration(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var HidConfig: THIDDConfiguration; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Set the configuration information for this Hid device... // // NOTE: HidD_GetConfiguration must be called to retrieve the current // configuration information before this information can be modified // and set. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // Configuration A configuration structure. HidD_GetConfiguration MUST // be called before the configuration can be modified and // set using HidD_SetConfiguration // // ConfigurationLength That is ``sizeof (HIDD_CONFIGURATION)''. Using this // parameter, we can later increase the length of the // configuration array and not break older apps. // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_SetConfiguration(HidDeviceObject: THandle; const HidConfig: THIDDConfiguration; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Flush the input queue for the given HID device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device that the client obtains using // a call to CreateFile on a valid Hid device string name. // The string name can be obtained using standard PnP calls. // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_FlushQueue(HidDeviceObject: THandle): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Retrieve a feature report from a HID device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // ReportBuffer The buffer that the feature report should be placed // into. The first byte of the buffer should be set to // the report ID of the desired report // // ReportBufferLength The size (in bytes) of ReportBuffer. This value // should be greater than or equal to the // FeatureReportByteLength field as specified in the // HIDP_CAPS structure for the device // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetFeature(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var Report; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Send a feature report to a HID device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // ReportBuffer The buffer of the feature report to send to the device // // ReportBufferLength The size (in bytes) of ReportBuffer. This value // should be greater than or equal to the // FeatureReportByteLength field as specified in the // HIDP_CAPS structure for the device // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_SetFeature(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var Report; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function returns the number of input buffers used by the specified // file handle to the Hid device. Each file object has a number of buffers // associated with it to queue reports read from the device but which have // not yet been read by the user-mode app with a handle to that device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // NumberBuffers Number of buffers currently being used for this file // handle to the Hid device // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetNumInputBuffers(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var NumBufs: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function sets the number of input buffers used by the specified // file handle to the Hid device. Each file object has a number of buffers // associated with it to queue reports read from the device but which have // not yet been read by the user-mode app with a handle to that device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // NumberBuffers New number of buffers to use for this file handle to // the Hid device // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_SetNumInputBuffers(HidDeviceObject: THandle; NumBufs: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Given a handle to a valid Hid Class Device Object, retrieve the preparsed // data for the device. This routine will allocate the appropriately // sized buffer to hold this preparsed data. It is up to client to call // HidD_FreePreparsedData to free the memory allocated to this structure when // it is no longer needed. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device that the client obtains using // a call to CreateFile on a valid Hid device string name. // The string name can be obtained using standard PnP calls. // // PreparsedData An opaque data structure used by other functions in this // library to retrieve information about a given device. // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful. // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetAttributes(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var HidAttrs: THIDDAttributes): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function retrieves the manufacturer string from the specified // Hid device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // Buffer Buffer which on return will contain the manufacturer // string returned from the device. This string is a // wide-character string // // BufferLength Length of Buffer (in bytes) // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetManufacturerString(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function retrieves the product string from the specified // Hid device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // Buffer Buffer which on return will contain the product // string returned from the device. This string is a // wide-character string // // BufferLength Length of Buffer (in bytes) // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetProductString(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function retrieves the serial number string from the specified // Hid device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // Buffer Buffer which on return will contain the serial number // string returned from the device. This string is a // wide-character string // // BufferLength Length of Buffer (in bytes) // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetSerialNumberString(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function retrieves the raw physical descriptor for the specified // Hid device. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // Buffer Buffer which on return will contain the physical // descriptor if one exists for the specified device // handle // // BufferLength Length of buffer (in bytes) // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var Buffer; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function retrieves a string from the specified Hid device that is // specified with a certain string index. // // Arguments: // HidDeviceObject A handle to a Hid Device Object. // // StringIndex Index of the string to retrieve // // Buffer Buffer which on return will contain the product // string returned from the device. This string is a // wide-character string // // BufferLength Length of Buffer (in bytes) // // Return Value: // TRUE if successful // FALSE otherwise -- Use GetLastError() to get extended error information function HidD_GetIndexedString(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Index: Integer; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Returns a list of capabilities of a given hid device as described by its // preparsed data. // // Arguments: // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS. // Capabilities a HIDP_CAPS structure // // Return Value: // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA {$IFDEF WINXP} // (rom) new XP functions function HidD_GetInputReport(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: ULONG): LongBool; stdcall; function HidD_SetOutputReport(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: ULONG): LongBool; stdcall; {$ENDIF WINXP} function HidP_GetCaps(PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Capabilities: THIDPCaps): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // Return a list of PHIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODEs used to describe the link // collection tree of this hid device. See the above description of // struct _HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION_NODE. // // Arguments: // LinkCollectionNodes - a caller allocated array into which // HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes will store the information // // LinkCollectionNodesLength - the caller sets this value to the length of the // the array in terms of number of elements. // HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes sets this value to the actual // number of elements set. The total number of nodes required to // describe this HID device can be found in the // NumberLinkCollectionNodes field in the HIDP_CAPS structure. function HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes(LinkCollectionNodes: PHIDPLinkCollectionNode; var LinkCollectionNodesLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var ButtonCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var ValueCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // // Please Note: For obvious reasons HidP_SetData and HidP_GetData will not // access UsageValueArrays. