{----------------------------------------------------------------------------- The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/MPL-1.1.html Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, either expressed or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights and limitations under the License. The Original Code is: JvDockInfo.pas, released on 2003-12-31. The Initial Developer of the Original Code is luxiaoban. Portions created by luxiaoban are Copyright (C) 2002,2003 luxiaoban. All Rights Reserved. Contributor(s): You may retrieve the latest version of this file at the Project JEDI's JVCL home page, located at http://jvcl.delphi-jedi.org Known Issues: -----------------------------------------------------------------------------} // $Id$ unit JvDockInfo; {$I jvcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} Windows, IniFiles, Registry, Classes, Controls, Forms, JvAppStorage, JvDockControlForm, JvDockSupportClass, JvDockSupportProc; type TJvDockInfoTree = class; TJvDockFormStyle = (dsNormal, dsConjoin, dsTab, dsDockPanel); TJvDockInfoZone = class(TJvDockBaseZone) private FDockFormName: string; FParentName: string; FDockRect: TRect; FLastDockSiteName: string; FUnDockLeft: Integer; FUnDockTop: Integer; FLRDockWidth: Integer; FTBDockHeight: Integer; FUnDockWidth: Integer; FUnDockHeight: Integer; FVSPaneWidth: Integer; FVisible: Boolean; FBorderStyle: TBorderStyle; FFormStyle: TFormStyle; FWindowState: TWindowState; FCanDocked: Boolean; FEachOtherDocked: Boolean; FLeftDocked: Boolean; FTopDocked: Boolean; FRightDocked: Boolean; FBottomDocked: Boolean; FCustomDocked: Boolean; {NEW! Contains custom dock panel! } FDockFormStyle: TJvDockFormStyle; FDockClientData: string; FDockControl: TWinControl; FForcePositionIfNotDocked: Boolean; function GetChildControlCount: Integer; public procedure SetDockInfoFromControlToNode(Control: TControl); virtual; procedure SetDockInfoFromNodeToControl(Control: TControl); virtual; procedure SetDockInfoFromDockControlToNode(DockControl: TJvDockBaseControl); virtual; procedure SetDockInfoFromNodeToDockControl(DockControl: TJvDockBaseControl); virtual; property DockFormName: string read FDockFormName write FDockFormName; property ParentName: string read FParentName write FParentName; property DockRect: TRect read FDockRect write FDockRect; property LastDockSiteName: string read FLastDockSiteName write FLastDockSiteName; property UnDockLeft: Integer read FUnDockLeft write FUnDockLeft; property UnDockTop: Integer read FUnDockTop write FUnDockTop; property LRDockWidth: Integer read FLRDockWidth write FLRDockWidth; property TBDockHeight: Integer read FTBDockHeight write FTBDockHeight; property UnDockWidth: Integer read FUnDockWidth write FUnDockWidth; property UnDockHeight: Integer read FUnDockHeight write FUnDockHeight; property VSPaneWidth: Integer read FVSPaneWidth write FVSPaneWidth; property BorderStyle: TBorderStyle read FBorderStyle write FBorderStyle; property FormStyle: TFormStyle read FFormStyle write FFormStyle; property WindowState: TWindowState read FWindowState write FWindowState; property Visible: Boolean read FVisible write FVisible; property CanDocked: Boolean read FCanDocked write FCanDocked; property EachOtherDocked: Boolean read FEachOtherDocked write FEachOtherDocked; property LeftDocked: Boolean read FLeftDocked write FLeftDocked; property TopDocked: Boolean read FTopDocked write FTopDocked; property RightDocked: Boolean read FRightDocked write FRightDocked; property BottomDocked: Boolean read FBottomDocked write FBottomDocked; property CustomDocked: Boolean read FCustomDocked write FCustomDocked; {NEW! Contains custom dock panel! } property DockFormStyle: TJvDockFormStyle read FDockFormStyle write FDockFormStyle; property DockClientData: string read FDockClientData write FDockClientData; property DockControl: TWinControl read FDockControl write FDockControl; property ForcePositionIfNotDocked: Boolean read FForcePositionIfNotDocked write FForcePositionIfNotDocked; end; // TJvDockInfoStyle enumerates the mode that is used when you call // TJvDockInfoTree.ScanTreeZone. This is a part of the code used to // implement persistence (loading and saving of docking layouts). // TJvDockInfoStyle = (isNone, { No mode set } isJVCLReadInfo, { Mode for this scan is JVCL App Storage Load } isJVCLWriteInfo, { Mode for this scan is JVCL App Storage Save } isReadFileInfo, { Mode for this scan is Text