View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002236JEDI VCL00 JVCL Componentspublic2004-10-29 02:16
Reportercab-dkAssigned Touser72 
Status resolvedResolutionunable to reproduce 
Product Version3.00 BETA 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0002236: Project makes weired exceptions from time to time
DescriptionIt looks like it's an error in drawing canvas - I'm running JCL too, so I have listed the exception in details under additional information

Additional InformationException class: EAccessViolation
Exception address: 00010001
Stack list, generated 16-10-2004 11:23:43
[004048D7] System.@HandleAnyException + $33
[004FA130] Grids.CalcFixedAxis + $58
[004FA1D9] Grids.TCustomGrid.CalcFixedInfo + $71
[004FAD53] Grids.LinePos + $3B
[004FA130] Grids.CalcFixedAxis + $58
[004881E3] Controls.TWinControl.KeyPress + $17
[00549032] JvDBLookup.TJvDBLookupCombo.KeyPress (Line 2665, "..\..\run\JvDBLookup.pas" + 28) + $4
[00488232] Controls.TWinControl.DoKeyPress + $46
[0048825A] Controls.TWinControl.WMChar + $A
[004E1838] JvExControls.InheritMessage (Line 873, "..\..\run\JvExControls.pas" + 2) + $2
[004E1F12] JvExControls.DispatchMsg (Line 1107, "..\..\run\JvExControls.pas" + 219) + $6
[004E1838] JvExControls.InheritMessage (Line 873, "..\..\run\JvExControls.pas" + 2) + $2
[004E1F12] JvExControls.DispatchMsg (Line 1107, "..\..\run\JvExControls.pas" + 219) + $6
[00483C70] Controls.TControl.WndProc + $188
[00542A34] JvExDBGrids.TJvExDBGrid.MouseLeave (Line 676, "..\..\run\JvExDBGrids.pas" + 0) + $14
[004070F8] System.@IntfClear + $10
[004E1A57] JvExControls.DispatchMsg (Line 940, "..\..\run\JvExControls.pas" + 52) + $3
[00486CCF] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[004205D1] Classes.TList.Delete + $59
[00420889] Classes.TList.Remove + $15
[00420C10] Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList + $4
[00420BF9] Classes.TThreadList.Remove + $3D
[0042EB76] Graphics.TCanvas.Unlock + $1E
[004329E2] Graphics.TBitmapCanvas.FreeContext + $8E
[0042EB76] Graphics.TCanvas.Unlock + $1E
[00486CCF] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[00432834] Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts + $70
[00486CCF] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc + $157
[0063B792] Main.TMainForm.ResetPassword (Line 895, "..\Forms\Main.PAS" + 2) + $8
[0048694C] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc + $2C
[0042B304] Classes.StdWndProc + $14
[004A3DD7] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage + $83
[004A3E0E] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage + $A
[004A402E] Forms.TApplication.Run + $96
[00654A7A] Admin.Admin (Line 1062, "C:\SEEwinNew\Projects\Admin.dpr" + 889) + $7
TagsNo tags attached.



2004-10-22 13:44


Please post a small test project (zipped, no exe) that exhibits the problem. There is nothing we can do based on the information you've provided


2004-10-23 01:17

reporter   ~0005468

Sorry Peter,

The project in which the error occurs from time to time is quite big - and I hoped that yoy could come up with a solution.
I can't make a small test project that gives the same error - I don't know what cauces the error.



2004-10-26 13:28


It's impossible to make any assumtions on what might be going on without a reproducible testcase. It could be the JvExDBGrid or the JvDBLookupCombo, but it can just as well be something else. No way to tell.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-10-17 05:57 cab-dk New Issue
2004-10-22 13:44 user72 Note Added: 0005456
2004-10-22 13:44 user72 Status new => feedback
2004-10-23 01:17 cab-dk Note Added: 0005468
2004-10-26 13:28 user72 Note Added: 0005508
2004-10-29 02:16 user72 Status feedback => resolved
2004-10-29 02:16 user72 Resolution open => unable to reproduce
2004-10-29 02:16 user72 Assigned To => user72