Released 2006-01-08
0002419: [99 Other] Overview of JVCL3 components listing + some new buttons (obones)
0002972: [00 JVCL Components] JvHttpUrlGrabber - cannot configure proxy username or password (obones)
0003642: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFilenameEdit(TJvDirectoryEdit) - AutoSuggest doesn't work when ButtonWidth is changed. (remkobonte)
0003339: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCreateProcess: separate stdout/stderror (remkobonte)
0003617: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCreateProcess - exceptions in OnTerminate (remkobonte)
0003527: [00 JVCL Components] JvDock* seems to block system shutdown/logoff (remkobonte)
0003228: [00 JVCL Components] TJvPoweredByJCL / TJvPoweredByJVCL (AHUser)
0002767: [00 JVCL Components] TJvPopupMenu have crazy item text align at first draw with msStandard Style (obones)
0003029: [00 JVCL Components] SubMenu arrow in TJvPopupMenu painted on the left when compiled with Delphi 2005 (obones)
0003492: [00 JVCL Components] TJvXPBar: OnDblClick don´t work (AHUser)
0003519: [00 JVCL Components] TJvHLEditor Completion doesn't show identifier list (AHUser)
0003500: [02 Installation] Why all JVCL and JCL daily packages are corrupted??? (obones)
0003438: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGrid Click CheckBox Field, DataSource NOT in Autoedit (jfudickar)
0003507: [04 Feature Request] JvxSlider OnDrawPoints almost useless due to missing public properties (AHUser)
0003509: [02 Installation] Cannot compile installer (AHUser)
0003502: [00 JVCL Components] JvValidateEdit don't accept '-' (obones)
0003493: [00 JVCL Components] JvValidateEdit CriticalPoint color doesn't work when you set value by code (obones)
0003378: [03 Donations] TJvZLibMultiple with ListStoredFiles procedure (outchy)
0003426: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDesignPanel: Set Active=true or false has no affect. (outchy)
0003187: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDbGrid - PickList problem (obones)
0003386: [00 JVCL Components] TJvStringGrid.LoadFromFile is loading only the first Row (obones)
0003366: [00 JVCL Components] Missing Property "ClockStyle" in JvClock Component (obones)
0003485: [00 JVCL Components] bug in installer (AHUser)
0003467: [02 Installation] Install fails when JCL installed in non-standart path (with decision) (AHUser)
0003382: [02 Installation] JVCL installation issue (obones)
0003345: [02 Installation] Error install daily JVCL (6 december 2005) (obones)
0001860: [00 JVCL Components] JvInterpreter: cannot access form fields (obones)
0002868: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBTreeview with JvDock...Component raise exception "expression expected but nothing found" (obones)
0003455: [00 JVCL Components] TJvValidateEdit reset Value property if the HasMaxValue property is set (elahn)
0002914: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBTreeView - working with BIG trees (AHUser)
0003376: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBTreeView AV after deleteng of node (AHUser)
0003373: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBTreeView: change visibility again (AHUser)
0003447: [00 JVCL Components] JVCL Docking: wrong dynamic frame when dragging over a Custom dock site with alClient + FIX (AHUser)
0003462: [00 JVCL Components] ReplaceAllStrings function Error (AHUser)
0003417: [00 JVCL Components] TJvLabel causes TComboBox to close up (elahn)
0003457: [00 JVCL Components] About function InstallProcHook in JvVCL5Utils.pas (AHUser)
0003333: [00 JVCL Components] JvInterpreter: wrong extending in 0003217 (obones)
0003379: [00 JVCL Components] TJvMainMenu and TJvPopupMenu are incompatible with ancestors (TMainMenu and TPopupMenu) (obones)
0003406: [JclStrings] Functions 'substr' and 'addslash2' missing from jvjclUtils.pas (obones)
0003420: [00 JVCL Components] JvInterpreter: Form fields and methods support (obones)
0003181: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDateEdit - Econvert with message "19/19/2005" is not a valid date. (elahn)
0003437: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDropCalendar dosn't update the current day (jfudickar)
0003432: [00 JVCL Components] TJVTabBar Not focussing on the tab properly (AHUser)
0003272: [00 JVCL Components] TJvThumbImage.SaveToFile --> save to JPEG (obones)
0003197: [00 JVCL Components] Parameter "Rect" in the "OnDrawLeftMargin" event in class "TJvStandardMenuItemPainter" is wrong. (obones)
0003190: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFormStorage %FORM_NAME%\ does not work well on inherited form (jfudickar)
0003409: [00 JVCL Components] When using TjvDBDatePicker control on form with FormStyle=fsStayOnTop calendar doesn't appear correctly! (obones)
0003357: [00 JVCL Components] JvDatePickerEdit does not always appear right underneath the input control (obones)
0003387: [03 Donations] TJvXPButton: Button´s glyph without a caption isn´t centered (obones)
0003377: [00 JVCL Components] JVSimpleXML doesn't preserve preceding whitespace for text nodes (obones)
0003399: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDateTimePicker and Weeknumbers=TRUE (obones)
0003334: [00 JVCL Components] Access Violation in TJvDatePickerEdit component (obones)
0003394: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTreeView: Node background is clWhite instead of TJvTreeView.Color (obones)
0003358: [00 JVCL Components] Error in JvJVCLUtils affecting JvHtLabel and like. (obones)
0003418: [00 JVCL Components] TJvBrowseForFolderDialog causes error at compile time (obones)
0003136: [00 JVCL Components] JvInterpreter: "flying functions" in JvInterpreterFm.pas do not work correct. (obones)
0002848: [00 JVCL Components] TJvImagesViewer ScrollBars Repaint (obones)
0003076: [02 Installation] C++ Builder Installation fails. (obones)
0003327: [00 JVCL Components] JvXPButton onClick event triggered twice (obones)
0003346: [00 JVCL Components] Not installing in D2006 (obones)
0003352: [02 Installation] installation fails with BDS 2006 (obones)
0003361: [00 JVCL Components] Get and set checkbox value in TJvTreeView (obones)
0003364: [02 Installation] Can't install JVCL 3.1 on BDS 2006 (obones)
0003390: [00 JVCL Components] Completed Italian Translation JVCL (obones)
0003362: [99 Other] Italian translation (obones)
0003396: [00 JVCL Components] Installation problem with JVCL310CompleteJCL196-Build2070 after JCL installs ok (obones)
0003408: [00 JVCL Components] Fatal : F2039 Could not create outfile file 'C:\program files\borland\bds\4.0\include\vcl\JvGnugettext.hpp' (obones)
0003388: [00 JVCL Components] MDI with tjvForm (AHUser)
0003369: [00 JVCL Components] Move for tjvSimpleXML (elahn)
0003321: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDesktopAlert gives focus to app (elahn)
0003353: [03 Donations] Added Pause, Resume, Terminate, and Ignore Exclusive to JvZlibMultiple (AHUser)
0003344: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCustomCipher EncodeString / DecodeString broken (but easy fix) (AHUser)
0003340: [00 JVCL Components] TJvNavigationPane.OnChange event firing during component creation (AHUser)
0003365: [00 JVCL Components] JVHLEditor - 'List index out of bound' after pressing backspace (AHUser)
74 issues View Issues