Released 2005-01-06
0002704: [00 JVCL Components] Error moving docking windows (remkobonte)
0002357: [00 JVCL Components] JvAppIniStorage / JvFormStorage problem when 2nd form is auto-create. (jfudickar)
0002409: [00 JVCL Components] Using Dock-Server/Client: Crash after closing Tap-Form (obones)
0002596: [00 JVCL Components] With RC1 - TJvScrollMax SetParentBackground - Called from inherited Create (obones)
0002466: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDBGrid.OnKeyPress event is not correctly processed
0002469: [02 Installation] compiling JvGlobusD7R.dpk(47) fatal: Packet required 'vclie' not found
0002472: [00 JVCL Components] TJvEditor doesn't invoke OnChange event for final undo
0002391: [00 JVCL Components] AV in TJvDatePickerEdit if there was an exception in the OnChange Event (AHUser)
0002451: [00 JVCL Components] TJVScrollMax cannot be used
0002395: [00 JVCL Components] can't place a JVScrollMax on a Form
0002456: [00 JVCL Components] TJvPopUpMenu caption incorrect
0002440: [00 JVCL Components] Error loading JvMMD6D when starting Delphi
0002458: [00 JVCL Components] Bug in JvEdit
0002399: [02 Installation] Installer Error (AHUser)
0002400: [00 JVCL Components] TJvDualListDialog
0001629: [00 JVCL Components] TJvWizardRouteMapSteps - navigators doesn't fire OnNext event (Aleksey Kudinov)
0002426: [00 JVCL Components] MessageDlgEx with delphi 2005
0002398: [00 JVCL Components] Problem with TJvDatePickerEdit with Delphi 2005
0002453: [00 JVCL Components] JvGnuGetText - mem leak
0002379: [02 Installation] Personal installation is not possible without enabling {$DEFINE DelphiPersonalEdition} in / different editions (AHUser)
0002396: [00 JVCL Components] Unable to run install
0002418: [02 Installation] Instalation Fails in Delphi 5
0002362: [02 Installation] Path error (bad quotes) DJclVcl.dcp doesn't exist
0002435: [02 Installation] Fatal: does not exist - don't know
0002430: [00 JVCL Components] JvInterpreter: AV in TypeName2VarTyp
0002439: [00 JVCL Components] JvAppInstances sets "Application" to nil
0002422: [00 JVCL Components] Problem with JvGlobusD7R package!
0002424: [99 Other] TortoiseCVS Configuration
0002427: [00 JVCL Components] Error compiling JvInterpreterD9R.bpl with delphi 2005
0002407: [00 JVCL Components] Asigning a default value to a TJvDateParameter doesn't work (jfudickar)
0002392: [00 JVCL Components] Error installing (AHUser)
0002403: [02 Installation] Installation failed
0002384: [03 Donations] Delphi into BCB6 conversion (JvUIB, JvZoom, JvWndProcHook) (obones)
0002401: [00 JVCL Components] DBGrid shows rtf-codes instead of image - again
0002303: [00 JVCL Components] ImageComboBox not drawing items in Image list
0002274: [00 JVCL Components] Components don't support SQL Server 2000 datetime type
0002279: [00 JVCL Components] ClipboardCommands of TJvExCustomMaskEdit
0001896: [00 JVCL Components] Problems in TjvMemoryData - working on it
0002328: [00 JVCL Components] TJvValidateEdit doesn't accept Value(s) greater than 255
0001805: [00 JVCL Components] For TJvDBDateTimePicker : If NullText = SPACE then pressing DELETE completely disables the control
0002364: [00 JVCL Components] TJvPluginManager
0002354: [00 JVCL Components] Installation failed
0002394: [00 JVCL Components] FGlyph is nil in TJvButtonParameter
0002370: [00 JVCL Components] TJvBitBtn and TJvImgBtn missing Flat property
0002382: [99 Other] Error installing JCL
0002381: [02 Installation] Undeclared Identifier : 'TUnitVersionInfo'
0002380: [00 JVCL Components] Error installing Multimedia Package
0002378: [00 JVCL Components] TJvVersionInfo access violation reading properties when file does not exist.
