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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6779 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2025-02-04 09:27 2025-02-04 09:27
Reporter: lotfizemali Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: urgent OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Closing a form with jvDbGrid's Mouse click events raises EInvalidOperation
Description: When you click or doublclick on a JvDBGrid component and you close the form in OnDblClick, onTitleclick, onTitleBtnclick, or other mouse events, the project raise an exception EInvalidOperation "can't focus on desactivated or invisible window" afetr closing the form.
Steps To Reproduce: 1 - Create a project with two forms : Form1 and Form2
2 - in Form1 : add a Tbutton and add a onClick Event to the button
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
3- in Form2 : add a TJvDBGrid Component an add a onDblClick to the TJvDBGrid
procedure TForm2.JvDBGrid1DblClick(Sender: TObject);
4- execute the project
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (7,942 bytes) 2025-02-04 09:27
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6778 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2024-12-30 03:52 2024-12-30 03:52
Reporter: cacofony Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvWizard does not apply standard delphi themes
Description: TJvWizard does not apply standard delphi themes and will result in the the colors remaining default system colors (eg clBtnFace) rather than the theme color
Steps To Reproduce: Drop a JVWizard on a form that has a Delphi Theme enabled in the application
Additional Information: I have provided a version that resolves , I have not tested if it works with JVCLThemesEnabledD6 and only in Delphi 11.

The primarily changes are to WMEraseBkgnd to get theme parent background and use a GetSystemColor function to adjust colors for any painting.
Attached Files: JvWizard.pas (116,210 bytes) 2024-12-30 03:52
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6774 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2024-08-27 13:25 2024-08-27 13:25
Reporter: Zento Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Infinite loop converting RTF with links to HMTL
Description: When using JvRichEditToHtml.ConvertToHtmlStrings with a RTF including links, procedure enters in a infinite loop aborting with a EOutOfMemory error. Other style and font changes are processed properly but links are not.
Steps To Reproduce: Using attached RTF content, generated by Outlook, then copied and pasted in a TJvRichEdit and finally using this code:

    Texto := TStringList.Create;
      JvRichEditToHtml.ConvertToHtmlStrings(redtMensaje, Texto);
Additional Information:
Attached Files: test.rtf (48,665 bytes) 2024-08-27 13:25
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6773 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2024-08-12 15:43 2024-08-12 15:43
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Some DFMs are stillin binary format
Description: Some of the DFMs are still in binary format opposed to the nowadays normally used text format:

Steps To Reproduce:
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Attached Files:
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6772 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2024-06-20 11:46 2024-06-20 11:46
Reporter: swright Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvBalloonHint not visible when using Remote Desktop
Description: JvBalloonHint only shows the hint window shadow when using remote desktop.

Hints are visible when application is run locally.
Steps To Reproduce: Open a n application that can display a balloon hint using remote desktop.
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6771 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2024-06-11 10:31 2024-06-11 10:31
Reporter: CDametto Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvCheckTreeView: various problems
Description: Working with Delphi 12.0

Adding a JvCheckTreeView component to a form and adding an item to it, at design time, causes the program to crash at runtime.

Working with Delphi 11.3

I was trying to disable the ability to check or uncheck checkboxes in a JvCheckTreeView.
The ReadOnly property only disables item caption editing.
It seems to me that the OnToggled, OnToggling, OnCheckStateChanged and OnCheckStateChanging events never fire.
I also found that the onChanging event fires when a new item is selected, but setting AllowChange := False doesn't prevent the change.

Just for the record I found a solution to my problem using the OnNodeCheckedChange event, by toggling the event before and after assigning the old state of the checkbox; not very easy...
Tags: JvCheckTreeView
Steps To Reproduce: I attach a sample program
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (92,282 bytes) 2024-06-11 10:31
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6706 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2020-11-10 16:57 2024-05-31 23:03
Reporter: szwaicar Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBGrid.EditControls is not working properly.
Description: I checked JvDBLookupComboEdit and JvDBDatePickerEdit.
The drop-down list does not expand after editing or clicking the mouse.
In component version 3.5 it was correct.
Tags: JvDbGrid
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (6,431 bytes) 2022-03-29 17:19
editcontrols.jpg (241,518 bytes) 2022-06-08 17:00

Issue.rar (92,139 bytes) 2022-09-13 10:40
2021-06-04 14:03   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2022-03-29 17:19   
Same problem here.

It happens when you first click on a column for which an EditControl is defined. TheEditControl won't show until you click again on another cell of the same column.
2022-06-08 17:00   
The problem started from the update of file JvDBGrid.pas, on 5 May 2020. See attached picture for details.
2022-06-10 16:40   
this issue is caused by the same update:
2022-09-12 13:52   
This problem starts from Rad Studio XE 10.4. EditControls Won't show with mouse click. The EditControl is displayed Only when the mouse button is clicked. and when the mouse is erleased the editControl disapear.
However, when the keybord is used to edit the cell there is no problem.
2022-09-13 10:40   

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6770 [JEDI VCL] Miscellanous major always 2024-03-29 19:02 2024-05-31 22:56
Reporter: dcabale Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: function TJclUnicodeStrHashSetIterator.GetString returns wrong
Description: function TJclUnicodeStrHashSetIterator.GetString returns an empty string, instead of the expected result
Tags: IJclStrSet, TJclStrHashSet, TJclUnicodeStrHashSetIterator
Steps To Reproduce: 1. run the attached project
2. state the returned values are an empty string, although they should be: 'first item', 'second item'
Additional Information:
Attached Files: JclStrSet_Test.dpr (573 bytes) 2024-03-29 19:02
2024-03-29 19:08   
proposed solution:
in function TJclUnicodeStrHashSetIterator.GetString: UnicodeString;
    ABucket := FOwnHashSet.FBuckets[FBucketIndex - 1];
    ABucket := FOwnHashSet.FBuckets[FBucketIndex];

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6767 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2023-05-18 19:37 2024-01-11 08:41
Reporter: bazilio Platform: Embarcadero® Delphi 11 Version 2  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7+  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: in TJvMemoryData.Field[...].OnValidate sometimes the old field value comes in
Description: in TJvMemoryData.Field[...].OnValidate sometimes the old field value comes in.
Steps To Reproduce: Assign TJvMemoryData.Field[].OnValidate and append many records (more then one screen)
Additional Information: This bug does not occur on previous versions of delphi because the code TField.GetData has been changed but CurrentRecord is sometimes not equal to ActiveRecord:

function TField.GetData(var Buffer: TValueBuffer; NativeFormat: Boolean = True): Boolean;
  if FDataSet = nil then DataSetMissingError;
  if FValidating and not (FDataSet.State in [dsOldValue, dsCurValue]) and
     ((FDataSet.CurrentRecord = -1) or (FDataSet.ActiveRecord = FDataSet.CurrentRecord)) then
    Result := FValueBuffer <> nil;
    if Result and (Buffer <> nil) then
      CopyData(FValueBuffer, Buffer);
    Result := FDataSet.GetFieldData(Self, Buffer, NativeFormat);
Attached Files: (91,659 bytes) 2023-05-18 19:37
2024-01-02 14:17   
In Delphi 11.3 the TField.GetData method changed again. Maybe they fixed that bug.
2024-01-11 08:41   
I sorry, but we wrote the wrong information in the bug report. First affected version is 11.3, noy 11.2
Yes that method has been changed in 11.3 Update 3, but it didn't fix the bug. We see the wrong behavior in 11.3 Update 3 and 12.
But unfortunately that test project works well in the last versions of delphi, but actual more complicated application doesn't work.
We will try to make better test case to reproduce the bug.

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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6718 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature always 2021-05-20 03:41 2024-01-02 22:46
Reporter: jimcaldwell Platform: Delphi  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: high OS Version: 10 and 7  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Issue reported with JvTFAlarm not triggered
Description: JvTFAlarm was reported to not trigger an Alarm event, based on an appointment being set. Discovered that in order for alarm to trigger, a Resources name/string (TStrings) must be entered (in the Resources field of the control) matching the resource name used in the appointment database/table where an appointment is saved. Alarm then triggers on-time as well as the snooze feature working. Tested with version 3.50 of JVCL build. Using Delphi 10 Professional (Seattle) version.
Steps To Reproduce: Find a resource name in the database used for appointments (link table), drop an Alarm control on a the Delphi VCL form and set Resource string as well as an event procedure. Add an appointment to the day grid and alarm event will fire/trigger. Without Resource string, alarm event will not trigger.
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6561 [JEDI VCL] Miscellanous major have not tried 2017-03-28 20:00 2024-01-02 20:26
Reporter: limelect Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Version 2.5 (Subversion repository/Daily zips)  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: THumbview1.Directory
Description: THumbview1.Directory:=JvBrowseForFolderDialog1.Directory;
dose not show pictures on a special folder
like library/pictures
Steps To Reproduce:
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6768 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature always 2023-05-23 19:24 2024-01-02 15:00
Reporter: nosek1969 Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Add OnCanChange in TJvWizard
Description: Add Events OnCanChange in TJvWizard ex.:

void Tform1::JvWiazadCanChange (TObject *Sender, bool &Change)
    if (JvWiazad->ActivePage == Page1)
        Change = true;
    else if (JvWiazad->ActivePage == Page2)
        Change = !Gloga.IsEmpty();

OnCanChange event fired before OnActivePageChanged, OnActivePageChanging
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2024-01-02 14:07   
You can use OnActivePageChanging for this by setting the "ToPage" parameter to the ActivePage if you don't want to allow the page to be changed.

void Tform1::JvWizardActivePageChanging (TObject *Sender, TJvWizardCustomPage *ToPage)
    if (JvWizard->ActivePage == Page2 && !Gloga.IsEmpty())
        ToPage = JvWizard->ActivePage;

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6755 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2022-06-01 15:52 2024-01-02 14:59
Reporter: innebo Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Excel OLE automation with JvInterpreter does not support cells.range[X,X]
Description: Run JvInterpreterTest.
Select 'sample - excel-2.pas'.
Try to run.
Error occurs in line:
 Item := Worksheet.Range('A1:B8');
with error
Calling 'Range' failed: 'OLE error 800A03EC'
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2022-06-01 16:05   
Fails in Delphi 10.2, 10.,4 and 11.

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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6769 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2023-12-08 19:08 2023-12-31 01:04
Reporter: rvk Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Loading of wrong class in TJvRichEdit when RICHED20.DLL is used
Description: JvRichEdit.pas tries to load RichEdit40ModuleName (MSFTEDIT.DLL).
If that fails it will load RichEdit20ModuleName (RICHED20.DLL) instead.

For RICHED20.DLL the RichEditVersion is initially set at 2.
But directly below, the RichEditVersion is set to the fileversion (FI.dwFileVersionMS and $FFFF) div 10 from the RICHED20.DLL.
It happens to be that RICHED20.DLL can contain a version number 5.0 so RichEditVersion is 5.

Later on in CreateParams there is this line:
if RichEditVersion >= 4 then
  CreateSubClass(Params, MSFTEDIT_CLASS)
So it will try to create a MSFTEDIT_CLASS for the RICHED20.DLL which isn't going to work.
Steps To Reproduce: The complete TJvRichEdit component doesn't work when MSFTEDIT.DLL fails to load and RICHED20.DLL is used.

The check in TJvCustomRichEdit.CreateParams should also check if MSFTEDIT.DLL is really used before using MSFTEDIT_CLASS.
(or the RichEditVersion should be hardcoded to a maximum of 3 to make sure MSFTEDIT_CLASS isn't used)
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6762 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation minor always 2022-09-10 08:19 2023-11-12 20:29
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Various warning on installation
Description: The installer shows various compilation warnings which should be fixed in JVCL's code. See screenshot.
Steps To Reproduce: 1. Install JVCL
2. Notice the little additional window popping up showing these warnings
Additional Information:
Attached Files: JVCL_Installation_Warnings.PNG (13,468 bytes) 2022-09-10 08:19
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
5632 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation major always 2011-08-05 00:12 2023-11-12 19:58
Reporter: Steve009 Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.40  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Major issue with XP Themes that prevented compiling exe's due to unresolved code reference
Description: JVCL version build: JVCL340CompleteJCL221-Build3845
IDE: BCB6 Enterprise

Compiled with Themes Support (I have Mike Lishki's Theme support installed)

Single error occurs on installation:

[Compiling: JvRuntimeDesignC60.bpl]
Borland Delphi Version 14.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
C:\JEDI\jvcl\run\JvPropertyStoreEditor.pas(167) Error: Property 'ParentBackground' does not exist in base class
JvRuntimeDesign.dpk(61) Fatal: Could not compile used unit '..\..\run\JvPropertyStoreEditor.pas'

I found this had been reported (for Delphi 6) at the beginning of the year:

where it was reported but possible not resolved.

I would like to upgrade to the latest stable JVCL version for BCB6+ThemeManager, please could you advise.

Thank you.
Steve Cann.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2011-09-21 11:59   
I believe this is fixed
2011-10-19 00:51   
After a break I thought it best to start with a clean slate and go through this step by step. Starting with a new download of the last released complete jcl/jvcl setup 'JVCL340CompleteJCL221-Build3845'.

1. started with a clean BCB6 setup (with all updates).
2. installed the above jcl then jvcl without themeing - this all works.

1. back to the clean BCB6.
2. install the above jcl
3. install thememanager
4. modify thememanagerC6 files as per release notes: Carmelo Viavattene
5. install the above jvcl with themeing enabled - get this error: fatal: JvCore.dpk(43): Required package 'ThemeManagerC6' not found.

I have double and triple checked the installation of the above steps and for the correct location of all the thememanagerC6 files, I cannot see why this error is occurring.
2012-02-22 14:43   
Look for the ThemeManagerC6.dcp file on your hard drive and make sure the folder it resides in is in your installation search path.
If not, add it and you should be sorted
2012-02-24 11:24   
Thanks for your reply.
The reason it doesn't seem to make sense is because I had already placed these files in a dir that I assumed to be a member of the installation search path: C:\Program Files\Borland\CBuilder6\Projects\Bpl\ThemeManagerC6.dcp.
Along with ThemeManagerC6.bpl/bpi/lib and ditto with ThemeManagerC6D files.

Where is the setup getting the search path dirs from?

Since my original post was a while ago now, should I be using a more recent build?
2023-11-12 19:58   
Was fixed more than a decade ago.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6662 [JEDI VCL] General minor always 2019-02-22 13:59 2023-11-11 20:29
Reporter: matheusribeiro Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Version 2.4  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: StyleElements
Description: The Edits (TJvEdit, TJvCalcEdit, TJvDateEdit, ...) don't have the StyleElements property.

Whithout this property I can't remove the style from this components.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2019-02-22 14:00   
I'm using RAD Studio XE 10.2 Tokyo
2019-03-03 09:21   
Has this to do with VCL styles? And what would be necessary to implement this? Is it just something which needs to be surfaced or would the components need to be adapted internally in some way?
2023-11-11 20:29   
Added StyleElements property to the JVCL's base classes as published property.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6756 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components block always 2022-08-09 16:15 2023-11-11 19:23
Reporter: joaopedro Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Version 2.5 (Subversion repository/Daily zips)  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVCheckedComboBox - Black bars while using TTitleBarPanel
Description: PT-BR
  Quando você esta usando um TTitleBarPanel para customizar sua barra de titulo, apresenta barras pretas no componente JV.
  Segue abaixo imagens e em anexo um projeto de testes.

  When you are using a TTitleBarPanel to customize your title bar, it shows black bars in the JV component.
  Below are images and attached a test project.
Tags: Delphi 10
Steps To Reproduce: PT-BR
1) Adicionar um TTitleBarPanel, vincular ao seu CustomTitleBar.Control, habilitar o CustomTitleBar.Enabled
2) Adicionar itens em um JVCheckedComboBox
3) Abrir a lista, ação mais comum caso não apareça de primeira é ficar usando os popmenu (Selecionar todos, inverter, desmarcar).


1) Add a TTitleBarPanel, link to your CustomTitleBar.Control, enable the CustomTitleBar.Enabled
2) Add items to a JVCheckedComboBox
3) Open the list, the most common action if it doesn't appear at first is to keep using the popmenu (Select all, invert, deselect).
Additional Information: PT-BR
Também ocorreu algo semelhante no TJvDesignScrollBox e TJvSpeedButton, imagem anexada.
Para fazer acontecer com estes itens acima, precisa ter uma lista maior que a tela, usar a rolagem para ver os itens finais.. Aonde irá carregar bugado a imagem.

Something similar also happened in TJvDesignScrollBox and TJvSpeedButton, attached image.
To make these items happen, you need to have a list bigger than the screen, use the scroll to see the final items.. Where the image will load buggy.
Attached Files: errorJV.png (9,852 bytes) 2022-08-09 16:15

TJvDesignScrollBox_TJvSpeedButton.png (33,937 bytes) 2022-08-09 16:15

teste.rar (56,907 bytes) 2022-08-09 16:17
20220809_114145.mp4 (579,062 bytes) 2022-08-09 16:44
2022-08-09 16:17   
Dpr - JVCheckedComboBox
2022-08-09 16:44   

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6747 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2022-04-19 08:15 2023-11-11 19:23
Reporter: egroups Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDesktopAlertStack issue
Description: I found issue in JvDesktopAlertStack.

procedure TJvDesktopAlertStack.UpdatePositions
ignore dapMainFormBottomRight,dapMainFormBottomLeft etc,specifically on MultiMonitor.
Steps To Reproduce:
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Attached Files:
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6749 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation major always 2022-05-06 13:15 2023-11-11 19:19
Reporter: oro06 Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: parameter missing (2 instead of 3) in copy function in JVCLInstall/DelphiData.pas Line 897
Description: Win7, Fresh D7 install, with fresh JCL+JVCL install (git repo of today/220506)
running jcl install went fine
then running jvcl install give this error :

[Compiling installer...]
Using Delphi 7

Borland Delphi Version 15.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2002 Borland Software Corporation
DelphiData.pas(897) Error: Not enough actual parameters
Utils.pas(83) Fatal: Could not compile used unit 'DelphiData.pas'

line 897 is
            CandidateEdition := Copy(KeyNames[i], Length(BDS19UpCoreCommonFilesPrefix) + 1);

2 params instead of 3 : index or length is missing
Steps To Reproduce: Win7, Fresh D7 install, with fresh JCL+JVCL install (git repo of today/220506)
then install jvcl
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2022-05-10 10:50   
from radstudio documentation

function Copy(S: <string or dynamic array>; Index: Integer; Count: Integer): string;

there should be 3 parameters
2022-06-01 10:40   
line 897 is
            CandidateEdition := Copy(KeyNames[i], Length(BDS19UpCoreCommonFilesPrefix) + 1);

change it with

            CandidateEdition := Copy(KeyNames[i], Length(BDS19UpCoreCommonFilesPrefix) + 1, MaxInt);
2023-11-11 19:19   
Fixed in git main branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6696 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2020-06-04 07:01 2023-11-11 19:16
Reporter: thayalan Platform: x64  
Assigned To: AHUser OS: Windows  
Priority: high OS Version: 2019  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Incorrect pointer arithmatic in JvNTEventLog.pas
Description: JvNTEventLog.pas uses pointer arithmetic to access the variables in a event record.

It is currently coded, in multiple places as:

 Result := PChar(FCurrentRecord) + SizeOf(TEventLogRecord); // Line 552.

This does not work, as the PChar is now multibyte. As a result, even though SizeOf(TEventLogRecord) = 56 ($38), but the above adds $70 every time, and leads to wrong string values & SIDs.

Steps To Reproduce: Just run the sample NtEventLog Demo and check the output for Source, UserName etc.
Additional Information:  This happens in multiple places. In Version 3.49 @ lines 552, 559, 582

SOLUTION seems straight forward:
e.g. in line 552:
 Result := PChar(NativeInt(FCurrentRecord) + SizeOf(TEventLogRecord));

I have attached two screen shots of the demo program with and without the solution applied. (See the original file does not show username, computer name & shows incorrect source.

Thank you for all your work on JEDI.
Attached Files: Original_NTEventLog.pas.jpg (54,147 bytes) 2020-06-04 07:01

Solution_Applied.jpg (67,993 bytes) 2020-06-04 07:01
2020-08-09 10:44   
Are you able to create a GIT pull request containing your changes?
IOf not, can you post the line numbers and changes you made to those lines here?
2021-06-04 12:06   
Any news on this?
2021-07-19 16:11   
Sorry folks. didn't see the comments till now. I do not use GIT, but these two changes fix the errors I encountered.

(In Line 552 of JvNTEventLog.pas)
function TJvNTEventLogRecord.GetSource: string;
  Result := PChar(FCurrentRecord) + SizeOf(TEventLogRecord); // This is wrong
  Result := PChar(NativeInt(FCurrentRecord) + SizeOf(TEventLogRecord)); // Corrected

(In Line 555 of JvNTEventLog.pas)
function TJvNTEventLogRecord.GetComputer: string;

  P: PChar;

  P := PChar(FCurrentRecord) + SizeOf(TEventLogRecord); // This is wrong
  P := PChar(NativeInt(FCurrentRecord) + SizeOf(TEventLogRecord)); // Corrected
  P := P + StrLen(P) + 1;
  Result := P;
2021-07-19 16:19   
I believe these also need to be corrected. (Same file Lines 584, 594)

function TJvNTEventLogRecord.GetSID: PSID;
  Result := nil;
  if PEventLogRecord(FCurrentRecord)^.UserSidLength > 0 then Result := PSID(PChar(FCurrentRecord) + PEventLogRecord(FCurrentRecord)^.UserSidOffset); // This is wrong ?
  if PEventLogRecord(FCurrentRecord)^.UserSidLength > 0 then Result := PSID(NativeInt(FCurrentRecord) + PEventLogRecord(FCurrentRecord)^.UserSidOffset); //CORRECTED

function TJvNTEventLogRecord.GetString(Index: Cardinal): string;
  P: PChar;
  Result := '';
  if Index < StringCount then
    P := PChar(FCurrentRecord) + PEventLogRecord(FCurrentRecord)^.StringOffset; // This is wrong ?
    P := PChar(NativeInt(FCurrentRecord)) + PEventLogRecord(FCurrentRecord)^.StringOffset); // CORRECTED
    while Index > 0 do
      Inc(P, StrLen(P) + 1);
    Result := StrPas(P);
2023-11-11 19:16   
Fixed in git main branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6487 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-01-15 03:05 2023-11-11 18:52
Reporter: cacofony Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvTrayIcon Animate to Tray component visibility issues

When AnimateToTray is in Visibility options, it does not restore Application.ShowMainForm and Application.MainForm.Visible states. It shows the window but 'Visible' is still false for your form after you restore it. That leads any attempt for showing hidden controls to fail since their parent is seemingly not showing.

Placing the following on your code that makes the form visible. Eg TrayIconOnClick

Application.ShowMainForm := True;
Visible := True;

Or turn of AnimateToTray

Thanks Sertac Akyuz on Stack Overflow
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:36   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-11 23:09   
Where exactly in JVCL would we need to put the suggested fix?
2019-04-25 21:34   
ShowApplication does contain this if:

if Application.MainForm <> nil then
      Application.MainForm.Visible := True;

So if the MainForm exists it's visibility will be turned to true.
So if this is not enough, the failure is somewhere else. Right?
So if cacofony could shed some more light on this or provide a small demo showing this we might be able to fix it. The demo linked to in the StackOverflow entry is no longer accessible.
2020-05-19 10:14   
As asked before, could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?
2023-11-11 18:52   
Fixed in git main branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6461 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-10-20 18:37 2023-11-11 17:32
Reporter: mvalec Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvSpeedButton appearance when custom VCL style is activated
Description: When Caption is not empty, Glyph is painted on left edge.
Procedure TJvxButtonGlyph.CalcButtonLayout calls DrawGlassableText from JvThemes.pas to get TextBounds. (JvSpeedButton.pas, line 2178). Problem is on line 1396 of JvThemes.pas: DrawGlassableText calls deprecated version of procedure StyleServices.DrawText which can not return calculated text bounds.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:38   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-05-12 17:26   
Ok, there are other overloads of DrawText available which could be used at least in newer Delphi versions. From which version onwards? And: one of them has a parameter Flags:TTextFormat which is most likely what you want. But which of the many formats shall be used here? tfCalcRect?
2020-05-19 10:33   
Any news on this?
2023-11-11 17:32   
Fixed in git main branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6751 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2022-05-12 11:56 2023-11-11 16:26
Reporter: Mistral Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvEditButton light corners on Windows 11 dark styles
Description: In a VCL application with Windows 11 dark style (Delphi 11 Alexandria) , using components like TJvDirectoryEdit you could notice wrong white corners on the incapsuled TJvEditButton.
I suppose that the problem is in wrong erasing the background before painting the button due to its rounded corners provided by the Windows 11 style.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: TjvEditButton corners.png (1,665 bytes) 2022-05-12 11:56
2023-11-11 16:26   
Fixed in git main branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6736 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major random 2022-01-08 14:46 2023-11-11 15:49
Reporter: u666sa Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvOfficeColorButton, color panel is initially showed at wrong coordinates
Description: On my project, I decided to use TJvOfficeColorButton and to my horrific discovery, at first run, color panel shows at screen coordinates 0,0 --

picture -

-- in other words, not under the color button but at top left of monitor... That's when you click it 1st time. you click it again and it is displayed where needed.. Now, I tried creating new project and adding TJvOfficeColorButton and it works perfectly... So I have no idea how to reproduce it.. Nor I have any idea how to fix my project so I can use this component. This happens not only on main form in the project, but also on all other forms. So even if I create a new form in the project, this behaviour persists!!!! But.... If I create a new project and drop this button the form, it works...
Steps To Reproduce: Wasn't able to reproduce it.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2022-01-08 17:11   
Okey!! I figured out how this problem happens, so it can be reproduced by anyone!!!!!

TJvOfficeColorButton is having the above said problem when you load style from file and then set it. In other words, if inside your form constructor there is
TStyleManager::TrySetStyle("MyFancyStyle", false);
then when your form loads and you click on TJvOfficeColorButton it will show the color panel at top=0 left=0 on your screen..... However, if you set your style at design time, this problem does not happen.

This is a bug, gentelmen!!
2023-11-11 15:49   
Fix in git main branch.

The StyleManager caused the ColorForm's WindowHandle to be recreated. This discarded the calculated Left/Top coordinates because the form's Position property was poDefaultPosOnly.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6766 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2023-05-11 15:45 2023-11-11 14:44
Reporter: Pannier Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvListView (Items) wrong background color with dark themes
Description: TJvListView items with dark theme has wrong background color.
Steps To Reproduce: Create a new application
add a dark theme for example "Windows10 Dark"
Add a TJvListView components set ViewStyle vsReport
Add some Columns/Items
start application
Background color of an item should be black/dark gray but is white
Additional Information:
Attached Files: TJvListView_DarkTheme_Wrong_Background.png (7,948 bytes) 2023-05-11 15:45
png (6,487 bytes) 2023-05-11 15:45
2023-05-11 15:47   
Forget to write the Version:
Delphi 11.2 Patch 1
JVCL 3.50
Test application is compiled in 32 Bit
2023-11-11 14:44   
Fixed in git main branch.

SHA-1: 134b0353728f7b7afdac51c95b4793932830b777

- Added workarounds for the VCL's TListView custom draw "select stock objects (SYSTEM font) into the device context" and "ignore the default background color and use a white brush instead" bugs.
- TJvListItem.Font.Color now defaults to clDefault and uses the ListView's text color
- TJvListItem.Brush.Color now defaults to clDefault and uses the ListView's background color

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6763 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2022-10-27 22:52 2023-11-11 00:28
Reporter: MarkH Platform: X64  
Assigned To: AHUser OS: Windows 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 20H2  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvListView sort error when compiled x64
Description: Compile as x86 and works as expected

Compile as x64 and access denied error when column sort clicked from windows common components.
Steps To Reproduce: Attached zip is Demo jcl\examples\common\filesearch with TListView changed to TJvListView when compiled as x86 the demo functions as expected when compiled as x64 the demo will always crash when a column header is clicked to sort. It seems to be an access denied from Windows common controls. Struggling to find a breakpoint.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (20,445 bytes) 2022-10-27 22:52
2023-11-11 00:28   
The local functions in TJvListView.ColClick caused the problem. In x64 the hidden base pointer parameter (RBP) that is needed to access the outer function's stack variables is always added whereas in x86 it is only added if necessary. This changes the Compare function's signature causing the access violation.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6765 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2023-04-15 21:46 2023-04-15 21:50
Reporter: Gustavo Costa Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: DesktopAlert Position at Bottom/Top Center
Description: I was need to centralize the message of the component TJvDesktopAlert on top or bottom of the screen.

For that, I'd add the options "dapTopCenter" and "dapBottomCenter" in the enum TJvDesktopAlertPosition and use them to calculate the position at the methods "TJvDesktopAlertStack.UpdatePositions" and "TJvCustomDesktopAlert.Execute".

I'd like to add this update to the version if possible.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: aqVCL.Comp.DesktopAlert.pas (5,280 bytes) 2023-04-15 21:46
JvDesktopAlert.pas (59,189 bytes) 2023-04-15 21:50
Gustavo Costa   
2023-04-15 21:50   
Sorry, I've added the wrong file,
Please consider this one.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6759 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation minor always 2022-08-29 08:31 2023-02-06 16:09
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Incomplete OTAPI wizard registration
Description: TJvBandObjectDLLWizard registeres itsself into File/New menu of the Delphi IDE. But the way it is implemented leads to having two categories "Experten" (in a German installation, in English that would most likely be "Experts").

The ToolsApi docs for IOTARepositoryWizard states:
In order to work properly in the current IDE, each IOTARepositoryWizard
should also implement IOTARepositoryWizard80 and IOTARepositoryWizard160

Obviously TJvBandObjectDLLWizard misses to follow that rule, thus a proper implementation of GetGalleryCategory is missing. While there is a fallback to GetPage, that one just returns an empty string. I guess, that messes up the system.

A proper implementation can be looked up from TJvPluginWizard.
Steps To Reproduce: 1. Install JVCL
2. Start IDE
3. Look at File/New and the categories listed

Exp.: "Experten" listed once
Act.: "Experten" listed twice
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-02-06 16:09   
When I open Project -> AVR-Optionen... and click OK, I see the counter incrementing as expected in :

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6764 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2023-01-16 15:55 2023-01-17 08:48
Reporter: sergeySVK Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBGrid.FixedCols > 0 and next column
Description: If the font of the column following the fixed column is changed, the fixed column displays that font. It is very strange...
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2023-01-17 08:48   
Little addition. The font property does not change for a fixed column. The font is only displayed the same as the next normal column.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6748 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components block always 2022-04-29 05:18 2022-07-28 13:29
Reporter: acgubamg Platform: Alexandria 11.1  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvBaseEdits, IsValidFloat
Description: a failure occurs in TJVDBCalcEdit, when trying to type a value starting as cents, without typing the number zero before the comma.
Example: 0,15, ok, accept nice. But if you type: ,15, it doesn't work.

The error occurs in the JvBaseEdits unit, IsValidFloat function, after activating the TextToFloat function.

function IsValidFloat(const Value: string; var RetValue: Extended): Boolean;
   I: Integer;
   Result := False;
   for I := 1 to Length(Value) do
     if not CharInSet(Value[I], [JclFormatSettings.DecimalSeparator, '-', '+', '0'..'9', 'e', 'E']) then
   Result := TextToFloat(PChar(Value), RetValue, fvExtended);

In Delphi Alexandria 11, Result := TextToFloat(PChar(Value), RetValue, fvExtended); returns "True".

In Delphi Alexandria 11.1, Result := TextToFloat(PChar(Value), RetValue, fvExtended); returns "False".

The value of the variable "Value", is ","

The value entered was just the comma, without the zero before.
Steps To Reproduce: install delphi alexandria 11.1
Install last jvcl and jcl
place a TJVDBCalcEdit in the form
now, clear TJVDBCalcEdit
now, type , or . 15 Ex: ,15
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: (94,038 bytes) 2022-04-29 05:18
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6754 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2022-05-31 09:55 2022-05-31 09:55
Reporter: Talkon Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: 11  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDesktopAlert MessageText not wrapped
Description: The MessageText is being cut off when it is too long for the alert.

The property WordWrap is set to true for the label that is given the MessageText.

