{**************************************************************************************************} { } { Project JEDI Code Library (JCL) } { } { The contents of this file are subject to the Mozilla Public License Version 1.1 (the "License"); } { you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the } { License at http://www.mozilla.org/MPL/ } { } { Software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF } { ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing rights } { and limitations under the License. } { } { The Original Code is JclSysInfo.pas. } { } { The Initial Developer of the Original Code is Marcel van Brakel. } { Portions created by Marcel van Brakel are Copyright (C) Marcel van Brakel. All rights reserved. } { } { Contributors: } { Alexander Radchenko } { Andre Snepvangers (asnepvangers) } { Azret Botash } { Bryan Coutch } { Carl Clark } { Eric S. Fisher } { Florent Ouchet (outchy) } { Heiko Adams } { James Azarja } { Jean-Fabien Connault (cycocrew) } { John C Molyneux } { Marcel van Brakel } { Matthias Thoma (mthoma) } { Mike Lischke } { Nick Hodges } { Olivier Sannier (obones) } { Peter Friese } { Peter Thornquist (peter3) } { Petr Vones (pvones) } { Rik Barker } { Robert Marquardt (marquardt) } { Robert Rossmair (rrossmair) } { Scott Price } { Tom Hahn (tomhahn) } { Wim de Cleen } { } {**************************************************************************************************} { } { This unit contains routines and classes to retrieve various pieces of system information. } { Examples are the location of standard folders, settings of environment variables, processor } { details and the Windows version. } { } {**************************************************************************************************} { } { Last modified: $Date:: $ } { Revision: $Rev:: $ } { Author: $Author:: $ } { } {**************************************************************************************************} // Windows NT 4 and earlier do not support GetSystemPowerStatus (while introduced // in NT4 - it is a stub there - implemented in Windows 2000 and later. unit JclSysInfo; {$I jcl.inc} interface uses {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} JclUnitVersioning, {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} {$IFDEF HAS_UNIT_LIBC} Libc, {$ENDIF HAS_UNIT_LIBC} {$IFDEF HAS_UNITSCOPE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Winapi.Windows, WinApi.ActiveX, Winapi.ShlObj, {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} System.Classes, {$ELSE ~HAS_UNITSCOPE} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Windows, ActiveX, ShlObj, {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} Classes, {$ENDIF ~HAS_UNITSCOPE} JclBase, JclResources; // Environment Variables {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} type TEnvironmentOption = (eoLocalMachine, eoCurrentUser, eoAdditional); TEnvironmentOptions = set of TEnvironmentOption; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function DelEnvironmentVar(const Name: string): Boolean; function ExpandEnvironmentVar(var Value: string): Boolean; function ExpandEnvironmentVarCustom(var Value: string; Vars: TStrings): Boolean; function GetEnvironmentVar(const Name: string; out Value: string): Boolean; overload; function GetEnvironmentVar(const Name: string; out Value: string; Expand: Boolean): Boolean; overload; function GetEnvironmentVars(const Vars: TStrings): Boolean; overload; function GetEnvironmentVars(const Vars: TStrings; Expand: Boolean): Boolean; overload; function SetEnvironmentVar(const Name, Value: string): Boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CreateEnvironmentBlock(const Options: TEnvironmentOptions; const AdditionalVars: TStrings): PChar; procedure DestroyEnvironmentBlock(var Env: PChar); procedure SetGlobalEnvironmentVariable(VariableName, VariableContent: string); {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} // Common Folder Locations {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetCommonFilesFolder: string; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetCurrentFolder: string; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetProgramFilesFolder: string; function GetWindowsFolder: string; function GetWindowsSystemFolder: string; function GetWindowsTempFolder: string; function GetDesktopFolder: string; function GetProgramsFolder: string; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetPersonalFolder: string; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetFavoritesFolder: string; function GetStartupFolder: string; function GetRecentFolder: string; function GetSendToFolder: string; function GetStartmenuFolder: string; function GetDesktopDirectoryFolder: string; function GetCommonDocumentsFolder: string; function GetNethoodFolder: string; function GetFontsFolder: string; function GetCommonStartmenuFolder: string; function GetCommonStartupFolder: string; function GetPrinthoodFolder: string; function GetProfileFolder: string; function GetCommonProgramsFolder: string; function GetCommonDesktopdirectoryFolder: string; function GetCommonAppdataFolder: string; function GetAppdataFolder: string; function GetLocalAppData: string; function GetCommonFavoritesFolder: string; function GetTemplatesFolder: string; function GetInternetCacheFolder: string; function GetCookiesFolder: string; function GetHistoryFolder: string; // Advanced Power Management (APM) type TAPMLineStatus = (alsOffline, alsOnline, alsUnknown); TAPMBatteryFlag = (abfHigh, abfLow, abfCritical, abfCharging, abfNoBattery, abfUnknown); TAPMBatteryFlags = set of TAPMBatteryFlag; function GetAPMLineStatus: TAPMLineStatus; function GetAPMBatteryFlag: TAPMBatteryFlag; function GetAPMBatteryFlags: TAPMBatteryFlags; function GetAPMBatteryLifePercent: Integer; function GetAPMBatteryLifeTime: DWORD; function GetAPMBatteryFullLifeTime: DWORD; // Identification type TFileSystemFlag = ( fsCaseSensitive, // The file system supports case-sensitive file names. fsCasePreservedNames, // The file system preserves the case of file names when it places a name on disk. fsSupportsUnicodeOnDisk, // The file system supports Unicode in file names as they appear on disk. fsPersistentACLs, // The file system preserves and enforces ACLs. For example, NTFS preserves and enforces ACLs, and FAT does not. fsSupportsFileCompression, // The file system supports file-based compression. fsSupportsVolumeQuotas, // The file system supports disk quotas. fsSupportsSparseFiles, // The file system supports sparse files. fsSupportsReparsePoints, // The file system supports reparse points. fsSupportsRemoteStorage, // ? fsVolumeIsCompressed, // The specified volume is a compressed volume; for example, a DoubleSpace volume. fsSupportsObjectIds, // The file system supports object identifiers. fsSupportsEncryption, // The file system supports the Encrypted File System (EFS). fsSupportsNamedStreams, // The file system supports named streams. fsVolumeIsReadOnly // The specified volume is read-only. // Windows 2000/NT and Windows Me/98/95: This value is not supported. ); TFileSystemFlags = set of TFileSystemFlag; function GetVolumeName(const Drive: string): string; function GetVolumeSerialNumber(const Drive: string): string; function GetVolumeFileSystem(const Drive: string): string; function GetVolumeFileSystemFlags(const Volume: string): TFileSystemFlags; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetIPAddress(const HostName: string): string; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings; const HostName: AnsiString); overload; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} procedure GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings); overload; function GetLocalComputerName: string; function GetLocalUserName: string; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetUserDomainName(const CurUser: string): string; function GetWorkGroupName: WideString; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetDomainName: string; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetRegisteredCompany: string; function GetRegisteredOwner: string; function GetBIOSName: string; function GetBIOSCopyright: string; function GetBIOSExtendedInfo: string; function GetBIOSDate: TDateTime; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} // Processes, Tasks and Modules type TJclTerminateAppResult = (taError, taClean, taKill); function RunningProcessesList(const List: TStrings; FullPath: Boolean = True): Boolean; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function LoadedModulesList(const List: TStrings; ProcessID: DWORD; HandlesOnly: Boolean = False): Boolean; function GetTasksList(const List: TStrings): Boolean; function ModuleFromAddr(const Addr: Pointer): HMODULE; function IsSystemModule(const Module: HMODULE): Boolean; procedure BeginModuleFromAddrCache; procedure EndModuleFromAddrCache; function CachedModuleFromAddr(const Addr: Pointer): HMODULE; function IsMainAppWindow(Wnd: THandle): Boolean; function IsWindowResponding(Wnd: THandle; Timeout: Integer): Boolean; function GetWindowIcon(Wnd: THandle; LargeIcon: Boolean): HICON; function GetWindowCaption(Wnd: THandle): string; function TerminateTask(Wnd: THandle; Timeout: Integer): TJclTerminateAppResult; function TerminateApp(ProcessID: DWORD; Timeout: Integer): TJclTerminateAppResult; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} {.$IFNDEF FPC} function GetPidFromProcessName(const ProcessName: string): THandle; function GetProcessNameFromWnd(Wnd: THandle): string; function GetProcessNameFromPid(PID: DWORD): string; function GetMainAppWndFromPid(PID: DWORD): THandle; function GetWndFromPid(PID: DWORD; const WindowClassName: string): HWND; {.$ENDIF ~FPC} function GetShellProcessName: string; {.$IFNDEF FPC} function GetShellProcessHandle: THandle; {.$ENDIF ~FPC} // Version Information type TWindowsVersion = (wvUnknown, wvWin95, wvWin95OSR2, wvWin98, wvWin98SE, wvWinME, wvWinNT31, wvWinNT35, wvWinNT351, wvWinNT4, wvWin2000, wvWinXP, wvWin2003, wvWinXP64, wvWin2003R2, wvWinVista, wvWinServer2008, wvWin7, wvWinServer2008R2, wvWin8, wvWin8RT, wvWinServer2012, wvWin81, wvWin81RT, wvWinServer2012R2, wvWin10, wvWinServer2016, wvWinServer2019, wvWinServer, wvWin11); TWindowsEdition = (weUnknown, weWinXPHome, weWinXPPro, weWinXPHomeN, weWinXPProN, weWinXPHomeK, weWinXPProK, weWinXPHomeKN, weWinXPProKN, weWinXPStarter, weWinXPMediaCenter, weWinXPTablet, weWinVistaStarter, weWinVistaHomeBasic, weWinVistaHomeBasicN, weWinVistaHomePremium, weWinVistaBusiness, weWinVistaBusinessN, weWinVistaEnterprise, weWinVistaUltimate, weWin7Starter, weWin7HomeBasic, weWin7HomePremium, weWin7Professional, weWin7Enterprise, weWin7Ultimate, weWin8, weWin8Pro, weWin8Enterprise, weWin8RT, weWin81, weWin81Pro, weWin81Enterprise, weWin81RT, weWin10, weWin10Home, weWin10Pro, weWin10Enterprise, weWin10Education); TNtProductType = (ptUnknown, ptWorkStation, ptServer, ptAdvancedServer, ptPersonal, ptProfessional, ptDatacenterServer, ptEnterprise, ptWebEdition); TProcessorArchitecture = (paUnknown, // unknown processor pax8632, // x86 32 bit processors (some P4, Celeron, Athlon and older) pax8664, // x86 64 bit processors (latest P4, Celeron and Athlon64) paIA64); // Itanium processors var { in case of additions, don't forget to update initialization section! } IsWin95: Boolean = False; IsWin95OSR2: Boolean = False; IsWin98: Boolean = False; IsWin98SE: Boolean = False; IsWinME: Boolean = False; IsWinNT: Boolean = False; IsWinNT3: Boolean = False; IsWinNT31: Boolean = False; IsWinNT35: Boolean = False; IsWinNT351: Boolean = False; IsWinNT4: Boolean = False; IsWin2K: Boolean = False; IsWinXP: Boolean = False; IsWin2003: Boolean = False; IsWinXP64: Boolean = False; IsWin2003R2: Boolean = False; IsWinVista: Boolean = False; IsWinServer2008: Boolean = False; IsWin7: Boolean = False; IsWinServer2008R2: Boolean = False; IsWin8: Boolean = False; IsWin8RT: Boolean = False; IsWinServer2012: Boolean = False; IsWin81: Boolean = False; IsWin81RT: Boolean = False; IsWinServer2012R2: Boolean = False; IsWin10: Boolean = False; IsWinServer2016: Boolean = False; IsWinServer2019: Boolean = False; IsWinServer: Boolean = False; IsWin11: Boolean = False; const PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL = 0; {$EXTERNALSYM PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL} PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64 = 9; {$EXTERNALSYM PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64} PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA32_ON_WIN64 = 10; {$EXTERNALSYM PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA32_ON_WIN64} PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64 = 6; {$EXTERNALSYM PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64} const Windows11InitialBuildNumber = 22000; function GetWindowsVersion: TWindowsVersion; function GetWindowsEdition: TWindowsEdition; function NtProductType: TNtProductType; function GetWindowsVersionString: string; function GetWindowsEditionString: string; function GetWindowsProductString: string; function GetWindowsProductName: string; function NtProductTypeString: string; function GetWindowsBuildNumber: Integer; function GetWindowsMajorVersionNumber: Integer; function GetWindowsMinorVersionNumber: Integer; function GetWindowsVersionNumber: string; function GetWindowsServicePackVersion: Integer; function GetWindowsServicePackVersionString: string; function GetWindowsDisplayVersion: string; function GetWindowsReleaseId: Integer; function GetWindowsReleaseName: String; function GetWindowsReleaseCodeName: String; function GetWindowsReleaseVersion: String; function GetWindows10DisplayVersion: string; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsDisplayVersion' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindows10ReleaseId: Integer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsReleaseId' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindows10ReleaseName: String; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsReleaseName' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindows10ReleaseCodeName: String; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsReleaseCodeName' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindows10ReleaseVersion: String; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsReleaseVersion' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindowsServerDisplayVersion: string; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsDisplayVersion' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindowsServerReleaseId: Integer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsReleaseId' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetWindowsServerReleaseVersion: String; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED} deprecated {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_DEPRECATED_DETAILS} 'Use GetWindowsReleaseVersion' {$ENDIF} {$ENDIF}; function GetOpenGLVersion(const Win: THandle; out Version, Vendor: AnsiString): Boolean; function GetNativeSystemInfo(var SystemInfo: TSystemInfo): Boolean; function GetProcessorArchitecture: TProcessorArchitecture; function IsWindows64: Boolean; function JclCheckWinVersion(Major, Minor: Integer): Boolean; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetOSVersionString: string; // Hardware {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetMacAddresses(const Machine: string; const Addresses: TStrings): Integer; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function ReadTimeStampCounter: Int64; {$IFDEF WIN64} {$EXTERNALSYM ReadTimeStampCounter} {$ENDIF WIN64} type TTLBInformation = (tiEntries, tiAssociativity); TCacheInformation = (ciLineSize {in Bytes}, ciLinesPerTag, ciAssociativity, ciSize); TIntelSpecific = record L2Cache: Cardinal; CacheDescriptors: array [0..15] of Byte; BrandID: Byte; FlushLineSize: Byte; APICID: Byte; ExFeatures: Cardinal; Ex64Features: Cardinal; Ex64Features2: Cardinal; PowerManagementFeatures: Cardinal; PhysicalAddressBits: Byte; VirtualAddressBits: Byte; end; TCyrixSpecific = record L1CacheInfo: array [0..3] of Byte; TLBInfo: array [0..3] of Byte; end; TAMDSpecific = packed record ExFeatures: Cardinal; ExFeatures2: Cardinal; Features2: Cardinal; BrandID: Byte; FlushLineSize: Byte; APICID: Byte; ExBrandID: Word; // do not split L1 MByte TLB L1MByteInstructionTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; L1MByteDataTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; // do not split L1 KByte TLB L1KByteInstructionTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; L1KByteDataTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; L1DataCache: array [TCacheInformation] of Byte; L1InstructionCache: array [TCacheInformation] of Byte; // do not split L2 MByte TLB L2MByteInstructionTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; // L2 TLB for 2-MByte and 4-MByte pages L2MByteDataTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; // L2 TLB for 2-MByte and 4-MByte pages // do not split L2 KByte TLB L2KByteDataTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; // L2 TLB for 4-KByte pages L2KByteInstructionTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; // L2 TLB for 4-KByte pages L2Cache: Cardinal; L3Cache: Cardinal; AdvancedPowerManagement: Cardinal; PhysicalAddressSize: Byte; VirtualAddressSize: Byte; end; TVIASpecific = record ExFeatures: Cardinal; DataTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; InstructionTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; L1DataCache: array [TCacheInformation] of Byte; L1InstructionCache: array [TCacheInformation] of Byte; L2DataCache: Cardinal; end; TTransmetaSpecific = record ExFeatures: Cardinal; DataTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; CodeTLB: array [TTLBInformation] of Byte; L1DataCache: array [TCacheInformation] of Byte; L1CodeCache: array [TCacheInformation] of Byte; L2Cache: Cardinal; RevisionABCD: Cardinal; RevisionXXXX: Cardinal; Frequency: Cardinal; CodeMorphingABCD: Cardinal; CodeMorphingXXXX: Cardinal; TransmetaFeatures: Cardinal; TransmetaInformations: array [0..64] of Char; CurrentVoltage: Cardinal; CurrentFrequency: Cardinal; CurrentPerformance: Cardinal; end; TCacheFamily = ( cfInstructionTLB, cfDataTLB, cfL1InstructionCache, cfL1DataCache, cfL2Cache, cfL2TLB, cfL3Cache, cfTrace, cfOther); TCacheInfo = record D: Byte; Family: TCacheFamily; Size: Cardinal; WaysOfAssoc: Byte; LineSize: Byte; // for Normal Cache LinePerSector: Byte; // for L3 Normal Cache Entries: Cardinal; // for TLB I: PResStringRec; end; TFreqInfo = record RawFreq: Int64; NormFreq: Int64; InCycles: Int64; ExTicks: Int64; end; const CPU_TYPE_INTEL = 1; CPU_TYPE_CYRIX = 2; CPU_TYPE_AMD = 3; CPU_TYPE_TRANSMETA = 4; CPU_TYPE_VIA = 5; type TSSESupport = (sse, sse2, sse3, ssse3, sse41, sse42, sse4A, sse5, avx); TSSESupports = set of TSSESupport; TCpuInfo = record HasInstruction: Boolean; AES: Boolean; MMX: Boolean; ExMMX: Boolean; _3DNow: Boolean; Ex3DNow: Boolean; SSE: TSSESupports; IsFDIVOK: Boolean; Is64Bits: Boolean; DEPCapable: Boolean; HasCacheInfo: Boolean; HasExtendedInfo: Boolean; PType: Byte; Family: Byte; ExtendedFamily: Byte; Model: Byte; ExtendedModel: Byte; Stepping: Byte; Features: Cardinal; FrequencyInfo: TFreqInfo; VendorIDString: array [0..11] of AnsiChar; Manufacturer: array [0..9] of AnsiChar; CpuName: array [0..47] of AnsiChar; L1DataCacheSize: Cardinal; // in kByte L1DataCacheLineSize: Byte; // in Byte L1DataCacheAssociativity: Byte; L1InstructionCacheSize: Cardinal; // in kByte L1InstructionCacheLineSize: Byte; // in Byte L1InstructionCacheAssociativity: Byte; L2CacheSize: Cardinal; // in kByte L2CacheLineSize: Byte; // in Byte L2CacheAssociativity: Byte; L3CacheSize: Cardinal; // in kByte L3CacheLineSize: Byte; // in Byte L3CacheAssociativity: Byte; L3LinesPerSector: Byte; LogicalCore: Byte; PhysicalCore: Byte; HyperThreadingTechnology: Boolean; HardwareHyperThreadingTechnology: Boolean; // todo: TLB case CpuType: Byte of CPU_TYPE_INTEL: (IntelSpecific: TIntelSpecific;); CPU_TYPE_CYRIX: (CyrixSpecific: TCyrixSpecific;); CPU_TYPE_AMD: (AMDSpecific: TAMDSpecific;); CPU_TYPE_TRANSMETA: (TransmetaSpecific: TTransmetaSpecific;); CPU_TYPE_VIA: (ViaSpecific: TViaSpecific;); end; const VendorIDIntel: array [0..11] of AnsiChar = 'GenuineIntel'; VendorIDCyrix: array [0..11] of AnsiChar = 'CyrixInstead'; VendorIDAMD: array [0..11] of AnsiChar = 'AuthenticAMD'; VendorIDTransmeta: array [0..11] of AnsiChar = 'GenuineTMx86'; VendorIDVIA: array [0..11] of AnsiChar = 'CentaurHauls'; // Constants to be used with Feature Flag set of a CPU // eg. IF (Features and FPU_FLAG = FPU_FLAG) THEN CPU has Floating-Point unit on // chip. However, Intel claims that in future models, a zero in the feature // flags will mean that the chip has that feature, however, the following flags // will work for any production 80x86 chip or clone. // eg. IF (Features and FPU_FLAG = 0) then CPU has Floating-Point unit on chip. const { 32 bits in a DWord Value } BIT_0 = $00000001; BIT_1 = $00000002; BIT_2 = $00000004; BIT_3 = $00000008; BIT_4 = $00000010; BIT_5 = $00000020; BIT_6 = $00000040; BIT_7 = $00000080; BIT_8 = $00000100; BIT_9 = $00000200; BIT_10 = $00000400; BIT_11 = $00000800; BIT_12 = $00001000; BIT_13 = $00002000; BIT_14 = $00004000; BIT_15 = $00008000; BIT_16 = $00010000; BIT_17 = $00020000; BIT_18 = $00040000; BIT_19 = $00080000; BIT_20 = $00100000; BIT_21 = $00200000; BIT_22 = $00400000; BIT_23 = $00800000; BIT_24 = $01000000; BIT_25 = $02000000; BIT_26 = $04000000; BIT_27 = $08000000; BIT_28 = $10000000; BIT_29 = $20000000; BIT_30 = $40000000; BIT_31 = DWORD($80000000); { Standard Feature Flags } FPU_FLAG = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip VME_FLAG = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention DE_FLAG = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention PSE_FLAG = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention TSC_FLAG = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter MSR_FLAG = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers PAE_FLAG = BIT_6; // Physical Address Extention MCE_FLAG = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception CX8_FLAG = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction APIC_FLAG = BIT_9; // Software-accessible local APIC on Chip BIT_10_FLAG = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value SEP_FLAG = BIT_11; // Fast System Call MTRR_FLAG = BIT_12; // Memory Type Range Registers PGE_FLAG = BIT_13; // Page Global Enable MCA_FLAG = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture CMOV_FLAG = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Instruction PAT_FLAG = BIT_16; // Page Attribute Table PSE36_FLAG = BIT_17; // 36-bit Page Size Extention PSN_FLAG = BIT_18; // Processor serial number is present and enabled CLFLSH_FLAG = BIT_19; // CLFLUSH intruction BIT_20_FLAG = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value DS_FLAG = BIT_21; // Debug store ACPI_FLAG = BIT_22; // Thermal monitor and clock control MMX_FLAG = BIT_23; // MMX technology FXSR_FLAG = BIT_24; // Fast Floating Point Save and Restore SSE_FLAG = BIT_25; // Streaming SIMD Extensions SSE2_FLAG = BIT_26; // Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 SS_FLAG = BIT_27; // Self snoop HTT_FLAG = BIT_28; // Hyper-threading technology TM_FLAG = BIT_29; // Thermal monitor BIT_30_FLAG = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value PBE_FLAG = BIT_31; // Pending Break Enable { Standard Intel Feature Flags } INTEL_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip INTEL_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention INTEL_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention INTEL_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention INTEL_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter INTEL_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers INTEL_PAE = BIT_6; // Physical Address Extention INTEL_MCE = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception INTEL_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction INTEL_APIC = BIT_9; // Software-accessible local APIC on Chip INTEL_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value INTEL_SEP = BIT_11; // Fast System Call INTEL_MTRR = BIT_12; // Memory Type Range Registers INTEL_PGE = BIT_13; // Page Global Enable INTEL_MCA = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture INTEL_CMOV = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Instruction INTEL_PAT = BIT_16; // Page Attribute Table INTEL_PSE36 = BIT_17; // 36-bit Page Size Extention INTEL_PSN = BIT_18; // Processor serial number is present and enabled INTEL_CLFLSH = BIT_19; // CLFLUSH intruction INTEL_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value INTEL_DS = BIT_21; // Debug store INTEL_ACPI = BIT_22; // Thermal monitor and clock control INTEL_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology INTEL_FXSR = BIT_24; // Fast Floating Point Save and Restore INTEL_SSE = BIT_25; // Streaming SIMD Extensions INTEL_SSE2 = BIT_26; // Streaming SIMD Extensions 2 INTEL_SS = BIT_27; // Self snoop INTEL_HTT = BIT_28; // Hyper-threading technology INTEL_TM = BIT_29; // Thermal monitor INTEL_IA64 = BIT_30; // IA32 