0002207: [03 Donations] Enhancements (jfudickar)
0002295: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCustomDBTreeView and Insert new record when DataSet is empty
0002292: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCombobox Autocomplete does not work
0002356: [00 JVCL Components] TJvExpressButton don't draw correctly alpha blended Images
0002372: [00 JVCL Components] JvSimpleXML Rev 1.52 will not compile
0002368: [00 JVCL Components] TJvSimpleXML - reading properties with "default value" when using "sxoAutoCreate"
0002365: [00 JVCL Components] JvMemoryDataset enhaced and bugs fixed
0002371: [00 JVCL Components] JvBdeUtils support for Int64 needed for Locate from JvMemoryData
0002318: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFormStorage and TJvListView.Items storage (bug) (jfudickar)
0002352: [00 JVCL Components] JvStrToHtml.pas 'à'; Html: '&aacute and 'á'; Html: '&agrave not are OK
0002257: [00 JVCL Components] Memory leak in function - DataSetLocateThrough - JvDBUtils.pas
0002337: [00 JVCL Components] TJvMouseGestureHook blocks application
0002350: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCustomEditor.SelectWordOnCaret cannot select word on line 0
0002290: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGrid bug
0002061: [00 JVCL Components] TJvAnimatedImage doesn't work on WinXP
0001844: [00 JVCL Components] Dot Net Docking
0002049: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBTreeView
0002126: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCalcEdit Button-width not saved
0002339: [00 JVCL Components] Application not executing on Windows Server 2003
0002325: [00 JVCL Components] JvZoom misses properties (user72)
0002347: [04 Feature Request] Missing Anchors in JvSlider (user72)
0002342: [02 Installation] Error: "Installation Failed" (user72)
0002345: [00 JVCL Components] TJvSimpleXML encoded properites (user72)
0002330: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBLookupCombo crashes with empty lookup table (AHUser)
0002245: [00 JVCL Components] Fatal: File not found: 'JclWideStrings.dcu' in dailys (20041015) under Delphi 5 (AHUser)
0002332: [00 JVCL Components] Setting TJvTimerEvent.RepeatCount to any value causes access violation (AHUser)
0002336: [02 Installation] Doesnt detect delphi 2k5. (AHUser)
0002333: [00 JVCL Components] TJvTimerList doesn't fire timer events in Delphi 5 (AHUser)
0002334: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBTreeView - bug with empty table (user72)
0002319: [00 JVCL Components] TJvImageListBox Anchors not assigned for Delphi 5 (user72)
0002320: [00 JVCL Components] Bad practice to hard code image size in TJvXPBar (user72)
0001906: [02 Installation] JVCL compilation fails disabling Quick Report (latest CVS) (obones)
0002313: [00 JVCL Components] TjvRas32 raising Exception (user72)
0002315: [02 Installation] Fatal: File not found: 'JclUnitVersioning.dcu' ( JvResources.pas(2129)) (obones)
0002302: [00 JVCL Components] ImageComboBox LinkedObject uable to expand error (obones)
0002301: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBGrid Cell Background update problem in fixed Column (obones)
0002151: [00 JVCL Components] String properties are trimmed (jfudickar)
0002283: [00 JVCL Components] JvGroupHeader does not reflect some changes in properties (user72)
0002294: [00 JVCL Components] TJvCustomWideEditor does not accept spaces (AHUser)
0002237: [00 JVCL Components] DBGrid shows rtf-codes instead of image (user72)
0002285: [00 JVCL Components] JvButton changes should probably appear in Release Notes (user72)
0002120: [00 JVCL Components] JvDocking doesn't restore dockforms (user72)
0002082: [00 JVCL Components] excelgridexport and wordgridexport (user72)
0002278: [01 Help] Expand the 6PluginPackage example (user72)
0002266: [02 Installation] cannot install jvcl, error when compile packages (user72)
0002270: [00 JVCL Components] Error on loading VCL packages while starting D7 (AHUser)