Steps To Reproduce: - Create a new VCL Application
- Add a new TJVDesktopAlert
- Add a new Button
- Set a value for MessageText that is too long for the alert
- Add an onclick on the button and use the TJVDesktopAlert.Execute in the handler

- Run the application and click the button
- The text is being cut off.
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (101,171 bytes) 2022-05-31 09:55
screenshot.png (12,065 bytes) 2022-05-31 09:55
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6753 [JEDI VCL] 01 Help major always 2022-05-18 04:24 2022-05-19 00:26
Reporter: dark Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvcore.bpi issue
Description: [ilink32 Error] Error: 'C:\USERS\CHRIS\DOCUMENTS\JVCL_GITHUB\JVCL\LIB\D27\WIN64\JVCORE.BPI' contains invalid OMF record, type 0x21 (possibly COFF)
Steps To Reproduce: installed as instructed
Additional Information: tried bot github download and GetIt through RAD studio and get same result
Attached Files:
2022-05-19 00:26   
Rad Studio 10.4.2
JVCL 3.50

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6752 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2022-05-17 13:00 2022-05-17 13:00
Reporter: acgubamg Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBCalcEdit
Description: Place an JVDBCalcedit, link with dataset and datasource
Now insert a record
type 100 jvdbcalcedit
now, cut with ctrl + x
press tab to exit

dataset is not notified
value on dataset is old value
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: (94,038 bytes) 2022-05-17 13:00
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6742 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2022-03-16 16:37 2022-03-16 16:37
Reporter: nosek1969 Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBComboBox: after set sorted to true, connection key<-->value destroyed
Description: EnabledValues is true

I have strings
  Items.Strings = (

  Values.Strings = (

after set sorted to true connection key<-->value destroyed
Steps To Reproduce: set EnabledValue to true
set strings
set value
set Sorted to true
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6730 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2021-10-29 12:00 2022-03-01 15:46
Reporter: leskos Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 10  
Priority: high OS Version: 21H1 19043.1320  
Status: new Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDatePickerEdit Invalid input value
Description: Delphi 11
JEDI VisualComponent Library 2021.09 installed from GetIt

I put a JvDatePickerEdit component on the form
I am getting an error message: Invalid input value
Steps To Reproduce: File / New / VCL Form
Place a JvDatePickerEdit component on the form
you will get an error message: Invalid input value
Additional Information: [50CFEAB1]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Mask.TCustomMaskEdit.SetText (Line 349, "Vcl.Mask.pas" + 14) + $12
[49AE8C5C]{JvStdCtrls280.bpl} JvMaskEdit.TJvCustomMaskEdit.SetText + $0
[49B979F7]{JvStdCtrls280.bpl} JvDatePickerEdit.TJvCustomDatePickerEdit.SetText + $3F
[49B97BC6]{JvStdCtrls280.bpl} JvDatePickerEdit.TJvCustomDatePickerEdit.UpdateDisplay + $CA
[49B9740A]{JvStdCtrls280.bpl} JvDatePickerEdit.TJvCustomDatePickerEdit.ResetDateFormat + $F2
[49B976C2]{JvStdCtrls280.bpl} JvDatePickerEdit.TJvCustomDatePickerEdit.SetDateFormat + $B2
[49B9623E]{JvStdCtrls280.bpl} JvDatePickerEdit.TJvCustomDatePickerEdit.CreateWnd + $12
[50CCBB96]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.CreateHandle (Line 9982, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $4
[50CCC040]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.UpdateShowing (Line 10178, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 7) + $11
[50CCC06E]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.UpdateShowing (Line 10181, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 10) + $10
[50CCC1EE]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.UpdateControlState (Line 10225, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 21) + $3
[50CCB136]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.InsertControl (Line 9512, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 25) + $2
[50CC6236]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TControl.SetParent (Line 6324, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 9) + $4
[50CD26F5]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.SetParent (Line 14172, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 5) + $5
[527EBCCB]{vcldesigner280.bpl} VCLSurface.TControlItem.SetParent (Line 1250, "VCLSurface.pas" + 1) + $19
[20F492F2]{designide280.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.DoCreateComponent (Line 2619, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 142) + $8
[20F5449F]{designide280.bpl} ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.CreateComponentPos (Line 6565, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 32) + $24
[5005FF3E]{rtl280.bpl } System.TObject.GetInterface (Line 18413, "System.pas" + 7) + $9
[527F8726]{vcldesigner280.bpl} VCLSurface.TVCLDesignerOleDropTarget.DropComponentStream (Line 6587, "VCLSurface.pas" + 17) + $25
[527E9ACD]{vcldesigner280.bpl} VCLSurface..TGrabHandles (Line 572, "VCLSurface.pas" + 0) + $AB1
[527F7E71]{vcldesigner280.bpl} VCLSurface.TVCLDesignerOleDropTarget.Drop (Line 6410, "VCLSurface.pas" + 7) + $17
[527E9ACD]{vcldesigner280.bpl} VCLSurface..TGrabHandles (Line 572, "VCLSurface.pas" + 0) + $AB1
[205BE1FA]{coreide280.bpl} OleDragAndDrop.TDropSource.Create (Line 474, "OleDragAndDrop.pas" + 4) + $4
[207EF037]{coreide280.bpl} ToolFrm.TToolForm.BeginOleDrag (Line 2233, "ToolFrm.pas" + 46) + $2B
[207EED06]{coreide280.bpl} ToolFrm.TToolForm.BeginOleDrag (Line 2166, "ToolFrm.pas" + 4) + $A
[207EF200]{coreide280.bpl} ToolFrm.TToolForm.PaletteBeginDrag (Line 2265, "ToolFrm.pas" + 3) + $2
[211831F6]{vclide280.bpl} IDECategoryButtons.TIDECategoryButtons.DoBeginDrag (Line 141, "IDECategoryButtons.pas" + 3) + $A
[50E7CA2A]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.CategoryButtons.TCategoryButtons.MouseMove (Line 2182, "Vcl.CategoryButtons.pas" + 24) + $9
[5006021E]{rtl280.bpl } System.@CallDynaInst (Line 18692, "System.pas" + 4) + $0
[50CC85DE]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TControl.WMMouseMove (Line 7776, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 8) + $22
[500602C7]{rtl280.bpl } System.TObject.Dispatch (Line 18874, "System.pas" + 11) + $0
[50CC7CCA]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 7544, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 91) + $6
[50CCC54F]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.IsControlMouseMsg (Line 10330, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $9
[50CC279A]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.FindControl (Line 3747, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 6) + $9
[50CCCDBD]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10579, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 170) + $6
[50EF1306]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Styles.TStyleEngine.HandleMessage (Line 3603, "Vcl.Styles.pas" + 22) + $7
[50DCE084]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.HandleMessage (Line 5858, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 11) + $11
[50E7E4DB]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.CategoryButtons.TCategoryButtons.WndProc (Line 3140, "Vcl.CategoryButtons.pas" + 24) + $4
[50093C27]{rtl280.bpl } System.SysUtils.AnsiCompareText (Line 7195, "System.SysUtils.pas" + 1) + $2F
[5006076C]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.Destroy (Line 19558, "System.pas" + 0) + $0
[50064774]{rtl280.bpl } System.@FinalizeRecord (Line 32815, "System.pas" + 76) + $2
[50DD140C]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.CallDefaultProc (Line 7304, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 6) + $6
[50E13AFE]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TScrollingStyleHook.WMMouseMove (Line 14697, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 123) + $4
[50DCDE65]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.GetStyle (Line 5789, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 7) + $D
[50061544]{rtl280.bpl } System.@TryFinallyExit (Line 23404, "System.pas" + 8) + $0
[50DCDF53]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.GetStyle (Line 5800, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 18) + $1E
[50EF0B1B]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Styles.TCustomStyle.SourceLoaded (Line 3315, "Vcl.Styles.pas" + 1) + $F
[50DD1DCD]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.WndProc (Line 7684, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 38) + $6
[50DD1FAE]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TMouseTrackControlStyleHook.WndProc (Line 7783, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 1) + $4
[50E13CEC]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TScrollingStyleHook.WndProc (Line 14788, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 0) + $0
[50DD15F2]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleHook.HandleMessage (Line 7389, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 20) + $6
[50EF1306]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Styles.TStyleEngine.HandleMessage (Line 3603, "Vcl.Styles.pas" + 22) + $7
[50DCE084]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Themes.TStyleManager.HandleMessage (Line 5858, "Vcl.Themes.pas" + 11) + $11
[50CCAE2F]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.DoHandleStyleMessage (Line 9408, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 0) + $F
[50CCC7B0]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10410, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 1) + $4A
[50174218]{rtl280.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 18318, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[50E7E4DB]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.CategoryButtons.TCategoryButtons.WndProc (Line 3140, "Vcl.CategoryButtons.pas" + 24) + $4
[50CCC338]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 10267, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
[50174218]{rtl280.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 18318, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[50060D74]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 19961, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
[50060894]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 19622, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
[500606FC]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 19536, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
[50060A22]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 19726, "System.pas" + 1) + $2
[50060D74]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 19961, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
[50060894]{rtl280.bpl } System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 19622, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
[207ECB8C]{coreide280.bpl} ToolFrm.TToolForm.PaletteHook (Line 1176, "ToolFrm.pas" + 14) + $1E
[50174218]{rtl280.bpl } System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 18318, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
[50E08C7A]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TraverseClients (Line 8019, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 8) + $6
[50E0D70B]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 11314, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
[50E0D74E]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 11344, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
[50E0DA8D]{vcl280.bpl } Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 11483, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 27) + $3
[004F6F82]{bds.exe } bds.bds (Line 227, "" + 16) + $2
Attached Files:
2021-11-12 15:43   
This is a big issue for me. I have a large project that I would like to migrate to Delphi 11. What I have done is to create the TJvDatePickerEdit at runtime and all is well.
2021-11-15 10:52   
The same error occurs when I open a form with the JvDatePickerEdit component that was created in Delphi 10.4.2.
This is a big problem because in my project I have 250 forms with this component.
In the dfm file, for each JvDatePickerEdit component, I have to set the StoreDateFormat (DateFormat, DateSeparator) property and only then the form will open without any problems.
2022-01-04 01:00   
I solved this problem temporarily.
I added a command in line 715 in unit JvDatePickerEdit
    StrReplace (ADateFormat, 'MMM', 'M', []);
+ StrReplace (ADateFormat, 'mm', 'MM', []);
    Result: = ADateFormat;
I reinstalled jvcl manually and the problem is gone.
2022-02-14 14:54   
Hello, I have the same problem. Porting an old Delphi application to Delphi 11. What is a correct "StoreDateFormat (DateFormat, DateSeparator)" value?
If I create the component manually via code the form gets opened and I see the component. But If I enter a valid date I get an incorrect display value. See also Mantis ID 0006227.
On Create the DateFormat is empty. I set the German value 'dd/mm/yyyy' via TFormatSettings.Create -> FormatSettings.ShortDateFormat. But the problem is still the same.
2022-03-01 15:46   
Hi this bug should be fixed here:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6729 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major random 2021-10-22 14:44 2021-10-25 12:47
Reporter: Kleberson Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Erro componente JvMail
Description: Ao usar o Jvmail para abrir o gerenciador padrão thunderbird, em várias máquinas abre o gerenciador normalmente, com diversos sistemas operacionais diferentes e diversas versões do thunderbird.

Em algumas máquinas não funciona, apresenta erro de (System Error. Code 87 - Parametro Incorreto).
Nas máquinas que não funcionam, colocando a versão 78.14 do thunderbird funciona, usando o mesmo projeto para testar.

Tags: JVCL
Steps To Reproduce: var
  JvMail : TJvMail;
  JvMail := TJvMail.Create(nil);
  JvMail.Subject := 'Assunto';
  JvMail.Body.Text := 'Corpo';
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-10-25 12:47   
When using Jvmail to open the default thunderbird manager, on many machines it opens the manager normally, with many different operating systems and different versions of thunderbird.
It doesn't work on some machines, it has an error (System Error. Code 87 - Incorrect Parameter).
On machines that don't work, putting thunderbird version 78.14 works, using the same project to test.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6728 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2021-10-17 06:58 2021-10-17 06:58
Reporter: chicknsoup Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvinterpreter causes AV when calling JvInterpreterVarFree
Description: When calling external function that returns a record after the first time, access violation message appear due to invalid pointer operation. Attached a demo program to reproduce the issue.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: jvi-av.rar (5,886 bytes) 2021-10-17 06:58
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6549 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2017-03-07 00:26 2021-10-09 19:39
Reporter: davedelage Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvHidDeviceController fails
Description: JVCL version actually 3.49 but problem exists in earlier version.
Compiling example SimpleHidWrite using Rad Studio 2010 on Windows 8.1 and it works as advertised. Copy SimpleHidWrite.exe to alternate machine running Windows 8.1 Pro or Windows 10 and executable fails during startup with exception "Device cannot be identified."

Specifically, in the 8.1 Pro machine, EControllerError in module SimpleHidWrite.exe at 000CBA49 Device cannot be identified.

Getting the same problem with my USB/HID code which works in 8.1 but not others. Attempting to trace leads to the idea that the problem is thread related. Compiled file attached.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: SimpleHIDWrite.exe (1,241,088 bytes) 2017-03-07 00:26
2017-03-24 17:37   
Please use the latest GIT content, many changes have occurred in this area
2017-03-25 20:00   
Thank you. I downloaded the most recent source (JVCL3-Source-2017-03-25). Since the problem appears in the USB/HID application, I checked hid.pas, hidtoken.pas and hidusage.pas against the 3.49 release using WinMerge. It reports all the new files are identical to their older versions. Could it have been fixed somewhere else?
2017-04-18 18:41   
I found this info when looking at a separate issue, perhaps it will help someone smarter than me find the problem with the JvHidDeviceController component code.

"FPC [or other language] currently uses 32 bits (4 bytes) for integers, whether the machine is a 32-bit or 64-bit machine. This will cause code expecting an integer and a pointer to be the same size to fail as a 64bit machine uses 64-bit pointers."
2018-07-18 15:53   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-07 21:32   
Is this the same as this one?
2019-03-19 20:02   
About this one:
"FPC [or other language] currently uses 32 bits (4 bytes) for integers, whether the machine is a 32-bit or 64-bit machine. This will cause code expecting an integer and a pointer to be the same size to fail as a 64bit machine uses 64-bit pointers."

Does FPC have NativeInt or NativePtr datatypes? If yes that might be a solution to this issue at least for newer Delphi versions.
2019-03-20 09:02   
Yes, FPC has NativeInt
And considering compatibility with older versions, the JvJCLUtils declares NativeInt properly for compiler versions where it is missing/bogus
2019-04-25 21:25   
So do you propose to switch the code of JvHidDeviceController to NativeInt or NativePtr where applicable?
2019-04-26 09:51   
I strongly believe that this has nothing to do with the issue at hand.
The 32/64 pointer size is only valid if the application itself is 64bits.
If the same application works on a computer, and not on another one, 32 versus 64 is definitely not an issue but rather an issue with drivers or windows version.

Now, if inside JvHidDeviceController there is code that casts pointers (or handles) to Cardinal/LongInt/Integer, then this is an issue that needs to be fixed by using a NativeInt cast instead.
2019-04-27 13:26   
I had a short look at this unit now and didn't spot any suspicious casts. So the issue seems to really originate from somewhere else.
2020-05-19 10:16   
As asked before, could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?
2021-09-02 17:27   
I'm still seeing this problem (exception "Device cannot be identified") with what I think is the latest version JVCL (3.50?).
It appears that the constructor "constructor TJvHidDevice.CtlCreate(const APnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; const Controller: TJvHidDeviceController);" checks for all USB (HID) devices and throws the exception as soon as a device is checked that fails "if not HidD_GetAttributes(HidFileHandle, FAttributes) then raise EControllerError.CreateRes(@RsEDeviceCannotBeIdentified);" in the constructor body, even though the USB HID device of interest is working properly and as a consequence the code never gets to initialize this device. In other words this happens if a certain (external or internal) USB device is present that somehow doesn't comply or responds differently, even if that device is not used in the code.
My fix for this is to replace the if-statement with "HidD_GetAttributes(HidFileHandle, FAttributes);" only. This works fine for me.
Perhaps there is a cleaner way to handle USB devices at this point, but I don't know what the issue is with the device that is throwing the exception.
I have limited knowledge on how to properly modify a component in installed JVCL. I did manage to do that in my case (Delphi 10.2), but perhaps someone can provide proper instructions as long as there is no permanent fix in JVCL.
2021-09-04 14:12   
Do you know how to use git?
If yes, you could create a GitHub account if you haven't got one yet, create a fork of JVCL, apply your fix and create a pull request.
That's the usual way to get your fix in JVCL.
2021-09-23 00:55   
I can confirm this behavior. I am using Rad Studio 11 and the latest JEDI from GetIt. (Though I have observed this on 10.4.x also and its GetIt pull). Of the 3 computers I have tested on, Only one computer, an HP Elitebook 850 G5, does this. The HID device that hangs is "HID Sensor Collection V2" (VID 8087 PID 0AC2). I am testing with the BasicDemo from the examples directory. I have discovered that if I disable the HID device or apply the HID compliant driver, the BasicDemo will execute properly.

Also I have a HID exerciser that I got from Microchip's website years ago while working on PIC USB HID implementations. It works all the time, but has an error message at the top that says, "if your device is not present, then it fails HidD_GetAttributes", which is exactly where this is failing.

It seems that the error handling for this type of HID device is not robust enough and a failed HidD_GetAttributes call is causing the whole program to fail. Have not thought about how to fix this, but will probably try b2's solution so I can continue to work. I am not a GitHub person, so even I do find a solution, not sure I can successfully add it to GitHub.

NOTE; In Rad Studio 10.4.x, there was an RTL patch that came out. If you install JEDI without this patch, the HID controller will fail. I have confirmed this on one of the other computers. I originally thought that this somehow corrupted the 850 G5 laptop, but now I do not think this is true. I have tested on another computer and reinstalling JEDI after the RTL patch fixes the problem.
2021-09-23 19:45   
While it is nice that you can confirm the behavior it would be nice if you could create a pull request for the provided fix, as that really increases the liklyhood of getting it into the distribution.
Grab a Git client, create a fork, implement the fix and create a pull request. If you need help doing so let us know.
2021-09-23 22:39   
I am not sure ignoring the failed DLL call is the right long term solution. But I also dont know what a good solution looks like, yet. I dont completely understand what the code is doing at the failure point and why the original author chose that implementation. Right now I am in the midst of trying to get a bigger project working. I have to come back to this, just dont know when.
2021-10-08 23:45   
I dont believe there is an error in the code, it works as designed. What is missing is the OnDeviceCreateError handler. I have never seen documentaton that this be implemented. But after tracing through the code, the absence of this handler is causing the code to fail out completely, since the error is not handled. Below is what appears to be the minimum required. So far it is working on two projects. Depending on what is failing, you may need more error processing.

My only issue is that in development you will continue to receive the error message that started this. The error message appears when you start the project and close the project. So maybe there is some improvement that can still be done. But for me right now, this has dropped far down on my list of things to do.

procedure TformXXX.JvHidCtrlDeviceCreateError(Controller: TJvHidDeviceController; PnPInfo: TJvHidPnPInfo; var Handled, RetryCreate: Boolean);
     Handled:= TRUE;
     RetryCreate:= FALSE;
2021-10-09 17:24   
Are you able to create a pull request for your idea? If yes, can you do this please as otherwise it might never find its way into the code base.
2021-10-09 17:34   
I believe there is no need for a pull request, maker54 is merely indicating that using the OnDeviceCreateError handler to "ignore" the exception allows to get a complete enumeration.
This error handler was introduced during the developments for Issue 0005894 that I have now linked to this issue.
2021-10-09 19:39   
A pull request is not warranted. This is a component/app implementation issue. On some Windows computers with unique HID devices, the app must implement the OnDeviceCreateError handler in order to enumerate the HID devices.

With that said, the design mode issue is an annoyance, but not uncommon. I have very little experience with components in design mode and not even sure where to start to fix this.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
5894 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major random 2012-06-02 00:15 2021-10-09 17:32
Reporter: Melloware Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.45  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: 3.49  
    Target Version:  
Summary: HID EControllerError: Device cannot be opened
Description: Users report for some its random another guy can reproduce it every time. For one user it is when he plugs in a specific USB device "Virgin Health Miles GoZone pedometer".

Another user it is every time he Logs and and Logs off the machine. From looking at the source code this error is in the HIDDevice create and it must be returning a INVALID_HANDLE for the device in certain scenarios.

I have only ever had it happen to me once and I could not reproduce it. I was hoping you could take another look where that error is thrown and see what possible causes might be?

This post the user gets the error regularly:

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (90,339 bytes) 2012-06-06 14:59 (2,524,576 bytes) 2012-06-06 15:52
econtroller-error.txt (13,405 bytes) 2012-06-11 15:52 (3,166,070 bytes) 2012-06-11 17:02
2012-06-06 15:02   
Attached is HidTester project. It attaches to all HID devices so if you press buttons on your remote you should see HID output.

Where the Tivo Slide has issues is possibly two areas.

1. Press the Force button to force reloading of the USB devices we have seen increased CPU Usage and possibly EControllerError Device cannot be opened when the Machine Wakes from Sleep or upon Logout of User.

2. If that doesn't work try leaving the app running for a while letting your Tivo Remote go to sleep. This seems to cause the Bluetooth stack to trigger a "Devices Have Changed..." event and the USB devices reload and we see increased CPU Usage or EControllerError.
2012-06-06 15:54   
(Last edited: 2012-06-06 15:54)
I have attached the exe file compiled here with the very latest sources (the content one can get in SVN) and I cannot see the CPU usage that you talk about.

I tried option 1 and option 2 (10 minutes of leaving the remote idle) and no high CPU usage.

The only way to get high CPU usage that I saw was to not use the changes I just made in the SVN version

2012-06-06 17:21   
I will have some of my users having Tivo Slide issues try this.
2012-06-08 15:12   
OK so good news and bad news.

Good news: I did a full JVCL Clean and Rebuild and I think your patch just never got compiled the first time. The Tivo Slide users are reporting 0% CPU utilization so that is excellent.

Bad News: A few of my users are still getting EControllerError: Device could not be opened when they plug in certain devices or Log off the computer. Is there an elegant way I can handle this situation?

I think since this Exception is thrown on from two places, when the devices change or potentially in TJvHidDevice.Destroy. The problem is there is no place for me to catch this error and handle it gracefully. My ideal I guess would be if a Device could not be opened I could log an error but allow the rest of the devices to continue to be checked out as Normal. Almost like an OnDeviceError callback???
2012-06-11 15:45   
Do you have the stack trace when this happens? I mean you could use JclDebug, MadExcept or EurekaLog to get this and as a result you could see where the call is coming from and add an appropriate try..except block around it.
2012-06-11 15:51   
I have attached what the JCLExceptionDialog catches. I think the problem is the Device Unplug and Plug in is running in a background thread of JVHidController that is outside of any execution context of my app to surround with a try catch.

So if you just plug in a device it gets the exception but there is nothing for my app to catch and it is bubbling all the way out the JCLExceptionDialog.
2012-06-11 16:27   
Well, thanks for the attached log, but it does not show any stack information. Are you sure you activated the stack information and that you deployed the map file (or the jdbg, compressed version of it) ?
As it is, this file is not usable.
2012-06-11 16:39   
the same user can get it with your HID tester attached above. Is there something I can retrieve from it so I can attach it here?
2012-06-11 17:03   
I attached a new version of the tester that uses JclDebug to get a full stack trace, it would be nice if I could see the details when the exception occurs.
2012-06-11 17:08   
OK I will get back to you thanks!
2012-10-13 17:09   
OK I learned more about this. I have a private USB stick which requires a license to communicate with it.

In TJvHidDevice.CtlCreate if it can't open a device it throws this Exception.

   raise EControllerError.CreateRes(@RsEDeviceCannotBeOpened);

However I don't want this to stop processing the rest of the USB devices but this does. So I simply commented out this error and my code goes on its merry way.

Is there some switch that can be added to ignore this error if we don't care?
2012-11-05 10:33   
I have added the OnDeviceCreateError event in revision 13468, it should be sufficient for your needs.
2012-11-05 12:30   
Thank you!
2012-12-13 15:04   
Hello obones,

we have the same issue on a TabletPC computer and tried your solution with OnDeviceCreateError. It seems to contain a problem. Although the handler is called and Handled is set to True in it, there comes endless loop of errors.

I guess the lines

if Assigned(HidDev) then

should be replaced with

if Assigned(HidDev) then

We've tried -- it works.

Thank you!
2012-12-27 19:43   
Nice post yury_a. Hopefully this will get incorporated
2013-01-15 14:57   
I went a bit further than that, it should cover other cases as well.
Sorry for the delay.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6582 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2017-08-07 19:41 2021-09-05 09:30
Reporter: Kyle_Katarn Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvBitBtn wrong rendering when parent form has DoubleBuerring set to True
Description: TJvBitBtn wrong rendering when parent form has DoubleBuerring set to True
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (53,801 bytes) 2019-04-22 19:54
2017-08-07 19:42   
DoubleBuerring => DoubleBuferring
2017-10-29 15:22   
Do you need more details ?
2018-07-18 15:59   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-19 22:26   
I'm using JCL v2.8 (6000) with JVCL daily from 2016-08-04 (> 3.49)
2018-10-28 17:14   
Hello Kyle,
the question was not which version you were using. it was whether it is still the case in the most current one (it may have been fixed meanwhile) and if it's not fixed you should please provide a small sample application.
2018-10-28 17:45   
That's the version i'm using and problem occurs then.
2019-03-07 21:09   
Hello Kyle,
I got which version you are using just fine. The request was, that you should update your JCL/JVCL version to the current one in order to check if this issue still happens. Would you be so nice to do this?
2019-03-07 21:23   
Isn't this the last release ? What are the current version number for JCL, JVCL ?
2019-04-17 22:55   
I don't know about the version number, but currently there is a little bit of fixing activity going on, so the Github repositiory got a few commits over the last few days.

That is no new release via GetIt yet or so, but sice you posted a version number back in September last year, that is surely not the newest one. For Rio a new one was issued I guess.
2019-04-17 22:56   
Another thing: do you have screenshots of correct rendering (without double buffering) and of incorrect rendering?
2019-04-20 18:56   
I'll check next time I update JVCL and my test apps.
Can't you reproduce the problem ?
2019-04-22 19:57   

I attached my test project now but I cannot reproduce your vaguely described issue. The JvBitBtn has ParentDoubleBuffered := false and neither toggling the DoubleBuffered property at runtime nor at design time (and then running the program) makes any difference. For simplicity matters I set the butoon kind to OK button.

My system is a Windows 10 64 Bit VM, running Rio 10.3 Update 1.
Anything my demo doesn't do as your application?
Can you please provide screenshots of a the correct and the wrong appearance of the same JvBitBtn?
2019-04-25 20:45   
Did you already check my test program? Does it show your error?
2019-05-04 11:43   
Kyle_Katarn, can you run my test program I attached and tell us whether it shows the issue or if not whether there are differences to your use case?
2020-05-19 10:21   
Any news?
2020-05-20 09:36   
I'll test later. Please keep it as "feedback requested". Thanks !

Any new release of JVCL / JCL on its way ?
2021-06-04 12:01   
There is not going to be any "official" release for the foreseeable future because a release is just a zip of the Github content anyway, without any special checks.
2021-09-04 14:26   
Kyle_Katarn, did you meanwhile look at the test application I provided? Can you check in which way it differs from your use of that component? Because I couldn't reproduce it back then.
2021-09-05 09:30   
No, i'll revert my DoubleBuffering settings in my projects and see if problem persists.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6722 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2021-07-25 18:46 2021-09-04 15:18
Reporter: PeterPanino Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvFormStorage
Description: The font in the Form Storage Designer is difficult to read. Please set the Font Name to CourierNew and the Font Size slightly bigger. Thank you!
Steps To Reproduce: Open the Form TJvFormStorage Storage Designer.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-09-04 14:15   
I don't know how that one currently looks like, but shouldn't it use the system's default font?
Currently Seague UI if I'm not mistaken...
2021-09-04 15:03   
Yes, but CourierNew would make IDENTIFIERS easier to read. And maybe add a UI to customize the font in the Form Storage Designer.
2021-09-04 15:18   
If you know how to do this you can file a git pull request for these things. But I'd separate the font change and the additional font selection functionality into two pull requests.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6352 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components tweak always 2014-11-09 15:40 2021-09-04 14:29
Reporter: DeathMAD Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvFormDesktopAlert. Improve message text showing
Description: Add some property setting to the internal label.
lblText.AutoSize := False;
lblText.TextEllipsis := teEndEllipsis;

constructor TJvFormDesktopAlert.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited CreateNew(AOwner, 1);
  lblText := TJvLabel.Create(Self);
  lblText.Parent := Self;
  lblText.AutoSize := False;
  lblText.SetBounds(56, 24, 67, 13);
  lblText.Transparent := True;
  lblText.WordWrap := True;
  lblText.Anchors := [akLeft..akBottom];
  lblText.TextEllipsis := teEndEllipsis;
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2014-11-11 20:34   
I was added pull request
2014-12-04 15:03   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2019-05-05 09:22   
I didn't find the code listed above and thus I really do not know what he wants us to do. I didn't see the mentioned label at all on a first look.
2020-05-19 10:30   
Any news on this?
2021-09-04 14:29   
What number did the pull request have?
Has it been merged in maybe?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6395 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-03-25 20:30 2021-09-04 14:28
Reporter: warmbooter Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TjvCaptionButton hides the caption text of the window
Description: When a form with a TjvCaptionButton becomes visible, the caption of form is not displayed. If you resize the window, the caption becomes visible. Tested with Delphi XE6 and Windows 8.1 Pro.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: CaptionButton1.PNG (9,369 bytes) 2019-05-19 11:13
png (54,330 bytes) 2019-05-19 11:17 (54,387 bytes) 2019-05-19 11:20
2018-07-18 15:34   
Please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-05-19 11:14   
I think this button component has even more issues. I can reproduce the issue described with Rio, but as my screenshot shows that when the button is not properly positioned (yet, I need to figure out how to do that), resizing leads to that nasty artifacts my screenshot shows.
2019-05-19 11:20   
Ok, I created a small demo now showing the issue. The caption text of the form not only becomes visible on resizing the form, but on clicking that button as well (I implemented a ShowMessage call in the OnClick handler).

Since I had another idea for testing right now I added another demo. The difference to the original one is, that it doesn't call ShowMessage (which will run the message loop), but only change the text of a label on the form.
If implemented like this, clicking the button no longer makes the form's caption visible. Only resize works then.
2019-05-19 11:30   
Another observation: if I enable themes, the text of the form's caption is visible right from the start!
2019-05-19 16:44   
Hm, during loading of the component the caption of the form's title bar is there, only afterwards it is being removed.
2020-05-19 10:34   
Any news on this?
2021-09-04 14:28   
Who do you ask about news? I (instead of the OP) did provide a demo showing this bug.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6694 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major random 2020-05-29 21:55 2021-09-04 14:24
Reporter: wpostma Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Jedi JVCL JvCsvDataSet Out of bounds memory access on Delphi 10.0, 10.1, 10.2, 10.3
Description: There are deep seated design problems in this component that I wrote back in about 1998-2001.

First TJvcsvdataset.TextBufferSize must be manually managed.

Secondly, even if the correct buffer sizes are set, you could define fields that would consume more memory than the text buffer.

IN many cases, the heap overwrites will be caught by the "magic" number (boy what a hack that was that I put that in there) getting overwritten.

In other cases it is not caught by that. We have seen production applications using this, trigger TPM errors in windows, hit malware and windows security check features, and other things.

Unfortunately I do not have time to find and fix all this so I would like to suggest that if someone can find and fix these, great, if not consider deprecating the component.

A better design to replace this component would:

1. use whatever dataset you want to be the in memory storage system.

2. use the csv parser from this current component only but not its dataset implementation.

3. Make the importer/exporter work only on other datasets, or in memory datasets.

4. Perhaps have a special adaptor to work with the FireDac Memory dataset which is rugged and will get updated/tested.

Other concerns I have are that there may be field types in Delphi's internal dataset model, or events that were never implemented for JvCsvDataSet. It needs a thorough audit before anyone should use it in production in a serious app.
Steps To Reproduce: Too complex to give simple steps. But set up a dataset with about 8K of possible memory usage, per row, and set TextBufferSize to 4096.

Even without overflowing the dataset, there are some cases that rarely occur that are causing the heap to be corrupt, so I suspect that overflowing the text buffer is NOT THE ONLY bug to try to reproduce here.

Perhaps a more practical way to reproduce would be to make a demo app with SafeMM or something and test the heap integrity of this component. I do not have time to do this right now.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-06-04 12:03   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2021-09-04 14:24   
If you provided a sample application somebody could run this with FastMM4 with all checks on to spot where things go wrong.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6712 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2021-02-27 18:45 2021-09-04 14:20
Reporter: Antigonos Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Error message interpreting Code
Description: This error occurred in the current version 3.5, which was installed via the Getit-Manager of Delphi Sidney. When interpreting a Pascal source code with a Try-Except block, the message "Internal Interpreter error" appears. However, only when using the On e:Exception statement.
  .... // some code
  on e:Exception do
Steps To Reproduce: Simply run interpreter with code shown above.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-06-04 14:06   
Please try again with the latest GIT content, I believe this has been fixed.
2021-09-04 14:20   
If you try it and it should not have been fixed, can you provide a minimal sample as zip file which shows this behaviour?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6721 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2021-06-17 17:06 2021-09-04 14:18
Reporter: dwjedi21 Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBGrid - incorrect background for check boxes when changing background color for highlighted rows
Description: Changing the background color for a row using method GetCellParams results in an problem with the background of check boxes. By chance it is correct filled in the wrong color not at all or the title of the field is displayed.
Grid option gdRowSelect is used.
Themes used
Steps To Reproduce: 1) Activate themes for app
2) JvDBGrid with a datasource with boolean fields
3) Activate gdRowSelect
4) Change background color using event OnGetCellParam
5) Clicking different rows several times triggers the problem
    when grid is focused the first time background is black
Additional Information: problem is in procedure TJvDBGrid.DrawColumnCell(const Rect: TRect; DataCol: Integer;
  Column: TColumn; State: TGridDrawState); ca line 3843

instead of

if Highlight then
  DrawThemedHighlighting(Canvas, Rect)

using the following code solves the problem for me:_

if not (Highlight and
           DrawThemedHighlighting(Canvas, Rect)) then

Attached Files:
2021-09-04 14:18   
Are you able to create a git pull request about that one?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6724 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2021-08-09 14:25 2021-09-04 14:14
Reporter: kraikov2 Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCustomAppIniStorage bad '\n' quotation
Description: The TJvCustomAppIniStorage can store values with newlines, and replaces newlines to '\n'
There is a bug in TJvCustomAppIniStorage.ReplaceCRLFToSlashN, which leads to invalid string will be returned on read in some conditions.
The bug reason is ReplaceCRLFToSlashN does not quote single '\' if no newlines detected in the value.

The TJvCustomAppIniStorage.ReplaceCRLFToSlashN performs newlines replacement only for values with newlines;
but unquotes (calls TJvCustomAppIniStorage.ReplaceSlashNToCRLF) for all values on reading.
So when I write the value 'aaa\nbbb' (value does not contains newlines, the '\n' is the part of the value),
I'll get 'aaa'0000013#10'bbb' on reading.

Here is the bad function from the JvAppIniStorage.pas:

function TJvCustomAppIniStorage.ReplaceCRLFToSlashN(const Value: string): string;
  if (Pos(0000013, Value) > 0) or (Pos(0000010, Value) > 0) then
    Result := StringReplace(Value, '\', '\\', [rfReplaceAll]); // <- this should be done unconditionally
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000013#10, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000010, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000013, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := Value;

Here is the fixed version:
function TJvCustomAppIniStorage.ReplaceCRLFToSlashN(const Value: string): string;
  Result := StringReplace(Value, '\', '\\', [rfReplaceAll]);
  if (Pos(0000013, Result) > 0) or (Pos(0000010, Result) > 0) then
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000010, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000013, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
Tags: JvAppIniFileStorage
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-08-09 14:58   
Or we can just add '/' char detection in condition:

function TJvCustomAppIniStorage.ReplaceCRLFToSlashN(const Value: string): string;
  if (Pos(0000013, Value) > 0) or (Pos(0000010, Value) > 0) or (Pos('\', Value) > 0) then
    Result := StringReplace(Value, '\', '\\', [rfReplaceAll]); // <- this should be done unconditionally
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000013#10, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000010, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := StringReplace(Result , 0000013, '\n', [rfReplaceAll]);
    Result := Value;
2021-09-04 14:14   
If you know how to create a git pull request then please create one with your proposed changes. Otherwise ask how to do it.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6723 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2021-07-27 09:40 2021-07-27 09:40
Reporter: CDametto Platform: Delphi 10.3 Rio  
Assigned To: OS: Windows 10  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10.00.18363  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBGrid - Problems with resizing when gdRowSelect is in options
Description: Using the gdRowSelect grid option, there are some problems in resizing.