File Read. Backwards compatible. } isWriteFileInfo, { Mode for this scan is Text File Write. Backwards compatible. } isReadRegInfo, { Mode for this scan is registry Read } isWriteRegInfo); { Mode for this scan is registry Write } { JvDockInfoTree contains information about the docking tree. It is created as part of the persistence framework for the JvDocking components. In order to save or load docking layout you must create one of these objects and use it to store the information about the set of docked forms being managed by JvDocking. } TJvDockInfoTree = class(TJvDockBaseTree) private FAppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage; FAppStoragePath: string; FDockInfoIni: TCustomIniFile; FDockInfoReg: TRegistry; FRegName: string; FJvDockInfoStyle: TJvDockInfoStyle; { Which action to do when doing a ScanTreeZone() recursive operation over the document tree. } FDataStream: TMemoryStream; function FindDockForm(const FormName: string): TCustomForm; function CreateHostControl(ATreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone): TWinControl; protected procedure ScanTreeZone(TreeZone: TJvDockBaseZone); override; procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromAppStorage; virtual; procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromIni; virtual; procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromReg; virtual; procedure SetDockControlInfo(ATreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone); virtual; public constructor Create(TreeZone: TJvDockTreeZoneClass); override; destructor Destroy; override; // This is the most important function in this class, it basically // puts the important information from the application form into this // object. procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(Control: TControl); virtual; procedure ReadInfoFromAppStorage; procedure WriteInfoToAppStorage; property AppStorage: TJvCustomAppStorage read FAppStorage write FAppStorage; property AppStoragePath: string read FAppStoragePath write FAppStoragePath; procedure ReadInfoFromIni; procedure ReadInfoFromReg(const RegName: string); procedure WriteInfoToIni; procedure WriteInfoToReg(const RegName: string); property DockInfoIni: TCustomIniFile read FDockInfoIni write FDockInfoIni; property DockInfoReg: TRegistry read FDockInfoReg write FDockInfoReg; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL$'; Revision: '$Revision$'; Date: '$Date$'; LogPath: 'JVCL\run' ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses SysUtils, JvDockGlobals, JvDockVSNetStyle; //=== Local procedures ======================================================= function FindDockForm(const FormName: string): TCustomForm; begin if Pos(RsDockJvDockInfoSplitter, FormName) > 0 then Result := nil else Result := JvDockFindDockFormWithName(FormName); end; function FindDockPanel(const ControlName: string): TWinControl; var Index: Word; DockServer: TJvDockServer; begin Result := nil; Index := Pos(RsDockJvDockInfoSplitter, ControlName); if Index = 0 then Exit; Result := FindDockForm(Copy(ControlName, 1, Index - 1)); if Result <> nil then begin DockServer := FindDockServer(Result); if DockServer <> nil then with DockServer do begin if Pos('TopDockPanel', ControlName) > Index then Result := TopDockPanel else if Pos('LeftDockPanel', ControlName) > Index then Result := LeftDockPanel else if Pos('BottomDockPanel', ControlName) > Index then Result := BottomDockPanel else if Pos('RightDockPanel', ControlName) > Index then Result := RightDockPanel else if Pos('CustomDockPanel', ControlName) > Index then Result := CustomDockPanel; // Mantis 3603: No more AV, Result may not always be a TJvDockVSNETPanel if (Result is TJvDockVSNETPanel) and (Pos('PopupPanel', ControlName) > 20) then Result := (Result as TJvDockVSNETPanel).VSChannel.VSPopupPanel; end; end; end; function FindDockHost(const ControlName: string): TWinControl; begin Result := FindDockForm(ControlName); if Result = nil then Result := FindDockPanel(ControlName); end; //=== { TJvDockInfoTree } ==================================================== constructor TJvDockInfoTree.Create(TreeZone: TJvDockTreeZoneClass); begin inherited Create(TreeZone); FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; FDataStream := TMemoryStream.Create; end; destructor TJvDockInfoTree.Destroy; begin inherited Destroy; FreeAndNil(FDataStream); end; { Create an TJvDockConjoinHostForm or TJvDockTabHostForm when