Released 2009-06-25
0004772: [00 JVCL Components] errors with dock components in Delphi 2009 (obones)
0004658: [00 JVCL Components] Problem with TJvCalcEdit Component (obones)
0004328: [00 JVCL Components] Filter on TJvMemoryData dont work (wpostma416)
0004793: [00 JVCL Components] locale pt_Br (obones)
0004778: [00 JVCL Components] JvCSVDataset.Sort --> leads to an error (wpostma416)
0004821: [00 JVCL Components] Changing JvPropertyStorage.sPropNameDelimiter is not possible (AHUser)
0004822: [00 JVCL Components] JvStrings.HasStringValue is broken (AHUser)
0004814: [00 JVCL Components] LongToShortPath generates an exception (AHUser)
0004803: [00 JVCL Components] JvCheckedItemsForm does not save CheckBox's checks *at design-time* (AHUser)
0004802: [00 JVCL Components] TJvMemoryData.SortOnFields doesn't work in RAD Studio 2009 witht fields of type ftString. (AHUser)
0004656: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTabBar with PageListTabLink=true shows wrong page after closing tab (AHUser)
0004784: [00 JVCL Components] TJvRichEditStrings.Get() not working under D2009 (AHUser)
0004785: [02 Installation] Installation error with C++Buider 6 (obones)
0004449: [00 JVCL Components] Rtf to HTML error conversion (obones)
0004398: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCpationButton does not work correctly in Windows Vista (AHUser)
0004724: [00 JVCL Components] C++ header: tkUnknown not unique (AHUser)
0004631: [00 JVCL Components] TJvAppAnimatedIcon and TJvFormAnimatedIcon generate AV if linked imagelist was deleted (obones)
0004760: [04 Feature Request] TJvDirectoryEdit and Drop File or Directory (obones)
0004733: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDesignSurface: Ctrl-Left/Right/Up/Down and Shift-Left/Right/Up/Down on Windows (obones)
0004730: [00 JVCL Components] TJvMainMenu.GetItemParams - NumGlyphs is useless - MenuItem Glyph resize to default size any time. (obones)
0004714: [00 JVCL Components] JvOrganizeFavoritesDialog not working for IE8 (obones)
0004716: [00 JVCL Components] Crash in TJvDockTree.DoLoadZone (Docking) (obones)
0004699: [00 JVCL Components] Fix for 0003250 causes crash in particular sequence of events (obones)
0004693: [00 JVCL Components] Moving a selected component on a TJvDesignPanel (obones)
0004674: [00 JVCL Components] New DisplayFormat for TJvValidateEdit: dfIdentifier (obones)
0004756: [02 Installation] EnvOptions.proj got corrupted after JVCL install (obones)
0004751: [00 JVCL Components] JvProgramVersionCheck incorrectly uses IdHTTP.BoundPort (AHUser)
0004742: [00 JVCL Components] "JvCsvData - Internal Limit of MAXCOLUMNS (120) reached. CSV Data has too many columns." (AHUser)
0004734: [00 JVCL Components] Issue 0004520 isn't solved completely (AHUser)
0004486: [00 JVCL Components] TJvInspector: Lost input focus in MDI never comes back (AHUser)
0004738: [00 JVCL Components] Unable to Insert Object on JvRichEdit/JvDBRichEdit with Delphi 2009 (AHUser)
0004684: [00 JVCL Components] TJvMemoryData fails to store and retrieve fields in Delphi 2009 (AHUser)
0004694: [00 JVCL Components] JvJVCLUtils.pas - function GetControlScreenRect return rect postion error fixed. (AHUser)
0004697: [00 JVCL Components] Adding "Alignment" published property to TJvDBMaskEdit component (AHUser)
0004686: [00 JVCL Components] JVStringGrid.savetofile adding space between each letter (AHUser)
0004713: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCaptionButton.Position <> 0 AND WindowsXP-Theme = Blue leads to crash (Delphi 2009) (AHUser)
0004712: [00 JVCL Components] AV in TJvGIFAnimator (AHUser)
0004681: [00 JVCL Components] HID components do not work in Delphi 2009 (obones)
0004665: [00 JVCL Components] TJvProgressDialog not show window in non modal mode (Delphi 2007) (AHUser)
0004666: [00 JVCL Components] Problem on rendering TJvMaskEdit on Windows Vista, Windows 7 (AHUser)
40 issues View Issues