All problems happens when the horizontal scrollbar is present and you move to a column at the right side.

1) If you resize a column on the right by double-clicking between two columns, the grid is repositioned to the start left.

2) The same thing happens if you resize the grid together with the form.

3) Resizing a column on the right makes the grid flicker.
Tags: JvDbGrid
Steps To Reproduce: I attach a little program where you can see these issues.
Additional Information: Inheriting from the grid I got around the three problems like this:

procedure TArJvDBGrid.DblClick;
var ALeftCol: Integer;
  if dgRowSelect in Options then
    ALeftCol := LeftCol;
    SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, WPARAM(False), 0);
      LeftCol := ALeftCol;
      SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, WPARAM(True), 0);

procedure TArJvDBGrid.WMSize(var Message: TWMSize);
var ALeftCol: Integer;
  if dgRowSelect in Options then
    ALeftCol := LeftCol;
    SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, WPARAM(False), 0);
      LeftCol := ALeftCol;
      SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, WPARAM(True), 0);

procedure TArJvDBGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  if (dgRowSelect in Options) and (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) then
    SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, WPARAM(False), 0);
      inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
      SendMessage(Handle, WM_SETREDRAW, WPARAM(True), 0);
    inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
Attached Files: (1,567,144 bytes) 2021-07-27 09:40
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6720 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components block always 2021-06-05 17:34 2021-06-17 17:12
Reporter: ctybrd Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: urgent OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVDBGrid titles not showing when bidimode is rtl
Description: when set bidimode property of jvdbgrid to righttoleft value, column hesaders become like "a..." ,in execution time and
even in design time when binded dataset is active.
- the titles are shown correctly when the dataset is closed
- even if the titles are english words

Tags: JvDbGrid
Steps To Reproduce: put a jvdbgrid and bind it to datasource
set bidirighttoleft
activate the dataset
see the titles
Additional Information: I found an old issue duplicate but it is repolved
Attached Files: Image 028.png (3,035 bytes) 2021-06-05 17:34
png (16,133 bytes) 2021-06-17 17:12
2021-06-17 15:25   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2021-06-17 17:12   
Thank you for your interest
Please find attached simple form with an mdf file with single table

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6691 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2020-05-25 17:39 2021-06-17 15:25
Reporter: acgubamg Platform: PC  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7 Ultimate  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCalcEdit / JVDBCalcEdit border
Description: when the color of the "form" is changed, the TJVDbcALCEDIT field changes the border color. The border color is painted with the color of the "form" (wrong).
In the image, it has the TJVDBCalcEdit control and a TRXDBCalcedit, note that the RXLIB does not appear the strange effect.
This happens when the color of the control is changed, and when "ReadOnly = True" is placed
Steps To Reproduce: object RxDBCalcEdit1: TRxDBCalcEdit
            Left = 764
            Top = 50
            Width = 121
            Height = 21
            DataField = 'VALORTOTAL_CLIOS'
            DataSource = DSPai
            ReadOnly = True
            NumGlyphs = 2
            TabOrder = 11

          object DBEdit5: TJvDBCalcEdit
            Left = 668
            Top = 50
            Width = 90
            Height = 21
            Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
            Font.Color = clWindowText
            Font.Height = -11
            Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
            Font.Style = [fsBold]
            ParentFont = False
            ReadOnly = True
            ShowButton = False
            TabOrder = 4
            DecimalPlacesAlwaysShown = False
            DataField = 'VALORTOTAL_CLIOS'
            DataSource = DSPai

inherited FCadOrdemPrestacaServicoOPS: TFCadOrdemPrestacaServicoOPS
  Left = 495
  Top = 212
  BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize, biMaximize]
  BorderStyle = bsSizeable
  Caption = 'Cadastro de Ordem de Presta'0000231#227'o de Servi'0000231'o - OPS'
  ClientHeight = 675
  ClientWidth = 1041
  Color = clGreen
  ExplicitWidth = 1057
  ExplicitHeight = 714
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: erro_campo_somente_leitura - Copia.png (20,897 bytes) 2020-05-25 17:52
png (97,764 bytes) 2021-06-04 20:49
2020-05-25 17:43   
form image on design
2020-05-25 17:52   
2020-05-25 19:47   
Order on the Form
 1- Form1 : TForm
 2- JVPageList1: TJvPageList
  3- Page1: TJvStandardPage
      4 - TJVPagecontrol1
           6 - TPanel
              7 - TJDBCalcEdit
  3- Page2: TJvStandardPage
2021-06-04 12:03   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this, it's much easier to use than instructions to manually create a DFM
2021-06-04 20:49   
hi. zip

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6714 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2021-03-15 11:04 2021-06-08 11:03
Reporter: sergeySVK Platform: XE8  
Assigned To: OS: Win 10  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: new Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBGrid - JvDBGridSelectColumnForm - The layout of the column settings window is displayed incorrectly.
Description: Updated the project from version XE3 to XE8.
The layout of the column settings window is random (XE8). In different places on the monitor after successive calls. Version 3.49 also works incorrectly.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Ok.jpg (81,159 bytes) 2021-06-08 11:03

Error1.jpg (94,788 bytes) 2021-06-08 11:03

Error2.jpg (117,009 bytes) 2021-06-08 11:03

Error10.jpg (75,485 bytes) 2021-06-08 11:03
2021-06-04 14:06   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2021-06-08 11:03   
Hello !
I can provide screenshots. The data access components used are not included in the standard delivery.
Ok.jpg - Approximately the same window position in version XE3.
Error1-2.jpg - Window position in version XE8. With a sequential call (about 7-10 times), the window moves from left to right and down (diagonally).
Starting from some final iteration, the window is positioned as in an attachment Error10.jpg. Then the cycle is repeated.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6709 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components tweak always 2021-01-07 16:33 2021-06-04 14:14
Reporter: nosek1969 Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBLookupEdit not exist Align
Description: in componet TJvDBLookupEdit not exist Align property v 3.50 not 3.48
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6707 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2020-12-01 17:38 2021-06-04 14:03
Reporter: ArnoBrinkman Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: high OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBGrid displays Black boxes or 'random' graphic from other parts of the screen
Description: A change made in TJvDBGrid is causing many weird issues.

The modification that has been done is in procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseUp(...)

This "inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);" has been replaced with:
    OriginalScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(OriginalScrollInfo);
    OriginalScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_POS;
    // Store scrollbar position
    GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_HORZ, OriginalScrollInfo); //
      inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
      Perform(WM_HSCROLL, MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, OriginalScrollInfo.nPos), 0); //Repos

Steps To Reproduce: A JvDBGrid with data X

A button with opens a new modal form also with a JvDBGrid where you can select a row.
After doubleclick the data is passed back and the data X is filtered and the grid refreshed.

You'll see all cells are completly black or some random parts from anywhere on the form. placed in the cells.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-06-04 14:03   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6705 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2020-10-13 12:53 2021-06-04 14:03
Reporter: CDametto Platform: Delphi 10.3 Rio  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJVDBGrid appearance
Description: I have two problems with the appearance of the grid:

1) The line under the title is no longer drawn
2) if I set columns to be fixed their borders are not drawn correctly when I resize a column
Tags: JvDbGrid
Steps To Reproduce: I have attached a test program and an image of the output
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (54,292 bytes) 2020-10-13 12:53
DBGridFixedColsOutput.png (11,442 bytes) 2020-10-13 12:53
2020-10-15 12:48   
At designtime all works well.

Even if you remove RowLines or ColLines from the Options the grid appearance does not look correct at runtime.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6702 [JEDI VCL] 04 Feature Request minor always 2020-07-08 08:41 2021-06-04 12:04
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Implement word wrap for TJvImageListbox.Items.Text
Description: When text for a TJvImageListbox item gets too long it can get truncated, even when the item height would allow for another row of text.
So I suggest to implement word wrapping capabilities for that control's item text property.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2021-06-04 12:04   
Contributions are welcome

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6710 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2021-01-25 09:07 2021-04-23 17:47
Reporter: CDametto Platform: Delphi 10.3 Rio  
Assigned To: AHUser OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: It is no longer possible to hide a CheckBox of a JvCheckTreeView
Description: I once did:
JvCheckTreeView1.CheckBox[JvCheckTreeView1.Items[0]] := False;
Now it doesn't work anymore.

Tags: JvCheckTreeView
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I have attached a trial
Attached Files: (1,216,535 bytes) 2021-01-25 09:07
Mantis6710.png (32,534 bytes) 2021-04-23 16:22
2021-04-20 20:21   
Handling error:

You need to change CheckBoxOptions.Style to cbxJVCL. Otherwise it will use the native style and that only supports Checkboxes and can't hide Checkboxes. Unfortunately CheckBoxOptions.Style is reset to cbxNone if you change the CheckBoxes property to False. So toggling the "Checkboxes" property will switch back to the native style.
2021-04-21 09:24   
Ok, I couldn't find a solution, that doesn't require pressing a button...
2021-04-22 00:51   
What do you mean by "that doesn't require pressing a button..." ? The Mantis bug tracking system?

Just putting
CheckBoxOptions.Style := cbxJVCL;
into the code uses the JVCL checkboxes implementation that supports disabling checkboxes per node.
2021-04-22 11:38   
Sorry, I was referring to the trial I had attached...
I tried to set:
  JvCheckTreeView1.Checkboxes := True;
  JvCheckTreeView1.CheckBoxOptions.Style: = cbsJVCL;
then I tried to hide the checkbox with each:
  JvCheckTreeView1.CheckBox[JvCheckTreeView1.Items[0]] := False;
  JvCheckTreeView1.Items[0].StateIndex := -1;
but none of them worked for me.
2021-04-23 16:22   
(Last edited: 2021-04-23 16:25)
For me it works as you can see in the attach image.

Now I understand. Your example with the button isn't what you want. You want to hide the checkbox for example in the FormCreate event. And that doesn't work.

2021-04-23 17:47   
I have fixes this now. There was a bug fix from 2013 that broke the SetCheckBox code because it only worked with in the Native mode but not in the JVCL mode.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6302 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-07-09 17:11 2021-04-03 12:40
Reporter: cguser Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBGrid: dgIndicator option currently required to show TitlePopup
Description: Assigning a TPopupMenu to the grid's TitlePopup, (which has dgTitle on it's options) but no dgIndicator included, won't trigger the display of such menu when right clicking on the Title.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Seems an old bug spotted on JvDBGrid.pas 12831 2010-09-05,
however the latest version from
still has it: line 2418
      if (Button = mbRight) and
        (dgTitles in Options) and (dgIndicator in Options) and
        (Cell.Y = 0) then

Why is dgIndicator required to show the TitlePopup?

The third condition of "and (dgIndicator in Options)" seems kinda lost in there.
Attached Files: (5,612 bytes) 2014-09-03 17:55
2014-07-16 13:31   
Hi Olivier, could you please check with Andreas if there is any reason to require the presence of dgIndicator to popup the TitlePopup menu?

I suspect that that isn't, and if so, the fix is just to remove the second condition on line 2419, where

" (dgTitles in Options) and (dgIndicator in Options) and"

becomes just
" (dgTitles in Options) and"

A workaround on every caller side is somewhat messy (catch mouse click, was it on title?, was it a right-click? is it internally reversed? etc...).

2014-09-03 11:39   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2014-09-03 17:56   
2019-05-23 20:46   
Pull request created:
2021-04-03 12:40   
Fixed in Git master branch

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
5909 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2012-06-14 14:00 2020-12-09 11:07
Reporter: Arioch Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version: Daily / GIT  
Summary: RegExpr-validator is broken
Description: D:\DelphiProjects\Libs\JediVCL\jvcl\run\JvValidators.pas

However introduced/copied/commited the change quoted below replaced RegExpr search with DOS file mask search.

JvValidators demo is broken, but of course, who runs demo and who would use RegExpr anyway :-)

The change below should be undone. It gets a bit beyond mere simplification
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:  589 7454 15.06.2004 9:39:36 marquardt //=== { TJvRegularExpressionValidator } ======================================
   590 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3
   591 11893 10.09.2008 0:45:14 obones function MatchesMask(const Filename, Mask: string{;
   592 11893 10.09.2008 0:45:14 obones const SearchFlags: TSearchFlags = [sfCaseSensitive]}): Boolean;
   593 6489 19.04.2004 3:55:47 ahuser {var
   594 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 URE: TURESearch;
   595 6489 19.04.2004 3:55:47 ahuser SL: TWideStringList;}
   596 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 begin
   597 6448 16.04.2004 21:28:30 peter3 Result := Masks.MatchesMask(Filename, Mask);
   598 6448 16.04.2004 21:28:30 peter3 (*
   599 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 // use the regexp engine in JclUnicode
   600 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 SL := TWideStringList.Create;
   601 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 try
   602 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 URE := TURESearch.Create(SL);
   603 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 try
   604 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 URE.FindPrepare(Mask, SearchFlags);
   605 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 // this could be overkill for long strings and many matches,
   606 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 // but it's a lot simpler than calling FindFirst...
   607 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 Result := URE.FindAll(Filename);
   608 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 finally
   609 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 URE.Free;
   610 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 end;
   611 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 finally
   612 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 SL.Free;
   613 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 end;
   614 6448 16.04.2004 21:28:30 peter3 *)
   615 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 end;
Attached Files: JvValidators.pas.patch (1,030 bytes) 2016-04-01 19:17
2016-04-01 18:12   
Still present as of this writing 2016-04-01. (Wasted time today trying to use a regular expression validator for the first time. Why is this component not disabled until it's fixed?)
2016-04-01 19:19   
Uploaded simple fix with JclPCRE.TJclAnsiRegEx, which fixes the component for my use case. Probably needs more testing/review.
2020-12-09 11:07   
595 6489 19.04.2004 3:55:47 ahuser SL: TWideStringList;}
   596 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 begin
   597 6448 16.04.2004 21:28:30 peter3 Result := Masks.MatchesMask(Filename, Mask);
   598 6448 16.04.2004 21:28:30 peter3 (*
   599 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 // use the regexp engine in JclUnicode
   600 2083 22.06.2003 14:09:41 peter3 SL := TWideStringList.Create;

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6678 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2019-05-08 15:43 2020-08-10 08:36
Reporter: Mistral Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBGrid raise EInvalidOperation double clicking on it
Description: With the GIT update 79f2c24fd8b978626e08cc2aed1b6fc7f997f86e on 5/5/2019 someone introduced changes on mouseup handling in the TJvDBGrid component.

With this changes I'm getting strange EInvalidOperation handling the grid dblclick event. I've reproduced a simple case (attached):

1. a main form with a button
2. clicking the main form button is opened a form with the grid and data
3. dblclick on a row (simulating something like a record selection that close the form) and the program raise the exception
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: To remove the problem I've to revert back the changes to previous version:

procedure TJvDBGrid.MouseUp(Button: TMouseButton; Shift: TShiftState;
  X, Y: Integer);
  Cell: TGridCoord;
  ACol: Longint;
  DoClick: Boolean;
  ALeftCol: Integer;
  OriginalScrollInfo: TScrollInfo;
  Cell := MouseCoord(X, Y);
  if FTracking and (FPressedCol <> nil) then
    DoClick := PtInRect(Rect(0, 0, ClientWidth, ClientHeight), {Types.} Point(X, Y)) and
      (Cell.Y < TitleOffset) and
      (FPressedCol = GetMasterColumn(Cell.X, Cell.Y));
    if DoClick then
      ACol := Cell.X;
      if dgIndicator in Options then
        Dec(ACol, IndicatorOffset);
      if (DataLink <> nil) and DataLink.Active and (ACol >= 0) and
        (ACol < Columns.Count) then
        DoTitleClick(FPressedCol.Index, FPressedCol.Field);
  if FSwapButtons then
    FSwapButtons := False;
    MouseCapture := False;
    if Button = mbRight then
      Button := mbLeft;
  if (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) and
    (FSizingIndex + Byte(not (dgIndicator in Options)) <= FixedCols) then
    ColWidths[FSizingIndex] := GetMinColWidth(X - FSizingOfs - CellRect(FSizingIndex, 0).Left);
    FGridState := gsNormal;

  if FTitleArrowDown and (Button = mbLeft) then
    FTitleArrowDown := False;
    if FTitleArrow and (dgTitles in Options) and (dgIndicator in Options) and
       (Cell.X = 0) and (Cell.Y = 0) and (Columns.Count > 0) then
      ShowSelectColumnClick; // Selection of columns

  if (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) then
    ALeftCol := LeftCol;
    inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
    if (dgRowSelect in Options) then
      LeftCol := ALeftCol;
    if Assigned(OnColumnResized) then
      OnColumnResized(Self, FSizingIndex + Byte(not (dgIndicator in Options)) - 1,
// OriginalScrollInfo.cbSize := SizeOf(OriginalScrollInfo);
// OriginalScrollInfo.fMask := SIF_POS;
// // Store scrollbar position
// GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_HORZ, OriginalScrollInfo); //
// LockWindowUpdate(Handle);
// try
      inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
// Perform(WM_HSCROLL, MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, OriginalScrollInfo.nPos), 0); //Repos
// finally
// LockWindowUpdate(0);
// end;

  { XP Theming }
  {$IFDEF JVCLThemesEnabled}
  if UseXPThemes and StyleServices.Enabled then
    FPaintInfo.ColSizing := False;
    FPaintInfo.ColMoving := False;
    FPaintInfo.ColPressedIdx := -1;
  {$ENDIF JVCLThemesEnabled}
Attached Files: (85,803 bytes) 2019-05-08 15:43
2019-05-12 13:52   
I tried to reproduce the crash you saw by running your test application in Rio Update 1 and I cannot reproduce it. In my case double clicking on a row just closes the window.

So what's the difference between our systems:
- Windows 10 x64 in a VM Ware VM
- Delphi 10.3 Rio Update 1
- JCL and JVCL installed from a forked of the original Git repository,
  but that fork kept in sync with the original JEDI repository

Does anybody else see the crash?
2019-05-13 09:59   
My system:
- Windows 10 x64 (real machine)
- Delphi 10.2.3 Tokyo
- JCL and JVCL installed from original Git repository
2020-06-26 08:25   
still present in latest git repository commit (070ff4b1be5f4c9a39b00862c0fb5e6a345395e0)

now testing with Delphi 10.4 Sydney

I've to patch it manually at every update
2020-08-09 10:40   
These questions remain:
1. what was the change which causes you trouble was intended to fix/change?
2. Why does it crash on your computer but not on mine? Maybe we have different screen resolution or scaling?
    I have 1920x1080 with 100% scaling.
2020-08-10 08:36   
1.I have no idea what anyone who changed that piece of code wanted to solve. Without that change the component works pretty good for me...

2. It crashes on every computer I've tested it no matter of resolution scaling etc etc. I've distributed a release of my software with that issue to hundreds of computers and all of them had the problem. I don't know why it doesn't crash on your computer.... :(

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6687 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components block always 2020-04-08 00:20 2020-06-02 17:19
Reporter: nosek1969 Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvFormStorage generate A.V. where set readonly property
Description: into file JvAppStorage.pas change the procedure to:

procedure TJvCustomAppStorage.ReadProperty(const Path: string; const PersObj: TPersistent; const PropName: string; const
  Recursive, ClearFirst: Boolean; const IgnoreProperties: TStrings = nil);
  //Index: Integer;
  TmpValue: Integer;
  SubObj: TObject;
  P: PPropInfo;
  if not Assigned(PersObj) then
  case PropType(PersObj, PropName) of
    {$IFDEF UNICODE} tkUString, {$ENDIF}
    tkLString, tkString:
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          SetStrProp(PersObj, PropName, ReadString(Path, GetStrProp(PersObj, PropName)));
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          {$IFDEF RTL240_UP}SetStrProp{$ELSE}SetWideStrProp{$ENDIF RTL240_UP}(PersObj, PropName, ReadWideString(Path, {$IFDEF RTL240_UP}GetStrProp{$ELSE}GetWideStrProp{$ENDIF RTL240_UP}(PersObj, PropName)));
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          TmpValue := GetOrdProp(PersObj, PropName);
          ReadEnumeration(Path, GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName).PropType^, TmpValue, TmpValue);
          SetOrdProp(PersObj, PropName, TmpValue);
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          SetVariantProp(PersObj, PropName, ReadString(Path, VarToStr(GetVariantProp(PersObj, PropName))));
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          TmpValue := GetOrdProp(PersObj, PropName);
          ReadSet(Path, GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName).PropType^, TmpValue, TmpValue);
          SetOrdProp(PersObj, PropName, TmpValue);
    tkChar, tkWChar, tkInteger:
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          TmpValue := GetOrdProp(PersObj, PropName);
          ReadEnumeration(Path, GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName).PropType^, TmpValue, TmpValue);
          SetOrdProp(PersObj, PropName, TmpValue);
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          SetInt64Prop(PersObj, PropName, StrToInt64(ReadString(Path,
              IntToStr(GetInt64Prop(PersObj, PropName)))));
        P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
        if Assigned(P.SetProc) then
          P := GetPropInfo(PersObj, PropName, tkAny);
          if (P <> nil) and (P.PropType <> nil) and (P.PropType^ = TypeInfo(TDateTime)) then
            SetFloatProp(PersObj, PropName, ReadDateTime(Path, GetFloatProp(PersObj, PropName)))
            SetFloatProp(PersObj, PropName, ReadFloat(Path, GetFloatProp(PersObj, PropName)));
        SubObj := GetObjectProp(PersObj, PropName);
        if (RegisteredAppStoragePropertyEngineList <> nil) and
          Recursive and
          RegisteredAppStoragePropertyEngineList.ReadProperty(Self, Path, PersObj, SubObj, Recursive, ClearFirst, IgnoreProperties) then
          // Do nothing else, the handling is done in the ReadProperty procedure
          if SubObj is TStrings then
            ReadStringList(Path, TStrings(SubObj), ClearFirst)
            if (SubObj is TPersistent) and Recursive then
              if SubObj is TJvCustomPropertyStore then
                TJvCustomPropertyStore(SubObj).AppStoragePath := Path;
                TJvCustomPropertyStore(SubObj).AppStorage := Self;
                if SubObj is TCollection then
                  ReadCollection(Path, TCollection(SubObj), ClearFirst)
                  ReadPersistent(Path, TPersistent(SubObj), True, ClearFirst, IgnoreProperties);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: JediFormStorage.7z (56,693 bytes) 2020-05-18 23:32
2020-05-18 22:34   
Please provide th zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-18 23:32   
I not want destroy my main system. No exe.
You must using TXDBGrid (not TDBGrid)
free trial -
2020-05-24 18:50   
This should be fixed now.
Can you please test it out and give a feedback.
It's posted to github.
2020-06-02 12:02   
Tested, on 10.4 - work fine.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6693 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation major always 2020-05-27 13:45 2020-06-02 12:07
Reporter: fabiojrmoraes Platform: PC  
Assigned To: obones OS: Windows 10  
Priority: high OS Version: 64 bit  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Install jvcl - Delphi 7
Description: Error on install jvcl package in Delphi 7
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Error.jpg (58,393 bytes) 2020-05-27 13:45
2020-06-02 12:07   
This has been fixed in GitHub

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6382 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-02-16 20:24 2020-05-19 17:22
Reporter: boerema1 Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvBalloonHint as Application Hint causes second form on taskbar to hide below first
Description: I would like to reopen issue 6333. Since I can't find a button to reopen that issue I'm adding this new one.

Sorry for the late reply I didn't get a notice about a status change.
The suggested solution does not work on older versions of Delphi which as far as I know JVCL is still supporting.
According to the link below support for MainFormOnToolbar was added in Delphi 2007.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2015-09-14 11:22   
Well, yes, we support them, but because they were created before Win7 was out, they can't support it fully and so can't we.
That is, unless you can come up with a viable solution and submit a pull request
2019-05-04 18:20   
Would it be possible to implement the solution which would work on newer Delphi versions put into such ifdefs that it will be used there only, so it is at least fixed for them?
2020-05-19 10:21   
Any news?
2020-05-19 17:19   
I'm not using older versions of Delphi anymore and also stopped using BalloonHint so this is not relevant anymore for me.
I would consider to stop official support for these old Delphi versions, that would probably make life a lot easier for the few maintainers that are left.
2020-05-19 17:22   
Thanks for coming back to us

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
5657 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2011-09-21 14:22 2020-05-19 10:51
Reporter: FBiehn Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: 3.40  
Product Build: Resolution: reopened  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvIPAddress does not react like Windows Component while deactivating
Description: When you disable the JvIPAddress the color will not be changed, so the user does not see any different between status enable and disable.
I added a small procedure to fix this:


procedure CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage); message CM_ENABLEDCHANGED;


procedure TJvIPAddress.CMEnabledChanged(var Message: TMessage);
  if not Self.Enabled then
    Self.Color := clBtnFace;
    Self.Font.Color := clBtnShadow;
    Self.Color := clWindow;
    Self.Font.Color := clWindowText;

I also added a diff file
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Diff.diff (437 bytes) 2011-09-21 14:22 (2,593 bytes) 2011-09-21 14:52
2011-09-21 14:48   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2011-09-21 14:52   
Added a TestProject with a JvIPAdress and a button as enable/disable toggle
2012-02-23 11:57   
Under Windows 7, with the latest SVN content, I'm seeing a font change just like a TEdit does.
2012-02-23 15:04   
Yes, a TEdit change only the font if you disable the control. The JvIPAdress control react the same way.
BUT the windows reaction for a ip edit is also changing the background color. You see this, if you activate dhcp in your network adapter settings ("Obtain an IP address automatically").
2012-06-11 17:42   
I'm not sure this is standard under latest versions of Windows
2012-06-12 08:13   
It seems to be a standard under latest versions of Windows.
I tested it under Windows XP, Windows Server 2003, Windows Vista, Windows Server 2008, Windows 7, Windows 8 (Release Preview), Windows 2012 (Release Preview). All these OS react on the same way with edit controls ;-)
2012-06-12 17:42   
This is now in SVN
2012-06-13 14:49   
(Last edited: 2012-06-28 08:50)
it basically means, that now properties like Color and Font.Color have no effect, despite being published and common for so many controls?

 property ParentColor and ParentFont are knocked out too, despite kept published ?

 and VCL Themes/Styles are not supported either ?

 That IMHO seems to be too radical change.

2012-06-13 15:59   
That's a good point, I'll have to review this.
2012-08-13 21:47   
frankly, i remember when i 1st saw XP after long experience with win98/Win2000, that behavior of IP Address editor i considered to be a bug on Microsoft part :-)

I still fill that way...
2013-12-13 11:35   
so what do we do here?
2013-12-13 12:22   
Personally i am about reverting this - it removes standard functionality of VCL edit control.

Or we should remove Font/Color/ParentFont/ParentColor properties if we decided to disable them.

And i don't know what to do with VCL themes.

I wonder how stock TEdit with custom Color and Font.Color reacts to change in .Enabled - maybe that logic should be borrowed from VCL sources into TJvIPEdit as well.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6393 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-03-20 17:53 2020-05-19 10:50
Reporter: flls Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: confirmed Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDbLookupTreeViewCombo AutoSize property issue
Description: When the the property AutoSize = True, the TJvDbLookupTreeViewCombo disappears from the form in designer mode, leaving the Height and Width = 0.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2015-09-14 13:57   
Well, yes, because the only child (FDataList) isn't visible, so the VCL rightfully deduces that there is nothing to show inside it.
Now, I'm considering removing Align altogether as it doesn't make much sense to me...

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6420 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-07-21 20:56 2020-05-19 10:49
Reporter: Lucignolo Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Linker Error with C++ Builder 6.0
Description: [Linker Error] Unresolved external '__fastcall Jvexmask::TJvExCustomMaskEdit::PaintWindow(void *)' referenced from JVDBLABELEDSPINEDIT.OBJ

C++ Builder 6.0 don't link this compinent file
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: It seems to lack the procedure PaintWindow of the class TJvExCustomMaskEdit.
But in the JvExMask.pas there is this procedure.
By editing JvExMask.hpp as reported it seems to be working properly; it is absent in the call to the base class.
Attached Files: (4,184 bytes) 2015-07-21 20:56
2015-09-14 14:15   
I'm sorry, but I can't find any JvDBLabeledSpinEdit file inside the current JVCL sources.
2015-09-14 21:00   
Sorry for the imprecision.
The problem is not in the class (or file) JvDBLabeledSpinEdit but in the class TJvExCustomMaskEdit.
When the linker tries to find the function Jvexmask::TJvExCustomMaskEdit::PaintWindow(void *) is not even being present in the .pas file where the class was defined. I think the problem is due to a failure to recognize the call of the corresponding base class function. I solved the problem by rewriting imaginative the function in the file .hpp, automatically generated by the compiler, in the same way as the .pas file.
I hope I was comprehensive and useful.
Best regard.
2015-09-15 09:06   
Well, I'm sorry again, but PaintWindow is there at line 117 when I use the latest GIT content:

    virtual void __fastcall PaintWindow(HDC DC);
2015-09-16 00:41   
Ok...And it is declared virtual so that in derived classes (as in my class JvDBLabeledSpinEdit) must be redefined. But in the file JvExMask.pas this function is not declared virtual and is implemented explicitly (defined in line 128 and implemented by line 630).
it is my fault, I'm missing something?
I hope I was helpful.
Thanks for your concern.
Best regards.
2020-05-19 10:49   
I had a look at the current content of JvExMasks.pas and it contains two classes:


Both these classes declare PaintWindow and both are using the override keyword, as appropriate because it is 'virtual' in their common ancestor.
I thus don't see any issue here.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6611 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-01-21 15:17 2020-05-19 10:35
Reporter: marcowobben Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Incorrect result in TJvTextAttributes.ConsistentAttributes
Description: Requesting TJvRichEdit.SelAttributes.ConsistentAttributes always returns the valid available attributes, not the actual consistent attributes themselves.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: The function uses "dwMask" instead of "dwEffects":

function TJvTextAttributes.GetConsistentAttributes: TJvConsistentAttributes;

A fix would be:

function TJvTextAttributes.GetConsistentAttributes: TJvConsistentAttributes;
  Format: TCharFormat2;
  Result := [];
  if FRichEdit.HandleAllocated and (FType <> atDefaultText) then
    SendMessage(FRichEdit.Handle, EM_GETCHARFORMAT,
      AttrFlags[FType], LParam(@Format));
    with Format do
      if (dwEffects and CFM_BOLD) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caBold);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_COLOR) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caColor);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_FACE) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caFace);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_ITALIC) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caItalic);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_SIZE) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caSize);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_STRIKEOUT) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caStrikeOut);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_UNDERLINE) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caUnderline);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_PROTECTED) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caProtected);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_OFFSET) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caOffset);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_HIDDEN) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caHidden);
      if (dwEffects and CFM_CHARSET) <> 0 then
        Include(Result, caCharset);
      if RichEditVersion >= 2 then
        if (dwEffects and CFM_LINK) <> 0 then
          Include(Result, caLink);
        if (dwEffects and CFM_BACKCOLOR) <> 0 then
          Include(Result, caBackColor);
        if (dwEffects and CFM_DISABLED) <> 0 then
          Include(Result, caDisabled);
        if (dwEffects and CFM_WEIGHT) <> 0 then
          Include(Result, caWeight);
        if (dwEffects and CFM_SUBSCRIPT) <> 0 then
          Include(Result, caSubscript);
        if (dwEffects and CFM_REVAUTHOR) <> 0 then
          Include(Result, caRevAuthor);

Attached Files: (51,268 bytes) 2019-05-05 12:12
2018-07-18 16:04   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-27 14:14   
Made a pull request out of the proposed fix:
2019-04-30 15:59   
I disagree with this change, the documentation says this:

The dwMask member specifies which attributes are consistent throughout the entire selection

So clearly, a "GetConsistent" method should use the dwMask member.

See here:
2019-05-01 09:47   
After reading the MSDN documentation you linked to (I should have read it upfront) I'd agree with you. If the original creator of this issue doesn't provide more information about why he thinks the method is wrong we should close this issue as "won't do" or "no change required" -> test case error.

So could marcowobben please shed more light on why he thinks this method is implemented the wrong way?
2019-05-04 22:49   
The documentation indeed states it returns the consistent attributes of the selection. However, in the my test case it doesn't work as documented.

Reading onward to the difference in dwMask and dwEffect, it clearly states the dwMask only specifies if the flags in dwEffect are valid. In other words the actual values are not found in dwMask but in dwEffect.

I'll attach a test case later this week.
2019-05-05 12:16   
My initially siggested fix is not even completed. While reading back on the online microsoft documentation, building a test application, it showed that even my fix was incomplete.

I've uploaded the test application which contains the routines for:

- SelAttributes (returns the attributes at the caret)
- SelAttribute.ConsistentAttributes (appears to be unusable ...)
- SelAttributes.FixConsistentAttributes (which returns a true consistent set)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6481 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-12-13 17:59 2020-05-19 10:33
Reporter: TomT Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvSpinEdit does not display properly when VCL Styles are enabled
Description: The up/down arrows do not display properly when a VCL Style is enabled and the buttonkind property is set to either bkclassis or bkstandard.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: with style.jpg (4,830 bytes) 2015-12-16 23:42
jpg (120,980 bytes) 2019-05-19 11:01
JvSpinEdit_Standard_Rio.PNG (3,854 bytes) 2019-05-19 11:03
2015-12-13 18:11   
It turns out that the issue only occurs when using the component in conjunction with VCL.Styles.Utils.Comctrls (part of the vlc-styles-utils library). I will see if the author of that library can sort it out. No need for changes on your end.
2015-12-16 23:38   
Sorry -- initial report was correct after all -- up/down arrows have strange appearance when VCL Styles are enabled and buttonkind property is set to either bkclassis or bkstandard.
2018-07-18 15:37   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-05-19 11:03   
Using 10.3 Rio Update 1 I created a small test application but cannot reproduce your issue. See attached screenshot as well. Neither Standard nor Classic button style looks wrong for me. Attached screenshot is Standard button style.
2020-05-19 10:33   
Any news on this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6648 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-08-22 09:56 2020-05-19 10:33
Reporter: TheBlackfish Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDateEdit CheckOnExit gives double error message
Description: When you have 2 TJvDateEdit components on a form, the CheckOnExit displays the error message twice when you click on the other TJvDateEdit.

