JEDI VCL - Change Log
Released 2026-03-14
The current development version, from the GitHub repository or a daily snapshot. If taken from a daily, please indicate the date in the comment.
0006706: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGrid.EditControls is not working properly. (AHUser) 0006770: [Miscellanous] function TJclUnicodeStrHashSetIterator.GetString returns wrong (AHUser) 0006755: [00 JVCL Components] Excel OLE automation with JvInterpreter does not support cells.range[X,X] (AHUser) 0006769: [00 JVCL Components] Loading of wrong class in TJvRichEdit when RICHED20.DLL is used (AHUser) 0006762: [02 Installation] Various warning on installation (AHUser) 0005632: [02 Installation] Major issue with XP Themes that prevented compiling exe's due to unresolved code reference (AHUser) 0006662: [General] StyleElements (AHUser) 0006749: [02 Installation] parameter missing (2 instead of 3) in copy function in JVCLInstall/DelphiData.pas Line 897 (AHUser) 0006696: [00 JVCL Components] Incorrect pointer arithmatic in JvNTEventLog.pas (AHUser) 0006487: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTrayIcon Animate to Tray component visibility issues (AHUser) 0006461: [00 JVCL Components] TJvSpeedButton appearance when custom VCL style is activated (AHUser) 0006751: [00 JVCL Components] TJvEditButton light corners on Windows 11 dark styles (AHUser) 0006736: [00 JVCL Components] TJvOfficeColorButton, color panel is initially showed at wrong coordinates (AHUser) 0006766: [00 JVCL Components] TJvListView (Items) wrong background color with dark themes (AHUser) 0006763: [00 JVCL Components] JvListView sort error when compiled x64 (AHUser) 0006709: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBLookupEdit not exist Align (obones) 0006710: [00 JVCL Components] It is no longer possible to hide a CheckBox of a JvCheckTreeView (AHUser) 0006693: [02 Installation] Install jvcl - Delphi 7 (obones) 0006294: [00 JVCL Components] TJvHidDeviceController doesn't handle barcode readers properly anymore (obones) 0006041: [00 JVCL Components] JvMemoryData SortOnFields don't work (obones) 0006353: [00 JVCL Components] Incomplete TJvWallpaperStyle (for Windows 7 and later) (obones) 0006664: [00 JVCL Components] JvHidDeviceController does not work on Windows 10 1809 (obones) 0006665: [02 Installation] 10.3 Rio Update 1: Installer fails to compile JvAppIniStorage.pas (obones) 0006677: [04 Feature Request] JvGifAnimator shall have a method for setting the ANimateInterval for all frames (obones) 0006683: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFileListbox.AutoUpdate not working if Directory property changes (obones) 0006361: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBCombobox : Bug because search key is case insensitive (obones) 0006332: [00 JVCL Components] Jvrollout realigns controls on collapse/expand (obones) 0006419: [00 JVCL Components] Position of TJvDesktopAlert with multi screen (obones) 0006508: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBTreeView - unnecessary warning for ftLargeint types of fields (obones) 0006570: [00 JVCL Components] JvMemoryData easilly corrupts buffer when using many fields (obones) 0006497: [00 JVCL Components] Make TJvValidateEdit.Value return Cardinal for dfHex (obones) 0006518: [00 JVCL Components] TJvHidDeviceController - missed OnDeviceDataError handler setup (obones) 0006538: [00 JVCL Components] JvHidControllerClass, BusType should be of type TGUID not string (obones) 0006534: [00 JVCL Components] DecimalPlaces, DecimalPlacesAlwaysShown (obones) 0006610: [00 JVCL Components] JVCreateProcess appears to be running forever. (obones) 0006501: [00 JVCL Components] In JvDBGrid, UseThemedHilighlighting leave out columns with checkbox (obones) 0006642: [00 JVCL Components] JvWaitingGradient/JvImagedrawThread deadlock condition (obones) 0006554: [00 JVCL Components] D7: JvTreeItemsEditorForm.dfm contains the property "AlignwithMargins" -> designtime error (obones) 0006673: [00 JVCL Components] Assigning empty TStrings to TJvSpinEdit.Items raises SListIndexError (obones) 0006671: [00 JVCL Components] Changing TJvDialButton Frequency, Min or Max at runtime leads to exception (AHUser) 0006544: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCustomComboEdit (and descendants) ignore the user's caret width setting (AHUser) 0006666: [03 Donations] Updated JVCL.PO file for German Language (obones) 