emulation mode on Itanium processors (IA64) INTEL_PBE = BIT_31; // Pending Break Enable { Extended Intel Feature Flags } EINTEL_SSE3 = BIT_0; // Streaming SIMD Extensions 3 EINTEL_PCLMULQDQ = BIT_1; // the processor supports the PCLMULQDQ instruction EINTEL_DTES64 = BIT_2; // the processor supports DS area using 64-bit layout EINTEL_MONITOR = BIT_3; // Monitor/MWAIT EINTEL_DSCPL = BIT_4; // CPL Qualified debug Store EINTEL_VMX = BIT_5; // Virtual Machine Technology EINTEL_SMX = BIT_6; // Safer Mode Extensions EINTEL_EST = BIT_7; // Enhanced Intel Speedstep technology EINTEL_TM2 = BIT_8; // Thermal monitor 2 EINTEL_SSSE3 = BIT_9; // SSSE 3 extensions EINTEL_CNXTID = BIT_10; // L1 Context ID EINTEL_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL_FMA = BIT_12; // Fused Multiply Add EINTEL_CX16 = BIT_13; // CMPXCHG16B instruction EINTEL_XTPR = BIT_14; // Send Task Priority messages EINTEL_PDCM = BIT_15; // Perf/Debug Capability MSR EINTEL_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL_PCID = BIT_17; // Process-context Identifiers EINTEL_DCA = BIT_18; // Direct Cache Access EINTEL_SSE4_1 = BIT_19; // Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.1 EINTEL_SSE4_2 = BIT_20; // Streaming SIMD Extensions 4.2 EINTEL_X2APIC = BIT_21; // x2APIC feature EINTEL_MOVBE = BIT_22; // MOVBE instruction EINTEL_POPCNT = BIT_23; // A value of 1 indicates the processor supports the POPCNT instruction. EINTEL_TSC_DL = BIT_24; // TSC-Deadline EINTEL_AES = BIT_25; // the processor supports the AES instruction extensions EINTEL_XSAVE = BIT_26; // XSAVE/XRSTOR processor extended states feature, XSETBV/XGETBV instructions and XFEATURE_ENABLED_MASK (XCR0) register EINTEL_OSXSAVE = BIT_27; // OS has enabled features present in EINTEL_XSAVE EINTEL_AVX = BIT_28; // Advanced Vector Extensions EINTEL_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL_RDRAND = BIT_30; // the processor supports the RDRAND instruction. EINTEL_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Always return 0 { Extended Intel 64 Bits Feature Flags } EINTEL64_BIT_0 = BIT_0; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_1 = BIT_1; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_2 = BIT_2; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_3 = BIT_3; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_4 = BIT_4; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_5 = BIT_5; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_6 = BIT_6; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_7 = BIT_7; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_8 = BIT_8; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_SYS = BIT_11; // 64 Bit - SYSCALL SYSRET EINTEL64_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_XD = BIT_20; // Execution Disable Bit EINTEL64_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_1GBYTE = BIT_26; // 1G-Byte pages are available EINTEL64_RDTSCP = BIT_27; // RDTSCP and IA32_TSC_AUX are available EINTEL64_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_EM64T = BIT_29; // Intel Extended Memory 64 Technology EINTEL64_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Extended Intel 64 Bits Feature Flags continued } EINTEL64_2_LAHF = BIT_0; // LAHF/SAHF available in 64 bit mode EINTEL64_2_BIT_1 = BIT_1; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_2 = BIT_2; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_3 = BIT_3; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_4 = BIT_4; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_5 = BIT_5; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_6 = BIT_6; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_7 = BIT_7; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_8 = BIT_8; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value EINTEL64_2_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { INTEL Power Management Flags } PINTEL_TEMPSENSOR = BIT_0; // Digital temperature sensor PINTEL_TURBOBOOST = BIT_1; // Intel Turbo Boost Technology Available PINTEL_ARAT = BIT_2; // APIC-Timer-always-running feature PINTEL_BIT_3 = BIT_3; // Reverved, do not count on value PINTEL_PLN = BIT_4; // Power Limit Notification constrols PINTEL_ECMD = BIT_5; // Clock Modulation duty cycle extension PINTEL_PTM = BIT_6; // Package Thermal Management PINTEL_BIT_7 = BIT_7; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_8 = BIT_8; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value PINTEL_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { AMD Standard Feature Flags } AMD_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip AMD_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention AMD_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention AMD_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention AMD_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter AMD_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers AMD_PAE = BIT_6; // Physical address Extensions AMD_MCE = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception AMD_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction AMD_APIC = BIT_9; // Software-accessible local APIC on Chip AMD_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_SEP_BIT = BIT_11; // SYSENTER and SYSEXIT instructions AMD_MTRR = BIT_12; // Memory Type Range Registers AMD_PGE = BIT_13; // Page Global Enable AMD_MCA = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture AMD_CMOV = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Instruction AMD_PAT = BIT_16; // Page Attribute Table AMD_PSE36 = BIT_17; // Page Size Extensions AMD_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_CLFLSH = BIT_19; // CLFLUSH instruction AMD_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology AMD_FXSR = BIT_24; // FXSAVE and FXSTORE instructions AMD_SSE = BIT_25; // SSE Extensions AMD_SSE2 = BIT_26; // SSE2 Extensions AMD_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_HTT = BIT_28; // Hyper-Threading Technology AMD_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { AMD Standard Feature Flags continued } AMD2_SSE3 = BIT_0; // SSE3 extensions AMD2_PCLMULQDQ = BIT_1; // PCLMULQDQ instruction support AMD2_BIT_2 = BIT_2; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_MONITOR = BIT_3; // MONITOR/MWAIT instructions. See "MONITOR" and "MWAIT" in APM3. AMD2_BIT_4 = BIT_4; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_5 = BIT_5; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_6 = BIT_6; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_7 = BIT_7; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_8 = BIT_8; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_SSSE3 = BIT_9; // supplemental SSE3 extensions AMD2_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_FMA = BIT_12; // FMA instruction support AMD2_CMPXCHG16B = BIT_13; // CMPXCHG16B available AMD2_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_SSE41 = BIT_19; // SSE4.1 instruction support AMD2_SSE42 = BIT_20; // SSE4.2 instruction support AMD2_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_POPCNT = BIT_23; // POPCNT instruction. See "POPCNT" in APM3. AMD2_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_AES = BIT_25; // AES instruction support AMD2_XSAVE = BIT_26; // XSAVE (and related) instructions are supported by hardware AMD2_OSXSAVE = BIT_27; // XSAVE (and related) instructions are enabled AMD2_AVX = BIT_28; // AVX instruction support AMD2_F16C = BIT_29; // half-precision convert instruction support AMD2_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value AMD2_RAZ = BIT_31; // Reserved for use by hypervisor to indicate guest status { AMD Enhanced Feature Flags } EAMD_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip EAMD_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention EAMD_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention EAMD_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention EAMD_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter EAMD_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers EAMD_PAE = BIT_6; // Physical-address extensions EAMD_MCE = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception EAMD_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction EAMD_APIC = BIT_9; // Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controler EAMD_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD_SEP = BIT_11; // Fast System Call EAMD_MTRR = BIT_12; // Memory-Type Range Registers EAMD_PGE = BIT_13; // Page Global Enable EAMD_MCA = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture EAMD_CMOV = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Intructions EAMD_PAT = BIT_16; // Page Attributes Table EAMD_PSE2 = BIT_17; // Page Size Extensions EAMD_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD_NX = BIT_20; // No-Execute Page Protection EAMD_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD_EXMMX = BIT_22; // AMD Extensions to MMX technology EAMD_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology EAMD_FX = BIT_24; // FXSAVE and FXSTORE instructions EAMD_FFX = BIT_25; // Fast FXSAVE and FXSTORE instructions EAMD_1GBPAGE = BIT_26; // 1-GB large page support. EAMD_RDTSCP = BIT_27; // RDTSCP instruction. EAMD_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD_LONG = BIT_29; // Long Mode (64-bit Core) EAMD_EX3DNOW = BIT_30; // AMD Extensions to 3DNow! intructions EAMD_3DNOW = BIT_31; // AMD 3DNOW! Technology { AMD Extended Feature Flags continued } EAMD2_LAHF = BIT_0; // LAHF/SAHF available in 64-bit mode EAMD2_CMPLEGACY = BIT_1; // core multi-processing legacy mode EAMD2_SVM = BIT_2; // Secure Virtual Machine EAMD2_EXTAPICSPACE = BIT_3; // This bit indicates the presence of extended APIC register space starting at offset 400h from the “APIC Base Address Register,” as specified in the BKDG. EAMD2_ALTMOVCR8 = BIT_4; // LOCK MOV CR0 means MOV CR8 EAMD2_ABM = BIT_5; // ABM: Advanced bit manipulation. LZCNT instruction support. EAMD2_SSE4A = BIT_6; // EXTRQ, INSERTQ, MOVNTSS, and MOVNTSD instruction support. EAMD2_MISALIGNSSE = BIT_7; // Misaligned SSE mode. EAMD2_3DNOWPREFETCH = BIT_8; // PREFETCH and PREFETCHW instruction support. EAMD2_OSVW = BIT_9; // OS visible workaround. EAMD2_IBS = BIT_10; // Instruction based sampling EAMD2_XOP = BIT_11; // extended operation support EAMD2_SKINIT = BIT_12; // SKINIT, STGI, and DEV support. EAMD2_WDT = BIT_13; // Watchdog timer support. EAMD2_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_LWP = BIT_15; // lightweight profiling support EAMD2_FMA4 = BIT_16; // 4-operand FMA instruction support. EAMD2_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_NODEID = BIT_19; // Support for MSRC001_100C[NodeId, NodesPerProcessor] EAMD2_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_TBM = BIT_21; // trailing bit manipulation instruction support EAMD2_TOPOLOGYEXT = BIT_22; // topology extensions support EAMD2_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value EAMD2_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { AMD Power Management Features Flags } PAMD_TEMPSENSOR = BIT_0; // Temperature Sensor PAMD_FREQUENCYID = BIT_1; // Frequency ID Control PAMD_VOLTAGEID = BIT_2; // Voltage ID Control PAMD_THERMALTRIP = BIT_3; // Thermal Trip PAMD_THERMALMONITOR = BIT_4; // Thermal Monitoring PAMD_BIT_5 = BIT_5; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_100MHZSTEP = BIT_6; // 100 Mhz multiplier control. PAMD_HWPSTATE = BIT_7; // Hardware P-State control. PAMD_TSC_INVARIANT = BIT_8; // TSC rate is invariant PAMD_CPB = BIT_9; // core performance boost PAMD_EFFFREQRO = BIT_10; // read-only effective frequency interface PAMD_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value PAMD_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { AMD TLB and L1 Associativity constants } AMD_ASSOC_RESERVED = 0; AMD_ASSOC_DIRECT = 1; // 2 to 254 = direct value to the associativity AMD_ASSOC_FULLY = 255; { AMD L2 Cache Associativity constants } AMD_L2_ASSOC_DISABLED = 0; AMD_L2_ASSOC_DIRECT = 1; AMD_L2_ASSOC_2WAY = 2; AMD_L2_ASSOC_4WAY = 4; AMD_L2_ASSOC_8WAY = 6; AMD_L2_ASSOC_16WAY = 8; AMD_L2_ASSOC_32WAY = 10; AMD_L2_ASSOC_48WAY = 11; AMD_L2_ASSOC_64WAY = 12; AMD_L2_ASSOC_96WAY = 13; AMD_L2_ASSOC_128WAY = 14; AMD_L2_ASSOC_FULLY = 15; // TODO AMD SVM and LWP bits { VIA Standard Feature Flags } VIA_FPU = BIT_0; // FPU present VIA_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extension VIA_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging extensions VIA_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extensions (4MB) VIA_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter VIA_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers VIA_PAE = BIT_6; // Physical Address Extension VIA_MCE = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception VIA_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8B instruction VIA_APIC = BIT_9; // APIC supported VIA_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_SEP = BIT_11; // Fast System Call VIA_MTRR = BIT_12; // Memory Range Registers VIA_PTE = BIT_13; // PTE Global Bit VIA_MCA = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture VIA_CMOVE = BIT_15; // Conditional Move VIA_PAT = BIT_16; // Page Attribute Table VIA_PSE2 = BIT_17; // 36-bit Page Size Extension VIA_SNUM = BIT_18; // Processor serial number VIA_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX VIA_FX = BIT_24; // FXSAVE and FXSTORE instructions VIA_SSE = BIT_25; // Streaming SIMD Extension VIA_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value VIA_3DNOW = BIT_31; // 3DNow! Technology { VIA Extended Feature Flags } EVIA_AIS = BIT_0; // Alternate Instruction Set EVIA_AISE = BIT_1; // Alternate Instruction Set Enabled EVIA_NO_RNG = BIT_2; // NO Random Number Generator EVIA_RNGE = BIT_3; // Random Number Generator Enabled EVIA_MSR = BIT_4; // Longhaul MSR 0x110A available EVIA_FEMMS = BIT_5; // FEMMS instruction Present EVIA_NO_ACE = BIT_6; // Advanced Cryptography Engine NOT Present EVIA_ACEE = BIT_7; // ACE Enabled EVIA_BIT_8 = BIT_8; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value EVIA_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Cyrix Standard Feature Flags } CYRIX_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip CYRIX_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention CYRIX_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention CYRIX_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention CYRIX_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter CYRIX_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers CYRIX_PAE = BIT_6; // Physical Address Extention CYRIX_MCE = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception CYRIX_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction CYRIX_APIC = BIT_9; // Software-accessible local APIC on Chip CYRIX_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_MTRR = BIT_12; // Memory Type Range Registers CYRIX_PGE = BIT_13; // Page Global Enable CYRIX_MCA = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture CYRIX_CMOV = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Instruction CYRIX_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology CYRIX_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value CYRIX_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Cyrix Enhanced Feature Flags } ECYRIX_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip ECYRIX_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention ECYRIX_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention ECYRIX_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention ECYRIX_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter ECYRIX_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers ECYRIX_PAE = BIT_6; // Physical Address Extention ECYRIX_MCE = BIT_7; // Machine Check Exception ECYRIX_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction ECYRIX_APIC = BIT_9; // Software-accessible local APIC on Chip ECYRIX_SEP = BIT_10; // Fast System Call ECYRIX_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_MTRR = BIT_12; // Memory Type Range Registers ECYRIX_PGE = BIT_13; // Page Global Enable ECYRIX_MCA = BIT_14; // Machine Check Architecture ECYRIX_ICMOV = BIT_15; // Integer Conditional Move Instruction ECYRIX_FCMOV = BIT_16; // Floating Point Conditional Move Instruction ECYRIX_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology ECYRIX_EMMX = BIT_24; // Extended MMX Technology ECYRIX_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value ECYRIX_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Transmeta Features } TRANSMETA_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip TRANSMETA_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention TRANSMETA_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention TRANSMETA_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention TRANSMETA_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter TRANSMETA_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers TRANSMETA_BIT_6 = BIT_6; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_7 = BIT_7; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction TRANSMETA_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_SEP = BIT_11; // Fast system Call Extensions TRANSMETA_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_CMOV = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Instruction TRANSMETA_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_PSN = BIT_18; // Processor Serial Number TRANSMETA_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology TRANSMETA_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value TRANSMETA_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Extended Transmeta Features } ETRANSMETA_FPU = BIT_0; // Floating-Point unit on chip ETRANSMETA_VME = BIT_1; // Virtual Mode Extention ETRANSMETA_DE = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention ETRANSMETA_PSE = BIT_3; // Page Size Extention ETRANSMETA_TSC = BIT_4; // Time Stamp Counter ETRANSMETA_MSR = BIT_5; // Model Specific Registers ETRANSMETA_BIT_6 = BIT_6; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_7 = BIT_7; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_CX8 = BIT_8; // CMPXCHG8 Instruction ETRANSMETA_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_CMOV = BIT_15; // Conditional Move Instruction ETRANSMETA_FCMOV = BIT_16; // Float Conditional Move Instruction ETRANSMETA_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_MMX = BIT_23; // MMX technology ETRANSMETA_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value ETRANSMETA_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Transmeta Specific Features } STRANSMETA_RECOVERY = BIT_0; // Recovery Mode STRANSMETA_LONGRUN = BIT_1; // Long Run STRANSMETA_BIT_2 = BIT_2; // Debugging Extention STRANSMETA_LRTI = BIT_3; // Long Run Table Interface STRANSMETA_BIT_4 = BIT_4; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_5 = BIT_5; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_6 = BIT_6; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_PTTI1 = BIT_7; // Persistent Translation Technology 1.x STRANSMETA_PTTI2 = BIT_8; // Persistent Translation Technology 2.0 STRANSMETA_BIT_9 = BIT_9; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_10 = BIT_10; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_11 = BIT_11; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_12 = BIT_12; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_13 = BIT_13; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_14 = BIT_14; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_15 = BIT_15; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_16 = BIT_16; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_17 = BIT_17; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_18 = BIT_18; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_19 = BIT_19; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_20 = BIT_20; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_21 = BIT_21; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_22 = BIT_22; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_23 = BIT_23; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_24 = BIT_24; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_25 = BIT_25; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_26 = BIT_26; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_27 = BIT_27; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_28 = BIT_28; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_29 = BIT_29; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_30 = BIT_30; // Reserved, do not count on value STRANSMETA_BIT_31 = BIT_31; // Reserved, do not count on value { Constants of bits of the MXCSR register - Intel and AMD processors that support SSE instructions} MXCSR_IE = BIT_0; // Invalid Operation flag MXCSR_DE = BIT_1; // Denormal flag MXCSR_ZE = BIT_2; // Divide by Zero flag MXCSR_OE = BIT_3; // Overflow flag MXCSR_UE = BIT_4; // Underflow flag MXCSR_PE = BIT_5; // Precision flag MXCSR_DAZ = BIT_6; // Denormal are Zero flag MXCSR_IM = BIT_7; // Invalid Operation mask MXCSR_DM = BIT_8; // Denormal mask MXCSR_ZM = BIT_9; // Divide by Zero mask MXCSR_OM = BIT_10; // Overflow mask MXCSR_UM = BIT_11; // Underflow mask MXCSR_PM = BIT_12; // Precision mask MXCSR_RC1 = BIT_13; // Rounding control, bit 1 MXCSR_RC2 = BIT_14; // Rounding control, bit 2 MXCSR_RC = MXCSR_RC1 or MXCSR_RC2; // Rounding control MXCSR_FZ = BIT_15; // Flush to Zero const IntelCacheDescription: array [0..102] of TCacheInfo = ( (D: $00; Family: cfOther; Size: 0; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr00), (D: $01; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 32; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr01), (D: $02; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 2; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr02), (D: $03; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 64; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr03), (D: $04; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 8; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr04), (D: $05; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 32; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr05), (D: $06; Family: cfL1InstructionCache; Size: 8; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr06), (D: $08; Family: cfL1InstructionCache; Size: 16; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr08), (D: $09; Family: cfL1InstructionCache; Size: 32; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr09), (D: $0A; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 8; WaysOfAssoc: 2; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr0A), (D: $0B; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 4; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr0B), (D: $0C; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 16; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr0C), (D: $0D; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 16; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr0D), (D: $0E; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 24; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr0E), (D: $21; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 256; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr21), (D: $22; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr22), (D: $23; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr23), (D: $25; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr25), (D: $29; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr29), (D: $2C; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 32; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr2C), (D: $30; Family: cfL1InstructionCache; Size: 32; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr30), (D: $39; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 128; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr39), (D: $3A; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 192; WaysOfAssoc: 6; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr3A), (D: $3B; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 128; WaysOfAssoc: 2; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr3B), (D: $3C; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 256; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr3C), (D: $3D; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 384; WaysOfAssoc: 6; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr3D), (D: $3E; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr3E), (D: $40; Family: cfOther; Size: 0; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr40), (D: $41; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 128; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr41), (D: $42; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 256; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr42), (D: $43; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr43), (D: $44; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr44), (D: $45; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr45), (D: $46; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr46), (D: $47; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 