- Put 2 TJvDateEdit components on a form (JvDateEditA and JvDateEditB)
- JvDateEditA has CheckOnEdix set to true
- Enter an invalid date like 54.98.2465 in JvDateEditA
- Click on JvDateEditB
- Get 2x error message '54.98.2465 is not a valid date.'

This only happens when you CLICK on JvDateEditB. If you use the TAB KEY to switch to JvDateEditB then you get the error messsage only once.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: We use JEDI Visual Component Library 3.50
Attached Files: (4,992 bytes) 2018-09-19 07:41
2018-08-30 14:15   
Please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-09-19 07:42   
I have attached a very simple example that shows the problem as explained.
2019-05-12 17:10   
Some first analysis:

1. the provided test application doesn't work out of the box. The dpr needs to be modified like this, otherwise no form will be created:

program JvDateEditTestProject;

  JvDateEditTest in 'JvDateEditTest.pas' {Form1};

{$R *.res}

  Application.MainFormOnTaskbar := True;
  Application.CreateForm(TForm1, Form1);

2. There is a method CMExit in TJvCustomComboEdit which is triggered by a message CM_EXIT. It looks like this method is being triggered twice and there is the FInCMExit field which seems to be there to prevent double calls. Looks like the CM_EXIT message is not declared as completely processed. But why then doesn't this happen when using the keyboard instead of the mouse? There it only triggers this once.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6576 [JEDI VCL] 04 Feature Request feature N/A 2017-07-02 08:40 2020-05-19 10:32
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvTransparentButton: Make position of the image configurable
Description: TJvTransparentButton contains an Images property where one can assign image lists to various sub properties and select which image from the list to be displayed via the ImageIndex.

So far so good, but the image is always placed in the center of the button, which is quite inflexible and limiting. Can we please get either one alignment property for the image or individual alignment subproperties for all the different "situation" image lists?

The alignment should at minimum provide the following values:
- left
- right
- top
- bottom
- center
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: In the product version list here in Mantis versions newer than 3.48 are missing in the product version combobox.
Attached Files: JVCLStacktrace.txt (1,556 bytes) 2018-10-28 17:09
2018-07-18 15:55   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-10-28 17:09   
I just downloaded the newest JCL and JVCL zip GitHub gave me and installed them into a Berlin update 2 installation.

Here my findings regarding this button:
1. I still see no alignment property for the state images I specify via
   the sub properties of the Images property. It has a general align
   property, but that's for the button itself.

2. I defined an ActivaImage and a GrayImage. Both different images.
   When I change FrameStyle from "Explorer" to "Dark" the form designer
   no longer displays the GrayImage but the ActiveImage. Changing this
   setting back changes the image back.

3. When clicking the elipsis button for the Glyph property I can select a png
   file in the file open dialog, but then I get a "invalid graphic format"
   failure message. I attached the stack trace the IDE gave me for this as a
2019-05-12 16:45   
This one can be closed, as the TextAlign property can already be used to achieve this glyph positioning.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6541 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components tweak always 2016-12-20 12:46 2020-05-19 10:31
Reporter: CDametto Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: not fixable  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Disabled TabSheets in JvPageControl are accessible through the keyboard
Description: A disabled TabSheet in a JvPageControl is not accessible using the mouse, but it remains accessible through the keyboard using the left or right arrow when the focus is on the tab of the sheet.
I propose the following improvement: to deny access via the keyboard, or better, still in Delphi’s PageControl a disabled TabSheet is still accessible (even with mouse), to add a property to let the user choose the behavior it wants.
Thank you for your time
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (53,427 bytes) 2019-01-25 11:28
2018-07-18 15:48   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-01-25 11:27   
The issue is still present in jvcl 3.50 with Delphi 10.3 rio
2019-04-25 21:51   
Interestingly, the VCL itself with a normal TPageControl does not respect the Enabled property of any TTabSheet at all.

So question: I can reproduce your issue on 10.3 Rio Update 1 with your simple demo fine enough, but is this really as it should work or asked otherwise: is the VCL wrong by not respecting Enabled of any TTabSheet?
2019-04-27 13:36   
Ok, WMLButtonDown contains this code:

  if (RealIndex < PageCount) and (RealIndex >= 0) and
     ((hi.flags and TCHT_ONITEM) <> 0) then
    if not Pages[RealIndex].Enabled then
      Msg.Result := 0;

which makes clicking on a disabled tab a no-op.
Keyboard handling most likely uses TPageControl.FindNextPage, which does not check for enabled or not. But that one is public and not virtual, so we cannot simply override it. Now what to do, besides wishing EMBT to respect enabled property?
2019-04-27 13:41   
Ok, created this QP request:

But it's unsure if it will help us...
=> what should be our solution?
2019-05-12 14:13   
It looks like keyboard handling is mostly done by TPageControl from VCL itsself. SO I guess if EMBT fixes the issue reported in the QP report listed above it would be fixed along with it.
2020-05-19 10:31   
As this comes from the VCL itself, we can't do much

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6263 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-03-05 16:53 2020-05-19 10:30
Reporter: runfastman Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: 3.45  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: No On change event call for DateTimePicker
Description: I added an function for the OnChange Event. This function never gets called when you type in the control and change the item. It works with the standard TDateTimePicker.

This would also be a great time to fix the known issues with the default TDateTimePicker where "What you see isn't what you get" if you have both the date and time displayed and you change values not all values get updated on the back side, only values associated with "Kind" property get updated.
Kind = dtkDate
Format = 'MM/dd/yyyy hh:mm tt'
//modify the hour, then read the time in code and it isn't modified.

This can be fixed in the OnChange Event by updating the date/time value using the text property of the component.

At the very least, expose the .text property of the component so the user can do this manually.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (54,052 bytes) 2019-05-05 09:17
2014-09-03 11:33   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2019-05-05 09:20   
I created a demo project now. It shows two things:

1. the OnChange event is fired just fine in the current version
2. the thing with not changing the entered time internally when Kind is dtkDate is indeed the case, but I rather think this is as designed. or what would the Kind property be for otherwise? If Kind is dtkTime the entered time is really changed.
2020-05-19 10:30   
Any news on this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6652 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2018-10-08 10:44 2020-05-19 10:19
Reporter: Gerold Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvHidDeviceController LoadSetupApi returns false
Description: Hi

I have a program for a HID device using TJvHidDeviceController and the program works on most PC's but not on some machines. It turns out, that on these machines these two functions
- SetupDiInstallDeviceInterfaces
- SetupDiRegisterCoDeviceInstallers
are not available.

That means, that LoadSetupApi in JvSetupApi.pas is returning false.

These functions are not used in JvHidControllerClass.pas.

Only these 5 functions are required:
- SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty
- SetupDiGetClassDevs
- SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces
- SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail
- SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList

In LoadSetupApi, more than 400 functions are dynamically linked (if case SETUPAPI_LINKONREQUEST is set) and if one fails, than the function returns FALSE.

I am wondering, if it is a good idea to use LoadSetupApi in TJvHidDeviceController. Why not write another function which is linking just the above functions?

Also, would it not be wise to have an overloaded function

function GetModuleSymbolEx(Module: TModuleHandle; SymbolName: string; var ErrorMsg: string): Pointer;

which returns in ErrorMsg the FIRST SymbolName where GetProcAddress failed?

In this case, LoadSetupApi could return, which of the more than 400 linked functions failed.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2019-04-25 20:43   
Issued pull request for a version which inplements a LoadAPI sort of function inside JvHIDControllerClass unit:

Please check it.
2019-04-30 15:31   
I don't like duplication of code, I'd rather have JvSetupApi modified to be able to tell it which of the 400 functions are to be loaded.

But I even think that there should not be any reason to change that because the MSDN documentation says that the two "missing" functions are available since Windows 2000.

So the real question is "On what version of Windows was this a problem?"
2019-04-30 21:41   
I can agree with the not liking of duplication of code. But I wonder why those two methods mentioned are not available on some machines even if they should be available since Windows 2000, an OS no longer supported by Microsoft since 2006.

Question to the original creator of this issue here: which OS do those machines where it fails run?
2019-05-01 07:21   
I received an answer from one person using my program (which uses TJvHidDeviceController) and he said, that he is using Linux and CrossOver. I did not know this. Maybe the other person is using Linux too with CrossOver (or Wine).

At the moment, my program is working on these machines, cause I created a new unit based on the JvHidController.pas and importing just these functions:

  SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA: TSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyA;
  SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW: TSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryPropertyW;
  SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty: TSetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty;
  SetupDiGetClassDevsA: TSetupDiGetClassDevsA;
  SetupDiGetClassDevsW: TSetupDiGetClassDevsW;
  SetupDiGetClassDevs: TSetupDiGetClassDevs;
  SetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces: TSetupDiEnumDeviceInterfaces;
  SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA: TSetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailA;
  SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW: TSetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetailW;
  SetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail: TSetupDiGetDeviceInterfaceDetail;
  SetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList: TSetupDiDestroyDeviceInfoList;

In fact, almost like the modified JvHidControllerClass unit from above, but I do import 11 functions, not 10.

Anyway, I would like to have an idea, why "LoadSetupApi" returned false.

I just noticed, that the latest JVCL Daily packages are from 2019-04-30 08:32:24 UTC, but the latest JCL Daily packages are from 2018-04-29 06:27:35 UTC. Is this a bug and for the JCL it should be 2019 and not 2018 or is the JCL realy not updated since more than a year?

Or is my link old?
2020-05-19 10:19   
LoadSetupAPI returns false because the entry point is missing.

As to the daily zips, their generation has been fixed a few weeks back

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6537 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-12-02 16:42 2020-05-19 10:17
Reporter: Milan Bacik Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBComboBox dosn't work corectly when Style = csDropDown
Description: When i set style to csDropDown on TJvDBComboBox:
1. It shows value of KeyField instead of DisplayField.
2. When I select any value from dropdown list, than exception raised, because TJvDBComboBox try insert value in DisplayField(instead of KeyField) to linked DataSource.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:48   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-28 10:41   
I fear without a demo we won't get much further. How is EnableValues defined in your case?
2020-05-19 10:17   
As asked before, could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6641 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2018-06-25 10:10 2020-05-19 10:17
Reporter: tstoicescu Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBTreeView - insert record
Description: /Jvcl/Run/JvDBTreeView.pas:
Bug: Editing items's parent in State = dsInsert, it do Post and (wrong) Insert again (a new item). Normally it should edit same item.
so: OldState isn't needed: it should never reinsert new item.
TCustomTreeView.CNNotify ... TVN_SELCHANGEDA, TVN_SELCHANGEDW: ... Change
TJvCustomDBTreeView.Change ::
 case OldState of
        FDataLink.DataSet.Insert; /// Edit
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:05   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-27 14:00   
I found the code snippet referenced above but it looks exactly like above. Question: what exactly shall be changed there? Shall in dsInsert also the Edit method be called? Or is the code as is already fixed?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6571 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation block have not tried 2017-05-21 17:17 2020-05-19 10:17
Reporter: mariodosreis Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVCL 3.49 (JVCLInstall.exe)
Description: When running/install JVCLInstall.exe i allways get this message:

"Access violation at Adress 772E8026 in module 'ntdll.dll'. Write of
address 50061FD8".
And it blocks here!
It started 5/10 days ago.
Can you help
Best Regards
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: It was working fine it just start after a normal reboot! I allways tried to
repair windows but it seams theris nothing to repair.
I also downloaded it again but the very same trouble!
Attached Files: AccessViolation772E8026-ntdll_dll.png (6,885 bytes) 2017-05-21 17:17
2018-07-18 15:57   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-10-28 17:29   
Which version of Windows? At which point of the installer, at startup already?
2019-03-11 22:07   
Which settings in the installer have been used?
2019-04-27 13:50   
Which version of Delphi?
2020-05-19 10:17   
We are still waiting for answers here...

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6485 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-01-06 04:35 2020-05-19 10:16
Reporter: mator Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvInterpreter cannot handle repeated uses
Description: TestScript uses 'lib\Lib1' and 'lib\Lib2'
Lib1 uses 'lib\Lib2'

The jvInterpreter throws a duplicate identifier on whatever the first identifier is (constant, variable, or function) in Lib2.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: This can be fixed by adding a single line of code to jvInterpreter.pas -> procedure TJvInterpreterUnit.ReadUnit (starting at line 7964):

procedure TJvInterpreterUnit.ReadUnit(const UnitName: string);
  OldUnitName: string;
  OldSource: string;
  S: string;
  if FAdapter.UnitExists(UnitName) then
  FAdapter.AddSrcUnit(FCurUnitName, '', '');
  FAdapter.AddSrcUnit(UnitName, '', ''); // the line of code added

Adding this line of code simply prevents the jvInterpreter from attempting to call InterpretUnit on the same unit twice.
Attached Files:
2016-01-17 18:49   
I need to correct something here. The example I gave is actually a trivial example which can be resolved by changing the uses line to just

uses 'lib\Lib1';

A better example:

Lib1 uses Lib3
Lib2 uses Lib3


uses 'lib\Lib1', 'lib\Lib2';

Will always lead to a redeclared identifier error.
2018-07-18 15:36   
Please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-18 19:29   
Hi obones,

Sorry but I've moved on from using Delphi/Jedi for development for my applications and won't be able to provide an example.

- Mator
2019-04-26 20:24   
Created a pull request for this:
2020-05-19 10:16   
As asked before, could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6445 [JEDI VCL] General API block always 2015-09-17 23:37 2020-05-19 10:15
Reporter: rbwinst Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvInterpreter_all won't compile on Delphi 10 Seattle
Description: When I try to install JVCL on Delphi 10 Seattle with the install, the installation fails because JvInterpreter_all.pas won't compile. The error message is D:\jedi\Jvcl_Git\jvcl\jvcl\run\JvInterpreter_all.pas(60) Fatal: F2613 Unit 'JvInterpreter_DBTables' not found.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Options used:
Build packages: no
IDE Registration: yes
Clear JVCL component palettes: yes
JVCL Developer installation: no
compile debug units: no
Generate Map files: yes
Link Map files in binaries: yes
Compress Map files to .jdbg: no
delete after linking/compression: yes
BPL Directory: C:\Users\Public\Documents\Embarcadero\Studio\17.0\Bpl
Register global design editors: yes
dxgettest support: no
Register JvGif for .gif: yes
Unit Versioning: no
Verbose compiler output: yes
Do not stop on errors: no
Add BPL Directory to PATH: no

Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:46   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-19 18:23   
I no longer have Delphi 10 Seattle installed.
2018-10-28 17:15   
Does this work in the Delphi version you have installed now?
If not, can you check if the JvInterpreter_DBTables.pas file is in your JVCL directories somewhere or not?
2019-03-07 21:18   
In my current cloned JVCL repository this file is there several times in several subfolders with several different sizes. Is this really necessary?
2019-04-25 21:37   
What to do with this report?
In the current version JvInterpreter_DBTables.pas is in the run directory, so it should compile (at least it did for me in Rio Update 1 GetIt JVCL installation)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6555 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2017-03-23 17:43 2020-05-19 10:14
Reporter: hbannw Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: XE8 Jvcl3.49 JvCalcEdit on JvCaptionPanel shows the background behind the JvCaptionPanel
Description: on a form with some components, place a JvCaptionPanel and a JvCalEdit on the panel

increase the height of the edit and the background of the panel is displayed as if the panel becomes transparent

It has the same behaviour on design and runtime
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: here is the code from a test unit

unit Unit2;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs;

  TForm2 = class(TForm)
    Button1: TButton;
    JvCaptionPanel1: TJvCaptionPanel;
    JvCalcEdit1: TJvCalcEdit;
    { Déclarations privées }
    { Déclarations publiques }

  Form2: TForm2;


{$R *.dfm}


object Form2: TForm2
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Caption = 'Form2'
  ClientHeight = 163
  ClientWidth = 333
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object Button1: TButton
    Left = 48
    Top = 71
    Width = 217
    Height = 33
    Caption = 'This is a button that should be hidden'
    TabOrder = 0
  object JvCaptionPanel1: TJvCaptionPanel
    Left = 80
    Top = 8
    Width = 185
    Height = 105
    Buttons = []
    Caption = ''
    CaptionFont.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
    CaptionFont.Color = clWhite
    CaptionFont.Height = -13
    CaptionFont.Name = 'Tahoma'
    CaptionFont.Style = [fsBold]
    OutlookLook = False
    TabOrder = 1
    object JvCalcEdit1: TJvCalcEdit
      Left = 32
      Top = 24
      Width = 137
      Height = 57
      TabOrder = 0
      DecimalPlacesAlwaysShown = False

Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:51   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-27 16:15   
There is a problem with the jvCalcEdit and the transparency.
Try the code below and you will see the strange backgroundcolor behaviour of the jvCalcEdit.
I used version 2019-03-25.

object Form1: TForm1
  Left = 0
  Top = 0
  Caption = 'Form1'
  ClientHeight = 203
  ClientWidth = 308
  Color = clBtnFace
  Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
  Font.Color = clWindowText
  Font.Height = -11
  Font.Name = 'Tahoma'
  Font.Style = []
  OldCreateOrder = False
  PixelsPerInch = 96
  TextHeight = 13
  object JvXPContainer1: TJvXPContainer
    Left = 0
    Top = 0
    Width = 308
    Height = 203
    BoundColor = clBlue
    BoundLines = [blLeft, blTop, blRight, blBottom]
    Caption = 'JvXPContainer1'
    Color = clRed
    ParentColor = False
    Align = alClient
    ExplicitLeft = 8
    ExplicitWidth = 635
    ExplicitHeight = 336
    object Button1: TButton
      Left = 72
      Top = 104
      Width = 75
      Height = 25
      Caption = 'Button1'
      TabOrder = 0
    object JvCalcEdit2: TJvCalcEdit
      Left = 120
      Top = 106
      Width = 121
      Height = 21
      TabOrder = 1
      DecimalPlacesAlwaysShown = False

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6448 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2015-09-21 05:10 2020-05-19 10:13
Reporter: beckmi Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBGrid set as default AutoSizeColums=True (Index -1),
Description: Reported by user from Germany, Uli Schütte:

- Umstieg mit einer Anwendung von XE8/JVCL 3.48 auf 10 Seattle/JVCL 3.49

- Auswirkungen auf TJvDBGrid: Alle Grids laufen jetzt wohl grundsätzlich mit AutoSizeColums=True (Index -1), obwohl dies nicht aktiviert ist, die für die einzelnen Spalten gewählten Größen werden ignoriert, alle Spaltenbreiten sind gleich groß.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:40   
I'm sorry, but a translation to English would be most welcome
2019-03-11 23:01   
Switched an application from
XE8/JVCL 3.48 auf 10 Seattle/JVCL 3.49.

It looks like TJvDBGrid now uses AutoSizeColums = true (Index -1), even when not activated. The sizes set for individual colums are ignored so all have the same width.
2019-03-12 22:33   
My post from yesterday is the requested translation
2020-05-19 10:13   
Could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6528 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-09-29 15:16 2020-05-19 10:13
Reporter: Michael Tieke Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: not fixable  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBGrid Rowsheight out of Range
Description: Drop a JvDBGrid/JvDBUltimGrid on a form, set AutoSizeRows to false. After starting the program you get a RowsHeight error: argument out of range.

Problem started with Delphi 10.1 Berlin Update 1
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2016-10-19 00:16   
See RAD Studio issue RSP-15872.
A workaround is given there (Dmitry Arefiev 18/10/2016):

This issue is major regression in Berlin 10.1 Update 1. The persistent fix will be included into Update 2 (time frame is not known at this moment). As a workaround at run-time please do the following:

    open Vcl.DBGrids.pas
    locate there TCustomDBGrid.CanEditShow method
    replace it code with:

    function TCustomDBGrid.CanEditShow: Boolean;


      Result := (LayoutLock = 0) and inherited CanEditShow;


add path to <RAD Studio run-time sources path>\Data\vclctrls to your IDE Delphi Library Path. It is the path where Vcl.DBGrids.pas is located. Is it ?
recompile your application.

I had to use wordpad to save the edited file but after this both TDBGrid and the decendent TjvDBGrid worked again.
2018-07-18 15:49   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-11 22:45   
Has it been fixed in Berlin update 2? If yes is there still a need to change this?
2020-05-19 10:13   
This is fixed by Delphi itself

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6580 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature N/A 2017-07-18 20:07 2020-05-19 10:12
Reporter: stjcottbus Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TimeFramework Hint handling
Description: Usage of Description and DisplayText of an appointment is not consistent.

Description is is used as popup-hintbut also in TJvTFWeeks and TJvTFMonths as displayed text in the control. This makes a formatted description useless as both components strips CRLF in displaying the popup-hint.

There should be a clear differentiation between

- DisplayText: Shown if not editable; Single Line, CRLF stripped.
- Description: Shown if editable; Formatted or not according Option.
- HintText: Always shown as hint; Formatted as given.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:54   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-11 22:36   
If it is still an issue can you make concrete suggestions how to modify the source code?
2020-05-19 10:12   
As asked before, could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6567 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2017-04-28 11:52 2020-05-19 10:12
Reporter: moore Platform: Windows  
Assigned To: OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: Windows 10  
Status: feedback Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvHLEditor and TJvWideHLEditor truncate large line
Description: TJvHLEditor (and TJvWideHLEditor) truncates large line if is has more than 1024 chars, however the Lines property si correct if you save to file. It is evident when you delete chars inside the line, the hidden chars beyond 1024 appear as you are deleting, see attachement..
Steps To Reproduce: Insert a line more than 1024 chars
Additional Information:
Attached Files: ErrHL1.jpg (25,078 bytes) 2017-04-28 11:52
2017-06-02 11:11   
Any news..
2018-07-18 15:56   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-11 22:31   
Can you please provide a sample application showing this issue?
2020-05-19 10:12   
As asked before, could you please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6597 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2017-10-11 20:50 2020-05-19 10:11
Reporter: ljstudio Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDesktopAlert doesn't drag
Description: The component TJvDesktopAlert does doesn't the drag, so the alert is displayed in the initial position and has no way to move it.
Tags: Alert, Delphi 10, Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi Seattle, Drag, TJvDesktopAlert
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2017-10-11 20:52   
It works on delphi 7.
I've tested on Delphi 10 Seattle and doesn't work.
2018-07-18 16:00   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:11   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6645 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2018-07-30 17:03 2020-05-19 10:10
Reporter: srjfrl Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvRichEdit.Lines.SaveToStream error, only Win10 1803
Description: English:

We paste the doc-file through JvRichEdit.InsertObjectDialog
It is inserted without errors.
If you then call the JvRichEdit.Lines.SaveToStrem method, an error occurs:
1) Invalid floating point operation
2) Access violation at address 73AD75E1 in module 'RICHED20.dll'
The error occurs in Windows 10 1803. In Windows 8, Windows 7 - there is no problem.

?? ???????:

????????? ? JvRichEdit doc-???? ????? JvRichEdit.InsertObjectDialog.
??????????? ??? ??????.
???? ????? ??????? JvRichEdit.Lines.SaveToStrem ??????????? ??????:
Invalid floating point operation, ????? access violation at address 73AD75E1 in module 'RICHED20.dll'

?????? ????????? ? Windows 10 1803. ? Windows 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008 ? ??. - ?????? ???.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-30 17:05   

????????? ? JvRichEdit doc-???? ????? JvRichEdit.InsertObjectDialog.
??????????? ??? ??????.
???? ????? ??????? JvRichEdit.Lines.SaveToStrem ??????????? ??????:
Invalid floating point operation, ????? access violation at address 73AD75E1 in module 'RICHED20.dll'

?????? ????????? ? Windows 10 1803. ? Windows 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008 ? ??. - ?????? ???.
2018-07-30 17:06   
?? ???????:

????????? ? JvRichEdit doc-???? ????? JvRichEdit.InsertObjectDialog.
??????????? ??? ??????.
???? ????? ??????? JvRichEdit.Lines.SaveToStrem ??????????? ??????:
Invalid floating point operation, ????? access violation at address 73AD75E1 in module 'RICHED20.dll'

?????? ????????? ? Windows 10 1803. ? Windows 8, 7, Vista, Server 2008 ? ??. - ?????? ???.
2018-08-30 14:18   
Well, I think it is an issue from Windows 10 version of the RichEdit control.
And I believe this will be fixed by an upcoming windows update patch.

That being said, could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:10   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6609 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-01-05 00:48 2020-05-19 10:10
Reporter: Marvi62 Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBRichEdit does not show formated text
Description: I installed JEDI 3.50 on Delphi XE8, using Windows 10 64 Bits.
The installation occured normally.
I connected the componente to Access *.accdb using Firedac, also without

But the component shows the text as, for example:

{\\rtf1\\ansi\\deff0{\\fonttbl{\\f0\\fnil\\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
{\\colortbl ;\\red0\\green0\\blue0;}
\\viewkind4\\uc1\\pard\\cf1\\lang1046\\f0\\fs22 Exemplos\\par
He has the exciting ability to dribble past defender.\\par

If I use DBRichEdit from Delphi Data Controls palette everything works fine.


He has the exciting ability to dribble past defender.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: The same Hapens to RxLib TRxDBRichEdit
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:04   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6596 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature N/A 2017-09-27 18:07 2020-05-19 10:10
Reporter: Caneschi Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: AddFunction of JvInterpreterAdapter
Description: Good morning,

The function below has one parameters with default value, is possible to use the function AddFunction of JvInterpreterAdapter spending quantity dinamic parameters accepting one or two parameters?

IncMilliSecond(const AValue: TDateTime;
  const ANumberOfMilliSeconds: Int64 = 1): TDateTime;
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:00   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:10   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6598 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2017-10-11 20:56 2020-05-19 10:09
Reporter: ljstudio Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Can't click on TJvDesktopAlert after open another form as Modal
Description: On Delphi 10 Seattle, I Can't click on TJvDesktopAlert after open another form as Modal, so we cannot close the alert for example. The click only works if only the owner form is opened.
Tags: Alert, Delphi 10, Delphi 10 Seattle, Delphi Seattle, Drag, TJvDesktopAlert
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: This issue doesn't happen on Delphi 7.
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:00   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:09   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6536 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-12-02 16:32 2020-05-19 10:09
Reporter: Milan Bacik Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Changing value in OnChange event is not reflected by TJvDBComboBox
Description: I have TJvDBComboBox conected to field. This field have OnChange event defined. In this event I change value of this field (ie validation against another inputs). When I select value1 in combo and event change it to value2 TJvDBComboBox still shows value1. TDBComboBox shows value2.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:48   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:09   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
5939 [JEDI VCL] common major always 2012-07-27 15:47 2020-05-19 10:08
Reporter: Lagout Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.0  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: FOnActivate does not occur for individual forms in TJvDockTabHostForm when a form is Pinned from autohide mode.
Description: So as the title says, When two forms are within a TJvDockTabHostForm I've noticed that an OnActive event is triggered for relevant forms within the TJvDockTabHostForm on events e.g. mouseover form name triggers not only an OnActive event for the TJVDockTabHostForm but also for the Form that is being shown on the mouseover. However when pinning the TJvDockTabHostForm only an OnActive Event is triggered for that TJvDockTabHostForm, not the individual Forms contained within. The reason why this is needed is that when writing XML documents to a DockingForm it needs to be refreshed each time an action is performed upon the Window for it be viewable.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:47   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:08   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6344 [JEDI VCL] General API minor have not tried 2014-10-24 07:03 2020-05-19 10:08
Reporter: inprosis Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: tjvstringgrid error rightalign entry numeric field
Description: tjvstringgrid show a bad color and make this enty centered
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:47   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:08   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6294 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2014-05-27 17:07 2020-05-19 10:08
Reporter: gtalpers Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvHidDeviceController doesn't handle barcode readers properly anymore
Description: Greetings - I have used the TJvHidDeviceController to process 2D barcodes from state issued driver licenses successfully for years using Delphi 7 and Win XP. I need to move this functionality to Delphi XE3 and Win7. When I did that the component no longer works, and returns gibberish instead of the proper string. I suspect string types have changed and has something to do with Unicode support in the newer versions of Delphi. Is there any way this component could be updated to work properly again? I would be happy to test any updates and report the results back to you. Thanks so much! (BTW I actually have JVCL 3.48)

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2014-07-13 21:59   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:08   
No reply in a timely manner, assuming this is fixed in GIT

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6285 [JEDI VCL] General API minor always 2014-05-15 13:56 2020-05-19 10:08
Reporter: wald_forest Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Description: There is an access violation when Title Arrow selection of fields is activated and the order of the fields, compared to the DataSource is changed.If JVDBGRID fields
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Jvdbgrid working If the order remains the same as in DataSource in to, or deselection correct
Attached Files:
2020-05-19 10:08   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6525 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components trivial always 2016-09-07 00:21 2020-05-19 10:07
Reporter: alirezalink Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvdbgrid in BiDiMode=RightToLeft does not show data and column headers
Description: hi,
when set bidimode property of jvdbgrid to righttoleft value, data of the table does not show and column hesaders become like "a..." ,in execution time and
even in design time when binded dataset is active.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:45   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:07   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6526 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-09-14 18:06 2020-05-19 10:07
Reporter: leonardo_pmascarenhas Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvNavigationPane doen't repaint it's items when using the splitter
Description: When adding JvNavPanelPage dynamically to the JvNavigationPane it not render properly the component and it's also impossible to do it manually.
JvNavigationPane.Refresh or JvNavigationPane.Repaint
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: l_PluginBarPanel := TJvNavPanelPage.Create(Self);
l_PluginBarPanel.Parent := nvpPlugins; //TJvNavigationPane
l_PluginBarPanel.PageList := nvpPlugins;
Attached Files: Capture.PNG (2,967 bytes) 2016-09-14 18:19
2016-09-14 18:22   
Step by Step:
- Insert manually a new TJvNavigationPane
- Insert manually more than one TJvNavPanelPage
- Inside one of TJvNavPanelPage, create a TListView and put some content on it
- In runtime select the one that you put the TListView
- Try to use the splitter

You should see problems in the render
Even trying to repaint / refresh using the event OnResize, doen't fix it

Delphi 10 Seattle
2016-09-14 20:27   
A workaround to this issue is change the ActivePageIndex on the OnResize event of JvNavigationPane.
It seams that an internal refresh helps someway
NavigationPane.ActivePageIndex := 1;
NavigationPane.ActivePageIndex := 0;
2016-09-14 20:34   
Sorry, the event that I mean was OnSlitterPaint not OnResize as I said
2018-07-18 15:45   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:07   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6490 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-01-21 12:11 2020-05-19 10:06
Reporter: php4pro Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Right to left on TJvDBLookupCombo
Description: there is a bug on JvDBLookupCombo with right to left when i choose right to left the arrow disappear see attached screenshot
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Untitled.jpg (78,598 bytes) 2016-01-21 12:11
2018-07-18 15:45   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:06   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6491 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-01-22 11:15 2020-05-19 10:06
Reporter: HpW Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvFormMagnet does not deal with Vista...Win10 borders
Requires to deal with the related MS Windows releases as Vista...Win10 borders...
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:45   
Please provide a pull request at Gitbug with the required changes
2020-05-19 10:06   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6496 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature always 2016-02-15 10:17 2020-05-19 10:06
Reporter: moore Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCalculator copy paste customize caption
Description: It would be very nice if in TJvCalculator the popup items of copy paste may customize their caption in case of applications woth language different from English..
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:44   
AFAIK, those captions come from Windows itself and so are translated by the OS.
If I'm wrong, then use GnuGettext to translate them.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6500 [JEDI VCL] 04 Feature Request feature always 2016-03-12 20:07 2020-05-19 10:06
Reporter: GNGisNotGNU Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.37  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Jedi Interpreter, compile multiple units
Description: Is it possible to compile (or interpret) multiple source units with the Jedi interpreter? I see how you can run one unit with a main function, but what about interpreting unit1, unit2, unit3? The documentation for the interpreter is lacking.

Is it possible to have multiple units, and to put these units in the uses clause? if so, how? If not, is this a feature that was planned?

I'm trying to figure out what the AddSrcUnit function does if this has anything to do with it.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: if there is a way to do this, it's not a feature request because the feature may already exist. However I could not figure it out, and the documentation needs to be improved.
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:43   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:06   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6454 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-10-02 08:45 2020-05-19 10:05
Reporter: ZENsan Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: not fixable  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: UseThemedSelection breaks existing CustomDraw code
Description: UseThemedSelection breaks existing CustomDraw code.
See attached sample project. Once the UseThemedSelection is set the drawing behavior for the selected row is bad..
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (2,137 bytes) 2015-10-02 08:45
2015-10-02_9-45-59.jpg (26,835 bytes) 2015-10-02 08:46
2018-07-18 15:40   
To me, either you custom draw and you get what you want, or you use themes and you can't get custom draw to function properly

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6459 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-10-12 23:46 2020-05-19 10:05
Reporter: jaridmo Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: RadStudio 10 Seattle and TJvHidDeviceController "Device cannot be identified" error
Description: Drop a TJvHIDDeviceController component on a form and get error "Device cannot be identified". It doesn't break builder or anything, but the error shows up whenever opening the project or opening the form.

I can reproduce this easily by creating a blank project and adding a TJvHidDeviceController to the form. The error shows on adding the component.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I have installed the version from GetIt Package Manager and when I drop a TJvHIDController on a form it gives the error: "Device cannot be identified". So I uninstalled the GetIt versions and downloaded the daily build "latest full" zip "2015-10-12 08:32:52 UTC" to see if it had the same problem. Yes, it shows the same error message. I also tried the latest stable build from sourceforge and it has the same error.

This is a Windows 10 Enterprise inside a VMWare Workstation Virtual Machine RAD Studio 10 Seattle Enterprise
Attached Files: VMWare Virtual USB Sensors Information.png (21,426 bytes) 2015-10-15 23:34
2015-10-15 23:34   
After further debugging I find the issue is when VMWare installs the VMWare Virtual USB Sensors and turns those on. Disabling those causes this error to go away...
These were on by default when we created a Windows 10 VM in VMWare Workstation 12.

I will add an image of what the VMware Virtual USB Sensor Settings are (found through USBDeview).

The workaround is to turn off the USB Sensor support in VMWare:

VMWare Workstation - Edit Virutal Machine Settings - Options - Guest Isolation - Shared Sensor Input - Uncheck the 3 options.
2018-07-18 15:39   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:05   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6467 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-10-27 09:29 2020-05-19 10:02
Reporter: MrBugIssue Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvBalloonHint flickering problems on Windows 7 and higher
Description: Before the TJvBalloonHint will shown the background rectangle of the balloon hint flickers up first shortly. It's really annoying and looks ugly. But this only happens when the Visual Effect "Fade or slide ToolTips into view" inside the "Windows performance options" dialog is checked (turned on). Everything is fine when it's unchecked (turned off). So maybe someone can help me to find a workaround for this behaviour?

