Released 2009-11-05
0005113: [00 JVCL Components] JvRichEdit.Lines.Strings does not get correct string (AHUser)
0005081: [00 JVCL Components] JvOfficeColorButton raises an exception on Windows XP (compiled with D2010) (AHUser)
0004948: [00 JVCL Components] zlib returned: data error on certain files (wapostma)
0005004: [00 JVCL Components] TJvRichEdit should have a OnClick property published (AHUser)
0005003: [00 JVCL Components] JvAppEvent cause unforeseen bugs when using with JvDebugHandler. (AHUser)
0005000: [00 JVCL Components] SVN Revision 12583 fails to install properly. (AHUser)
0004998: [00 JVCL Components] JVCL 3.38 on Delphi 2010 on Windows XP (AHUser)
0004290: [00 JVCL Components] TApplicationEvents vs TJvAppEvents problem (obones)
0004992: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFormPlacement runtime erro in TForm MidChield style Maximized on create form. (AHUser)
0004655: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGrid Auto Append Issue (AHUser)
0004854: [00 JVCL Components] TJvScrollText: vertical scroll cycles wrongly (AHUser)
0004815: [00 JVCL Components] Bug in JvDBTreeView.pas (AHUser)
0004988: [00 JVCL Components] TJvComputerInfo crash IDE when accessing netbios informations (AHUser)
0004982: [00 JVCL Components] ProductID property is Empty on Windows Seven (AHUser)
0004986: [00 JVCL Components] Access violation after assigning JvAppDBStorage1.DataSet (jfudickar)
0004889: [00 JVCL Components] Problem with displaying selected node in TJvTreeView (AHUser)
0004994: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTreeView: OnSelectionChange triggered several times in a row (AHUser)
0004905: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTreeView.OnNodeCheckChange not triggered (AHUser)
0004984: [00 JVCL Components] Delphi 2009 crash after loadfromresource in Tjvlistview (AHUser)
0004987: [00 JVCL Components] Editor components does not accept cyrrilic characters in Delphi2010 (AHUser)
0004965: [00 JVCL Components] Freezes on TJvWaitingProgress.OnEnded event with showmessage. (obones)
0004640: [00 JVCL Components] TJvExitWindowsDialog.Execute crashes program/or Delphi 2009 under VIsta (AHUser)
0004625: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBGridHTMLExport loses Unicode symbols on save in D2009 (AHUser)
0004588: [00 JVCL Components] JvAppIniStorage: Render it completely unicode compliant (AHUser)
0004865: [04 Feature Request] JvDriveCtrls.pas : add OnDrawEvent (AHUser)
0004869: [99 Other] Example JvContentScroller with new directions (AHUser)
0004660: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBSpinEdit has problems with TFMTBCDFields (AHUser)
0004662: [00 JVCL Components] TJvHTLabel is drawn wrong when cursor is placed over the label before it is drawn the first time (AHUser)
0004918: [00 JVCL Components] TJVMemoryData.Locate (AHUser)
0004899: [00 JVCL Components] TJvRichEdit content is not shown when placed on TAdvOfficePager (from TMS-Software) (AHUser)
0004930: [00 JVCL Components] JvgCheckBox inactive (AHUser)
0004901: [00 JVCL Components] [TJvCsvDataSet] loading successively different csv files in a same TJvCsvDataSet fires un unexpected exception (AHUser)
0004545: [00 JVCL Components] TJvLinkLabel: Wrong painting of highlighted links due to Anti-Aliasing (AHUser)
0004968: [00 JVCL Components] Component JvgCheckBox causes memory leak (AHUser)
0004932: [00 JVCL Components] Bad selection in Designer with default messenger class (AHUser)
0004940: [00 JVCL Components] JvGradient Problems (AHUser)
0004828: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBGridCSVExport.DoExport with ShowColumnName (AHUser)
0004966: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGridExcelExport with strings from UTF8-Databasetable failed (AHUser)
0004943: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBUltimGrid v.3.38 - Delphi 2010 Event OnTitleClick (AHUser)
0004964: [00 JVCL Components] JvPanel "Sizeable" not working correctly (obones)
0004955: [00 JVCL Components] jvWaitingProgress if you activate it freezes the application (or Delphi if is design time) (obones)
0004961: [00 JVCL Components] TJvRichEditStrings.Get(Index: Integer): use wrong line length (AHUser)
0004912: [00 JVCL Components] bad handling of WM_WINDOWPOSCHANGED on runtime designer surface (obones)
0004956: [00 JVCL Components] Value setting in JvValidateEdit with dfCurrency is not correct (obones)
0004782: [00 JVCL Components] jvRichEdit - Create GetTextlenEx function (obones)
0004859: [00 JVCL Components] C++ Builder ambiguity when TBitmap is in the parameters of an event handler (obones)
0004954: [00 JVCL Components] JvFullColorDialog does not show the old colour and the new colour selected - in Delphi 2007 with Themes ON (obones)
0004913: [00 JVCL Components] copy&paste in runtime designer (obones)
0004953: [00 JVCL Components] JvValidateEdit.pas has unicode character (obones)
0004928: [00 JVCL Components] JvLookOutPage, Scrollbars are shown but not needed (obones)
0004945: [00 JVCL Components] Crazy flickering with TJvEdit and hottracking enabled (obones)
0004796: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDynControlCxPanel ignores BorderStyle (jfudickar)
0004952: [00 JVCL Components] Not possible to input decimal point in TJvValidateEdit (3.38) if Currencystring also includes a point (obones)
0004946: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBCalcEdit - External exception C0FB007F (AHUser)
0004947: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDirectoryEdit error on click at design time D2010 (AHUser)
0004914: [00 JVCL Components] [TJvTimerThread] Exception raised when enabling timer thread - solution here (AHUser)
0004934: [00 JVCL Components] External Exception In TJVSpeedButton (AHUser)
0004935: [00 JVCL Components] CSVDataset error (actually v 3.38) (AHUser)
0004904: [00 JVCL Components] JvMail can't send with Outlook 2003 (JvMail.SendMail), generates General MAPI Error 2 (remkobonte)
0004925: [00 JVCL Components] [TJVComboEdit, TJVDBComboEdit] - External Exception (AHUser)
60 issues View Issues