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature. // // DataList Array of HIDP_DATA structures that will receive the data // values that are set in the given report // // DataLength As input, length in array elements of DataList. As output, // contains the number of data elements that were successfully // set by HidP_GetData. The maximum size necessary for DataList // can be determined by calling HidP_MaxDataListLength // // PreparasedData Preparsed data structure returned by HIDCLASS // // Report Buffer which to set the data into. // // ReportLength Length of Report...Report should be at least as long as the // value indicated in the HIDP_CAPS structure for the device and // the corresponding ReportType // // Return Value // HidP_GetData returns the following error codes. // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successful retrieval of all data // from the report packet. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not equal // to the length specified in HIDP_CAPS // structure for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if there are not enough array entries in // DataList to store all the indice values // in the given report. DataLength will // contain the number of array entries // required to hold all data function HidP_GetData(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // // Please Note: Since usage value arrays deal with multiple fields for // for one usage value, they cannot be used with HidP_SetData // and HidP_GetData. In this case, // HIDP_STATUS_IS_USAGE_VALUE_ARRAY will be returned. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature. // // DataList Array of HIDP_DATA structures that contains the data values // that are to be set into the given report // // DataLength As input, length in array elements of DataList. As output, // contains the number of data elements set on successful // completion or an index into the DataList array to identify // the faulting HIDP_DATA value if an error code is returned. // // PreparasedData Preparsed data structure returned by HIDCLASS // // Report Buffer which to set the data into. // // ReportLength Length of Report...Report should be at least as long as the // value indicated in the HIDP_CAPS structure for the device and // the corresponding ReportType // // Return Value // HidP_SetData returns the following error codes. The report packet will // have all the data set up until the HIDP_DATA structure that caused the // error. DataLength, in the error case, will return this problem index. // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successful insertion of all data // into the report packet. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND -- if a HIDP_DATA structure referenced a // data index that does not exist for this // device's ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not equal // to the length specified in HIDP_CAPS // structure for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_IS_USAGE_VALUE_ARRAY -- if one of the HIDP_DATA structures // references a usage value array. // DataLength will contain the index into // the array that was invalid // - HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED -- if a HIDP_DATA structure attempted // to unset a button that was not already // set in the Report // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- a HIDP_DATA structure was found with // a valid index value but is contained // in a different report than the one // currently being processed // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if there are not enough entries in // a given Main Array Item to report all // buttons that have been requested to be // set function HidP_SetData(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // // This function returns the maximum length of HIDP_DATA elements that // HidP_GetData could return for the given report type. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // PreparsedData Preparsed data structure returned by HIDCLASS // // Return Value: // // The length of the data list array required for the HidP_GetData function // call. If an error occurs (either HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE or // HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA), this function returns 0. function HidP_MaxDataListLength(ReportType: THIDPReportType; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): ULONG; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function returns the binary values (buttons) that are set in a HID // report. Given a report packet of correct length, it searches the report // packet for each usage for the given usage page and returns them in the // usage list. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage All of the usages in the usage list, which HidP_GetUsages will // retrieve in the report, refer to this same usage page. // If the client wishes to get usages in a packet for multiple // usage pages then that client needs to make multiple calls // to HidP_GetUsages. // // LinkCollection An optional value which can limit which usages are returned // in the UsageList to those usages that exist in a specific // LinkCollection. A non-zero value indicates the index into // the HIDP_LINK_COLLECITON_NODE list returned by // HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes of the link collection the // usage should belong to. A value of 0 indicates this // should value be ignored. // // UsageList The usage array that will contain all the usages found in // the report packet. // // UsageLength The length of the given usage array in array elements. // On input, this value describes the length of the usage list. // On output, HidP_GetUsages sets this value to the number of // usages that was found. Use HidP_MaxUsageListLength to // determine the maximum length needed to return all the usages // that a given report packet may contain. // // PreparsedData Preparsed data structure returned by HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet // // // Return Value // HidP_GetUsages returns the following error codes: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully retrieving all the // usages from the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if the UsageList is not big enough to // hold all the usages found in the report // packet. If this is returned, the buffer // will contain UsageLength number of // usages. Use HidP_MaxUsageListLength to // find the maximum length needed // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- if no usages were found but usages // that match the UsagePage and // LinkCollection specified could be found // in a report with a different report ID // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if there are no usages in a reports for // the device and ReportType that match the // UsagePage and LinkCollection that were // specified function HidP_GetUsages(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_GetButtons(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function returns the binary values (buttons) in a HID report. // Given a report packet of correct length, it searches the report packet // for all buttons and returns the UsagePage and Usage for each of the buttons // it finds. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // LinkCollection An optional value which can limit which usages are returned // in the ButtonList to those usages that exist in a specific // LinkCollection. A non-zero value indicates the index into // the HIDP_LINK_COLLECITON_NODE list returned by // HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes of the link collection the // usage should belong to. A value of 0 indicates this // should value be ignored. // // ButtonList An array of USAGE_AND_PAGE structures describing all the // buttons currently ``down'' in the device. // // UsageLength The length of the given array in terms of elements. // On input, this value describes the length of the list. On // output, HidP_GetUsagesEx sets this value to the number of // usages that were found. Use HidP_MaxUsageListLength to // determine the maximum length needed to return all the usages // that a given report packet may contain. // // PreparsedData Preparsed data returned by HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet. // // // Return Value // HidP_GetUsagesEx returns the following error codes: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully retrieving all the // usages from the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if ButtonList is not big enough to // hold all the usages found in the report // packet. If this is returned, the buffer // will contain UsageLength number of // usages. Use HidP_MaxUsageListLength to // find the maximum length needed // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- if no usages were found but usages // that match the specified LinkCollection // exist in report with a different report // ID. // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if there are no usages in any reports that // match the LinkCollection parameter function HidP_GetUsagesEx(ReportType: THIDPReportType; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_GetButtonsEx(ReportType: THIDPReportType; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function sets binary values (buttons) in a report. Given an // initialized packet of correct length, it modifies the report packet so that // each element in the given list of usages has been set in the report packet. // For example, in an output report with 5 LED’s, each with a given usage, // an application could turn on any subset of these lights by placing their // usages in any order into the usage array (UsageList). HidP_SetUsages would, // in turn, set the appropriate bit or add the corresponding byte into the // HID Main Array Item. // // A properly initialized Report packet is one of the correct byte length, // and all zeros. // // NOTE: A packet that has already been set with a call to a HidP_Set routine // can also be passed in. This routine then sets processes the UsageList // in the same fashion but verifies that the ReportID already set in // Report matches the report ID for the given usages. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, which HidP_SetUsages will // set in the report, refer to this same usage page. // If a client wishes to set usages in a report for multiple // usage pages then that client needs to make multiple calls to // HidP_SetUsages for each of the usage pages. // // UsageList A usage array containing the usages that HidP_SetUsages will set in // the report packet. // // UsageLength The length of the given usage array in array elements. // The parser will set this value to the position in the usage // array where it stopped processing. If successful, UsageLength // will be unchanged. In any error condition, this parameter // reflects how many of the usages in the usage list have // actually been set by the parser. This is useful for finding // the usage in the list which caused the error. // // PreparsedData The preparsed data recevied from HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length of the given report packet...Must be equal to the // value reported in the HIDP_CAPS structure for the device // and corresponding report type. // // Return Value // HidP_SetUsages returns the following error codes. On error, the report packet // will be correct up until the usage element that caused the error. // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successful insertion of all usages // into the report packet. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- if a usage was found that exists in a // different report. If the report is // zero-initialized on entry the first // usage in the list will determine which // report ID is used. Otherwise, the // parser will verify that usage matches // the passed in report's ID // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage does not exist for any // report (no matter what the report ID) // for the given report type. // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if there are not enough entries in a // given Main Array Item to list all of // the given usages. The caller needs // to split his request into more than // one call function HidP_SetUsages(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_SetButtons(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; ButtonList: PUsage; var ButtonLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function unsets (turns off) binary values (buttons) in the report. Given // an initialized packet of correct length, it modifies the report packet so // that each element in the given list of usages has been unset in the // report packet. // // This function is the "undo" operation for SetUsages. If the given usage // is not already set in the Report, it will return an error code of // HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED. If the button is pressed, HidP_UnsetUsages // will unset the appropriate bit or remove the corresponding index value from // the HID Main Array Item. // // A properly initialized Report packet is one of the correct byte length, // and all zeros.. // // NOTE: A packet that has already been set with a call to a HidP_Set routine // can also be passed in. This routine then processes the UsageList // in the same fashion but verifies that the ReportID already set in // Report matches the report ID for the given usages. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage All of the usages in the usage array, which HidP_UnsetUsages will // unset in the report, refer to this same usage page. // If a client wishes to unset usages in a report for multiple // usage pages then that client needs to make multiple calls to // HidP_UnsetUsages for each of the usage pages. // // UsageList A usage array containing the usages that HidP_UnsetUsages will // unset in the report packet. // // UsageLength The length of the given usage array in array elements. // The parser will set this value to the position in the usage // array where it stopped processing. If successful, UsageLength // will be unchanged. In any error condition, this parameter // reflects how many of the usages in the usage list have // actually been unset by the parser. This is useful for finding // the usage in the list which caused the error. // // PreparsedData The preparsed data recevied from HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length of the given report packet...Must be equal to the // value reported in the HIDP_CAPS structure for the device // and corresponding report type. // // Return Value // HidP_UnsetUsages returns the following error codes. On error, the report // packet will be correct up until the usage element that caused the error. // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successful "unsetting" of all usages // in the report packet. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- if a usage was found that exists in a // different report. If the report is // zero-initialized on entry the first // usage in the list will determine which // report ID is used. Otherwise, the // parser will verify that usage matches // the passed in report's ID // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage does not exist for any // report (no matter what the report ID) // for the given report type. // - HIDP_STATUS_BUTTON_NOT_PRESSED -- if a usage corresponds to a button that // is not already set in the given report function HidP_UnsetUsages(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_UnsetButtons(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; ButtonList: PUsage; var ButtonLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function returns the maximum number of usages that a call to // HidP_GetUsages or HidP_GetUsagesEx could return for a given HID report. // If calling for number of usages returned by HidP_GetUsagesEx, use 0 as // the UsagePage value. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage Specifies the optional UsagePage to query for. If 0, will // return all the maximum number of usage values that could be // returned for a given ReportType. If non-zero, will return // the maximum number of usages that would be returned for the // ReportType with the given UsagePage. // // PreparsedData Preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS // // Return Value: // The length of the usage list array required for the HidP_GetUsages or // HidP_GetUsagesEx function call. If an error occurs (such as // HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE or HIDP_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA, this // returns 0. function HidP_MaxUsageListLength(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): ULONG; stdcall; function HidP_MaxButtonListLength(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): ULONG; stdcall; // Description // HidP_GetUsageValue retrieves the value from the HID Report for the usage // specified by the combination of usage page, usage and link collection. // If a report packet contains two different fields with the same // Usage and UsagePage, they can be distinguished with the optional // LinkCollection field value. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Input or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers. // // LinkCollection (Optional) This value can be used to differentiate // between two fields that may have the same // UsagePage and Usage but exist in different // collections. If the link collection value // is zero, this function will set the first field // it finds that matches the usage page and // usage. // // Usage The usage whose value HidP_GetUsageValue will retrieve // // UsageValue The raw value that is set for the specified field in the report // buffer. This value will either fall within the logical range // or if NULL values are allowed, a number outside the range to // indicate a NULL // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned for HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet. // // // Return Value: // HidP_GetUsageValue returns the following error codes: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully retrieving the value // from the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- the specified usage page, usage and // link collection exist but exists in // a report with a different report ID // than the report being passed in. To // set this value, call HidP_GetUsageValue // again with a different report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage page, usage, and link // collection combination does not exist // in any reports for this ReportType function