0006564: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBImage shows "Bitmap image is not valid" to some kind of jpeg image. (obones) 0006620: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBLookupCombo.IgnoreCase property is applied to the key lookup (obones) 0006578: [00 JVCL Components] Default property in JvTFGlance.TJvTFGlanceViewer not initially set. (obones) 0006595: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTFDays testing wrong integer object typecast test (obones) 0006522: [Miscellanous] TJvApplicationHotKey not works on Windows 10 . (obones) 0006634: [00 JVCL Components] Access violation in Jedi/Jvcl/Run/JvclUtils.pas (AHUser) 0006532: [00 JVCL Components] PError is incompatible with modern Delphi versions (AHUser) 0006651: [00 JVCL Components] Not all German special characters are accepted through EditControls in TJvDBGrid (AHUser) 0006630: [00 JVCL Components] A TJvDBLookupCombo on a TJvWizard page does not show the dropdown button (obones) 0006629: [00 JVCL Components] JVCL can't be download form (obones) 0006631: [00 JVCL Components] Drag and Drop (AHUser) 0006616: [00 JVCL Components] JvCreateProcess - CloseWrite should be made public (AHUser) 0006638: [00 JVCL Components] TJvThread Wait functions can not be used in background threads (solution) (AHUser) 0006635: [Miscellanous] Some fixes (AHUser) 0006615: [00 JVCL Components] JvProgramVersionCheck and JvParameterList are not DPI aware (AHUser) 0006613: [02 Installation] Crash compiling JvDB70 JvDBlookup (using JVCL install) (AHUser) 0006563: [02 Installation] Installation problem - Cannot access private symbol (AHUser) 0006603: [00 JVCL Components] Buttons in JvWizard do not scale correctly for high screen resolutions (AHUser) 0006556: [02 Installation] Compiler 'Warnings' when installing JVCL for Delphi 10.2 Tokyo (obones) 0006415: [00 JVCL Components] Invisible buttons on TJvOutlookBar with Windows Server 2008 (AHUser) 0006523: [02 Installation] Installer: Delphi Berlin 10.1 Pro identified as "10.1 Pers"? (AHUser) 0006480: [00 JVCL Components] Error: Runtime error 217 at 011789DA (AHUser) 0006371: [General API] Installation issues. Concerns all XE6 and XE7 compilers (AHUser) 0006262: [00 JVCL Components] TjvPageListTreeView & TjvStandardPage Enabled = False (AHUser) 0006391: [00 JVCL Components] JvAviCapture - ALT key issue (AHUser) 0006456: [00 JVCL Components] TjvStandardPage / TjvPagelistTreeview BUGs (AHUser) 0006241: [Donation] Range check error in JvPaintFX.pas (AHUser) 0006502: [00 JVCL Components] Request to make TJvDBGrid.DrawThemedHighlighting a virtual method (AHUser) 0006505: [00 JVCL Components] Update for TjvCharMap (AHUser) 0006510: [00 JVCL Components] The selected item appearance in lookup list of TJvDBLookupCombo is not themed (AHUser) 0006520: [02 Installation] Installer crashes due to CSIDL_COMMON_DOCUMENTS not defined (AHUser) 0006474: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGrid OnMouseDown won't be called (AHUser) 0006484: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFilenameEdit, paint issue when disabled and placed on JvWizard page (AHUser) 0006436: [JclGraphics] Crash in JvPaintFX.pas (AHUser) 0006499: [00 JVCL Components] jvGnuGetText does not work in 64bit with runtime packages (AHUser) 0006476: [02 Installation] Unable to compile with XP Theming enabled (AHUser) 0006457: [00 JVCL Components] TJvSpinEdit handles minus sign incorrectly (AHUser) 0006473: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCPUUsage no longer in JVCL ! (AHUser) 0006464: [00 JVCL Components] Patch to customize Hint of the JvOutlookBar to whichever TAction the mouse is over (AHUser) 0006470: [00 JVCL Components] TJvLinkLabel Out of system resources (AHUser) 0006478: [00 JVCL Components] JvDebugHandler generates the stack trace information with a spelling error!!! (AHUser) 0006479: [00 JVCL Components] Crash in TDataSet due to bug in TJvDbGrid (AHUser) 0006452: [02 Installation] Install 32-bit still fails in Delphi10Seattle with BDE installed. (AHUser) 0006372: [00 JVCL Components] Jvrollout appearance with vcl styles (AHUser) 0006451: [02 Installation] Install 32-bit fails in Delphi10Seattle with BDE installed. (AHUser) 0006312: [00 JVCL Components] The correct support for x64 platform (AHUser) 0006442: [00 JVCL Components] AddConst(cSystem, 'varSrting', Ord(varString)); / JvInterpreter_System.pas (AHUser) 89 issues View Issues