View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0001599JEDI VCL00 JVCL Componentspublic2004-04-14 04:45
ReporteritustecAssigned Touser72 
Status resolvedResolutionno change required 
Product Version 
Target VersionFixed in Version 
Summary0001599: TJVImagesViewer: the events OnLoadBegin, OnLoadEnd and OnLoadProgress don't ocurr...
DescriptionIn the component TJvImagesViewer when its loads the images the events OnLoadBegin, OnLoadEnd and OnLoadProgress don't ocurrs.

They only ocurr if the method LoadImages is invoked.

Is this correct? Or is a bug?

TagsNo tags attached.



2004-04-07 12:39


OnLoadBegin and OnLoadEnd is called when you change the value of Directory.

OnLoadProgress is called when the image is actually loaded and only if the TGraphic type that is loaded supports OnProgress events (see TPicture.OnProgress for an explanation). The image isn't loaded until it is needed (i.e scrolled into view).

In summary, OnLoadBegin/OnLoadEnd can occur at a completely different time compared to OnLoadProgress and OnLoadProgress might not occur at all.

If you want to be notified when an item is added to the list (to show it's name in a statusbar or so), use the OnInsertion event instead.


2004-04-08 09:12

reporter   ~0003724


The OnInsert event does not exist in TImagesViewer component.


2004-04-08 09:54


Not OnInsert, OnInsertion


2004-04-14 04:45


No reply, so assuming it works as described

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2004-04-07 11:14 itustec New Issue
2004-04-07 12:39 user72 Note Added: 0003690
2004-04-07 12:39 user72 Status new => assigned
2004-04-07 12:39 user72 Assigned To => user72
2004-04-08 09:12 itustec Note Added: 0003724
2004-04-08 09:54 user72 Note Added: 0003732
2004-04-14 04:45 user72 Status assigned => resolved
2004-04-14 04:45 user72 Resolution open => no change required
2004-04-14 04:45 user72 Note Added: 0003843