Windows performance options dialog:

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Rectangle flickering.png (32,658 bytes) 2015-10-27 09:29
2018-07-18 15:37   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2020-05-19 10:02   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6636 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation crash always 2018-05-24 19:10 2020-05-19 10:02
Reporter: xxxFALKORxxx Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Error installing JVCL349CompleteJCL27-Build5676
Description: Hi;

ive trying to install this version for several days without luck....

i searched on internet for solution and nothing seems to work;

I use
Delphi 7 Enterprise
Windows 10

i was able to run installers (JCL and JVCL) everything runs ok; but when i try to star delphi i got this kind of errors for every JVCL package...

entry point not found @jclstringconversions@initialization$qqrv in JvCoreDesign70.bpl

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:32   
It looks like it is loading an old version of the JCL. Please make sure you don't have anything old somewhere on your hard drive

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6041 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2012-12-03 13:19 2020-05-19 10:01
Reporter: AndrewTrohins Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvMemoryData SortOnFields don't work
Description: Hello.
This code doesn't work:

DataSet->KeyFieldNames = "ID";
DataSet->FieldValues["ID"] = 1;
DataSet->FieldValues["TITLE"] = "Test";

After SortOnFields there's exception: 'No data found'
There's TDBGrid, which shows dta in DataSet(TJvMemoryData). If I delete link of DataSource on DataSet it work's without exception.

Tags: BCB
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I use C++ Builder XE3, JVCL has revision 13479.
Attached Files: TestJvMemoryData.rar (82,980 bytes) 2012-12-03 13:19 (88,941 bytes) 2014-04-16 17:52
2013-12-18 14:04   
Please try again with the latest GIT content, I cannot reproduce the issue
2014-04-16 17:53   
I tried it with latest 3.48 version. Previous test case works well. But my atteched test case fail with the same message 'No data found'.
2015-09-14 17:50   
That example does not crash with the latest GIT content
2020-05-19 10:01   
No reply in a timely manner, assuming this is fixed

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6411 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-06-01 13:25 2020-05-19 10:00
Reporter: huste Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvRichEdit.FindText() does not work properly with stBackward turned on
Description: Let StartPos be the current SelStart:
According to the documentation of JvRichEdit, this should work to find a given Text backwards:

In fact, the EM_FINDTEXTEX message used in FindText works differently: cpMin and cpMax are reversed. See remarks on

Thus, I changed the code in FindText in my local installation to:
  with Find.chrg do
    if stBackward in Options then
      cpMax := StartPos;
      cpMin := cpMax + Abs(Length);
      cpMin := StartPos;
      cpMax := cpMin + Abs(Length);
  if RichEditVersion >= 2 then

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2015-09-14 11:24   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 10:00   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6404 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-05-14 18:34 2020-05-19 09:55
Reporter: rarroyor Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVDBUltimGrdid error TitleArrow
Description: When I move a column in the JvDBUltimGrid and then try to hide any of the columns with the application TitleArrow returns me the following error message: Access violation at address 0040CC8E in module 'Projecto.exe'. Write 006E58AC of address.

Closing the window sends an error message: Invalid pointer operation and repeat the message that was generated to hide the column.

It does with all applications compiled with RadStudio XE7 with JVCL Version 3.48

Previously he worked with Delphi 6 JVCL Version 3.47 and did not have that problem, but I could not install the JVCL Version 3.47 in RADStudio XE7 and decided to install JVCL Version 3.48

I thank you in advance for your help and I congratulate you for the work you are doing.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Download the latest upgrade JVCL master branch github and I still generates the same error.

File attachment with screen printing error messages.

Attached Files: JvDBUltimGRid TitleArrow Error.docx (327,074 bytes) 2015-05-14 18:34
2015-09-14 11:23   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:55   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6402 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-04-17 05:04 2020-05-19 09:55
Reporter: arhaha Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCustomItemViewer can't implement multi items drag
Description: if you want implement multiple items drag, so firstly you select some items, the first, the second and the third item has been selected in sequence, then use mouse to click the second item and start to drag, code like below:

procedure TMyJvOwnerDrawViewer.MouseDown(Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  ItemInx: Integer;
  inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, X, Y);

  if Button = mbLeft then begin
    ItemInx := Self.ItemAtPos(X, Y, True);
    if (ItemInx >= 0) and (ItemInx < Self.Count) then begin
      if cdsSelected in Items[ItemInx].State then begin
        Self.BeginDrag(False, 10);

Then you will find that the third item will be unselected! To fix this bug, we need add some code in unit JvCustomItemViewer.pas like this:

procedure TJvCustomItemViewer.SetSelectedIndex(const Value: Integer);
  // if (FSelectedIndex <> Value) then
    if (FSelectedIndex >= 0) and (FSelectedIndex < Count) and (cdsSelected in Items[FSelectedIndex].State)
      and not Options.MultiSelect { <--- Support multiple item drag, Added By DSLIN, 2015-04-17 } then
      Items[FSelectedIndex].State := Items[FSelectedIndex].State - [cdsSelected];

    FSelectedIndex := Value;

    if (Value >= 0) and (Value < Count) and not (cdsSelected in Items[Value].State) then
      Items[Value].State := Items[Value].State + [cdsSelected];

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2015-09-14 11:23   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:55   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6400 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature have not tried 2015-04-09 09:54 2020-05-19 09:55
Reporter: fschenckel Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Avoid TJvDockable form to show on a secondary monitor if not connected
Description: TJvDockableForm stores the current position of the form, this is its job of course.
But if you have several monitors and a form is on a secondary monitor, once this monitor is deconnected the form is always restored on its original position so it will not be visible until you reconnect the monitor.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I've changed the LoadDockTreeFromAppStorage procedure and the TJvDockInfoZone class to take care about the currently available desktop size to avoid the form be showned on a non present monitor.

Attached the modified files.
Attached Files: JvDockControlForm.pas (175,783 bytes) 2015-04-09 09:54
JvDockInfo.pas (39,960 bytes) 2015-04-09 09:55
2015-09-14 11:23   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:55   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6392 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature always 2015-03-20 17:49 2020-05-19 09:54
Reporter: flls Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDbLookupTreeViewCombo not fire OnCustomDraw and OnCustomDrawItem events
Description: The TJvDbLookupTreeViewCombo component does not fire at all the OnCustomDraw and OnCustomDrawItem events.

I tested with the Debug and he never goes into these events.

I'm trying to change the font of the items that contain sub-items for bold.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2015-09-14 11:22   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:54   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6340 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2014-10-14 23:05 2020-05-19 09:51
Reporter: michel_fmarques Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvInterpreterProgram - Function not return Args values
Description: I'm using the jvInterpreterProgram and I have the problema below.

program Teste;
  I: Integer;
  writeln('Number is ', I);

I created the functions to Readln and Writeln, and both is ok. But, var I in Readln not return the Arg value to Writeln.

procedure jvReadln(var Value: Variant; Args: TJvInterpreterArgs);
  vInt: Integer;
  Args.Values[0] := vInt;

Do you help me?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2014-12-04 16:24   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:51   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6365 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-12-02 11:09 2020-05-19 09:51
Reporter: iyudincev Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDatePickerEdit, access violation
Description: Windows 7, Delphi 7 build 8.1.

Steps to reproduce:
1. Start a new VCL application project, put a JvDatePickerEdit on an empty form.
2. Run the app and leave it untouched for two hours.
3. Press the control's button to see the AV.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2014-12-04 15:54   
A call stack would be much appreciated
2020-05-19 09:51   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6345 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2014-10-27 11:50 2020-05-19 09:51
Reporter: asolfer Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvZlibMultiple crashes when directory or file to compress/decompress have unicode chars like Chinese or Greek
Description: Dear Sirs,

I use the JvZlibMultiple in my own application to compress/decompress files and directories with complex structure of sublevels in them. If the filenames of files that I compress contains unicode characters like ????.txt the decompression fails with this message

I check the source code JvZlibMultiple.pas and I see that you use AnsiString class and I think that is the problem. I try to change this code switching this class for UnicodeString class but now, the old files compressed with the original code of JvZlibMultiple.pas doesn't works.

Thanks in advance,

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I've attached my own changes to support this feature, but if I do these changes, files that compressed with original code doesn't works.
Attached Files: JvZlibMultipleUnicode.pas (21,357 bytes) 2014-10-27 11:50
errorMessage.png (8,724 bytes) 2014-10-27 11:56
2014-10-27 11:59   
The html codification not allow view the correct chars of ???.txt in my PC are Chinese chars...but when JvZLibMultiple works with them transform these chinese chars in ?
2014-12-04 15:02   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
Please also note that the Zip format does not officially support anything but ASCII.
2020-05-19 09:51   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6330 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2014-09-23 16:23 2020-05-19 09:50
Reporter: chrvel Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvInterpreterProgram, Com Object problem (ex: CreateOleObject('CDO.Message')), property "To" not accessible
Description: When I use the following code :

Procedure sendmail;
var objMessage:Olevariant;

I get an error : Error in unit 'xxxxx' on line xx: Expression expected but 'To' found.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: This line fails :

I am using JVCL 3.48
Attached Files:
2014-12-04 15:00   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
Note that it's most likely because "To" is a reserved keyword, maybe you could try prefixing it with the & prefix
2020-05-19 09:50   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6317 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-08-20 12:30 2020-05-19 09:50
Reporter: TomSilverSpring Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDocking: No Close Button on Tabs
Description: The following combination of values should produce a close button on the tabs of tabbed documents that are docked together, but no tab appears:
tJVDoclient.EnableCloseButton := True;

tjvDockVSnetStyle.TabServeroption.ShowClosebuttonOnTabs := True;
tjvDockVSnetStyle.TabServeroption.ShowClosebuttonOnGrabber := False;
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: See discussion at
Attached Files:
2014-09-03 11:43   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:50   
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ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6306 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-07-20 12:53 2020-05-19 09:49
Reporter: jfbuendia Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVScrollText shows different speed running from Embarcadero Delphi 2010 or shell.
Description: First, sorry for my bad English.

The JvScrolltext shows different speed (with the same delay and scrollpixels values):
- Running program from Embarcadero Delphi 2010 : faster.
- Running program directly from shell : considerably slower.

I think it is related to the task proccess, but can not find why.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: JvScrollText components created at runtime.
Testes with and withouyt debug information: no change.

Attached Files:
2014-09-03 11:41   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2020-05-19 09:49   
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View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6295 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-05-29 14:57 2020-05-19 09:48
Reporter: leobruno Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Functionality request - TJvRichEditToHtml - TEXT Backgroud Color
Description: Hi.

I would like to request a functionality for TJvRichEditToHtml.

The background color for text is not being converted.

I wish to suggest that it becomes avaiable.

Thank you.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2014-06-10 01:39   
I´ve spent a long time googling for this.
I thought that MY Jedi library was falty.

Should we expect this to be avaiable some day ?

Is this the correct place to suggest implementations or should we post them somewhere else ?
2014-06-12 15:55   
Can someone add a comment to this request please ?
2014-07-14 23:58   
Jedi crew, can someone please comment this ?
2014-09-03 11:39   
Please try to implement this and submit a pull request at github
2020-05-19 09:48   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6255 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature N/A 2014-02-28 20:05 2020-05-19 09:39
Reporter: Zencode Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: suspended  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Change TJvCABFile.ExtractFile to allow filename override
Description: The current implementation of TJvCABFile.ExtractFile extracts a file into the destination path using the same relative path and name of the file in the CAB. I am requesting that ExtractFile be changed (or overloaded) to allow a filename override such that the file can be extracted to a specific path and different name regardless of the original.

- CAB file contains file "Path\SubPath\file.ext"
- invoke ExtractFile('Path\SubPath\file.ext', 'C:\dest')
- Assuming the directories exist the following file will be created:

However, what if the desired result is for the file to be named "C:\dest\file.ext" or "C:\dest\newfile.newext"? Currently, the only solution is to allow the file to be extracted to the full path and then moved to the new path and name. This isn't hard but it requires extra work and might not always be possible. Since the CAB extraction API already supports this functionality I think it would be nice if TJvCABFile can support it.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I modified the source to do what I am requesting. The full file with all modifications is attached. Here is an overview of the changes I made:

I added a variable 'FDestFileName', overloaded ExtractFile, and modified CExtract to use FDestFileName if present.

// Added private variable
  FDestFileName: string;

// Overloaded ExtractFile
  function ExtractFile(FileName: string; DestPath: string): Boolean; overload;
  function ExtractFile(FileName, DestPath, DestFileName: string): Boolean; overload;

// line 220: function CExtract. Inserted the following code before Path := Sender.FDestPath;
  if Length(Sender.FDestFileName) > 0 then
    Path := Sender.FDestFileName

// Added new ExtractFile method
function TJvCABFile.ExtractFile(FileName, DestPath, DestFileName: string): Boolean;
  if DestPath[Length(DestPath)] <> PathDelim then
    DestPath := DestPath + PathDelim;
  FDestFileName := DestPath + DestFileName;
  Result := ExtractFile(FileName, DestPath);
  FDestFileName := ''; // clean up


An alternate approach would be to modify TOnExtractFile to make the FileName argument "var". The downside of this approach is that any existing event handler code would have the wrong signature.
Attached Files: JvCabFile.pas (10,036 bytes) 2014-02-28 20:05
2014-09-03 11:32   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing the usage
2020-05-19 09:39   
No reply in a timely manner, suspending the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6633 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-04-07 04:15 2020-05-18 23:54
Reporter: pyscripter Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: DSA Dialogs do not scale well in DPI-Aware applications (JvDSADialogs)
Description: If you use DSAMessageDlg in DPI-Aware applications and in a High-DPI screen the DSA checkbox is not shown correctly and it is partially hidden by the buttons at the bottom.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: The attached JvDSADialogs.pas contains fixes for this issue.
Attached Files: JvDSADialogs.pas (93,170 bytes) 2019-05-12 20:16
2018-07-18 16:06   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
If you have changes ready, please send them via a pull request at Github
2019-04-26 20:27   
Unfortunately I don't see any attached unit here...
2019-05-12 20:17   
File uploaded.
2019-05-12 20:28   
Thanks! Will try to look at it in the next few days, but it can take a few days this week.
2019-05-14 22:02   
Created a pull request for it, hopefully it is good enough and doesn't break any things on older Delphi versions:
2020-05-18 23:54   
Merged into master

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6350 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-11-06 12:18 2020-05-18 23:05
Reporter: moore Platform: Delphi  
Assigned To: obones OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 7  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: unable to reproduce  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvImage loses Transparent on state change
Description: When you change state of TJvImage or Change Enabled property value, Transparent is reset to False, even though it was to True.
Work around is set Transparent to False and then to True;

Thns for your help..
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (65,422 bytes) 2019-05-05 08:55
2014-12-04 15:02   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2019-05-05 08:56   
I attached a demo project trying to implement what the creator of this issue claims. But: with this demo I cannot reproduce the issue. Changing enabled or state of the image does preserve transparent property nowadays.

=> I think this issue can be closed as resolved.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6353 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-11-09 18:33 2020-05-18 23:04
Reporter: HSerg Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Incomplete TJvWallpaperStyle (for Windows 7 and later)
Description: JvComputerInfoEx.pas
=== cut ===
TJvWallpaperStyle = (wsCenter, wsUnused, wsStretch);
Result := TJvWallpaperStyle(StrToInt(RegReadStringDef(HKCU, HKCU_CONTROL_PANEL_DESKTOP, 'WallpaperStyle', '0')));
RegWriteString(HKCU, HKCU_CONTROL_PANEL_DESKTOP, 'WallpaperStyle', IntToStr(Ord(Value)));
=== cut ===
=== cut ===
[Control Panel\Desktop]
; The path to the wallpaper picture can point to a
; .bmp, .gif, .jpg, .png, or .tif file.

; 0: The wallpaper picture should not be tiled
; 1: The wallpaper picture should be tiled

; 0: The image is centered if TileWallpaper=0 or tiled if TileWallpaper=1
; 2: The image is stretched to fill the screen
; 6: The image is resized to fit the screen while maintaining the aspect
      ratio. (Windows 7 and later)
; 10: The image is resized and cropped to fill the screen while maintaining
      the aspect ratio. (Windows 7 and later)
=== cut ===

As a result:
=== cut ===
GetEnumProp(JvMiscInfo, 'WallpaperStyle') >> ??? VDRegion @ XX? ?]? ??? NetBIOS @\>> 8`? ? ?
=== cut ===
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (396 bytes) 2015-11-24 21:58
2014-12-04 15:03   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2015-11-24 22:02   
:: desktop wallpaper - stretch
> example.exe

:: desktop wallpaper - fill the screen
> example.exe
S] ?TJvMiscInfo?R] DN] ? ?JvComputerInfoEx? ¶?@ ?b]
2019-05-04 16:35   
I tried to compile the attached demo program, but at least in Rio this fails as the unit Graphics, which is used by JvComputerInfoEx.pas is not found on my system.
2019-05-04 16:46   
Ok, I can compile it now in Rio: one needs to add VCL and VCL.Imaging as unit scope names to the project settings of the demo attached to this issue in order to be able to compile it.
2019-05-04 18:15   
Ok, running the provided example in 10.3 Rio update 1 on a Windows 10 VM gives a wsFill result for me.

Current definition of TJvWallpaperStyle is:
TJvWallpaperStyle = (wsCenter, wsStretch, wsFit, wsFill, wsUnknown);

So I don't see what's wrong with it. I guess it has been fixed in the meantime and thus the issue can be closed.
2019-05-04 21:03   
Agree. Fixed via

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6612 [JEDI VCL] 99 Other feature N/A 2018-01-21 15:19 2020-05-18 22:59
Reporter: marcowobben Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Please upgrade Mantis
Description: This ticket system is still running Mantis 1.1.6 while Mantis 2.x is available for a long time, with many fixes itself.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:04   
Yes, but it requires time to do the migration, which is a luxury that I don't have at the moment
2019-03-11 22:25   
Can somebody else with the relevant knowledge help out maybe?
2019-04-20 18:57   
I did the migration for KC Softwares a few month ago : it was quite easy and straight foward.
2019-04-26 09:06   
This is being worked on, but we have no ETA just yet
2019-04-26 17:13   
More important would be to fix the uses of ReCaptchaV1 which is no longer supported by Google. They should be replaced by V2 or V3. Affected is at least the Newsgroup web interface and the wiki.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6639 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major sometimes 2018-06-15 22:41 2020-05-18 22:58
Reporter: WZellner Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: unable to reproduce  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Unexpected exception when compiling in C++ Builder.
Description: Occurred when compiling C++ project (...CutPlanner.exe). After the message was dismissed, the compile continued but the application and C++ Builder (10.2.3) hung when run under debug (had to kill the process). JCL
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Exception class name: EFOpenError
Exception message: Cannot open file "C:\Users\wzellner\CutPlanner\Branch\10.2\CutPlanner\Win32\Debug\CutPlanner.exe". The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process
(0017EDFC){Jcl250.bpl } [4817FDFC] JclDebug.TJclStackInfoList.Create + $A8
(0017EA12){Jcl250.bpl } [4817FA12] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList + $1A
(000046A7){JclBaseExpert250.bpl} [580056A7] JclOtaExceptionForm.TJclExpertExceptionForm.ShowException + $13B
(0000BAB3){JclBaseExpert250.bpl} [5800CAB3] JclOtaUtils.JclExpertShowExceptionDialog + $33
(000087A4){JclDebugExpert250.bpl} [581597A4] JclDebugIdeImpl.TIdeNotifier.AfterCompile + $4C
(00108626){rtl250.bpl } [50159626] System.Classes.TFileStream.Create (Line 8854, "System.Classes.pas" + 21) + $3
(00000756){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [52131756] SysInit.@GetTls (Line 802, "SysInit.pas" + 23) + $0
(0007727C){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521A827C] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 267, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 27) + $0
(0000F039){rtl250.bpl } [50060039] System.@AfterConstruction (Line 18304, "System.pas" + 2) + $5
(003459D9){rtl250.bpl } [503969D9] System.Contnrs.TObjectList.Insert (Line 330, "System.Contnrs.pas" + 0) + $1
(00100C4A){rtl250.bpl } [50151C4A] System.Classes.TList.Add (Line 4609, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $5
(00345848){rtl250.bpl } [50396848] System.Contnrs..TIntegerBucketList + $1CC
(0007C5D2){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521AD5D2] JclDebug.TJclModuleInfoList.CreateItemForAddress (Line 994, "JclDebug.pas" + 19) + $4
(00009247){rtl250.bpl } [5005A247] System.@ReallocMem (Line 4950, "System.pas" + 91) + $0
(00014674){rtl250.bpl } [50065674] System.DynArraySetLength (Line 35048, "System.pas" + 97) + $13
(00014715){rtl250.bpl } [50065715] System.@DynArraySetLength (Line 35119, "System.pas" + 3) + $0
(001010DA){rtl250.bpl } [501520DA] System.Classes.TList.SetCapacity (Line 4855, "System.Classes.pas" + 6) + $0
(0000F258){rtl250.bpl } [50060258] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 18510, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(0000F566){rtl250.bpl } [50060566] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 18700, "System.pas" + 1) + $2
(0000F5B7){rtl250.bpl } [500605B7] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 18722, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(00101A57){rtl250.bpl } [50152A57] System.Classes.TThreadList.UnlockList (Line 5136, "System.Classes.pas" + 1) + $3
(000820BC){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521B30BC] JclDebug.TJclGlobalStackList.AddObject (Line 3727, "JclDebug.pas" + 12) + $3
(00082A2A){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521B3A2A] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 4044, "JclDebug.pas" + 2) + $7
(000828CB){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521B38CB] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 3984, "JclDebug.pas" + 17) + $E
(000828D4){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521B38D4] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 3984, "JclDebug.pas" + 17) + $17
(00108626){rtl250.bpl } [50159626] System.Classes.TFileStream.Create (Line 8854, "System.Classes.pas" + 21) + $3
(00000756){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [52131756] SysInit.@GetTls (Line 802, "SysInit.pas" + 23) + $0
(0007727C){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521A827C] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 267, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 27) + $0
(000772E3){exceptiondiag250.bpl} [521A82E3] JclHookExcept.HookedRaiseException (Line 287, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 6) + $7
(00108626){rtl250.bpl } [50159626] System.Classes.TFileStream.Create (Line 8854, "System.Classes.pas" + 21) + $3
(001084DC){rtl250.bpl } [501594DC] System.Classes.TFileStream.Create (Line 8828, "System.Classes.pas" + 6) + $3
(0017713B){Jcl250.bpl } [4817813B] JclDebug.InsertDebugDataIntoExecutableFile + $BF
(00012E0C){rtl250.bpl } [50063E0C] System.@FinalizeRecord (Line 31861, "System.pas" + 25) + $0
(00012EE8){rtl250.bpl } [50063EE8] System.@FinalizeArray (Line 32095, "System.pas" + 80) + $0
(000091F4){rtl250.bpl } [5005A1F4] System.@FreeMem (Line 4806, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(00010B5C){rtl250.bpl } [50061B5C] System.@UStrClr (Line 24870, "System.pas" + 14) + $0
(00012EE8){rtl250.bpl } [50063EE8] System.@FinalizeArray (Line 32095, "System.pas" + 80) + $0
(00012E0C){rtl250.bpl } [50063E0C] System.@FinalizeRecord (Line 31861, "System.pas" + 25) + $0
(00012F40){rtl250.bpl } [50063F40] System.@FinalizeArray (Line 32154, "System.pas" + 139) + $0
(00012E0C){rtl250.bpl } [50063E0C] System.@FinalizeRecord (Line 31861, "System.pas" + 25) + $0
(0000F2C8){rtl250.bpl } [500602C8] System.TMonitor.Destroy (Line 18532, "System.pas" + 0) + $0
(0000E94D){rtl250.bpl } [5005F94D] System.TObject.CleanupInstance (Line 17168, "System.pas" + 37) + $0
(000091F4){rtl250.bpl } [5005A1F4] System.@FreeMem (Line 4806, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(0000E72C){rtl250.bpl } [5005F72C] System.TObject.FreeInstance (Line 16931, "System.pas" + 2) + $2
(0000F016){rtl250.bpl } [50060016] System.@ClassDestroy (Line 18298, "System.pas" + 0) + $2
(00182A1A){Jcl250.bpl } [48183A1A] JclDebug.{System.Generics.Collections}TDictionary<System.string,System.Integer>.Destroy + $36
(000091F4){rtl250.bpl } [5005A1F4] System.@FreeMem (Line 4806, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(00010BC1){rtl250.bpl } [50061BC1] System.@UStrArrayClr (Line 25019, "System.pas" + 16) + $0
(00177F7D){Jcl250.bpl } [48178F7D] JclDebug.TJclBinDebugGenerator.CreateData + $5A1
(0000F039){rtl250.bpl } [50060039] System.@AfterConstruction (Line 18304, "System.pas" + 2) + $5
(001776D7){Jcl250.bpl } [481786D7] JclDebug.TJclBinDebugGenerator.Create + $53
(00176B7E){Jcl250.bpl } [48177B7E] JclDebug.InsertDebugDataIntoExecutableFile + $56
(00005204){JclDebugExpert250.bpl} [58156204] JclDebugIdeImpl.TJclDebugExtension.AfterCompile + $248
(00008775){JclDebugExpert250.bpl} [58159775] JclDebugIdeImpl.TIdeNotifier.AfterCompile + $1D
(003F6157){coreide250.bpl} [208A7157] IDEServices.AfterCompile (Line 5303, "IDEServices.pas" + 11) + $21
(0009346F){coreide250.bpl} [2054446F] ProjectGroupBuilder.TProjectGroupBuilder.NotifyAfterCompile (Line 370, "ProjectGroupBuilder.pas" + 8) + $B
(0011A670){rtl250.bpl } [5016B670] System.Classes.TThread.Synchronize (Line 15502, "System.Classes.pas" + 5) + $0
(00012E0C){rtl250.bpl } [50063E0C] System.@FinalizeRecord (Line 31861, "System.pas" + 25) + $0
(0011A891){rtl250.bpl } [5016B891] System.Classes.TThread.Synchronize (Line 15558, "System.Classes.pas" + 6) + $3
(00086574){coreide250.bpl} [20537574] BuildHost.TBuildHost.Synchronize (Line 446, "BuildHost.pas" + 1) + $D
(000931F6){coreide250.bpl} [205441F6] ProjectGroupBuilder.TProjectGroupBuilder.MakeThingsHappen (Line 334, "ProjectGroupBuilder.pas" + 134) + $11
(000A5131){rtl250.bpl } [500F6131] System.Rtti.RawInvoke (Line 7760, "System.Rtti.pas" + 47) + $1
(000A5533){rtl250.bpl } [500F6533] System.Rtti.Invoke (Line 7981, "System.Rtti.pas" + 79) + $A
(0009C3C4){rtl250.bpl } [500ED3C4] System.Rtti.TRttiInstanceMethodEx.DispatchInvoke (Line 5892, "System.Rtti.pas" + 101) + $24
(000A59CC){rtl250.bpl } [500F69CC] System.Rtti.TRttiMethod.Invoke (Line 9232, "System.Rtti.pas" + 2) + $1
(000C78A0){bds.exe } [004C88A0] SanctuaryChecker.TLicenseManager.TryAction (Line 1594, "SanctuaryChecker.pas" + 14) + $10
(00092CF3){coreide250.bpl} [20543CF3] ProjectGroupBuilder.TProjectGroupBuilder.DoBuild (Line 186, "ProjectGroupBuilder.pas" + 2) + $2B
(00086160){coreide250.bpl} [20537160] BuildHost.TBuildHost.Perform (Line 369, "BuildHost.pas" + 19) + $8
(00073A46){coreide250.bpl} [20524A46] ComPrgrs.TProgressForm.StartCompile (Line 209, "ComPrgrs.pas" + 8) + $C
(00074336){coreide250.bpl} [20525336] ComPrgrs.TProgressForm.HandleCompileMessage (Line 362, "ComPrgrs.pas" + 0) + $2
(00033C5E){vcl250.bpl } [50AE4C5E] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 7338, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 91) + $6
(00038843){vcl250.bpl } [50AE9843] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10209, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 166) + $6
(0000F884){rtl250.bpl } [50060884] System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 18935, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
(0000F3D8){rtl250.bpl } [500603D8] System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 18596, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
(0000F258){rtl250.bpl } [50060258] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 18510, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(0000F566){rtl250.bpl } [50060566] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 18700, "System.pas" + 1) + $2
(0000F5B7){rtl250.bpl } [500605B7] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 18722, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(000154AF){vcl250.bpl } [50AC64AF] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts (Line 7129, "Vcl.Graphics.pas" + 12) + $8
(00037E10){vcl250.bpl } [50AE8E10] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9908, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(00037E25){vcl250.bpl } [50AE8E25] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9911, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 6) + $0
(00038843){vcl250.bpl } [50AE9843] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10209, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 166) + $6
(0011DBCC){rtl250.bpl } [5016EBCC] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17408, "System.Classes.pas" + 11) + $2
(00177469){vcl250.bpl } [50C28469] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4572, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 209) + $5
(00037E10){vcl250.bpl } [50AE8E10] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9908, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(0011DBCC){rtl250.bpl } [5016EBCC] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17408, "System.Classes.pas" + 11) + $2
(0002E802){vcl250.bpl } [50ADF802] Vcl.Controls.FindControl (Line 3604, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 6) + $9
(00180E1F){vcl250.bpl } [50C31E1F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10641, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
(00180E62){vcl250.bpl } [50C31E62] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10671, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
(0017C21E){vcl250.bpl } [50C2D21E] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.ShowModal (Line 7393, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 33) + $5
(00085BAE){coreide250.bpl} [20536BAE] BuildHost.TBuildHost.Build (Line 231, "BuildHost.pas" + 55) + $9
(0008575C){coreide250.bpl} [2053675C] BuildHost.Build (Line 136, "BuildHost.pas" + 4) + $A
(00092B05){coreide250.bpl} [20543B05] ProjectGroupBuilder.BuildProjects (Line 146, "ProjectGroupBuilder.pas" + 1) + $17
(000D02D7){coreide250.bpl} [205812D7] ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileProjects (Line 805, "ProjectGroup.pas" + 1) + $23
(000CFFEE){coreide250.bpl} [20580FEE] ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileActive (Line 754, "ProjectGroup.pas" + 20) + $13
(000D7181){coreide250.bpl} [20588181] ProjectGroup.TProjectGroupWrapper.CompileActive (Line 2865, "ProjectGroup.pas" + 0) + $5
(000A2566){bds.exe } [004A3566] AppMain.TAppBuilder.Compile (Line 3484, "AppMain.pas" + 1) + $9
(0009C9CD){bds.exe } [0049D9CD] AppMain.TBorlandIDE.Compile (Line 1137, "AppMain.pas" + 2) + $2
(0038F23E){coreide250.bpl} [2084023E] DebuggerMgr.TDebuggerMgr.MakeCurrentProject (Line 1520, "DebuggerMgr.pas" + 108) + $D
(003909DD){coreide250.bpl} [208419DD] DebuggerMgr.TDebuggerMgr.Run (Line 2048, "DebuggerMgr.pas" + 2) + $2
(000A1CE7){bds.exe } [004A2CE7] AppMain.TAppBuilder.RunRun (Line 3257, "AppMain.pas" + 0) + $7
(0011CE67){rtl250.bpl } [5016DE67] System.Classes.TBasicAction.Execute (Line 16904, "System.Classes.pas" + 6) + $1
(0001CD82){vcl250.bpl } [50ACDD82] Vcl.ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute (Line 260, "Vcl.ActnList.pas" + 19) + $35
(0009D4B2){bds.exe } [0049E4B2] AppMain.TBorlandIDE.ExecCommand (Line 1579, "AppMain.pas" + 8) + $6
(0009CF31){bds.exe } [0049DF31] AppMain.TBorlandIDE.RunRunItemClick (Line 1354, "AppMain.pas" + 0) + $5
(0033723A){coreide250.bpl} [207E823A] EditorForm.TEditWindow.CMWindowCommand (Line 3218, "EditorForm.pas" + 15) + $9
(00033C5E){vcl250.bpl } [50AE4C5E] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 7338, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 91) + $6
(00038843){vcl250.bpl } [50AE9843] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10209, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 166) + $6
(0000F884){rtl250.bpl } [50060884] System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 18935, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
(0000F3D8){rtl250.bpl } [500603D8] System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 18596, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
(0000F258){rtl250.bpl } [50060258] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 18510, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(0000F566){rtl250.bpl } [50060566] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 18700, "System.pas" + 1) + $2
(0000F5B7){rtl250.bpl } [500605B7] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 18722, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(000154AF){vcl250.bpl } [50AC64AF] Vcl.Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts (Line 7129, "Vcl.Graphics.pas" + 12) + $8
(00037E10){vcl250.bpl } [50AE8E10] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9908, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(00037E25){vcl250.bpl } [50AE8E25] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9911, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 6) + $0
(0011DBCC){rtl250.bpl } [5016EBCC] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17408, "System.Classes.pas" + 11) + $2
(00038843){vcl250.bpl } [50AE9843] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10209, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 166) + $6
(00177469){vcl250.bpl } [50C28469] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4572, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 209) + $5
(00037E10){vcl250.bpl } [50AE8E10] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9908, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(0011DBCC){rtl250.bpl } [5016EBCC] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 17408, "System.Classes.pas" + 11) + $2
(0002E802){vcl250.bpl } [50ADF802] Vcl.Controls.FindControl (Line 3604, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 6) + $9
(00180E1F){vcl250.bpl } [50C31E1F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10641, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
(00180E62){vcl250.bpl } [50C31E62] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10671, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
(00181195){vcl250.bpl } [50C32195] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10809, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 26) + $3
(001078F2){bds.exe } [005088F2] bds.bds (Line 212, "" + 7) + $7
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:06   
I don't see how this is related to the JVCL at all.
I mean, something accesses the exe file, most likely the antivirus, and that is out of our control

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6369 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation minor always 2014-12-11 01:07 2020-05-18 22:58
Reporter: Michal Mucha Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: unable to reproduce  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: installation issues in BCB 6 and XE7 compilers
Description: I downloaded latest versions of JCL and JVCL from git hub (on 06/12/2014).
I installed both packages in C++ Builder 6 ENT. and C++ Builder XE 7 ENT.
(it is worth mentioning that I do not have the Delphi "personality" - yes such species exists)

I followed the installation procedure as described in the Install instruction for both packages and both compilers. Installation and compilation went fine with some issues which I describe below. I hope these observations and suggestions will help the library developers/maintainers to master their excellent job. Other users may also find thet information useful.