8192; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr47), (D: $48; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 3072; WaysOfAssoc: 12; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr48), (D: $49; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 16; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr49), (D: $4A; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 6144; WaysOfAssoc: 12; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr4A), (D: $4B; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 8192; WaysOfAssoc: 16; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr4B), (D: $4C; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 12288; WaysOfAssoc: 12; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr4C), (D: $4D; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 16384; WaysOfAssoc: 16; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr4D), (D: $4E; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 6144; WaysOfAssoc: 24; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr4E), (D: $4F; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 32; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr4F), (D: $50; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 64; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr50), (D: $51; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 128; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr51), (D: $52; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 256; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr52), (D: $55; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 7; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr55), (D: $56; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 16; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr56), (D: $57; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 16; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr57), (D: $59; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 16; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr59), (D: $5A; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 32; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr5A), (D: $5B; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 64; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr5B), (D: $5C; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 128; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr5C), (D: $5D; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 256; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr5D), (D: $60; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 16; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr60), (D: $66; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 8; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr66), (D: $67; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 16; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr67), (D: $68; Family: cfL1DataCache; Size: 32; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr68), (D: $70; Family: cfTrace; Size: 12; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr70), (D: $71; Family: cfTrace; Size: 16; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr71), (D: $72; Family: cfTrace; Size: 32; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr72), (D: $73; Family: cfTrace; Size: 64; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr73), (D: $76; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 8; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr76), (D: $78; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr78), (D: $79; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 128; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr79), (D: $7A; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 256; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr7A), (D: $7B; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr7B), (D: $7C; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 2; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr7C), (D: $7D; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr7D), (D: $7F; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 2; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr7F), (D: $80; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr80), (D: $82; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 256; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr82), (D: $83; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr83), (D: $84; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr84), (D: $85; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 32; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr85), (D: $86; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr86), (D: $87; Family: cfL2Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescr87), (D: $B0; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 128; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrB0), (D: $B1; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 8; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrB1), (D: $B2; Family: cfInstructionTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 64; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrB2), (D: $B3; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 128; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrB3), (D: $B4; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 256; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrB4), (D: $BA; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 64; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrBA), (D: $C0; Family: cfDataTLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 8; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrC0), (D: $CA; Family: cfL2TLB; Size: 4; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 512; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrCA), (D: $D0; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 512; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrD0), (D: $D1; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrD1), (D: $D2; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 4; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrD2), (D: $D6; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 1024; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrD6), (D: $D7; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrD7), (D: $D8; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 8; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrD8), (D: $DC; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 1536; WaysOfAssoc: 12; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrDC), (D: $DD; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 3072; WaysOfAssoc: 12; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrDD), (D: $DE; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 6144; WaysOfAssoc: 12; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrDE), (D: $E2; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 2048; WaysOfAssoc: 16; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrE2), (D: $E3; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 4096; WaysOfAssoc: 16; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrE3), (D: $E4; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 8192; WaysOfAssoc: 16; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrE4), (D: $EA; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 12288; WaysOfAssoc: 24; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrEA), (D: $EB; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 18432; WaysOfAssoc: 24; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrEB), (D: $EC; Family: cfL3Cache; Size: 24576; WaysOfAssoc: 24; LineSize: 64; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrEC), (D: $F0; Family: cfOther; Size: 0; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrF0), (D: $F1; Family: cfOther; Size: 0; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrF1), (D: $FF; Family: cfOther; Size: 0; WaysOfAssoc: 0; LineSize: 0; LinePerSector: 0; Entries: 0; I: @RsIntelCacheDescrFF) ); procedure GetCpuInfo(var CpuInfo: TCpuInfo); function GetIntelCacheDescription(const D: Byte): string; function RoundFrequency(const Frequency: Integer): Integer; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean; type TOSEnabledFeature = (oefFPU, oefSSE, oefAVX); TOSEnabledFeatures = set of TOSEnabledFeature; function GetOSEnabledFeatures: TOSEnabledFeatures; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function CPUID: TCpuInfo; function TestFDIVInstruction: Boolean; // Memory Information {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetMaxAppAddress: TJclAddr; function GetMinAppAddress: TJclAddr; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetMemoryLoad: Byte; function GetSwapFileSize: Int64; function GetSwapFileUsage: Byte; function GetTotalPhysicalMemory: Int64; function GetFreePhysicalMemory: Int64; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetTotalPageFileMemory: Int64; function GetFreePageFileMemory: Int64; function GetTotalVirtualMemory: Int64; function GetFreeVirtualMemory: Int64; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} // Alloc granularity procedure RoundToAllocGranularity64(var Value: Int64; Up: Boolean); procedure RoundToAllocGranularityPtr(var Value: Pointer; Up: Boolean); {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} // Keyboard Information function GetKeyState(const VirtualKey: Cardinal): Boolean; function GetNumLockKeyState: Boolean; function GetScrollLockKeyState: Boolean; function GetCapsLockKeyState: Boolean; // Windows 95/98/Me system resources information type TFreeSysResKind = (rtSystem, rtGdi, rtUser); TFreeSystemResources = record SystemRes: Integer; GdiRes: Integer; UserRes: Integer; end; function IsSystemResourcesMeterPresent: Boolean; function GetFreeSystemResources(const ResourceType: TFreeSysResKind): Integer; overload; function GetFreeSystemResources: TFreeSystemResources; overload; function GetBPP: Cardinal; // Installed programs information function ProgIDExists(const ProgID: string): Boolean; function IsWordInstalled: Boolean; function IsExcelInstalled: Boolean; function IsAccessInstalled: Boolean; function IsPowerPointInstalled: Boolean; function IsFrontPageInstalled: Boolean; function IsOutlookInstalled: Boolean; function IsInternetExplorerInstalled: Boolean; function IsMSProjectInstalled: Boolean; function IsOpenOfficeInstalled: Boolean; function IsLibreOfficeInstalled: Boolean; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} // Public global variables var ProcessorCount: Cardinal = 0; AllocGranularity: Cardinal = 0; PageSize: Cardinal = 0; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} const UnitVersioning: TUnitVersionInfo = ( RCSfile: '$URL$'; Revision: '$Revision$'; Date: '$Date$'; LogPath: 'JCL\source\common'; Extra: ''; Data: nil ); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} implementation uses {$IFDEF HAS_UNITSCOPE} System.SysUtils, System.Math, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Winapi.Messages, Winapi.Winsock, Snmp, {$IFDEF FPC} JwaTlHelp32, JwaPsApi, {$ELSE ~FPC} Winapi.TLHelp32, Winapi.PsApi, JclShell, {$ENDIF ~FPC} JclRegistry, JclWin32, {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$ELSE ~HAS_UNITSCOPE} SysUtils, Math, {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Messages, Winsock, Snmp, {$IFDEF FPC} JwaTlHelp32, JwaPsApi, {$ELSE ~FPC} TLHelp32, PsApi, JclShell, {$ENDIF ~FPC} JclRegistry, JclWin32, {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF ~HAS_UNITSCOPE} Jcl8087, JclIniFiles, JclSysUtils, JclFileUtils, JclAnsiStrings, JclStrings; {$IFDEF FPC} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function PidlToPath(IdList: PItemIdList): string; begin SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH); if SHGetPathFromIdList(IdList, PChar(Result)) then StrResetLength(Result) else Result := ''; end; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- function GetSpecialFolderLocation(const Folder: Integer): string; var FolderPidl: PItemIdList; begin FolderPidl := nil; if Succeeded(SHGetSpecialFolderLocation(0, Folder, FolderPidl)) then begin try Result := PidlToPath(FolderPidl); finally CoTaskMemFree(FolderPidl); end; end else Result := ''; end; //---------------------------------------------------------------------------- {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$ENDIF FPC} //=== Registry helpers ======================================================= const HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_WINDOWS = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion'; HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_NT = 'SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion'; function RegReadHklmKeyStringValue(const Key, Name: string; Def: string; ForceNative: boolean = false): string; var LastAccessMode: TJclRegWOW64Access; begin if ForceNative then begin LastAccessMode := RegGetWOW64AccessMode; try RegSetWOW64AccessMode(raNative); Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, Name, Def); finally RegSetWOW64AccessMode(LastAccessMode); end; end else Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, Name, Def); end; function RegReadHklmKeyIntegerValue(const Key, Name: string; Def: Integer; ForceNative: boolean = false): Integer; var LastAccessMode: TJclRegWOW64Access; begin if ForceNative then begin LastAccessMode := RegGetWOW64AccessMode; try RegSetWOW64AccessMode(raNative); Result := RegReadIntegerDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, Name, Def); finally RegSetWOW64AccessMode(LastAccessMode); end; end else Result := RegReadIntegerDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Key, Name, Def); end; function ReadWindowsCurrentVersionStringValue(const Name: string; Def: string; ForceNative: boolean = false): string; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := RegReadHklmKeyStringValue(HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_WINDOWS, Name, Def, ForceNative); end; function ReadWindowsCurrentVersionIntegerValue(const Name: string; Def: Integer; ForceNative: boolean = false): Integer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := RegReadHklmKeyIntegerValue(HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_WINDOWS, Name, Def, ForceNative); end; function ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue(const Name: string; Def: string; ForceNative: boolean = false): string; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := RegReadHklmKeyStringValue(HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_NT, Name, Def, ForceNative); end; function ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionIntegerValue(const Name: string; Def: Integer; ForceNative: boolean = false): Integer; {$IFDEF SUPPORTS_INLINE} inline; {$ENDIF} begin Result := RegReadHklmKeyIntegerValue(HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_NT, Name, Def, ForceNative); end; //=== Environment ============================================================ function DelEnvironmentVar(const Name: string): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF UNIX} UnSetEnv(PChar(Name)); Result := True; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(Name), nil); {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end; function ExpandEnvironmentVar(var Value: string): Boolean; {$IFDEF UNIX} begin Result := True; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var R: Integer; Expanded: string; begin SetLength(Expanded, 1); R := ExpandEnvironmentStrings(PChar(Value), PChar(Expanded), 0); SetLength(Expanded, R); Result := ExpandEnvironmentStrings(PChar(Value), PChar(Expanded), R) <> 0; if Result then begin StrResetLength(Expanded); Value := Expanded; end; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function ExpandEnvironmentVarCustom(var Value: string; Vars: TStrings): Boolean; function FindClosingBrace(const R: string; var Position: Integer): Boolean; var Index, Len, BraceCount: Integer; Quotes: string; begin Len := Length(R); BraceCount := 0; Quotes := ''; while (Position <= Len) do begin // handle quotes first if (R[Position] = NativeSingleQuote) then begin Index := JclStrings.CharPos(Quotes, NativeSingleQuote); if Index >= 0 then SetLength(Quotes, Index - 1) else Quotes := Quotes + NativeSingleQuote; end; if (R[Position] = NativeDoubleQuote) then begin Index := JclStrings.CharPos(Quotes, NativeDoubleQuote); if Index >= 0 then SetLength(Quotes, Index - 1) else Quotes := Quotes + NativeDoubleQuote; end; if (R[Position] = '`') then begin Index := JclStrings.CharPos(Quotes, '`'); if Index >= 0 then SetLength(Quotes, Index - 1) else Quotes := Quotes + '`'; end; if Quotes = '' then begin if R[Position] = ')' then begin Dec(BraceCount); if BraceCount = 0 then Break; end else if R[Position] = '(' then Inc(BraceCount); end; Inc(Position); end; Result := Position <= Len; // Delphi XE's CodeGear.Delphi.Targets has a bug where the closing paran is missing // "'$(DelphiWin32DebugDCUPath'!=''". But it is still a valid string and not worth // an exception. // // if Position > Len then // raise EJclMsBuildError.CreateResFmt(@RsEEndOfString, [S]); end; var Start, Position: Integer; PropertyName, PropertyValue: string; begin Result := True; repeat // start with the last match in order to convert $(some$(other)) // evaluate properties Start := StrLastPos('$(', Value); if Start > 0 then begin Position := Start; if not FindClosingBrace(Value, Position) then Break; PropertyName := Copy(Value, Start + 2, Position - Start - 2); PropertyValue := Vars.Values[PropertyName]; if PropertyValue <> '' then StrReplace(Value, Copy(Value, Start, Position - Start + 1), // $(PropertyName) PropertyValue, [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]) else begin Result := False; Start := 0; end; end; until Start = 0; end; {$IFDEF UNIX} function GetEnvironmentVar(const Name: string; var Value: string): Boolean; begin Value := getenv(PChar(Name)); Result := Value <> ''; end; function GetEnvironmentVar(const Name: string; var Value: string; Expand: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := GetEnvironmentVar(Name, Value); // Expand is there just for x-platform compatibility end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetEnvironmentVar(const Name: string; out Value: string): Boolean; begin Result := GetEnvironmentVar(Name, Value, True); end; function GetEnvironmentVar(const Name: string; out Value: string; Expand: Boolean): Boolean; var R: DWORD; begin R := {$IFDEF HAS_UNITSCOPE}Winapi.{$ENDIF}Windows.GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(Name), nil, 0); SetLength(Value, R); R := {$IFDEF HAS_UNITSCOPE}Winapi.{$ENDIF}Windows.GetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(Name), PChar(Value), R); Result := R <> 0; if not Result then Value := '' else begin SetLength(Value, R); if Expand then ExpandEnvironmentVar(Value); end; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF LINUX} function GetEnvironmentVars(const Vars: TStrings): Boolean; var P: PPChar; begin Vars.BeginUpdate; try Vars.Clear; P := System.envp; Result := P <> nil; while (P <> nil) and (P^ <> nil) do begin Vars.Add(P^); Inc(P); end; finally Vars.EndUpdate; end; end; function GetEnvironmentVars(const Vars: TStrings; Expand: Boolean): Boolean; begin Result := GetEnvironmentVars(Vars); // Expand is there just for x-platform compatibility end; {$ENDIF LINUX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetEnvironmentVars(const Vars: TStrings): Boolean; begin Result := GetEnvironmentVars(Vars, True); end; function GetEnvironmentVars(const Vars: TStrings; Expand: Boolean): Boolean; var Raw: PChar; Expanded: string; I: Integer; begin Vars.BeginUpdate; try Vars.Clear; Raw := GetEnvironmentStrings; try MultiSzToStrings(Vars, Raw); Result := True; finally FreeEnvironmentStrings(Raw); end; if Expand then begin for I := 0 to Vars.Count - 1 do begin Expanded := Vars[I]; if ExpandEnvironmentVar(Expanded) then Vars[I] := Expanded; end; end; finally Vars.EndUpdate; end; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function SetEnvironmentVar(const Name, Value: string): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF UNIX} SetEnv(PChar(Name), PChar(Value), 1); Result := True; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(Name), PChar(Value)); {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function CreateEnvironmentBlock(const Options: TEnvironmentOptions; const AdditionalVars: TStrings): PChar; const RegLocalEnvironment = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\Environment'; RegUserEnvironment = '\Environment\'; var KeyNames, TempList: TStrings; Temp, Name, Value: string; I: Integer; begin TempList := TStringList.Create; try // add additional environment variables if eoAdditional in Options then for I := 0 to AdditionalVars.Count - 1 do begin Temp := AdditionalVars[I]; ExpandEnvironmentVar(Temp); TempList.Add(Temp); end; // get environment strings from local machine if eoLocalMachine in Options then begin KeyNames := TStringList.Create; try if RegGetValueNames(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegLocalEnvironment, KeyNames) then begin for I := 0 to KeyNames.Count - 1 do begin Name := KeyNames[I]; Value := RegReadString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegLocalEnvironment, Name); ExpandEnvironmentVar(Value); TempList.Add(Name + '=' + Value); end; end; finally FreeAndNil(KeyNames); end; end; // get environment strings from current user if eoCurrentUser in Options then begin KeyNames := TStringLIst.Create; try if RegGetValueNames(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RegUserEnvironment, KeyNames) then begin for I := 0 to KeyNames.Count - 1 do begin Name := KeyNames[I]; Value := RegReadString(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, RegUserEnvironment, Name); ExpandEnvironmentVar(Value); TempList.Add(Name + '=' + Value); end; end; finally KeyNames.Free; end; end; // transform stringlist into multi-PChar Result := nil; StringsToMultiSz(Result, TempList); finally FreeAndNil(TempList); end; end; // frees an environment block allocated by CreateEnvironmentBlock and // sets Env to nil procedure DestroyEnvironmentBlock(var Env: PChar); begin FreeMultiSz(Env); end; procedure SetGlobalEnvironmentVariable(VariableName, VariableContent: string); const cEnvironment = 'Environment'; begin if VariableName = '' then Exit; if VariableContent = '' then begin RegDeleteEntry(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cEnvironment, VariableName); SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(VariableName), nil); end else begin RegWriteString(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, cEnvironment, VariableName, VariableContent); SetEnvironmentVariable(PChar(VariableName), PChar(VariableContent)); end; SendMessage(HWND_BROADCAST, WM_SETTINGCHANGE, 0, LPARAM(PChar(cEnvironment))); end; //=== Common Folders ========================================================= { TODO : Check for documented solution } function GetCommonFilesFolder: string; begin // Don't use 'ReadCurrentVersionStringValue' with 'ForceNative' access here, // as we want the platform (x86/x64) specific common folder. Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_WINDOWS, 'CommonFilesDir', ''); end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetCurrentFolder: string; {$IFDEF UNIX} const InitialSize = 64; var Size: Integer; begin Size := InitialSize; while True do begin SetLength(Result, Size); if getcwd(PChar(Result), Size) <> nil then begin StrResetLength(Result); Exit; end; {$IFDEF FPC} if GetLastOSError <> ERANGE then {$ELSE ~FPC} if GetLastError <> ERANGE then {$ENDIF ~FPC} RaiseLastOSError; Size := Size * 2; end; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var Required: Cardinal; begin Result := ''; Required := GetCurrentDirectory(0, nil); if Required <> 0 then begin SetLength(Result, Required); GetCurrentDirectory(Required, PChar(Result)); StrResetLength(Result); end; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} { TODO : Check for documented solution } function GetProgramFilesFolder: string; begin // Don't use 'ReadCurrentVersionStringValue' with 'ForceNative' access here, // as we want the platform (x86/x64) specific common folder. Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_WINDOWS, 'ProgramFilesDir', ''); end; { TODO : Check for documented solution } function GetWindowsFolder: string; var Required: Cardinal; begin Result := ''; Required := GetWindowsDirectory(nil, 0); if Required <> 0 then begin SetLength(Result, Required); GetWindowsDirectory(PChar(Result), Required); StrResetLength(Result); end; end; { TODO : Check for documented solution } function GetWindowsSystemFolder: string; var Required: Cardinal; begin Result := ''; Required := GetSystemDirectory(nil, 0); if Required <> 0 then begin SetLength(Result, Required); GetSystemDirectory(PChar(Result), Required); StrResetLength(Result); end; end; function GetWindowsTempFolder: string; begin Result := PathRemoveSeparator(PathGetTempPath); end; function GetDesktopFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_DESKTOP); end; { TODO : Check GetProgramsFolder = GetProgramFilesFolder } function GetProgramsFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_PROGRAMS); end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetPersonalFolder: string; begin {$IFDEF UNIX} Result := GetEnvironmentVariable('HOME'); {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_PERSONAL); {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetFavoritesFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_FAVORITES); end; function GetStartupFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_STARTUP); end; function GetRecentFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_RECENT); end; function GetSendToFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_SENDTO); end; function GetStartmenuFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_STARTMENU); end; function GetDesktopDirectoryFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_DESKTOPDIRECTORY); end; function GetCommonDocumentsFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS); end; function GetNethoodFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_NETHOOD); end; function GetFontsFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_FONTS); end; function GetCommonStartmenuFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_STARTMENU); end; function GetCommonProgramsFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_PROGRAMS); end; function GetCommonStartupFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_STARTUP); end; function GetCommonDesktopdirectoryFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_DESKTOPDIRECTORY); end; function GetCommonAppdataFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_APPDATA); end; function GetAppdataFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_APPDATA); end; function GetLocalAppData: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA); end; function GetPrinthoodFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_PRINTHOOD); end; function GetCommonFavoritesFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COMMON_FAVORITES); end; function GetTemplatesFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_TEMPLATES); end; function GetInternetCacheFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_INTERNET_CACHE); end; function GetCookiesFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_COOKIES); end; function GetHistoryFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_HISTORY); end; function GetProfileFolder: string; begin Result := GetSpecialFolderLocation(CSIDL_PROFILE); end; // the following special folders are pure virtual and cannot be // mapped to a directory path: // CSIDL_INTERNET // CSIDL_CONTROLS // CSIDL_PRINTERS // CSIDL_BITBUCKET // CSIDL_DRIVES // CSIDL_NETWORK // CSIDL_ALTSTARTUP // CSIDL_COMMON_ALTSTARTUP // Identification type TVolumeInfoKind = (vikName, vikSerial, vikFileSystem); function GetVolumeInfoHelper(const Drive: string; InfoKind: TVolumeInfoKind): string; var VolumeSerialNumber: DWORD; MaximumComponentLength: DWORD; Flags: DWORD; Name: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; FileSystem: array [0..15] of Char; ErrorMode: Cardinal; DriveStr: string; begin { TODO : Change to RootPath } { TODO : Perform better checking of Drive param or document that no checking is performed. RM Suggested: DriveStr := Drive; if (Length(Drive) < 2) or (Drive[2] <> ':') then DriveStr := GetCurrentFolder; DriveStr := DriveStr[1] + ':\'; } Result := ''; DriveStr := Drive + ':\'; ErrorMode := SetErrorMode(SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); try Flags := 0; MaximumComponentLength := 0; if GetVolumeInformation(PChar(DriveStr), Name, Length(Name), @VolumeSerialNumber, MaximumComponentLength, Flags, FileSystem, Length(FileSystem)) then case InfoKind of vikName: Result := StrPas(Name); vikSerial: begin Result := IntToHex(HiWord(VolumeSerialNumber), 4) + '-' + IntToHex(LoWord(VolumeSerialNumber), 4); end; vikFileSystem: Result := StrPas(FileSystem); end; finally SetErrorMode(ErrorMode); end; end; function GetVolumeName(const Drive: string): string; begin Result := GetVolumeInfoHelper(Drive, vikName); end; function GetVolumeSerialNumber(const Drive: string): string; begin Result := GetVolumeInfoHelper(Drive, vikSerial); end; function GetVolumeFileSystem(const Drive: string): string; begin Result := GetVolumeInfoHelper(Drive, vikFileSystem); end; { TODO -cHelp : Donator (incl. TFileSystemFlag[s]): Robert Rossmair } function GetVolumeFileSystemFlags(const Volume: string): TFileSystemFlags; const FileSystemFlags: array [TFileSystemFlag] of DWORD = ( FILE_CASE_SENSITIVE_SEARCH, // fsCaseSensitive FILE_CASE_PRESERVED_NAMES, // fsCasePreservedNames FILE_UNICODE_ON_DISK, // fsSupportsUnicodeOnDisk FILE_PERSISTENT_ACLS, // fsPersistentACLs FILE_FILE_COMPRESSION, // fsSupportsFileCompression FILE_VOLUME_QUOTAS, // fsSupportsVolumeQuotas FILE_SUPPORTS_SPARSE_FILES, // fsSupportsSparseFiles FILE_SUPPORTS_REPARSE_POINTS, // fsSupportsReparsePoints FILE_SUPPORTS_REMOTE_STORAGE, // fsSupportsRemoteStorage FILE_VOLUME_IS_COMPRESSED, // fsVolumeIsCompressed FILE_SUPPORTS_OBJECT_IDS, // fsSupportsObjectIds FILE_SUPPORTS_ENCRYPTION, // fsSupportsEncryption FILE_NAMED_STREAMS, // fsSupportsNamedStreams FILE_READ_ONLY_VOLUME // fsVolumeIsReadOnly ); var MaximumComponentLength, Flags: Cardinal; Flag: TFileSystemFlag; begin Flags := 0; MaximumComponentLength := 0; if not GetVolumeInformation(PChar(PathAddSeparator(Volume)), nil, 0, nil, MaximumComponentLength, Flags, nil, 0) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := []; for Flag := Low(TFileSystemFlag) to High(TFileSystemFlag) do if (Flags and FileSystemFlags[Flag]) <> 0 then Include(Result, Flag); end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} { TODO -cDoc: Contributor: twm } function GetIPAddress(const HostName: string): string; var {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} R: Integer; WSAData: TWSAData; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} HostEnt: PHostEnt; Host: AnsiString; SockAddr: TSockAddrIn; begin Result := ''; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} WSAData.wVersion := 0; R := WSAStartup(MakeWord(1, 1), WSAData); if R = 0 then try {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} Host := AnsiString(HostName); if Host = '' then begin SetLength(Host, MAX_PATH); GetHostName(PAnsiChar(Host), MAX_PATH); end; HostEnt := GetHostByName(PAnsiChar(Host)); if HostEnt <> nil then begin SockAddr.sin_addr.S_addr := Longint(PLongint(HostEnt^.h_addr_list^)^); Result := string(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(SockAddr.sin_addr))); end; {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} finally WSACleanup; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end; { TODO -cDoc: Donator: twm } {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} procedure GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings); begin GetIpAddresses(Results, ''); end; procedure GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings; const HostName: AnsiString); type TaPInAddr = array[0..10] of PInAddr; PaPInAddr = ^TaPInAddr; var R: Integer; HostEnt: PHostEnt; pptr: PaPInAddr; Host: AnsiString; i: Integer; WSAData: TWSAData; begin //need a socket for ioctl() WSAData.wVersion := 0; R := WSAStartup(MakeWord(1, 1), WSAData); if R = 0 then begin try if HostName = '' then begin SetLength(Host, MAX_PATH); GetHostName(PAnsiChar(Host), MAX_PATH); end else Host := HostName; HostEnt := GetHostByName(PAnsiChar(Host)); if HostEnt <> nil then begin pPtr := PaPInAddr(HostEnt^.h_addr_list); i := 0; while pPtr^[I] <> nil do begin Results.Add(string(AnsiString(inet_ntoa(pptr^[i]^)))); // OF AnsiString to TStrings Inc(i); end; end; finally WSACleanup; end; end; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF UNIX} { TODO -cDoc: Donator: twm, Contributor rrossmair } // Returns all IP addresses of the local machine in the form // = (which allows for access to the interface names // by means of Results.Names and the addresses through Results.Values) // // Example: // // lo= // eth0= // ppp0= // // note that this will append to Results! // procedure GetIpAddresses(Results: TStrings); var Sock: Integer; IfReq: TIfReq; SockAddrPtr: PSockAddrIn; ListSave, IfList: PIfNameIndex; begin //need a socket for ioctl() Sock := socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if Sock < 0 then RaiseLastOSError; try //returns pointer to dynamically allocated list of structs ListSave := if_nameindex(); try IfList := ListSave; //walk thru the array returned and query for each //interface's address while IfList^.if_index <> 0 do begin //copy in the interface name to look up address of {$IFDEF FPC} strncpy(IfReq.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, IfList^.if_name, IFNAMSIZ); {$ELSE ~FPC} strncpy(IfReq.ifrn_name, IfList^.if_name, IFNAMSIZ); {$ENDIF ~FPC} //get the address for this interface if ioctl(Sock, SIOCGIFADDR, @IfReq) <> 0 then RaiseLastOSError; //print out the address {$IFDEF FPC} SockAddrPtr := PSockAddrIn(@IfReq.ifr_ifru.ifru_addr); Results.Add(Format('%s=%s', [IfReq.ifr_ifrn.ifrn_name, inet_ntoa(SockAddrPtr^.sin_addr)])); {$ELSE ~FPC} SockAddrPtr := PSockAddrIn(@IfReq.ifru_addr); Results.Add(Format('%s=%s', [IfReq.ifrn_name, inet_ntoa(SockAddrPtr^.sin_addr)])); {$ENDIF ~FPC} Inc(IfList); end; finally //free the dynamic memory kernel allocated for us if_freenameindex(ListSave); end; finally Libc.__close(Sock) end; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} function GetLocalComputerName: string; {$IFDEF LINUX} var MachineInfo: utsname; begin uname(MachineInfo); Result := MachineInfo.nodename; end; {$ENDIF LINUX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var Count: DWORD; Buf: array[0..MAX_PATH] of Char; begin Count := Length(Buf) - 1; // GetComputerName can return a string larger than MAX_COMPUTERNAME_LENGTH which was the NetBios limit. // The Windows 10 allows to enter 260 (MAX_PATH) chars computer name's field. if GetComputerName(Buf, Count) then SetString(Result, Buf, Count) else Result := ''; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetLocalUserName: string; {$IFDEF UNIX} begin Result := GetEnv('USER'); end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var Count: DWORD; begin Count := 256 + 1; // UNLEN + 1 // set buffer size to 256 + 2 characters { TODO : Win2k solution } SetLength(Result, Count); if GetUserName(PChar(Result), Count) then StrResetLength(Result) else Result := ''; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetRegisteredCompany: string; begin { TODO : check for MSDN documentation } if IsWinNT then Result := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('RegisteredOrganization', '', True) else Result := ReadWindowsCurrentVersionStringValue('RegisteredOrganization', '', True); end; function GetRegisteredOwner: string; begin { TODO : check for MSDN documentation } if IsWinNT then Result := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('RegisteredOwner', '', True) else Result := ReadWindowsCurrentVersionStringValue('RegisteredOwner', '', True); end; { TODO: Check supported platforms, maybe complete rewrite } function GetUserDomainName(const CurUser: string): string; var Count1, Count2: DWORD; Sd: PSID; // PSecurityDescriptor; // FPC requires PSID Snu: SID_Name_Use; begin Count1 := 0; Count2 := 0; Sd := nil; Snu := SIDTypeUser; Result := ''; LookUpAccountName(nil, PChar(CurUser), Sd, Count1, PChar(Result), Count2, Snu); // set buffer size to Count2 + 2 characters for safety SetLength(Result, Count2 + 1); Sd := AllocMem(Count1); try if LookUpAccountName(nil, PChar(CurUser), Sd, Count1, PChar(Result), Count2, Snu) then StrResetLength(Result) else Result := EmptyStr; finally FreeMem(Sd); end; end; function GetWorkGroupName: WideString; var WkstaInfo: PByte; WkstaInfo100: PWKSTA_INFO_100; begin if NetWkstaGetInfo(nil, 100, WkstaInfo) <> NERR_Success then raise EJclWin32Error.CreateRes(@RsENetWkstaGetInfo); WkstaInfo100 := PWKSTA_INFO_100(WkstaInfo); Result := WideString(PWideChar(WkstaInfo100^.wki100_langroup)); NetApiBufferFree(Pointer(WkstaInfo)); end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetDomainName: string; {$IFDEF UNIX} var MachineInfo: utsname; begin uname(MachineInfo); Result := MachineInfo.domainname; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} //091123 HA Use LookupAccountSid to fetch the current users domain ... //begin // Result := GetUserDomainName(GetLocalUserName); //end; var hProcess, hAccessToken: THandle; InfoBuffer: PChar; AccountName: array [0..UNLEN] of Char; DomainName: array [0..UNLEN] of Char; InfoBufferSize: Cardinal; AccountSize: Cardinal; DomainSize: Cardinal; snu: SID_NAME_USE; begin InfoBufferSize := 1000; AccountSize := Length(AccountName); DomainSize := Length(DomainName); hProcess := GetCurrentProcess; if OpenProcessToken(hProcess, TOKEN_READ, hAccessToken) then try GetMem(InfoBuffer, InfoBufferSize); try if GetTokenInformation(hAccessToken, TokenUser, InfoBuffer, InfoBufferSize, InfoBufferSize) then LookupAccountSid(nil, PSIDAndAttributes(InfoBuffer)^.sid, AccountName, AccountSize, DomainName, DomainSize, snu) else RaiseLastOSError; finally FreeMem(InfoBuffer) end; Result := DomainName; finally CloseHandle(hAccessToken); end end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} // Reference: How to Obtain BIOS Information from the Registry // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q195268 function GetBIOSName: string; const Win9xBIOSInfoKey = 'Enum\Root\*PNP0C01\0000'; begin if IsWinNT then Result := '' else Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Win9xBIOSInfoKey, 'BIOSName', ''); end; function GetBIOSCopyright: string; const ADR_BIOSCOPYRIGHT = $FE091; begin Result := ''; if not IsWinNT and not IsBadReadPtr(Pointer(ADR_BIOSCOPYRIGHT), 2) then try Result := string(AnsiString(PAnsiChar(ADR_BIOSCOPYRIGHT))); except Result := ''; end; end; function GetBIOSExtendedInfo: string; const ADR_BIOSEXTENDEDINFO = $FEC71; begin Result := ''; if not IsWinNT and not IsBadReadPtr(Pointer(ADR_BIOSEXTENDEDINFO), 2) then try Result := string(AnsiString(PAnsiChar(ADR_BIOSEXTENDEDINFO))); except Result := ''; end; end; // Reference: How to Obtain BIOS Information from the Registry // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;q195268 { TODO : the date string can be e.g. 00/00/00 } function GetBIOSDate: TDateTime; const WinNT_REG_PATH = 'HARDWARE\DESCRIPTION\System'; WinNT_REG_KEY = 'SystemBiosDate'; Win9x_REG_PATH = 'Enum\Root\*PNP0C01\0000'; Win9x_REG_KEY = 'BiosDate'; var RegStr: string; {$IFDEF RTL150_UP} FormatSettings: TFormatSettings; {$ELSE ~RTL150_UP} RegFormat: string; RegSeparator: Char; {$ENDIF ~RTL150_UP} begin if IsWinNT then RegStr := RegReadString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, WinNT_REG_PATH, WinNT_REG_KEY) else RegStr := RegReadString(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, Win9x_REG_PATH, Win9x_REG_KEY); {$IFDEF RTL150_UP} FillChar(FormatSettings, SizeOf(FormatSettings), 0); FormatSettings.DateSeparator := '/'; FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat := 'm/d/y'; if not TryStrToDate(RegStr, Result, FormatSettings) then begin FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat := 'y/m/d'; if not TryStrToDate(RegStr, Result, FormatSettings) then Result := 0; end; {$ELSE ~RTL150_UP} Result := 0; { TODO : change to a threadsafe solution } RegFormat := ShortDateFormat; RegSeparator := DateSeparator; try DateSeparator := '/'; try ShortDateFormat := 'm/d/y'; Result := StrToDate(RegStr); except try ShortDateFormat := 'y/m/d'; Result := StrToDate(RegStr); except end; end; finally ShortDateFormat := RegFormat; DateSeparator := RegSeparator; end; {$ENDIF ~RTL150_UP} end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} //=== Processes, Tasks and Modules =========================================== {$IFDEF UNIX} const CommLen = 16; // synchronize with size of comm in struct task_struct in // /usr/include/linux/sched.h SProcDirectory = '/proc'; function RunningProcessesList(const List: TStrings; FullPath: Boolean): Boolean; var ProcDir: PDirectoryStream; PtrDirEnt: PDirEnt; Scratch: TDirEnt; ProcID: __pid_t; E: Integer; FileName: string; F: PIOFile; begin Result := False; ProcDir := opendir(SProcDirectory); if ProcDir <> nil then begin PtrDirEnt := nil; {$IFDEF FPC} if readdir_r(ProcDir, @Scratch, @PtrDirEnt) <> 0 then Exit; {$ELSE ~FPC} if readdir_r(ProcDir, @Scratch, PtrDirEnt) <> 0 then Exit; {$ENDIF ~FPC} List.BeginUpdate; try while PtrDirEnt <> nil do begin Val(PtrDirEnt^.d_name, ProcID, E); if E = 0 then // name was process id begin FileName := ''; if FullPath then FileName := SymbolicLinkTarget(Format('/proc/%s/exe', [PtrDirEnt^.d_name])); if FileName = '' then // usually due to insufficient access rights begin // read stat FileName := Format('/proc/%s/stat', [PtrDirEnt^.d_name]); F := fopen(PChar(FileName), 'r'); if F = nil then raise EJclError.CreateResFmt(@RsInvalidProcessID, [ProcID]); try SetLength(FileName, CommLen); if fscanf(F, PChar(Format('%%*d (%%%d[^)])', [CommLen])), PChar(FileName)) <> 1 then RaiseLastOSError; StrResetLength(FileName); finally fclose(F); end; end; List.AddObject(FileName, Pointer(ProcID)); end; {$IFDEF FPC} if readdir_r(ProcDir, @Scratch, @PtrDirEnt) <> 0 then Break; {$ELSE ~FPC} if readdir_r(ProcDir, @Scratch, PtrDirEnt) <> 0 then Break; {$ENDIF ~FPC} end; finally List.EndUpdate; end; end; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function RunningProcessesList(const List: TStrings; FullPath: Boolean): Boolean; // This function always returns an empty string on Win9x function ProcessFileName(PID: DWORD): string; var Handle: THandle; begin Result := ''; Handle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, PID); if Handle <> 0 then try SetLength(Result, MAX_PATH); if FullPath then begin if GetModuleFileNameEx(Handle, 0, PChar(Result), MAX_PATH) > 0 then StrResetLength(Result) else Result := ''; end else begin if GetModuleBaseName(Handle, 0, PChar(Result), MAX_PATH) > 0 then StrResetLength(Result) else Result := ''; end; finally CloseHandle(Handle); end; end; { TODO: Check return value of CreateToolhelp32Snapshot on Windows NT (0?) } function BuildListTH: Boolean; var SnapProcHandle: THandle; ProcEntry: TProcessEntry32; NextProc: Boolean; FileName: string; Win2kOrNewer: Boolean; begin SnapProcHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPPROCESS, 0); Result := (SnapProcHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if Result then try Win2kOrNewer := JclCheckWinVersion(5, 0); // Win2k or newer ProcEntry.dwSize := SizeOf(ProcEntry); NextProc := Process32First(SnapProcHandle, ProcEntry); while NextProc do begin if ProcEntry.th32ProcessID = 0 then begin // PID 0 is always the "System Idle Process" but this name cannot be // retrieved from the system and has to be fabricated. FileName := LoadResString(@RsSystemIdleProcess); end else begin if Win2kOrNewer then begin FileName := ProcessFileName(ProcEntry.th32ProcessID); if FileName = '' then FileName := ProcEntry.szExeFile; end else begin FileName := ProcEntry.szExeFile; if not FullPath then FileName := ExtractFileName(FileName); end; end; List.AddObject(FileName, Pointer(ProcEntry.th32ProcessID)); NextProc := Process32Next(SnapProcHandle, ProcEntry); end; finally CloseHandle(SnapProcHandle); end; end; function BuildListPS: Boolean; var PIDs: array [0..1024] of DWORD; Needed: DWORD; I: Integer; FileName: string; begin Needed := 0; Result := EnumProcesses(@PIDs, SizeOf(PIDs), Needed); if Result then begin for I := 0 to (Needed div SizeOf(DWORD)) - 1 do begin case PIDs[I] of 0: // PID 0 is always the "System Idle Process" but this name cannot be // retrieved from the system and has to be fabricated. FileName := LoadResString(@RsSystemIdleProcess); 2: // On NT 4 PID 2 is the "System Process" but this name cannot be // retrieved from the system and has to be fabricated. if IsWinNT4 then FileName := LoadResString(@RsSystemProcess) else FileName := ProcessFileName(PIDs[I]); 8: // On Win2K PID 8 is the "System Process" but this name cannot be // retrieved from the system and has to be fabricated. if IsWin2k or IsWinXP then FileName := LoadResString(@RsSystemProcess) else FileName := ProcessFileName(PIDs[I]); else FileName := ProcessFileName(PIDs[I]); end; if FileName <> '' then List.AddObject(FileName, Pointer(PIDs[I])); end; end; end; begin { TODO : safer solution? } List.BeginUpdate; try if GetWindowsVersion in [wvWinNT31, wvWinNT35, wvWinNT351, wvWinNT4] then Result := BuildListPS else Result := BuildListTH; finally List.EndUpdate; end; end; { TODO Windows 9x ? } function LoadedModulesList(const List: TStrings; ProcessID: DWORD; HandlesOnly: Boolean): Boolean; procedure AddToList(ProcessHandle: THandle; Module: HMODULE); var FileName: array [0..MAX_PATH] of Char; ModuleInfo: TModuleInfo; begin ModuleInfo.EntryPoint := nil; {$IFDEF FPC} if GetModuleInformation(ProcessHandle, Module, ModuleInfo, SizeOf(ModuleInfo)) then {$ELSE ~FPC} if GetModuleInformation(ProcessHandle, Module, @ModuleInfo, SizeOf(ModuleInfo)) then {$ENDIF ~FPC} begin if HandlesOnly then List.AddObject('', Pointer(ModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll)) else if GetModuleFileNameEx(ProcessHandle, Module, Filename, Length(Filename)) > 0 then List.AddObject(FileName, Pointer(ModuleInfo.lpBaseOfDll)); end; end; function EnumModulesVQ(ProcessHandle: THandle): Boolean; var MemInfo: TMemoryBasicInformation; Base: PChar; LastAllocBase, LastBase: Pointer; Res: DWORD; begin Base := nil; LastAllocBase := nil; ResetMemory(MemInfo, SizeOf(MemInfo)); Res := VirtualQueryEx(ProcessHandle, Base, MemInfo, SizeOf(MemInfo)); Result := (Res = SizeOf(MemInfo)); while Res = SizeOf(MemInfo) do begin if MemInfo.AllocationBase <> LastAllocBase then begin {$IFDEF FPC} if MemInfo._Type = MEM_IMAGE then {$ELSE ~FPC} if MemInfo.Type_9 = MEM_IMAGE then {$ENDIF ~FPC} AddToList(ProcessHandle, HMODULE(MemInfo.AllocationBase)); LastAllocBase := MemInfo.AllocationBase; end; LastBase := Base; Inc(Base, MemInfo.RegionSize); if Base < LastBase then // WINE returns some questionable RegionSize values causing an infinite loop Break; Res := VirtualQueryEx(ProcessHandle, Base, MemInfo, SizeOf(MemInfo)); end; end; function EnumModulesPS: Boolean; var ProcessHandle: THandle; Needed: DWORD; Modules: array of THandle; I, Cnt: Integer; begin Result := False; ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(PROCESS_QUERY_INFORMATION or PROCESS_VM_READ, False, ProcessID); if ProcessHandle <> 0 then try Needed := 0; Result := EnumProcessModules(ProcessHandle, nil, 0, Needed); if Result then begin Cnt := Needed div SizeOf(HMODULE); SetLength(Modules, Cnt); if EnumProcessModules(ProcessHandle, @Modules[0], Needed, Needed) then for I := 0 to Cnt - 1 do AddToList(ProcessHandle, Modules[I]); end else Result := EnumModulesVQ(ProcessHandle); finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; { TODO: Check return value of CreateToolhelp32Snapshot on Windows NT (0?) } function EnumModulesTH: Boolean; var SnapProcHandle: THandle; Module: TModuleEntry32; Next: Boolean; begin SnapProcHandle := CreateToolhelp32Snapshot(TH32CS_SNAPMODULE, ProcessID); Result := (SnapProcHandle <> INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); if Result then try ResetMemory(Module, SizeOf(Module)); Module.dwSize := SizeOf(Module); Next := Module32First(SnapProcHandle, Module); while Next do begin if HandlesOnly then List.AddObject('', Pointer(Module.hModule)) else List.AddObject(Module.szExePath, Pointer(Module.hModule)); Next := Module32Next(SnapProcHandle, Module); end; finally CloseHandle(SnapProcHandle); end; end; begin List.BeginUpdate; try if IsWinNT then Result := EnumModulesPS else Result := EnumModulesTH; finally List.EndUpdate; end; end; function EnumTaskWindowsProc(Wnd: THandle; List: TStrings): Boolean; stdcall; var Caption: array [0..1024] of Char; begin if IsMainAppWindow(Wnd) and (GetWindowText(Wnd, Caption, Length(Caption)) > 0) then List.AddObject(Caption, Pointer(Wnd)); Result := True; end; function GetTasksList(const List: TStrings): Boolean; begin List.BeginUpdate; try Result := EnumWindows(@EnumTaskWindowsProc, LPARAM(List)); finally List.EndUpdate; end; end; function ModuleFromAddr(const Addr: Pointer): HMODULE; var MI: TMemoryBasicInformation; begin if (VirtualQuery(Addr, MI, SizeOf(MI)) = SizeOf(MI)) and (MI.State = MEM_COMMIT) then Result := HMODULE(MI.AllocationBase) else Result := 0; end; function IsSystemModule(const Module: HMODULE): Boolean; var CurModule: PLibModule; begin Result := False; if Module <> 0 then begin CurModule := LibModuleList; while CurModule <> nil do begin if CurModule.Instance = Module then begin Result := True; Break; end; CurModule := CurModule.Next; end; end; end; // Cache for the slow VirtualQuery calls // // BeginModuleFromAddrCache; // try // Module := CachedModuleFromAddr(Address); // ... // finally // EndModuleFromAddrCache; // end; type PModuleAddrSize = ^TModuleAddrSize; TModuleAddrSize = record BaseAddress: TJclAddr; Size: SizeInt; Module: HMODULE; end; TModuleAddrSizeList = class(TList) public Counter: Integer; LastAccessIndex: Integer; end; // The main module (EXE) and the module that contains the JclSysInfo unit can be // cached once for all Begin/EndModuleFromAddrCache blocks. var MainModuleAddrSize, InstanceModuleAddrSize: TModuleAddrSize; threadvar ModuleAddrSize: TModuleAddrSizeList; procedure BeginModuleFromAddrCache; const ModuleCodeOffset = $1000; var List: TModuleAddrSizeList; MainModule: HMODULE; P: PModuleAddrSize; begin List := ModuleAddrSize; if List = nil then begin List := TModuleAddrSizeList.Create; List.Counter := 1; List.LastAccessIndex := -1; ModuleAddrSize := List; // Query the module addresses for the main module and JclSysInfo's module and // add them to the list. MainModule := 0; if MainModuleAddrSize.Module = 0 then begin MainModule := GetModuleHandle(nil); CachedModuleFromAddr(Pointer(MainModule + ModuleCodeOffset)); if List.Count = 1 then begin // If JclSysInfo is in the main module then we can skip this if MainModule <> HInstance then begin CachedModuleFromAddr(Pointer(HInstance + ModuleCodeOffset)); if List.Count = 2 then InstanceModuleAddrSize := PModuleAddrSize(List[1])^; end; MainModuleAddrSize := PModuleAddrSize(List[0])^; List.LastAccessIndex := -1; end; end; if (MainModule = 0) and (MainModuleAddrSize.Module <> 0) then begin New(P); P^ := MainModuleAddrSize; List.Add(P); if InstanceModuleAddrSize.Module <> 0 then begin New(P); P^ := InstanceModuleAddrSize; List.Add(P); end; end; end else Inc(List.Counter); end; procedure EndModuleFromAddrCache; var List: TModuleAddrSizeList; I: Integer; begin List := ModuleAddrSize; if List <> nil then begin Dec(List.Counter); if List.Counter = 0 then begin for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do Dispose(PModuleAddrSize(List[I])); List.Free; ModuleAddrSize := nil; end; end; end; function CachedModuleFromAddr(const Addr: Pointer): HMODULE; var P: PModuleAddrSize; List: TModuleAddrSizeList; I, LastAccessIndex: Integer; MI: TMemoryBasicInformation; begin List := ModuleAddrSize; if List = nil then begin Result := ModuleFromAddr(Addr); Exit; end; LastAccessIndex := List.LastAccessIndex; if LastAccessIndex <> -1 then begin P := List[LastAccessIndex]; if (P.BaseAddress <= TJclAddr(Addr)) and (TJclAddr(Addr) < P.BaseAddress + TJclAddr(P.Size)) then begin Result := P.Module; Exit; end; end; for I := 0 to List.Count - 1 do begin P := List[I]; if (P.BaseAddress <= TJclAddr(Addr)) and (TJclAddr(Addr) < P.BaseAddress + TJclAddr(P.Size)) then begin List.LastAccessIndex := I; Result := P.Module; Exit; end; end; if (VirtualQuery(Addr, MI, SizeOf(MI)) = SizeOf(MI)) and (MI.State = MEM_COMMIT) then begin New(P); P.Module := HMODULE(MI.AllocationBase); P.BaseAddress := TJclAddr(MI.BaseAddress); P.Size := MI.RegionSize; List.LastAccessIndex := List.Add(P); Result := HMODULE(MI.AllocationBase); end else Result := 0; end; // Reference: http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/periodic/period97/win321197.htm { TODO : wrong link } function IsMainAppWindow(Wnd: THandle): Boolean; var ParentWnd: THandle; ExStyle: DWORD; begin if IsWindowVisible(Wnd) then begin ParentWnd := THandle(GetWindowLongPtr(Wnd, GWLP_HWNDPARENT)); ExStyle := GetWindowLong(Wnd, GWL_EXSTYLE); Result := ((ParentWnd = 0) or (ParentWnd = GetDesktopWindow)) and ((ExStyle and WS_EX_TOOLWINDOW = 0) or (ExStyle and WS_EX_APPWINDOW <> 0)); end else Result := False; end; function IsWindowResponding(Wnd: THandle; Timeout: Integer): Boolean; var Res: DWORD; begin Res := 0; Result := SendMessageTimeout(Wnd, WM_NULL, 0, 0, SMTO_ABORTIFHUNG, Timeout, {$IFDEF RTL230_UP}@{$ENDIF}Res) <> 0; end; function GetWindowIcon(Wnd: THandle; LargeIcon: Boolean): HICON; var Width, Height: Integer; TempIcon: HICON; IconType: DWORD; begin if LargeIcon then begin Width := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON); Height := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON); IconType := ICON_BIG; TempIcon := GetClassLong(Wnd, GCL_HICON); end else begin Width := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON); Height := GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON); IconType := ICON_SMALL; TempIcon := GetClassLong(Wnd, GCL_HICONSM); end; if TempIcon = 0 then TempIcon := SendMessage(Wnd, WM_GETICON, IconType, 0); if (TempIcon = 0) and not LargeIcon then TempIcon := SendMessage(Wnd, WM_GETICON, ICON_BIG, 0); Result := CopyImage(TempIcon, IMAGE_ICON, Width, Height, 0); end; function GetWindowCaption(Wnd: THandle): string; var Buffer: string; Size: Integer; begin Size := GetWindowTextLength(Wnd); if Size = 0 then Size := 1; // always allocate at least one byte, otherwise PChar(Buffer) returns nil SetLength(Buffer, Size); // strings always have an additional null character Size := GetWindowText(Wnd, PChar(Buffer), Size + 1); Result := Copy(Buffer, 1, Size); end; // Q178893 // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;178893 function EnumTerminateAppWindowsProc(Wnd: THandle; ProcessID: DWORD): Boolean; stdcall; var PID: DWORD; begin GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @PID); if ProcessID = PID then PostMessage(Wnd, WM_CLOSE, 0, 0); Result := True; end; function TerminateApp(ProcessID: DWORD; Timeout: Integer): TJclTerminateAppResult; var ProcessHandle: THandle; begin Result := taError; if ProcessID <> GetCurrentProcessId then begin ProcessHandle := OpenProcess(SYNCHRONIZE or PROCESS_TERMINATE, False, ProcessID); if ProcessHandle <> 0 then try EnumWindows(@EnumTerminateAppWindowsProc, LPARAM(ProcessID)); if WaitForSingleObject(ProcessHandle, Timeout) = WAIT_OBJECT_0 then Result := taClean else if TerminateProcess(ProcessHandle, 0) then Result := taKill; finally CloseHandle(ProcessHandle); end; end; end; function TerminateTask(Wnd: THandle; Timeout: Integer): TJclTerminateAppResult; var PID: DWORD; begin if GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @PID) <> 0 then Result := TerminateApp(PID, Timeout) else Result := taError; end; function GetProcessNameFromWnd(Wnd: THandle): string; var List: TStringList; PID: THandle; I: Integer; begin Result := ''; if IsWindow(Wnd) then begin PID := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @PID); List := TStringList.Create; try if RunningProcessesList(List, True) then begin I := List.IndexOfObject(Pointer(PID)); if I > -1 then Result := List[I]; end; finally List.Free; end; end; end; function GetPidFromProcessName(const ProcessName: string): THandle; var List: TStringList; I: Integer; HasFullPath: Boolean; begin Result := INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; List := TStringList.Create; try HasFullPath := ExtractFilePath(ProcessName) <> ''; if RunningProcessesList(List, HasFullPath) then begin I := List.IndexOf(ProcessName); if I > -1 then Result := DWORD(List.Objects[I]); end; finally List.Free; end; end; function GetProcessNameFromPid(PID: DWORD): string; var List: TStringList; I: Integer; begin // Note: there are other ways to retrieve the name of the process given it's // PID but this implementation seems to work best without making assumptions // although it may not be the most efficient implementation. Result := ''; List := TStringList.Create; try if RunningProcessesList(List, True) then begin I := List.IndexOfObject(Pointer(PID)); if I > -1 then Result := List[I]; end; finally List.Free; end; end; type PSearch = ^TSearch; TSearch = record PID: DWORD; Wnd: THandle; end; function EnumMainAppWindowsProc(Wnd: THandle; Res: PSearch): Boolean; stdcall; var WindowPid: DWORD; begin WindowPid := 0; GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @WindowPid); if (WindowPid = Res^.PID) and IsMainAppWindow(Wnd) then begin Res^.Wnd := Wnd; Result := False; end else Result := True; end; function GetMainAppWndFromPid(PID: DWORD): THandle; var SearchRec: TSearch; begin SearchRec.PID := PID; SearchRec.Wnd := 0; EnumWindows(@EnumMainAppWindowsProc, LPARAM(@SearchRec)); Result := SearchRec.Wnd; end; type PEnumWndStruct = ^TEnumWndStruct; TEnumWndStruct = record PID: DWORD; WndClassName: string; ResultWnd: HWND; end; function EnumPidWinProc(Wnd: HWND; Enum: PEnumWndStruct): BOOL; stdcall; var PID: DWORD; C: PChar; CLen: Integer; begin Result := True; GetWindowThreadProcessId(Wnd, @PID); if (PID = Enum.PID) then begin CLen := Length(Enum.WndClassName)+1; C := StrAlloc(CLen); if (GetClassName(Wnd, C, CLen) > 0) then if (C = Enum.WndClassName) then begin Result := False; Enum.ResultWnd := Wnd; end; StrDispose(C); end; end; function GetWndFromPid(PID: DWORD; const WindowClassName: string): HWND; var EnumWndStruct: TEnumWndStruct; begin EnumWndStruct.PID := PID; EnumWndStruct.WndClassName := WindowClassName; EnumWndStruct.ResultWnd := 0; EnumWindows(@EnumPidWinProc, LPARAM(@EnumWndStruct)); Result := EnumWndStruct.ResultWnd; end; function GetShellProcessName: string; const cShellKey = HKLM_CURRENT_VERSION_NT + '\WinLogon'; cShellValue = 'Shell'; cShellDefault = 'explorer.exe'; cShellSystemIniFileName = 'system.ini'; cShellBootSection = 'boot'; begin if IsWinNT then Result := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, cShellKey, cShellValue, '') else Result := IniReadString(PathAddSeparator(GetWindowsFolder) + cShellSystemIniFileName, cShellBootSection, cShellValue); if Result = '' then Result := cShellDefault; end; function GetShellProcessHandle: THandle; var Pid: Longword; begin Pid := GetPidFromProcessName(GetShellProcessName); Result := OpenProcess(PROCESS_ALL_ACCESS, False, Pid); if Result = 0 then RaiseLastOSError; end; //=== Version Information ==================================================== { Q159/238 Windows 95 retail, OEM 4.00.950 7/11/95 Windows 95 retail SP1 4.00.950A 7/11/95-12/31/95 OEM Service Release 2 4.00.1111* (4.00.950B) 8/24/96 OEM Service Release 2.1 4.03.1212-1214* (4.00.950B) 8/24/96-8/27/97 OEM Service Release 2.5 4.03.1214* (4.00.950C) 8/24/96-11/18/97 Windows 98 retail, OEM 4.10.1998 5/11/98 Windows 98 Second Edition 4.10.2222A 4/23/99 Windows Millennium 4.90.3000 } { TODO : Distinquish between all these different releases? } var KernelVersionHi: DWORD; function GetWindowsVersion: TWindowsVersion; var TrimmedWin32CSDVersion: string; SystemInfo: TSystemInfo; OSVersionInfoEx: TOSVersionInfoEx; Win32MajorVersionEx, Win32MinorVersionEx, WindowsReleaseId: integer; ProductName: string; const SM_SERVERR2 = 89; begin Win32MajorVersionEx := -1; Win32MinorVersionEx := -1; Result := wvUnknown; TrimmedWin32CSDVersion := Trim(Win32CSDVersion); case Win32Platform of VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS: case Win32MinorVersion of 0..9: if (TrimmedWin32CSDVersion = 'B') or (TrimmedWin32CSDVersion = 'C') then Result := wvWin95OSR2 else Result := wvWin95; 10..89: // On Windows ME Win32MinorVersion can be 10 (indicating Windows 98 // under certain circumstances (image name is setup.exe). Checking // the kernel version is one way of working around that. if KernelVersionHi = $0004005A then // 4.90.x.x Result := wvWinME else if (TrimmedWin32CSDVersion = 'A') or (TrimmedWin32CSDVersion = 'B') then Result := wvWin98SE else Result := wvWin98; 90: Result := wvWinME; end; VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT: case Win32MajorVersion of 3: case Win32MinorVersion of 1: Result := wvWinNT31; 5: Result := wvWinNT35; 51: Result := wvWinNT351; end; 4: Result := wvWinNT4; 5: case Win32MinorVersion of 0: Result := wvWin2000; 1: Result := wvWinXP; 2: begin OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); SystemInfo.dwOemId := 0; GetNativeSystemInfo(SystemInfo); if GetSystemMetrics(SM_SERVERR2) <> 0 then Result := wvWin2003R2 else if (SystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture <> PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL) and GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := wvWinXP64 else Result := wvWin2003; end; end; 6: begin // Starting with Windows 8.1, the GetVersion(Ex) API is deprecated and will detect the // application as Windows 8 (kernel version 6.2) until an application manifest is included // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn302074.aspx if Win32MinorVersion = 2 then begin ProductName := GetWindowsProductName; if (Pos(RsOSVersionWin81, ProductName) = 1) or (Pos(RsOSVersionWinServer2012R2, ProductName) = 1) then Win32MinorVersionEx := 3 // Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012R2 else if (Pos(RsOSVersionWin8, ProductName) = 1) or (Pos(RsOSVersionWinServer2012, ProductName) = 1) then Win32MinorVersionEx := 2 // Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 else begin Win32MajorVersionEx := GetWindowsMajorVersionNumber; if Win32MajorVersionEx = 6 then Win32MinorVersionEx := 4 // Windows 10 (builds < 9926) and Windows Server 2016 (builds < 10074) else if Win32MajorVersionEx = 10 then Win32MinorVersionEx := -1 // Windows 10 (builds >= 9926) and Windows Server 2016/2019 (builds >= 10074), set to -1 to escape case block else Win32MinorVersionEx := Win32MinorVersion; end; end else Win32MinorVersionEx := Win32MinorVersion; case Win32MinorVersionEx of 0: begin // Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008 OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := wvWinVista else Result := wvWinServer2008; end; 1: begin // Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := wvWin7 else Result := wvWinServer2008R2; end; 2: begin // Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := wvWin8 else Result := wvWinServer2012; end; 3: begin // Windows 8.1 and Windows Server 2012 R2 OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := wvWin81 else Result := wvWinServer2012R2; end; 4: begin // Windows 10 (builds < 9926) and Windows Server 2016 (builds < 10074) OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := wvWin10 else Result := wvWinServer2016; end; end; end; 10: begin // Windows 10 if manifest is present Win32MajorVersionEx := Win32MajorVersion; Win32MinorVersionEx := Win32MinorVersion; end; end; end; // This part will only be hit with Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and beyond where an application manifest is not included if (Win32MajorVersionEx >= 10) then begin case Win32MajorVersionEx of 10: begin if (Win32MinorVersionEx = -1) then Win32MinorVersionEx := GetWindowsMinorVersionNumber; case Win32MinorVersionEx of 0: begin // Windows 10 (builds >= 9926), Windows Server 2016 (builds >= 10074) and beyond OSVersionInfoEx.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfoEx); if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfoEx) and (OSVersionInfoEx.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then begin if GetWindowsBuildNumber >= Windows11InitialBuildNumber then Result := wvWin11 else Result := wvWin10 end else begin WindowsReleaseId := StrToIntDef(ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('ReleaseId', '0'), -1); case WindowsReleaseId of 1607: Result := wvWinServer2016; 1809: Result := wvWinServer2019; else Result := wvWinServer; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; end; function GetWindowsEdition: TWindowsEdition; var Edition: string; begin Result := weUnknown; Edition := GetWindowsProductName; // Remove (tm) in 'Windows (TM) Vista Ultimate' Edition := StringReplace(Edition, '(TM) ', '', [rfReplaceAll, rfIgnoreCase]); if Pos('Windows XP', Edition) = 1 then begin // Windows XP Editions if Pos('Home Edition N', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPHomeN else if Pos('Professional N', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPProN else if Pos('Home Edition K', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPHomeK else if Pos('Professional K', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPProK else if Pos('Home Edition KN', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPHomeKN else if Pos('Professional KN', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPProKN else if Pos('Home', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPHome else if Pos('Professional', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPPro else if Pos('Starter', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPStarter else if Pos('Media Center', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPMediaCenter else if Pos('Tablet', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinXPTablet; end else if (Pos('Windows Vista', Edition) = 1) then begin // Windows Vista Editions if Pos('Starter', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaStarter else if Pos('Home Basic N', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaHomeBasicN else if Pos('Home Basic', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaHomeBasic else if Pos('Home Premium', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaHomePremium else if Pos('Business N', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaBusinessN else if Pos('Business', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaBusiness else if Pos('Enterprise', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaEnterprise else if Pos('Ultimate', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWinVistaUltimate; end else if Pos('Windows 7', Edition) = 1 then begin // Windows 7 Editions if Pos('Starter', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin7Starter else if Pos('Home Basic', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin7HomeBasic else if Pos('Home Premium', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin7HomePremium else if Pos('Professional', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin7Professional else if Pos('Enterprise', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin7Enterprise else if Pos('Ultimate', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin7Ultimate; end else if Pos('Windows 8.1', Edition) = 1 then begin // Windows 8.1 Editions if Pos('Pro', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin81Pro else if Pos('Enterprise', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin81Enterprise else Result := weWin81; end else if Pos('Windows 8', Edition) = 1 then begin // Windows 8 Editions if Pos('Pro', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin8Pro else if Pos('Enterprise', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin8Enterprise else Result := weWin8; end else if Pos('Windows RT 8.1', Edition) = 1 then Result := weWin81RT else if Pos('Windows RT', Edition) = 1 then Result := weWin8RT else if Pos('Windows 10', Edition) = 1 then begin // Windows 10/11 Editions if Pos('Home', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin10Home else if Pos('Pro', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin10Pro else if Pos('Enterprise', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin10Enterprise else if Pos('Education', Edition) > 0 then Result := weWin10Education else Result := weWin10; end end; function NtProductType: TNtProductType; const ProductTypeKey = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions'; var Product: string; OSVersionInfo: TOSVersionInfoEx; SystemInfo: TSystemInfo; begin Result := ptUnknown; ResetMemory(OSVersionInfo, SizeOf(OSVersionInfo)); ResetMemory(SystemInfo, SizeOf(SystemInfo)); OSVersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(OSVersionInfo); GetNativeSystemInfo(SystemInfo); // Favor documented API over registry if IsWinNT4 and (GetWindowsServicePackVersion >= 6) then begin if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfo) then begin if (OSVersionInfo.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := ptWorkstation else if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) = VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE then Result := ptEnterprise else Result := ptServer; end; end else if IsWin2K then begin if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfo) then begin if OSVersionInfo.wProductType in [VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER] then begin if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) <> 0 then Result := ptDatacenterServer else if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) <> 0 then Result := ptAdvancedServer else Result := ptServer; end else Result := ptProfessional; end; end else if IsWinXP64 or IsWin2003 or IsWin2003R2 then // all (5.2) begin if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfo) then begin if OSVersionInfo.wProductType in [VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER] then begin if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) = VER_SUITE_DATACENTER then Result := ptDatacenterServer else if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) = VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE then Result := ptEnterprise else if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask = VER_SUITE_BLADE) then Result := ptWebEdition else Result := ptServer; end else if (OSVersionInfo.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION) then Result := ptProfessional; end; end else if JclCheckWinVersion(5, 1) then // Windows XP or newer begin if GetVersionEx(OSVersionInfo) then begin //if IsWinXP or IsWinVista or IsWin7 or IsWin8 or IsWin81 or IsWin10 or IsWin11 then if OSVersionInfo.wProductType = VER_NT_WORKSTATION then // workstation begin if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_PERSONAL) = VER_SUITE_PERSONAL then Result := ptPersonal else Result := ptProfessional; end else //if IsWinServer2008 or IsWinServer2008R2 or IsWinServer2012 or IsWinServer2012R2 then if OSVersionInfo.wProductType in [VER_NT_SERVER, VER_NT_DOMAIN_CONTROLLER] then // server begin if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_DATACENTER) = VER_SUITE_DATACENTER then Result := ptDatacenterServer else if (OSVersionInfo.wSuiteMask and VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE) = VER_SUITE_ENTERPRISE then Result := ptEnterprise else Result := ptServer; end; end; end; if Result = ptUnknown then begin // Non Windows 2000/XP system or the above method failed, try registry Product := RegReadStringDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ProductTypeKey, 'ProductType', ''); if CompareText(Product, 'WINNT') = 0 then Result := ptWorkStation else if CompareText(Product, 'SERVERNT') = 0 then Result := {ptServer} ptAdvancedServer else if CompareText(Product, 'LANMANNT') = 0 then Result := {ptAdvancedServer} ptServer else Result := ptUnknown; end; end; function GetWindowsVersionString: string; begin case GetWindowsVersion of wvWin95: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin95); wvWin95OSR2: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin95OSR2); wvWin98: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin98); wvWin98SE: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin98SE); wvWinME: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinME); wvWinNT31, wvWinNT35, wvWinNT351: Result := Format(LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinNT3), [Win32MinorVersion]); wvWinNT4: Result := Format(LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinNT4), [Win32MinorVersion]); wvWin2000: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin2000); wvWinXP: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinXP); wvWin2003: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin2003); wvWin2003R2: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin2003R2); wvWinXP64: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinXP64); wvWinVista: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinVista); wvWinServer2008: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer2008); wvWin7: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin7); wvWinServer2008R2: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer2008R2); wvWin8: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin8); wvWin8RT: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin8RT); wvWinServer2012: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer2012); wvWin81: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin81); wvWin81RT: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin81RT); wvWinServer2012R2: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer2012R2); wvWin10: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10); wvWinServer2016: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer2016); wvWinServer2019: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer2019); wvWinServer: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer); wvWin11: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin11); else Result := ''; end; end; function GetWindowsEditionString: string; begin case GetWindowsEdition of