HidP_GetUsageValue(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; var UsageValue: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Description // HidP_GetScaledUsageValue retrieves a UsageValue from the HID report packet // in the field corresponding to the given usage page and usage. If a report // packet contains two different fields with the same Usage and UsagePage, // they can be distinguished with the optional LinkCollection field value. // // If the specified field has a defined physical range, this function converts // the logical value that exists in the report packet to the corresponding // physical value. If a physical range does not exist, the function will // return the logical value. This function will check to verify that the // logical value in the report falls within the declared logical range. // // When doing the conversion between logical and physical values, this // function assumes a linear extrapolation between the physical max/min and // the logical max/min. (Where logical is the values reported by the device // and physical is the value returned by this function). If the data field // size is less than 32 bits, then HidP_GetScaledUsageValue will sign extend // the value to 32 bits. // // If the range checking fails but the field has NULL values, the function // will set UsageValue to 0 and return HIDP_STATUS_NULL. Otherwise, it // returns a HIDP_STATUS_OUT_OF_RANGE error. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers. // // LinkCollection (Optional) This value can be used to differentiate // between two fields that may have the same // UsagePage and Usage but exist in different // collections. If the link collection value // is zero, this function will retrieve the first // field it finds that matches the usage page // and usage. // // Usage The usage whose value HidP_GetScaledUsageValue will retrieve // // UsageValue The value retrieved from the report buffer. See the routine // description above for the different interpretations of this // value // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet. // // // Return Value: // HidP_GetScaledUsageValue returns the following error codes: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully retrieving the value // from the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_NULL -- if the report packet had a NULL value // set // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE -- if the value retrieved from the packet // falls outside the logical range and // the field does not support NULL values // - HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES -- if the field has a physical range but // either the logical range is invalid // (max <= min) or the physical range is // invalid // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- the specified usage page, usage and // link collection exist but exists in // a report with a different report ID // than the report being passed in. To // set this value, call // HidP_GetScaledUsageValue with a // different report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage page, usage, and link // collection combination does not exist // in any reports for this ReportType function HidP_GetScaledUsageValue(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; var UsageValue: Integer; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Descripton: // A usage value array occurs when the last usage in the list of usages // describing a main item must be repeated because there are less usages defined // than there are report counts declared for the given main item. In this case // a single value cap is allocated for that usage and the report count of that // value cap is set to reflect the number of fields to which that usage refers. // // HidP_GetUsageValueArray returns the raw bits for that usage which spans // more than one field in a report. // // NOTE: This function currently does not support value arrays where the // ReportSize for each of the fields in the array is not a multiple // of 8 bits. // // The UsageValue buffer will have the raw values as they are set // in the report packet. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers. // // LinkCollection (Optional) This value can be used to differentiate // between two fields that may have the same // UsagePage and Usage but exist in different // collections. If the link collection value // is zero, this function will set the first field // it finds that matches the usage page and // usage. // // Usage The usage whose value HidP_GetUsageValueArray will retreive. // // UsageValue A pointer to an array of characters where the value will be // placed. The number of BITS required is found by multiplying the // BitSize and ReportCount fields of the Value Cap for this // control. The least significant bit of this control found in the // given report will be placed in the least significant bit location // of the buffer (little-endian format), regardless of whether // or not the field is byte aligned or if the BitSize is a multiple // of sizeof (CHAR). // // See note above about current implementation limitations // // UsageValueByteLength // the length of the given UsageValue buffer. // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned by the HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length of the given report packet. // // Return Value: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully retrieving the value // from the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY -- if the control specified is not a // value array -- a value array will have // a ReportCount field in the // HIDP_VALUE_CAPS structure that is > 1 // Use HidP_GetUsageValue instead // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if the size of the passed in buffer in // which to return the array is too small // (ie. has fewer values than the number of // fields in the array // - HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -- if the usage value array has field sizes // that are not multiples of 8 bits, this // error code is returned since the function // currently does not handle getting values // from such arrays. // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- the specified usage page, usage and // link collection exist but exists in // a report with a different report ID // than the report being passed in. To // set this value, call // HidP_GetUsageValueArray with a // different report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage page, usage, and link // collection combination does not exist // in any reports for this ReportType function HidP_GetUsageValueArray(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Description: // HidP_SetUsageValue inserts a value into the HID Report Packet in the field // corresponding to the given usage page and usage. HidP_SetUsageValue // casts this value to the appropriate bit length. If a report packet // contains two different fields with the same Usage and UsagePage, // they can be distinguished with the optional LinkCollection field value. // Using this function sets the raw value into the report packet with // no checking done as to whether it actually falls within the logical // minimum/logical maximum range. Use HidP_SetScaledUsageValue for this... // // NOTE: Although the UsageValue parameter is a ULONG, any casting that is // done will preserve or sign-extend the value. The value being set // should be considered a LONG value and will be treated as such by // this function. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers. // // LinkCollection (Optional) This value can be used to differentiate // between two fields that may have the same // UsagePage and Usage but exist in different // collections. If the link collection value // is zero, this function will set the first field // it finds that matches the usage page and // usage. // // Usage The usage whose value HidP_SetUsageValue will set. // // UsageValue The raw value to set in the report buffer. This value must be within // the logical range or if a NULL value this value should be the // most negative value that can be represented by the number of bits // for this field. // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned for HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet. // // // Return Value: // HidP_SetUsageValue returns the following error codes: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully setting the value // in the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- the specified usage page, usage and // link collection exist but exists in // a report with a different report ID // than the report being passed in. To // set this value, call HidP_SetUsageValue // again with a zero-initizialed report // packet // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage page, usage, and link // collection combination does not exist // in any reports for this ReportType function HidP_SetUsageValue(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Description: // HidP_SetScaledUsageValue inserts the UsageValue into the HID report packet // in the field corresponding to the given usage page and usage. If a report // packet contains two different fields with the same Usage and UsagePage, // they can be distinguished with the optional LinkCollection field value. // // If the specified field has a defined physical range, this function converts // the physical value specified to the corresponding logical value for the // report. If a physical value does not exist, the function will verify that // the value specified falls within the logical range and set according. // // If the range checking fails but the field has NULL values, the function will // set the field to the defined NULL value (most negative number possible) and // return HIDP_STATUS_NULL. In other words, use this function to set NULL // values for a given field by passing in a value that falls outside the // physical range if it is defined or the logical range otherwise. // // If the field does not support NULL values, an out of range error will be // returned instead. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers. // // LinkCollection (Optional) This value can be used to differentiate // between two fields that may have the same // UsagePage and Usage but exist in different // collections. If the link collection value // is zero, this function will set the first field // it finds that matches the usage page and // usage. // // Usage The usage whose value HidP_SetScaledUsageValue will set. // // UsageValue The value to set in the report buffer. See the routine // description above for the different interpretations of this // value // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet. // // // Return Value: // HidP_SetScaledUsageValue returns the following error codes: // // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully setting the value // in the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_NULL -- upon successfully setting the value // in the report packet as a NULL value // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_VALUE_OUT_OF_RANGE -- if the value specified failed to fall // within the physical range if it exists // or within the logical range otherwise // and the field specified by the usage // does not allow NULL values // - HIDP_STATUS_BAD_LOG_PHY_VALUES -- if the field has a physical range but // either the logical range is invalid // (max <= min) or the physical range is // invalid // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- the specified usage page, usage and // link collection exist but exists in // a report with a different report ID // than the report being passed in. To // set this value, call // HidP_SetScaledUsageValue again with // a zero-initialized report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage page, usage, and link // collection combination does not exist // in any reports for this ReportType function HidP_SetScaledUsageValue(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: Integer; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Descripton: // A usage value array occurs when the last usage in the list of usages // describing a main item must be repeated because there are less usages defined // than there are report counts declared for the given main item. In this case // a single value cap is allocated for that usage and the report count of that // value cap is set to reflect the number of fields to which that usage refers. // // HidP_SetUsageValueArray sets the raw bits for that usage which spans // more than one field in a report. // // NOTE: This function currently does not support value arrays where the // ReportSize for each of the fields in the array is not a multiple // of 8 bits. // // The UsageValue buffer should have the values set as they would appear // in the report buffer. If this function supported non 8-bit multiples // for the ReportSize then caller should format the input buffer so that // each new value begins at the bit immediately following the last bit // of the previous value // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Output or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage The usage page to which the given usage refers. // // LinkCollection (Optional) This value can be used to differentiate // between two fields that may have the same // UsagePage and Usage but exist in different // collections. If the link collection value // is zero, this function will set the first field // it finds that matches the usage page and // usage. // // Usage The usage whose value array HidP_SetUsageValueArray will set. // // UsageValue The buffer with the values to set into the value array. // The number of BITS required is found by multiplying the // BitSize and ReportCount fields of the Value Cap for this // control. The least significant bit of this control found in the // given report will be placed in the least significan bit location // of the array given (little-endian format), regardless of whether // or not the field is byte alligned or if the BitSize is a multiple // of sizeof (CHAR). // // See the above note for current implementation limitations. // // UsageValueByteLength Length of the UsageValue buffer (in bytes) // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS // // Report The report packet. // // ReportLength Length (in bytes) of the given report packet. // // // Return Value: // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS -- upon successfully setting the value // array in the report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not // equal to the length specified in // the HIDP_CAPS structure for the given // ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_NOT_VALUE_ARRAY -- if the control specified is not a // value array -- a value array will have // a ReportCount field in the // HIDP_VALUE_CAPS structure that is > 1 // Use HidP_SetUsageValue instead // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL -- if the size of the passed in buffer with // the values to set is too small (ie. has // fewer values than the number of fields in // the array // - HIDP_STATUS_NOT_IMPLEMENTED -- if the usage value array has field sizes // that are not multiples of 8 bits, this // error code is returned since the function // currently does not handle setting into // such arrays. // - HIDP_STATUS_INCOMPATIBLE_REPORT_ID -- the specified usage page, usage and // link collection exist but exists in // a report with a different report ID // than the report being passed in. To // set this value, call // HidP_SetUsageValueArray again with // a zero-initialized report packet // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND -- if the usage page, usage, and link // collection combination does not exist // in any reports for this ReportType function HidP_SetUsageValueArray(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // This function will return the difference between a two lists of usages // (as might be returned from HidP_GetUsages), In other words, it will return // return a list of usages that are in the current list but not the previous // list as well as a list of usages that are in the previous list but not // the current list. // // Parameters: // // PreviousUsageList The list of usages before. // CurrentUsageList The list of usages now. // BreakUsageList Previous - Current. // MakeUsageList Current - Previous. // UsageListLength Represents the length of the usage lists in array // elements. If comparing two lists with a differing // number of array elements, this value should be // the size of the larger of the two lists. Any // zero found with a list indicates an early termination // of the list and any usages found after the first zero // will be ignored. function HidP_UsageListDifference(PreviousUsageList: PUsage; CurrentUsageList: PUsage; BreakUsageList: PUsage; MakeUsageList: PUsage; UsageListLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // (rom) these two functions are prototyped in hidpi.h // (rom) but are missing in all HID.DLL versions // function HidP_UsageAndPageListDifference(PreviousUsageList: PUsageAndPage; // CurrentUsageList: PUsageAndPage; BreakUsageList: PUsageAndPage; // MakeUsageList: PUsageAndPage; UsageListLength: ULONG):NTSTATUS; stdcall; // function HidP_TranslateUsageAndPagesToI8042ScanCodes(ChangedUsageList: PUsageAndPage; // UsageListLength: ULONG; KeyAction: THIDPKeyboardDirection; // var ModifierState: THIDPKeyboardModifierState; // InsertCodesProcedure: THIDPInsertScanCodes; // InsertCodesContext: Pointer): NTSTATUS; stdcall; function HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes(ChangedUsageList: PUsage; UsageListLength: ULONG; KeyAction: THIDPKeyboardDirection; var ModifierState: THIDPKeyboardModifierState; InsertCodesProcedure: THIDPInsertScanCodes; InsertCodesContext: Pointer): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Description: // Given a data index from the value or button capabilities of a given control // return any extended attributes for the control if any exist. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature. // // DataIndex The data index for the given control, found in the capabilities // structure for that control // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS. // // Attributes Pointer to a buffer into which the extended attribute data will // be copied. // // LengthAttributes Length of the given buffer in bytes. // // Return Value // HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS // HIDP_STATUS_DATA_INDEX_NOT_FOUND {$IFDEF WIN2000} // (rom) This function is not in the HID.DLL of Windows 98 // (rom) never call it unless you have Windows 98 SE or Windows 2000 function HidP_GetExtendedAttributes(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataIndex: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; Attributes: PHIDPExtendedAttributes; var LengthAttributes: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // Routine Description: // // Initialize a report based on the given report ID. // // Parameters: // // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature. // // PreparsedData Preparsed data structure returned by HIDCLASS // // Report Buffer which to set the data into. // // ReportLength Length of Report...Report should be at least as long as the // value indicated in the HIDP_CAPS structure for the device and // the corresponding ReportType // // Return Value // // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE -- if ReportType is not valid. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA -- if PreparsedData is not valid // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_LENGTH -- the length of the report packet is not equal // to the length specified in HIDP_CAPS // structure for the given ReportType // - HIDP_STATUS_REPORT_DOES_NOT_EXIST -- if there are no reports on this device // for the given ReportType // (rom) This function is not in the HID.DLL of Windows 98 // (rom) never call it unless you have Windows 98 SE or Windows 2000 function HidP_InitializeReportForID(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ReportID: BYTE; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; {$ENDIF WIN2000} {$ELSE} THidD_Hello = function(Buffer: PAnsiChar; BufferLength: ULONG): ULONG; stdcall; THidD_GetHidGuid = procedure(var HidGuid: TGUID) stdcall; THidD_GetPreparsedData = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_FreePreparsedData = function(PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetConfiguration = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var HidConfig: THIDDConfiguration; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_SetConfiguration = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; const HidConfig: THIDDConfiguration; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_FlushQueue = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetFeature = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var Report; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_SetFeature = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var Report; Size: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetNumInputBuffers = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var NumBufs: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_SetNumInputBuffers = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; NumBufs: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetAttributes = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var HidAttrs: THIDDAttributes): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetManufacturerString = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetProductString = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetSerialNumberString = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; var Buffer; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_GetIndexedString = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Index: Integer; Buffer: PWideChar; BufferLength: Integer): LongBool; stdcall; // (rom) new XP functions THidD_GetInputReport = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: ULONG): LongBool; stdcall; THidD_SetOutputReport = function(HidDeviceObject: THandle; Buffer: Pointer; BufferLength: ULONG): LongBool; stdcall; THidP_GetCaps = function(PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Capabilities: THIDPCaps): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes = function(LinkCollectionNodes: PHIDPLinkCollectionNode; var LinkCollectionNodesLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var ButtonCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetSpecificValueCaps = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var ValueCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetData = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_SetData = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataList: PHIDPData; var DataLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_MaxDataListLength = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): ULONG; stdcall; THidP_GetUsages = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetButtons = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetUsagesEx = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetButtonsEx = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsageAndPage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_SetUsages = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_SetButtons = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; ButtonList: PUsage; var ButtonLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_UnsetUsages = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; UsageList: PUsage; var UsageLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_UnsetButtons = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; ButtonList: PUsage; var ButtonLength: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_MaxUsageListLength = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): ULONG; stdcall; THidP_MaxButtonListLength = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): ULONG; stdcall; THidP_GetUsageValue = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; var UsageValue: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetScaledUsageValue = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; var UsageValue: Integer; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_GetUsageValueArray = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_SetUsageValue = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: ULONG; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_SetScaledUsageValue = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: Integer; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_SetUsageValueArray = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; UsagePage: TUsage; LinkCollection: Word; Usage: TUsage; UsageValue: PAnsiChar; UsageValueByteLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_UsageListDifference = function(PreviousUsageList: PUsage; CurrentUsageList: PUsage; BreakUsageList: PUsage; MakeUsageList: PUsage; UsageListLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes = function(ChangedUsageList: PUsage; UsageListLength: ULONG; KeyAction: THIDPKeyboardDirection; var ModifierState: THIDPKeyboardModifierState; InsertCodesProcedure: THIDPInsertScanCodes; InsertCodesContext: Pointer): NTSTATUS; stdcall; // (rom) new Win2000 functions THidP_GetExtendedAttributes = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; DataIndex: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; Attributes: PHIDPExtendedAttributes; var LengthAttributes: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; THidP_InitializeReportForID = function(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ReportID: BYTE; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData; var Report; ReportLength: ULONG): NTSTATUS; stdcall; var HidD_Hello: THidD_Hello; HidD_GetHidGuid: THidD_GetHidGuid; HidD_GetPreparsedData: THidD_GetPreparsedData; HidD_FreePreparsedData: THidD_FreePreparsedData; HidD_GetConfiguration: THidD_GetConfiguration; HidD_SetConfiguration: THidD_SetConfiguration; HidD_FlushQueue: THidD_FlushQueue; HidD_GetFeature: THidD_GetFeature; HidD_SetFeature: THidD_SetFeature; HidD_GetNumInputBuffers: THidD_GetNumInputBuffers; HidD_SetNumInputBuffers: THidD_SetNumInputBuffers; HidD_GetAttributes: THidD_GetAttributes; HidD_GetManufacturerString: THidD_GetManufacturerString; HidD_GetProductString: THidD_GetProductString; HidD_GetSerialNumberString: THidD_GetSerialNumberString; HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor: THidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor; HidD_GetIndexedString: THidD_GetIndexedString; // (rom) new XP functions HidD_GetInputReport: THidD_GetInputReport; HidD_SetOutputReport: THidD_SetOutputReport; HidP_GetCaps: THidP_GetCaps; HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes: THidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes; HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps: THidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps; HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps: THidP_GetSpecificValueCaps; HidP_GetData: THidP_GetData; HidP_SetData: THidP_SetData; HidP_MaxDataListLength: THidP_MaxDataListLength; HidP_GetUsages: THidP_GetUsages; HidP_GetButtons: THidP_GetButtons; HidP_GetUsagesEx: THidP_GetUsagesEx; HidP_GetButtonsEx: THidP_GetButtonsEx; HidP_SetUsages: THidP_SetUsages; HidP_SetButtons: THidP_SetButtons; HidP_UnsetUsages: THidP_UnsetUsages; HidP_UnsetButtons: THidP_UnsetButtons; HidP_MaxUsageListLength: THidP_MaxUsageListLength; HidP_MaxButtonListLength: THidP_MaxButtonListLength; HidP_GetUsageValue: THidP_GetUsageValue; HidP_GetScaledUsageValue: THidP_GetScaledUsageValue; HidP_GetUsageValueArray: THidP_GetUsageValueArray; HidP_SetUsageValue: THidP_SetUsageValue; HidP_SetScaledUsageValue: THidP_SetScaledUsageValue; HidP_SetUsageValueArray: THidP_SetUsageValueArray; HidP_UsageListDifference: THidP_UsageListDifference; HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes: THidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes; // (rom) new XP functions HidP_GetExtendedAttributes: THidP_GetExtendedAttributes; HidP_InitializeReportForID: THidP_InitializeReportForID; {$ENDIF HID_LINKONREQUEST} // Description: // HidP_GetButtonCaps returns all the buttons (binary values) that are a part // of the given report type for the Hid device represented by the given // preparsed data. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage A usage page value used to limit the button caps returned to // those on a given usage page. If set to 0, this parameter is // ignored. Can be used with LinkCollection and Usage parameters // to further limit the number of button caps structures returned. // // LinkCollection HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION node array index used to limit the // button caps returned to those buttons in a given link // collection. If set to 0, this parameter is // ignored. Can be used with UsagePage and Usage parameters // to further limit the number of button caps structures // returned. // // Usage A usage value used to limit the button caps returned to those // with the specified usage value. If set to 0, this parameter // is ignored. Can be used with LinkCollection and UsagePage // parameters to further limit the number of button caps // structures returned. // // ButtonCaps A _HIDP_BUTTON_CAPS array containing information about all the // binary values in the given report. This buffer is provided by // the caller. // // ButtonLength As input, this parameter specifies the length of the // ButtonCaps parameter (array) in number of array elements. // As output, this value is set to indicate how many of those // array elements were filled in by the function. The maximum number of // button caps that can be returned is found in the HIDP_CAPS // structure. If HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned, // this value contains the number of array elements needed to // successfully complete the request. // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS. // // // Return Value // HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps returns the following error codes: // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL (all given entries however have been filled in) // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND // (rom) this function is a macro and cannot be implemented with the original name function HidP_GetButtonCaps_(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var ButtonCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; // Description: // HidP_GetValueCaps returns all the values (non-binary) that are a part // of the given report type for the Hid device represented by the given // preparsed data. // // Parameters: // ReportType One of HidP_Input, HidP_Output, or HidP_Feature. // // UsagePage A usage page value used to limit the value caps returned to // those on a given usage page. If set to 0, this parameter is // ignored. Can be used with LinkCollection and Usage parameters // to further limit the number of value caps structures returned. // // LinkCollection HIDP_LINK_COLLECTION node array index used to limit the // value caps returned to those buttons in a given link // collection. If set to 0, this parameter is // ignored. Can be used with UsagePage and Usage parameters // to further limit the number of value caps structures // returned. // // Usage A usage value used to limit the value caps returned to those // with the specified usage value. If set to 0, this parameter // is ignored. Can be used with LinkCollection and UsagePage // parameters to further limit the number of value caps // structures returned. // // ValueCaps A _HIDP_VALUE_CAPS array containing information about all the // non-binary values in the given report. This buffer is provided // by the caller. // // ValueLength As input, this parameter specifies the length of the ValueCaps // parameter (array) in number of array elements. As output, // this value is set to indicate how many of those array elements // were filled in by the function. The maximum number of // value caps that can be returned is found in the HIDP_CAPS // structure. If HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL is returned, // this value contains the number of array elements needed to // successfully complete the request. // // PreparsedData The preparsed data returned from HIDCLASS. // // // Return Value // HidP_GetValueCaps returns the following error codes: // - HIDP_STATUS_SUCCESS. // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_REPORT_TYPE // - HIDP_STATUS_INVALID_PREPARSED_DATA // - HIDP_STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL (all given entries however have been filled in) // - HIDP_STATUS_USAGE_NOT_FOUND // (rom) this function is a macro and cannot be implemented with the original name function HidP_GetValueCaps_(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var ValueCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; function HidP_IsSameUsageAndPage_(u1, u2: TUsageAndPage): Boolean; function IsHidLoaded: Boolean; function LoadHid: Boolean; procedure UnloadHid; const HidModuleName = 'HID.dll'; implementation uses SysUtils, JclSysInfo, ModuleLoader; {$IFDEF HID_LINKONREQUEST} var HidLib: TModuleHandle = INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; HidLoadCount: Integer = 0; {$ENDIF HID_LINKONREQUEST} // (rom) this function is a macro and cannot be implemented with the original name // (rom) simply adds three 0 params on call function HidP_GetButtonCaps_(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ButtonCaps: PHIDPButtonCaps; var ButtonCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps(ReportType, 0, 0, 0, ButtonCaps, ButtonCapsLength, PreparsedData); end; // (rom) this function is a macro and cannot be implemented with the original name // (rom) simply adds three 0 params on call function HidP_GetValueCaps_(ReportType: THIDPReportType; ValueCaps: PHIDPValueCaps; var ValueCapsLength: Word; PreparsedData: PHIDPPreparsedData): NTSTATUS; begin Result := HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps(ReportType, 0, 0, 0, ValueCaps, ValueCapsLength, PreparsedData); end; // (rom) implements HidP_IsSameUsageAndPage macro // (rom) the original macro is a really dirty trick function HidP_IsSameUsageAndPage_(u1, u2: TUsageAndPage): Boolean; begin Result := (u1.Usage = u2.Usage) and (u1.UsagePage = u2.UsagePage); end; function IsHidLoaded: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF HID_LINKONREQUEST} Result := HidLib <> INVALID_MODULEHANDLE_VALUE; {$ELSE} Result := True; {$ENDIF HID_LINKONREQUEST} end; function LoadHid: Boolean; begin {$IFDEF HID_LINKONREQUEST} Inc(HidLoadCount); if HidLoadCount > 1 then Exit; Result := LoadModule(HidLib, HidModuleName); if Result then begin @HidD_Hello := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_Hello', Result); @HidD_GetHidGuid := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetHidGuid', Result); @HidD_GetPreparsedData := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetPreparsedData', Result); @HidD_FreePreparsedData := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_FreePreparsedData', Result); @HidD_GetConfiguration := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetConfiguration', Result); @HidD_SetConfiguration := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_SetConfiguration', Result); @HidD_FlushQueue := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_FlushQueue', Result); @HidD_GetFeature := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetFeature', Result); @HidD_SetFeature := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_SetFeature', Result); @HidD_GetNumInputBuffers := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetNumInputBuffers', Result); @HidD_SetNumInputBuffers := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_SetNumInputBuffers', Result); @HidD_GetAttributes := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetAttributes', Result); @HidD_GetManufacturerString := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetManufacturerString', Result); @HidD_GetProductString := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetProductString', Result); @HidD_GetSerialNumberString := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetSerialNumberString', Result); @HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor', Result); @HidD_GetIndexedString := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetIndexedString', Result); if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and JclCheckWinVersion(5, 1) then begin @HidD_GetInputReport := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_GetInputReport', Result); @HidD_SetOutputReport := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidD_SetOutputReport', Result); end; @HidP_GetCaps := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetCaps', Result); @HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes', Result); @HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps', Result); @HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps', Result); @HidP_GetData := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetData', Result); @HidP_SetData := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_SetData', Result); @HidP_MaxDataListLength := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_MaxDataListLength', Result); @HidP_GetUsages := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetUsages', Result); @HidP_GetButtons := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetUsages', Result); @HidP_GetUsagesEx := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetUsagesEx', Result); @HidP_GetButtonsEx := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetUsagesEx', Result); @HidP_SetUsages := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_SetUsages', Result); @HidP_SetButtons := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_SetUsages', Result); @HidP_UnsetUsages := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_UnsetUsages', Result); @HidP_UnsetButtons := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_UnsetUsages', Result); @HidP_MaxUsageListLength := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_MaxUsageListLength', Result); @HidP_MaxButtonListLength := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_MaxUsageListLength', Result); @HidP_GetUsageValue := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetUsageValue', Result); @HidP_GetScaledUsageValue := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetScaledUsageValue', Result); @HidP_GetUsageValueArray := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetUsageValueArray', Result); @HidP_SetUsageValue := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_SetUsageValue', Result); @HidP_SetScaledUsageValue := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_SetScaledUsageValue', Result); @HidP_SetUsageValueArray := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_SetUsageValueArray', Result); @HidP_UsageListDifference := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_UsageListDifference', Result); @HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes', Result); if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and JclCheckWinVersion(5, 0) then begin @HidP_GetExtendedAttributes := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_GetExtendedAttributes', Result); @HidP_InitializeReportForID := GetModuleSymbolEx(HidLib, 'HidP_InitializeReportForID', Result); end; if not Result then UnloadHid; end; {$ELSE} Result := True; {$ENDIF HID_LINKONREQUEST} end; procedure UnloadHid; begin {$IFDEF HID_LINKONREQUEST} Dec(HidLoadCount); if HidLoadCount > 0 then Exit; UnloadModule(HidLib); @HidD_Hello := nil; @HidD_GetHidGuid := nil; @HidD_GetPreparsedData := nil; @HidD_FreePreparsedData := nil; @HidD_GetConfiguration := nil; @HidD_SetConfiguration := nil; @HidD_FlushQueue := nil; @HidD_SetFeature := nil; @HidD_GetNumInputBuffers := nil; @HidD_SetNumInputBuffers := nil; @HidD_GetAttributes := nil; @HidD_GetManufacturerString := nil; @HidD_GetProductString := nil; @HidD_GetSerialNumberString := nil; @HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor := nil; @HidD_GetIndexedString := nil; @HidD_GetInputReport := nil; @HidD_SetOutputReport := nil; @HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes := nil; @HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps := nil; @HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps := nil; @HidP_GetData := nil; @HidP_SetData := nil; @HidP_MaxDataListLength := nil; @HidP_GetUsages := nil; @HidP_GetButtons := nil; @HidP_GetUsagesEx := nil; @HidP_GetButtonsEx := nil; @HidP_SetUsages := nil; @HidP_SetButtons := nil; @HidP_UnsetUsages := nil; @HidP_UnsetButtons := nil; @HidP_MaxUsageListLength := nil; @HidP_MaxButtonListLength := nil; @HidP_GetUsageValue := nil; @HidP_GetScaledUsageValue := nil; @HidP_GetUsageValueArray := nil; @HidP_SetUsageValue := nil; @HidP_SetScaledUsageValue := nil; @HidP_SetUsageValueArray := nil; @HidP_UsageListDifference := nil; @HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes := nil; @HidP_GetExtendedAttributes := nil; @HidP_InitializeReportForID := nil; {$ENDIF HID_LINKONREQUEST} end; {$IFNDEF HID_LINKONREQUEST} function HidD_Hello; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_Hello'; procedure HidD_GetHidGuid; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetHidGuid'; function HidD_GetPreparsedData; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetPreparsedData'; function HidD_FreePreparsedData; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_FreePreparsedData'; function HidD_GetConfiguration; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetConfiguration'; function HidD_SetConfiguration; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_SetConfiguration'; function HidD_FlushQueue; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_FlushQueue'; function HidD_GetFeature; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetFeature'; function HidD_SetFeature; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_SetFeature'; function HidD_GetNumInputBuffers; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetNumInputBuffers'; function HidD_SetNumInputBuffers; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_SetNumInputBuffers'; function HidD_GetAttributes; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetAttributes'; function HidD_GetManufacturerString; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetManufacturerString'; function HidD_GetProductString; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetProductString'; function HidD_GetSerialNumberString; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetSerialNumberString'; function HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetPhysicalDescriptor'; function HidD_GetIndexedString; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetIndexedString'; {$IFDEF WINXP} function HidD_GetInputReport; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_GetInputReport'; function HidD_SetOutputReport; external HidModuleName name 'HidD_SetOutputReport'; {$ENDIF WINXP} function HidP_GetCaps; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetCaps'; function HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetLinkCollectionNodes'; function HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetSpecificButtonCaps'; function HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetSpecificValueCaps'; function HidP_GetData; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetData'; function HidP_SetData; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_SetData'; function HidP_MaxDataListLength; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_MaxDataListLength'; function HidP_GetUsages; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetUsages'; function HidP_GetButtons; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetUsages'; function HidP_GetUsagesEx; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetUsagesEx'; function HidP_GetButtonsEx; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetUsagesEx'; function HidP_SetUsages; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_SetUsages'; function HidP_SetButtons; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_SetUsages'; function HidP_UnsetUsages; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_UnsetUsages'; function HidP_UnsetButtons; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_UnsetUsages'; function HidP_MaxUsageListLength; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_MaxUsageListLength'; function HidP_MaxButtonListLength; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_MaxUsageListLength'; function HidP_GetUsageValue; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetUsageValue'; function HidP_GetScaledUsageValue; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetScaledUsageValue'; function HidP_GetUsageValueArray; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetUsageValueArray'; function HidP_SetUsageValue; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_SetUsageValue'; function HidP_SetScaledUsageValue; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_SetScaledUsageValue'; function HidP_SetUsageValueArray; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_SetUsageValueArray'; function HidP_UsageListDifference; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_UsageListDifference'; function HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_TranslateUsagesToI8042ScanCodes'; // function HidP_UsageAndPageListDifference; external HidModuleName name 'function HidP_UsageAndPageListDifference'; // function HidP_TranslateUsageAndPagesToI8042ScanCodes; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_TranslateUsageAndPagesToI8042ScanCodes'; {$IFDEF WIN2000} function HidP_GetExtendedAttributes; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_GetExtendedAttributes'; function HidP_InitializeReportForID; external HidModuleName name 'HidP_InitializeReportForID'; {$ENDIF WIN2000} {$ENDIF HID_LINKONREQUEST} end.