| | | 0001863 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | trivial | | 2004-09-03 | TJvGridPrinter fails on print with error: printing in progress |
| | | 0001894 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-09-03 | Scrollbar did not work in TJvInspectorListBox |
| | | 0001985 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | TJvMonthCalendar2 |
| | | 0002103 | 4 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-09-03 | TJVDirectoryEdit cannot be used with UNC paths to select path to be created |
| | | 0001778 | 6 | 2 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | JvDBGrid bug in KeyPress procedure with lookup fields |
| | | 0002114 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | JvPrvwDoc convertion bugs |
| | | 0002113 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | Error in StringToHtml |
| | | 0001655 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | SpinEdit button not painted as disabled |
| | | 0001635 | 4 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | BlobField.IsNull not works on TJvMemoryData |
| | | 0001592 | 11 | 4 |
03 Donations | feature | | 2004-09-03 | JvXPProgressBar |
| | | 0001859 | 3 | 2 |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-09-03 | JvInterpreter: AV when calling handler OnDrawItem |
| | | 0001922 | 1 | 2 |
03 Donations | minor | | 2004-09-03 | Suggestions for TJvDateTimePicker and TJvDBDateTimePicker |
| | | 0002084 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-03 | JvMemoryData only filters on one character |
| | | 0001987 | 9 | 2 |
04 Feature Request | feature | | 2004-09-03 | Add AutoComplete support to JvToolEdit for pre-D7 compilers |
| | | 0002108 | 5 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-09-03 | Bug in JvXPBar |
| | | 0002110 | 4 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-09-02 | Selection bug in JvEditor |
| | | 0002092 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | tweak | resolved (user72) | 2004-09-01 | TJvCustomTMTimeline "Today-mark icon" override image painted from Images. |
| | | 0002017 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2004-08-31 | split jvcl component TJvXXX to TJvcustomXXX and TJvXXX |
| | | 0001872 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2004-08-31 | No help for JvGIFAnimator |
| | | 0002095 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-31 | JvHLEditor colors editor shows wrong colors when 'defaults' selected for background and foreground colors |
| | | 0001893 | 2 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-30 | JvInterpreter: wrong types in var parameters. |
| | | 0002105 | 1 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2004-08-30 | Fixed JvOfficeColorButton |
| | | 0002101 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-27 | TJvCalcEdit: accepting Text |
| | | 0002085 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2004-08-26 | bad drawing of the TJvDBStatusLabel |
| | | 0002086 | 8 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2004-08-26 | bad alignment in TJvDBStatusLabel |
| | | 0002083 | 1 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2004-08-25 | Some Pidl support for TJvBrowseForFolderDialog |
| | | 0002093 | 2 | 2 |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-08-25 | JvInterpreter Typ2Size bug (potential GPF and crash!) |
| | | 0002048 | 6 | |
00 JVCL Components | crash | | 2004-08-25 | TJvCustomcalcEdit (and descendants) crashes with large fonts |
| | | 0002077 | 6 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-24 | < BR > does not work in TJvHTLabel |
| | | 0001944 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-24 | TJvDBDateEdit popup doesn't change with keyboard |
| | | 0001986 | 1 | |
04 Feature Request | feature | | 2004-08-24 | TJvDBDateTimePicker - TDBCtrlGrid Usage |
| | | 0002008 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | crash | | 2004-08-24 | tjvcreateprocess don't transmit correctly commandeline |
| | | 0002002 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | text | | 2004-08-24 | JvRichEdit not diplays character ANSI 0173 |
| | | 0002087 | 2 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-23 | Saving the font settings (TJvFormStorage) |
| | | 0001685 | 10 | 1 |
99 Other | feature | resolved (user72) | 2004-08-23 | Docking example request |
| | | 0002081 | 1 | 1 |
03 Donations | text | | 2004-08-22 | Polish locale file for JVCL 3 Installer |
| | | 0002080 | 1 | 1 |
03 Donations | text | | 2004-08-22 | Updated Polish locale files |
| | | 0002079 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-08-21 | SameFileName is invalid! |
| | | 0002075 | 5 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-08-21 | JvEditor/JvHLEditor random unintentional text block selection |
| | | 0002011 | 5 | 2 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-20 | Make TJvUnicodeCanvas uses unicode text measures |
| | | 0002056 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-20 | TJvOutlookSplitter autosnap doens't unsnap |
| | | 0002040 | 3 | 1 |
01 Help | block | | 2004-08-20 | Cannot capture event on JvBalloonHint |
| | | 0001879 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | tweak | | 2004-08-20 | TJvScrollText : Text color is always WindowText in D7+XP |
| | | 0001921 | 5 | 1 |
02 Installation | trivial | | 2004-08-20 | JVCL: Double back slash in package folders |
| | | 0002076 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | tweak | | 2004-08-20 | Resizing TJvStatusBar in XP style |
| | | 0002004 | 3 | 3 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-08-20 | bad alignment in TJvDBStatusLabel |
| | | 0002068 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved (user72) | 2004-08-20 | JvMemoryDataset: AutoIncAsInteger affect Nothing |
| | | 0002053 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | block | | 2004-08-20 | EReadError on executing TJvHLEditorParamsForm |
| | | 0001874 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2004-08-20 | TJvDBMaskEdit stays ReadOnly |
| | | 0002074 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | trivial | | 2004-08-20 | Cant use SPACE when editing a node in TJvTreeView |