The following issues appeared:

For BCB 6 the installation (ie. JediInstaller.exe and JVCLInstall.exe must be run in priviledged mode to be able to write in "forbidden" directories "c:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\Projects\Bpl\",
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\Projects\lib\",
"c:\Program Files (x86)\Borland\CBuilder6\include".
The suggestion is that installation programs could detect system version and
use of forbidden directories and ask user for permission to run in the elevated mode. Obviously this can be done restarting the manually
using "run as administrator" . After component registration some icons (dcr) are missing on the components palette. otherwise for BCB 6 everything went fine.

During the installatin in the XE 7 environment (both 32 and 64 bit version)
JediInstaller.exe (JCL), when option of checking generation of hpp files is
checked it searches for the hhp files in
$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\hpp directory (installer propsed default), not in the one specified by user, although the hpp fies are copied to the user specified directory. JediInstaller does not preservr the dcu and obj files.
The bpl, bpi, dcp, lib are copied to the directories specified in the program.

The JVCLInstall program copies the bpl hpp files to the apropriate directories
but it does not copy the bpi, dcp, lib to the specified directory
$(BDSCOMMONDIR)\dcp but leaves them in the installation program default
in my case "c:\pgms\jedi\jvcl\lib\d21\$(Platform)"
For brieviety I use here $(...) directories macro names used in compiler
environmet variables, but in the installer programs they are fully expanded.

After the registration of components in the IDE, at least one does not
appear on the palette list. In my case it is TJvFormStorage. All
project files seem to be OK, the JvFormPlacement unit, where it is defined is compiled, dcu exists, it exists on the list of RegisterComponent function in
JvSystemReg.pas but it is missing from the palette list.
I do not know if there are more cases like this one.

Can someone give me a hint why that happened, what might be the cause of
the problem?

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I posted this mail also on
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:35   
Could you please try again with the latest GIT content?
2019-04-14 17:14   
I would suggest to close this request.
Michal Mucha   
2019-04-23 03:50   
Unfortunately, I cannot verify the installation procedure at the moment. My hardware/software configuration has changed since the time I reported the problem.
Thank you for the effort.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6546 [JEDI VCL] 99 Other feature always 2017-02-20 23:01 2020-05-18 22:57
Reporter: raymondwk Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: MegaDemo does not compile: multiple errors
Description: AData variable needed to be changed from Cardinal to void. Forgot where.

fballs.pas requires a function for PointInEllipse, which I found in QWindows (in the archive folder).

However, QWindows requires QDialogs, but QDialogs.pas/dcu is not included in the distribution.

Some other bugs that I did not document.

Basically, the MegaDemo does not compile.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Using Delphi XE3.
Attached Files:
2017-02-21 22:50   
Category should have been "Severe".
2018-07-18 15:51   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-11 22:39   
If this is still the case, the demo app already exists: the JEDI mega demo!
2019-04-27 13:49   
Where do I find the current version of the mega demo? I didn't spot it in Jvcl Github repository yet.
2020-05-18 22:57   
It is there: jvcl\jvcl\examples\JVCLMegaDemo

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6661 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2019-02-04 12:21 2020-05-18 22:55
Reporter: avdam Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: reopened  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: AV in an expert of the JCL
Description: The default setting "Insert JDBG data into the binary" is : "Disabled by default"

When I select the JCL Debug expert to insert debug data into 1 project I get the Access violation. I use Delphi 10 Seatlle Windows on a Windows 10 Enterprise machine (version 1803 OS build 17134.523)

Additional question how can I select the setting to include the JDBG Data into the binary in an automated build ?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Exception class name: EAccessViolation
Exception message: Access violation at address 21EECE3F in module 'delphicoreide230.bpl'. Read of address 00000044
(0017AFE8){Jcl230.bpl } [4817BFE8] Jcldebug.TJclStackInfoList + $A8
(0017AC0E){Jcl230.bpl } [4817BC0E] Jcldebug.JclCreateStackList + $1A
(00003D47){JclBaseExpert230.bpl} [58004D47] Jclotaexceptionform.TJclExpertExceptionForm.ShowException + $13B
(0000ADC3){JclBaseExpert230.bpl} [5800BDC3] Jclotautils.JclExpertShowExceptionDialog + $33
(00006828){JclDebugExpert230.bpl} [18137828] Jcldebugideimpl.TJclDebugExtension.InsertJdbgSubMenuClick + $84
(0018BE3A){delphicoreide230.bpl} [21EECE3A] EditorStructuralHighlight.TStructuralHighlighter.EvQuery (Line 363, "EditorStructuralHighlight.pas" + 0) + $E
(00172514){vcl230.bpl } [50AD3514] Vcl.Forms.TCustomForm.WndProc (Line 4459, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 206) + $5
(00031E38){vcl230.bpl } [50992E38] Vcl.Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 7027, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 10) + $8
(0017D78F){vcl230.bpl } [50ADE78F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.DispatchAction (Line 11642, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 2) + $D
(002FBFD4){coreide230.bpl} [2077CFD4] EditorBuffer.FindEditWindowAndView (Line 6097, "EditorBuffer.pas" + 28) + $11
(002FC0B1){coreide230.bpl} [2077D0B1] EditorBuffer.FindEditWindow (Line 6127, "EditorBuffer.pas" + 1) + $2
(0018BE3A){delphicoreide230.bpl} [21EECE3A] EditorStructuralHighlight.TStructuralHighlighter.EvQuery (Line 363, "EditorStructuralHighlight.pas" + 0) + $E
(002FB53F){coreide230.bpl} [2077C53F] EditorBuffer.TEvQueryEditEvent.Send (Line 5837, "EditorBuffer.pas" + 3) + $6
(002F4C53){coreide230.bpl} [20775C53] EditorBuffer.QueryEventHandler (Line 2323, "EditorBuffer.pas" + 1) + $9
(002CDBE2){coreide230.bpl} [2074EBE2] EdProcs.SafeEkEval (Line 361, "EdProcs.pas" + 2) + $4
(002CC4DC){coreide230.bpl} [2074D4DC] EdKrnl.EkEval (Line 3556, "EdKrnl.pas" + 0) + $0
(002CB647){coreide230.bpl} [2074C647] EdKrnl.InsertBlock (Line 2076, "EdKrnl.pas" + 7) + $0
(002F38C6){coreide230.bpl} [207748C6] EditorBuffer.TEditWriter.Insert (Line 1684, "EditorBuffer.pas" + 13) + $5
(0000B94C){JclBaseExpert230.bpl} [5800C94C] Jclotautils.SetProjectProperties + $2AC
(00006C70){JclDebugExpert230.bpl} [18137C70] Jcldebugideimpl.TJclDebugExtension.SetProjectState + $164
(000067FB){JclDebugExpert230.bpl} [181377FB] Jcldebugideimpl.TJclDebugExtension.InsertJdbgSubMenuClick + $57
(001204B7){rtl230.bpl } [501714B7] System.Classes.TBasicAction.Execute (Line 16382, "System.Classes.pas" + 3) + $7
(0001B6FA){vcl230.bpl } [5097C6FA] Vcl.ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute (Line 259, "Vcl.ActnList.pas" + 19) + $35
(0012030F){rtl230.bpl } [5017130F] System.Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute (Line 16293, "System.Classes.pas" + 2) + $7
(0002411D){vclactnband230.bpl} [2198511D] Vcl.ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.ExecAction (Line 1077, "Vcl.ActnMenus.pas" + 6) + $D
(000259C0){vclactnband230.bpl} [219869C0] Vcl.ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.TrackMenu (Line 1843, "Vcl.ActnMenus.pas" + 19) + $15
(000293DA){vclactnband230.bpl} [2198A3DA] Vcl.ActnMenus.TCustomActionMainMenuBar.TrackMenu (Line 3637, "Vcl.ActnMenus.pas" + 5) + $3
(00023CC8){vclactnband230.bpl} [21984CC8] Vcl.ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.CMItemClicked (Line 955, "Vcl.ActnMenus.pas" + 2) + $11
(00023CD1){vclactnband230.bpl} [21984CD1] Vcl.ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.CMItemClicked (Line 956, "Vcl.ActnMenus.pas" + 3) + $4
(000321FD){vcl230.bpl } [509931FD] Vcl.Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 7249, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 91) + $6
(00031E38){vcl230.bpl } [50992E38] Vcl.Controls.TControl.Perform (Line 7027, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 10) + $8
(00036452){vcl230.bpl } [50997452] Vcl.Controls.GetControlAtPos (Line 9809, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 4) + $75
(00036BE5){vcl230.bpl } [50997BE5] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10031, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 110) + $1D
(00036D3D){vcl230.bpl } [50997D3D] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 10079, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 158) + $6
(0000F708){rtl230.bpl } [50060708] System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 18154, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
(0000F288){rtl230.bpl } [50060288] System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 17847, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
(0000F10C){rtl230.bpl } [5006010C] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 17765, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(0000F416){rtl230.bpl } [50060416] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 17951, "System.pas" + 1) + $2
(00025AD6){vclactnband230.bpl} [21986AD6] Vcl.ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.WndProc (Line 1882, "Vcl.ActnMenus.pas" + 25) + $4
(0003635C){vcl230.bpl } [5099735C] Vcl.Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9786, "Vcl.Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(00121214){rtl230.bpl } [50172214] System.Classes.StdWndProc (Line 16886, "System.Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
(0017BB6F){vcl230.bpl } [50ADCB6F] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 10443, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
(0017BBB2){vcl230.bpl } [50ADCBB2] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 10473, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
(0017BEE5){vcl230.bpl } [50ADCEE5] Vcl.Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 10611, "Vcl.Forms.pas" + 26) + $3
Attached Files:
2020-05-18 22:55   
With today's GIT content, I'm not seeing the AV you are getting, could it be that you are missing an update on Delphi Seattle?

Also, to reproduce the JDBG management inside an automated build, please use the MakeJclDbg command line tool that you can compile using this file:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6664 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2019-03-01 12:04 2020-05-18 22:39
Reporter: AlexP Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvHidDeviceController does not work on Windows 10 1809
Description: "CreateFile over USB HID device fails with Access Denied (5) since Windows 10 1809" link:
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2019-03-02 11:35   
Another more Delphi centric discussion of this topic (albeit in German) can be found here:

It might even contain a workaround for JEDI. I'm no expert in this area, but imho it should be checked if the proposed change should be adapted to JEDI or if there is a better way for this.
2019-03-07 21:32   
Is this the same as this one?
2019-03-11 21:58   
A pull request with a proposed fix exists. Can it get checked and possibly merged in?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6665 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation block always 2019-03-03 10:05 2020-05-18 22:38
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: 10.3 Rio Update 1: Installer fails to compile JvAppIniStorage.pas
Description: Installer fails to compile the JvAppIniStorage.pas file as Rio made some changes to TMemIniFile JvAppIniStorage.pas needs to adapt to.

The reason is, that JvAppIniStorage.pas accesses the non public/protected FSection field from TMemIniFile via class helper which is no longer present in Rio.

At least between XE8 and Rio 10.3 Update 1 there was a change in TMemIniFile where the code of JVCL has not been completely adapted to.

The change was, that TMemIniFile is now based on TDictionary and the FSection StringList used in the old MemIni code is no longer there. Unfortunately JVCL has several places where it wants to access FSection.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2019-03-03 15:18   
Further investigation leads me to the suspiccion that the code path around line 251 which is for Rio and newer makes not much sense. It introduces a ClassHelper which introduces a FSections TStringList field, but this ins nowhere created nor freed and later on it is being accessed.

Shouldn't that code work with the FEsctions dictionary from TMemIniFile?
Another question: the original newsgroup poster's report pointed to line 251 which is in the pre Rio code path. If I'm not mistaken he talked about a Rio x64 isntallation. Why is the 64 bit compiler stepping into this path? Is there an issue with the RTL330_UP define in the 64 bit compiler?
2019-03-04 22:49   
Ok, looking at it again (after being pointed out that I didn't read it right the first time) I found out that this part of the code is for versions from D2009 to Tokyo, but not for Rio.

But this now leads to the question why the error messages posted by the original reporter of this in the JVCL newsgroup point to line 251 which is inside this block (at least in the JVCL version available via GetIt directly after installing Rio 10.3 Update 1)?

Here's the relevant excerpt from the original report from the newsgroup:

"[Compiling: JvCore260.bpl]
Embarcadero Delphi for Win64 compiler version 33.0
Copyright (c) 1983,2017 Embarcadero Technologies, Inc.

C:\ProgramData\Jvcl 201902Git\jvcl\run\JvAppIniStorage.pas(251) Erreur: E2003 Identificateur non déclaré : 'IndexOf'
C:\ProgramData\Jvcl 201902Git\jvcl\run\JvAppIniStorage.pas(251) Avertissement: W1023 Comparaison de types signés et non signés - opérandes élargis

C:\ProgramData\Jvcl 201902Git\jvcl\run\JvAppIniStorage.pas(260) Erreur: E2010 Types incompatibles : 'TStringList' et 'TMemIniFile.TSections'
JvCore.dpk(2501) Fatale: F2063 Impossible de compiler l'unité utilisée 'JvAppIniStorage.pas' "
2019-04-14 13:13   
The interesting question for me is, where is this error coming from?
I'm compiling the current release without any problems with latest Rio Relase.
2019-04-20 17:52   
Same problem for me (+1 another one).
I'm also using a french version of Rio 10.3 update 1
[dcc32 Erreur] JvAppIniStorage.pas(251): E2003 Identificateur non déclaré : 'IndexOf'
[dcc32 Erreur] JvTimerList.pas(595): E2003 Identificateur non déclaré : 'cnAdded'

Looks like a problem with RTL330_UP define
2019-04-22 23:33   
I managed to do a clean manual install from GitHub.
But no success with Delphi GetIt utility.
2019-04-23 20:37   
Ok, if you could install by fetching the verasion from Github,but not the one delivered via GetIt my question would be: what's the difference between those two?
2019-04-23 22:55   
RTL330_UP wasn't defined when I installed with GetIt.
Probably a path issue with
2020-05-18 22:38   
This is now working fine with the content of the GIT repository, provided one also updates the submodules

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6677 [JEDI VCL] 04 Feature Request feature always 2019-05-08 13:42 2020-05-18 22:37
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvGifAnimator shall have a method for setting the ANimateInterval for all frames
Description: Currently one has to manualy set the AnimateInterval for each frame individually if one wants to change the animation speed.

It would be desirable to have a method looping through all the frames and set all of them to the same value.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2019-05-08 17:39   
Pull request with a suggested implementation created:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6682 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2019-05-30 12:07 2020-05-18 22:34
Reporter: OuatuBogdan Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: loop on WM_DRAWITEM
Description: From last update:
at line: 1839 SetDefaultMenuFont(Screen.MenuFont)
in JvMenus: TJvPopupMenu.WMDrawItem starts a infinite loop with FORMS: TCustomForm.WndProc at WM_DRAWITEM.

Just right-click to get pop-up menu, draws menu items again an again.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: remedy:
Canvas.Font := Screen.MenuFont;
instead of offending line
Attached Files: (54,740 bytes) 2019-05-31 18:56
2019-05-31 18:58   

I cannot reproduce your problem.
What I did can be seen in the attached demo.

1. Unzip it and run it.
2. right click into the edit at the bottom

On my Windows 10 x64 VM this opens a TJvPopupMenu with 2 entries, both call ShowMessage each and I do not see any flicker. I can click them and they bring up their message each.

=> how does your test case differ?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6683 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2019-05-31 18:38 2020-05-18 22:33
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvFileListbox.AutoUpdate not working if Directory property changes
Description: With TJvFileListbox.AutoUpdate := true one can have a TJvFileListbox automatically refresh its contents if new files are being added to the directory or files are being deleted.

Unfortunatelly changing the .Directory property at runtime tries to update the internal notification component, but the way it uses does not work. If one only changes the directory property of the TJvChangeNotify component's Notofication[0] property it will not inform the OS about the change.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: As I'm not sure how or whether we should fix TJvChangeNotify, I developed a workaround: deactivate notifications before assigning the directory, then reactivate them.

In order to show the failure run the attached demo and click on any folder in the directory list box. Then copy or create a .pas file in the folder you selected there. It will not immediately appear in the file list box. It appears if you go to another directory and back via the directory listbox.
Attached Files: (54,509 bytes) 2019-05-31 18:38
2019-05-31 18:47   
Pull request created:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6681 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2019-05-19 17:42 2020-05-18 22:33
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvRichEdit: programmatically set text selection not displayed
Description: In order to investigate Mantis issue 6395 I tried to develop a small test program. This program, when run in Rio, standard Windows VCL theme used in a Windows 10 VM and selecting some text via code (SelStart and SelLength) the text seems to be selected inside the JvRichEdit, but the selection is not drawn.

When clicking with the mouse in the area of the selected text the selection is shortly shown. When clicking with the mouse at some other text position nothing visible happens (maybe cursor is being placed there, but that's not what we're after).
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Steps:

1. unzip attached demo app
2. run it
3. click the button

Exp.: parts of the 2nd word are drawn selected
Act.: nothing visually happens

4. click with mouse on the 2nd word of the text

Act.: the selected part of the text is shown selected for a moment, then the selection vanishes.

5. click with the mouse on some other part of the text

Exp.: nothing special happens
Act.: nothing special happens
Attached Files: (54,606 bytes) 2019-05-19 17:42
There are no notes attached to this issue.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6659 [JEDI VCL] 99 Other minor N/A 2018-12-30 11:44 2020-05-18 22:18
Reporter: dcabale Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Captcha v1 shutdown in JCL/JVCL news portal (
Description: Hi all,
the JCL/JVCL news portal ( is unavailable for posting new posts, because the reCAPTCHA is shutdown.
Please reactivate.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: If this portal is now in read-only mode, what will be its replacer?
Attached Files: 13-05-2019 10-01-20.jpg (180,014 bytes) 2019-05-13 10:02
2019-05-12 14:00   
The portal is not in read only mode! Only the web interface is.

If you use a NNTP based newsreader application like Mozilla Thunderbird or Xananews you can still post!
2019-05-13 10:04   
Then, why do you allow this page -> (13-05-2019 10-01-20.jpg) to make believe to the user, he can post?
2019-05-13 10:41   
To fix this issue, you just need to get a v2 captcha from google, get 2 new keys (one public, one private), and upload some new javascript.

You also need to specify the hostname of the sites you will use it on.

Client side (html) config:

Server side config:

There is no cost to use it.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6675 [JEDI VCL] 02 Installation minor always 2019-04-30 16:22 2020-05-18 22:17
Reporter: bbordwell Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Install impossible with Delphi RIO Evaluation
Description: Greetings.

As I attempt to evaluate Delphi-RIO, I find it impossible to build the JVCL because it depends on the command line compiler (bcc32 not available in the eval version).
Additionally, the include files, like are conveniently missing when downloaded from Git-Hub. The process to build for RIO is challenging at best.

Question: are there any manual build instructions for the IDE, or a location I can get pre-compiled JVCL for Win32 Delphi-RIO?

Thanks in advance for any links to get me past the installation issues.


Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Also, sorry to post here, as the CAPTCHA is disabled in the Forum.
Attached Files:
2019-05-02 15:08   
>>Question: are there any manual build instructions for the IDE, or a location I can get pre-compiled JVCL for Win32 Delphi-RIO?

Manual instructions found. Again, sorry to post here. Reminder: Captcha turned off in forums.
2019-05-02 17:59   
Captcha problem in forum and at least in wiki as well is a known issue. I already created a separate issue for that in the wiki project here in Mantis.
You can monitor it. Here's the link:

(I'm none of the admins so I cannot fix it)
2019-05-02 21:22   
Can this issue bei closed AS you Manager to Install?
2019-05-02 21:56   
Yes. Please close. All is well.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6462 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-10-22 20:08 2019-05-31 12:00
Reporter: arnikos Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: duplicate  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVInterpreterTest Demo Error (confirmed but not resolved)
Description: Running JVInterpreterTest Demo when I select OLE Automation example, MSWord opens but when it tries to write something in the new document I get the following error:
201: Calling 'Insert' failed: Incompatible Types.
If I try to open a new document based on a MSWord template using
MSW.FileNew('<template name>');
I get the same error
201: Calling 'FileNew' failed: Incompatible Types.

IDE: Delphi 2010, JVCL 3.49 and Git
The same Demo runs perfectly with Delphi5 and JVCL V3.37

See my previous post 0006036
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:38   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-05-19 10:55   
This one is an exact duplicate of that one:

Can we get it marked as such?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6361 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2014-11-22 00:40 2019-05-29 10:10
Reporter: ricolebo Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBCombobox : Bug because search key is case insensitive
Description: When the keyList are like this : kkk;KKK,KkK ... the comboBox can't work because the indeOf to find the key is case insensitive and so the seach found always the first value of the list.

This bug can be simply fixed, just set the TSTringList.caseSensitive to true

I attach a demo to show you the bug and how to fix it.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: The Fix : unit JvDBCombobox.pas

//=== { TJvCustomDBComboBox } ================================================

constructor TJvCustomDBComboBox.Create(AOwner: TComponent);
  inherited Create(AOwner);
  ControlStyle := ControlStyle + [csReplicatable];
  FDataLink := TFieldDataLink.Create;
  FDataLink.Control := Self;
  FDataLink.OnDataChange := DataChange;
  FDataLink.OnUpdateData := UpdateData;
  FDataLink.OnEditingChange := EditingChange;
  FPaintControl := TPaintControl.Create(Self, 'COMBOBOX');
  FBeepOnError := False;

  FListSettings := TJvDBComboBoxListSettings.Create(Self);
  FValues := TStringList.Create;
  FValues.CaseSensitive := True; // Fix
  FValues.OnChange := ValuesChanged;
  FEnableValues := True;
  Style := csDropDownList;

Attached Files: (19,369 bytes) 2014-11-22 00:40
2019-05-20 21:40   
Pull request created and a property for controlling the search behavior added:
2019-05-28 22:42   
Can be closed now as the fix for this has been merged in!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6332 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2014-10-02 10:01 2019-05-24 12:00
Reporter: lstauber Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Jvrollout realigns controls on collapse/expand
Description: create a rollout and place 2 panels with Align=alTop into it (panel1 lies now on the top of the panel2). if you start this application, collapse this rollout and expand it again, the panels are switched, the panel1 lies now below the panel2.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: bug in the (relatively new) method CheckVisibility. The alignment must be disabled during the visibility setting task. 4 added lines are commented.


procedure TJvCustomRollOut.CheckChildVisibility;
  procedure GetChildVisibility;
    I: Integer;
    if FChildControlVisibility = nil then
      FChildControlVisibility := TStringList.Create;
      FChildControlVisibility.Sorted := True;
    DisableAlign; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADD THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    for I := 0 to ControlCount - 1 do
      if (Controls[I] is TWinControl) and (TWinControl(Controls[I]).Visible) then
        FChildControlVisibility.AddObject(Controls[I].Name, Controls[I]);
        TWinControl(Controls[I]).Visible := False;
    EnableAlign; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADD THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  procedure SetChildVisibility;
    I: Integer;
    if FChildControlVisibility <> nil then
      DisableAlign; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADD THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
      for I := 0 to FChildControlVisibility.Count - 1 do
        if FindChildControl(FChildControlVisibility[I]) <> nil then
          TWinControl(FChildControlVisibility.Objects[I]).Visible := True;
      EnableAlign; // !!!!!!!!!!!!!! ADD THIS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  if csDesigning in ComponentState then

  if Collapsed then

This change could also bring some performance.
You can naturally also use try...finally :)

notice: I also do not understand, why the code only works with TWinControl and not with all TControls - perhaps from the old, removed method, that only worked with tabstops?!
Attached Files: rollout content (4,859 bytes) 2014-12-05 11:38
2014-12-04 15:00   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2014-12-05 11:40   
zipped sources uploaded
2019-05-05 09:37   
Created a pull request for this one:
2019-05-16 22:23   
My bad. Had deleted the branch too early so I created a new pull request for this one, I hope it is good enough now:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6328 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components tweak always 2014-09-13 13:15 2019-05-23 20:39
Reporter: moore Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBGrid focused cell does not draw like DBGrid
Description: After RAD XE, TDBGrid has been themed and so the TJvDBGrid
However, TJvDBGrid focused cell does not draw like DBGrid in color in Windows7/8.1

This problem does not occur with TStringGrid.

Thanks for your efforts..
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: Project3.dpr (234 bytes) 2014-12-11 14:11 (1,699 bytes) 2014-12-11 14:13
GridSel.jpg (49,432 bytes) 2014-12-11 14:13

grdbug.jpg (67,980 bytes) 2015-04-28 15:38

ThemeDBGrid.jpg (56,495 bytes) 2015-09-15 13:43
2014-12-04 14:58   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this.
2014-12-11 14:14   
Attached project and image showing the issue..
2015-04-28 15:39   
Moreover, I noticed that a fine line under the header (titles zone) does not appear in JvDBGrid (below). See attachement..
2015-06-18 10:43   
I saw this bug also.
This patch seems to solve it:
--- a/jvcl/run/JvDBGrid.pas
+++ b/jvcl/run/JvDBGrid.pas
@@ -3425,7 +3425,7 @@ begin
         Indicator := 0
         Indicator := 1; { multiselected and current row }
-// MsIndicators.BkColor := FixedColor;
+ MsIndicators.BkColor := FixedColor;
       ALeft := FixRect.Right - MsIndicators.Width - FrameOffs;
       if InBiDiMode then
It reverts some change Obarden did. Without backgroud the triangle with dot is drawn transparently on a full triangle already drawn from TDBGrid.
2015-09-15 13:45   
After the changes commited, now they appear as in the last attached jpg.
For me it is acceptable, Do not know for others,
Thnx for your efforts :)
2015-10-14 13:01   
It does work with the latest version, but raises another incompatible issue noted in 0006454.
2015-10-14 15:32   
Which Rad Studio version?
I do not see UseThemedSelection option in XE7 :(
2019-05-23 20:39   
Created this pull request for this issue as it has been approved:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6419 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components tweak always 2015-07-12 05:47 2019-05-22 17:46
Reporter: Gustavo Costa Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Position of TJvDesktopAlert with multi screen
Description: When we are using the TJvDesktopAlert, with property Location.Position = dapBottomRight, with multi monitors, the alert is showed always in the main monitor.

I think that it is better to show the alert in bottom, right of the monitor where the active form is showing.

Or add this option in Location.Position.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I've tried and works using the follow code in the JvJVCLUtils.ScreenWorkArea function

Result := Screen.MonitorFromWindow(Screen.ActiveForm.Handle).WorkareaRect;
Attached Files: (5,387 bytes) 2019-05-04 12:55 (54,057 bytes) 2019-05-04 13:07
2015-09-14 11:26   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2019-05-04 13:09   
The first attachment can be deleted, my mistake - sorry!
For the second: unzip it on a computer with 2 displays. Run it and click the button. No matter on which screen the application is, the alert will always be shown at the same position: at the bottom right of the main monitor.
2019-05-04 13:25   
Created this pull request for the issue now:

If implemented the alert (run attached demo after implementing the fix) does not always appear on the main screen bottom right, but on the bottom right of the screen the form calling the alert is on.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6508 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-04-17 20:15 2019-05-22 17:35
Reporter: kgizmo Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBTreeView - unnecessary warning for ftLargeint types of fields
Description: If my master/detail key field is recognized by dataset as ftLargeint I get a warning message RsMasterFieldError/RsDetailFieldError. It is strange because I get this warning only if jvDBLookupTreeViewCombo is closed by clicking outside the component (ex. on form) and occurs while trying open again.
When the list of component is closed by choosing an element or by clicking in the top part of component warnings don't occur (while trying open again).
Is it enough to add ftLargeint to DefaultValidMasterFields const or is it more complicated?
I'm using XE6 and last version of ZEOS components.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (8,478 bytes) 2018-08-13 11:06
2018-07-18 15:42   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-08-13 11:11   
I uploaded zipped sources showing this as you asked. After running just expand combo and click somewhere else outside the combo, on form for example. Combo will collapse. Try expand again and you should get warnings.
2019-05-20 21:11   
Pull request created:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
5976 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2012-08-31 17:44 2019-05-21 00:29
Reporter: Arioch Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: procedure TJvDockServer.CreateDockPanelAndSplitter; - time to clean ?
Description: procedure TJvDockServer.CreateDockPanelAndSplitter;

  function CreatePanel(AParent: TWinControl; Align: TAlign; Name: string): TJvDockPanel;
    if (FDockPanelClass <> nil) and
      (FDockPanelClass <> TJvDockPanelClass(ClassType)) then
      Result := FDockPanelClass.Create({Owner} Self);
      // (ahuser) Delphi 5's TComponent.Notification() will fail if Owner=Self.Owner
      Result.Parent := AParent; {ParentForm;}
Steps To Reproduce: 1: since Delphi 5 is no more supported, i think the workaround should be removed.
It would be natural to make panels owned by the form, not by dock server.

2: this lines just makes me pull my hair.
(FDockPanelClass <> TJvDockPanelClass(ClassType))

Self.Classtype should be TJvDockServer or descendant.
It can never be TJvDockPanelClass
So why that hackers method to disable type checking ?

Even if needed won't more clean approach be
   (TClass(FDockPanelClass) <> TClass(ClassType)) ?

But i still think that is to be just removed. It seems liek some ugly hack with hardly to determine reasoning.
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2013-01-15 15:27   
Yes, seems like it, please provide a patch file for it.
2013-12-13 12:26   
won't have time before February and also the hackerish code is dangerous to touch.

perhaps postpone it and then carefully evaluate why all that weird typecasts were needed ?
2013-12-16 13:24   
Take your time, there is no hurry
2019-05-20 21:26   
Any news on that one?
2019-05-21 00:29   
(Last edited: 2019-05-21 00:31)
i no more use Delphi 5 and no one picked the challenge when i quit

frankly, it is looooong time that Delphi does not support D5/BCB5

w.r.t. #2 - the "TJvDockPanelClass(ClassType)" is unsafe typecase, with about the same semantics as would be "pointer(ClassType)" or "integer(ClassType)".

unless Delphi (FPC?) optimizing compiler can totally remove this comparison, "evaluating" in compile-time basing upon data types alone, like it would remove "cardinal-var < 0" comparisons, the data type to me seemsdoing nothing at all.

w.r.t. 0000001 - i kind of thinkn that whatever be made wit hthe comment - the ahuser's comment better remain. It is of those pieces of knowledge that you only get when they byte you from behind, and because of that might be worth keeping despite D5 unsupported

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6674 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2019-04-27 14:58 2019-05-08 22:53
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvToolEdit uses deprecated symbol SInvalidFilename
Description: JvToolEdit uses deprecated symbol SInvalidFilename. The compiler suggests to use SInvalidKnownFilename.

If I find out in which Delphi version the new one first appeared I might actually fix this warning. Does anybody know this or how to find out as quick as possible without having all versions of Delphi installed?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2019-05-03 19:11   
Pull request created:
2019-05-08 21:06   
Can be closed. Pull request has been merged.
2019-05-08 22:53   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6601 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2017-10-25 20:39 2019-05-05 09:31
Reporter: tetardd Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvArrowButton - Glyph and caption not properly drawn when using Margin
Description: If you specify a margin > 0 in the properties (note: not the VCL Margins, the controls margin property) with a glyph and caption (button layout = glyph left and vert. align = centre), the glyph and caption are not well centered vertically.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Add TJvArrowButton, set height to 45 pixels
Set glyph to a 32 x 32 bitmap
Set a caption
Set margins to 10
Set layout to glyph left
Set vertical alignment to center

The glyph and text are clearly drawn too high.
Attached Files: Debug (83,731 bytes) 2017-10-27 08:42
JvArrowButton.pas (46,223 bytes) 2017-10-27 08:43
2017-10-27 08:44   
Attached is a test program to show the problem and my attempt at solving it. By the way, it also includes the changes proposed in issue 6600.
2019-05-05 09:31   
I tried to implement your suggestions from JvArrowButton.pas, but then I saw that you changed the public Draw method completely from its parameters.

While I can follow the introduction of these parameters as properties changing such a public method in that way is not really approved by the maintainers, as it breaks existing code of JVCL users.

Can you implement a variant which keeps the old Draw method and implements e.g. an overloaded one?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6570 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2017-05-08 15:43 2019-05-03 11:10
Reporter: rarog Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvMemoryData easilly corrupts buffer when using many fields
Description: TJvMemoryData.InitFieldDefsFromFields can easily corrupt the buffer without throwing any error.

The problem root is in this line:
Inc(Offset, CalcFieldLen(DataType, Size) + 1);

It just increases the offset without checking, if it causes a cycle getting an overflow when reaching values over 65535.

To reproduce it, it should be enough to load a data with 22 WideString fields. Each of them is initialised by default to hold 1500 chars, each char takes 2 bytes.
So 1500 * 2 * 22 = 66000 resulting in the buffer to be in between and corrupt memory.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:57   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-10-28 17:34   
In the current version this line mentioned seems to have been changed to this one:
Inc(Offset, CalcFieldLen(FieldDefList[I].DataType, FieldDefList[I].Size) + 1);

While it looks different is still doesn't check if the offset variable (which is a Word) overflows.

There should be a if before actually incrementing offset ensuring that it is only incremented when it won't overflow. In case of an overflow raising an exception might be appropriate.
2019-04-25 22:22   
I just created a pull request with a proposed fix for this. See here:
2019-05-01 10:27   
Replaced pull request with this improved one:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6579 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2017-07-18 19:57 2019-05-02 08:33
Reporter: stjcottbus Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvTFGlance adds an annoying empty line in Hint if ShowSchedNamesInHint is False.
Description: In TJvTFCustomGlance.CheckApptHint is the variable ExtraDesc not initialized (may be unneeded) but is unconditionally expanded with CRLF.

It should more or less look like this:

procedure TJvTFCustomGlance.CheckApptHint(Info: TJvTFGlanceCoord);
  ExtraDesc: string;
  Handled: Boolean;
  if Assigned(FViewer) and FViewer.ShowSchedNamesInHint then
    ExtraDesc := StringsToStr(SchedNames, ', ', False);
    ExtraDesc := ExtraDesc + 0000013#10;
  end else
    ExtraDesc := '';
  Handled := False;
  if Assigned(OnApptHint) then
    FOnApptHint(Self, Info.Appt, Handled);
  if not Handled then
    FHint.ApptHint(Info.Appt, Info.AbsX + 8, Info.AbsY + 8,
                   not Assigned(FViewer) or FViewer.ShowStartEndTimeInHint, True, False, ExtraDesc);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:54   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-27 14:35   
Pull request for this one created:
2019-05-02 08:33   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6527 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-09-27 10:51 2019-05-02 08:33
Reporter: tas Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvHTMLParser
Description: Doesn't parse correct.

