View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0002662JEDI Code LibraryJclWideFormatpublic2005-02-21 12:02
ReporteranonymousAssigned ToRobert Rossmair 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionVersion 1.94 
Target VersionFixed in VersionVersion 1.95 
Summary0002662: Installation
DescriptionDelphi 9 Build 9.0.1761.24408 ==============

Making common library units for Delphi 9

Compiling .dcu files...
Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation
JclCompression.pas(475) Warning: W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
JclCompression.pas(482) Warning: W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
JclCompression.pas(633) Warning: W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
JclFileUtils.pas(121) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(122) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(311) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(3268) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(3268) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclRTTI.pas(1566) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
JclRTTI.pas(1856) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
JclRTTI.pas(1974) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
JclSysInfo.pas(1378) Warning: W1002 Symbol 'Win32Check' is specific to a platform
109483 lines, 11.49 seconds, 787 bytes code, 68 bytes data.

Making windows library units for Delphi 9

Compiling .dcu files...
Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation
JclUnicode.pas(7197) Warning: W1002 Symbol 'Win32Check' is specific to a platform
129369 lines, 14.55 seconds, 47501 bytes code, 16736 bytes data.

Making vcl library units for Delphi 9

Compiling .dcu files...
Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation
JclPrint.pas(653) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'GetBinSourceList' is deprecated
JclPrint.pas(701) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'GetPaperList' is deprecated
14026 lines, 4.57 seconds, 8679 bytes code, 8 bytes data.

Making common library debug units for Delphi 9

Compiling .dcu files...
Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation
JclCompression.pas(475) Warning: W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
JclCompression.pas(482) Warning: W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
JclCompression.pas(633) Warning: W1024 Combining signed and unsigned types - widened both operands
JclFileUtils.pas(121) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(122) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(311) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(3268) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclFileUtils.pas(3268) Warning: W1000 Symbol 'faVolumeID' is deprecated
JclRTTI.pas(1566) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
JclRTTI.pas(1856) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
JclRTTI.pas(1974) Hint: H2443 Inline function 'AnsiSameText' has not been expanded because unit 'Windows' is not specified in USES list
JclSysInfo.pas(1378) Warning: W1002 Symbol 'Win32Check' is specific to a platform
109483 lines, 15.49 seconds, 913 bytes code, 68 bytes data.

Making windows library debug units for Delphi 9

Compiling .dcu files...
Borland Delphi for Win32 compiler version 17.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2004 Borland Software Corporation
JclUnicode.pas(7197) Warning: W1002 Symbol 'Win32Check' is specific to a platform
JclWideFormat.pas(240) Fatal: F2084 Internal Error: C6662

TagsNo tags attached.
Fixed in GIT commit
Fixed in SVN revision
IDE version


duplicate of 0002664 resolvedRobert Rossmair Internal error C6662 when compiling 


There are no notes attached to this issue.

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2005-02-19 17:16 anonymous New Issue
2005-02-19 21:25 Robert Rossmair Category JclWideStrings => JclWideFormat
2005-02-21 12:01 Robert Rossmair Relationship added related to 0002664
2005-02-21 12:02 Robert Rossmair Relationship replaced duplicate of 0002664
2005-02-21 12:02 Robert Rossmair Duplicate ID 0 => 2664
2005-02-21 12:02 Robert Rossmair Status new => resolved
2005-02-21 12:02 Robert Rossmair Fixed in Version => Version 1.95
2005-02-21 12:02 Robert Rossmair Resolution open => fixed
2005-02-21 12:02 Robert Rossmair Assigned To => Robert Rossmair