View Issue Details

IDProjectCategoryView StatusLast Update
0006766JEDI VCL00 JVCL Componentspublic2023-11-11 14:44
ReporterPannierAssigned ToAHUser 
Status resolvedResolutionfixed 
Product VersionDaily / GIT 
Target VersionFixed in VersionDaily / GIT 
Summary0006766: TJvListView (Items) wrong background color with dark themes
DescriptionTJvListView items with dark theme has wrong background color.
Steps To ReproduceCreate a new application
add a dark theme for example "Windows10 Dark"
Add a TJvListView components set ViewStyle vsReport
Add some Columns/Items
start application
Background color of an item should be black/dark gray but is white
TagsNo tags attached.



2023-05-11 15:45

reporter (6,487 bytes)


2023-05-11 15:47

reporter   ~0022043

Forget to write the Version:
Delphi 11.2 Patch 1
JVCL 3.50
Test application is compiled in 32 Bit


2023-11-11 14:44

developer   ~0022045

Fixed in git main branch.

SHA-1: 134b0353728f7b7afdac51c95b4793932830b777

- Added workarounds for the VCL's TListView custom draw "select stock objects (SYSTEM font) into the device context" and "ignore the default background color and use a white brush instead" bugs.
- TJvListItem.Font.Color now defaults to clDefault and uses the ListView's text color
- TJvListItem.Brush.Color now defaults to clDefault and uses the ListView's background color

Issue History

Date Modified Username Field Change
2023-05-11 15:45 Pannier New Issue
2023-05-11 15:45 Pannier File Added: TJvListView_DarkTheme_Wrong_Background.png
2023-05-11 15:45 Pannier File Added:
2023-05-11 15:47 Pannier Note Added: 0022043
2023-11-11 14:44 AHUser Assigned To => AHUser
2023-11-11 14:44 AHUser Status new => resolved
2023-11-11 14:44 AHUser Resolution open => fixed
2023-11-11 14:44 AHUser Fixed in Version => Daily / GIT
2023-11-11 14:44 AHUser Note Added: 0022045