This is html example text:


The problem occurs when tags starting with the same symbol and one of them have length 1 (for example tag )
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2016-09-27 10:56   
Example html text:


The problem occurs when tags starting with the same symbol and one of them have length 1 (for example tag 'b')
2016-09-27 14:20   

  J := StrFind(StartTag1, Str, J);


  if trim(StartTag2) = '' then
    J := StrFind(StartTag1, Str, J)
    J1 := J;
    J := StrFind(StartTag1 + ' ', Str, J);
    if J = 0 then
     J := J1;
     J := StrFind(StartTag1 + '>', Str, J);
2018-07-18 15:45   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-28 10:59   
Pull request created:
2019-04-30 21:52   
Pull request superceeded by
2019-05-02 08:33   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6504 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-03-31 10:43 2019-05-02 08:33
Reporter: DanielTr Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Width of UpDown buttons in TJvCustomSpinEdit does not scale
Description: The buttons width is calculated as the systems scrollbar width but limited to 15px (hard coded) in JvSpin.DefBtnWidth. This applies to bkClassic and bkStandard.

This way the buttons become very narrow, when using a higher scale factor or an output device with high dpi.

Suggestions for a solution:
1. Remove the limitation in DefBtnWidth completely (except there is a use case where it is really necessary)
2. Make the limitation value variable with public/protected getter and setter and 15 as default value
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:42   
High DPI support is very poor in the VCL itself, so it's hard to make it work in the JVCL.
That being said, could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-11 22:54   
Is there a need for the 15 px limit?
2019-03-12 22:38   
Another suggestion for this: make 15px for 96 dpi and automaticaly scale the limit according to screen dpi? What to do in multi display scenarios? Use the dpi of the screen the control is on?
2019-04-19 21:30   
Yes and yes :-)
2019-04-24 19:56   
I just created a pull request for a possible solution. I hope it is good enough.
2019-05-01 10:08   
New improved pull request created:
2019-05-02 08:33   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6545 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2017-02-12 15:39 2019-05-02 08:33
Reporter: mksjgj Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvInterpreterProgram does not support scientific notation
Description: TJvInterpreterProgram can not handle express with scientific notation, i.e.:


Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: please check the attachment for modification, marked by //lht
Attached Files: (7,820 bytes) 2017-02-12 15:39 (57,896 bytes) 2018-07-19 04:21
2018-07-18 15:51   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-19 04:22   
i can not see any modification for this issue, so the bug is still here.
2019-04-25 22:25   
Ok, contains a modified version of the relevant JVCL unit. If I find the time I might implement the suggestions and create a pull request for this.
2019-04-26 18:13   
Added pull request for this based on file modifications in
2019-05-01 13:44   
Revoked pull request 0000093 due to some formatting and naming issues and replaced it by this one:
2019-05-02 08:33   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6548 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2017-03-03 16:49 2019-05-02 08:32
Reporter: rmetzger Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvMainMenu and TJvPopupMenu do not use TScreen.MenuFont
Description: Hey,
TJvMainMenu (line 1258) and TJvPopupMenu (line 1839) use the font given by tagNONCLIENTMETRICS.lfMenuFont, but they should use TScreen.MenuFont instead.
BTW, both object correctly use TScreen.MenuFont for measuring menu item (line 1300 and 1881, respectively).
Workaround is simple, just replace SetDefaultMenuFont(Canvas.Font); with FCanvas.Font:=Screen.MenuFont on lines 1258 and 1839.
IMO, Function SetDefaultMenuFont is irrelevant here.
Best regards,
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:51   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-27 14:41   
Pull request for this created.
2019-04-30 21:23   
Pull request replaced by this one:
2019-05-02 08:32   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6540 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-12-09 14:24 2019-05-02 08:32
Reporter: CDametto Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Horizontal reset of dbgrid scrollbar by moving a column
Description: In a DBGrid with dgRowSelect in Options, TitleButton = True and TitleButtonAllowMove = True, whether the horizontal scrollbar is present and you move a column at the right end, the grid is repositioned to the start left.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: This is my correction, in the file JvDBGrid.pas near the bottom of the MouseUp procedure...
Original block:

  if (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) then
    ALeftCol := LeftCol;
    inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
    if (dgRowSelect in Options) then
      LeftCol := ALeftCol;
    if Assigned(OnColumnResized) then
      OnColumnResized(Self, FSizingIndex + Byte(not (dgIndicator in Options)) - 1,
    inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);

I just developed the penultimate row:

  if (Button = mbLeft) and (FGridState = gsColSizing) then
    ALeftCol := LeftCol;
    inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
    if (dgRowSelect in Options) then
      LeftCol := ALeftCol;
    if Assigned(OnColumnResized) then
      OnColumnResized(Self, FSizingIndex + Byte(not (dgIndicator in Options)) - 1,
    SI.cbSize := SizeOf(SI); //
    SI.fMask := SIF_POS; // Store scrollbar position
    GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_HORZ, SI); //
      inherited MouseUp(Button, Shift, X, Y);
      Perform(WM_HSCROLL, MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, SI.nPos), 0); //Repos
Attached Files: (6,546 bytes) 2019-01-25 10:49 (54,752 bytes) 2019-01-25 12:07
2016-12-28 16:35   
The variable SI is declared locally in the procedure as SI: TScrollInfo;
2018-07-18 15:52   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-01-25 10:53   
The issue is still present in jvcl 3.50 with Delphi 10.3 rio
2019-04-25 22:14   
Made this pull request out of your proposed fix:
2019-05-01 13:51   
Pull request revoked and replaced by this improved one (better variable naming and commenting):
2019-05-02 08:32   
Fixed in Repository

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6497 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components feature always 2016-02-24 15:06 2019-04-30 16:15
Reporter: dbedrenko Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Make TJvValidateEdit.Value return Cardinal for dfHex
Description: The type returned by the `TJvValidateEdit.Value` property depends on the chosen `TJvValidateEdit.DisplayFormat`.

I have some `TJvValidateEdit` elements with `DisplayFormat: dfHex` in which the user can enter a number that fits in a `Cardinal`, e.g. $FFFFFFFF. The problem is that in `TJvCustomValidateEdit.GetValue()`:

      Result := StrToIntDef('$' + FEditText, 0);

You don't need to worry about supporting negative numbers because `dfHex` prevents the minus sign ("-") being entered.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:44   
Is this a feature request? If yes, please provide a pull request at Github containing the required changes
2019-04-28 11:07   
Pull request created:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6518 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-07-21 15:11 2019-04-30 16:14
Reporter: andreykorol Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvHidDeviceController - missed OnDeviceDataError handler setup
Description: TJvHidDevice.CtlCreate constructor is missing setting Controller.OnDeviceDataError to OnDataError. So, in this way TJvHidDeviceReadThread.DoDataError will never call Device.FDataError (user event).
fix patch:
diff --git a/JvHidControllerClass.pas b/JvHidControllerClass.pas
index b1f43b2..9264a6e 100644
--- a/JvHidControllerClass.pas
+++ b/JvHidControllerClass.pas
@@ -807,6 +807,7 @@ begin
   FDataThread := nil;
   OnData := Controller.OnDeviceData;
   OnUnplug := Controller.OnDeviceUnplug;
+ OnDataError := Controller.OnDeviceDataError;
   FHidFileHandle := CreateFile(PChar(PnPInfo.DevicePath), GENERIC_READ or GENERIC_WRITE,
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:47   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-28 10:45   
Created pull request for this:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6538 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-12-04 19:28 2019-04-30 16:13
Reporter: bflorac Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvHidControllerClass, BusType should be of type TGUID not string
Description: According to MS, SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty with SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID returns a 16 byte GUID not a string.

See function: TJvHidPnPInfo.Create()...
FBusType := GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: To make it backward compatible, one could extract as TGUID and convert to string for the object.

New Function:

function TJvHidPnPInfo.GetRegistryPropertyGuid(PnPHandle: HDEVINFO;
  const DevData: TSPDevInfoData; Prop: DWORD): TGuid;
  GUID_NULL: TGUID = '{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}';
  BytesReturned: DWORD;
  RegDataType: DWORD;
  BytesReturned := 0;
  RegDataType := 0;
  Result := GUID_NULL;
  SetupDiGetDeviceRegistryProperty(APnPHandle, ADevData, Prop, RegDataType, PByte(@Result), SizeOf(Result), BytesReturned);

And then in TJvHidPnPInfo.Create():
  FBusType := GuidToString(GetRegistryPropertyString(APnPHandle, ADevData, SPDRP_BUSTYPEGUID));

Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:48   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-28 09:06   
Created a pull request for it, implementing it without local GUID_NULL:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6534 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-11-18 18:10 2019-04-30 16:08
Reporter: acgubamg Platform: RAD Studio berlin 10.1 up2  
Assigned To: obones OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10 Pro  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: 3.50 Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: DecimalPlaces, DecimalPlacesAlwaysShown
Description: The function below:

function TJvCustomNumEdit.GetEditFormat:String;
  Result := ',0'; // must put the thousands separator by default to allow direct edit of value (paste for example)
  if FDecimalPlaces > 0 then
    if FDecimalPlacesAlwaysShown then
       Result := Result + '.' + MakeStr('0', FDecimalPlaces)
       Result := Result + '.' + MakeStr('#', FDecimalPlaces);

There could be changed to the code:
function TJvCustomNumEdit.GetEditFormat:String;
  if FDecimalPlaces = 0 then
    Result := '0'
    Result := ',0';
    if FDecimalPlacesAlwaysShown then
       Result := Result + '.' + MakeStr('0', FDecimalPlaces)
       Result := Result + '.' + MakeStr('#', FDecimalPlaces);

Thus if FDecimalPlaces is greater than zero, the separator shown, otherwise, it remains as an integer number. And when using the jvcalcedit1.text as integer, returns only numbers.

Steps To Reproduce: Copy the value of a TJvCalcEdit component, with value grander than 1000.
Its will be copied as format: '1.000'

When user paste value on a TDBgrid, ocorrur a error.
See picture attached.
Additional Information:
System Description
Attached Files: erro.png (11,365 bytes) 2016-11-18 18:10
2018-07-18 15:49   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-27 14:53   
Created this pull request containing the above proposed fix:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6610 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2018-01-14 23:39 2019-04-30 15:57
Reporter: pyscripter Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JVCreateProcess appears to be running forever.
Description: If not (coRedirect in ConsoleOptions) and WaitForTerminate = false no waiting thread is created and the state will stay forever as psRunning since HandleThreadTerminated will never be called and there is no way to reset the state to psReady. From that point the component will become unusable i.e. no other process can be created.

It is better in this case to set the state as Ready instead of Running.

So in TJvCreateProcess.Run

    if coRedirect in ConsoleOptions then
    if WaitForTerminate then
      {;en-us;124121 }
      WaitForInputIdle(FProcessInfo.hProcess, INFINITE);
      GoToReadyState; //GotoRunningState;

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: The attached file contains the modified code plus introduces a new flag for CREATE_NO_WINDOW
Attached Files: JvCreateProcess.pas (51,105 bytes) 2018-01-14 23:39
2018-07-18 16:04   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-27 14:06   
Created this pull request for the issue:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6501 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-03-25 17:11 2019-04-30 15:18
Reporter: CDametto Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: In JvDBGrid, UseThemedHilighlighting leave out columns with checkbox
Description: Implementing OnCheckIfBooleanField in a JvDBGrid, the column with checkbox
looks as if UseThemedHilighlighting=False
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: I have solved adding three line in TJvDBGrid.DrawColumnCell routine:

  if DefaultDrawing then
    I := GetImageIndex(Field);
    if I >= 0 then
      Bmp := GetGridBitmap(TGridPicture(I));
      if Highlight then // <- LINE ADDED
        DrawThemedHighlighting(Canvas, Rect) // <- LINE ADDED
      else // <- LINE ADDED
      DrawBitmapTransparent(Canvas, (Rect.Left + Rect.Right + 1 - Bmp.Width) div 2,
        (Rect.Top + Rect.Bottom + 1 - Bmp.Height) div 2, Bmp, clOlive);
      DefaultDrawColumnCell(Rect, DataCol, Column, State);
Attached Files: (54,257 bytes) 2019-01-25 12:42
2018-07-18 15:42   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-01-25 12:41   
The issue is still present in jvcl 3.50 with Delphi 10.3 rio
2019-04-26 20:15   
Pull request with your proposed fix created:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6642 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash N/A 2018-07-05 17:59 2019-04-30 15:15
Reporter: swright Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvWaitingGradient/JvImagedrawThread deadlock condition
Description: Execute method calls EnterUnpausableSection

Execute method then calls Synchronize(Draw); which pauses the thread to execute the draw method in main thread.

In the main thread an event occurs that changes the Active property of the JvWaitingGradient to False before the draw event, this makes the main thread Acquire FPauseSection and both threads are deadlocked.

Possibly the Syncronise call should come after the thread releases FPauseSection.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Delphi 10.1 Berlin / JVCL-3.51 APR 2018 (installed via GetIt package manager)
Attached Files: (5,340 bytes) 2018-07-18 17:38
2018-07-18 16:05   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-18 17:39   
fix, move Synchronize(Draw); outside of TCriticalSection.

procedure TJvImageDrawThread.Execute;
    while not Terminated do
        if Terminated then

    // ignore exception
2019-04-26 20:26   
Created a pull request for this one:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6632 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2018-04-05 15:50 2019-04-28 17:59
Reporter: Vojtisek Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: saving with JvSaveDialog
Description: We tried to use JvSaveDialog in our C++ project, but we got a issue:
In component we have checked Options -> ofOverwritePrompt.
When we tried to save the file with same name as one already in folder and we didn't get any message about overwriting of file then when we looked to folder file was overwritten.
So for us it seems that option ofOverwritePrompt doesn't work.

We use:
RAD Studio 10 Seattle update 1
JVCL 3.50

additionally I am attaching the zipped file with example code and compiled exe
which demonstrates it.

Thanks in advance.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: test.7z (1,300,816 bytes) 2018-04-05 15:50
2018-04-05 18:34   
In addition ...
There is also problem with save button which is set to "Open" instead of "Save".
Default setting of title bar is also set to Open...???
It is major severity in my opinion.
2019-04-28 17:59   
About the wrong button captions and the title bar: could it be because TJvSaveDialog inherits from TJvOpenDialog which inherits from TOpenDialog?

What would happen, if we implemented TJvSaveDialog analog to TJvOpenDialog and inheritig from TSaveDialog then?

Or is there an easier way to fix this available?

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6498 [JEDI VCL] Miscellanous minor always 2016-02-29 14:59 2019-04-28 10:48
Reporter: edijs Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version: Version 2.4  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvMemoryData and CopyStructure
Description: Shouldn't CopyStructure also copy field properties (Required, Visible, etc)?
If I set MyField.Required := False; and then do CopyStructure(), I field required property becomes required = true. Why? Is there any other method I should use?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: example.pas (1,821 bytes) 2016-02-29 14:59
2018-07-18 15:46   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-04-28 10:48   
As I understand the code, it currently only copies the FieldDefs from source. Now we would need to decide if that is what it shall do or if it shall copy other properties not directly derived from the field defs. if so, we'd need to decide which ones to copy.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6554 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2017-03-23 16:58 2019-04-27 19:04
Reporter: JMStoorvogel Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: D7: JvTreeItemsEditorForm.dfm contains the property "AlignwithMargins" -> designtime error
Description: For Delphi 7, the jvcl-master\jvcl\design\JvTreeItemsEditorForm.dfm contains the property "AlignwithMargins" for some TCombobox, which doesn't exist in D7.

Therefore, runtime editing of the TreeView Items does not work.

1. edit the .dfm manually and remove the offending property
2. Rebuild jvcl
Tags: AlignwithMargins, Delphi 7.0, JvTreeItemsEditorForm
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: JvTreeItemsEditorForm.dfm (7,114 bytes) 2017-03-23 22:31
2017-03-23 22:34   
Patch is supplied as attached file for the novice user.
2018-07-18 15:50   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide a pull request at Github.
2019-04-27 14:46   
Added pull request for this, even if I think we could drop D7 support finally. I know this would hurt some folks, but they should really consider upgrading, as there was simply added so much good stuff they miss when sticking to D7... ;-)

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6572 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor sometimes 2017-05-24 05:05 2019-04-27 15:45
Reporter: zsleo Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: The referenced/requested module is loaded
Description: The referenced/requested module is loaded using Intraweb and CentralGest
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Exception class name: EComponentDesignerException
Exception message: Module "iwcgjqfrmAcctEnqPatient" references another module and cannot be saved until iwfrmMain is loaded
(00170A34){Jcl150.bpl } [48171A34] JclDebug.TJclStackInfoList.Create + $A8
(0017064A){Jcl150.bpl } [4817164A] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList + $1A
(00003783){JclBaseExpert150.bpl} [58004783] JclOtaExceptionForm.TJclExpertExceptionForm.ShowException + $13B
(0000A9AB){JclBaseExpert150.bpl} [5800B9AB] JclOtaUtils.JclExpertShowExceptionDialog + $33
(00004A6A){JclDebugExpert150.bpl} [58155A6A] JclDebugIdeImpl.TJclDebugExtension.BuildProject + $7A
(0004CB7F){designide150.bpl} [2107DB7F] ComponentDesigner.CheckNoFixups (Line 3890, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 14) + $3E
(00009C1B){rtl150.bpl } [5003AC1B] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12537, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(000006FE){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516416FE] SysInit.@GetTls (Line 428, "SysInit.pas" + 23) + $0
(000738F8){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516B48F8] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 267, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 27) + $0
(00006560){rtl150.bpl } [50037560] System.@FreeMem (Line 3768, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(0000B0B0){rtl150.bpl } [5003C0B0] System.@UStrClr (Line 16968, "System.pas" + 14) + $0
(0000D31C){rtl150.bpl } [5003E31C] System.@FinalizeArray (Line 24131, "System.pas" + 70) + $0
(0009196D){rtl150.bpl } [500C296D] Contnrs.TObjectList.Notify (Line 331, "Contnrs.pas" + 3) + $6
(00009924){rtl150.bpl } [5003A924] System.TMonitor.Destroy (Line 12347, "System.pas" + 0) + $0
(00009193){rtl150.bpl } [5003A193] System.TObject.CleanupInstance (Line 11189, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(00006560){rtl150.bpl } [50037560] System.@FreeMem (Line 3768, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(000090D0){rtl150.bpl } [5003A0D0] System.TObject.FreeInstance (Line 11050, "System.pas" + 2) + $2
(0000979E){rtl150.bpl } [5003A79E] System.@ClassDestroy (Line 12163, "System.pas" + 0) + $2
(00009109){rtl150.bpl } [5003A109] System.TObject.Destroy (Line 11064, "System.pas" + 1) + $4
(00009118){rtl150.bpl } [5003A118] System.TObject.Free (Line 11069, "System.pas" + 1) + $4
(0009196D){rtl150.bpl } [500C296D] Contnrs.TObjectList.Notify (Line 331, "Contnrs.pas" + 3) + $6
(0006C534){rtl150.bpl } [5009D534] Classes.TList.SetCount (Line 3803, "Classes.pas" + 17) + $8
(00009E9B){rtl150.bpl } [5003AE9B] System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 12699, "System.pas" + 1) + $0
(00009A38){rtl150.bpl } [5003AA38] System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 12406, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
(000098F0){rtl150.bpl } [5003A8F0] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 12332, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(00009BC6){rtl150.bpl } [5003ABC6] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12515, "System.pas" + 1) + $2
(0006C01C){rtl150.bpl } [5009D01C] Classes.TList.Clear (Line 3524, "Classes.pas" + 2) + $4
(00009924){rtl150.bpl } [5003A924] System.TMonitor.Destroy (Line 12347, "System.pas" + 0) + $0
(00009193){rtl150.bpl } [5003A193] System.TObject.CleanupInstance (Line 11189, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(00006560){rtl150.bpl } [50037560] System.@FreeMem (Line 3768, "System.pas" + 20) + $0
(000090D0){rtl150.bpl } [5003A0D0] System.TObject.FreeInstance (Line 11050, "System.pas" + 2) + $2
(0000979E){rtl150.bpl } [5003A79E] System.@ClassDestroy (Line 12163, "System.pas" + 0) + $2
(000098F0){rtl150.bpl } [5003A8F0] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 12332, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(00009BE2){rtl150.bpl } [5003ABE2] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12523, "System.pas" + 9) + $7
(00009C1B){rtl150.bpl } [5003AC1B] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12537, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(0007E1EA){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516BF1EA] JclDebug.TJclGlobalStackList.AddObject (Line 3727, "JclDebug.pas" + 12) + $6
(0007EB82){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516BFB82] JclDebug.JclCreateStackList (Line 4044, "JclDebug.pas" + 2) + $7
(0007EA23){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516BFA23] JclDebug.DoExceptionStackTrace (Line 3984, "JclDebug.pas" + 17) + $E
(0004CB7F){designide150.bpl} [2107DB7F] ComponentDesigner.CheckNoFixups (Line 3890, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 14) + $3E
(00009C1B){rtl150.bpl } [5003AC1B] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12537, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(000006FE){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516416FE] SysInit.@GetTls (Line 428, "SysInit.pas" + 23) + $0
(000738F8){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516B48F8] JclHookExcept.DoExceptNotify (Line 267, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 27) + $0
(0007395F){exceptiondiag150.bpl} [516B495F] JclHookExcept.HookedRaiseException (Line 287, "JclHookExcept.pas" + 6) + $7
(0004CB7F){designide150.bpl} [2107DB7F] ComponentDesigner.CheckNoFixups (Line 3890, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 14) + $3E
(0004CD59){designide150.bpl} [2107DD59] ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.WriteRootStream (Line 3935, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 1) + $7
(0000BFFC){IDEFixPack.dll} [0B69CFFC]
(00049F89){designide150.bpl} [2107AF89] ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.GetRootStream (Line 2763, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 14) + $5
(0004EE0A){designide150.bpl} [2107FE0A] ComponentDesigner.TComponentRoot.Save (Line 4734, "ComponentDesigner.pas" + 1) + $2
(000AEB53){delphicoreide150.bpl} [21B8FB53] DelphiModule.TPascalCodeMgrModHandler.SaveFile (Line 1474, "DelphiModule.pas" + 2) + $8
(0016E488){coreide150.bpl} [208AF488] SourceModule.TCodeISourceModule.SaveFile (Line 1508, "SourceModule.pas" + 2) + $26
(0016BB30){coreide150.bpl} [208ACB30] SourceModule.TSourceModule.SaveFile (Line 653, "SourceModule.pas" + 3) + $23
(0033375A){coreide150.bpl} [20A7475A] DocModul.TDocModule.TheMalteseFalcon (Line 1422, "DocModul.pas" + 60) + $6
(001093F5){rtl150.bpl } [5013A3F5] Rtti.RawInvoke (Line 5538, "Rtti.pas" + 46) + $0
(0010975A){rtl150.bpl } [5013A75A] Rtti.Invoke (Line 5729, "Rtti.pas" + 38) + $6
(001025D9){rtl150.bpl } [501335D9] Rtti.TRttiInstanceMethodClassic.GetCallingConvention (Line 4103, "Rtti.pas" + 1) + $2
(00102F7F){rtl150.bpl } [50133F7F] Rtti.TRttiInstanceMethodEx.DispatchInvoke (Line 4408, "Rtti.pas" + 130) + $17
(00109BC0){rtl150.bpl } [5013ABC0] Rtti.TRttiMethod.Invoke (Line 5859, "Rtti.pas" + 1) + $11
(003333C6){coreide150.bpl} [20A743C6] DocModul.TDocModule.Save (Line 1346, "DocModul.pas" + 3) + $23
(0016CC4F){coreide150.bpl} [208ADC4F] SourceModule.TSourceModule.Save (Line 1002, "SourceModule.pas" + 13) + $B
(0000FA33){rtl150.bpl } [50040A33] System.TInterfacedObject._Release (Line 28243, "System.pas" + 1) + $3
(00338398){coreide150.bpl} [20A79398] DocModul.SaveModifiedModules (Line 3554, "DocModul.pas" + 57) + $7
(0009CDCF){coreide150.bpl} [207DDDCF] BuildHost.TBuildHost.Prepare (Line 427, "BuildHost.pas" + 4) + $0
(0009C335){coreide150.bpl} [207DD335] BuildHost.TBuildHost.Build (Line 185, "BuildHost.pas" + 9) + $3
(0009C0C0){coreide150.bpl} [207DD0C0] BuildHost.Build (Line 136, "BuildHost.pas" + 4) + $A
(000A9B79){coreide150.bpl} [207EAB79] ProjectGroupBuilder.BuildProjects (Line 139, "ProjectGroupBuilder.pas" + 1) + $17
(000D9ABB){coreide150.bpl} [2081AABB] ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileProjects (Line 847, "ProjectGroup.pas" + 1) + $23
(000D975D){coreide150.bpl} [2081A75D] ProjectGroup.TProjectGroup.CompileActive (Line 695, "ProjectGroup.pas" + 4) + $10
(000E035D){coreide150.bpl} [2082135D] ProjectGroup.TProjectGroupWrapper.CompileActive (Line 2792, "ProjectGroup.pas" + 0) + $5
(0002E54A){bds.exe } [0041F54A] Sanctuary.Util..TFileMutexImpl (Line 13, "Sanctuary.Util.pas" + 0) + $112E
(0002DC4B){bds.exe } [0041EC4B] Sanctuary.Util..ESlipException (Line 13, "Sanctuary.Util.pas" + 0) + $82F
(00004A28){JclDebugExpert150.bpl} [58155A28] JclDebugIdeImpl.TJclDebugExtension.BuildProject + $38
(0007DD6F){rtl150.bpl } [500AED6F] Classes.TBasicAction.Execute (Line 12988, "Classes.pas" + 3) + $7
(00019A15){vcl150.bpl } [5026AA15] ActnList.TContainedAction.Execute (Line 448, "ActnList.pas" + 8) + $2C
(0001A7F0){vcl150.bpl } [5026B7F0] ActnList.TCustomAction.Execute (Line 1094, "ActnList.pas" + 7) + $8
(00026FBA){IDEFixPack.dll} [0B6B7FBA] Unknown function at UnregisterChangeDirectoryNotifier + $18072
(0007DC33){rtl150.bpl } [500AEC33] Classes.TBasicActionLink.Execute (Line 12917, "Classes.pas" + 2) + $7
(00022505){vclactnband150.bpl} [21773505] ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.ExecAction (Line 1071, "ActnMenus.pas" + 6) + $D
(00023D5C){vclactnband150.bpl} [21774D5C] ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.TrackMenu (Line 1837, "ActnMenus.pas" + 19) + $15
(00027386){vclactnband150.bpl} [21778386] ActnMenus.TCustomActionMainMenuBar.TrackMenu (Line 3574, "ActnMenus.pas" + 5) + $3
(000220D6){vclactnband150.bpl} [217730D6] ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.CMEnterMenuLoop (Line 956, "ActnMenus.pas" + 0) + $2
(0002CF6C){vcl150.bpl } [5027DF6C] Controls.TControl.WndProc (Line 7074, "Controls.pas" + 91) + $6
(00009EBE){rtl150.bpl } [5003AEBE] System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 12708, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
(00009A38){rtl150.bpl } [5003AA38] System.TMonitor.Enter (Line 12406, "System.pas" + 4) + $2
(000098F0){rtl150.bpl } [5003A8F0] System.TMonitor.CheckOwningThread (Line 12332, "System.pas" + 2) + $0
(00009BE2){rtl150.bpl } [5003ABE2] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12523, "System.pas" + 9) + $7
(00009C1B){rtl150.bpl } [5003AC1B] System.TMonitor.Exit (Line 12537, "System.pas" + 2) + $7
(00011ECF){vcl150.bpl } [50262ECF] Graphics.FreeMemoryContexts (Line 7021, "Graphics.pas" + 12) + $8
(00030ED0){vcl150.bpl } [50281ED0] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9552, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(00030EE5){vcl150.bpl } [50281EE5] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9555, "Controls.pas" + 6) + $0
(0007EA64){rtl150.bpl } [500AFA64] Classes.StdWndProc (Line 13491, "Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
(0004E6E9){CnWizards_DXE.dll} [0BB2F6E9]
(00031830){vcl150.bpl } [50282830] Controls.TWinControl.WndProc (Line 9831, "Controls.pas" + 144) + $6
(00009EBE){rtl150.bpl } [5003AEBE] System.TMonitor.TryEnter (Line 12708, "System.pas" + 10) + $0
(0004E6E9){CnWizards_DXE.dll} [0BB2F6E9]
(00023E72){vclactnband150.bpl} [21774E72] ActnMenus.TCustomActionMenuBar.WndProc (Line 1876, "ActnMenus.pas" + 25) + $4
(00030ED0){vcl150.bpl } [50281ED0] Controls.TWinControl.MainWndProc (Line 9552, "Controls.pas" + 3) + $6
(0007EA64){rtl150.bpl } [500AFA64] Classes.StdWndProc (Line 13491, "Classes.pas" + 8) + $0
(000CF21B){vclide150.bpl} [2121021B] IDEVirtualTrees.TVirtualTreeHintWindow.IsHintMsg (Line 7032, "IDEVirtualTrees.pas" + 7) + $13
(00107AF7){vcl150.bpl } [50358AF7] Forms.TApplication.ProcessMessage (Line 9760, "Forms.pas" + 23) + $1
(00107B3A){vcl150.bpl } [50358B3A] Forms.TApplication.HandleMessage (Line 9790, "Forms.pas" + 1) + $4
(00107E65){vcl150.bpl } [50358E65] Forms.TApplication.Run (Line 9927, "Forms.pas" + 26) + $3
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:56   
There is no mention of the JVCL here, I don't see how we could help
2019-04-27 14:15   
I'm for closing this one. It does mention JCL due to the stack trace generated by JCL, but that's not our problem.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6655 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components block always 2018-11-21 22:00 2019-04-27 15:44
Reporter: plipla1 Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Delphi 10.3 JVCL installation impossible
Description: Installing JCL is possible. But only when cloning from GIT. Downloading a ZIP from GIT and manually pasting won't work.

Here the major / blocking problem:
installing JVCL is completely impossible with Delphi 10.3

While the installer can get compiled and executed, clicking on Install (Win32 and W64) it stops compiling instantly with

...\lib\jvcl-2018\run\JvAppIniStorage.pas(248) Error: E2003 Undeclared Identifier: 'IndexOf'
...\lib\jvcl-2018\run\JvAppIniStorage.pas(257) Error: E2010 Incompatible types: 'TStringList' und 'TMemIniFile.TSections'

Needs a fix fast.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (53,354 bytes) 2018-11-23 04:15
514.gz (10,334 bytes) 2018-12-04 13:55
2018-11-22 03:28   
Same problem.
Downloaded from GitHub. Did stated that it was 10.3 Compatible.
2018-11-23 04:18   
I have attached some modified file, these changes allow me to compile on Rio. I have not tested any backwards compatibility.

Primary issues

DWL_MSGRESULT; not assigned in JvDialogs , so just changed to 0
procedure TJvOpenDialog.WndProc(var Msg: TMessage);
SetWindowLong(Handle, 0, Result);

TCollectionNotification prefix for cnAdded, cnExtracting,cnDeleting
in jvTabBar, jvSimScope, jvScheduledEvents, jvListComb, jvtimerList

Removal of all {$IFDEF DELPHI2009_UP} code in JvAppIniStorage
2018-12-04 22:46   
Please do a complete fresh download and rebuild all sources.
I had no problem to install it into 10.3
2018-12-04 22:46   
Please do a complete fresh download and rebuild all sources.
I had no problem to install it into 10.3
2018-12-17 12:55   
Please do a complete fresh download and rebuild all sources.
I also had no problem to install it into 10.3
2019-03-07 21:03   
This one is a partial duplicate of this report, but the duplicate contains more in depth information about the JvAppIniStorage issue:
2019-04-27 15:44   
Seems to be duplicated

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6433 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2015-08-21 12:28 2019-04-27 15:43
Reporter: Milan Bacik Platform:  
Assigned To: jfudickar OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCheckedComboBox crash in destructor
Description: TJvCheckedComboBox crash when on MDIChild form. It need to be poped up and focused(just after clicked some checkbox). When in this moment form close, TJvCheckedComboBox crashed with this exception: EInvalidopearation with message 'Control 'JvCheckedComboBox1' has no parent window'.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Atached simple example in C++ Builder 2010. Just open child form with button. Than open popup in combo and click any checkbox. Now wait for timer which close form. Btw. In my real application form is closed by hitting Esc, which somehow bypased closing poppup first and is catched by button with ModalResult = mrCancel.
Attached Files: (8,932 bytes) 2015-08-21 12:28 (64,339 bytes) 2015-09-14 16:14
2015-09-14 16:17   
I have attached your sample along with Delphi files which makes for easier debugging.

To me this is an issue in the VCL and have reported it here:
2019-04-26 20:47   
According to Embarcadero QP this is fixed in Rio and I ran the Delphi demo provided without crash in Rio Update 1.

I clicked the button, got the child form, opened the combo box dropdown and selected a car manufacturer. Waited until the MDI form was closed, closed the program and got no crash at all.

=> looks like this is fixed
2019-04-27 15:43   
Fixed in Rio

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6424 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2015-07-28 15:41 2019-04-26 20:34
Reporter: jkelley Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: 3.47  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvValidateEdit only enforces min/max if losing focus
Description: TJvValidateEdit performs its min and max value validation as part of its FocusKilled (WM_KILLFOCUS) handler. However, as explained by Raymond Chen in, this is the wrong place to do validation. In particular, pressing Enter to close a dialog with an OK button never triggers FocusKilled, so TJvValidateEdit.Value can have an invalid value if it's read during the OK button's Click event.

The best fix I can think of is for reading the Value property to trigger the same canonicalize-and-validate logic that FocusKilled does. This should only happen during normal runtime, so I believe this should only be done if ComponentState does not include csDesigning or csWriting.