weWinXPHome: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPHome); weWinXPPro: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPPro); weWinXPHomeN: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPHomeN); weWinXPProN: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPProN); weWinXPHomeK: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPHomeK); weWinXPProK: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPProK); weWinXPHomeKN: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPHomeKN); weWinXPProKN: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPProKN); weWinXPStarter: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPStarter); weWinXPMediaCenter: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPMediaCenter); weWinXPTablet: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinXPTablet); weWinVistaStarter: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaStarter); weWinVistaHomeBasic: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaHomeBasic); weWinVistaHomeBasicN: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaHomeBasicN); weWinVistaHomePremium: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaHomePremium); weWinVistaBusiness: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaBusiness); weWinVistaBusinessN: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaBusinessN); weWinVistaEnterprise: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaEnterprise); weWinVistaUltimate: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWinVistaUltimate); weWin7Starter: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin7Starter); weWin7HomeBasic: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin7HomeBasic); weWin7HomePremium: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin7HomePremium); weWin7Professional: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin7Professional); weWin7Enterprise: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin7Enterprise); weWin7Ultimate: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin7Ultimate); weWin8Pro: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin8Pro); weWin8Enterprise: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin8Enterprise); weWin8RT: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin8RT); weWin81Pro: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin81Pro); weWin81Enterprise: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin81Enterprise); weWin81RT: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin81RT); weWin10Home: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin10Home); weWin10Pro: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin10Pro); weWin10Enterprise: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin10Enterprise); weWin10Education: Result := LoadResString(@RsEditionWin10Education); else Result := ''; end; end; function GetWindowsProductString: string; begin Result := GetWindowsVersionString; if GetWindowsEditionString <> '' then Result := Result + ' ' + GetWindowsEditionString; end; function GetWindowsProductName: string; begin // On Windows 10/11, the productname in the 'WOW6432Node' key differs from the value // in the 'native' registry key, resulting in incorrected info en edition detection! // It is not known, whether this is aldo the case for older Windows versions, // which alos have the 'WOW6432Node' registry key. Result := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('ProductName', '', IsWin10 or IsWin11); end; function NtProductTypeString: string; begin case NtProductType of ptWorkStation: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeWorkStation); ptServer: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeServer); ptAdvancedServer: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeAdvancedServer); ptPersonal: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypePersonal); ptProfessional: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeProfessional); ptDatacenterServer: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeDatacenterServer); ptEnterprise: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeEnterprise); ptWebEdition: Result := LoadResString(@RsProductTypeWebEdition); else Result := ''; end; end; function GetWindowsBuildNumber: Integer; begin // Starting with Windows 8.1, the GetVersion(Ex) API is deprecated and will detect the // application as Windows 8 (kernel version 6.2) until an application manifest is included // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn302074.aspx if ((Win32MajorVersion = 6) and (Win32MinorVersion = 2)) or (Win32MajorVersion = 10) then Result := StrToInt(ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('CurrentBuildNumber', IntToStr(Win32BuildNumber))) else Result := Win32BuildNumber; end; function GetWindowsMajorVersionNumber: Integer; var Ver: string; begin // Starting with Windows 8.1, the GetVersion(Ex) API is deprecated and will detect the // application as Windows 8 (kernel version 6.2) until an application manifest is included // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn302074.aspx if ((Win32MajorVersion = 6) and (Win32MinorVersion = 2)) or (Win32MajorVersion = 10) then begin // CurrentMajorVersionNumber present in registry starting with Windows 10 // If CurrentMajorVersionNumber not present in registry then use CurrentVersion Result := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionIntegerValue('CurrentMajorVersionNumber', -1); if Result = -1 then begin Ver := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('CurrentVersion', IntToStr(Win32MajorVersion) + '.' + IntToStr(Win32MinorVersion)); Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(Ver, 1, Pos('.', Ver) - 1), 2); // don't use StrBefore because it uses StrCaseMap that may not be initialized yet end; end else Result := Win32MajorVersion; end; function GetWindowsMinorVersionNumber: Integer; var Ver: string; begin // Starting with Windows 8.1, the GetVersion(Ex) API is deprecated and will detect the // application as Windows 8 (kernel version 6.2) until an application manifest is included // See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/dn302074.aspx if ((Win32MajorVersion = 6) and (Win32MinorVersion = 2)) or (Win32MajorVersion = 10) then begin // CurrentMinorVersionNumber present in registry starting with Windows 10 // If CurrentMinorVersionNumber not present then use CurrentVersion Result := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionIntegerValue('CurrentMinorVersionNumber', -1); if Result = -1 then begin Ver := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('CurrentVersion', IntToStr(Win32MajorVersion) + '.' + IntToStr(Win32MinorVersion)); Result := StrToIntDef(Copy(Ver, Pos('.', Ver) + 1, Length(Ver)), 2); // don't use StrAfter because it uses StrCaseMap that may not be initialized yet end; end else Result := Win32MinorVersion; end; function GetWindowsVersionNumber: string; begin // Returns version number as MajorVersionNumber.MinorVersionNumber (string type) Result := Format('%d.%d', [GetWindowsMajorVersionNumber, GetWindowsMinorVersionNumber]); end; function GetWindowsServicePackVersion: Integer; const RegWindowsControl = 'SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Windows'; var SP: Integer; VersionInfo: TOSVersionInfoEx; begin Result := 0; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion >= 5) then begin ResetMemory(VersionInfo, SizeOf(VersionInfo)); VersionInfo.dwOSVersionInfoSize := SizeOf(VersionInfo); if GetVersionEx(VersionInfo) then Result := VersionInfo.wServicePackMajor; end else begin SP := RegReadIntegerDef(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, RegWindowsControl, 'CSDVersion', 0); Result := StrToInt(IntToHex(SP, 4)) div 100; end; end; function GetWindowsServicePackVersionString: string; var SP: Integer; begin SP := GetWindowsServicePackVersion; if SP > 0 then Result := Format(LoadResString(@RsSPInfo), [SP]) else Result := ''; end; function GetWindowsDisplayVersion: string; begin // Starting with Windows 10 20H2, the DisplayVersion registry entry is being populated ("20H2") if IsWin10 or IsWin11 or IsWinServer then Result := ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('DisplayVersion', '') else Result := ''; end; function GetWindowsReleaseId: Integer; begin // Starting with Windows 10 21H1, the ReleaseId registry entry is no more incremented (still populated as "2009" like Windows 10 20H2 and Windows 11) // and the DisplayVersion registry entry is to be used instead ("20H2") if IsWin10 or IsWin11 or IsWinServer then Result := StrToIntDef(ReadWindowsNTCurrentVersionStringValue('ReleaseId', '0'), -1) else Result := -1; end; function GetWindowsReleaseName: String; var WindowsDisplayVersion: string; begin if IsWin10 then begin case GetWindowsReleaseId of 1507: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10); 1511: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' November Update'; 1607: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' Anniversary Update'; 1703: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' Creators Update'; 1709: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' Fall Creators Update'; 1803: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' April 2018 Update'; 1809: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' October 2018 Update'; 1903: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' May 2019 Update'; 1909: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' November 2019 Update'; 2004: Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' May 2020 Update'; 2009: begin WindowsDisplayVersion := GetWindowsDisplayVersion; if WindowsDisplayVersion = '20H2' then Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' October 2020 Update' else if WindowsDisplayVersion = '21H1' then Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' May 2021 Update' else Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' ' + WindowsDisplayVersion + ' Update'; end else Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ' ' + IntToStr(GetWindowsReleaseId) + ' Update'; end; end else if IsWin11 then // And higher versions too? Result := GetWindowsVersionString + ' ' + GetWindowsDisplayVersion + ' Update' else Result := ''; end; function GetWindowsReleaseCodeName: String; begin if IsWin10 then begin case GetWindowsReleaseId of 1507: Result := 'Threshold 1'; 1511: Result := 'Threshold 2'; 1607: Result := 'Redstone 1'; 1703: Result := 'Redstone 2'; 1709: Result := 'Redstone 3'; 1803: Result := 'Redstone 4'; 1809: Result := 'Redstone 5'; 1903: Result := '19H1'; 1909: Result := '19H2'; 2004: Result := '20H1'; 2009: Result := GetWindowsDisplayVersion; else Result := GetWindowsDisplayVersion; end; end else Result := GetWindowsDisplayVersion; end; function GetWindowsReleaseVersion: String; var WindowsReleaseId: Integer; begin if IsWin10 then begin WindowsReleaseId := GetWindowsReleaseId; if WindowsReleaseId > 0 then begin if WindowsReleaseId < 2009 then Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ', version ' + IntToStr(WindowsReleaseId) else Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWin10) + ', version ' + GetWindowsDisplayVersion end else Result := ''; end else if IsWinServer then begin WindowsReleaseId := GetWindowsReleaseId; if WindowsReleaseId > 0 then begin if WindowsReleaseId < 2009 then Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer) + ', version ' + IntToStr(WindowsReleaseId) else Result := LoadResString(@RsOSVersionWinServer) + ', version ' + GetWindowsDisplayVersion end else Result := ''; end else if IsWin11 then // And higher versions too? Result := GetWindowsVersionString + ', version ' + GetWindowsDisplayVersion else Result := ''; end; function GetWindows10DisplayVersion: string; begin if IsWin10 then Result := GetWindowsDisplayVersion() else Result := ''; end; function GetWindows10ReleaseId: Integer; begin if IsWin10 then Result := GetWindowsReleaseId() else Result := -1; end; function GetWindows10ReleaseName: String; begin if IsWin10 then Result := GetWindowsReleaseName() else Result := ''; end; function GetWindows10ReleaseCodeName: String; begin if IsWin10 then Result := GetWindowsReleaseCodeName() else Result := ''; end; function GetWindows10ReleaseVersion: String; begin if IsWin10 then Result := GetWindowsReleaseVersion() else Result := ''; end; function GetWindowsServerDisplayVersion: string; begin if IsWinServer then Result := GetWindowsDisplayVersion() else Result := ''; end; function GetWindowsServerReleaseId: Integer; begin if IsWinServer then Result := GetWindowsReleaseId() else Result := -1; end; function GetWindowsServerReleaseVersion: String; begin if IsWinServer then Result := GetWindowsReleaseVersion() else Result := ''; end; // Imports copied from OpenGL unit. Direct using of OpenGL unit might cause unexpected problems due // setting 8087CW in the intialization section { function glGetString(name: Cardinal): PChar; stdcall; external opengl32; function glGetError: Cardinal; stdcall; external opengl32; function gluErrorString(errCode: Cardinal): PChar; stdcall; external 'glu32.dll'; } type TglGetStringFunc = function(name: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; stdcall; TglGetErrorFunc = function: Cardinal; stdcall; TgluErrorStringFunc = function(errCode: Cardinal): PAnsiChar; stdcall; TwglCreateContextFunc = function(DC: HDC): HGLRC; stdcall; TwglDeleteContextFunc = function(p1: HGLRC): BOOL; stdcall; TwglMakeCurrentFunc = function(DC: HDC; p2: HGLRC): BOOL; stdcall; const glu32 = 'glu32.dll'; // do not localize glGetStringName = 'glGetString'; // do not localize glGetErrorName = 'glGetError'; // do not localize gluErrorStringName = 'gluErrorString'; // do not localize wglCreateContextName = 'wglCreateContext'; // do not localize wglDeleteContextName = 'wglDeleteContext'; // do not localize wglMakeCurrentName = 'wglMakeCurrent'; // do not localize ChoosePixelFormatName = 'ChoosePixelFormat'; // do not localize SetPixelFormatName = 'SetPixelFormat'; // do not localize function GetOpenGLVersion(const Win: THandle; out Version, Vendor: AnsiString): Boolean; const GL_NO_ERROR = 0; GL_VENDOR = $1F00; GL_VERSION = $1F02; var OpenGlLib, Glu32Lib: HModule; glGetStringFunc: TglGetStringFunc; glGetErrorFunc: TglGetErrorFunc; gluErrorStringFunc: TgluErrorStringFunc; wglCreateContextFunc: TwglCreateContextFunc; wglDeleteContextFunc: TwglDeleteContextFunc; wglMakeCurrentFunc: TwglMakeCurrentFunc; pfd: TPixelFormatDescriptor; iFormatIndex: Integer; hGLContext: HGLRC; hGLDC: HDC; pcTemp: PAnsiChar; glErr: Cardinal; bError: Boolean; sOpenGLVersion, sOpenGLVendor: AnsiString; Save8087CW: Word; procedure FunctionFailedError(Name: string); begin raise EJclError.CreateResFmt(@RsEOpenGLInfo, [Name]); end; begin @glGetStringFunc := nil; @glGetErrorFunc := nil; @gluErrorStringFunc := nil; @wglCreateContextFunc := nil; @wglDeleteContextFunc := nil; @wglMakeCurrentFunc := nil; Glu32Lib := 0; OpenGlLib := SafeLoadLibrary(opengl32); try if OpenGlLib <> 0 then begin Glu32Lib := SafeLoadLibrary(glu32); // do not localize if (OpenGlLib <> 0) and (Glu32Lib <> 0) then begin glGetStringFunc := GetProcAddress(OpenGlLib, glGetStringName); glGetErrorFunc := GetProcAddress(OpenGlLib, glGetErrorName); gluErrorStringFunc := GetProcAddress(Glu32Lib, gluErrorStringName); wglCreateContextFunc := GetProcAddress(OpenGlLib, wglCreateContextName); wglDeleteContextFunc := GetProcAddress(OpenGlLib, wglDeleteContextName); wglMakeCurrentFunc := GetProcAddress(OpenGlLib, wglMakeCurrentName); end; end; if not (Assigned(glGetStringFunc) and Assigned(glGetErrorFunc) and Assigned(gluErrorStringFunc) and Assigned(wglCreateContextFunc) and Assigned(wglDeleteContextFunc) and Assigned(wglMakeCurrentFunc)) then begin @glGetStringFunc := nil; Result := False; Vendor := AnsiString(LoadResString(@RsOpenGLInfoError)); Version := AnsiString(LoadResString(@RsOpenGLInfoError)); Exit; end; { To call for the version information string we must first have an active context established for use. We can, of course, close this after use } Save8087CW := Get8087ControlWord; try Set8087CW($133F); hGLContext := 0; Result := False; bError := False; if Win = 0 then begin Result := False; Vendor := AnsiString(LoadResString(@RsOpenGLInfoError)); Version := AnsiString(LoadResString(@RsOpenGLInfoError)); Exit; end; ResetMemory(pfd, SizeOf(pfd)); with pfd do begin nSize := SizeOf(pfd); nVersion := 1; { The Current Version of the descriptor is 1 } dwFlags := PFD_DRAW_TO_WINDOW or PFD_SUPPORT_OPENGL; iPixelType := PFD_TYPE_RGBA; cColorBits := 24; { support 24-bit colour } cDepthBits := 32; { Depth of the z-buffer } iLayerType := PFD_MAIN_PLANE; end; hGLDC := GetDC(Win); try iFormatIndex := ChoosePixelFormat(hGLDC, @pfd); if iFormatIndex = 0 then FunctionFailedError(ChoosePixelFormatName); if not SetPixelFormat(hGLDC, iFormatIndex, @pfd) then FunctionFailedError(SetPixelFormatName); hGLContext := wglCreateContextFunc(hGLDC); if hGLContext = 0 then FunctionFailedError(wglCreateContextName); if not wglMakeCurrentFunc(hGLDC, hGLContext) then FunctionFailedError(wglMakeCurrentName); { TODO : Review the following. Not sure I am 100% happy with this code in its current structure. } pcTemp := glGetStringFunc(GL_VERSION); if pcTemp <> nil then begin { TODO : Store this information in a Global Variable, and return that?? This would save this work being performed again with later calls } sOpenGLVersion := StrPasA(pcTemp); end else begin bError := True; glErr := glGetErrorFunc; if glErr <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin sOpenGLVersion := gluErrorStringFunc(glErr); sOpenGLVendor := ''; end; end; pcTemp := glGetStringFunc(GL_VENDOR); if pcTemp <> nil then begin { TODO : Store this information in a Global Variable, and return that?? This would save this work being performed again with later calls } sOpenGLVendor := StrPasA(pcTemp); end else begin bError := True; glErr := glGetErrorFunc; if glErr <> GL_NO_ERROR then begin sOpenGLVendor := gluErrorStringFunc(glErr); Exit; end; end; Result := (not bError); Version := sOpenGLVersion; Vendor := sOpenGLVendor; finally { Close all resources } wglMakeCurrentFunc(hGLDC, 0); if hGLContext <> 0 then wglDeleteContextFunc(hGLContext); end; finally Set8087CW(Save8087CW); end; finally if (OpenGlLib <> 0) then FreeLibrary(OpenGlLib); if (Glu32Lib <> 0) then FreeLibrary(Glu32Lib); end; end; function GetNativeSystemInfo(var SystemInfo: TSystemInfo): Boolean; type TGetNativeSystemInfo = procedure (var SystemInfo: TSystemInfo); stdcall; var LibraryHandle: HMODULE; _GetNativeSystemInfo: TGetNativeSystemInfo; begin Result := False; LibraryHandle := GetModuleHandle(kernel32); if LibraryHandle <> 0 then begin _GetNativeSystemInfo := GetProcAddress(LibraryHandle, PAnsiChar('GetNativeSystemInfo')); if Assigned(_GetNativeSystemInfo) then begin _GetNativeSystemInfo(SystemInfo); Result := True; end else GetSystemInfo(SystemInfo); end else GetSystemInfo(SystemInfo); end; var CachedGetProcessorArchitecture: DWORD = DWORD(-1); function GetProcessorArchitecture: TProcessorArchitecture; var ASystemInfo: TSystemInfo; begin if CachedGetProcessorArchitecture = DWORD(-1) then begin ASystemInfo.dwOemId := 0; GetNativeSystemInfo(ASystemInfo); CachedGetProcessorArchitecture := ASystemInfo.wProcessorArchitecture; end; case CachedGetProcessorArchitecture of PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_INTEL: Result := pax8632; PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_IA64: Result := paIA64; PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE_AMD64: Result := pax8664; else Result := paUnknown; end; end; function IsWindows64: Boolean; begin Result := GetProcessorArchitecture in [paIA64, pax8664]; end; function JclCheckWinVersion(Major, Minor: Integer): Boolean; begin {$IFDEF RTL150_UP} Result := CheckWin32Version(Major, Minor); {$ELSE} // Delphi 6 and older have a wrong implementation Result := (Win32MajorVersion > Major) or ((Win32MajorVersion = Major) and (Win32MinorVersion >= Minor)); {$ENDIF RTL150_UP} end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetOSVersionString: string; {$IFDEF UNIX} var MachineInfo: utsname; begin uname(MachineInfo); Result := Format('%s %s', [MachineInfo.sysname, MachineInfo.release]); end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} begin Result := Format('%s %s', [GetWindowsVersionString, GetWindowsServicePackVersionString]); end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} //=== Hardware =============================================================== // Helper function for GetMacAddress() // Converts the adapter_address array to a string function AdapterToString(Adapter: PJclByteArray): string; begin Result := Format('%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x-%2.2x', [Integer(Adapter[0]), Integer(Adapter[1]), Integer(Adapter[2]), Integer(Adapter[3]), Integer(Adapter[4]), Integer(Adapter[5])]); end; { TODO: RTLD version of NetBios } {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} type TNetBios = function(P: PNCB): Byte; stdcall; var NetBiosLib: HINST = 0; _NetBios: TNetBios; {$IFDEF FPC} NullAdapterAddress: array [0..5] of Byte = ($00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00); OID_ipMACEntAddr: array [0..9] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6); OID_ifEntryType: array [0..9] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3); OID_ifEntryNum: array [0..7] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1); {$ENDIF FPC} function GetMacAddresses(const Machine: string; const Addresses: TStrings): Integer; procedure ExitNetbios; begin if NetBiosLib <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(NetBiosLib); NetBiosLib := 0; end; end; function InitNetbios: Boolean; begin Result := True; if NetBiosLib = 0 then begin NetBiosLib := SafeLoadLibrary('netapi32.dll'); Result := NetBiosLib <> 0; if Result then begin @_NetBios := GetProcAddress(NetBiosLib, PAnsiChar('Netbios')); Result := @_NetBios <> nil; if not Result then ExitNetbios; end; end; end; function NetBios(P: PNCB): Byte; begin if InitNetbios then Result := _NetBios(P) else Result := 1; // anything other than NRC_GOODRET will do end; procedure GetMacAddressesNetBios; // Platform SDK // http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/netbios/netbios_1l82.asp // Microsoft Knowledge Base Article - 118623 // HOWTO: Get the MAC Address for an Ethernet Adapter // http://support.microsoft.com/default.aspx?scid=kb;en-us;118623 type AStat = packed record adapt: TAdapterStatus; NameBuff: array [0..29] of TNameBuffer; end; var NCB: TNCB; Enum: TLanaEnum; I, L, NameLen: Integer; Adapter: AStat; MachineName: AnsiString; begin MachineName := AnsiString(UpperCase(Machine)); if MachineName = '' then MachineName := '*'; NameLen := Length(MachineName); L := NCBNAMSZ - NameLen; if L > 0 then begin SetLength(MachineName, NCBNAMSZ); FillChar(MachineName[NameLen + 1], L, ' '); end; // From Junior/RO in NG: Microsoft's implementation limits NETBIOS names to 15 characters MachineName[NCBNAMSZ] := #0; ResetMemory(NCB, SizeOf(NCB)); NCB.ncb_command := NCBENUM; NCB.ncb_buffer := Pointer(@Enum); NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(Enum); if NetBios(@NCB) = NRC_GOODRET then begin Result := Enum.Length; for I := 0 to Ord(Enum.Length) - 1 do begin ResetMemory(NCB, SizeOf(NCB)); NCB.ncb_command := NCBRESET; NCB.ncb_lana_num := Enum.lana[I]; if NetBios(@NCB) = NRC_GOODRET then begin ResetMemory(NCB, SizeOf(NCB)); NCB.ncb_command := NCBASTAT; NCB.ncb_lana_num := Enum.lana[I]; Move(MachineName[1], NCB.ncb_callname, SizeOf(NCB.ncb_callname)); NCB.ncb_buffer := PUCHAR(@Adapter); NCB.ncb_length := SizeOf(Adapter); if NetBios(@NCB) = NRC_GOODRET then Addresses.Add(AdapterToString(@Adapter.adapt)); end; end; end; end; procedure GetMacAddressesSnmp; const InetMib1 = 'inetmib1.dll'; {$IFNDEF FPC // can't resolve address of const } NullAdapterAddress: array [0..5] of Byte = ($00, $00, $00, $00, $00, $00); OID_ipMACEntAddr: array [0..9] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 6); OID_ifEntryType: array [0..9] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 2, 1, 3); OID_ifEntryNum: array [0..7] of UINT = (1, 3, 6, 1, 2, 1, 2, 1); {$ENDIF ~FPC} var PollForTrapEvent: THandle; SupportedView: PAsnObjectIdentifier; MIB_ifMACEntAddr: TAsnObjectIdentifier; MIB_ifEntryType: TAsnObjectIdentifier; MIB_ifEntryNum: TAsnObjectIdentifier; VarBindList: TSnmpVarBindList; VarBind: array [0..1] of TSnmpVarBind; ErrorStatus, ErrorIndex: TAsnInteger32; DTmp: Integer; Ret: Boolean; MAC: PJclByteArray; begin if LoadSnmp then try if LoadSnmpExtension(InetMib1) then try MIB_ifMACEntAddr.idLength := Length(OID_ipMACEntAddr); MIB_ifMACEntAddr.ids := @OID_ipMACEntAddr; MIB_ifEntryType.idLength := Length(OID_ifEntryType); MIB_ifEntryType.ids := @OID_ifEntryType; MIB_ifEntryNum.idLength := Length(OID_ifEntryNum); MIB_ifEntryNum.ids := @OID_ifEntryNum; PollForTrapEvent := 0; SupportedView := nil; if SnmpExtensionInit(GetTickCount, PollForTrapEvent, SupportedView) then begin VarBindList.list := @VarBind[0]; VarBind[0].name := DEFINE_NULLOID; VarBind[1].name := DEFINE_NULLOID; VarBindList.len := 1; SnmpUtilOidCpy(@VarBind[0].name, @MIB_ifEntryNum); ErrorIndex := 0; ErrorStatus := 0; Ret := SnmpExtensionQuery(SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT, VarBindList, ErrorStatus, ErrorIndex); if Ret then begin Result := VarBind[0].value.number; VarBindList.len := 2; SnmpUtilOidCpy(@VarBind[0].name, @MIB_ifEntryType); SnmpUtilOidCpy(@VarBind[1].name, @MIB_ifMACEntAddr); while Ret do begin Ret := SnmpExtensionQuery(SNMP_PDU_GETNEXT, VarBindList, ErrorStatus, ErrorIndex); if Ret then begin Ret := SnmpUtilOidNCmp(@VarBind[0].name, @MIB_ifEntryType, MIB_ifEntryType.idLength) = SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR; if Ret then begin DTmp := VarBind[0].value.number; if DTmp = 6 then begin Ret := SnmpUtilOidNCmp(@VarBind[1].name, @MIB_ifMACEntAddr, MIB_ifMACEntAddr.idLength) = SNMP_ERRORSTATUS_NOERROR; if Ret and (VarBind[1].value.address.stream <> nil) then begin MAC := PJclByteArray(VarBind[1].value.address.stream); if not CompareMem(MAC, @NullAdapterAddress, SizeOf(NullAdapterAddress)) then Addresses.Add(AdapterToString(MAC)); end; end; end; end; end; end; SnmpUtilVarBindFree(@VarBind[0]); SnmpUtilVarBindFree(@VarBind[1]); end; finally