| | | 0002526 | 8 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-27 | 3.00 RC1 JvFormStorage does not restore forms with Postion property of poMainFormCenter |
| | | 0002548 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved (user72) | 2005-01-25 | TJvRegistryTreeView doesn't handle special value types (REG_MULTI_SZ, REG_LINK, etc) |
| | | 0002553 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved (user72) | 2005-01-25 | Exif Jpeg images not supported in TJvDbImage |
| | | 0002519 | 13 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-24 | JvHttpUrlGrabber freezes application |
| | | 0002524 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-22 | TJvEditor doesn't invoke OnChange when Lines.Text changed or Lines assigned |
| | | 0002512 | 9 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | | 2005-01-22 | jvDBGrid will not accept any input in numeric and alfa fields |
| | | 0002293 | 10 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-19 | JvEdit and PasswordChar |
| | | 0002525 | 1 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-19 | TJvHTLabel have not published property Anchors. |
| | | 0002510 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-17 | SetupApi.pas - static linking bug |
| | | 0002507 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-17 | TJvFindReplace infinite loop when closing form |
| | | 0002346 | 5 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-17 | TJvTrayIcon stops receiving WM_CONTEXTMENU after BalloonHint |
| | | 0002499 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved (user72) | 2005-01-13 | JvRegistryTreeview doesn't work well when a key has null subkeys (JVCL RC1) |
| | | 0002495 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved | 2005-01-12 | Duplicate name TJvImageItem |
| | | 0002466 | 1 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2005-01-07 | TJvDBGrid.OnKeyPress event is not correctly processed |
| | | 0002469 | 6 | |
02 Installation | block | resolved | 2005-01-04 | compiling JvGlobusD7R.dpk(47) fatal: Packet required 'vclie' not found |
| | | 0002472 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | tweak | resolved | 2005-01-04 | TJvEditor doesn't invoke OnChange event for final undo |
| | | 0002391 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2005-01-03 | AV in TJvDatePickerEdit if there was an exception in the OnChange Event |
| | | 0002451 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | block | resolved | 2005-01-03 | TJVScrollMax cannot be used |
| | | 0002395 | 7 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2005-01-03 | can't place a JVScrollMax on a Form |
| | | 0002456 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved | 2005-01-03 | TJvPopUpMenu caption incorrect |
| | | 0002440 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2005-01-03 | Error loading JvMMD6D when starting Delphi |
| | | 0002458 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved | 2005-01-03 | Bug in JvEdit |
| | | 0002399 | 4 | |
02 Installation | major | | 2005-01-02 | Installer Error |
| | | 0002400 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved | 2005-01-02 | TJvDualListDialog |
| | | 0001629 | 4 | |
00 JVCL Components | feature | | 2005-01-02 | TJvWizardRouteMapSteps - navigators doesn't fire OnNext event |
| | | 0002426 | 6 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2005-01-02 | MessageDlgEx with delphi 2005 |
| | | 0002398 | 4 | |
00 JVCL Components | feature | resolved | 2005-01-02 | Problem with TJvDatePickerEdit with Delphi 2005 |
| | | 0002453 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved | 2005-01-01 | JvGnuGetText - mem leak |
| | | 0002444 | 1 | |
04 Feature Request | minor | resolved | 2005-01-01 | Support for profiles D9 |
| | | 0002379 | 2 | |
02 Installation | minor | | 2004-12-29 | Personal installation is not possible without enabling {$DEFINE DelphiPersonalEdition} in jvcl.inc / different editions |
| | | 0002396 | 8 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-29 | Unable to run install |
| | | 0002418 | 4 | |
02 Installation | block | resolved | 2004-12-29 | Instalation Fails in Delphi 5 |
| | | 0002362 | 5 | |
02 Installation | block | resolved | 2004-12-29 | Path error (bad quotes) DJclVcl.dcp doesn't exist |
| | | 0002435 | 2 | 1 |
02 Installation | crash | resolved | 2004-12-29 | Fatal: does not exist - don't know |
| | | 0002430 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-28 | JvInterpreter: AV in TypeName2VarTyp |
| | | 0002439 | 1 | 1 |
00 JVCL Components | crash | resolved | 2004-12-28 | JvAppInstances sets "Application" to nil |
| | | 0002385 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | crash | resolved | 2004-12-26 | Access Violation in procedure TJvBrowseForFolderDialog.UpdateStatusText(AText: string); |
| | | 0002422 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-23 | Problem with JvGlobusD7R package! |
| | | 0002424 | 2 | |
99 Other | text | resolved | 2004-12-23 | TortoiseCVS Configuration |
| | | 0002427 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-22 | Error compiling JvInterpreterD9R.bpl with delphi 2005 |
| | | 0002407 | 1 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-12-22 | Asigning a default value to a TJvDateParameter doesn't work |
| | | 0002392 | 13 | 4 |
00 JVCL Components | minor | | 2004-12-22 | Error installing |
| | | 0002403 | 3 | |
02 Installation | crash | resolved | 2004-12-21 | Installation failed |
| | | 0002384 | 1 | 3 |
03 Donations | feature | | 2004-12-20 | Delphi into BCB6 conversion (JvUIB, JvZoom, JvWndProcHook) |
| | | 0002401 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | minor | resolved | 2004-12-20 | DBGrid shows rtf-codes instead of image - again |
| | | 0002303 | 4 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-20 | ImageComboBox not drawing items in Image list |
| | | 0002274 | 5 | |
00 JVCL Components | crash | resolved | 2004-12-20 | Components don't support SQL Server 2000 datetime type |
| | | 0002279 | 3 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-20 | ClipboardCommands of TJvExCustomMaskEdit |
| | | 0001896 | 6 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-20 | Problems in TjvMemoryData - working on it |
| | | 0002328 | 2 | |
00 JVCL Components | major | resolved | 2004-12-20 | TJvValidateEdit doesn't accept Value(s) greater than 255 |