Does this sound reasonable? Are there potential issues or complications that I'm missing? If so, I can submit a pull request.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (4,995 bytes) 2015-09-14 22:14
2015-09-14 11:27   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2015-09-14 22:16   
1. Run the attached sample application.
2. Click the Test button to open the modal dialog.
3. Enter a value of -1, which is below the configured MinValue of 0.
4. *Click* the OK button. Note that the message box displays the correctly enforced minimum value of 0, and the edit is set back to 0.
5. Click the Test button again to reopen the modal dialog.
6. Reenter a value of -1.
7. Without clicking anywhere or changing the keyboard focus, *press Enter* to activate the default OK button. Note that the message box displays an invalid value of -1, although the edit is set back to 0.
2019-04-26 20:34   
I'd say your description and how you plan to fix it is worth a try! Please create that pull request suggested!

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6558 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2017-03-24 18:22 2019-04-25 21:23
Reporter: Wosi Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: feedback Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Interfaces with the same GUID
Description: The interfaces IJvDynControlDblClick and IJvDynControlPanel are using the same GUID.

The interface IPageList is declared in JvTabBar.pas AND JvPageList.pas with the same GUID.

The interface IUnit is declared in Packages.pas AND PDPackageLoader.pas with the same GUID. The two versions expose different sets of methods.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:50   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-07 21:40   
I checked this and as it still is the case I created a pull request:
Please apply it.
2019-03-10 10:40   
Replaced the pull request with this one, as my old one contained unrelated modifications as well (Git is still new for me):
2019-03-11 17:04   
The pull request is now merged in GIT, which fixes IJvDynControlDblClick
The other interfaces remain, though.
2019-03-11 21:56   
You mean there are further duplicate GUIIDs? Otherwise thus Report could bei closed.
2019-04-18 20:35   
Regarding those two which still have the same GUIIDs: what sense does it make to have these interfaces declared identically in two different units? Would it make sense to pull those out each in an interface only unit? If so, is there a naming convention for such units?

The interface IPageList is declared in JvTabBar.pas AND JvPageList.pas with the same GUID.

The interface IUnit is declared in Packages.pas AND PDPackageLoader.pas with the same GUID. The two versions expose different sets of methods.
2019-04-25 21:23   
What does this one mean:

The interface IUnit is declared in Packages.pas AND PDPackageLoader.pas with the same GUID. The two versions expose different sets of methods.

I didn't find the mentioned units in JVCL.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6673 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2019-04-24 08:22 2019-04-25 20:09
Reporter: vtrhe Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Assigning empty TStrings to TJvSpinEdit.Items raises SListIndexError
Description: Create an empty TStringList and assign it to TJvSpinEdit.Items. This raises a SListIndexError exception.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  MyStringList: TStringList;
  MyStringList := TStringList.Create;
    JvSpinEdit1.Items := MyStringList; //<-- raises Exception

  Possible Solution:
  Unit JvSpin.pas


  procedure TJvCustomSpinEdit.SetItems(const AValue: TStrings);
    Value := 0;
    if FItems.Count = 0 then // <-- Check for Num of Strings
      Text := ''
      Text := FItems[0];


Attached Files: (53,595 bytes) 2019-04-24 08:29
2019-04-25 20:01   
Pull request with your fix created:

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6535 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2016-11-24 10:55 2019-04-20 18:59
Reporter: djsmith9 Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Delphi 7 sp 1 on Windows 7 sp 1 JEDI VCL version 3.49 (why not listed in dropdown?)
Description: JVTabPainter doesn't work. Connected TabPainter to JVPageCongtrol and JVTabControl and neither control gets tabs painted at design-time or run-time. switch ownerdraw = false and both controls paint fine. It works on my XP system and I recently installed D7 with JEDI 3.49 on a new Windows 7 so this seems to be related to Windows 7. My installation of JEDI JCL and JVCL on Windows 7 went flawlessly.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Supplied project shows JVTabcontrol and JVPageControl with JVTabPainter hooked up. When form loads the tabs aren't painted because TabPainter is connected (they paint when it's not connected). The speedbutton then turns ownerdraw on and off and you see the tabs paint and unpaint, only painting when ownerdraw = false.
Attached Files: (410,177 bytes) 2016-11-24 10:55
2019-04-20 18:59   
"Summary" of this issue to be modified !

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6671 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2019-04-15 14:57 2019-04-17 16:40
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Changing TJvDialButton Frequency, Min or Max at runtime leads to exception
Description: Trying to set frequency, min or max property of a TJvDialButton, which had been created at runtime in code, crashes with access violation. The crash is in Unit Vcl.Graphics in the if of this function:

function TBitmap.GetCanvas: TCanvas;
  if FCanvas = nil then

The crash happens after the parent of the TJvDialButton instance had been set. It does not crash if the new value is the default value or if the assignment of the value is before setting the parent.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (53,631 bytes) 2019-04-15 15:12
2019-04-15 22:22   
While I have the question why the Rio Debugger doesn't properly let me debug JVCL (\run directory is in the search path, optimization is off), I land in CPU view and breakpoints inside JvDialButton unit are not honored I managed to find out, that the TBitmap.GetCanvas call which fails fails, because the TBitMap object is nil and the call is in this method:

procedure TJvCustomDialButton.SetTick(Value: Integer; Length: TJvTickLength);
  Lengths: array [TJvTickLength] of Byte =
    (tlShortLen, tlMiddleLen, tlLongLen);
  P: PTick;
  I: Integer;
  if (Value < FMin) or (Value > FMax) then
    raise EInvalidOperation.CreateResFmt(@SOutOfRange, [FMin, FMax]);
  for I := 0 to FTicks.Count - 1 do
    P := FTicks.Items[I];
    if P^.Value = Value then
      if P^.Length <> Lengths[Length] then
        P^.Length := Lengths[Length];
        P^.Changed := True;
  P^.Value := Value;
  P^.Length := Lengths[Length];
  P^.Changed := True;
  P^.Color := clBtnText;
  if HandleAllocated then
    DrawTick(FBitmap.Canvas, P^);
    DrawTick(Canvas, P^);

I suspect it is the DrawTick(FBitmap.Canvas, P^); call.
2019-04-15 22:54   
Further investigation result: FBitmap is being created in the BitmapNeeded method, which is called in two places:

- Paint method
- DrawBorder method.

Ok, FBitmap is not created if we create the component at runtime in code and set Max before it had any chance to get itsself painted.

=> BitmapNeeded method must be called "earlier", but that one contains calls to DrawButton and DrawTicks.
2019-04-15 23:00   
I tried to place a call to BitmapNeeded as first call in SetMax method to test what happens, but it looks like it never got called.

I created a public method in TJvDialButton which simply calls Bitmap needed, but the compiler says he cannot find this method. But I did save the JVCL unit, did a clean of the demo (the one in the zip of this issue) and checked if I altered the right copy of JvDialButton.pas. What did I do wrong?
2019-04-15 23:01   
Did another test, altered the Unit1.pas of the attached zip file like this and found out by this, that it works then:

unit Unit1;


  Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics,
  Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.ComCtrls, Vcl.ExtCtrls, Vcl.ToolWin,
  Vcl.StdCtrls, JvDialButton;

  TMyDialButton = class(TJvDialButton)
    procedure DoBitmapNeeded;

  TForm1 = class(TForm)
    FlowPanel1: TFlowPanel;
    CrashButton: TButton;
    procedure CrashButtonClick(Sender: TObject);
// TestDialButton : TJvDialButton;
    TestDialButton : TMyDialButton;
    procedure CreateJvDialogButton;
    { Public-Deklarationen }

  Form1: TForm1;


{$R *.dfm}

{ TForm1 }

procedure TForm1.CrashButtonClick(Sender: TObject);

procedure TForm1.CreateJvDialogButton;
// TestDialButton := TJvDialButton.Create(FlowPanel1);
  TestDialButton := TMyDialButton.Create(FlowPanel1);
  TestDialButton.Parent := FlowPanel1;
  TestDialButton.Max := 200;

{ TMyDialButton }

procedure TMyDialButton.DoBitmapNeeded;

2019-04-16 17:35
2019-04-16 19:25   
Proposed a fix via pull request:
2019-04-17 16:40   
Fixed in master branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6544 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2017-01-26 15:42 2019-04-13 15:39
Reporter: akalwa Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCustomComboEdit (and descendants) ignore the user's caret width setting
Description: Windows allows users to change the caret width (text cursor width) to more than the default 1 pixel. While all contols derived from TCustomEdit work as expected, TJvCustomComboEdit and descendants ignore the user's setting.

The bug is in TJvCustomComboEdit.SetShowCaret().
Here the caret size is set as either 1 or 2 pixel, depending on the font's bold style. But that is not Windows' behaviour. Caret is usually not changed on font style. Instead the caret width should be read from the system settings:

procedure TJvCustomComboEdit.SetShowCaret;
  CaretWidth : Integer;
  if not SystemParametersInfo(SPI_GETCARETWIDTH, 0, @CaretWidth, 0) then
    CaretWidth := 1;
    if fsBold in Font.Style then
  CreateCaret(Handle, 0, CaretWidth, GetTextHeight);
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Control Panel -> Ease of Access Center -> Make the computer easier to see ->
Set the thickness of the blinking cursor
Change the default width from 1 to 3 pixel and apply the changes.
Attached Files: (1,491 bytes) 2018-07-18 22:18
JvToolEdit.pas.patch (668 bytes) 2018-07-18 22:22
2018-07-18 15:52   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-18 22:22   
The bug is still there in current git revision. The code in JvToolEdit.pas TJvCustomComboEdit.SetShowCaret() has not been changed.

I've attached a small demo application.
Compile and run the application; open Windows caret settings and change caret with to 4 or higher.
Switch back to the demo application and put focus to the TEdit box; the new caret width will be used. Put focus to the TJvComboEdit box; caret width is still 1.

Please apply attached patch to fix this bug (Sorry, no pull request; still using TortoiseSVN to access the master repository).
2018-07-18 22:23   
On Windows 10, just type "Caret" into the start menu to open the settings.
2018-12-18 18:59   
Any news on this?
Please someone grab the attached patch from 2018-07-18 and apply it the current source code. TIA
2019-04-13 15:39   
Fixed in master branch.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6666 [JEDI VCL] 03 Donations minor N/A 2019-03-03 14:41 2019-03-20 08:57
Reporter: mh Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Updated JVCL.PO file for German Language
Description: Attached is a somewhat updated JVCL.PO file for the German language. Replaced some translations which were clearly faulty and added some.

Can you please replace the file with my new version (after a short check maybe)?
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: jvcl.po (420,737 bytes) 2019-03-03 14:41
2019-03-07 20:59   
This can be closed as it's already in via pull request.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6564 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2017-04-09 11:42 2019-03-20 08:55
Reporter: sender Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: JvDBImage shows "Bitmap image is not valid" to some kind of jpeg image.
Description: Some kind of jpeg image does not has the "JFIF" or "Exif" signature at stream offset 6 as procedure GraphicSignaturesNeeded expected.
Steps To Reproduce: The attached picture is the header dump of the jpeg file. The jpeg picture is private so I can't upload it.
Additional Information: Simple workaround is to add:

    RegisterGraphicSignature([$FF, $D8], 0 , TJPEGImage);


procedure GraphicSignaturesNeeded;

But I think we should add file ending signature examination since a valid jpeg file is always ended with 0xFF, 0xD9. (According to
Attached Files: file header.png (42,399 bytes) 2017-04-09 11:42

header.jpg (28,773 bytes) 2017-07-10 02:57

JvDBImageInvalidImage.7z (129,355 bytes) 2018-07-25 05:58
2017-07-02 08:44   
1. can this particular JPEG file provided for further analysis?
2. what do other image processing applications say when you try to load this image in them?
2017-07-10 03:02   
I have uploaded the jpeg file, please check the attached file "header.jpg".

I have tried lots of graphic processing applications, including IrfanView,, GIMP, Corel PaintShop pro, Adobe Photoshop. They all can open this file without problem.
2018-07-18 15:55   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-25 06:07   
The problem is still there.

I have uploaded demo source package which contains 2 demo programs. The one which includes my patched JvJVCLUtils.pas can show the jpeg file in mdb. The unpatched one will show "Unsupported stream format".

To use the demo program, just compile and run, then pressed the "open db" button.
2019-03-11 22:14   
So you know how to put your modification into a GitHub pull request? If yes, can you do this?
2019-03-15 06:35   
Pull request is created. Please check GitHub for it.
2019-03-19 19:57   
It already has been merged in, but I don't have permission to change the status of this mantis issue. Otherwise I would declare this as resolved. Thanks for creating the pull request.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6620 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-02-19 22:14 2019-03-11 17:06
Reporter: dougwoodrow Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvDBLookupCombo.IgnoreCase property is applied to the key lookup
Description: According to the wiki the TJvDBLookupCombo.IgnoreCase property specifies the case-sensitivity of the incremental search:

In the current implementation this property is applied to the key LookupField as well as to the LookupDisplay field.

In my opinion this is a bug, as it can cause the wrong record to be displayed when the key field is case-sensitive.

For instance, with the following example table, a single character key field 'a' will be incorrectly displayed as "Item one" instead of "Item three" when the IgnoreCase property is set to True.

| A |Item one |
| B |Item two |
| a |Item three |
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Example (quick-and-dirty) fix:

function TJvLookupControl.Locate(const SearchField: TField;
  const AValue: string; Exact: Boolean): Boolean;
  IsDisplayField: Boolean;
  CaseSensitive: Boolean;
  FLocate.IndexSwitch := FIndexSwitch;
  Result := False;
    if not ValueIsEmpty(AValue) and (SearchField <> nil) then
      IsDisplayField := (SearchField = FDisplayField);
      if IsDisplayField then
        // respect lookup property
        CaseSensitive := not IgnoreCase
        // not display, so this is the key field, do a case-sensitive locate
        CaseSensitive := True;
      Result := FLocate.Locate(SearchField.FieldName, AValue, Exact, CaseSensitive, True, RightTrimmedLookup);
      if Result then
        if IsDisplayField then
          FValue := FKeyField.AsString;
Attached Files: (1,756 bytes) 2018-07-19 18:05
Capture1.jpg (39,438 bytes) 2018-07-19 18:08
2018-07-18 16:03   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-19 18:14   
Hi Olivier, thanks for looking into this.
I've attached an application illustrating the problem (

Note that the actual value of the FDisplayField that is displayed depends on what record is currently slected when the locate() is performed.
So when IgnoreCase is true, either the 'a' lookup or the 'A' lookup may be wrong, as shown in Capture1.jpg.
2019-03-09 18:19   
I took the liberty to create a pull request for it:
2019-03-10 10:41   
Replaced the pull request with this one, as my old one contained unrelated modifications as well (Git is still new for me):
2019-03-11 17:06   
Thanks, this is now fixed in GIT

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6578 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components trivial always 2017-07-18 19:44 2019-03-11 17:02
Reporter: stjcottbus Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Default property in JvTFGlance.TJvTFGlanceViewer not initially set.
Description: In JvTFGlance is in TJvTFGlanceViewer

property ShowStartEndTimeInHint: Boolean
  read FShowStartEndTimeInHint write SetShowStartEndTimeInHint default True;

but it's not initialized to True in TJvTFGlanceViewer.Create.

This makes the property useless for design-time.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:54   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-03-07 21:30   
It is still present, but I created a pull request about it now:
2019-03-10 10:41   
Replaced the pull request with this one, as my old one contained unrelated modifications as well (Git is still new for me):
2019-03-11 17:02   
Thanks, this is now merged in GIT

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6595 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components block random 2017-09-08 13:28 2019-03-11 17:02
Reporter: vaniusrb Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvTFDays testing wrong integer object typecast test
Description: Function TJvTFApptMap.HasAppt was testing if FData has object with ">0"
instead "<> 0". Object with integer typecast can returns negative values
(it happened with Delphi 10.2 Tokyo build, causing infinity loop)

This line
      if Test > 0 then

must be
      if Test <> 0 then
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:00   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-10-28 17:26   
That code line is still there and Test is a NativeInt var so it could get negative:

function TJvTFApptMap.HasAppt(Appt: TJvTFAppt): Boolean;
  MapRow, MapCol, StartRow, EndRow, ApptsExamined: Integer;
  Test: NativeInt;
  ApptGrid: TJvTFDays;
  FGridCol.CalcStartEndRows(Appt, StartRow, EndRow);

  StartRow := Greater(StartRow, 0);

  ApptGrid := FGridCol.ColCollection.ApptGrid;
  if Assigned(ApptGrid) then
    EndRow := Lesser(EndRow, ApptGrid.RowCount - 1)
    EndRow := Lesser(EndRow, FGridCol.ColCollection.Printer.RowCount - 1);

  MapRow := 0;
  Result := False;
  while (MapRow <= EndRow) and not Result do
    MapCol := 1;
    ApptsExamined := 0;
    while (ApptsExamined < FData[MapRow, -1]) and not Result do
      Test := FData[MapRow, MapCol];
      if Test > 0 then
        if Test = NativeInt(Appt) then
          Result := True;



The FData var is a sparse mag which contains NativeInt values so they could get negative. I don't know this component, but I guess the author of this report is right about changing the comparison as otherwise the while loop could really become an endless loop!
2019-03-07 21:16   
I made your small change from
if Test > 0 then to
if Test <> 0 then
in a branch and created this pull request for it:

Hopefully it will get included soon.
2019-03-10 10:42   
Replaced the pull request with this one, as my old one contained unrelated modifications as well (Git is still new for me):
2019-03-11 17:02   
Thanks, this is now merged in GIT

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6522 [JEDI VCL] Miscellanous minor have not tried 2016-08-12 01:19 2019-03-09 18:40
Reporter: wojiaohaoyaping Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvApplicationHotKey not works on Windows 10 .
Description: I just installed the newest Windows 10 Enterprise (Version 10.0.14393), My older project with TJvApplicationHotKey does not work for many shortcuts.Like 'Alt + Up"
'Alt + Down', 'Alt+BkSp', 'Ctrl+Shift+T'... Why it not works on Windows 10, but works on Windows 7 ? Hope it solved in newer version of JVCL . Thanks a lot.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2017-04-17 14:21   
Just want to confirm the issue - I can reproduce it on my Delphi 2010 + Delphi XE4 using newest JVCL
2018-07-18 15:50   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-12-13 00:48   
I tested - and seems it is now working :)
2019-03-09 18:08   
I tested it as well and can confirm that it works, in contrast to the JEDI Wiki, which uses a no longer supported captcha method which prevents me documenting anything in the wiki as I cannot save it.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6542 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-12-28 16:32 2019-03-06 09:45
Reporter: CDametto Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: unable to reproduce  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Horizontal reset of dbgrid scrollbar at line click when no indicator
Description: In a DBGrid with dgRowSelect=true and dgIndicator=false in Options, whether the horizontal scrollbar is present, if you are at right end and you click on a row, the grid is repositioned to the start left.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: This is my correction, in the file JvDBGrid.pas, in the middle of the MouseDown procedure...
Original block:

// Prevents the grid from going back to the first column when dgRowSelect is True
// Does not work if there's no indicator column
if (dgRowSelect in Options) and (Cell.Y >= TitleOffset) then
  // Why do we always have to work around the VCL. If we use the original X the
  // Grid will scroll back to the first column. But if we don't use the original X
  // and goRowSizing is enabled, the user can start resizing rows in the wild.
  WasRowResizing := goRowSizing in TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options;
    // Disable goRowSizing without all the code that SetOptions executes.
    TGridOptions(Pointer(@TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options)^) := TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options - [goRowSizing];
    inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, 1, Y);
    InheritedCalled := True;
    if WasRowResizing then
      TGridOptions(Pointer(@TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options)^) := TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options + [goRowSizing];

I declared in the procedure var SI: TScrollInfo;
block with my correction:

// Prevents the grid from going back to the first column when dgRowSelect is True
// Does not work if there's no indicator column
if (dgRowSelect in Options) and (Cell.Y >= TitleOffset) then
  // Why do we always have to work around the VCL. If we use the original X the
  // Grid will scroll back to the first column. But if we don't use the original X
  // and goRowSizing is enabled, the user can start resizing rows in the wild.
  WasRowResizing := goRowSizing in TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options;
    // Disable goRowSizing without all the code that SetOptions executes.
    TGridOptions(Pointer(@TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options)^) := TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options - [goRowSizing];

    SI.cbSize := SizeOf(SI); //ADDED
    SI.fMask := SIF_POS; //ADDED
    GetScrollInfo(Handle, SB_HORZ, SI); //ADDED
    LockWindowUpdate(Handle); //ADDED
    try //ADDED
      inherited MouseDown(Button, Shift, 1, Y);
    Perform(WM_HSCROLL, MakeWParam(SB_THUMBPOSITION, SI.nPos), 0); //ADDED
    finally //ADDED
      LockWindowUpdate(0); //ADDED
    end; //ADDED

    InheritedCalled := True;
    if WasRowResizing then
      TGridOptions(Pointer(@TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options)^) := TCustomGridAccess(Self).Options + [goRowSizing];
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:47   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2019-01-25 12:20   
Now it seems to work. Thank you.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6634 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2018-04-17 14:39 2018-10-02 09:22
Reporter: tstoicescu Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Access violation in Jedi/Jvcl/Run/JvclUtils.pas
Description: Access violation in Jedi/Jvcl/Run/JvclUtils.pas
in: GetWordOnPos2(s = '', P>0)..
in: if CharInSet(S[P], Separators) and ((P < 1) or CharInSet(S[P - 1], Separators)) then

from: Jedi/Jvcl/Run/JvEditor.Pas
 S := GetWordOnPos2(Ed.FLines[Ed.CaretY], Ed.CaretX, iBeg, iEnd)
where Ed.FLines[Ed.CaretY] = EmptyStr and Ed.CaretX > 0,
because a line ' 22 ' edit in runtime, after deleting '22'.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-04-17 14:57   
0I think may be like in GetWordOnPos

if (P > Length(S)) or (P < 1) then

not only

if (P < 1) then
2018-07-18 16:07   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-10-02 09:22   
Fixed in git master

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6532 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2016-11-11 11:38 2018-10-02 09:16
Reporter: vbartosh Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version:  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: PError is incompatible with modern Delphi versions
Description: PError supposes that SOSError has two substitute parameters, like in Delphi7, but in modern Delphi's it has three:
  SOSError = 'System Error. Code: %d.'+sLineBreak+'%s%s';
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files: (426 bytes) 2018-07-18 17:38 (523 bytes) 2018-07-18 18:01
2018-07-18 15:49   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-07-18 17:39   
It's still there
2018-07-18 17:48   
arrgh, mea culpa, ignore that one, i'll reupload
2018-07-18 18:01   
here you go (
2018-10-02 09:16   
Fixed in git master

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6651 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2018-09-27 11:41 2018-10-01 21:57
Reporter: ggoelles Platform:  
Assigned To: AHUser OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: 3.48  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Not all German special characters are accepted through EditControls in TJvDBGrid
Description: 'ü' and capital special characters like 'Ü', 'Ö', 'Ä' are not accepted with a German keyboard
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Found the bug in JvDBGrid.pas in the constructor.

constructor TJvDBGrid.Create(AOwner: TComponent);

// Note to users: the second line may not compile on non western european
// systems, in which case you should simply remove it and recompile.
FCharList :=
    ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', ' ', '-', '+', '0'..'9', '.', ',', Backspace,
     'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', 'ô', 'ö', 'û', 'ù', 'â', 'à', 'ä', 'î', 'ï', 'ç'];

use this instead:
    ['A'..'Z', 'a'..'z', ' ', '-', '+', '0'..'9', '.', ',', Backspace,
     'é', 'è', 'ê', 'ë', 'ô', 'ö', 'Ö', 'û', 'ù', 'ü', 'Ü', 'â', 'à', 'ä', 'Ä', 'î', 'ï', 'ç'];
Attached Files:
2018-10-01 21:57   
Fixed by removing the public CharList property and using TCharacter.IsLetterOrDigit instead of it.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6463 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor always 2015-10-23 15:26 2018-08-30 14:12
Reporter: Gerold Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: HTTPS support in TJvHttpUrlGrabber
Description: I guess there is one error in class function TJvHttpsUrlGrabber.CanGrab.

class function TJvHttpsUrlGrabber.CanGrab(const Url: string): Boolean;
  Result := LowerCase(Copy(Url, 1, 7)) = cHTTPsPrefix;

cHTTPsPrefix has a length of 8 characters. So the function will always return false. Should be:

Result := LowerCase(Copy(Url, 1, 8)) = cHTTPsPrefix;

But even if I change it, it does not download.

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Daily: 2015-10-21
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 15:38   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-08-03 10:20   

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6628 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-03-20 16:33 2018-08-16 09:52
Reporter: Marvi62 Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: jvDBRichEdit does not show formatted texto and accept pasted Images
Description: I am trying to use jvDBRichEdit (JCL JVCL 3.50) on Rad Studio 10.2 ( tested even on XE8 and Berlin 10.1), Connected to Microsoft Access *.accdb ( Windows 10 64 Bits)

- The connection ( FireDAC ) works fine, but instead of showing Formatted Text , BOLD, Underlined, Italic, so on , it shows:

{\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0{\fonttbl{\f0\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}}
\viewkind4\uc1\pard\lang1046\f0\fs24 Exemplos\par
- "You can share my sandwich - I've got enough and to spare."\par

and I couldn't paste *.bmp or others images formats on it

I am not an expert and I don't know how to fix this. I do need to solve that because this components is vital on my App.

Please, could you help me?

Thanks a lot

Marcus Vinicius
Tags: jvdbrichedit
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-03-21 12:24   
Please, consider: jvDBRichEdit does not show formatted texto and DOES NOT accept pasted Images
2018-07-18 16:06   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide the zipped sources of an application showing this.
2018-08-10 02:12   
- First of all : I apologise for my bad english.

- I spent a lot of time trying to set Firedac and Access database in order to work correctly with jvDBRichEdit.

- I almost gave up but, as this component is crucial in my apps, I insisted and could finally succeeded.

- So, there is not wrong with jvDBRichEdit .
- Case Resolved.
- Thank for your attention and best regards to all.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6515 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major unable to reproduce 2016-05-27 13:54 2018-07-23 17:14
Reporter: acgubamg Platform: intel  
Assigned To: obones OS: Windows  
Priority: normal OS Version: 10  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: no change required  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvCalcEdit/tjvdbcalcedit as int64 ?
Description: TJvCalcEdit or tjvdbcalcedit as int64 ? it is possible?

JvCalcEdit.AsInteger and JvCalcEdit.AsInt64 ?
Steps To Reproduce: I can´t type a number as 201600000000020 in jvcalcedit or tjvdbcalcedit.
Additional Information: Here in brazil, the number of invoice is made as 15 digits... And change this to string isn´t fine.
System Description
Attached Files:
2016-06-03 02:15   
Como posso ajudar no projeto ?
How can I help in the project?
2018-07-18 15:41   
Could you check if the issue is still present in the latest GIT content? If yes, please provide a pull request at Github with the required changes
2018-07-21 17:07   
please close it.
I solved with .Value property
2018-07-23 17:14   
Thanks for the feedback

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6409 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components crash always 2015-05-23 07:37 2018-07-18 16:08
Reporter: cacofony Platform:  
Assigned To: OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: acknowledged Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: open  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TJvTFDays - Map column not found for appointment on refresh if mouse if hovered over controls
Description: Under certain conditions TJvFDays will raise EJvTFDaysError.CreateRes(@RsEMapColNotFoundForAppointment) within
procedure TJvTFDays.WMSetCursor(var Msg: TWMSetCursor) during a slower refresh and if the mouse is moved over appointments because appointment might be in the process of being removed.
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: Perhaps not an ideal resolution but this try / except fixes it.

procedure TJvTFDays.WMSetCursor(var Msg: TWMSetCursor);
  Coord: TJvTFDaysCoord;
  Cur := 0;
    with Msg do
      if HitTest = HTCLIENT then
        // Exception happens here during a refresh of appointments and mouse movement
        Coord := PtToCell(FHitTest.X, FHitTest.Y);
        case CanDragWhat(Coord) of
          agsSizeCol, agsSizeRowHdr:
            Cur := Screen.Cursors[crHSplit];
          agsSizeRow, agsSizeColHdr:
            Cur := Screen.Cursors[crVSplit];
            Cur := Screen.Cursors[crSizeNS];
            Cur := Screen.Cursors[crDrag];
    Cur := 0;

  if Cur <> 0 then
Attached Files: 0006409 - JvFTDays.patch (1,359 bytes) 2015-06-12 09:05 (73,276 bytes) 2018-07-06 05:54 (1,383,088 bytes) 2018-07-06 05:55
2015-06-12 09:05   
Uploaded batch for latest GIT version of JvTFDays
2015-09-14 11:25   
Please provide the zipped sources of a sample application showing this
2018-07-06 05:54   
While still a slight hack this probably has a better overall effect.

function TJvTFDays.PtToCell(X, Y: Integer): TJvTFDaysCoord;
  ColNum, RowNum, AdjX, AdjY, Temp, TotalWidth, SegCount, MapCol: Integer;
  Done: Boolean;
  ApptRect: TRect;
    with Result do
      Col := gcUndef;
      Row := gcUndef;
      CellX := -100;
      CellY := -100;
      AbsX := X;
      AbsY := Y;
      Schedule := nil;
      Appt := nil;

    if X < CalcBlockHdrWidth then
      // POSSIBLE BUG!!
      // Result.Row := gcGroupHdr; // WRONG CODE
      Result.Col := gcGroupHdr; // UNTESTED - CORRECT CODE
      Result.CellX := X;
    // block if X < RowHdrWidth then
    else if X < CalcBlockRowHdrsWidth then
      Result.Col := gcHdr;
      Result.CellX := X - CalcBlockHdrWidth;
    else if LeftCol > -1 then
      // Find the col that PtX falls in
      ColNum := LeftCol;
      // block AdjX := X - RowHdrWidth;
      AdjX := X - CalcBlockRowHdrsWidth;
      Done := False;
      Temp := 0;

      while (ColNum < Cols.Count) and not Done do
        Inc(Temp, Cols[ColNum].Width);
        if AdjX < Temp then
          Done := True;
          Result.Col := ColNum;
          Result.CellX := AdjX - (Temp - Cols[ColNum].Width);
      if not Done then
        Result.Col := Cols.Count - 1;
        Result.CellX := AdjX - (Temp - Cols[Cols.Count - 1].Width);

    if Y < CalcGroupHdrHeight then
      Result.Row := gcGroupHdr;
      Result.CellY := Y;
    // else if Y < ColHdrHeight then
    else if Y < CalcGroupColHdrsHeight then
      Result.Row := gcHdr;
      Result.CellY := Y - CalcGroupHdrHeight;
    else if TopRow > -1 then
      RowNum := TopRow;
      // group AdjY := Y - ColHdrHeight;
      AdjY := Y - CalcGroupColHdrsHeight;
      Done := False;
      Temp := 0;

      while (RowNum < RowCount) and not Done do
        Inc(Temp, RowHeight);
        if AdjY < Temp then
          Done := True;
          Result.Row := RowNum;
          Result.CellY := AdjY - (Temp - RowHeight);
      if not Done then
        Result.Row := RowCount - 1;
        Result.CellY := AdjY - (Temp - RowHeight);

    if Result.Col > gcHdr then
      Result.Schedule := Cols[Result.Col].Schedule;

      // move grab handles
      if PtInTopHandle(Point(X, Y), Result.Col, SelAppt) then
        Result.Appt := SelAppt
      else if PtInBottomHandle(Point(X, Y), Result.Col, SelAppt) then
        Result.Appt := SelAppt
      else if (Result.Row > gcHdr) and Assigned(Result.Schedule) then
        TotalWidth := Cols[Result.Col].Width;
        SegCount := Cols[Result.Col].MapColCount(Result.Row);
        if SegCount > 0 then
          MapCol := LocateDivCol(Result.CellX, TotalWidth, SegCount);
          Result.Appt := Cols[Result.Col].MapLocation(MapCol, Result.Row);

          ApptRect := GetApptRect(Result.Col, Result.Appt);
          if not Windows.PtInRect(ApptRect, Point(X, Y)) then
            Result.Appt := nil;

    Result.DragAccept := (Result.Row > gcHdr) and (Result.Col > gcHdr);
    with Result do
      Col := gcUndef;
      Row := gcUndef;
      CellX := -100;
      CellY := -100;
      AbsX := X;
      AbsY := Y;
      Schedule := nil;
      Appt := nil;
      DragAccept := False;
2018-07-06 05:59   
I have uploaded a modified version of the PhotoOp example in both source and exe version

1.) The example could replace the current version that relies on DBX as it now uses the JVCL CSV dataset

2.) To force a simulation of the issue in PtToCell; click the new "refresh" button this will load the data slow. Now you can either keep moving the mouse around Appt and hope to get it (can take a while) or just move an appt during a refresh.

I know it's not a perfect real world example but it's the easiest way to demonstrate the issue

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6630 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components major always 2018-03-29 16:37 2018-07-18 16:07
Reporter: CDametto Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: fixed  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version: Daily / GIT  
    Target Version:  
Summary: A TJvDBLookupCombo on a TJvWizard page does not show the dropdown button
Description: A TJvDBLookupCombo on TJvWizard page looks like a TEdit

Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information: A workaround is setting JvDBLookupCombo.DoubleBuffer := False;
Attached Files:
2018-03-30 20:39   
This bug was fixed on 18.01.2018 in the master branch (9a3837f2680e639c0a92e12fa384808f6f1e13c5)

The TJvDBLookupCombo.CMDoublebufferedchanged handler (Delphi 2009 and newer) automatically reverts DoubleBuffer to False.

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6623 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2018-03-11 13:25 2018-07-18 16:03
Reporter: dummzeuch Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: won't fix  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: Replace use of sl.ClassType <> TStringList in TGnuGettextInstance.TranslateStrings with sl is TStringList
Description: Line 2169:
              if sl.ClassType <> TStringList then
                for I := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do
                  sl.Objects[I] := nil;

I think this should not just check for TStringList but for descendants too, so it should be:

              if sl.ClassType is TStringList then
                for I := 0 to sl.Count - 1 do
                  sl.Objects[I] := nil;
Steps To Reproduce:
Additional Information:
Attached Files:
2018-07-18 16:03   
Please report this to the GnuGettext project

View Issue Details
ID: Category: Severity: Reproducibility: Date Submitted: Last Update:
6624 [JEDI VCL] 00 JVCL Components minor have not tried 2018-03-11 13:29 2018-07-18 16:02
Reporter: dummzeuch Platform:  
Assigned To: obones OS:  
Priority: normal OS Version:  
Status: resolved Product Version: Daily / GIT  
Product Build: Resolution: won't fix  
Projection: none      
ETA: none Fixed in Version:  
    Target Version:  
Summary: TGnuGettex