View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0005647JEDI VCL00 JVCL Componentspublic2012-09-10 14:15
ReporterjimbonedAssigned Toobones 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version3.46 
Summary0005647: problem with ConvertToHtmlStrings
Descriptionhello, when i used this functio i have problems with the html, one problem was with the character "space" and other with accurates.
Additional Informationi,ve resolved the problems with this:

to accurates in "JvRichEditToHtml" in the function "ConvertToHtmlStrings(Value: TRichEdit; Strings: TStrings);"

if CharIsAlphaNum(Text[J]) then
                -> the characters type "á" enter here and don't translate
Value.SelStart := J;

i sustituyed for this: (i deleted the "if")

Value.SelStart := J;

for the other case, the character space i modified de unit JvStrToHtml

i append one line

Conversions: array [1..76] of TJvHtmlCodeRec = (
    (Ch: '"'; Html: '"'),
    (Ch: '<'; Html: '<'),
    (Ch: '>'; Html: '>'),
    (Ch: '^'; Html: 'ˆ'),
    (Ch: '~'; Html: '˜'),
    (Ch: '£'; Html: '£'),
    (Ch: '§'; Html: '§'),
    (Ch: '°'; Html: '°'),
    (Ch: '²'; Html: '&sup2;'),
    (Ch: '³'; Html: '&sup3;'),
    (Ch: 'µ'; Html: 'µ'),
    (Ch: '·'; Html: '·'),
    (Ch: '¼'; Html: '&frac14;'),
    (Ch: '½'; Html: '&frac12;'),
    (Ch: '¿'; Html: '¿'),
    (Ch: 'À'; Html: 'À'),
    (Ch: 'Á'; Html: 'Á'),
    (Ch: 'Â'; Html: 'Â'),
    (Ch: 'Ã'; Html: 'Ã'),
    (Ch: 'Ä'; Html: 'Ä'),
    (Ch: 'Å'; Html: 'Å'),
    (Ch: 'Æ'; Html: 'Æ'),
    (Ch: 'Ç'; Html: 'Ç'),
    (Ch: 'È'; Html: 'È'),
    (Ch: 'É'; Html: 'É'),
    (Ch: 'Ê'; Html: 'Ê'),
    (Ch: 'Ë'; Html: 'Ë'),
    (Ch: 'Ì'; Html: 'Ì'),
    (Ch: 'Í'; Html: 'Í'),
    (Ch: 'Î'; Html: 'Î'),
    (Ch: 'Ï'; Html: 'Ï'),
    (Ch: 'Ñ'; Html: 'Ñ'),
    (Ch: 'Ò'; Html: 'Ò'),
    (Ch: 'Ó'; Html: 'Ó'),
    (Ch: 'Ô'; Html: 'Ô'),
    (Ch: 'Õ'; Html: 'Õ'),
    (Ch: 'Ö'; Html: 'Ö'),
    (Ch: 'Ù'; Html: 'Ù'),
    (Ch: 'Ú'; Html: 'Ú'),
    (Ch: 'Û'; Html: 'Û'),
    (Ch: 'Ü'; Html: 'Ü'),
    (Ch: 'Ý'; Html: 'Ý'),
    (Ch: 'ß'; Html: 'ß'),
    (Ch: 'á'; Html: 'á'),
    (Ch: 'à'; Html: 'à'),
    (Ch: 'â'; Html: 'â'),
    (Ch: 'ã'; Html: 'ã'),
    (Ch: 'ä'; Html: 'ä'),
    (Ch: 'å'; Html: 'å'),
    (Ch: 'æ'; Html: 'æ'),
    (Ch: 'ç'; Html: 'ç'),
    (Ch: 'é'; Html: 'é'),
    (Ch: 'è'; Html: 'è'),
    (Ch: 'ê'; Html: 'ê'),
    (Ch: 'ë'; Html: 'ë'),
    (Ch: 'ì'; Html: 'ì'),
    (Ch: 'í'; Html: 'í'),
    (Ch: 'î'; Html: 'î'),
    (Ch: 'ï'; Html: 'ï'),
    (Ch: 'ñ'; Html: 'ñ'),
    (Ch: 'ò'; Html: 'ò'),
    (Ch: 'ó'; Html: 'ó'),
    (Ch: 'ô'; Html: 'ô'),
    (Ch: 'õ'; Html: 'õ'),
    (Ch: 'ö'; Html: 'ö'),
    (Ch: '÷'; Html: '÷'),
    (Ch: 'ù'; Html: 'ù'),
    (Ch: 'ú'; Html: 'ú'),
    (Ch: 'û'; Html: 'û'),
    (Ch: 'ü'; Html: 'ü'),
    (Ch: 'ý'; Html: 'ý'),
    (Ch: 'ÿ'; Html: 'ÿ'),
    (Ch: '&'; Html: '&'),
    (Ch: '´'; Html: '´'),
    (Ch: '`'; Html: '`'),
    (Ch: ' '; Html: ' ') <--------- THIS LINE

TagsNo tags attached.


2011-09-01 13:38 (7,289 bytes)


2011-09-01 13:40

reporter   ~0018892

sorry, in my report the html code is translate in the accurates table

(Ch: ' '; Html: '&nbsp') <--------- THIS LINE


2011-09-21 12:00

administrator   ~0018947

Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this

2011-09-21 19:57


prueba.rar (300,787 bytes)


2011-09-21 19:59

reporter   ~0018969

hello i sent you an example. If the internet explorer detetecs the codification as "Windows occidental" it works, but doesn´t work as UTF 8 and i'd have problems send emails to hotmail.


2012-02-23 12:26

administrator   ~0019513

This is now solved in SVN

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2011-09-01 13:38 jimboned New Issue
2011-09-01 13:38 jimboned File Added:
2011-09-01 13:40 jimboned Note Added: 0018892
2011-09-21 12:00 obones Note Added: 0018947
2011-09-21 12:00 obones Status new => feedback
2011-09-21 19:57 jimboned File Added: prueba.rar
2011-09-21 19:59 jimboned Note Added: 0018969
2011-09-22 11:35 obones Status feedback => acknowledged
2012-02-23 12:26 obones Note Added: 0019513
2012-02-23 12:26 obones Status acknowledged => resolved
2012-02-23 12:26 obones Fixed in Version => Daily / SVN
2012-02-23 12:26 obones Resolution open => fixed
2012-02-23 12:26 obones Assigned To => obones
2012-09-10 14:15 obones Fixed in Version Daily / SVN => 3.46