restoring a docking layout } function TJvDockInfoTree.CreateHostControl(ATreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone): TWinControl; var Form: TForm; ADockClient: TJvDockClient; begin { The dockinfo data that is saved, contains names of the values of ChildZone.DockControl Thus on loading it can be that no form with that DockControl name can be found; then DockControl will be nil } Result := nil; case ATreeZone.DockFormStyle of dsConjoin: if Assigned(TJvDockInfoZone(ATreeZone.ChildZone).DockControl) then begin Form := TJvDockConjoinHostForm.Create(Application); ADockClient := FindDockClient(TJvDockInfoZone(ATreeZone.ChildZone).DockControl); Result := ADockClient.CreateConjoinPanelClass(Form).Parent; end; dsTab: if Assigned(TJvDockInfoZone(ATreeZone.ChildZone).DockControl) then begin Form := TJvDockTabHostForm.Create(Application); ADockClient := FindDockClient(TJvDockInfoZone(ATreeZone.ChildZone).DockControl); Result := ADockClient.CreateTabDockClass(Form).Parent; end; end; if Result <> nil then Result.Name := ATreeZone.DockFormName; end; // CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp // // Control: TControl - note this is probably actually a TForm // descendant, since this library only supports form docking. // // This is the most important function in this class, it basically // puts the important information from the application form into this // object. // // This is used to take a form that is docked somewhere and extract all the // docking layout information contained inside it, and add it to this JvDockInfoTree // object, which can then be iterated through, stored to disk, etc. } procedure TJvDockInfoTree.CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(Control: TControl); var I: TJvDockPosition; {was TAlign} J: Integer; TreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone; DockBaseControl: TJvDockBaseControl; TmpDockPanel: TJvDockPanel; begin TreeZone := TJvDockInfoZone(AddChildZone(CurrTreeZone, nil)); with TreeZone do begin ParentName := TJvDockInfoZone(CurrTreeZone).DockFormName; SetDockInfoFromControlToNode(Control); if Control is TJvDockPanel then DockFormName := TJvDockInfoZone(CurrTreeZone).DockFormName + RsDockJvDockInfoSplitter + Control.Name else DockFormName := Control.Name; FDataStream.Clear; if Control is TJvDockTabHostForm then TJvDockTabHostForm(Control).PageControl.SaveToStream(FDataStream) else if Control is TJvDockConjoinHostForm then TJvDockConjoinHostForm(Control).Panel.DockManager.SaveToStream(FDataStream) else if Control is TJvDockPanel then TJvDockPanel(Control).DockManager.SaveToStream(FDataStream); DockClientData := JvDockStreamDataToString(FDataStream); DockBaseControl := FindDockBaseControl(Control); if DockBaseControl <> nil then begin SetDockInfoFromDockControlToNode(DockBaseControl); if Control is TJvDockTabHostForm then DockFormStyle := dsTab else if Control is TJvDockConjoinHostForm then DockFormStyle := dsConjoin else DockFormStyle := dsNormal; if DockBaseControl is TJvDockClient then begin if Control is TJvDockableForm then with TJvDockableForm(Control).DockableControl do for J := 0 to DockClientCount - 1 do begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(DockClients[J]); CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end; end else begin // Changed to persist ALL DockPanels, not just Top,Left,Right,Bottom. // This is a hardcoded assumption throughout the component that is // proving hard to overcome. for I := Low(TJvDockPosition) to High(TJvDockPosition) do // There are 5 TJvDockPositions now ! {NEW!} begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; TmpDockPanel := TJvDockServer(DockBaseControl).DockPanel[I]; if Assigned(TmpDockPanel) then begin CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(TmpDockPanel); if TmpDockPanel is TJvDockVSNETPanel then // JvDockVSNetStyle specific: CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(TJvDockVSNETPanel(TmpDockPanel).VSChannel.VSPopupPanel); end; CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end; end; end; if Control is TJvDockPanel then begin DockFormStyle := dsDockPanel; if Control is TJvDockVSPopupPanel then with TJvDockVSPopupPanel(Control) do for J := 0 to DockClientCount - 1 do begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(TWinControl(DockClients[J])); CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end else with TJvDockPanel(Control) do for J := 0 to DockClientCount - 1 do begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromApp(TWinControl(DockClients[J])); CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end; end; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromAppStorage; var FormList: TStringList; CP, CP1: PChar; S: string; I: Integer; OldPath: string; OldDefaultIfValueNotExists : Boolean; procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfo(Index: Integer); var I: Integer; TreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone; begin if FAppStorage.PathExists(FormList[Index]) then begin TreeZone := TJvDockInfoZone(AddChildZone(CurrTreeZone, nil)); with TreeZone, FAppStorage do begin { Move down into the folder of the form.. } Path := ConcatPaths([Path, FormList[Index]]); DockFormName := FormList[Index]; ParentName := ReadString('ParentName'); DockRect := Rect(ReadInteger('DockLeft'), ReadInteger('DockTop'), ReadInteger('DockRight'), ReadInteger('DockBottom')); LRDockWidth := ReadInteger('LRDockWidth'); LastDockSiteName := ReadString('LastDockSiteName'); UnDockLeft := ReadInteger('UnDockLeft'); UnDockTop := ReadInteger('UnDockTop'); TBDockHeight := ReadInteger('TBDockHeight'); UnDockWidth := ReadInteger('UnDockWidth'); UnDockHeight := ReadInteger('UnDockHeight'); VSPaneWidth := ReadInteger('VSPaneWidth'); Visible := ReadBoolean('Visible'); BorderStyle := TBorderStyle(ReadInteger('BorderStyle')); FormStyle := TFormStyle(ReadInteger('FormStyle')); WindowState := TWindowState(ReadInteger('WindowState')); DockFormStyle := TJvDockFormStyle(ReadInteger('DockFormStyle')); CanDocked := ReadBoolean('CanDocked'); EachOtherDocked := ReadBoolean('EachOtherDocked'); LeftDocked := ReadBoolean('LeftDocked'); TopDocked := ReadBoolean('TopDocked'); RightDocked := ReadBoolean('RightDocked'); BottomDocked := ReadBoolean('BottomDocked'); CustomDocked := ReadBoolean('CustomDocked'); {NEW} DockClientData := ReadString('DockClientData'); { ..and move up a level } Path := ConcatPaths([Path, '..']); end; for I := Index - 1 downto 0 do begin { Search for forms that have this form (FormList[I]) as parent } if FAppStorage.ReadString(FAppStorage.ConcatPaths([FormList[I], 'ParentName'])) = FormList[Index] then begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; CreateZoneAndAddInfo(I); CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end; end; end; end; var FormName: string; begin FormList := TStringList.Create; FJvDockInfoStyle := isJVCLReadInfo; // set mode for Scan. try { Normally, we wouldn't find duplicate names, but if so ignore them otherwise havoc } FormList.Duplicates := dupIgnore; OldPath := FAppStorage.Path; OldDefaultIfValueNotExists := FAppStorage.StorageOptions.DefaultIfValueNotExists; FAppStorage.StorageOptions.DefaultIfValueNotExists := True; try FAppStorage.Path := FAppStorage.ConcatPaths([FAppStorage.Path, AppStoragePath, 'Forms']); if FAppStorage.ValueStored('FormNames') then begin S := FAppStorage.ReadString('FormNames'); CP := PChar(S); CP1 := StrPos(CP, ';'); while CP1 <> nil do begin SetString(FormName, CP, CP1 - CP); // (Mantis #4293) Avoid restoration of not instantiated forms => DockFormStyle == dsNormal if TJvDockFormStyle(FAppStorage.ReadInteger( FAppStorage.ConcatPaths([FormName, 'DockFormStyle']))) = dsNormal then begin for I := 0 to Screen.FormCount - 1 do begin if Screen.Forms[I].Name = FormName then begin FormList.Add(FormName); Break; end; end; end else FormList.Add(FormName); CP := CP1 + 1; CP1 := StrPos(CP, ';'); end; for I := FormList.Count - 1 downto 0 do if FAppStorage.ReadString(FAppStorage.ConcatPaths([FormList[I], 'ParentName'])) = '' then CreateZoneAndAddInfo(I); end; finally FAppStorage.Path := OldPath; FAppStorage.StorageOptions.DefaultIfValueNotExists := OldDefaultIfValueNotExists; end; finally FormList.Free; FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromIni; var I: Integer; Sections: TStringList; TempDockInfoZoneArray: array of TJvDockInfoZone; procedure CreateTempDockInfoZoneArray; var I: Integer; begin SetLength(TempDockInfoZoneArray, SizeOf(TJvDockInfoZone) * Sections.Count); for I := 0 to Sections.Count - 1 do begin TempDockInfoZoneArray[I] := TJvDockInfoZone.Create(nil); with TempDockInfoZoneArray[I], DockInfoIni do begin DockFormName := Sections[I]; ParentName := ReadString(DockFormName, 'ParentName', 'ERROR'); DockRect := Rect(ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'DockLeft', 0), ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'DockTop', 0), ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'DockRight', 100), ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'DockBottom', 100)); LastDockSiteName := ReadString(DockFormName, 'LastDockSiteName', 'ERROR'); UnDockLeft := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'UnDockLeft', 100); UnDockTop := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'UnDockTop', 100); LRDockWidth := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'LRDockWidth', 100); TBDockHeight := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'TBDockHeight', 100); UnDockWidth := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'UnDockWidth', 100); UnDockHeight := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'UnDockHeight', 100); VSPaneWidth := ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'VSPaneWidth', 100); Visible := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'Visible', True); BorderStyle := TBorderStyle(ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'BorderStyle', 0)); FormStyle := TFormStyle(ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'FormStyle', 0)); WindowState := TWindowState(ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'WindowState', 0)); DockFormStyle := TJvDockFormStyle(ReadInteger(DockFormName, 'DockFormStyle', 0)); CanDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'CanDocked', True); EachOtherDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'EachOtherDocked', True); LeftDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'LeftDocked', LeftDocked); TopDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'TopDocked', True); RightDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'RightDocked', True); BottomDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'BottomDocked', True); CustomDocked := ReadBool(DockFormName, 'CustomDocked', True); DockClientData := ReadString(DockFormName, 'DockClientData', ''); end; end; end; procedure DestroyTempDockInfoZoneArray; var I: Integer; begin for I := Sections.Count - 1 downto 0 do TempDockInfoZoneArray[I].Free; end; procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfo(Index: Integer); var I: Integer; TreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone; begin TreeZone := TJvDockInfoZone(AddChildZone(CurrTreeZone, nil)); with TempDockInfoZoneArray[Index] do begin TreeZone.DockFormName := DockFormName; TreeZone.ParentName := ParentName; TreeZone.DockRect := DockRect; TreeZone.LastDockSiteName := LastDockSiteName; TreeZone.UnDockLeft := UnDockLeft; TreeZone.UnDockTop := UnDockTop; TreeZone.LRDockWidth := LRDockWidth; TreeZone.TBDockHeight := TBDockHeight; TreeZone.UnDockWidth := UnDockWidth; TreeZone.UnDockHeight := UnDockHeight; TreeZone.VSPaneWidth := VSPaneWidth; TreeZone.Visible := Visible; TreeZone.BorderStyle := BorderStyle; TreeZone.FormStyle := FormStyle; TreeZone.WindowState := WindowState; TreeZone.DockFormStyle := DockFormStyle; TreeZone.CanDocked := CanDocked; TreeZone.EachOtherDocked := EachOtherDocked; TreeZone.LeftDocked := LeftDocked; TreeZone.TopDocked := TopDocked; TreeZone.RightDocked := RightDocked; TreeZone.BottomDocked := BottomDocked; TreeZone.CustomDocked := CustomDocked; {NEW!} TreeZone.DockClientData := DockClientData; end; for I := Index - 1 downto 0 do if TempDockInfoZoneArray[I].ParentName = Sections[Index] then begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; CreateZoneAndAddInfo(I); CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end; end; begin Sections := TStringList.Create; try DockInfoIni.ReadSections(Sections); CreateTempDockInfoZoneArray; for I := Sections.Count - 1 downto 0 do if TempDockInfoZoneArray[I].ParentName = '' then CreateZoneAndAddInfo(I); FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; finally DestroyTempDockInfoZoneArray; Sections.Free; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromReg; var FormList: TStringList; CP, CP1: PChar; I: Integer; S: string; procedure CreateZoneAndAddInfo(Index: Integer); var I: Integer; TreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone; begin DockInfoReg.OpenKey(FRegName, False); if DockInfoReg.KeyExists(FormList[Index]) then begin DockInfoReg.OpenKey(FRegName + '\' + FormList[Index], False); TreeZone := TJvDockInfoZone(AddChildZone(CurrTreeZone, nil)); with TreeZone, DockInfoReg do begin DockFormName := FormList[Index]; ParentName := ReadString('ParentName'); DockRect := Rect(ReadInteger('DockLeft'), ReadInteger('DockTop'), ReadInteger('DockRight'), ReadInteger('DockBottom')); LRDockWidth := ReadInteger('LRDockWidth'); LastDockSiteName := ReadString('LastDockSiteName'); UnDockLeft := ReadInteger('UnDockLeft'); UnDockTop := ReadInteger('UnDockTop'); TBDockHeight := ReadInteger('TBDockHeight'); UnDockWidth := ReadInteger('UnDockWidth'); UnDockHeight := ReadInteger('UnDockHeight'); VSPaneWidth := ReadInteger('VSPaneWidth'); Visible := ReadBool('Visible'); BorderStyle := TBorderStyle(ReadInteger('BorderStyle')); FormStyle := TFormStyle(ReadInteger('FormStyle')); WindowState := TWindowState(ReadInteger('WindowState')); DockFormStyle := TJvDockFormStyle(ReadInteger('DockFormStyle')); CanDocked := ReadBool('CanDocked'); EachOtherDocked := ReadBool('EachOtherDocked'); LeftDocked := ReadBool('LeftDocked'); TopDocked := ReadBool('TopDocked'); RightDocked := ReadBool('RightDocked'); BottomDocked := ReadBool('BottomDocked'); CustomDocked := ReadBool('CustomDocked'); {NEW!} DockClientData := ReadString('DockClientData'); end; for I := Index - 1 downto 0 do begin DockInfoReg.OpenKey(FRegName + '\' + FormList[I], False); if DockInfoReg.ReadString('ParentName') = FormList[Index] then begin CurrTreeZone := TreeZone; CreateZoneAndAddInfo(I); CurrTreeZone := TreeZone.GetParentZone; end; end; end; end; begin FormList := TStringList.Create; try if DockInfoReg.OpenKey(FRegName, False) then begin S := DockInfoReg.ReadString('FormNames'); CP := PChar(S); CP1 := StrPos(CP, '\'); while CP1 <> nil do begin CP1^ := #0; FormList.Add(CP); CP := CP1 + 1; CP1 := StrPos(CP, '\'); end; FJvDockInfoStyle := isReadFileInfo; for I := FormList.Count - 1 downto 0 do begin DockInfoReg.OpenKey(FRegName + '\' + FormList[I], False); if DockInfoReg.ReadString('ParentName') = '' then CreateZoneAndAddInfo(I); end; FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; finally DockInfoReg.CloseKey; FormList.Free; end; end; function TJvDockInfoTree.FindDockForm(const FormName: string): TCustomForm; begin if Pos(RsDockJvDockInfoSplitter, FormName) > 0 then Result := nil else Result := JvDockFindDockFormWithName(FormName); end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.ReadInfoFromAppStorage; begin AppStorage.BeginUpdate; try CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromAppStorage; DoFloatAllForm; // (rom) this is disputable Application.ProcessMessages; try FJvDockInfoStyle := isJVCLReadInfo; MiddleScanTree(TopTreeZone); finally FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; finally AppStorage.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.ReadInfoFromIni; begin CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromIni; DoFloatAllForm; // (rom) this is disputable Application.ProcessMessages; FJvDockInfoStyle := isJVCLReadInfo; MiddleScanTree(TopTreeZone); FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.ReadInfoFromReg(const RegName: string); begin FRegName := RegName; CreateZoneAndAddInfoFromReg; DoFloatAllForm; // (rom) this is disputable Application.ProcessMessages; FJvDockInfoStyle := isReadRegInfo; MiddleScanTree(TopTreeZone); FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.ScanTreeZone(TreeZone: TJvDockBaseZone); var I: Integer; OldPath: string; procedure WriteIntegerIfNonZero(const Path: string; Value: Integer); begin if Value <> 0 then fAppStorage.WriteInteger(Path, Value); end; procedure WriteBooleanIfFalse(const Path: string; Value: Boolean); begin if not Value then fAppStorage.WriteBoolean(Path, Value); end; begin if FJvDockInfoStyle = isJVCLReadInfo then { JVCL Mode persistance : READ } begin for I := 0 to TreeZone.GetChildCount - 1 do with TJvDockInfoZone(TreeZone.GetChildZone(I)) do DockControl := FindDockForm(DockFormName); SetDockControlInfo(TJvDockInfoZone(TreeZone)); end else if FJvDockInfoStyle = isJVCLWriteInfo then { JVCL Mode persistance : WRITE } begin if TreeZone <> TopTreeZone then with TJvDockInfoZone(TreeZone), FAppStorage do begin OldPath := Path; try Path := ConcatPaths([Path, AppStoragePath, 'Forms']); WriteString('FormNames', ReadString('FormNames') + DockFormName + ';'); Path := ConcatPaths([Path, DockFormName]); WriteString('ParentName', ParentName); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('DockLeft', DockRect.Left); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('DockTop', DockRect.Top); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('DockRight', DockRect.Right); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('DockBottom', DockRect.Bottom); WriteString('LastDockSiteName', LastDockSiteName); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('UnDockLeft', UnDockLeft); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('UnDockTop', UnDockTop); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('LRDockWidth', LRDockWidth); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('TBDockHeight', TBDockHeight); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('UnDockWidth', UnDockWidth); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('UnDockHeight', UnDockHeight); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('VSPaneWidth', VSPaneWidth); WriteBooleanIfFalse('Visible', Visible); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('BorderStyle', Integer(BorderStyle)); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('FormStyle', Integer(FormStyle)); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('WindowState', Integer(WindowState)); WriteIntegerIfNonZero('DockFormStyle', Integer(DockFormStyle)); WriteBooleanIfFalse('CanDocked', CanDocked); WriteBooleanIfFalse('EachOtherDocked', EachOtherDocked); WriteBooleanIfFalse('LeftDocked', LeftDocked); WriteBooleanIfFalse('TopDocked', TopDocked); WriteBooleanIfFalse('RightDocked', RightDocked); WriteBooleanIfFalse('BottomDocked', BottomDocked); WriteBooleanIfFalse('CustomDocked', CustomDocked); {NEW!} WriteString('DockClientData', DockClientData); finally FAppStorage.Path := OldPath; end; end; end; inherited ScanTreeZone(TreeZone); end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.SetDockControlInfo(ATreeZone: TJvDockInfoZone); var DockBaseControl: TJvDockBaseControl; Host: TWinControl; begin with ATreeZone do begin if DockFormName = '' then Exit; Host := FindDockHost(DockFormName); if (Host = nil) and (ATreeZone.GetChildControlCount > 1) then Host := CreateHostControl(ATreeZone); if (Host <> nil) and (DockClientData <> '') and (FDataStream <> nil) then begin FDataStream.Clear; JvDockStringToStreamData(FDataStream, DockClientData); FDataStream.Position := 0; if Host is TJvDockTabHostForm then begin with TJvDockTabHostForm(Host).PageControl do begin DisableAlign; try LoadFromStream(FDataStream); finally EnableAlign; end; end; end else if Host is TJvDockConjoinHostForm then begin with TJvDockConjoinHostForm(Host).Panel do begin DisableAlign; try DockManager.LoadFromStream(FDataStream); finally EnableAlign; end; end; end else if Host is TJvDockPanel then begin with TJvDockPanel(Host) do begin DisableAlign; try DockManager.LoadFromStream(FDataStream); finally EnableAlign; end; end; end; end; if Host <> nil then begin SetDockInfoFromNodeToControl(Host); DockBaseControl := FindDockBaseControl(Host); if DockBaseControl <> nil then SetDockInfoFromNodeToDockControl(DockBaseControl); end; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.WriteInfoToAppStorage; begin AppStorage.BeginUpdate; try AppStorage.DeleteSubTree(AppStoragePath); try FJvDockInfoStyle := isJVCLWriteInfo; MiddleScanTree(TopTreeZone); finally FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; finally AppStorage.EndUpdate; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.WriteInfoToIni; var Sections: TStringList; I: Integer; begin Sections := TStringList.Create; try DockInfoIni.ReadSections(Sections); for I := 0 to Sections.Count - 1 do DockInfoIni.EraseSection(Sections[I]); finally Sections.Free; end; FJvDockInfoStyle := isJVCLWriteInfo; MiddleScanTree(TopTreeZone); FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; end; procedure TJvDockInfoTree.WriteInfoToReg(const RegName: string); begin try if DockInfoReg.OpenKey(RegName, False) then DockInfoReg.DeleteKey(RegName); DockInfoReg.CreateKey(RegName); DockInfoReg.CloseKey; FRegName := RegName; FJvDockInfoStyle := isWriteRegInfo; MiddleScanTree(TopTreeZone); FJvDockInfoStyle := isNone; finally DockInfoReg.CloseKey; end; end; //=== { TJvDockInfoZone } ==================================================== function TJvDockInfoZone.GetChildControlCount: Integer; var Zone: TJvDockBaseZone; begin Result := 0; if ChildZone <> nil then begin Inc(Result); Zone := ChildZone; while Zone.NextSibling <> nil do begin Zone := Zone.NextSibling; if TJvDockInfoZone(Zone).DockControl <> nil then Inc(Result); end; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoZone.SetDockInfoFromControlToNode(Control: TControl); begin