0002202: [00 JVCL Components] TJvXPBar causes an Access Violation when the mouse is over the last item (user72)
0002261: [00 JVCL Components] TJvEdit EmtpyValue problem (user72)
0002258: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBStatusLabel (user72)
0002124: [00 JVCL Components] JvgStaticText flickering (user72)
0002259: [00 JVCL Components] JVFileListBox fails to supply full file name (user72)
0001993: [00 JVCL Components] jvXMLDatabase Example Broken (Solution Included) (user72)
0002193: [00 JVCL Components] JvMemoryData (user72)
0002231: [00 JVCL Components] TJvValidateEdit doesn't accept Value(s) greater than 255 (user72)
0002233: [00 JVCL Components] the TJvCustomLabel procedure AdjustBounds loss key wold virtual (user72)
0002246: [00 JVCL Components] donate fixed JvCombobox.pas (user72)
0002247: [03 Donations] JVCLVer modification (user72)
0002253: [04 Feature Request] Allow control over positioning of TJvHint (user72)
0002251: [00 JVCL Components] Assigning action to JvOutlookBar Button causes error (user72)
0002252: [00 JVCL Components] Memory leak in JvNavigationPane (user72)
0002228: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFormStorage and ComboBox String Items (jfudickar)
0002232: [00 JVCL Components] bug in TjvSearchFiles (remkobonte)
0002208: [02 Installation] Package order in package groups (obones)
0002169: [00 JVCL Components] TJvLabel HotTrack failed to go back in normal font (user72)
0002187: [99 Other] minor update french translation JVCLInstall.po and correction minor for installation program (obones)
0002215: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFindReplaceDialog whole word check is dubious. (user72)
0002216: [00 JVCL Components] TJvEditor doesn't set modified flag if Lines.Text is set (user72)
0002217: [00 JVCL Components] JvFindReplace doesn't start ReplaceAll operation form caret position (user72)
0002213: [00 JVCL Components] JvFindReplaceDialog doesn't use initial value of FindText (user72)
0002214: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFindReplaceDialog.ReplaceAll doesn't ensure dialogs exist (user72)
0002212: [00 JVCL Components] TJvFindReplaceDialog doesn't error if EditControl not assigned. (user72)
0002197: [03 Donations] Hottracking on TJvSpeedButton like Office 2003 Speedbuttons (user72)
0002188: [00 JVCL Components] JvDBImage issue (user72)
0002142: [00 JVCL Components] FClipboardCommands not set in JvExMask.pas (obones)
0002164: [00 JVCL Components] CopyToClipboard on RichEdit doesn't work (user72)
0002181: [04 Feature Request] property for default popup menu edition (copy paste...) for JvRichedit, (user72)
0002194: [00 JVCL Components] TJvgSpeedButton creates its own TCanvas (user72)
0002046: [00 JVCL Components] TjvPageControl error in win98 en win2000 pro (user72)
0002052: [00 JVCL Components] TJvChangeNotify.Active := False blocks System (user72)
0001491: [00 JVCL Components] TJvChangeNotify crashes on deactivating in onChange event (user72)
0002190: [00 JVCL Components] Exception EZeroDevide / RunTimeError 216 (remkobonte)
0002179: [00 JVCL Components] AV in TJvDockServer.DestroyDockPanelAndSplitter (remkobonte)
0002160: [00 JVCL Components] TJvButtonShapes : type o's (AHUser)
0002007: [00 JVCL Components] HTMLParser eventless tag parsing (user72)
0002158: [00 JVCL Components] TJvXPCustomButton.SetDefault raise an exeption when placed on frame and .Default property set to True (user72)
0001947: [00 JVCL Components] Enhancements for Calender TJvTFDays (obones)
0002144: [00 JVCL Components] crash when jvxctrls add to uses on fewcomputer (user72)
0002167: [00 JVCL Components] EventString[] Property never returns anything (user72)
0002437: [00 JVCL Components] Fatal: '"C:\Program Files\Borland\Delphi7\Projects\Bpl"\DJclVcl.dcp' does not exist - don't know how to make it
0002376: [02 Installation] Installation error
138 issues View Issues