UnloadSnmpExtension; end; finally UnloadSnmp; end; end; begin Result := -1; Addresses.BeginUpdate; try Addresses.Clear; GetMacAddressesNetBios; if (Result <= 0) and (Machine = '') then GetMacAddressesSnmp; finally Addresses.EndUpdate; end; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function ReadTimeStampCounter: Int64; assembler; asm DW $310F // TSC in EDX:EAX {$IFDEF CPU64} SHL RDX, 32 OR RAX, RDX // Result in RAX {$ENDIF CPU64} end; function GetIntelCacheDescription(const D: Byte): string; var I: Integer; begin Result := ''; if D <> 0 then for I := Low(IntelCacheDescription) to High(IntelCacheDescription) do if IntelCacheDescription[I].D = D then begin Result := LoadResString(IntelCacheDescription[I].I); Break; end; // (outchy) added a return value for unknow D value if Result = '' then Result := Format(LoadResString(@RsIntelUnknownCache),[D]); end; procedure GetCpuInfo(var CpuInfo: TCpuInfo); begin CpuInfo := CPUID; CpuInfo.IsFDIVOK := TestFDIVInstruction; if CpuInfo.HasInstruction then begin {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} if (CpuInfo.Features and TSC_FLAG) = TSC_FLAG then GetCpuSpeed(CpuInfo.FrequencyInfo); {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end; end; function RoundFrequency(const Frequency: Integer): Integer; const NF: array [0..8] of Integer = (0, 20, 33, 50, 60, 66, 80, 90, 100); var Freq, RF: Integer; I: Byte; Hi, Lo: Byte; begin RF := 0; Freq := Frequency mod 100; for I := 0 to 8 do begin if Freq < NF[I] then begin Hi := I; Lo := I - 1; if (NF[Hi] - Freq) > (Freq - NF[Lo]) then RF := NF[Lo] - Freq else RF := NF[Hi] - Freq; Break; end; end; Result := Frequency + RF; end; function GetCPUSpeed(var CpuSpeed: TFreqInfo): Boolean; {$IFDEF UNIX} begin { TODO : GetCPUSpeed: Solution for Linux } Result := False; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var T0, T1: Int64; CountFreq: Int64; Freq, Freq2, Freq3, Total: Int64; TotalCycles, Cycles: Int64; Stamp0, Stamp1: Int64; TotalTicks, Ticks: Double; Tries, Priority: Integer; Thread: THandle; begin Stamp0 := 0; Stamp1 := 0; Freq := 0; Freq2 := 0; Freq3 := 0; Tries := 0; TotalCycles := 0; TotalTicks := 0; Total := 0; Thread := GetCurrentThread(); CountFreq := 0; Result := QueryPerformanceFrequency(CountFreq); if Result then begin while ((Tries < 3) or ((Tries < 20) and ((Abs(3 * Freq - Total) > 3) or (Abs(3 * Freq2 - Total) > 3) or (Abs(3 * Freq3 - Total) > 3)))) do begin Inc(Tries); Freq3 := Freq2; Freq2 := Freq; T0 := 0; QueryPerformanceCounter(T0); T1 := T0; Priority := GetThreadPriority(Thread); if Priority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN then SetThreadPriority(Thread, THREAD_PRIORITY_TIME_CRITICAL); try while T1 - T0 < 50 do begin QueryPerformanceCounter(T1); Stamp0 := ReadTimeStampCounter; end; T0 := T1; while T1 - T0 < 1000 do begin QueryPerformanceCounter(T1); Stamp1 := ReadTimeStampCounter; end; finally if Priority <> THREAD_PRIORITY_ERROR_RETURN then SetThreadPriority(Thread, Priority); end; Cycles := Stamp1 - Stamp0; Ticks := T1 - T0; Ticks := Ticks * 100000; // avoid division by zero if CountFreq = 0 then Ticks := High(Int64) else Ticks := Ticks / (CountFreq / 10); TotalTicks := TotalTicks + Ticks; TotalCycles := TotalCycles + Cycles; // avoid division by zero if IsZero(Ticks) then Freq := High(Freq) else Freq := Round(Cycles / Ticks); Total := Freq + Freq2 + Freq3; end; // avoid division by zero if IsZero(TotalTicks) then begin Freq3 := High(Freq3); Freq2 := High(Freq2); CpuSpeed.RawFreq := High(CpuSpeed.RawFreq); end else begin Freq3 := Round((TotalCycles * 10) / TotalTicks); // freq. in multiples of 10^5 Hz Freq2 := Round((TotalCycles * 100) / TotalTicks); // freq. in multiples of 10^4 Hz CpuSpeed.RawFreq := Round(TotalCycles / TotalTicks); end; CpuSpeed.NormFreq := CpuSpeed.RawFreq; if Freq2 - (Freq3 * 10) >= 6 then Inc(Freq3); Freq := CpuSpeed.RawFreq * 10; if (Freq3 - Freq) >= 6 then Inc(CpuSpeed.NormFreq); CpuSpeed.ExTicks := Round(TotalTicks); CpuSpeed.InCycles := TotalCycles; CpuSpeed.NormFreq := RoundFrequency(CpuSpeed.NormFreq); Result := True; end; end; function GetOSEnabledFeatures: TOSEnabledFeatures; var EnabledFeatures: Int64; begin // Windows 7 or newer if JclCheckWinVersion(6, 1) then begin EnabledFeatures := $FFFFFFFF; EnabledFeatures := EnabledFeatures shl 32; EnabledFeatures := EnabledFeatures or $FFFFFFFF; EnabledFeatures := GetEnabledExtendedFeatures(EnabledFeatures); Result := []; if (EnabledFeatures and XSTATE_MASK_LEGACY_FLOATING_POINT) <> 0 then Include(Result, oefFPU); if (EnabledFeatures and XSTATE_MASK_LEGACY_SSE) <> 0 then Include(Result, oefSSE); if (EnabledFeatures and XSTATE_MASK_GSSE) <> 0 then Include(Result, oefAVX); end else Result := []; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function CPUID: TCpuInfo; function HasCPUIDInstruction: Boolean; const ID_FLAG = $200000; {$IFNDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} begin {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} asm {$IFDEF CPU32} PUSHFD POP EAX MOV ECX, EAX XOR EAX, ID_FLAG AND ECX, ID_FLAG PUSH EAX POPFD PUSHFD POP EAX AND EAX, ID_FLAG XOR EAX, ECX SETNZ Result {$ENDIF CPU32} {$IFDEF CPU64} {$IFDEF FPC} {$DEFINE DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} {$ENDIF FPC} {$IFDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} PUSHFQ {$ELSE ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} PUSHFD {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} POP RAX MOV RCX, RAX XOR RAX, ID_FLAG AND RCX, ID_FLAG PUSH RAX {$IFDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} POPFQ {$ELSE ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} POPFD {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} {$IFDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} PUSHFQ {$ELSE ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} PUSHFD {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} POP RAX AND RAX, ID_FLAG XOR RAX, RCX SETNZ Result {$IFDEF FPC} {$UNDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} {$ENDIF FPC} {$ENDIF CPU64} end; {$IFNDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} end; {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} procedure CallCPUID(ValueEAX, ValueECX: Cardinal; out ReturnedEAX, ReturnedEBX, ReturnedECX, ReturnedEDX); {$IFNDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} begin {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} asm {$IFDEF CPU32} // save context PUSH EDI PUSH EBX // init parameters MOV EAX, ValueEAX MOV ECX, ValueECX // CPUID DB 0FH DB 0A2H // store results MOV EDI, ReturnedEAX MOV Cardinal PTR [EDI], EAX MOV EAX, ReturnedEBX MOV EDI, ReturnedECX MOV Cardinal PTR [EAX], EBX MOV Cardinal PTR [EDI], ECX MOV EAX, ReturnedEDX MOV Cardinal PTR [EAX], EDX // restore context POP EBX POP EDI {$ENDIF CPU32} {$IFDEF CPU64} // save context PUSH RBX // init parameters MOV EAX, ValueEAX MOV ECX, ValueECX // CPUID CPUID // store results MOV R8, ReturnedEAX MOV R9, ReturnedEBX MOV R10, ReturnedECX MOV R11, ReturnedEDX MOV Cardinal PTR [R8], EAX MOV Cardinal PTR [R9], EBX MOV Cardinal PTR [R10], ECX MOV Cardinal PTR [R11], EDX // restore context POP RBX {$ENDIF CPU64} end; {$IFNDEF DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} end; {$ENDIF ~DELPHI64_TEMPORARY} procedure ProcessStandard(var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; HiVal: Cardinal); var VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo, ExFeatures: Cardinal; begin if HiVal >= 1 then begin CallCPUID(1, 0, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo, ExFeatures, CPUInfo.Features); CPUInfo.PType := (VersionInfo and $00003000) shr 12; CPUInfo.Family := (VersionInfo and $00000F00) shr 8; CPUInfo.Model := (VersionInfo and $000000F0) shr 4; CPUInfo.Stepping := (VersionInfo and $0000000F); CPUInfo.ExtendedModel := (VersionInfo and $000F0000) shr 16; CPUInfo.ExtendedFamily := (VersionInfo and $0FF00000) shr 20; if CPUInfo.CpuType = CPU_TYPE_INTEL then begin CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures := ExFeatures; CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.BrandID := AdditionalInfo and $000000FF; CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.FlushLineSize := (AdditionalInfo and $0000FF00) shr 8; CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.APICID := (AdditionalInfo and $FF000000) shr 24; CPUInfo.HyperThreadingTechnology := (CPUInfo.Features and INTEL_HTT) <> 0; if CPUInfo.HyperThreadingTechnology then begin CPUInfo.LogicalCore := (AdditionalInfo and $00FF0000) shr 16; if CPUInfo.LogicalCore = 0 then CPUInfo.LogicalCore := 1; end; if HiVal >= 2 then begin CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo := True; // TODO: multiple loops CallCPUID(2, 0, CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors[0], CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors[4], CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors[8], CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors[12]); end; end; end; end; procedure ProcessIntel(var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; HiVal: Cardinal); var ExHiVal, Unused, AddressSize, CoreInfo: Cardinal; I, J: Integer; begin CPUInfo.CpuType := CPU_TYPE_INTEL; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Intel'; ProcessStandard(CPUInfo, HiVal); if HiVal >= 4 then begin CallCPUID(4, 0, CoreInfo, Unused, Unused, Unused); CPUInfo.PhysicalCore := ((CoreInfo and $FC000000) shr 26) + 1; end; if HiVal >= 6 then CallCPUID(6, 0, CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.PowerManagementFeatures, Unused, Unused, Unused); // check Intel extended CallCPUID($80000000, 0, ExHiVal, Unused, Unused, Unused); if ExHiVal >= $80000001 then begin CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo := True; CallCPUID($80000001, 0, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.Ex64Features2, CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.Ex64Features); end; if ExHiVal >= $80000002 then CallCPUID($80000002, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[0], CPUInfo.CpuName[4], CPUInfo.CpuName[8], CPUInfo.CpuName[12]); if ExHiVal >= $80000003 then CallCPUID($80000003, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[16], CPUInfo.CpuName[20], CPUInfo.CpuName[24], CPUInfo.CpuName[28]); if ExHiVal >= $80000004 then CallCPUID($80000004, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[32], CPUInfo.CpuName[36], CPUInfo.CpuName[40], CPUInfo.CpuName[44]); if ExHiVal >= $80000006 then CallCPUID($80000006, 0, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.L2Cache, Unused); if ExHiVal >= $80000008 then begin CallCPUID($80000008, 0, AddressSize, Unused, Unused, Unused); CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.PhysicalAddressBits := AddressSize and $000000FF; CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.VirtualAddressBits := (AddressSize and $0000FF00) shr 8; end; if CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo then begin if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.L2Cache <> 0) then begin CPUInfo.L2CacheSize := CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.L2Cache shr 16; CPUInfo.L2CacheLineSize := CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.L2Cache and $FF; CPUInfo.L2CacheAssociativity := (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.L2Cache shr 12) and $F; end; for I := Low(CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors) to High(CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors) do if CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors[I]<>0 then for J := Low(IntelCacheDescription) to High(IntelCacheDescription) do if IntelCacheDescription[J].D = CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.CacheDescriptors[I] then with IntelCacheDescription[J] do case Family of //cfInstructionTLB: //cfDataTLB: cfL1InstructionCache: begin Inc(CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheSize,Size); CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheLineSize := LineSize; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheAssociativity := WaysOfAssoc; end; cfL1DataCache: begin Inc(CPUInfo.L1DataCacheSize,Size); CPUInfo.L1DataCacheLineSize := LineSize; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheAssociativity := WaysOfAssoc; end; cfL2Cache: if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.L2Cache = 0) then begin Inc(CPUInfo.L2CacheSize,Size); CPUInfo.L2CacheLineSize := LineSize; CPUInfo.L2CacheAssociativity := WaysOfAssoc; end; cfL3Cache: begin Inc(CPUInfo.L3CacheSize,Size); CPUInfo.L3CacheLineSize := LineSize; CPUInfo.L3CacheAssociativity := WaysOfAssoc; CPUInfo.L3LinesPerSector := LinePerSector; end; //cfTrace: // no numeric informations //cfOther: end; end; if not CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo then begin case CPUInfo.Family of 4: case CPUInfo.Model of 1: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel 486DX Processor'; 2: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel 486SX Processor'; 3: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel DX2 Processor'; 4: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel 486 Processor'; 5: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel SX2 Processor'; 7: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Write-Back Enhanced Intel DX2 Processor'; 8: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel DX4 Processor'; else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Intel 486 Processor'; end; 5: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium'; 6: case CPUInfo.Model of 1: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium Pro'; 3: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium II'; 5: case CPUInfo.L2CacheSize of 0: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Celeron'; 1024: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium II Xeon'; 2048: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium II Xeon'; else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium II'; end; 6: case CPUInfo.L2CacheSize of 0: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Celeron'; 128: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Celeron'; else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium II'; end; 7: case CPUInfo.L2CacheSize of 1024: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III Xeon'; 2048: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III Xeon'; else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III'; end; 8: case CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.BrandID of 1: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Celeron'; 2: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III'; 3: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III Xeon'; 4: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III'; else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III'; end; 10: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III Xeon'; 11: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium III'; else StrPCopyA(CPUInfo.CpuName, AnsiString(Format('P6 (Model %d)', [CPUInfo.Model]))); end; 15: case CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.BrandID of 1: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Celeron'; 8: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium 4'; 14: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Xeon'; else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Pentium 4'; end; else StrPCopyA(CPUInfo.CpuName, AnsiString(Format('P%d', [CPUInfo.Family]))); end; end; CPUInfo.HardwareHyperThreadingTechnology := CPUInfo.LogicalCore <> CPUInfo.PhysicalCore; CPUInfo.AES := (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures and EINTEL_AES) <> 0; CPUInfo.MMX := (CPUInfo.Features and MMX_FLAG) <> 0; CPUInfo.SSE := []; if (CPUInfo.Features and SSE_FLAG) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse); if (CPUInfo.Features and SSE2_FLAG) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse2); if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures and EINTEL_SSE3) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse3); if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures and EINTEL_SSSE3) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, ssse3); if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures and EINTEL_SSE4_1) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse41); if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures and EINTEL_SSE4_2) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse42); if (CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.ExFeatures and EINTEL_AVX) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, avx); CPUInfo.Is64Bits := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.Ex64Features and EINTEL64_EM64T)<>0); CPUInfo.DepCapable := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.IntelSpecific.Ex64Features and EINTEL64_XD) <> 0); end; procedure ProcessAMD(var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; HiVal: Cardinal); var ExHiVal, Unused, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo: Cardinal; begin CPUInfo.CpuType := CPU_TYPE_AMD; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'AMD'; // check AMD extended if HiVal >= 1 then begin CallCPUID(1, 0, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.Features2, CPUInfo.Features); CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.BrandID := AdditionalInfo and $000000FF; CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.FlushLineSize := (AdditionalInfo and $0000FF00) shr 8; CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.APICID := (AdditionalInfo and $FF000000) shr 24; CPUInfo.HyperThreadingTechnology := (CPUInfo.Features and AMD_HTT) <> 0; if CPUInfo.HyperThreadingTechnology then begin CPUInfo.LogicalCore := (AdditionalInfo and $00FF0000) shr 16; if CPUInfo.LogicalCore = 0 then CPUInfo.LogicalCore := 1; end; end; CallCPUID($80000000, 0, ExHiVal, Unused, Unused, Unused); if ExHiVal <> 0 then begin // AMD only CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo := True; if ExHiVal >= $80000001 then begin CallCPUID($80000001, 0, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures2, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures); CPUInfo.Family := (VersionInfo and $00000F00) shr 8; CPUInfo.Model := (VersionInfo and $000000F0) shr 4; CPUInfo.Stepping := (VersionInfo and $0000000F); CPUInfo.ExtendedModel := (VersionInfo and $000F0000) shr 16; CPUInfo.ExtendedFamily := (VersionInfo and $0FF00000) shr 20; CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExBrandID := AdditionalInfo and $0000FFFF; end; if ExHiVal >= $80000002 then CallCPUID($80000002, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[0], CPUInfo.CpuName[4], CPUInfo.CpuName[8], CPUInfo.CpuName[12]); if ExHiVal >= $80000003 then CallCPUID($80000003, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[16], CPUInfo.CpuName[20], CPUInfo.CpuName[24], CPUInfo.CpuName[28]); if ExHiVal >= $80000004 then CallCPUID($80000004, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[32], CPUInfo.CpuName[36], CPUInfo.CpuName[40], CPUInfo.CpuName[44]); if ExHiVal >= $80000005 then begin CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo := True; CallCPUID($80000005, 0, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1MByteInstructionTLB, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1KByteInstructionTLB, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1DataCache, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1InstructionCache); end; if ExHiVal >= $80000006 then CallCPUID($80000006, 0, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L2MByteInstructionTLB, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L2KByteInstructionTLB, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L2Cache, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L3Cache); if CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo then begin CPUInfo.L1DataCacheSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1DataCache[ciSize]; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheLineSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1DataCache[ciLineSize]; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheAssociativity := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1DataCache[ciAssociativity]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1InstructionCache[ciSize]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheLineSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1InstructionCache[ciLineSize]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheAssociativity := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L1InstructionCache[ciAssociativity]; CPUInfo.L2CacheLineSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L2Cache and $FF; CPUInfo.L2CacheAssociativity := (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L2Cache shr 12) and $F; CPUInfo.L2CacheSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L2Cache shr 16; CPUInfo.L3CacheLineSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L3Cache and $FF; CPUInfo.L3CacheAssociativity := (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L3Cache shr 12) and $F; CPUInfo.L3CacheSize := CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L3Cache shr 19 {MB}; //(CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.L3Cache shr 18) * 512 {kB}; end; if ExHiVal >= $80000007 then CallCPUID($80000007, 0, Unused, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.AdvancedPowerManagement); if ExHiVal >= $80000008 then begin CallCPUID($80000008, 0, Unused, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo, Unused); CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.PhysicalAddressSize := VersionInfo and $000000FF; CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.VirtualAddressSize := (VersionInfo and $0000FF00) shr 8; CPUInfo.PhysicalCore := (AdditionalInfo and $000000FF) + 1; end; end else begin ProcessStandard(CPUInfo, HiVal); case CPUInfo.Family of 4: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Am486(R) or Am5x86'; 5: case CPUInfo.Model of 0: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K5 (Model 0)'; 1: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K5 (Model 1)'; 2: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K5 (Model 2)'; 3: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K5 (Model 3)'; 6: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K6® (Model 6)'; 7: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K6® (Model 7)'; 8: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K6®-2 (Model 8)'; 9: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD-K6®-III (Model 9)'; else StrFmtA(CPUInfo.CpuName, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(LoadResString(@RsUnknownAMDModel))), [CPUInfo.Model]); end; 6: case CPUInfo.Model of 1: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Athlon™ (Model 1)'; 2: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Athlon™ (Model 2)'; 3: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Duron™ (Model 3)'; 4: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Athlon™ (Model 4)'; 6: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Athlon™ XP (Model 6)'; 7: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Duron™ (Model 7)'; 8: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Athlon™ XP (Model 8)'; 10: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'AMD Athlon™ XP (Model 10)'; else StrFmtA(CPUInfo.CpuName, PAnsiChar(AnsiString(LoadResString(@RsUnknownAMDModel))), [CPUInfo.Model]); end; 8: else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Unknown AMD Chip'; end; end; CPUInfo.HardwareHyperThreadingTechnology := CPUInfo.LogicalCore <> CPUInfo.PhysicalCore; CPUInfo.AES := (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.Features2 and AMD2_AES) <> 0; CPUInfo.MMX := (CPUInfo.Features and AMD_MMX) <> 0; CPUInfo.ExMMX := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures and EAMD_EXMMX) <> 0); CPUInfo._3DNow := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures and EAMD_3DNOW) <> 0); CPUInfo.Ex3DNow := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures and EAMD_EX3DNOW) <> 0); CPUInfo.SSE := []; if (CPUInfo.Features and AMD_SSE) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse); if (CPUInfo.Features and AMD_SSE2) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse2); if (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.Features2 and AMD2_SSE3) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse3); if CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo then begin if (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures2 and EAMD2_SSE4A) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse4A); if (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.Features2 and AMD2_SSE41) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse41); if (CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.Features2 and AMD2_SSE42) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse42); end; CPUInfo.Is64Bits := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures and EAMD_LONG) <> 0); CPUInfo.DEPCapable := CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo and ((CPUInfo.AMDSpecific.ExFeatures and EAMD_NX) <> 0); end; procedure