DockRect := Control.BoundsRect; UnDockWidth := Control.UnDockWidth; UnDockHeight := Control.UnDockHeight; if Control is TJvDockVSPopupPanel then Control.Visible := False else Visible := Control.Visible; if Control is TForm then begin BorderStyle := TForm(Control).BorderStyle; FormStyle := TForm(Control).FormStyle; WindowState := TForm(Control).WindowState; LRDockWidth := Control.LRDockWidth; TBDockHeight := Control.TBDockHeight; end; end; procedure TJvDockInfoZone.SetDockInfoFromDockControlToNode(DockControl: TJvDockBaseControl); function GetLastDockSiteName(AControl: TControl): string; begin Result := RsDockCannotFindWindow; if AControl <> nil then begin if AControl.Parent is TJvDockableForm then Result := AControl.Parent.Name else if AControl is TJvDockPanel then Result := AControl.Parent.Name + RsDockJvDockInfoSplitter + AControl.Name; end; end; begin CanDocked := DockControl.EnableDock; EachOtherDocked := DockControl.EachOtherDock; LeftDocked := DockControl.LeftDock; TopDocked := DockControl.TopDock; RightDocked := DockControl.RightDock; BottomDocked := DockControl.BottomDock; CustomDocked := DockControl.CustomDock; {NEW!} if DockControl is TJvDockClient then begin VSPaneWidth := TJvDockClient(DockControl).VSPaneWidth; UnDockLeft := TJvDockClient(DockControl).UnDockLeft; UnDockTop := TJvDockClient(DockControl).UnDockTop; LastDockSiteName := GetLastDockSiteName(TJvDockClient(DockControl).LastDockSite); end else VSPaneWidth := 0; end; { When restoring a Control (form) properties when loading layout, this sets one form's properties.} procedure TJvDockInfoZone.SetDockInfoFromNodeToControl(Control: TControl); var DS: TJvDockServer; procedure SetPopupPanelSize(PopupPanel: TJvDockVSPopupPanel); begin end; procedure SetDockSiteSize(DockSite: TJvDockPanel); begin if DockSite.Align in [alTop, alBottom] then DockSite.JvDockManager.DockSiteSize := DockRect.Bottom - DockRect.Top else DockSite.JvDockManager.DockSiteSize := DockRect.Right - DockRect.Left; end; begin if (ParentName = '') or ((Control is TJvDockPanel) and (TJvDockPanel(Control).VisibleDockClientCount > 0)) then begin TWinControl(Control).DisableAlign; try if Control is TForm then begin TForm(Control).BorderStyle := BorderStyle; TForm(Control).FormStyle := FormStyle; if (WindowState = wsNormal) and ((FParentName <> '') or FForcePositionIfNotDocked) then Control.BoundsRect := DockRect; TForm(Control).WindowState := WindowState; end else begin if Control is TJvDockVSPopupPanel then SetPopupPanelSize(Control as TJvDockVSPopupPanel) else SetDockSiteSize(Control as TJvDockPanel); end; DS := FindDockServer(Control); if DS <> nil then begin DS.GetClientAlignControl(alTop); DS.GetClientAlignControl(alBottom); DS.GetClientAlignControl(alLeft); DS.GetClientAlignControl(alRight); end; finally TWinControl(Control).EnableAlign; end; end; // // KV to avoid flickering in Vista // if not ((Control is TForm) and (ParentName <> '')) then Control.Visible := Visible; Control.LRDockWidth := LRDockWidth; Control.TBDockHeight := TBDockHeight; Control.UnDockHeight := UnDockHeight; Control.UnDockWidth := UnDockWidth; end; { Restores settings in the TjvDockClient inside the form, when loading docking layout. } procedure TJvDockInfoZone.SetDockInfoFromNodeToDockControl(DockControl: TJvDockBaseControl); function GetLastDockSite(const AName: string): TWinControl; begin Result := FindDockPanel(AName); if Result = nil then begin Result := FindDockForm(AName); if Result is TJvDockableForm then Result := TJvDockableForm(Result).DockableControl; end; end; begin if DockControl is TJvDockClient then begin TJvDockClient(DockControl).UnDockLeft := UnDockLeft; TJvDockClient(DockControl).UnDockTop := UnDockTop; TJvDockClient(DockControl).LastDockSite := GetLastDockSite(LastDockSiteName); if Visible then begin TJvDockClient(DockControl).ParentVisible := False; TJvDockClient(DockControl).MakeShowEvent; end else TJvDockClient(DockControl).MakeHideEvent; TJvDockClient(DockControl).VSPaneWidth := VSPaneWidth; end; DockControl.EnableDock := CanDocked; DockControl.LeftDock := LeftDocked; DockControl.TopDock := TopDocked; DockControl.BottomDock := BottomDocked; DockControl.CustomDock := CustomDocked; {NEW!} DockControl.RightDock := RightDocked; end; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} initialization RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); finalization UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} end.