ProcessCyrix(var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; HiVal: Cardinal); var ExHiVal, Unused, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo: Cardinal; begin CPUInfo.CpuType := CPU_TYPE_CYRIX; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Cyrix'; // check Cyrix extended CallCPUID($80000000, 0, ExHiVal, Unused, Unused, Unused); if ExHiVal <> 0 then begin // Cyrix only CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo := True; if ExHiVal >= $80000001 then begin CallCPUID($80000001, 0, VersionInfo, AdditionalInfo, Unused, CPUInfo.Features); CPUInfo.PType := (VersionInfo and $0000F000) shr 12; CPUInfo.Family := (VersionInfo and $00000F00) shr 8; CPUInfo.Model := (VersionInfo and $000000F0) shr 4; CPUInfo.Stepping := (VersionInfo and $0000000F); end; if ExHiVal >= $80000002 then CallCPUID($80000002, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[0], CPUInfo.CpuName[4], CPUInfo.CpuName[8], CPUInfo.CpuName[12]); if ExHiVal >= $80000003 then CallCPUID($80000003, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[16], CPUInfo.CpuName[20], CPUInfo.CpuName[24], CPUInfo.CpuName[28]); if ExHiVal >= $80000004 then CallCPUID($80000004, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[32], CPUInfo.CpuName[36], CPUInfo.CpuName[40], CPUInfo.CpuName[44]); if ExHiVal >= $80000005 then begin CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo := True; CallCPUID($80000005, 0, Unused, CPUInfo.CyrixSpecific.TLBInfo, CPUInfo.CyrixSpecific.L1CacheInfo, Unused); end; end else begin ProcessStandard(CPUInfo, HiVal); case CPUInfo.Family of 4: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Cyrix MediaGX'; 5: case CPUInfo.Model of 2: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Cyrix 6x86'; 4: CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Cyrix GXm'; end; 6: CPUInfo.CpuName := '6x86MX'; else StrPCopyA(CPUInfo.CpuName, AnsiString(Format('%dx86', [CPUInfo.Family]))); end; end; end; procedure ProcessVIA(var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; HiVal: Cardinal); var ExHiVal, Unused, VersionInfo: Cardinal; begin CPUInfo.CpuType := CPU_TYPE_VIA; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Via'; // check VIA extended CallCPUID($80000000, 0, ExHiVal, Unused, Unused, Unused); if ExHiVal <> 0 then begin if ExHiVal >= $80000001 then begin CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo := True; CallCPUID($80000001, 0, VersionInfo, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.ViaSpecific.ExFeatures); CPUInfo.PType := (VersionInfo and $00003000) shr 12; CPUInfo.Family := (VersionInfo and $00000F00) shr 8; CPUInfo.Model := (VersionInfo and $000000F0) shr 4; CPUInfo.Stepping := (VersionInfo and $0000000F); end; if ExHiVal >= $80000002 then CallCPUID($80000002, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[0], CPUInfo.CpuName[4], CPUInfo.CpuName[8], CPUInfo.CpuName[12]); if ExHiVal >= $80000003 then CallCPUID($80000003, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[16], CPUInfo.CpuName[20], CPUInfo.CpuName[24], CPUInfo.CpuName[28]); if ExHiVal >= $80000004 then CallCPUID($80000004, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[32], CPUInfo.CpuName[36], CPUInfo.CpuName[40], CPUInfo.CpuName[44]); if ExHiVal >= $80000005 then begin CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo := True; CallCPUID($80000005, 0, Unused, CPUInfo.ViaSpecific.InstructionTLB, CPUInfo.ViaSpecific.L1DataCache, CPUInfo.ViaSpecific.L1InstructionCache); end; if ExHiVal >= $80000006 then CallCPUID($80000006, 0, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.ViaSpecific.L2DataCache, Unused); if CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo then begin CPUInfo.L1DataCacheSize := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L1DataCache[ciSize]; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheLineSize := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L1DataCache[ciLineSize]; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheAssociativity := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L1DataCache[ciAssociativity]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheSize := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L1InstructionCache[ciSize]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheLineSize := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L1InstructionCache[ciLineSize]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheAssociativity := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L1InstructionCache[ciAssociativity]; CPUInfo.L2CacheLineSize := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L2DataCache and $FF; CPUInfo.L2CacheAssociativity := (CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L2DataCache shr 12) and $F; CPUInfo.L2CacheSize := CPUInfo.VIASpecific.L2DataCache shr 16; end; CallCPUID($C0000000, 0, ExHiVal, Unused, Unused, Unused); if ExHiVal >= $C0000001 then CallCPUID($C0000001, 0, Unused, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.ViaSpecific.ExFeatures); end else ProcessStandard(CPUInfo, HiVal); if not CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo then CPUInfo.CpuName := 'C3'; CPUInfo.MMX := (CPUInfo.Features and VIA_MMX) <> 0; CPUInfo.SSE := []; if (CPUInfo.Features and VIA_SSE) <> 0 then Include(CPUInfo.SSE, sse); CPUInfo._3DNow := (CPUInfo.Features and VIA_3DNOW) <> 0; end; procedure ProcessTransmeta(var CPUInfo: TCpuInfo; HiVal: Cardinal); var ExHiVal, Unused, VersionInfo: Cardinal; begin CPUInfo.CpuType := CPU_TYPE_TRANSMETA; CPUInfo.Manufacturer := 'Transmeta'; if (HiVal >= 1) then begin CallCPUID(1, 0, VersionInfo, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.Features); CPUInfo.PType := (VersionInfo and $00003000) shr 12; CPUInfo.Family := (VersionInfo and $00000F00) shr 8; CPUInfo.Model := (VersionInfo and $000000F0) shr 4; CPUInfo.Stepping := (VersionInfo and $0000000F); end; // no information when eax is 2 // eax is 3 means Serial Number, not detected there // small CPU description, overriden if ExHiVal >= 80000002 CallCPUID($80000000, 0, ExHiVal, CPUInfo.CpuName[0], CPUInfo.CpuName[8], CPUInfo.CpuName[4]); if ExHiVal <> 0 then begin CPUInfo.HasExtendedInfo := True; if ExHiVal >= $80000001 then CallCPUID($80000001, 0, Unused, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.ExFeatures); if ExHiVal >= $80000002 then CallCPUID($80000002, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[0], CPUInfo.CpuName[4], CPUInfo.CpuName[8], CPUInfo.CpuName[12]); if ExHiVal >= $80000003 then CallCPUID($80000003, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[16], CPUInfo.CpuName[20], CPUInfo.CpuName[24], CPUInfo.CpuName[28]); if ExHiVal >= $80000004 then CallCPUID($80000004, 0, CPUInfo.CpuName[32], CPUInfo.CpuName[36], CPUInfo.CpuName[40], CPUInfo.CpuName[44]); if ExHiVal >= $80000005 then begin CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo := True; CallCPUID($80000005, 0, Unused, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.CodeTLB, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1DataCache, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1CodeCache); end; if CPUInfo.HasCacheInfo then begin CPUInfo.L1DataCacheSize := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1DataCache[ciSize]; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheLineSize := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1DataCache[ciLineSize]; CPUInfo.L1DataCacheAssociativity := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1DataCache[ciAssociativity]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheSize := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1CodeCache[ciSize]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheLineSize := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1CodeCache[ciLineSize]; CPUInfo.L1InstructionCacheAssociativity := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L1CodeCache[ciAssociativity]; CPUInfo.L2CacheLineSize := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L2Cache and $FF; CPUInfo.L2CacheAssociativity := (CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L2Cache shr 12) and $F; CPUInfo.L2CacheSize := CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L2Cache shr 16; end; if ExHiVal >= $80000006 then CallCPUID($80000006, 0, Unused, Unused, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.L2Cache, Unused); end else CPUInfo.CpuName := 'Crusoe'; CallCPUID($80860000, 0, ExHiVal, Unused, Unused, Unused); if ExHiVal <> 0 then begin if ExHiVal >= $80860001 then CallCPUID($80860001, 0, Unused, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.RevisionABCD, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.RevisionXXXX, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaFeatures); if ExHiVal >= $80860002 then CallCPUID($80860002, 0, Unused, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.CodeMorphingABCD, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.CodeMorphingXXXX, Unused); if ExHiVal >= $80860003 then CallCPUID($80860003, 0, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[0], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[4], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[8], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[12]); if ExHiVal >= $80860004 then CallCPUID($80860004, 0, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[16], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[20], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[24], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[28]); if ExHiVal >= $80860005 then CallCPUID($80860005, 0, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[32], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[36], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[40], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[44]); if ExHiVal >= $80860006 then CallCPUID($80860006, 0, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[48], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[52], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[56], CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaInformations[60]); if (ExHiVal >= $80860007) and ((CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.TransmetaFeatures and STRANSMETA_LONGRUN) <> 0) then CallCPUID($80860007, 0, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.CurrentFrequency, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.CurrentVoltage, CPUInfo.TransmetaSpecific.CurrentPerformance, Unused); end; CPUInfo.MMX := (CPUInfo.Features and TRANSMETA_MMX) <> 0; end; var HiVal: Cardinal; begin ResetMemory(Result, sizeof(Result)); Result.LogicalCore := 1; Result.PhysicalCore := 1; if HasCPUIDInstruction then begin Result.HasInstruction := True; CallCPUID(0, 0, HiVal, Result.VendorIDString[0], Result.VendorIDString[8], Result.VendorIDString[4]); if Result.VendorIDString = VendorIDIntel then ProcessIntel(Result, HiVal) else if Result.VendorIDString = VendorIDAMD then ProcessAMD(Result, HiVal) else if Result.VendorIDString = VendorIDCyrix then ProcessCyrix(Result, HiVal) else if Result.VendorIDString = VendorIDVIA then ProcessVIA(Result, HiVal) else if Result.VendorIDString = VendorIDTransmeta then ProcessTransmeta(Result, HiVal) else ProcessStandard(Result, HiVal); end else Result.Family := 4; if Result.CpuType = 0 then begin Result.Manufacturer := 'Unknown'; Result.CpuName := 'Unknown'; end; end; function TestFDIVInstruction: Boolean; {$IFDEF CPU32} var TopNum: Double; BottomNum: Double; One: Double; ISOK: Boolean; begin // The following code was found in Borlands fdiv.asm file in the // Delphi 3\Source\RTL\SYS directory, (I made some minor modifications) // therefore I cannot take credit for it. TopNum := 2658955; BottomNum := PI; One := 1; asm PUSH EAX FLD [TopNum] FDIV [BottomNum] FMUL [BottomNum] FSUBR [TopNum] FCOMP [One] FSTSW AX SHR EAX, 8 AND EAX, 01H MOV ISOK, AL POP EAX end; Result := ISOK; end; {$ENDIF CPU32} {$IFDEF CPU64} begin Result := True; end; {$ENDIF CPU64} //=== Alloc granularity ====================================================== procedure RoundToAllocGranularity64(var Value: Int64; Up: Boolean); begin if (Value mod AllocGranularity) <> 0 then if Up then Value := ((Value div AllocGranularity) + 1) * AllocGranularity else Value := (Value div AllocGranularity) * AllocGranularity; end; procedure RoundToAllocGranularityPtr(var Value: Pointer; Up: Boolean); var Addr: TJclAddr; begin Addr := TJclAddr(Value); if (Addr mod AllocGranularity) <> 0 then begin if Up then Addr := ((Addr div AllocGranularity) + 1) * AllocGranularity else Addr := (Addr div AllocGranularity) * AllocGranularity; Value := Pointer(Addr); end; end; //=== Advanced Power Management (APM) ======================================== {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} function GetAPMLineStatus: TAPMLineStatus; var SystemPowerStatus: TSystemPowerStatus; begin Result := alsUnknown; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion < 5) then // Windows NT doesn't support GetSystemPowerStatus Exit; // so we return alsUnknown SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus := 0; if not GetSystemPowerStatus(SystemPowerStatus) then RaiseLastOSError else begin case SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus of 0: Result := alsOffline; 1: Result := alsOnline; 255: Result := alsUnknown; end; end; end; function GetAPMBatteryFlag: TAPMBatteryFlag; var SystemPowerStatus: TSystemPowerStatus; begin Result := abfUnknown; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion < 5) then // Windows NT doesn't support GetSystemPowerStatus Exit; // so we return abfUnknown SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus := 0; if not GetSystemPowerStatus(SystemPowerStatus) then RaiseLastOSError else begin case SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag of 1: Result := abfHigh; 2: Result := abfLow; 4: Result := abfCritical; 8: Result := abfCharging; 128: Result := abfNoBattery; 255: Result := abfUnknown; end; end; end; function GetAPMBatteryFlags: TAPMBatteryFlags; var SystemPowerStatus: TSystemPowerStatus; begin Result := []; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion < 5) then // Windows NT doesn't support GetSystemPowerStatus begin Result := [abfUnknown]; Exit; // so we return [abfUnknown] end; SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus := 0; if not GetSystemPowerStatus(SystemPowerStatus) then RaiseLastOSError else begin if (SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag and 1) <> 0 then Result := Result + [abfHigh]; if (SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag and 2) <> 0 then Result := Result + [abfLow]; if (SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag and 4) <> 0 then Result := Result + [abfCritical]; if (SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag and 8) <> 0 then Result := Result + [abfCharging]; if (SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag and 128) <> 0 then Result := Result + [abfNoBattery]; if SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFlag = 255 then Result := Result + [abfUnknown]; end; end; function GetAPMBatteryLifePercent: Integer; var SystemPowerStatus: TSystemPowerStatus; begin Result := 0; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion < 5) then // Windows NT doesn't support GetSystemPowerStatus Exit; SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus := 0; if not GetSystemPowerStatus(SystemPowerStatus) then RaiseLastOSError else Result := SystemPowerStatus.BatteryLifePercent; end; function GetAPMBatteryLifeTime: DWORD; var SystemPowerStatus: TSystemPowerStatus; begin Result := 0; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion < 5) then // Windows NT doesn't support GetSystemPowerStatus Exit; SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus := 0; if not GetSystemPowerStatus(SystemPowerStatus) then RaiseLastOSError else Result := SystemPowerStatus.BatteryLifeTime; end; function GetAPMBatteryFullLifeTime: DWORD; var SystemPowerStatus: TSystemPowerStatus; begin Result := 0; if (Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT) and (Win32MajorVersion < 5) then // Windows NT doesn't support GetSystemPowerStatus Exit; SystemPowerStatus.ACLineStatus := 0; if not GetSystemPowerStatus(SystemPowerStatus) then RaiseLastOSError else Result := SystemPowerStatus.BatteryFullLifeTime; end; //=== Memory Information ===================================================== function GetMaxAppAddress: TJclAddr; var SystemInfo: TSystemInfo; begin ResetMemory(SystemInfo, SizeOf(SystemInfo)); GetSystemInfo(SystemInfo); Result := TJclAddr(SystemInfo.lpMaximumApplicationAddress); end; function GetMinAppAddress: TJclAddr; var SystemInfo: TSystemInfo; begin ResetMemory(SystemInfo, SizeOf(SystemInfo)); GetSystemInfo(SystemInfo); Result := TJclAddr(SystemInfo.lpMinimumApplicationAddress); end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetMemoryLoad: Byte; {$IFDEF UNIX} var SystemInf: TSysInfo; begin {$IFDEF FPC} SysInfo(@SystemInf); {$ELSE ~FPC} SysInfo(SystemInf); {$ENDIF ~FPC} with SystemInf do Result := 100 - Round(100 * freeram / totalram); end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.dwMemoryLoad; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetSwapFileSize: Int64; {$IFDEF UNIX} var SystemInf: TSysInfo; begin {$IFDEF FPC} SysInfo(@SystemInf); {$ELSE ~FPC} SysInfo(SystemInf); {$ENDIF ~FPC} Result := SystemInf.totalswap; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullTotalPageFile - MemoryStatusEx.ullAvailPageFile; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetSwapFileUsage: Byte; {$IFDEF UNIX} var SystemInf: TSysInfo; begin {$IFDEF FPC} SysInfo(@SystemInf); {$ELSE ~FPC} SysInfo(SystemInf); {$ENDIF ~FPC} with SystemInf do Result := 100 - Trunc(100 * FreeSwap / TotalSwap); end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; if MemoryStatusEx.ullTotalPageFile > 0 then Result := 100 - Trunc(MemoryStatusEx.ullAvailPageFile / MemoryStatusEx.ullTotalPageFile * 100) else Result := 0; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetTotalPhysicalMemory: Int64; {$IFDEF UNIX} var SystemInf: TSysInfo; begin {$IFDEF FPC} SysInfo(@SystemInf); {$ELSE ~FPC} SysInfo(SystemInf); {$ENDIF ~FPC} Result := SystemInf.totalram; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullTotalPhys; end; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} function GetFreePhysicalMemory: Int64; {$IFDEF UNIX} var SystemInf: TSysInfo; begin {$IFDEF FPC} SysInfo(@SystemInf); {$ELSE ~FPC} SysInfo(SystemInf); {$ENDIF ~FPC} Result := SystemInf.freeram; end; {$ENDIF UNIX} {$IFDEF MSWINDOWS} var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullAvailPhys; end; function GetTotalPageFileMemory: Int64; var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullTotalPageFile; end; function GetFreePageFileMemory: Int64; var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullAvailPageFile; end; function GetTotalVirtualMemory: Int64; var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullTotalVirtual; end; function GetFreeVirtualMemory: Int64; var MemoryStatusEx: TMemoryStatusEx; begin ResetMemory(MemoryStatusEx, SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx)); MemoryStatusEx.dwLength := SizeOf(MemoryStatusEx); if not GlobalMemoryStatusEx(MemoryStatusEx) then RaiseLastOSError; Result := MemoryStatusEx.ullAvailVirtual; end; //=== Keyboard Information =================================================== function GetKeybStateHelper(VirtualKey: Cardinal; Mask: Byte): Boolean; var Keys: TKeyboardState; begin Keys[0] := 0; Result := GetKeyBoardState(Keys) and (Keys[VirtualKey] and Mask <> 0); end; function GetKeyState(const VirtualKey: Cardinal): Boolean; begin Result := GetKeybStateHelper(VirtualKey, $80); end; function GetNumLockKeyState: Boolean; begin Result := GetKeybStateHelper(VK_NUMLOCK, $01); end; function GetScrollLockKeyState: Boolean; begin Result := GetKeybStateHelper(VK_SCROLL, $01); end; function GetCapsLockKeyState: Boolean; begin Result := GetKeybStateHelper(VK_CAPITAL, $01); end; //=== Windows 95/98/ME system resources information ========================== { TODO -oPJH : compare to Win9xFreeSysResources } var ResmeterLibHandle: THandle; MyGetFreeSystemResources: function(ResType: UINT): UINT; stdcall; procedure UnloadSystemResourcesMeterLib; begin if ResmeterLibHandle <> 0 then begin FreeLibrary(ResmeterLibHandle); ResmeterLibHandle := 0; @MyGetFreeSystemResources := nil; end; end; function IsSystemResourcesMeterPresent: Boolean; procedure LoadResmeter; begin ResmeterLibHandle := SafeLoadLibrary('rsrc32.dll', SEM_FAILCRITICALERRORS); if ResmeterLibHandle <> 0 then begin @MyGetFreeSystemResources := GetProcAddress(ResmeterLibHandle, PAnsiChar('_MyGetFreeSystemResources32@4')); if not Assigned(MyGetFreeSystemResources) then UnloadSystemResourcesMeterLib; end; end; begin if not IsWinNT and (ResmeterLibHandle = 0) then LoadResmeter; Result := (ResmeterLibHandle <> 0); end; function GetFreeSystemResources(const ResourceType: TFreeSysResKind): Integer; const ParamValues: array [TFreeSysResKind] of UINT = (0, 1, 2); begin if IsSystemResourcesMeterPresent then Result := MyGetFreeSystemResources(ParamValues[ResourceType]) else Result := -1; end; function GetFreeSystemResources: TFreeSystemResources; begin with Result do begin SystemRes := GetFreeSystemResources(rtSystem); GdiRes := GetFreeSystemResources(rtGdi); UserRes := GetFreeSystemResources(rtUser); end; end; function GetBPP: Cardinal; var DC: HDC; begin DC := GetDC(HWND_DESKTOP); if DC <> 0 then begin Result := GetDeviceCaps(DC, BITSPIXEL) * GetDeviceCaps(DC, PLANES); ReleaseDC(HWND_DESKTOP, DC); end else Result := 0; end; //=== Installed programs ===================================================== function ProgIDExists(const ProgID: string): Boolean; var Tmp: TGUID; WideProgID: WideString; begin WideProgID := ProgID; Result := Succeeded(CLSIDFromProgID(PWideChar(WideProgID), Tmp)); end; function IsWordInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('Word.Application'); end; function IsExcelInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('Excel.Application'); end; function IsAccessInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('Access.Application'); end; function IsPowerPointInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('PowerPoint.Application'); end; function IsFrontPageInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('FrontPage.Application'); end; function IsOutlookInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('Outlook.Application'); end; function IsInternetExplorerInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('InternetExplorer.Application'); end; function IsMSProjectInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('MSProject.Application'); end; function IsOpenOfficeInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('com.sun.star.ServiceManager'); end; function IsLibreOfficeInstalled: Boolean; begin Result := ProgIDExists('com.sun.star.ServiceManager.1'); end; //=== Initialization/Finalization ============================================ procedure InitSysInfo; var SystemInfo: TSystemInfo; Kernel32FileName: string; VerFixedFileInfo: TVSFixedFileInfo; begin { processor information related initialization } ResetMemory(SystemInfo, SizeOf(SystemInfo)); GetSystemInfo(SystemInfo); ProcessorCount := SystemInfo.dwNumberOfProcessors; AllocGranularity := SystemInfo.dwAllocationGranularity; PageSize := SystemInfo.dwPageSize; { Windows version information } IsWinNT := Win32Platform = VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT; Kernel32FileName := GetModulePath(GetModuleHandle(kernel32)); VerFixedFileInfo.dwFileDateLS := 0; if (not IsWinNT) and VersionFixedFileInfo(Kernel32FileName, VerFixedFileInfo) then KernelVersionHi := VerFixedFileInfo.dwProductVersionMS else KernelVersionHi := 0; case GetWindowsVersion of wvUnknown: ; wvWin95: IsWin95 := True; wvWin95OSR2: IsWin95OSR2 := True; wvWin98: IsWin98 := True; wvWin98SE: IsWin98SE := True; wvWinME: IsWinME := True; wvWinNT31: begin IsWinNT3 := True; IsWinNT31 := True; end; wvWinNT35: begin IsWinNT3 := True; IsWinNT35 := True; end; wvWinNT351: begin IsWinNT3 := True; IsWinNT35 := True; IsWinNT351 := True; end; wvWinNT4: IsWinNT4 := True; wvWin2000: IsWin2K := True; wvWinXP: IsWinXP := True; wvWin2003: IsWin2003 := True; wvWinXP64: IsWinXP64 := True; wvWin2003R2: IsWin2003R2 := True; wvWinVista: IsWinVista := True; wvWinServer2008: IsWinServer2008 := True; wvWin7: IsWin7 := True; wvWinServer2008R2: IsWinServer2008R2 := True; wvWin8: IsWin8 := True; wvWin8RT: IsWin8RT := True; wvWinServer2012: IsWinServer2012 := True; wvWin81: IsWin81 := True; wvWin81RT: IsWin81RT := True; wvWinServer2012R2: IsWinServer2012R2 := True; wvWin10: IsWin10 := True; wvWinServer2016: IsWinServer2016 := True; wvWinServer2019: IsWinServer2019 := True; wvWinServer: IsWinServer := True; wvWin11: IsWin11 := True; end; end; procedure FinalizeSysInfo; begin UnloadSystemResourcesMeterLib; end; initialization InitSysInfo; {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} RegisterUnitVersion(HInstance, UnitVersioning); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} finalization {$IFDEF UNITVERSIONING} UnregisterUnitVersion(HInstance); {$ENDIF UNITVERSIONING} FinalizeSysInfo; {$ENDIF MSWINDOWS} end.